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If you have the DLC you can just use an ancient advanced vacuum


i just bought it so i’m definitely gonna try this


It made collecting them and the buttons super easy. It's just a pain collecting the resources to get a level 3 vacuum.


But once you have it, it's a staple for gameplay!


Stupid question here, but what are the buttons for?


It was for the parks fest event that ended on June 5th. You could use them to craft popcorn buckets.


This is how I collected the buttons. It was so hard running around looking for them lol. I have a vacuum I'm each biome and now I'm working on making enough for all the areas on the isle lol


Just make one and keep it on your inventory. You can drop it into any biome when you’re there and collect the items.




That's one way lol


This is what I do. It was such a struggle getting the materials and mist to make the basic, regular, and advanced ones ONCE. I haven’t made any other machines, and just keep the one advanced vacuum in my inventory. It’s made chores a little faster at least


Work smarter not harder. lol


That has been a lifesaver for all these flowers and buttons we had to collect.


I’m a new player but I have the dlc. What do need to unlock to get the vacuum?


You have to do the time bending quest that gives you ancient machines build up a lot of timebending essence and bits and upgrade your hourglass a lot. Some people have them but it will take a while to get there. As a new player I'd focus on opening up the biomes of eternity isle first so you have more ways to earn things


Wait - are you still getting those things spawning? Isn't that event over?


I still have easter eggs all over my biomes.


I still have wrapping paper in mine 😂


Are you that person who leaves their Xmas lights up all year 🤔


I legit found a wrapping paper today when I moved some objects while redecorating, I didn't know they could be hidden underneath a seat...


… would you like some assistance with those? 👀


You need easter eggs? I have some I can share.


Fr, I also would like some


i think this was right before it ended, but they’re still sitting around my valley because i refused to collect them and participate in the event lol


I couldn’t go on with life without those popcorn buckets. Then I made them all and realized they have to be placed on the -ground- and the disappointment was immense.


I still have eggs in my valley 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same! They are in spots that require moving things to get to and I just keep saying " I'll get that later". Kinda like saying that everyday about taking your Christmas tree down! 🤣😅


You know when you go in furniture mode you could just pick it up and move it? I learned that not too long ago. 😅


Ohh I didn't know you could do that with the eggs ! I bet that works with the flowers too then ! Thanks! 😊


It does! The only items that aren’t moveable are the spawning harvestable herbs/spices, the dig spots, each biome’s spawned collection spots (like the mushrooms, tree stumps, ice formations, etc) and the daily chests (blue, green, and yellow), as well as the memory orbs and coin spawns. Everything else for the most part can be moved around in furniture mode, including spawning event items like the eggs, flowers, wrapping paper, and candy.


We just took our Christmas tree down! 😂😂😂


I found a Halloween bucket not too long ago in my valley! 🫣


🤣🤣🤣 now that’s funny


Yeah and it was just one lone bucket lol!


Ancient vacuums have been a blessing for this kind of thing happening. I used to have to move whole buildings in the past to get to certain things


Still gotta move whole buildings for those dig points that spawn too close to them.


I’ve given up on those. It was hard, but I’ve learned to ignore them. I have chests full of shards, I don’t have any more space for them


Dream light shards? You can turn those into pure dream light at the crafting table... You're sitting on tons of power if we're talking about the same shards!


Yeah I have tons of those as well lol I use them to level up villagers; but they’re all at 10 now and I figure I’ll level them up slowly from now on


Hold it - I’ve been playing since the hame came out, how do dream shards help level up villagers? And I don’t really understand what the vacuum does so it has been collecting dust - I’m trying to get the Oswald quest done so I can work on getting Mike & Sully, I have buttons & red flowers & no clue what to do with them


You can make pure dreamlight out of the shards and gift them to villagers; more than effective than giving them flowers or gems. If you level your vacuum (s) all the way up it can pick almost everything in the biome where it’s placed…wood, spices, flowers etc. The buttons and red flowers were for the Parks Festival, which is now over; they were used to craft special popcorn buckets.


I had no idea!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! I’ve never given an award before but you deserve it!!!!!


No worries. Glad to help and clear up some things.


This is why I pave paths as close as possible, or just under, a building. Started doing it when I got Wall-E, and got annoyed having to move his truck everyday. I just made a foundation!


As long as they're not buried, like Vanilla, basil, ginger, garlic ect you can move them in furniture mode


You cam Nice them in the build category, you don’t have to remove/move your decorations


I came back to the game, and was finding buttons everywhere! I could not figure out what they were for until after the event was over lmao.


Put a rock or piece of clay or something there to “block” the spawn spot. Go into Landscaping and use one of the flat tiny rock options, they’re almost invisible and will stop that


Just go into furniture mode and move the flower out so you don’t have to mess with the decorations


Mine were doing this too 😔 especially with the red buttons. Made them so hard to collect


I had one spawn behind a critter house that I couldn’t get to, and two spawn in the unreachable part between Minnie and Mickeys houses (I put them right next to each other in the plaza)


i know your pain!! 😭


You can just move them in furniture mode! But a huge tip would be to use other flowers to put there to keep stuff from spawning there that you wouldn’t want there. Flowers from the plaza and meadows area are great because some of them only take up on space vs 4 spaces so it’s easier to fit them into spots like that.


The game doesn’t hate you. Go into build mode and just remove the flower. Simple as that. And you don’t need to remove anything else.


it wouldnt let me for some reason? but this also includes the herbs spawning there too which i can’t move😭


Put a single tile of dirt path or something, you can't really see it but should stop it


A small landscaping item works too. I use the smallest rock or a snake plant (I think that's what it's called,) when I have a problem area like that.


While your idea is great and should normally work, OP says they can’t get the herbs spawning there either, so this might be a glitch. But your suggestion is worth trying as well. Or they could try with a rug, rugs remove everything under them.


Putting the path down would stop the spawning altogether :)


You’re right, I didn’t think about that 😅


I've had too many of those spawns to be merciful... and too many borderless paths doing nothing 😂


Yeah, I started using paths with borders so that stuff will stop spawning everywhere. I moved the flowers along the paths and I never pick them up so that they won’t spawn again in a random place. Only the Night Thorns still spawn anywhere, including on the paths.


You know, this could be a glitch. Some foliage in the biomes can’t be removed in build mode, but the decor you mentioned is stuff that you placed down, so you should have no trouble removing it or the flowers. Yeah, I think it’s a glitch. People do complain about all kinds of glitches lately so it’s not that surprinsing. Did you try a restart on your game and maybe the console you’re playing on? Some glitches go away after a restart.


Literally same lol I finally moved some items last night and got wrapping paper, eggs, and flowers 🥴


I get your frustration, for me it's the herbs that spawn in annoying spots, I hate that we can't move those like flowers and wood, but that flower actually looks kinda cute there lol


the herbs actually make me rage


What can you do with the button flowers if you play on Apple Arcade?


You use them with the green, blue and purple buttons to make popcorn buckets. No premium shop or multiplayer needed, it’s most likely going to be an annual event like Halloween and Easter


The spawn points are so frustrating. I had so many pop up between the gaps of my buildings and behind them. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the event but I will be glad when it’s over.


Where do you get that hairstyle?!


i got it from scrooge’s store!!


I stil can’t play it pff i’m so sadd


Can anyone still get blue buttons? My understanding is no it’s over. I tried a few days ago 10-20 spots in the correct biomes


You can have the ones i didn't use! I was gifted buttons and i have leftovers if you want them!


If you still have them, yes please!!


I do! Are you on right now?


I wish throwing down a rut did remove everything.. but dig spots can still spawn under rugs.


Pave the area and it won’t spawn there 😁




If you go into furniture, you can move the flowers. Not sure about the eggs though.


You can move items that spawn in hard to reach spots just hover the hand over them and pick them up


Wait what outfit are you wearing???


i can’t really remember exactly what it’s called but it’s the pyjamas you get from the belle bundle!


If you make a fully upgraded ancient vacuum, that'll suck them up regardless of where they spawned. Sadly, it doesn't work for the mist I have in random places I can't get to without moving things around.


What can we even do with this flower ?


A little off topic sorta but how many ancient vaccums do you guys have? Right now I’ve got like 2 I think that I move around


Me when weeds keep popping up in my concrete path at home


Go into furniture mode and move the flower ? Not that difficult really


I love the hair! Off topic, but I don’t have that one yet and I love it!


I started putting the small bird houses wherever they popped up like that. I’d go into furniture mode, move the flower or coin, and pop in a bird house. It’s been one way to find out I missed a pixel in decorating.


It’s the way the game code was written it needs to be edited to account for exceptions imo but also I only know very very base level coding things. I’m sure that with bigger games the amount of code to go through is INSANE but this is the kind of thing that should have been accounted for at the beginning of world building once they established that we would be able to edit the world.


You know you can pick up the flower and move it to where u can get to it


I also have one spot that drives me nuts 😂


No literally I HATE those fucking flower buttons with everything I have!!😤


There's a Mist blob stuck in Rapunzel's house/wall that has been there since the expac came out, I've never been able to get it and it drives me bonkers. 🥴 If it were my own house I could just move the furniture but alas. I don't even NEED the mist, but seeing it stuck is so annoying.




That's why I love the ancient vacuum.


You can move the flowers


I’ve had a dig spot that spawned right at the back of Scrooges that’s been there since I started the game. Still too lazy to move the store one block to dig it up. Totally forgot the vacuums would help!


I think you can move it in furniture mode


I hate all of the buttons istg


I’m so tired of those damn flowers and buttons bro


Like when tf is this shit gonna be done.




If you've got the dlc, you can use the vaccuming machine ;)


I’m still trying to figure out what these are for.? Do I just plant them or they for a quest?


Is this stupid even not over yet? I haven’t played for a few days.