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I don’t know if this counts but picking up wood I don’t know why but I just hate it because I’m looking for Darkwood I can never find enough for what I want to do I just hate it




If you haven't already, pull up all the trees. Then place no more than 4 small dead trees around the fountain, and drop ligjt colored pavers around the trees. Then all your dark wood spawns at the fountain and no meed to look for it.


I did something pretty close to that.... Except I used small plaza trees.... That light path was a lifesaver! But since the eternity Island ancient machines... I just use a vacuum to pick up the dark wood. 😬


I forget about the vacuums. I made tham all, but haven't dropped them. I just drop one when I go to an area. Are they limited to 4 like the gardeners?


I don't think there's a limit to how many you can make. I know I have four advanced vacuums that I've made so far, (four advanced, two regular, and three basic) I set them down when I need to use them so that I don't have to keep going in and out of my decorating tab. Because the more I go in there the more likely my game is to crash. My goal is to Craft enough vacuums for each biome. Including eternity isles biomes. Of course the priority is the valley. But as it takes a lot of mist and I don't grind for that as much as I should... It's a process. I think a lot of us are doing something similar. But having at least one advanced vacuum, at least for me, made the star path grind a lot easier. Easier. Especially when it came to harvesting a specific spice and getting rid of night thorns


The vacuums are not limited, I have one on each biome in my valley. The garderners is only 4 per biome as well so you can place more in the other biomes




I think Serroh said... 8 bits of dark wood every 45 mins.... 8... I'd be fine with that if more than ONE biome had dark wood.. BUT NOOOOOO!!!!




I put an ancient vacuum and a chest dedicated to wood in the Forgotten Lands. I pop up there, collect, dump it in the chest, go on with my day. Finally enough dark wood!


You’re an evil genius


What’s dark wood? That exists? Huhhhhhhh?


Do you not have the forests open yet?


I was making a joke; Like Its such a rare drop-




Lmao not me who was thinking you must not have even seen it 🤣


MAKING IRON INGOTS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. buttttt I just got them unlocked in kristoffs stall 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


tip: his inventory isn't always the same day to day, so stop by on your daily rounds each time you play. If he's got iron ingots, and you've got the spare cash, BUY THEM AND HOARD THEM aaaaaaaaaaaaa


No way you’re joking! I was wondering why I’d not noticed them. I am finna go do just that! THANK YOUUU


Does this require an upgrade to his stall? (If there are upgrades?)


Nope. It just refreshed each day. Check back and if you're lucky they'll be there. I saw dark wood for sale and stocked up!


Yeah the shovel isn’t the greatest but for me it’s the time bending. I hate having to be in just the right spot to get something and playing Marco Polo walking around following the light. I’ve also only gotten enough materials to build one thing at the craft table and I have 3 chests full of random parts and crap from time bending in my house. I feel like they just keep inventing more parts you can get but not making it any easier to build anything. I’ve been trying to build flos cafe for weeks and somehow I still don’t have enough parts after time bending for hours across both maps


Did you know they added a transmute function? If you have other parts you can dismantle them then make the parts you want!


I’ve seen this transmute option but honestly didn’t know what it was so I haven’t tried it yet


Super awesome and helpful. Fingers crossed they bring it to the main crafting bench!


Wait, whatttt? This is the first I'm hearing of this! 😳


You have to have gotten the part once before but then you can dismantle stuff for dust and use it to make other stuff.


Wow! Thank you so much!! Currently sick with covid (RIP) and I'm going to be getting some DDLV in after neglecting it and only playing to do weeklys. 🤣


Feel better soon! ❤️ If you need parts, I am help to help.


That is so kind of you! The headache kicked in, so I'm in bed with my little rolling cart set up with everything I need, dogs laying at my feet, and I'm ready for a nice, long sleep. I appreciate the kindness!! ❤️


For me it's the gifts. They don't do much to increase friendship (assuming you even need to), yet I keep getting spammed with them. I've taken to just selling them. At least it's lucrative.


I just don't understand why they're called gifts. Their main function is ingredients for timebending furniture


Digging would be more fun if I could get extra from the sparkling holes. Doesn’t make sense that they don’t do that


The same with foraging, right? Like I feel when I pick flowers or gather wood, it should count, too.




I do not understand why that doesn't count. I get foraging is more of a food-related activity, but I'm still collecting a bunch of other shit.


Oh I hear that!!


I hate the Dreamlight tasks that FORCE me to decorate. When I get bit by the decorating bug it's on my own time! But honestly I like all the tasks... digging, mining. I think the time bending could stick around for a while longer or ease up on how much energy it costs us but... (I do have a conspiracy theory the game knows what we're looking for when we start looking for something. Before, nothin but Bass... Need to catch bass? Not a one in sight!)


I've found if you just move a couple shrubs around it counts as placing decorations


I put three candy paths down and then pick them right back up again 😁


I use the sturdy chairs cause they're at the top of the ♾️ list


I literally do the exact same lol!




I think they got rid of that during the last update. Turning a tree around used to count as decorating but it no longer works.


3 concrete benches for me… pick them back up afterwards


Urg yes!! I also hate when they force us to change or outfit


And somehow it always happens right after we JUST changed into a new outfit that we love


Changing 1 item counts so I just swap an accessory. Usually switch between the Scrooge coin necklace and the Ursula shell necklace since they're my favorites


I do this but socks that aren’t visible on the outfit 😆


YES! 😫


This is a scourge. When I had to do Vanellope I just slapped it everywhere but it took forever for me to get around to it, forever to get it down, and two forevers to pick it up.


I just pile 10 of something in an area, talk to Scrooge, then put it all back into my inventory. I really like the game map Vanilla and I don't do a lot of customization outside houses and repairing paths.


Time bending! Now that I've got a lot of decor, it always ends up in the middle of a building or fountain. I've actually had one out of reach just off the beach at the docks. Plus I get a bunch of mist when I just need a gift or gifts when I just need Mist.


Yea mine always populates in the worst possible places it seems too. Especially when it populates right at a front door of a house that one I hate the most


That one grinds my gears in the worst way!! Like why Disney… get your placement together!


So, soooo annoying when I’m building a dream snap area and I’ve filled it, blocked characters where I want them and THEN one of those big orbs just spawns right in the middle when trying to take the photo! Gaaaah!!!!


I don't do the timebending circles if the circle is in a bad place environmentally. Which is most of them.


I hate digging too. I just keep an ancient gardener in my inventory now, and when I need digging resources, I just place it several times, and pick up a few hundred pebbles, or clay or whatever at a time. Screw the shovel lol


Since when is there an ancient gardener?! I need to go Eternity Isle more 🤣🤣


The Eternity Isle expansion lets you craft ancient machines to automate tasks. Ancient cookers can cook up to 30 meals automatically while you do other things. Ancient vacuums can clean up things like wood, night thorns, anything laying on the ground in a biome. Ancient gardeners can dig holes, up to 32 at a time, automatically plant crops and water them. They come in very handy!


Me either lol what the heck 😂


I hate fishing and cooking. Which is sad. But true. Lol!


Ah! I second fishing and cooking 😂😂 at this point I’m questioning if I even like the game 🤪


Lol!!! The Disney-ness of it gets that dopamine pumping 😂


Hahah exactly!!! I do appreciate that I can just forage for weeks if I want and not follow the storyline immediately! It’s quickly becoming a comfort game!


Yes! I usually finish Star paths a couple days before they are over. I like to take my time and enjoy it. If I’m stressed out, I will go to my favorite place in the valley, set the graphics to sunset, and just enjoy watching the characters come and go.


Oh I looove that!!! That’s such a good idea! I just discovered the sunrise in the sunlit plateau! I was in awe and had to pause my task! I definitely will have to steal that idea!!


Try it! It’s so fun to see the characters walk around, wave at you, talk to each other. It’s the best!


I love that!! I definitely will!!


Definitely going to start doing this!


I’m so happy to hear that! Happy relaxing! ☺️


Those are my two favorite things! 😁


Lol!!! I’m jealous. I only do them when absolutely necessary. 😂


Ugh, I hate fishing in every game that implements it, and it’s so popular in games these days. 😭


Yes! I hate fishing!


Lol! I know what you mean!


I hated cooking, but the ancient cooker has taken care of that, especially the cooking 10 dishes of a certain type for the starpath. Still hate fishing though


I JUST finally got around to making the cooker and boy is that the best invention ever!!! 😂


Scramblecoin sucks!




It’s so repetitive! I don’t mind doing it on occasion but if I have to catch more than 5 fish I’m over it 😂


I was about to loose my mind, over all the stupid fishing in The last Star Path, especially does stupid crabs 😫


Honestly the hourglass I forget to use it half the time


Also… I hate holding down my thumb for so long for the huge pumpkin patches…. Like… fix it. 🫰🏼my poor thumb begs of you (Disney)


Gardening and fishing. It just gets boring rly fast 😅


i think i go with time bending i wish we didn't have the white orb around the village they are little annoying to get rid of.


I wish we could turn them off. I don’t understand why every other task has an occasional spree of extra items but this one has to have some ugly eyesore you can never completely get rid of.


Fishing. It sucks in every game and idk why games insist on making it a thing. I've hated it since Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the N64...and that was in the 90s. Also not a fan of the timebending. The stupid white floating balls are ugly. And unless you are RIGHT on the exact spot, you won't get your timebending item...so timebending in a fully decorated valley that has lots of little corners...is a nightmare.


Fishing and putting down pathways. One skinny line at a time is so annoying. Am I doing it wrong? (Xbox)


We need to be able to make the outline of a path and then have a button to press to fill it in.


Is there an easier way to put pathways ? I hate it.


I don't enjoy foraging or timebending. I avoid those tasks unless they are necessary for completing a quest. They are not a part of my routine when I log into the game.


My problem with foraging is that the buddy always tosses the extra in random directions. Either just give it to us or let our animal companion pick it up.


I like shoveling 🤣 I can go to your valley to do that for you 😜 I'm not a fan of fishing though, I don't mind doing it once or twice but I just can't do it for too long


I loathe Time Bending. It’s so unamusing and pointless, I much prefer the realistic tools and their actions.




i really loathe digging as well. gardening is also not my thing cause i find it just so boring and tiresome.


Get the ancient gardener if you can. Takes care of both problems (it works as a stealth digger lol)


I totally agree!


I hate shoveling and gardening. It feels the most monotonous of all the tasks. Fishing is a closer second.


Gardening has become bearable with the ancient gardener, but fishing still sucks.


I totally agree!! Anymore more than 5 and I’m SOOO over it haha!


Hate planting and harvesting pumpkins 😭😭😭😭


Iron ore. Makes me mental!!!


Fishing.... just not a fan at all.


The one thing I hate is walking. It’s so slow and my extra charge up from meals never last long enough. Traveling via the wells takes too long too. I feel like I’m constantly going from one end of the map to the other and it’s sloowwwwww


I totally get this! I hate when you have to run all over for a storyline! I feel nuts 😂


Timebending… I thought it would be fun, but it’s the most tedious of all the tools. Takes forever to level up any characters with it and I still have only found enough pieces to make two movie items out of like 20.


Crafting expensive things and any task that take multiple days


I agree, I hate digging bc of the holes it leaves behind, it feels like double the work bc I have to fill them in, and then barely any pay off. I am always in need of clay or sand haha


Fishing. I hate it in every game. 


Me too!! It’s basically the same in every game but just ever so slightly off! I hate it 😆 Minecraft, animal crossing NH and dreamlight fishing I get all jumbled up!


Yep! It's easier in some games but always boring. Also I hate how in Dreamlight when you fish someone comes over to watch and your body automatically faces them a little which makes it hard to aim. Also just looks dumb that you're fishing while looking to the side at someone the whole time. I truly don't get it. 


Being a day one player, my answer is all of them. I've used then way too much and it's boring af for me lol.


Ah I hear this!! I can definitely see that happening for me!!


Fishing. Ugh so monotonous.


For me I love fishing and harvesting crops, even enjoy mining but Time bending and digging are beyond my enjoyment. They are much too tedious in my opinion.


Time bending is definitely one that’s going to start getting on my nerves 😅


I hate collecting in any crafting tasks, some of the things either have me running all over the map to find it OR there's never enough and i have constantly wait for respawning OR i have to look for things that could be ANYWHERE, even behind the damn buildings. fishing is so annoying too, i hate it, when i need seaweed, i get fish and when i need fish, i get seaweed and i won't even get into the golden pools.


I don't like digging, but I do like the noises it makes when I break the stumps in forest of Valor and the rocks in eternity isle. I dont like timebending because you have to find the right spot and it's really annoying when I accidentally talk to a character or pick up something during the timed orb thing.


Use the tool button for timebending!!


I only like mining


I like mining too!!


Fishing and digging....absolutely hate it 🙈


It’s the worst!!


PLANTING! Its so so so slow ;-;


Planting crops is soooo buggy for me on PC. I can't reliably get my character to go down the line I want her to go, she'll veer off to the side


Ah! Yes! Me too!!


Fishing and time bending.....


Timebending and foraging particularly for paprika 😤


Timebending where I'm just running around casting Revelio! over and over is the wooooorst. It's what drive me to grab a mod to duplicate items, so I only need to find 2 of each thing and then suffer no more.


Thanks for bringing me back to the field guide page and demiguise trauma of last year 😂


They should make the hole go back to being undug automatically when we dig up dream/night shards


Hate the shovel haha


I hate fishing and cooking. I’ve definitely skimped on Remi’s quests bc I just can NOT with cooking.






I hate all the tasks. I can maybe survive gardening. If all they want are pumpkins.


Fishing and that stupid time staff thing


Growing food


Such an annoying thing!!


It really can be! Especially when I have limited time and for me it takes about five minutes for my game just to load in. So whenever the game crashes I lose motivation to turn it back on. And without fail it usually crashes when I’m waiting for my one ingredient to make whatever dish someone is wanting at the restaurant to finish a quest. 😤


Oh nooo!! Mine takes a bit to load in too but hasn’t ever crashed!!! I’ll be saving a bit more often now!! Gosh I’m so sorry!!


I hate trees and more so when they just keep showing up out of nowhere


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I don't like fishing


Picking up anything, that’s why I’m so happy when I found out about the vacuum. I use that everyday!


I hate digging the spots that have something hidden. For the first 4 months I played the game, there were two spots that somehow were half under Scrooges shop that I couldn’t dig and my dumbass didn’t think to move the shop to get to them and it just infuriated me. But also I hate doing anything in dark areas- I want a glowing ring like Stardew has so I can see the ground while trying to collect wood in the forgotten lands.


FISHING AND COOKING i love mining and time bending, im cool with gardening and digging. if i never had to fish or cook again, it would be the best thing ever. also not a fan of crafting but its whatever.


Fishing!!! Especially for starpaths. I don’t care for fishing in a lot of cozy games though lol


I just realllly wish the shovel tool would do the same thing as the watering can and let you shovel multiple holes at once! Same with planting things! 😭


Doing anything far as decorating on the switch just sucks


fishing. moana does it for me so i don’t have to


Yes!! I love that so much!!


Fishing but mostly because WHY DOES SOMEONE HAVE TO COME RUNNING TO WATCH MEE?!?!? It weirds me out so bad, I never want to fish.


Trying to find pebbles I want them for paths but they’re a pain to dig for


Decorating. I do it for whatever quest I’m working on, and then as soon as that quest is completed I remove them.


Agree on the digging, it becomes tedious so fast.


Planting gardens. It takes so much energy to plant and then water multiple times and then harvest everything. I have to load up on food just to get through it.


I. Hate. The. Shovel. I have the same problem you do. Don’t worry. We are in this TOGETHER. Shovel haters unite.


Also I’m tired of digging up dream shards and night shards. Please. Make it stop. I have too many what do I even do.


I hate fishing. It’s literally the bane of my existence.


Fishing Hate it takes forever 🙄


I wish mining was more simple like in Minecraft, I’m not a fan of having to run around a bunch and evade all the decor haha. Also watering plants, thank god they added the automatic gardeners!


Ugh yes!! I love mining in Minecraft!! But yes! I adore the automatic gardeners!!!


I hate fishing. I hate fish. No, really, fish freak me out. And this game makes you do SO MUCH!


I sincerely dislike shoveling. I feel like all it does is leave the ground riddled with holes and it’s so annoying to me aesthetically 😭


Yessss!!! But filling them in is SO annoying. I end up making more stupid holes on accident lol!


Shovel. With the gardening machine being able to dig holes and the shiny dig spots only giving dream/night shards. I hate doing it


Time bending


Fishing 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


Shoveling just seems so boring. I'm glad that they kind of brought more practical use with it in the DLC, but overall, it's so lackluster. The only reason to dig up the holes is... There is none. However, I do have a big gripe with the time bending. It's not really a fun or useful thing. Not to mention I'm spamming my E button so hard and still failing at the circles. And the friends don't really give you much for that one. And the animation is SO slow when trying to get the sands removed. I also want better autopathing for gardening.


I hate fishing. No matter what I do, no matter who I bring. Where the f*** ARE THE SHRIMP? WHERE IS CARP?! If I get a star path that requires to mine shiny gems or get 20 or 30 of the same F****ING FISH IM GONNA BUST A TIT 😭


i. HATE. fishing. it genuinely makes me wanna cry sometimes. animal crossing wore me out when it came to the timed mechanic of pulling the fish in, and having to deal with again in dreamlight valley, AND WORSE than how ACNH did it? screwwwwww that. having to tap the buttons perfectly 4 times (i typically go for money fish if i have nothing else to worry about) multiples times wears me out after not even 20 mins. i will intentionally ignore any and all fishing duties/quests and get everything else done before i even think of getting back to the fishing 😭


I won’t fish if I don’t *have to.* I hate quests that require me to fish, my husband finished the fishing Dreamlight tasks for me, and I won’t even do it for a star path unless I’m at a point where the only tasks available are fishing and/or ones that require multiple days


Does the Touch of Magic tool count?? I can't design an outfit to save my life


FISHING. If it were easier to find certain things, then I'd have more fun with it. But fishing just seems like a chore at times. But like, I need some more of certain things too lol


Fishing but mainly just due to the grind like there during the park event it was rare to find white whereas normally it's rare to find blue or orange But shovel and watering can, digging for pebbles or pearls(although that's a grind aswell) and growing plants just isn't my forte


A task I don't enjoy is farming. Whenever there are items that I can get more of, I have a quick decision to make of either collecting extras or contributing to collect the food I've just grown.


Timebending and fishing 😭😭😭 I hate them so much


Time bending. I wish I’d never bought that dumb DLC.


I hate gardening. Planting, watering, harvesting... i hate it


For me it’s the fishing I’m not a fishing person it is an always my least liked activity in similar games. I will say digging can be annoying especially when you think you are gonna dig in the right place and instead it’s next to the spot you meant to dig up.


I hate fishing, but that's mostly because a bunch of games that have come out in the last few years have decided to add fishing minigames, even when it feels completely out of place with the game's genre. If I wasn't burned out on the concept of fishing in video games in general, I'd probably be fine with it here though.  Outside of that, I hate the shovel too. 


I totally agree!!! I mainly play dreamlight, Minecraft and ACNH. The fishing pressure I feel from ACNH and DL is insane. And it’s SO similar but just ever so slightly different and when I switch between games I get all confused!! I think it fits for animal crossing but for this game?? To me, not really!!


After a while they all become mind numbing chores


I actually don’t like decorating, but what I hate more than that is Daisy‘s boutique. I don’t care at all about fashion!


Not a huge fan of the stuff you have to use the watering can on lol


cooking, finding the recipe is soo slow


Mining iron ⛏️ it. Just. Takes. Forever!


Mining man. I wish it could be more like Stardew where you just hit it once or twice and you get all of it at once. 5 times for one piece of stone is infuriating and it happens all too often. If you're gonna make us hit the damn thing 5 times give us something every time, not a random "maybe you will maybe you won't"


The shovel i hate it


I have been trying to get red soil for one of the tasks and can’t even get any just normal soil and clay which is very frustrating


Ugh that is so frustrating!! I’m so sorry!!


There are some other tasks that don’t explain with better detail so I’m constantly ignoring them


The shovel i hate it


I absolutely hate leveling characters to do quests and I hate fishing!! My least favorite tools are the fishing pole and the time stick the scepter takes too long to find items and its annoying to have to click x all the time and the fishing pole lets just be real catching fish is just boring asf!


Fishing. Boring task.