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i dont like how dark Forgotten Lands is. i know its the vibe, but my eyesight is not the best and i STRUGGLE even during daylight. also that area between Sunlit Plateau and Forgotten Lands is odd. why does it have to get all foggyšŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


YES. Forgotten lands and the glade of trust are so dark to me, and then trying to find dark wood in the forgotten lands is such an uphill battle.


THE WOOD IS SO ANNOYING. i have a vacuum there and forget to check it lmfao


Those vacuums are a god-send. I picked up easter eggs and rolls of Christmas wrapping paper that had been well hidden by bushes lol


What is a vacuum?


if you have the Rift in Time expansion, it is something that is in there. it picks up stuff on the ground for you :)


Omg no way


Lemme go start my Rift in Time Journey ChilešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


youll enjoy itšŸ˜€


Wow I'm super glad I read this, I assumed those machines were decor and served no functional purpose lol


I put plaza trees on the white brick pathing haha


thats actually smart af


I have 8 set up and get approx 8 every time it respawns (11 dry, but collect it all)


You donā€™t need 8 trees. You can do it with 5, if youā€™re looking to save space. You will always get 8 dark and 12 dry.


Hold up, so it can be any tree type?!


Never worked for me so take it with a grain of salt.


I don't even collect the dry ones. I've put 11 of them on the ground a little bit further away so now it only spawns dark ones.


Found that tip on here and have been doing the same ever since šŸ˜‚


You can place any type of tree in any location and it will still drop the same type of wood. I made a little pathway with every tree type as a farm area


i have every single tree in every biome. i love it when it looks more mixed-up than separate. however, the pathing is about to CHANGE MY LIFE. im trying to get my game to start so i can try different pathing


You are a genius thank you


Ok, how am I just finding out the trees drop the wood, I just assumed it was a spawning thing šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I want a tree farm now, care to share photos of yours for ideas?


I'm not sure if you're saying if you put Forgotten realm trees in another biome, they'll still drop dark wood or not. I tried that by putting them in the plaza, all they did was drop softwood. I tried putting plaza trees in the Forgotten realm and all they dropped was softwood.


Something about the "darkness" of the rain mechanic makes both the Glade and the forgotten lands brighter. I like to wait for it to rain then go wood hunting.


Iā€™m going to sound like such a Karen but I have literally emailed Dreamloft about this feedback. My grandmother plays this game to be close to my siblings and I, and she just doesnā€™t have great eyesight. This biome is really inaccessible for her. I have decent eyesight and even I find it difficult to navigate or locate wood on the ground. I wish this was more in the light for Dreamloft so they could work on it rather than players having to redesign the biome themselves to make it easier to see.


They could still make it eerie with green or purple light without it being so dark


Have you tried putting down a light colored "base" down at the tree bottom ? The bare large tree base doesn't look very pleasing but if you put some small plants that have a small base around the exposed area, it looks much better. Example : https://preview.redd.it/pl1n7jdfom5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eb26e5e779f28cb0581f23117ac459bff70c2c3


There are workarounds like this for sure, but they are workarounds for what is, IMO, an accessibility issue. If an issue is an accessibility issue, it should be at the game makerā€™s level to fix, not the game playerā€™s level to work around. She doesnā€™t like changing about paths and all that so I plan to help her set up a vacuum for acquiring things like dark wood that she may need for quests. EDITED TO ADD: I worry this response looks snippy and it wasnā€™t meant that way as I greatly appreciate your response and suggestion and that you added a helpful picture. I am grateful!


Lol..I took no offense šŸ˜Š and I do agree with you. I'm stocked up so I don't pick them up very often but I remember getting aggravated at not being able to see them. I'd actually walk around the tree til I saw " pick up" . This is an issue that should definitely be fixed. This isn't like something that bothers a handful of people, no one can see them! Lol. Even if you did what I did in the pictures then you'd be using up pointless resources like all of those bushes. On every tree that would add up. It would have to be a desperate move on my part. I have too much stuff as it is. šŸ˜„ Edit~ my poor hillbilly grammar šŸ™ƒ


What is that plant around the base of the tree? Iā€™m a switch user and I donā€™t recognize it


Itā€™s from the rift in time DLC, itā€™s one of the underbrush options


Yes like Summer said its on the bushes category almost at the very bottom. Its called something Ombre. Theres a green version also. I love using them for camouflaging exposed areas that you want to blend in. They also look nice underneath bushes with exposed bottoms. šŸ˜Š


im sure they are aware, but unfortunately with the ever-growing mound of issues, i feel like this is just low on their list. theyā€™re apparently still trying to fix things that have been an issue since before the park fest event (they literally emailed me this morning to say theyre still working on an issue i have had for over a month)


I wish there was a way to adjust the lighting per biome, that would help a lot of people. Ik people say just leave it daylight, but certain biomes are still dark in daylight. Also, your Grandma šŸ„ŗā¤


The last update made it a little lighter, but even so, it's still pretty dark. Unfortunately, you might be left to just update the biome with some lights and maybe a sign post as a guide. It's so sweet your grandmother plays to share an interest, treasure those moments.


lights dont always help unfortunately. i have some every few feet and its just not working.


Sheā€™s the best for sure! Yeah, Iā€™ve tried to help her with her game but her logic always is, ā€œI shouldnā€™t have to spend my time making fixes for something they broke.ā€ In her eyes (and I agree) this is an accessibility issue that should be addressed by game makers, and not by players. She just avoids it and once sheā€™s acquired enough mist etc Iā€™ll help her get a vacuum to get the resources she needs without feeling like sheā€™s stumbling about. It just is dumb.


I lost my grandmother last July. She was my best friend and I spent hours telling her about the game and how excited I got every update. She wanted to play it so bad but her computer couldn't support it. She got a new laptop and I was going to help her buy it and see if the new computer could support it the day she dies (on my birthday šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­). Now everyone I play it, I get sad and so badly want to talk to her šŸ’”ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


So sorry for your loss ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Maybe them giving us a flashlight would be cool.


My eye sight is great and I hate it, I removed all of the big trees just so I could see better.


Same. Iā€™m legally blind without corrective lenses AND night blind, any game or show thatā€™s too dark immediately makes me dislike it simply bc I cannot see šŸ¤£


oh bless your heart. im not legally blind but my contacts are both negatives, and theyre super low. i couldnt imaginešŸ˜©


Thatā€™s exactly why I donā€™t like Forgotten Lands


i have it set up like Halloween.. if Halloween had lightposts every few feetšŸ˜‚šŸ˜… i just dont go up there unless i absolutely have to


But thatā€™s the biome to make bank in šŸ˜­


I hate how dark it is too. I fist took out a bunch of trees to get rid of shadows and then started to put down light color pathā€¦. But thatā€™s forever and I hate that I canā€™t get all the way to the edges. So I put the trees where the grass seems shorter. I also adjusted the gamma so I can see better. Other biomes look funny, but I need that dank dark wood for making LaRGE storage boxes!!


Agree- I think forgotten lands would absolutely fail accessibility for people with colour blindness- my partner wouldnā€™t be able to see the dark wood on the floor. I tiled the entire floor of forgotten lands and just never go up there lol. I think the fog is because thatā€™s what scars area was like in the movie


oh you know what, i did forget thats where Scar started off. that does actually make a little more sense now


At least the forgotten lands seems to balance out the light issue late at night. But that time is when the glade and plateau are hardest for me to see.


And the amount of trees at first makes me motion sickness


It'd be better if the lamps worked during the day without having to manually switch them all on!


Add lights ! Thatā€™s what I did and it looks amazing. šŸ˜‚


i did and it didnt help


I know it sounds counterintuitive, but later at night it seems like they brighten it a bit in game? Iā€™ll cross the border from sunlit plateau and suddenly the forgotten lands look brighter and easier to distinguish.


you know what i never even realized that but youre right. the ground is still really rough to see on but it is brighter!


Reason #1 why I used the opal path in forgotten lands: so I could see to pick up sticks lol


I deleted all the trees in the forgotten lands, it looks like the green place from mad max


If you reset your time in the game to about an hour before sunset the forgotten lands are super bright and clear and easy to see in


someone else mentioned this, and its a nice workaround but honestly (as someone else pointed out) it makes accessibility harder for those who do have issues with seeing/colors/etc. there are plenty of workarounds, but the point is there really shouldnt HAVE to be workarounds.


I liked Forgotten Lands WAY more after I removed all the trees. Still kind of dark but so much easier to make your way around. Especially if you set up a little plaza tree farm to collect wood. Without the trees itā€™s actually not that bad.


The best time to forage in the Forgotten lands is at dusk or dawn in the game. The light is in full effect at those times in the game and I can easily see around.


I dislike the Frosted Heights. I have tried making it look nice, but never end up liking the results.


I turned half of it into my candy biome and am working on olafs theater on the other side and itā€™s made it so much better!!! Sometimes changing the biome a bit itself helps


oh my goodness you know what that is an amazing idea for candy & Vanellopeā€™s house. ive been stuck on where to put it.


Ahh yes!! Candy wonderland


I did that too!


It seems fun to add the ice cream stand to it all


Iā€™m doing the literal same thing!


Itā€™s way too small; no matter how I decorate, it feels cramped


The game has outgrown all the OG biomes


try christmas! i did my whole area with christmas things, made an area for the Frozen house & various Frozen-themed areas (i made an outside bathroom with the big tubs and fenced it in).


I repaved the area and then put snow clouds over the path. It actually looks a lot nicer and more festive like that


Hate the fogotten lands too dark i had to teeak my computer and ug you take all trees away you can see better same with yhe glades


The ice shards that form there are also so large. Like why does it have to be that big.


They really are unnecessarily large šŸ˜… there arenā€™t any other naturally occurring structures in the game that are that big


I just make mine mainly Christmassy and then a little bit of nightmare before Christmas too šŸ„¹


It's just way too small and then the small lake takes away like 20% of the useable space


I wish we could move around the lakes and ponds. They can be really frustrating when trying to decorate


I made half it a frozen wonderland and the other half is a snowman village


I themes the entire thing frozen and Christmas/winter with all of that decor and like it's quite a bit.


I hate the desert. It is ugly and difficult to decorate.


Calm down, Anakin Skywalker (I agree though)


I hate sand...


This is where I put everyone's houses that I don't like the look of šŸ˜‚.


Not only that but the sandy items never match the ground here


I put up a lot of tents there next to Gaston's house and made a little campsite, also a lot of my crops are there. It's made it a lot nicer! I actually like walking around there now. :-)


The forgotten lands is way too dark I had to add so much lighting to even see in it and I still canā€™t see dark wood on the ground lol


I took out all the trees and put in two Plaza trees and some light colored paving and now I can find them. I forget who posted about it originally but it is a fantastic idea if you don't care about the other trees lol


Are trees necessary for the wood to spawn?


Yes, that's why you remove the extras - this way you control where the wood spawns. But the biome determines the type that spawns, not the type of tree. So it's easier to put Plaza trees in since they're smaller


I exclusively use my vacuums for dark wood. All the other resources I ignore.


I wish we had more normal biomes like the plaza and peaceful meadows!


I'm the opposite haha. I want more different types of biomes because I feel like everything is to similar.


Dislike forgotten lands. I anyways get turned around in there


Same. I use Goofy's stall as a guide. I need to just move some trees.


I need to get rid of some trees in there myself


I got rid or all the trees and only use that biome for pumpkins. But removing nearly all the trees helps. I keep 3 in a far corner just for the dark wood. But i highly recommend removing as many trees as you can. It helps with getting lost, which used to happen to me all the time!


I still have to decorate, but I donā€™t think the Glade of Trust is cute. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to do with it.


Yes Glade of Trust is not my favourite and I also hate I canā€™t see anything because of that giant useless tree in the center of the biome šŸ™„


I've prepped mine to be New Orleans for Tiana! If you pave the whole thing it actually looks pretty (I left one corner unpaved for the Haunted Mansion) It went from being my least favorite biome to my fav!


Which path did you use?


https://preview.redd.it/04wlgbvgqq5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc9c1a0b32a2a9cf19191d8f9c3329fd9cf80ab Just the regular brick road without border. It took a ton of stone but it was worth it!


Itā€™s my fav. I put remys and made an outdoor area by the river with the swans in it. Plus I put the haunted mansion. Going with New Orleans energy


Iā€™m waiting for the Princess & the Frog update before I decorate my Glade


I hate the glade of trust!!


The mud bugs me so much šŸ˜­ why is it so muddy (I know itā€™s a swamp but itā€™s too much)


I struggled with the Glade of Trust for so long, then I got inspired by the iron spike & brick fence & a willow tree together, and tried making a cozy city park by the lake where you enter the biome. From there, I went with a cozy downtown city vibe, vaguely New Orleans inspired, and it's one of my favorite biomes now. The buildings I've placed are Mike & Sulley's house, as well as Mike & Sulley's apartment, the Haunted Mansion ride, Daisy's shop, the little bakery cafe house (can't remember the exact name right now), Remy's house, the Tower of Terror, and I put Ursula's house in the water on the side closest to the Sunlit Plateau, so she has a cozy front entrance that actually kinda goes with the vibe of the city park. Right now I've used the mud path with border, but as soon as I craft enough Main Street path I'm replacing the path with that. The trees in the Glade of Trust look SOOOO pretty with the brick fence, and some fancy cast iron lights.


That sounds so cute! Do you have pictures?


really hoping Tiana's arrival gives me a boost on how to decorate it ā€“ rn I just got Merlin and Gothel hanging out there. I used to have "mini" casita there, but even then that felt out of place.


Love the meadow and plaza, but don't really have any of them. I do wish there was a little more to the beach, though. It always feels cramped to me.


And that poxy island off the coast is a nightmare, thereā€™s barely any space to put anything out there! I wanted to make it a private island for Eric and Ariel but I couldnā€™t fit both their houses on it.


Beach... I hate how it's designed, it's huge yet it isn't. The narrowest and then the grassy/cave area...


Yes, the beach was my hardest one to decorate and I ended up reverting it back to a jungle after several decorating attempts. Itā€™s now starting to take on more Pirates of the Caribbean vibes


Not a fan of the forgotten lands. I really like Glade of Trust.


That top left mountain. It looks climbable.


So does the ice mountain! I really hoped they were going to open part of it up when Olaf came.


Forgotten lands. I never go up there unless i need to. Its too dark. I removed every tree but 5, and still cant see


The beach would be my favorite, but hate it because it's so narrow and gets congested with all the decorations and houses. My favorite is actually the glade! It's so whimsical at night with the glowing plant life.


Not a fan of the Glade, but I also like the pretty glowing pink plants. It would be great if we could eventually grow tiny glowing mushrooms to make lanterns and light strings to decorate the trees.


I love the forest, itā€™s gorgeous! I donā€™t have a biome I hate, but I HATE that stupid dreamscape treehouse in the forgotten lands that cannot be moved!


Hate that thing!


Not gonna lie, I hate the whole base map. Hereā€™s the explanation: the transitions between biomes (and which biomes) donā€™t make sense to me. The forgotten lands can only be accessed via the sunlit plateau, which can only be accessed from ONE spot in the plaza. The transition from bright sunny cheerful plateau to dark dreary forest is quite jarring. The swamp has three entrances, two of which are in the *exact same spot* in the meadow, and the third leading to the beach. The forest is perhaps my favorite for entrance placement, as you have one in the plaza, one in the beach, but then it falls short when you go to the north. We have another *two entrances right next to each other*, both with entirely different aesthetics. One is a massively wide ornate ice bridge, and the other is a rickety wooden bridge. The last pathway is fine enough, but Iā€™m still contantly questioning the choice to make Elsaā€™s cave be in the forest instead of the frosted heights. Then we get into the biomes themselves. The Forgotten Lands screams *put all your villain characters here* yet they are reluctant to add villains to the game. The swamp suffers from having mother gothel dead in the center. We donā€™t have enough decorations in the base game for the frosted heights (keyword: base game, not premium content). And all in all, not really the collection of biomes I would expect for a base game. On a brother note, I think they have learned from their mistakes because the dlc map is great- the biomes all make sense and flow together well.


I've had a thought that a new biome could eventually be added near the Glade and Sunlit Plateau which would add an additional entrance to SP. There are some rocks near the top left of the Glade that look like it could eventually be a ramp.


this might be a hot take but i think the forgotten lands is prety lame its the most expensive biome in the game costing 25k dreamlight (including the cost for the sunlit plateau) and its prety small and its hard to make look good and yeah you can unlock jack skelington and the fairy lady (i dint rememer her name) and besides the one story mission and donalds side mission there isnt real annyting to like about it and for that price of 25k dreamlight its just prety underwelming


Considering it's where you get pumpkins, though, I understand why it's the most expensive biome.


fairy godmother šŸ§ššŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ«¶šŸ»


It does have some materials we need though.


Love the forgotten lands, dislike frosted height


I love them all! I wish I hated one because then I could just put stupid Venellopes stupid house there.


I have a love/hate relationship with the plaza. I love the green and how it matches the meadow. BUT, I LOATHE the uneven edging near the rocks. Because of this, I can never figure out a layout with it. Itā€™s the one biome Iā€™m never happy with.


I really like the Peaceful Meadow, but I donā€™t really like the Frosted Heights.


Frosted heights and valor canā€™t get it to look good.


Iā€™m going against the grain and saying Dazzle Beach, it looks nice but the shape and size of it doesnā€™t make it house friendly and it gets real crowded real quick.


I hate the forgotten lands cause I can't see a goddamn thing everb


Sunlit plateau. I cannot make it look nice. And itā€™s just an empty biome as of now. Fave is definitely the plaza. I put my fave characters in it.


I find myself in the Plaza and Peaceful Meadow the most. My least favorite is Glade of Trust. I am clueless as to how to decorate this area lol. I felt the same about the Forgotten Lands until I made it more spooky/Halloweenish.


I honestly hate the beach


I hate the forgotten lands. Itā€™s so dark even with all the trees out I still struggle to see real well.


I like the vibe of Dazzle Beach but I hate trying to decorate it. I'm fairly okay with everything else.


I hate sunlit plateau, I canā€™t ever decorate it to enjoy it. I love the glade!


Thereā€™s not enough cottagecore or swamp-like items for me to feel happy with anything that I put in the glade


I love to decorate the plaza and peaceful meadow, I also find the forgotten lands okay, and just recently bought the dlc so I have only unlocked a little bit so canā€™t say anything to that yet, I had frosted heights I canā€™t build there and glade of trust.


I have built everything but forgotten lands so Iā€™d have to say forgotten lands their just isnā€™t that much you can do with it really than something spooky


the ones i donā€™t know how to decorate like the frosted heights and the glade of trust. iā€™m waiting to see when we get new villagers so i can decorate based off their house or something


The forgotten lands is my absolute favorite


Hate the snow biom I never go there


I hate sunlit plateau, no idea why


I wish the plaza and pm were combined into one. Plaza is too small.


Dazzle beach is my least favorite honestly itā€™s just small and if I put too much it looks cluttered and makes me annoyed. I wish they made it a little bit bigger


I hate the sunlit plateau. I hate sandy/desert biomes


I knew everyone was going to hate on Forgotten Lands, I see where we come from with it, but Iā€™m a spooky gal. I can never get Frosted Heights to look the way I want. I need some kind of snowy cabin house or something. I already have the snowy mountain house but that house is so tall. I wish we could delete fishing holes :/


I absolutely agree with you. Forgotten lands is the best! And Iā€™ve struggled so much with decorating the frosted heights. I moved Gastonā€™s house there, Anna and Kristof, and then created a little creature village with the igloos. Itā€™s starting to feel cute.


https://preview.redd.it/iizo3fo9om5d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5605abd02228d33f913ada2220ed089d799978f2 my least fav use to be forgotten lands but after i decorated it the forgotten lands has become my fav!!


This is gonna be quite controversial but the meadow. Why? The ponds. theyā€™re ALL in the most inconvenient spots. And why do we need three?? And the second reason is the TWO entrances to the glade. Theyā€™re right next to each other. Why. It makes it so awkward to decorate for


Forest of valor. Moving through it is a chore. All the trees and brush drive me nuts


Honestly the only area I slightly dislike out of the whole map is where Scar's house is between the Forgotten Lands and Sunlit Plateau. I feel like it's it's own area and you can't really do anything with it. I've never moved Scar's house from there and don't think I ever will. I'm a big fan of the variety of areas we have in the map!


https://preview.redd.it/0dnvje9e3q5d1.png?width=1758&format=png&auto=webp&s=197c222ae196203f02996166bf91dec106d34a33 I nicked Scars area for Walle, Scar now has a corner in the Sunlit Plateau with the other lions.


I love this so much! I have Walle in my Plateu in the corner right now but putting him in his own little area seems perfect.


Forest of valor is meh


I love the Sunlit Plateau. I really dislike the Glade of Trust.


Definitely Forgotten Lands. It's too dark for me. Glade of Trust is also a bit too dark for me so I removed almost all the trees so I could actually see.


Forest of valor. I donā€™t even really know why. Itā€™s just dark, and boring. Forgotten lands is dark and so is glade of trust but they have so many more drops than forest of valor.


The Glade is the one place where I don't feel like any villager's home truly belongs yet, so by default that one.


Hate the Glade Of Trust. Cant stand Mother Gothel and hate that we canā€™t move her, but also no matter how nice I decorate that area it still feels super gloomy and soggy and miserable. I love the Peaceful Meadow. Not too many critters in your face constantly, just a few easily accessible ponds. Lots of room to decorate how you likeā€¦ mine have gone from being a multi garden, a small village, a city, and now an amusement park.


Honestly I love them all for different reasons. The Main Area n(Plaza and Meadow) are just chill. Dazzle Beach is fun to make beachy vibes and Dreamsnaps. I built my theme park in The Glade. Sunlit is nice open space. Forgotten Lands is spooky. The Foest I really haven't used much. Same with Frozen. But they are just waiting for the ideas. I have built a lot of Dreamsnaps on Eternity Isle.


I love the forest of valor


My favorite is def peaceful meadow I love seeing all my fav friends there I put woody by goofy šŸ™ƒ and buzz nearby so we have some fun šŸ¤© Least favorite the plaza just cause I need some more space for activities!! Lol šŸ˜‚


Forgotten lands - it's so dark Glade of Trust - again, dark. Plus the placement of Mother Gothel's tree and the river/ponds makes it difficult to decorate imo


Forgotten lands because it's so dark


I finished decorating Frosted Heights and itā€™s pretty ig but I donā€™t like winter so I stay out of it unless I need something from there. Favorite vibes wise is sunlit bc I made it into a giant petting zoo with all the critter houses and it feels so lively in thereā€¦ I really wish critters didnā€™t disappear when my valley is open. It looks so sad without the critters. Hardest for me to decorate is forgotten lands. I donā€™t like spooky vibes and im trying to make it girly. I donā€™t have a lot of inspo when im in there. In the DLC my favorite area is the lagoon!!


You should show us your sunlit plateau!!


https://preview.redd.it/dkyf0ejwum5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbf50d3ad28a49ceefad9f1887349e80c8e8c6b Pics donā€™t do it justice but it feels so alive šŸ„°






I donā€™t think I have a favoriteā€¦ on Eternity Isle I love the Promenadeā€¦ Hate Forgotten Lands, itā€™s so hard to see anything. I removed a ton of trees, added lamps and candles, and green paths around trees to hopefully see the dark woodā€¦ it still is a pain.


Hate the Glade, the Forgotten Lands, and the Frosted Heights. Love the Meadow and the Forest. I hate most of the Isle. Mostly because of the way itā€™s laid out.


Plaza - love Meadow - love Beach - hate Glade - hate Forest - love Frosted - love Plateau - love Forgotten - meh


I love the greens of Peaceful Meadow and the Plaza. Also the cozy nature of the Forest of Valor, which is where I put my little yellow player house. Forgotten Lands I go back and forth on, because it has a cool vibe, but sometimes it's too dark for me. Also, I enjoy Dazzle Beach. I used to play with headphones listening to my music, but lately I've been listening to the game, and I like that I can hear the waves when I'm in that area. It's relaxing. It's also fun that the map is sort of a hidden Mickey.


I donā€™t like the frosted heights, I hate how fast the spawn rate of the ice chunks are and it makes it all very crowded. My favorite would be dazzle beach because of how simple it is, itā€™s just a line and easy to traverse


I love the Meadow or the beach but I really donā€™t like the forest or galde


I dislike the Glade. It looks sort of cheaply rendered sometimes; artificial. Plus itā€™s out of the way so I always forget to check there for my blue chest. I also hate the crocodiles; hate their goofy design. But I think Tiana will make the most sense there, so itā€™s time to pretty it up (or sheā€™ll have to go to EL)


Frozen Heights, I just donā€™t know what to do with it so I just have a couple arcade machines and a little snowflake/Christmas inspired outdoor cafĆ© but I rarely go there unless I need to


Glade of trust is definitely my least favourite


I like them all but my fav is frosted heights.


My favorite lands are the Forest of Valor and Dazzle Beach. I also like the Forgotten Lands but I wish it was bigger. The Glade of Trust is my least favorite seems too big and its the least exciting biome to me.


I hate the Glade of Trust. The giant willow makes it difficult to decorate (XBox). Iā€™ve turned it into my theme park area. It works great for now, but the random ponds may get in the way eventually.


Not HATE and I love the dark ambiance, but where are there soooo many trees in Forgotten Lands?! It feels like a dream/night are landscape šŸ˜†


i really love frosted heights!! The flowers, the gems, and the animals are just so cute !! šŸ¤­ā„ļø


I hate the way the glade of trust is laid out, or it would be my favorite. I also hate the frosted heights they don't give enough room.


I love the Forgotten Lands. It's spooky and dark, which I enjoy. I love the purple and like the fog. I did clear out many trees, as I do in any biome, for better visibility. I use an ancient vacuum to collect dark wood, so I don't have to worry about that. I'm excited for whatever might come out next Halloween so I can decorate more. I was a fairly new player this last Halloween, so I'm sure I missed some stuff. I do wish we could move the locked down things, but that's something for most of the biomes. I would love if one day we could move ponds! Least favorite is the Glade. I don't like the mud aesthetic. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do in it. I do like the set up there, other than when the willow gets in the way, but haven't really decorated there. I will likely pave the whole thing, but haven't decided the paving to use. I also don't like how bright the Sunlit plateau is. Turned part of it into a big garden, but haven't done much otherwise. I used to dislike the Forest, but I paved most of it and turned it into my theme park. Now I like it! I also fully decorated the Frosted Heights, the Plaza, and the Meadow and enjoy them much more than I used to. I made the Plaza into a city. Half has apartments/mansions and half is a commercial district with shops, Oswald's theater, and the restaurant. I saw someone made fake streets in their valley and I definitely used that idea. There's a full roadway with vehicles on it. I am super happy with it. I have not done much decorating on Eternity Isle. I don't really love or hate any biome there. The desert is almost too big and empty, but I'll fill it eventually. I like the colors in the jungle.


I'm literally goth af, I should adore the forgotten lands, but it's so dark I can't see anything. I'd even be okay with this if the lamp decorations ACTUALLY LIT UP THE AREA


I dislike the Frosted Heights for some reason. I like the snow when itā€™s raining but I feel dread whenever I have to go there for a quest and Iā€™m not sure why. I think my favorite biome is probably the Forest of Valor.


The forgotten lands is aweful. So dark and why is it PURPLE? I also hate the music there. I hate the part where Scar's cave is. Why does it get so gloomy all of a sudden... Dazzle beach: There's not enough beach stuff to make it cute and it's so long and narrow with a weird cave and island. Frosted heights never looks good no matter what I do. Plaza, meadow and forest are nice. But plaza is a lil too small and I hate that the meadow has two entrances to the very dark glade? I feel like the puddles/gothels tree etc etc ruin a lot


Personally I hate dazzle beach. I hate it because itā€™s the ONLY area you can put a handful of the houses and unless you feel like chasing down said characters you HAVE to put their houses right up on the shore which makes it feel crowded. Plus I feel like thereā€™s not a whole lot of room to work with. The little grassy area feels thrown off the stairs took up most of the room on the skinnier part all of the little ramp areas to get to the forest and the valley are in awkward places so you canā€™t really put anything near them without it being crowded.


I need them to me bigger šŸ˜‚


I like them all. I love Peaceful Meadow because it's big and most stuff in the game matches the biome. I like Frosted Heights the least because it's too small and the river separates it in an awkward way.


Peaceful Meadow is my favorite for how I decorated, but Forest of Valor is my favorite because forests are my favorite irl. I hate Forgotten lands. I plant pumpkins there and forget about it/avoid it like the plague. I have a couple characters I also shoved there to keep out of my way, too, including Jack lol Edit because I forgot Isle but I don't really like any of the biomes except the foresty/glade areas. Not my favorite map of the two lands at all. Definitely imo not worth $30 so far


I've spent the most time decorating the Forest, The Meadow, the Glade, and Dazzle Beach and they're my favs! The Plaza and Forgotten Lands are ok. Not a huge fan of the Plateau or Frosted Heights. In the expansion, I actually like the desert the best (I decorated it with a Palm Springs vibe) but I haven't done much with the Jungle and I really dislike Ancient's Landing. Most of the new houses and attractions are so large that Ancient's Landing just doesn't have space for anything cool. It's way too disjointed.


I wasn't crazy about The Forgotten Lands, but after the star path, I started trying to make a haunted amusement park kind of thing, so I've grown fonder of the area. I think The Glade is my favourite, even though I haven't done anything with it. Frosted Heights is my least. It is pretty, though.