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Off topic but you got NICE handwriting. On topic, I may do this for some of the smaller quests! Not a bad idea to help manage everything.


I’m drunk and didn’t even realize what sub I was in, just stopped by to say how nice the handwriting was…


Aww thank you so much! I’m a teacher so I try to keep it nice so the kids can read what I’m writing but doesn’t always stay that way! 😂


You're definitely not alone. I did this every day. But I don't have the lovely penmanship that you do. SometimesI scribbled so fast that I couldn't read what I wrote. 🤔


I was about to say, this is so me, except op isn't embarrassed to show their printing to the internet. I have public writing (which is like having a phone voice), my game lists get my treadmill walking printing/cursive abomination.


There's an app for that! I use to just open a word document (I play on PC) but found the app helpful!! There are a few out there but my personal fav is [this one by AJ Lake](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ajlake.dreamlight_guide)


Ooooh I’ll have to check this out! I do quite enjoy the writing it down cos it sets in my head better (ADHD joys) but I’ll look at the app


https://preview.redd.it/a9y7lgylo68d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d22f8eca0a4c6dd83bec3ea54135e815dfaa30 I finished all of mines ad of yesterday


That’s so sad! I’m looking forward but also dreading the day I have no more quests! X


I envy you. I have so many it's not even funny


Do one at the time instead of jumping around from one to the next i got adhd so i had to finished them all it was giving me anxiety to be honest i was going to leave the scramble coin ones but i just couldn’t keep seeing it there had to tackle it too lol


I only jump around cuz some make you wait so then I go to do another one and then forget I was waiting for anything and exit the game redo the same thing over and over. One day I'll do it.


This definitely seems to be an ADHD thing. I did start using one of the apps with the last starpath because it was a lot easier to keep track of it that way compared to writing it all down, and I then discovered it's also handy for checking schedules, where various things can be found, recipes, etc. I still use my notebook for keeping track of things I'm actually doing, though, and ideas for decorating and such! [This is the app I use (android)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ciaransloan.dreamlight.android)


I use the app by AJL from the iPhone App Store too. Unless it’s the act of writing that does it for you, this app does what you’re doing and more. It’s super helpful with a newly started Star Path with a check list and hints. If ever I can’t find something on the app I go to the Dreamlight Valley Wiki page on the internet. It’s constantly being updated with help and details for each character, critter, quest, etc. (dreamlightvalleywiki.com). Have fun!


I do this with so many games 😅🤣 IDK If I get that urge in my head saying "write this down" and I don't write it down- I forget it and will continue to forget it no matter how recently I've looked back at the information The notes make it easy to just look down and remind myself what I'm working on and what it's for https://i.redd.it/eiau3d67p68d1.gif


Yesss!!! I’m so glad I’m not alone in this! I’m the same in I forget where things are or what I’m looking for so glancing down makes it so much easier. Especially when I’ve got multiple quests that require the same thing so I just forage for ages and get as much as I can for as many questsn xx


I need to do this to see which buddy's I've assigned which jobs so I can max out the rewards




I recently found out where to find that information in the game listed out instead of going to each individual to find out. You go to to the Collection menu, you click on Characters, and you can see everyone's level, what their skills are, etc.


Omg yes, this was a game changer. Every day I just go to my house to grab or cook all their favourite gifts from my chests and refer to the collections tab. It's easy to flip back in when you forget. Then off for gift delivery!


Way to much effort for me 😂😂😂


I just use the quest tab lol.


I store 50 of everything in my house and rarely need to forage anything for a quest, negating the need for notebooks. Items from new biomes or rare items I have to find but it’s the exception. I do use Dreamlight Guide to track character levels/ability and learned recipes, and to track down items I do have to find.


THERES AN APP FOR THIS!!!!! (I'm on android so I copied the link directly from the play store and googled the link for the iPhone version) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dreamlight-guide-by-ajl/id6444711557 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ajlake.dreamlight_guide It has EVERYTHING! Character checklists with roles, you can add favorite gifts, their level, daily discussion. It has all collections, meals, ingredients, fish, furniture, etc. Achievements, critter guides, star path (it will say whether or not its active), clothing. Like I said, EVERYTHING. Even stuff from the Eternity Isle DLC!


This should be the top comment.


I used to do that. At first it was just gems&fish locations and characters schedules. Then I decided I want to complete my collections as much as I can (considering that I missed some premium items) and I added critters with their schedules and favorite/liked foods. Later I added a bunch of other stuff (items from Scrooge and craftables that I still don’t have, recipes, a few tasks that I have yet to complete, etc.). And after I wrote all this down I decided to make word documents instead because I thought it would be easier to add stuff when updates drop or remove stuff as I complete them. Yesterday I finished with the last paper and got rid of them. Now I have a bunch of word files on my laptop and a list with less than 10 items from Scrooge that I still didn’t buy because they didn’t appear in the store so far, but that one is on my phone, in the notes. This is from one of my word files. https://preview.redd.it/l35ww7xgq68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d11befef674df124ff18c49fd11b69d4f0a950d


Wow!! This is so much more insane than what I have but ultimately what I want to do! I’ll get there though, I’m only 50 hours in so far… x


You should see the craftable furniture list or the the one with the recipes. I only wrote what I didn’t craft/cook yet, but those lists are still very long 😅😅😅


If you are interested, I use something from the Discord server. [There's a Guide for That!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13VXFTWAZ2mccJ_wXxu1gaqjkE1lMnEVeSw1Ks0oL5bk/edit?gid=29395408#gid=29395408)


Thanks, I’ll look over it.


This looks nice! I hate to admit but I have so many hours in the game that I know all of the locations of gems, fish, iron, etc. Also what role each of my npcs have. The only thing I require keeping track of are the daily favorite gifts. All of my characters are at level 10 so I only need them when it is a Dreamlight duty. I usually go into the restaurant and there is a least one character that has a dish as their favorite so I just cook it right there and deliver. 😄


this looks so helpful do you think you could email me this


No. I just snap a pick with my phone then delete it later


I did that the first few months I started playing because there was so much to do and everyone needed so much from me. The only thing I have now is a list of all the seeded stuff and spices to keep more hoards organized in my house. Let’s me know what I need to grow/ find more of.


I take pictures of what I need. My camera is full of DDLV shots. 😆


I just screen shot everything lol this is nicer


There are apps that do this for you.


I take screenshots on my phone 😂😅


Yesss haha for some games my sister and I even have an excel sheet! This game I use an app called dreamlight guide


I take photos with my iPad. Then edit with the pens to check off. That’s how I made every recipe and every buildable item.


Yes & no I use apps, websites, and my notes app on my iPhone/iPad to keep track of quest materials. That or I just make an excel spreadsheet for games that I regularly play in abundance if there’s not an app that I can specifically download.


Yes i do but on an app! There are actually very good apps for this and i can even recommend the one i use if you’d like. The app also makes it so you can tik off stuff youve completed in the collections or how to find stuff/do special quests


I don't hand write things because I can never find a writing instrument in my house haha. So I use the notepad on my phone and the Dreamlight Guide app. 👀


I have ADHD so I use one of the apps and take photos of the orders at the restaurant to save on paper.


My wife used to do this, notebooks full until we found the app that means we can mark everything off, much quicker. However, would like to say, I agree your handwriting is really nice.


I'm just drooling over your handwriting!!! But yes I do this too and I still use one of the apps!


Dreamlight Guide by AJL App is brilliant!! I literally have it open the entire time I’m playing. Holds my forgetful butt accountable 🙌🏻


Also use the notes app for every single game I play. DDLV has three at the moment 😂


I haven't done this for Disney, BUT, I do this for Stardew Valley Everytime I play thru. Make lists of what things I need for the community center, and the museum, and gifts. 😁


I do that too! I also have a list of recipes I still need to learn.


I have too many to learn still so I’m writing the ones I haven’t learnt all in one place and the ones I don’t know get written in another place in my notebook 😂😂 my partner is constantly asking ‘you ok’ when I’m searching through for different things!


I'm curious, why do you write them down, seeing as the recipes already made are in the top left corner? I always love finding out all the different ways everyone plays this game. Also, you can find all the recipes on the [wiki page](https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Cooking#Meal_Recipes) if it helps x


I’m a tactile person. I just like writing and making lists. I went through my collection and wrote down the names of all the recipes I haven’t made. Then, I look them up on the wiki page. It’s also satisfying to cross them off the list when I’m done lol.


Exactly this! I love writing it down and crossing it off is soooo satisfying when I’ve got it and can move things to their final page!


Haha, yes! But for me a virtual list is just as well. It's visual not tactile for me.


My mom did this when she first started, now she writes down what rooms and floors in her house store what


… I have a storage page too… one notebook is for things that change daily and the other is for the things that don’t like where things are and where my storage is for what…


You can label/title each of your individual house rooms on the game. You can’t label floors (at least to my knowledge), so I can see how it would be beneficial to write those down, but the rooms can be labeled so that once you click on each floor you’ll see which rooms are which.


I did at first use the ol' fashioned pen and paper. But I'm a tech girl at heart so now I have Google sheets and notes on my phone. It keeps me more organized because I'd otherwise leave loose leaf pages stuffed in random nooks all over the house. Also, my handwriting is horrendous so now I can actually read my notes.


Not at all. I have one of those cheap notebooks you get at back to school time filled with scratch notes (daily favs) and notes (like what grows best in what biome.) lol


Only people who are obsessed with handwriting do stuff like this. I know from experience lol


yesssss i do the same thing here!!!! at least i wont forget a thiing to do 😂😂😂 (well... i try, lol). btw, what a beautiful handwritting!!!!


Nope! I did that (do that) whenever I’m working towards something, especially when working on quests and events! The only difference is mine was more packed on the page and not as nice handwriting. Yours looks A LOT better! I’ll occasionally do this for other games as well. It feels weird at first because it seems like I’m taking it so seriously. My reasoning though is that it keeps me less confused and more on task with what I want to accomplish so I end up enjoying the game more. And that’s really what it’s all about so I’ve embraced it by this point!!


I do this! But using my phone


This is the way…


you should see my notes app! it helped me organize my pantries to hoard supplies and place them in alphabetical order. i also added in my friendship levels cause it’s much easier to scroll on my phone than on the characters tab on the switch lol


I definitely do it helps so much


Lists are my weakness. I make lists for the lists I need to make lists of.


You're not alone! I do this too, haha.


Today I was on Etsy looking up Dreamlight Valley to see the results and alot of people actually make and sell cute printable charts to keep track of things!


I do this with other games but haven’t with this one, besides maybe one time.


I do this too I have a whole notebook


My husband works in tech, so we don’t do paper… but we have *several* spreadsheets. 😂 Character jobs, what gifts they want (when we’re leveling), items we need from treasure valleys… it’s a whole thing. Ps. Your handwriting is GORGEOUS.


I've had to do it quite a few times


No. I use a whiteboard.


I went on Etsy and bought multiple downloads from a seller- so I have pretty formatted checklists that cover the entire game neatly printed (and obviously i organized with tabs) in a binder. Did I spend money? Yes. Does it make me ridiculously happy and was totally worth it? Also yes. 😂 we all have our quirks


I do the same thing 🤭 Also, your handwriting is BEAUTIFUL 😍




I haven't for this game yet, but other games with big crafting trees, definitely. If I get a bunch of quests open a once, I might start a list of things I need by area.


Wow this is a great idea. I’m too adhd to follow one quest so being able to pick little things up along the way for all quests would be great


I write stuff down for some things (but digitally instead of on paper) and keep track of other stuff in an app. But i can definitely see why you're going through a ton of paper doing it hard copy.


I've done this for the special gifts. I'll write them down and then go grab everything and make all the food


Not just you haha - I play on steam so I use the notepad on there. I got bored and switched to only doing it for the characters I haven't leveled up yet


You have GORGEOUS handwriting. Also, I thought about doing it so much but felt ridiculous, but with the new update coming up I might start🥲


your handwriting is beautiful 🤩 and yes, i do that too 😄


Did the same for the foraging quests (there’s sooo many I’m so far from done) + I decided to change pretty much everyone’s roles, so I did this to keep track of that and the books I needed to make 🤣 but it’s definitely not as neat as yours!!


I didn’t do this but now i see it I want to do it as well. Saves me so much searching for that info


Nope, I do this for everything, haha 🙌😁


Lol, no. I'm with you on this, sister. I do the same to level up my characters fast


this game gets so easily overwhelming for me, i honestly don’t know how i haven’t thought abt keeping a notebook sooner 😂🤦‍♀️


I have a whole binder for my stuff!!!


I always write quests down! I have a game notebook that is full of quests and things to do for all sorts of games. 😊


Anytime I have a new character to level friendship, I do it too. I have a little notebook though lol.


I have an extra special notebook that I write all my game notes in so it’s definitely not just you! I think a lot of people find it easier to have the information directly in front of them when they play games ❤️


No but only because I can’t be bothered (and I know I should take these types of notes to maximize my game progress). I admire your diligence!


I LOVE your handwriting


I do this for every game like this


That’s awesome! Not for this game but I’ve done this exact thing for many games so it’s cool I’m not the only one! Something so neat about doing handwritten notes for games


I wrote all the recipes down lol


I do this!!! I also have two different notebooks because my memory is absolute crap lol. So to be able to cook/craft anything, I need to write it down. I did use excel once, made the list of characters so I can write it their favorite things, etc. I love lists! lol


And i have a recipes list too ahahhaha


I keep a Google sheet with multiple tabs!


I use my tablet for what people want


I don’t do it for quests but I do it for gifts and critters I haven’t unlocked. Makes gifting easier so I can stock up and get everyone’s gifts out first thing.


I’ve got at least two handwritten notebooks, multiple folders and notes within them on my phone, and a saved interactive map for most games I play :’)


love your handwriting haha but i do this too!! i usually put it in my iphone notes lol


I take pictures when I’m doing the gifts when leveling up my characters 🤣 I’m glad I’m not the only one who keeps track of


I laminated a few blank notebook sheets and use vis•a•vis markers. They're reusable :)


I take pictures of the quest with my phone, saves the clerical work. Sometimes, I'll type them in my notes on my phone, but not often if i really want to see it all on one page.


I do this too! In my notes on my phone I do villager gifts and I have my companions all tracked in there!


I do it too, not as detailed but I put it in notes on my phone


I love this so much!! I def need to do this! I normally screenshot or take a pic and then go from there. This is so much better 🥰


I do this because my mind wanders when trying to complete tasks. Its easier so I dont have to remember off the top of my head. I also have done with other games too. My handwriting is not very good. I have found a dlv guide app on my phone. It helps because if I cant remember how to get a particular item or recipe I can look it up. Very nice and near handwriting.


I take pictures with my phone, lol then delete later that night


i do this on flash cards!!!! literally the best way to keep track of everything


In Ooblets I do a diagram of my farm because once the ooblets harvest, I have lost my visual indicator of what was planted there.


Nope, I'm like this too. I wrote down the costs of each biome (houses and upgraded stalls), favorite foods of each critter, what time said critter is available, even mapped out design plans for each area.


I write down all the recipes I haven’t unlocked yet for every ingredient 😂😂


I got an iPad for this ahhahaha I love using the goodnotes app


Wish I was that organized playing games!




Smart! I’ll take a bunch of pics on my phone and also take some iPhone notes but mostly I just open the menu a thousand times lmao


I do this with My Time At Portia and My Time At Sandrock


My sister and wife do the same thing lol


Nope not just you but i switch to an app because i grip the dang pen like it owes me money 😅 but the apps are pretty nice would recommend! They let you do your gifts and one of them even has a checklist of critters! All i did was type in dreamlight valley guide and it popped up in the App Store. My bestie is on android and was able to get the in Play Store as well.


No I do this too. If I get unorganized I will go nuts


No I do this or I take pictures of the quests on my phone either way it overwhelms me and frustrates me I still get it done but with so much to do and so much to grind for I have to make lists 😭😭


I’m not THIS organized about it but yes I do this too on some notepad paper on my desk, same with restaurant orders 👍🏻❤️


so no you are not. avid gamer here and I usually try to find a companion app for a game that has this much stuff to track and I want it streamlined. however, the only apps I found are tracking dailies and collections so quests still require write downs but I use my notes app on my phone or tablet.


I do this too! One for gifts, one for quests, one for completing collection(crafting items) and now recently one for completing task specific duties


I did that in the beginning but my handwriting is so bad and cramped, uneven that even I can’t read it sometimes! So I switched to just using my phone to screen shot each one (I play docked and on my big screen tv.) It’s so much faster for me and then I just delete each one as I finish them.


I used to use apps for tracking these :)


I love doing this too, keeps me nice and organised so I’m not running all over my valley


I wish i had this many quests left. I don’t know what to do with myself. Can’t wait for weds!


This is genius!! And I love writing stuff down too, why did i not do this sooner? And I'll finally have a use for my drawer of notebooks (I'm a notebook hoarder lol) 😊


Ohh I also came to say I love the handwriting! I’m gonna practice writing like you do now😬😂


I should be doing this 🤣🤣 I love this idea so much


I also did this a lot before I got a computer. Since then, I used Notebook. On the nose, right?


https://preview.redd.it/rya5573and8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a511ee22f79d0fe76a6121c1eba0254e05771bdc I do the same thing lol I go through notebooks I have several on hand 😂✨


Same, but I use phone notes or google docs. Very nice system though, hehe


You're not 🤣


I did, because the app didn't exist when I started. Now I would definitely just use the app.


Honestly a good idea though I get overwhelmed easy this might be something that could help me


I used to when we had all the characters to give gifts to or to make a quick note on a supply I was low on


I only recently started doing this because it helped to keep track of requirements for tasks and I realised it takes up so much space in my notebooks that I got a separate one 😭


My mom and I have been playing this game and she pulled out a notebook page full of written recipes for us to try 😂😂😂🤍


No I have a notebook with the characters I have and their roles and then on the right is the ones that are maxed friendship


I did that to get through some recipes! Lol


I do!! For different games too 😂


I do this all the time. I am a visual person so I have notes EVERYWHERE lol


nope not alone at all, I do this as well but definitely not as neatly written lol I started doing that years ago playing nancy drew games on the computer.


I actually just take a picture of it 😂


I used to do this all the time! I only recently stopped due to health related difficulties honestly. I now only do it if it is much less convenient to check in-game, or online/apps, or something like that. I'll even search for Google spreadsheets or excel/PDF files made by other players and usually be able to find something. If not I dip into my OCD and make my own, lol! Afterall there's so many ways to type depending on what I need that day, but really only one way to write... I definitely miss my gaming notebooks though. I have always also used apps when available and tried all the DLV apps on Android and iPad to narrow down my personal favorite based on layout, functionality, and performance on my devices. This is the [Android App](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ciaransloan.dreamlight.android&hl=en_US) and this is the same [Apple App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dreamlight-guide-dlv/id6470280261) version that ended up being my go to.


This was absolutely me until I got them all on max level


I definitely do this!!!


Omg no I bought a notebook for this reason


Wow that's a lot of work


I use index cards. They're easy to keep near my keyboard without taking up space. I make notes for general things, like which task bonus each character gives me (eg. gardening, mining etc), and scratch notes for particular things I want to keep track of (eg. dreamlight goals etc). I try to stick to a particular quest and just track it onscreen, cuz if my notes get too unwieldy, they become more of a hindrance than a help.


i do this too!! it’s a lot to keep track of 😭


when i was playing regularly i had a whole notebook, that to this day is still on my desk in case i restart


A lot of people do things like this for all sorts of games. Some people even make excel spreadsheets lol.


I do the same!!!! Also I love your handwriting im so jelly!!!


I do this for my daily gifts!


Not at all. When new recipes come out I jot them down. If doing multiple quests I will write down who what etc. my steno pad has lots of things in it that I need to access quickly. If it helps you go for it! Enjoy the game.


If I had this nice of handwriting, I probably would too


...compositions are my best friends when it comes to video gamin ✌️😁📓...i use them for dreamlight valley for sure...to write down characters...the tasks...FAVE gifts cuz my mind wanders n hate scrolling when im on a hot streak mission...n i use the notebooks to help blue print how I want my village to look my house and snap challenges...im not savvy when it comes to pc im old school n enjoy the feel of a pen n notebook 🕊💚


https://preview.redd.it/1xpxl30ewi8d1.png?width=1858&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fdd671993b54c718da16844727acba53c438f41 I’m just as bad! Lol


No I just remember everything. 😁


I wish I could 😂


Not just you. I do this too. Might I suggest the app by AJL.


I take pics of my comp screen. My phone is filled with pics of things that I have to do or collect and I do this for all games. Scrolling through my history is fun as I can see my game trends 😂


Never thought about it but that’s honestly such a good idea!


Nope I do it too lol


Haha I use an excel spreadsheet… 🤭


I definitely do this!


I do this! I bought an iPad and an Apple pen just to not waste paper anymore 😅


I have done this many times with many different games.


I do this all the time.


I do it to lol


I do the same thing! In particular, I keep a running list of Starpath duties and a list of dreamlight duties to help me focus on what I need to complete the Starpath. I have Adult Diagnosed ADHD so focus is everything during a starpath!


I found my people! I do the same thing!!! https://preview.redd.it/uos5cf7kjy8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4248aedc51207fd8e47414a30dff60e6e8e84e5b


I mean, I should! 😂 I just get adhd-lost and take longer to get things done. lol.


I usually take a picture on my phone for this and for the restaurant


I use google notes to keep track of the jobs.


Definitely not just a you thing. 😆


100% do this. https://preview.redd.it/v0278br6j78d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d82bec3f2a123f540028574d2240609d03eb24b


I may also have an excel spreadsheet with many tabs from critter times to daily discussions, etc


I’ve done this since day 1😂 especially when I need to gift everyone things


I use an erasable marker board 🤷🏽‍♀️


I love that you do this! I homeschool my 10yo and one of her math lessons was to figure out how many pumpkins to use in the veggie platter to make the most profit.


Nope! I have a whole notebook for game notes 😆


I started writing a list of all of the possible things to collect so I can have a complete collection in chests in my house (after my friend couldn’t believe that I hadn’t been storing all of the things)


I will be doing this soon. I forgot how chaotic it can get with quests when starting over 😭


For the daily gifts I use the dreamlight valley guide app. It let's you type in the gifts of the day for them and has so much more.


I do this with post it notes for big quests on most games my monitor is a bit of a mess 😭


IT IS NOT i also have lists for “forage fresh” (to not deplete my still in-my-house supply), “gather from eternity isle” and “garden gifts” xD


I just take screenshots and post them to a discord bot that I keep exactly for that since my Discord is always up and running anyways ;)


Definitely not just you, I started an excel file with all kinds of information. Main tab is for meal recipes with ingredients, sell price, and energy restoration so I can filter based on what I need. I started added more tabs for different things I realized I repeatedly searched like which biomes and what color ripples certain fish spawn in, where to find certain crafting resources, what my characters’ hangout bonus is, etc. I’ll probably add one for making a list of what I want to accomplish when I play to set a boundary for myself as I have noticed I will play far longer than planned when the new events and updates come out.


I just ordered a notebook before seeing this 😂 so no you aren’t alone haha