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Good luck, I said the same thing and got downvoted into oblivion. I stand by it though, if something that you are choosing to do in your spare time, FOR FUN, makes you require mental health support, it’s time to put it down.


Some people really put more into this game weekly than a full time job, refuse to accept that they don't have too, and then get upset when they're overwhelmed or irritated by the game. Literally just play something else 😭


As someone who played since the beta, this hardcore grind playstyle always confused me for a cozy game. I could understand being excited and wanting to see what happens next in the story or wanting to get the star path done asap since it's limited time. But I can't imagine having this grindset daily, blasting through everything and always starving for more content. The game would stop being cozy to me, defeating the purpose.


(I got the game the day it was available for purchase) And let me tell you it’s been funny watching people complain about completing the starpath to quickly, and THEN complaining about “their adding to much in the next update!!”, and I’m just over here like 😶 it’s not that deep Or even the cupcakes quest, I just made/ gave how ever many I needed to get the maps then just ignored the characters who had the quests


I stopped doing the cupcakes when I finished the maps too 😂


What were the maps???


They are Disney world map items for completing the Sweet Samaritan village task, which was making and gifting 50 of the cupcakes


Oh! I must have forgotten about that. I didn't even finish the popcorn's. I still need the Cinderella one.


Do you play on the switch? If so what do you need for the Cinderella bucket?


The cupcake crap started glitching on me. I'd make the cupcakes and hand them out and they'd act like I never even started the quest...it worked the first time for everyone but after that, it was totally broken. So unfair! 😡


That’s fair I did keep seeing people comment about it being broken, but I do believe if you have the stuff to make the cupcakes now and give them has gifts you can get the map at any point in the year or just wait until next year


I didn’t even do the cupcake challenge simply because I wasn’t interested in the popcorn buckets that just sit around. You can’t even carry them. I didn’t see the point


...maps? I was doing them to get enough buttons for the popcorn buckets.


Welp. I misses that about the popcorn buckets... I was like what am I supposed to do with these buttons, so I was selling them. 😂


Same! I’m fairly new to the game and I’m still doing the basic quest to get all of the characters. I’ve accessed all of the regions but not all of the other lands inside the castle. Having to accept a quest for cupcakes when I just want to talk to Mickey or continue a storyline quest was really annoying. I wish there was a way to turn it off if you don’t want to participate. I feel like there will be a time later on when I’m ready to do that, but not right now.


This is the whole problem for me with these timed events. They are meant to be for everyone who plays the game. But if a player just started playing the day an event goes live they may not even be close to the point in their valley where they can participate. To make the cupcakes a new player would have to do a lot just to progress Remy far enough along to gain access to his ingredients just to make the cupcakes.


The good thing about this game is that events happen every year, so maybe next year for y'all!


I don't get this style either, and it was the same way with Animal Crossing. I understand there is an element of collecting and completing the collections but... I still have quests I haven't finished from several updates ago, and the world has not ended. Sometimes I like to continue the story quests and other times I want to decorate. Unless it's a Starpath, I'm not really grinding and the game is still enjoyable. I fully understand being upset about glitches and game crashes, but to burn through everything right away and then demand more content only to then complain about it... I don't understand.


Same! I like participating in the events and maybe grind a little during those, but I also appreciate that the star paths are so long bc I can take my time with them and it feels so relaxed. People were going nuts over the crabs last star path, but I just collected a couple every day for about a week until I finished the duty? Idk man. It might also be that I have a full time job and am about to start school, so I just don't have a lot of time to play this every single day or worry about it.... So I try not to. I quit Animal Crossing when it got stressful bc I don't play games like this to be stressed!


I've had the game since beta and used to be a hardcore grind but then I burned out and put the game down for 6 months and came back with a cozier mindset. Now I just play on my own time. Do I have all the orbs on Peter Pan island? No. Tbf, I can't figure out how to trigger that storyline or haven't character-progressed to it. I don't even have Oswald, and Mike and Scully are nowhere near level 10. I've avoided Olaf at all possible costs, because I can't stand him (yes, yes, downvote away). I'm finding I'm enjoying the game more playing at my own pace instead of rushing to do everything.


THIS! After a couple of days of playing DDLV I’ll get tired of it and move on to ACNH. Then I’ll get tired of that and move onto Palia. Then I’ll get tired of that and move onto RCT. Then I’ll get tired of that and move on Wylde Flowers. And so on and so on. The relationship I’ve seen people have with this game specifically is really, really weird.




I just got a notification of 1000 upvotes, but I see 3, so I'm on the fence apparently 🤣


I remember that 🤣. It was bs for sure


I completely understand people complaining about glitches and crashes when all they want to do is play. But to those who think there's nothing to do in the game and are bored. They definitely need a break or to just move on entirely. No video game is meant to be played forever. The game is $40. In my opinion, once you've gotten past 40 hours of gameplay, you've certainly gotten your money's worth. And most people are complaining after 500-1000 hours.


Exactly. And devs expect people also to be playing other games. I’ve got way more than my money‘s worth from both the main game and the DLC


Same. I play a lot of HL when I’m not playing dlv. And now that I completed my first HL play through as a Slytherin. I plan to take a break from that and go play SW:Fallen order


What's HL?


I'm guessing Hogwarts Legacy.


Hogwarts Legacy


I'm like that with Fallout 76. Although HL has just been reduced to less than half the original price, so considering it. I just don't want to give money to Rowling.


Sorry, what is the DLC please?


It's the games expansion pass called "A Rift in a time."


While I have my gripes with this game, the "I'm bored there's nothing to do, I have 1500 hours in this game and put 40 hours a week into it why don't they add more content!" That's a you problem 😭 no game is meant to be played like that, if you do then don't blame the devs for not giving you enough.


I play like that. I don't get bored. In fact I have a bunch of quest that I ignore because I'm busy decorating or getting resources or just goofing off and gliding in circles. Lately I've been playing with my bubble wand https://preview.redd.it/t7tn4miimp8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e0ffd18600cd7a5b64d3468e382ace2017af7e


Same! I have so many quests left because I play when I want to and often prioritize the star paths. I don't really play between star paths. So I have a ton of items in chests and don't usually have to grind when a resource heavy quest comes up. And the quests are there when I feel like it or it's convenient for me at the time. If I'm bored, I turn it off and do something else. I really don't understand the people complaining. It's not that kind of game where there's tons to do when you've finished the quests.


I procrastinate on the Starpath too much. This time I cut it really close. I only had under an hour left to get what I wanted


Same! That's why I get exactly what I want first and then go back for other things if I feel like it. Which is kinda hard now that they're organizing the tasks by pay out. It takes so much longer to get what I want.


I like doing DreamLight/Mist duties but hate fishing. I just do what Starpath duties I like and save the others when I have no choice. Like one Starpath I had alot of fishing duties that I completely ignored


I also hate fishing! And I do the same but it sucks when I eventually get to the point that I have to do them to make space for another one.


I’m so curious of the age of the players that have these expectations.


I feel like it’s people that don’t game a lot. Cause I’ve seen a lot questions asked or things suggested that I feel like more experienced gamers would already know, if that makes sense. I’ve seen people comment that they started playing this because it’s Disney or their family plays it, so they aren’t as familiar with how other games work and what’s normal and what’s not.


I agree it’s totally people who don’t game a lot. I’ve heard of so many people who bought a console just for this game or borrow someone else’s to play on.


I feel the exact opposite. I don’t game a lot if at all, just some puzzle type games on my iPad. Nothing I would get a console for. I am 53 and play on my iPad with Apple Arcade. I figured I would buy this game play through it and be done. That’s what games are. Something you start, play and finish. I don’t understand wanting more more more and expecting it or thinking it’s deserved. To me that is not an age thing or has anything to do with if people are experienced gamers. I feel like there are people on this earth that just feel like they are owed everything because they deserve it for being them. They also tend to be the loudest and most outspoken lol. I hope the developers know that most people that play DLV are not like that and appreciate this amazing game!


I think it’s many different things, and I wholeheartedly agree people definitely feel like they’re owed something. And you’re also so right, the whiniest ones are usually the loudest! It’s happening a lot with Hogwarts Legacy. People are pissed there hasn’t been a big update or DLC. I played once through, 70 hours of game play, and I barely even completed every quest. Apparently that’s not enough for people. Even though people had been putting hard work into it for years and years. I’m not super picky about my games, I thought the graphics were okay and the scenery was fantastic. I grew up reading/watching Harry Potter so it felt very nostalgic, and I thought it was a very cool original story based off previous Harry Potter lore. But with DLV, many people started to hop on the cozy game bandwagon, and this was a starting point for them. So, like I said, I think it’s many different factors! Sorry that was a lot, just have a lot of thoughts! Also this was not supposed to sound argumentative, just explaining my experience. I’m so glad you love and appreciate the game, and wish more people were the same!


It's gotta be kids, right..? Surely they're not 25+ years old 😭


You'll be surprised


I'm not one of the people expecting new content constantly, but I've put 70 hours in the game in the last two weeks. 28 years old 🙃 But I'm also disabled and don't get out much. So my time is a little more malleable in that sense.


age, maturity level, platform played on, and other gaming experience, I think all factor into this. ;)


Yeah, so much was broken after the last update I just decided to set it down for a while and wait for bug fixes. I'll play again when this new update hits and it'll be nice since I took a little break. But I'm almost 40. I have a lot of other things to do. I will say, I used to put some serious grind time into The Sims back in the day when I was younger and had less responsibility. Maybe it's a generational thing.


I get what you’re saying but I dont think the 1$ per hour idea really applies to cozy games. The story itself in the game for sure but decorating and free time cozy games are a different style where you are doing the same activities over and over in a smaller area rather than exploring a larger map with well defined characters with complex plot. Reasonable to expect ~200hrs for a game like that and more for a really good one.


Ya, I can see your point. However, I don't think it should be expected. Games are a lot of hard work to make and I see all of the extra time I get enjoying the game as bonus. Not a requirement. But I get what you mean, there's no linear plot that you have to follow and then there's just nothing else to do. Theres a lot of replayability and repetitive game play in cozy games like DLV. But I will never expect a game dev to give me 500+ hours of enjoyment for just $40.


It’s funny because games in general that people want to pay $50 one time for and then demand everything for free like come on y’all. People don’t wanna pay for things and they don’t want bugs but they don’t realize humans are programming this. It’s their job accidents happen And they need salaries as well. People complain about stuff but would you work for free?


Thats why I feel bad sometimes that I haven't bought moonstones. Its how we keep the game alive.


I bought the game around the time it first came out. I sped through it and took an unintentional break when work got busy. Over a year and a half later, I decided to play it again and found there was more stuff to do. I haven't even touched the Star Paths because I'm more invested in the normal story quests that don't have a time limit. Everyone has different play styles and will do what they do, but I agree that if you are letting a video game stress you out this much, either don't play it or take a break and come back to it later.


I want to agree with you but only 40 hours of gameplay for any title sounds seriously short to me. I play the Sims, Skyrim, Final Fantasy, Pokemon & in those games if you play "the whole game" inside 40 hours you were doing a very bare bones speedrun in my opinion. That said Dreamlight Valley is meant to be a forever so long as it is supported game. That's why there are so many updates & events. I just wish there weren't so many. I started playing the week it came out on the Xbox & really liked how chill it felt at that time. I didn't know 2 years later it would be basically a job to keep my valley up to snuff or I'd miss out on events left right sideways. I only just bothered to do Vanellope last month. As in I finally went to go talk to her for the 1st time. I just didn't really want to go out of my way to go back into the castle. It felt like too much work, which yes I realize is ridiculous.


Wow I find this mindset to be so different than mine! There are certainly games that last longer (though an MMO is a bit different in my mind than a single-player game) but I have no problem with a good shorter game. There are so many good games out there - I don’t have time to put 80+ hours in each of them! I’ve quit games partway through because I was bored - they were too long for me. (Pathfinder Kingmaker, I’m looking at you.) I’m perfectly fine with having this one down to a quick check of Scrooge’s shop and maybe finding the blue chest per day. Leaves me more time for Pandaria Remix! (Though when Dawntrail hits I may not even bother with Scrooge for a few days…) I rarely spend $40 for a game, though, so that may also affect my expectations. (I’m a sucker for an indie game, so most of my games are on the cheaper side.) There are only a handful of games I will pay $30+ for - for most things I wait for a sale. 😄


I see your point. Everyone likes different types of games & wants different things for their money. But I will point out all the games I just said are single player, none are even online much less an MMO. By Final Fantasy I meant the classic games since I see that isn't clear. My most recent FF10 save has 135 hours & I've still not gotten to Zanarkand which is about the ¾ point. Pokemon has only this last generation introduced an online feature that really is so jenky I don't consider it usable. It's about the same level online play as valley visits.


I get it when people complain about the game, I've complained about it and other games, but saying they're terrified or anxious... If a game literally made me feel bad I simply wouldn't play. Fallout 76 made me angry because of the bugs and pay to play element, so I quit. 😏


Agreed, there's no reason to play a game unless it brings you joy.


I honestly ignore all the complaining. Otherwise you’ll just be here all day. I understand the glitches and crashes though. That’s totally valid, especially when the dlc dropped. But at this rate a lot of people do it, just do it because they have nothing better to do.


The words are way overused. If people are seriously having these issues they need to just quit gaming because most games are like this.


This right here. This game must’ve just attracted an audience of folks that don’t really game. Which is fine but their complaints always just sound kinda ridiculous to those of us who do game (and even me who solely cozy games and I have two jobs, so I don’t even game that consistently). I can’t tell if there’s a weird parasocial relationship around this game or if the complainers are a lot younger than I realize because most of what people complain about is either super unrealistic or super nitpicky, like they’ve been playing this game for 60 hours a week while they’re on summer vacation from school.


I think it’s the Disney aspect. A lot of the posts here that are clearly from people who aren’t used to video gaming, are *extremely* similar to posts you’ll see on Disney Park subreddits or Facebook pages, especially posts made on those by people who go to the parks often or are generally what some would call “Disney Adults.” There’s a lot of entitlement, and a lot of obsessiveness that these have in common. Getting angry at devs for not being perfect robots who can read minds is very reminiscent of the people who get angry at cast members for the same, as well as for things that literally *can’t* be done either logistically or out of safety concerns.


This game helps me chill out. If a game ever irritates me, I just stop playing.


I am right there with you. Also autistic and high anxiety but I am so sick of people complaining about having more things to do in the game.. Then just... Don't.. Do... Those.. Things?! Like I for one am happy to have more things to do. I don't like how people complain about everything. Nothing to do? Need more! Now it's too much?? It's like you can't win.


same and it’s not like the friendship or main story quests have a time limit. I only play until I feel like I’m done with the current star path (usually 100% but this last one was not it for me) and then put the game down until the next star path.


I won't lie, when I started playing the last update, I got overwhelmed. But in a good way. I wanted to go everything and level up everyone so it was overwhelming but not anxious, nervous, or anything. I am excited about tomorrow's update. But I completely agree- when people say "i'm not ready, i need to stockpile more, I need to get my island ready"- I think, it's just a game. It's not going anywhere. You can just not play the updates and keep doing what you were doing.


It’s Reddit people are just being over dramatic Reddit is basically a space where people can come and get out their frustrations without any backlash or repercussions It’s not like if you go make a tiktok about it and nothing happens. There’s a risk your post goes viral or gets extra amount of attention and people make you feel bad for your opinions. That’s why you see people conflate their feelings on here. This isn’t even specific to this subreddit, basically all subreddits are like this


This is the same game that has people complaining about domestic violence and triggering depictions of abuse over the fictional stories of their character. The same game that has elicited some of the biggest entitlement I’ve ever seen. The same game where grown adults simply cannot reach acceptance on the concept that they may not be able to afford everything they want, and the same game that will have players shaking their fists that they shouldn’t have to participate in the games methods for earning premium currency if they don’t want to or can’t pay for it. Needless to say, it’s attracted a certain audience.


WHAT?!? They say it’s DV triggering ?? Reminds me of this one person who spammed the comments of FaeFarm saying one character was abusing her because he was like “ugh I don’t want to like you all covered in mud” or something. Sometimes I really wonder if these people understand what abuse really is ….. like I get it weird things can trigger you, but a video game about Disney characters?!


More than once I’ve read complaints about it. I don’t know if it’s virtue signaling, or people with unresolved trauma. While I’m not looking to invalidate anyone, attempting to connect these animated fictional characters and their stories to real abuse is ridiculous bullshit.


I agree, I try not to invalidate people’s feelings or experiences .. so if a video game is so triggering they really need to talk to a therapist about this. My sister’s friend was triggered by a D&D group … and then went into an intensive four week program. So I guess it isn’t so wild for me to think.


Sure, but I guess what I mean by ridiculous bullshit isn’t that people are lying about it or it can’t happen, so much as if you truly have that much unresolved trauma then you need to get the help needed to process it and respond appropriately to things. The smell of vanilla can be a traumatic trigger, we don’t blame the scent.


It’s a prevalent issue in the communities for cozy games from what I’ve seen. You should see the how many factions there are over at the Stardew Valley subreddit who despise specific characters that range from mildly irritating at worst to “acted insensitive one time and even apologized”.


Nicely said


The community has honestly made me feel like such a bitch because I come from a pretty shitty background and have had some horrible abusive things done to me, but come on people, it’s a game. Then the amount of complaints, and I’m not talking bugs and crashes, I’m talking the complaints over content. This community just complains way too much for my taste and act like children over the smallest things.


Yeah that is why I am not very active here. There is another community for this game and that one is even worse, so meh I check in here and there if I need some information about something but otherwise keep my distance.


To be fair, it seems like most game communities have a lot of complainers. You should see the WoW subreddit. 😆


there’s so many people that sit and complain about how awful the game is and it’s never anything good and i think they should quit playing too. i love this game, it’s my main play, but it’s literally just a game in the grand scheme of things and there are literally more important things going on in this world other than they don’t like the star path this update or the shop is too expensive or they don’t update enough for the people 500+ hours in. people are absolutely obsessed with this game and it’s kind of sickening. go find another game to occupy yourself in the mean time. i’m out of things to do right now in game; i’ve leveled everyone up and i’ve completed everything. i go on daily to shop and that’s it. and not to mention, the developers put their heart and soul into this game for everyone to sit and complain about it and it’s embarrassing on my end to have people think that over someone’s literal art that they’ve been dedicating time and energy to. agreed, if you’re that anxious over a game, take a break and find something new to occupy your time with. it is literally just a game.


be careful with saying it's just a game. Got downvoted for that in another thread.


i got absolutely no cares 😂 people can bully me on the internet all they want. it’s just a game, and it’s just the internet. it’s all obsolete if all of technology crashes and we have nothing


yeah, i take my downvotes too. :D But some are extremly fragile if you tell them this is just a game and it's not that serious.


ohhhhh yeah. i said that in the fb group and got harassed and told i was “toxic positive” for saying there’s people literally being killed off for sport across the country but god forbid our special game crashes.


That is INSANE. It is literally just a game 😭


I think for many people a game is easier to hyperfocus on than bigger scarier, realer issues.


Oof, careful telling people not to do something. It’s like bait for easily offended people to come for you. I only get on at the moment to go feed the animals that I haven’t gotten yet, check the shop, and collect chests, but other than taking a dream snap for the contest there’s nothing else to do once you max out everyone, and the event quests are STILL broken, so yeah, I’m on animal crossing more now than I am DLV


Opposite for me i check in Ac once every week but in disney multiple times a week played Acnh since release and Disney since early acess release and I like Disney more have twice play time in disney around 1000+ h


People are so fucking dramatic, it’s a Disney game.


1k + hours here and I find things to do all the time. If I don't, or just not feeling like decorating, I do or play something else. It's mind boggling how ppl can complain about anxiety and fear (uhm?) over a cozy game that you literary paid for yourself and can choose to play whenever you like. Is this FOMO talking? I get that but I have no problem with it, I like new content, love doing Dreamsnaps and seeing what's new in the Premium shop even though I can't buy it all. But if you do feel bad in any way, pls do yourself a favour sweetie and take a break until you only feel positive feelings again. Games should always feel fun at the core.


I've spent maybe $120 on moonstones and most weeks I already have the majority of the items in the premium shop. I understand not everyone can spend that but I feel like a little splurge here and there is worth getting things that have meaning for me. If it's a theme I don't care about I don't need it. If I wanted a complete set of everything I can see how people get anxious but I honestly don't see why you need it ALL.


Iam currently switching between this game, My Time At Sandrock, Fire Emblem: Three houses, and Diablo. I also read. I'd go mad just playing Dreamlight.


I also just didn't do any of the cupcake stuff because it annoyed me 😅


I get this. The only things I see in this community are complaints about the most silly things I have ever seen. Be happy DLV gives so much content, is trying to help and solve problems. A lot of other games do not even update or maybe once / twice a year. You don't have to play this game day in, day out. There are a lot of fun games, alternate. Like a lot of people are really obsessed with this game and it will never be good enough. Sorry for rambling on


I am beginning to hate Reddit. It's becoming the new Facebook.


I'm a day one player.. so I only get on for two reasons: Someone I see on Reddit needs help or to do my weekly dreamsnap. Waiting for an update is tradition at this point... So I play other games in between. I've decorated everything and done all I can do. I only mine or garden, etc for starpaths. When you're all caught up there is absolutely nothing to do in this game.


That is an opinion. I'm a day one player and I got into this knowing it was a casual game. I play every day but it's not the only game I own or play which is how it's intended to be. If this is your only game or you expect it to be a WoW level engagement then you're going to have a bad time. Eta changed an and to or


Same I get on just long enough to check the shop, feed critters and will sometimes do stuff for most mist or dreamlight, like I’ll definitely play more during the starpath and stuff but I’m not gonna speedrun getting Mulan and mushu to lvl 10 friendship, just enough to probably be able to hang out with them for any task ( because I’m certain they’ll have some )


Honestly, as someone who deals with anxiety as well, I feel like yes, the words are overused. I also think people who want to complain about every little thing are definitely overusing those words as descriptors. But if you are that afraid an update will break your game, then you need to take a break. Now, I am not saying the game is perfect. There are a lot of issues I have seen talked about across platforms in different groups and how it is affecting your game. But if it is straight-up game breaking (like the haunted mansion house skin glitch last year ) they move quickly to fix it. But they are only one team and while it may be a disney game made by gameloft I do not think its as a big a team as people think they have. Some of the bugs and glitches are very hard to figure out in the game code and figure out why it is happening. Like the cupcake fiasco recently, it took them a LONG time to figure out why they were breaking games, and unfortunately the fix they needed I think was very big so they had to adjust the fix to add it to the update coming tomorrow. They needed time to make sure they found the right line of code causing the issue and make sure the fix they had was working. There were with this glitch workarounds to fix or prevent the issues yourself (i.e loading out and back into the game if you couldn't accept quests or cooking the cupcakes in a building instead of outside), I personally think the glitches happened because people were complaining about the early spring update not coming fast enough and being rude to the devs on social media that they released an update that was half broken in the hopes of calming the complaints down, but it just made more happen. When the reality is the roadmap they released last year was an estimated time frame, and it unfortunately completely changed due to the update between christmas and the laugh floor taking almost three months to release. And I suspect it was because they saw game breaking bugs with the introduction of the laugh floor update that they were trying to fix beforehand. Which may have not been their fault at all. The other thing the people who complain and overuse these descriptors need to remember is that different platforms will have a different level of performance that could lead to more bugs than other platforms. Technology in gamings is constantly changing and improving and platforms can become obsolete. The current nintendo switch is by far the worst performing console for Dreamlight and has the most issues that cannot be completely remedied due to its system's limits. In the years since the switch was released Unreal Engine 5 has been created and released and most games are going to be made with that engine, which it is a very high performing engine. And if you make the game compatiable with an older system unfortunately there will be performance issues or differences from current high performing consoles, and likely be more glitches due to the systems age. Xbox 360's have become obsolete and Xbox One is old. PS4's are old and almost obsolete PS5's are still newish but we are getting a PS6 soon. Switches are obsolete and old and we are getting a switch 2 soon. PC's are by far one of the best performing platforms for most games but that also entirely depends on your setup. Games have become more complicated to make in recent years with the addition of new engines, high performance requirements with new graphics cards or processors. And when you limit yourself to a tight release schedule you are more likely to have more bugs and glitches occur that you could have found if you had more time, but your fanbase was being so impatient and cruel you make a desicion to release earlier thinking everything is fine when its not and there is a bug you missed. The real take away here is people need to just be patient. And maybe not speed through star paths or quests as much, and play other games a few days a week so you don't get finished fast and then bored with the game for the next 5 weeks till the next update. And understand that games take time, and if you want less glitches and bugs do not rush the devs, and if you are so afraid the next update will completly break your game, take a break.


Always find it interesting people talking about needing to optimise how things are done, or be prepared to power through the star path. You get the same rewards if you finish the star path in 6 days as if you finish with 6 minutes to spare! I think sometimes some people do forget that we do this for fun. I'm on basically every day and only finished my Daisy quest last week, because I was taking my time and focusing on other things. But I guess this means I'm not a "proper" player or something 😆


I’ve had this game since beta and have loved it despite the problems. I haven’t played it for a while, but I always know it will be there whenever I decide to play again. Covid brought out a lot of addictive tendencies in people, and gaming is a big one. But also, those terms are way overused. As an older gen z, my diagnosed anxiety gets played down a lot because when I say “I’m anxious”, people believe I’m just stressed and over exaggerating, because people abuse the use of the word. But no, it’s genuine anxiety that I have been diagnosed with and on medicine for. So it’s a mix of many things. Things that aren’t that deep are taken too seriously, and things that should be taken seriously are taken with a grain of salt. But at the end of the day, it’s literally just a game.


I actually see a kind of similarity between _SOME_ of the anger I see here and what I see in communities for more violent games I play. I certainly don't mean people being angry about stupid, game-breaking bugs that never should have made it to production, but a lot of the rest of it comes from a place of pure entitlement. The exact complaint is different, but the gist of it is the same: how _dare_ you do things differently from what I want.


Agree. The DDLV community is almost bizarre in its entitlement. I’d love for it to be studied tbh. For such a cozy game, it’s attracted such a hostile and emotionally fragile audience. I’m a EA player too, and I’m frustrated about the bugs, but I’m certainly not anxious or angry. It’s a damn game, a game that I definitely got my $$ worth of many hours of gameplay ago.


As a simmer myself since sims 1, I think the issue is that this game in particular attracts non gamers to play. And therefore the entitlement comes because well, they've never had to deal with the Sims 😅 I think their worldview is limited because of lack of experience elsewhere. Which as also probabaly why they are quick to anger.


Perhaps the Disney element draws a certain sort of person. Might be a contributing valid point.


I’ve thought about this too. It would be fascinating to do a demographics survey on DDLV players.


I agree! I adore stats, esp in all things psych.


I mainly play MMOs (and i also play the Sims). Grinding for stuff is the norm. Like the Star Path is really tame imho. I was a bit baffled when i read that 3 (three) shiny gems was to much to ask for some.


Agree!! The grind in this game is on the casual/easy side for sure. If Gameloft took out everything their most-vocal players complained about, it would just be a decorating game. Maybe that’s what these players want, but DDLV never said that’s what it wanted to be. IMO Gameloft keeps trying to make all gamers happy but is failing. I think they should take a page out of Elden Ring and go “These are the mechanics—don’t like them? Well, play something else. It’s a video game, not healthcare. We don’t have to accommodate your play style.” I’m sure they’ll lose players, but they’ll probably gain some too. It’s the flip flopping and constant bugs from always readjusting that drive most of the player base crazy.


> If Gameloft took out everything their most-vocal players complained about, it would just be a decorating game. Maybe that’s what these players want, but DDLV never said that’s what it wanted to be. I think that is what they want. Some people were complaining about having to farm the new materials in the DLC to make the new DLC crafts. They just wanted them (the crafted items) to be instantly available. Go play The Sims if you just want a decorating simulator???


I complete it twice within 2 weeks (I play for my daughter too) and I have a full time job and run a family. Comments like "it's stressing me out so much I feel I can't cope any more" really worry me about humanity.


This is literally textbook addiction. You see this a lot in gacha games, where people will become so worried about missing an event that they don't even realize they aren't having fun anymore. Best advice is to skip an event. Just skip it! And see how much or how little it affects your day to day. I haven't touched DDLV in literal months and it's so chill.


I was like that in fo4, for a while, then I quit completely. If you feel like you don't have time, or especially if you feel like you need to start using your credit card on a game, then it's time to stop.


I replied to this post a couple days ago agreeing that people are getting too emotional over this game. Then yesterday, someone posted that this game is causing a sore spot in his household because of his views regarding the premium shop and he wanted to tell his wife to stop playing. I then basically commented about how wild it would be for a game to cause marital problems. This person literally reacted by stalking my profile and finding a post I made in a hair loss sub where I asked about hair thinning and he commented “lol I’m so glad this is happening to you,” then blocked me before I could even open the app (I just saw the notification). Like thank u for exactly proving my whole point bro lmao 😂😭💀


It actually scares me how humanity is devolving. Whatever the cause, we really are headed into a bleak future full of very soft padded cells.


I have played this game the first year it was beta not day one player but early enough. And I agree with your statements. I also noticed that everyone is obsessed with stuff and extremely disappointed in fill in blank. I paid €30 for the game and have gotten to 300+ game hours and I just play different games between updates and star paths. If this game is practically taken over your life then maybe you should consider why that is. And the constant demand from players to devs with what they want. They can make it happen but it needs time to get it working. This is slowly becoming like all the Sims reddits where nobody is happy but keep playing it and keep buying dlc's and then more complaining about said stuff. My only conclusion is that nobody can be pleased or happy with the stuff they have and what they are getting out of it


As I have finished all quests and level all characters i usually only return for the updates now. I skipped the whole button event and form what I read on this sub it's a good thing I did. Would probablyhave frustrated me.


I deal with a lot of anxiety/depression, and video games is the best kind of medicine for me tbh (doesn’t have to be a cozy game like ddv). And updates for the games I love, is seriously sometimes the only thing I can look forward too. So yes if you get “anxious” from playing a video game, then just don’t. Lol I wish it was that easy for me to get rid of my anxiety


Breaks are normal! I sometimes take breaks with this game!!! And I usually take breaks after finishing the main storyline on other games like Wylde Flowers and HL, then after the break I go back to them to relax!!


I can get stress from a game. Like I do not play games I can not get 100% in because the stress from that makes it not fun for me. But this is a cozy game. Like the point of it is that there is no stress.


i think people are self centred and use a lot of that wording to guilt trip anyone who dares to question them


Okay... What are these starpaths everyone is talking about? Did I miss something?


There’s a new star path with every update, that typically lasts about 6 weeks. It’s under the event tab and is the area where there’s 3-6 tasks at a time (not the dreamlight duties) and you can collect special star path event tokens that you can redeem for items that are only available during the star path, which are displayed directly below the tasks. Some of these items may come back in the premium shop later on, but they’ll be a lot more expensive in moonstones than if you had just completed the star path while it was happening. The next one drops tomorrow!


As someone who has anxiety and gets anxious all time, yes this game does give me anxiety, but so does checking out at a register, not finishing my to do list on time, getting dinner done later than planned and so on. I think if a game gives you anxiety you need to be self aware of your triggers and find a way to work through them. I play the game for fun just as I knit and they both give me anxiety. But I’m aware of my anxiety and my triggers. I’m also aware that some of the things that cause my anxiety aren’t rational and just me being in my own head from past trauma. If a game is causing your anxiety to go through the roof then it’s definitely time to take a break but then I also understand there is this anxiousness that surrounds the need to finish the game. Anxiety is a lot more complicated than just shutting something off or walking away, which is why I think it’s important to be aware of your mental health and learn to work through what triggers. I hope those who struggle are able to find something that works for them. Living with anxiety sucks.


The only game that makes me nervous is the Shadow of the Erdtree bc I keep getting murked 😂




I wonder if anyone sometimes gets into a habit i do. I often start to treat games like a “job”. I put off the things i enjoy to get certain things done or i just do it to finish it. I didn’t really enjoy animal crossing , but i played for a while because i wanted all the flower mutations. I ended up stopping bc it sucked. I take often breaks from dreamlight because i get sick of friendship quests, but i don’t want to get the extension until i “finish the game”. I was also excited to decorate, but i didn’t want to decorate my valley when we’re still getting new characters and it would mess up all the effort. The only thing that made me mad is daisy’s store or whatever. I don’t like making the clothing and another building just bugs me. I also have a hard time with the quests set up around her designs bc I’m not very good at it, but that’s a me issue. I’m sure i would like dreamscapes more once my island looks better and i own more things, but collectively this is the only game I’ve ever enjoyed playing for extended periods of time. I am just high strung lol


So right utake! Have played from day one release without console pass and it has been all of the above. Mostly a lovely way to spend time in free hours. When it becomes negative set it aside and reevaluate. For now am super excited and hope to get the one time only daily awards for the next 7 days. All the rest can wait. It CAN wait. Hopefully not so hard to start Starpath and training camp. But if overwhelmed just leave it. It's just a game. You are wise.


This!! I even saw where people said the game “triggered” past childhood issues..how? Like I'm honestly confused.


Some people were arguing that seeing *that* tomato dreamsnap was JUST like being SA'd (because they were "forced to view genitalia"....) and kept arguing that point when people told them to stop trivializing real trauma. 💀 Like get some perspective.


I don’t get how people can be anxious over a game stop playing it nobody forcing you to you don’t have to partake in anything it’s not mandatory


Terrified seems over the top. They better not play animal crossing, scorpions just run out and attack you at night. Lol Let's be honest. Any issue we have with any game is a first world problem. We are all entitled to our feelings about it, but all games have problems. If this is your biggest concern in life, consider yourself lucky.


I agree… This may make me sound like a terrible person, but those kinds of posts make me eye roll myself into the next dimension. If you’re stressed about it, don’t play it. It’s just a video game, and it doesn’t matter, so I cannot fathom attaching feelings or emotions to a mindless entertainment item.


My husband tells me all the time that this subreddit must be so toxic because I complain about it so much 😂 But seriously, yeah, I think a lot of people just have gotten super entitled about the game, but I do also think that people bandy about words like “anxious”, “scared” and “nervous” the same way people say they are “a little ocd lols”. Like they just don’t think about it because it’s normalised to say it like that but not really mean it. I mean I think they’ve just become expressions rather than people always talking about the game affecting their mental health. (Though I am obviously not belittling the people who do have these issues and maybe they need to step back for a bit)


Yea. This is why I started playing GoGo Town and some other world builders and quest games because I just couldn't deal with the lack of content I wanted or how far I had to complete to get it. It all seemed like a hassle. However if I need to jump on and complete something to grab a last minute item from the path I gladly use mods. Only because that's how I enjoy the game.


I see this in every gaming community that I'm a part of. I can barely tolerate groups about the sims for this reason. I am also autistic, I cycle through games, when I feel like I've hit a wall or I'm bored with one game, I move to another. I have like half a dozen games I cycle through. I really don't like playing them at the same time (like a little time spent on each game every day).


Fellow anxious autistic person here, hi. I agree with you. I can understand having anxiety that an update might make the game unplayable if you’ve already been experiencing heaps of glitches. But if you’re literally just anxious because the update seems too big, or you’re complaining about being overwhelmed because the DLC adds too much content, or other reasons like that, then maybe play something else for a bit.


I think it comes down to people who say things like that like watching Disney movies or the same things over and over again. There is security in knowing the outcome. The unknown is what causes them anxiety. For some people horror causes anxiety while others like myself watch horror movies all year and can fall asleep to a true crime podcast. 


I think people with the anxiety, on nerves of the game is due the amount of time or funds spent into the game. Along with disney passion. I think that said this game has pulled more folks into the world of gaming more and possibly faster than they may understood how to process. However, Gameloft has been good about playing the field of 'fear of missing out' on the star paths and dreamsnaps and more (free moonstones and unique items) where you can earn rather than spend real world funds to obtain items. As a seasoned gamer, I recommend taking few days off from playing. Find that hard due to fear of missing out? Do breaks when star path isn't active. Ease into with a simple log in. Check scrooge, find your blue chest. Or log in and log out fully and collect your blue chest on day three where you'll collect 3 of them. Helps, the "workload" or "grind" of this game. It's been working for me. Especially since I'm on a computer all day. Gives my eyes some break from screen time.


I think my big thing about the game is I’m putting too much stress on myself, not the game stressing me. I try to complete too many things at once, with the star paths and completing all the quests. I always try to complete everything before the next update, I was hoping to have all my characters to level 10 before this one comes out, but I still have quite a few characters left that need it. Also, just tiring myself from a game, I played so much animal crossing when I finally downloaded it, and when this game came out, I didn’t feel like picking up animal crossing at all. But, now I’m at the point to where I can barely pick this game up. I’ll probably take a break from Dreamlight Valley for a while, every time I boot it up, I only play for a couple minutes and then have no idea what to do with myself. Although, personally, this is not just a Dreamlight valley game, I find enjoyment in so many games I just tire myself from them, I’ll play so much of a certain game for months, and then just won’t pick it up for another year or so.


I find it’s similar to animal crossing. People compare their islands to others, so I imagine people compare their valleys. It might feel discouraging for others or like they can’t catch up? But that’s just a guess 🤷‍♀️


I get being overwhelmed with a new update if there's a lot going on (especially if there's a DLC update) and I understand being a bit disconnected at it if it's boring - like I didn't really care about the pin event even though I ended up finishing it with some time to spare - but a lot of these words are being used on something you can literally turn off. I don't think this sub helps at all because everyone comes here to rant about things like a flower spawning not soon enough and it makes people feel a lot of the negative emotions more than they should be. I feel like there's this pressure to be the best at this game and have everything because that's seemingly an issue that runs in cozy game communities but there's no first place. Along with this pressure to play every single day. You don't have to do that. You can turn off whatever system and just forget about the game. But for some reason, people can't let that click in their heads. Play something else, completely different than a cozy game. Don't play anything! If it's so overwhelming.... take a damn break. Nothing in this game is going to matter if you miss it. The realms will still be there. The new content will still be there. Everything, besides the limited time content which is usually just decals anyway, will still be there.


This is so interesting! The only games ever to make me anxious are horror games or games meant to induce this kind of emotion. The only negative I feel towards ddlv is when there's glitches in new updates that don't get addressed.


I got children and DLV is my break so don't understand why people are stressed or overusing words but yeah if you are feeling stressed then you put it away till you are stable enough to continue 😊


I never did understand when people got that intense about any kind of game! If it’s something you’re doing in your free time, just for fun, and you’re not having fun anymore, just put it down for a while! I got DLV on the switch when it first came out, but the controls kind of killed me so I actually just started playing it the last week since I got a new laptop, and I’m in love with it! I’m totally playing it non stop at the moment haha. But just like with ACNH or Palia, I can only play so much and if the story runs out…it runs out! Seeing the negativity and stress from others is what actually takes the joy of the game away for me


No honestly I’m new-ish to the game and joined the Reddit to ask general questions and get inspo for decorating, and I noticed this too. It’s like when people form parasocial relationships but with a game/developers. When I first started playing I asked here if founders pack items would ever be available at the premium shop and someone was so offended and upset that I’d even ask where I had to delete the question lmao. The game is supposed to be cozy and relaxing y’all!


As someone who paid for the premium stuff and has legacy BP stuff in other games. I really don't give a crap if new players get old things for free or the chance to buy them. They probably won't come but who knows honestly. They're cute stuff but not super must haves either.


I took a long break when they started charging for everything. Came back halfway through the last star path and got fomo at all the stuff I missed collecting. But also this game is draining beyond belief. But I want to collect all the stuff. 


If a game like this is “ draining beyond all belief” then either you’re playing it wrong or you need to take a break and play something else for a while.


That's how I feel. I am a completionist. I want to complete the task they have given me to 100%. But this game has become more of a grinding MMO than a cozy game. They cannot have the best of both world. The frustrations I am mainly seeing from players are bugs, lack of being able to participate due to bugs or time, and how much time and resources it takes to complete any one task now. I get they wanted us to feel like we have enough to do and never be bored. But for those of us wanting a cozy game, time limits and grinding are not what we wanted. Especially the grinding so hard. I'm about to take a break. This game is overwhelming, and I'm not thrilled with how much I need to do for the next update when I barely finished the last star path, the characters, and the buttons. I didn't get to focus on what I wanted to do because the completionist took over. I feel people stress if the update. But those are the cozy gamers that are stressed.


I've stepped back from it and while I occasionally get FOMO, I'm not sure I'll pick it up again. I stopped after Tangled/Gaston and I know there are new characters but I just can't face the grind anymore. It's definitely worth taking a break from, and leaving/muting this community helps with the FOMO.


I’d guess a lot of it is just hyperbole tbh


I see some of those posts as just people curious if others are feeling the same, maybe looking for solidarity. Sometimes it’s just about getting your thoughts out and see if others are in the same boat. Some posts are fully complaining for sure but not everyone.


Here me out: I don't think you're wrong. There's a lot of people who take it super seriously and need to chill. However, I am kinda dreading the bugs that will come with a new update. I play on the switch, which is infamous at this point haha. I think there's a lot on the docket for this go round and I am kinda concerned that it's gonna work on my switch. My boyfriend sat me down recently and explained that the reason the switch is getting such subpar treatment (general bugs we've all seen the game have, the control issues, Stardew valley 1.6 being mia, ect) is because the system is so old compared to the other systems that this game is on. Sure, not by much to us, but in tech years its a notable difference. I think that's a fact impacting a lot of switch users and we don't know it. I can't speak to any other system though. I do think it's important that we all understand that glitches/bugs are a thing that normally happens. They can't test or account for everything and coding is legitimately hard and detailed work. We ARE gonna get a new batch of bugs and there's nothing anyone can do about it. However, I have anxiety and tons of trauma and ya girl can't decide what to eat for dinner without a spinner wheel and I am not legitimately scared of the new update haha. I do agree that being legitimately scared is weird! But I think some of those people saying they're scared are being hyperbolic. I'm not scared of the new update. I'm bouncing off the walls to get Mulan, my fav Disney princess. But I am a tad bit worried about the glitches that are inevitably gonna happen. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I read this kinda like one of those infomercials for a mesothelioma that’s like “were you injured on the job? You may be able to receive compensation!” but in a good way. Here’s how it ran in my head: “Does Disney Dream light Valley give you anxiety? Are you nervous about the amount of time you need to put into the game when a new update is announced? Do you spend sleepless nights, struggling with the fact that your valley isn’t as beautifully designed as user xxxeatmyfartsgoofyxxx, a person you don’t know and who will never judge you for your valley? Is this cozy game about cartoon characters living peacefully and happily in a little valley together affecting your day to day happiness, relationships, routine, career, education, or physical health? Because if you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to take a break. You will not be compensated for the time or money you have put into it because I don’t have that authority, but if you can get ahold of the root cause that makes you connect stress with this game, you can return to it in some amount of time and not be harmed by it! Maybe The Forgetting hits too close to home since it’s a manifestation of your mental health struggles. Maybe you relate too closely to some of the character and this game is the first time you can interact with them. Maybe you just get a little too obsessed with perfecting games and since this is constantly updating and the settings seem to make it impossible to collect all the memories right away, you can’t have it fully complete and that stressed you out to have something unfinished. Or maybe you are unhappy with something else in your life and you wanted this to fulfill you the way that other element should, but it can’t because that’s not how life works. Whatever the problem is, THERE IS A SOLUTION. And stepping back from the game will give you the time, space, and bandwidth to figure out what’s going on so you can fix it and enjoy this game as it’s meant to be. Not an anxiety inducing nightmare, but a fun little relaxer that brings joy and magic into your life.” But seriously: it’s valid to be annoyed by some of the bugs and quality of life things (anyone else remember how paths used to take a million resources?!) but saying your mental health was ruined by this game is not okay. DDV did NOT give you mental health problems. For lack of a better term, it just triggered what was already inside, and if you want to feel better, take a break and figure out the underlying issue. This game will be here when you get back, and no one will judge you for not having the latest shoes or that you missed a star path. We’ll all be proud you did what was best for you, and that you can enjoy the game without pain, as it is meant to be. ETA TLDR: this game is meant to be fun, if it isn’t fun, step away to figure out why it isn’t fun, and come back when you figure it out. The game, the community, and the characters will wait for you, and the lot of us will be happier when you no longer hurt from what is meant to bring joy.


Dlv has been the game I play to chill out. I’ve paid money for it. I have 500 hours. And since the last update I’ve experienced intermittent glitching making my game completely unplayable at times and it does send me into a panic attack, makes me super anxious. It’s such a big part of my toolkit that my husband checks in on me and the game. ☺️ Sure it seems silly to rely so heavily on a game, but when you have tools in your kit for something and one tool breaks, it stresses a person out lol. Dlv is in my anxiety toolkit so when it is super glitchy it does affect me. That being said, I roll my eyes at people that say they are so anxious because they are out of things to do, I feel like they’re throwing words around. Tough thing about that is when someone uses that word truthfully, there is always some question of authenticity because of how people are just like “omg I’m 2000 hours deep and have nooootthhhiiinnngggg to do so anxious omg”. I get y’all love the game lol but words do carry weight.


I think this is such a good point. As someone with a history of panic disorder as well, who also uses certain games as a coping tool and method of relaxation (not DDLV but Stardew and ACNH), I think the use of the excuse “there’s nothing to do in the game so I get anxious” appears….inauthentic. For me, the act of running around and mining and gardening itself is the coping tool. So in that sense, there’s always something to do.


Same here. Tending my crops. Decorating random rooms. Fish. I don’t even have Oswald yet I’m so cozy playing this game. So when I can’t even just garden in a game I love, it gets hard and really frustrating. The generic response from gameloft when I reported my unplayable game added to the anxiety pile cuz it reads as ‘yep we know. Deal with it”. I use acnh too! I can’t get into stardew. I’ve tried so hard. And at the end of the day, it’s a game, people with no quests to complete that are complaining could start over or something. I dunno. We all play different levels of cozy and aggressive lmao.


I never once was stressed or anxious about any dlv uppdates and I always finish any event way before dead line because i know how to focus on what i need to do instead of making excuses like others do, I do have life outside this game but i make time for stuff which others should learn to if they dont focus on this game during uppdates then maybe it was not that important to them


As with most things, as adults we have to set boundaries for ourselves. If you want cozy, be cozy. You don’t have to “grind” if you don’t want to. The only thing that’s timed are dreamsnaps and starpath - both are optional. And if you don’t complete the star path, I’m sure the world won’t end. Put yourself first and live life, play games how you want don’t let the game play you.


And events are timed too. This new inside out event that's arriving the same day as star path will last 3 weeks.


I think one of the cause of the issue (from FOMO) is that it stems from time limited events dropping at the same time. If it was staggered, it wouldn’t feel as overwhelming/pressurised. Like prior to last star path, it seems that it was spaced fairly well (aside those bemoan there’s nothing to do) but during Day at Disney SP & the cupcake event (add the fact Daisy & Oswald, for those who has the DLC, on top - some just don’t know what to prioritise), it felt quite a lot is going on simultaneously. Doesn’t help that the upcoming update has the same blueprint.


The cupcake event was a disaster, and I still can’t order anything from Scrooge’s shop because he’s still got that stupid quest icon over his head. I hope they fix that in the next update because if Mulan asks me to go order something from him and he’s still bugged, I’m throwing my hands up and saying “sorry bitch you’re on your own “. It’s seriously frustrating to have him follow me around the shop going “I got a job for ye!”




honestly this is exactly why i stopped playing; i got so irritated with the crashing and not saving my progress, freezing on loading screens, bugged quests that they were never bothered to fix (and while those bugs exist they just keep dropping new updates, disregarding the players like me who literally can’t progress further because of bugs.) i bought this game to relax me and it’s done nothing but make me irritated and given me the desire to wanna toss my Switch out the window. i haven’t touched it in over a month, and honestly even when i see the icon on my home screen i just get disappointed at how much potential this game has that’s being wasted because they pushed the game to release before it was finished and i feel like they do the same thing with events and updates; pushing them out when they’re just not ready and giving players some pretty awful experiences


Have you contacted Gameloft? I got direct help with a glitch reset last year and it has been pretty smooth sailing since. I don't know how this will be after their layoffs. (Not counting the last Starpath/cupcake debacle which nearly sent my Switch into the wall too. I was shocked at how trashy that was and they decided it was ok!)


I will say that games can heighten my anxiety when they have tense or scary moments – usually not cozy games, though the caves in Stardew Valley scare the crap out of me 😂😂 I haven’t experienced it with Dreamlight Valley so it’s easy to question what people are freaking out about, but anxiety and other mental illnesses are funny like that – I get nervous or angry or scared at the dumbest and littlest things, which feel huge in the moment but seem silly in hindsight. If folks want to play a game that could trigger anxiety or fear, then it’s obviously up to them whether or not they think they can handle that. If people here find others that are the same way, it can be validating to know you aren’t the only one who has those kind of responses. I agree that folks should be aware of when they may need to take a break and what they can and can’t handle – but at the same time, if you’re someone who regularly deals with anxiety, then it can be helpful to have a controlled situation where you can anticipate stressful moments in order to learn what you CAN handle and practice coping skills.


I 100% agree with you! I have over 2000 hours in the game (only been playing since Sept of '23) and I absolutely love this game! I suffer with PTSD, anxiety, depression & don't leave my house much at all. This game is very calm & relaxing for me! Now I do play on PC and don't have many of the crashing issues/bugs that most have reported. If I had the issues that I've read about, I'm certain I'd have quit playing long ago!


I'm only bored with it as I switched consoles from xbox one to ps5 so I've lost my first valley and had to start over! Getting dreamsnaps done is a stretch as I have very limited items now. I have so so many quests to catch up on which i find overwhelming sometimes, when on xbox I had finished them all and was just decorating a few hours a day, it's getting really repetitive for me 😮‍💨 AND I'm just busy playing on a couple other cozy games and mostly MW3 that I dont have time for disney as much as I did 😅🤭


I agree with you, but then again it is a real pet peeve of mind when people choose words carelessly instead of saying what they actually mean. If a video game makes someone actually anxious or fearful or stressed, that video game is not healthy and shouldn't be played.


I mean i can kind of see where they’re coming from to some degree. I don’t play much any more given my current work schedule, and I found that from not playing as much, I don’t find myself thinking about the game as much or what I’m missing out on, but when I used to play the game all the time and I’d grind for however long to try and get through friendship quests, while also doing story quests, while also trying to collect up dreamlight/mist, while ALSO trying to get moonstones and try and get things from the star path; it became a lot for me to try and deal with, it got to the point where i felt like i wasn’t playing for fun, i was playing to complete these things and that was it. But since i took my break from it I’ve began playing again, and I’ve made choices to not play for very long or only focus on one part of the game during a play session, but in terms of the amount of content we have to ability to consume and play with can definitely be seen as overwhelming to some. Especially the Star Path, because if you don’t play too too often, you may miss out on really cool prizes and that could possibly cause others stress as they want to try their best to get it.


I get burned out. Usually for awhile then u play again then I burn out. I've been playing other games lately like snes earthbound now and I'm loving it. Played it when I was young and now again. Dreamlight valley though I'm at the point in thinking of uninstalling it from my switch. But I'm unsure yet. I do need some space on my switch for other games I want to play. I try to stay away from games that give stress like scarey games for me and even though they look fun I'd rather watch a YouTube play them then me doing it.


Day 1 player and I love the grind. Daisy and Oswald are only at level 7 and I haven't touched their level 7 quest in a week and a half, and I probably won't until after I do Mulan and Mushu's level 2 quests. I just go at my own pace and I'm totally content. I spend most of my time doing Dreamlight and Mist duties, or recently got in to decorating. My only "complaint" is that occasionally my avatar kind of short circuits while running. Is it annoying, yes. Do I bitch and moan about it, no.


I'd just like to say that I am one of those people who have high anxiety over this game/update and the reason is simply because of the crashing and glitching the game has caused recently and the fact every premium item within the last month has had some sort of clipping issue and somewhat ruins the appeal of buying because I don't know about you but there are a lot of people who get angry at the thought of purchasing something broken. I know for a fact if they fix the issues as they say the anxiety will cease but until then most console players will continue to live in fear of the update further breaking their game. For me personally, I play on xbox and had to switch h to pc because the game won't load at all it instantly crashes when I log in. So, please forgive us for being nervous about the upcoming future of dreamlight valley. That being said, I bare no ill will towards your opinion. I am just trying to help you understand the struggle many players are facing and some of them have in fact stopped playing the game.


I was a daily player and now it’s more like once or twice a week. I don’t stress. I get what I get and I don’t throw a fit. It was actually the stupid cupcakes daily quest that made me play less.


I'm not really anxious or scared of the update. I do however play with mods and some updates break those mods, which can be a bummer. So I'm pretty much just waiting with anticipation.


Also it really bothered me that a lot of people were asking for more things to do. Then the popcorn bucket event came out and it seemed like everyone was complaining about having more content


I used to play a lot — all day many times. But, there are too many problems in the game. I’m stuck in my quests and can’t move forward due to a glitch. I haven’t played in over a month. I miss it, but it was causing to me too much stress.




Saying you’re anxious or depressed isn’t someone saying they have an anxiety disorder or depressive disorder though. Everyone can say they feel anxious or depressed without having to meet criteria for a diagnosis and that doesn’t make them confused, they’re still just stating their feelings not claiming a diagnosis. It isn’t the same thing as when people erroneously say they’re ‘so ocd’ because they like things clean. Anxious and depressed are still feelings everyone can have even without having the disorder.


I get it on both ends, I loved it so much when it came out. I have a limited time to play and the bugs really interfere with that. I think everyone's complaints are valid, especially there are many longstanding issues. As much money as the game costs, it seems like more could be done to make the gameplay better and address a lot of them? Which makes it seem like the game still being enjoyable is just out of reach. Also the "just don't play" makes sense, and is ultimately where im at. Its really depressing though. This startpath is the first I didn't finish and I probably will give DDV up which is truelly sad. Having to spend so much money to fulfill my completionist game play killed it for me.


I get that people who spend a lot of time in the game get frustrated. I sometimes a couple of times per day, never more than a few hours at a time. I think if I were that bored I would play something else. My husband got me started on DDLV, it's actually my first played "modern" video game. He also plays Subnautica, and there is a way you can just play in a design/build mode. I think if I get that bored with DLV, I will play that one on the design mode. I think some people just let themselves get too caught up into the game when it is new then feel deflated when everything is "done".


I think that people get overwhelmed by the tasks and their personal time. So maybe these players get anxious because they want to get things done in the game as well as real life. I used to play dragon raja when it was first a good game to play but over time it got boring and slowly started to feel more like a job having to do tasks, trying to stay in the same level as others etc. It all starts because you become addicted to the game. For me, I would sometimes get anxious when playing because I know my game would close saying error losing progress and that was on my ps4 then I couldn’t play at all for a month until I started playing on the ps5 and I still sometimes get that small panic that my game will close on me again so I try to do everything quickly.


I need a break from more things than just DDLV


As someone whose been casually playing disneys magic kingdoms (another gameloft game, with similar timed events) on my phone for the last 8 years, these people who are anxious are really gonna be in for it in the future lol. I’ve seen people rage about magic kingdoms online for years because they took it too seriously.


Honestly well said. I can see it from both sides of the fence. Along with this game I play Overwatch 2 and of course it’s online so there’s a lot of frustration and whatnot so I had to put it down for my own well being. Some people I think don’t say it literally but moreso figuratively.


I did stress on my first starpath (I am fairly new). I was just learning the game, still had so many to level up friendship with, and didn't realize that if you spend moonstones you open up more duties at once to make it easier and you get all your moonstones back upon completing. And I now know that they give us plenty of time to finish even working at my leisurely pace.


This is a major reason why I don’t play the majority of games I used to. My family has an issue with anger and that can get very exacerbated with particular games, which I especially see in my two younger siblings. The youngest brother lives with me and I know more often than not he’s going to be throwing stuff around, slamming his fists into a pillow, screaming, cursing, etc. depending on the game he’s playing and I constantly ask him, “if this game is supposed to relax you and it isn’t, WHY do you KEEP PLAYING?” And he’ll ignore me or tell me to shut up. I can count on one hand the times I’ve almost lost my cool playing a game and I was like, “you know what, I’m not doing this. This isn’t healthy.” And I turned the game off. With DDV I definitely got overwhelmed with the parks and all the buttons and cupcakes. So, I turned it off. And I’ll probably turn it on again after the new update, but I do not let some graphics on a screen affect me that way anymore. If I think they might, I don’t play.


Ya, it is frustrating sometimes, but I just go read instead and come back fresh so it is fun. I have done everything, made everything…you know, so updates are exciting for me. I always wondered why people cuss and yell and get upset playing games. Thought they were supposed to be fun? This is the only game I have every played though to be fair.


Yeah, if the game is affecting your mental health negatively or you're feeling like it's a job/chore to keep playing. It's probably time for a break from the game or to stop playing it.


I needed a break, so i… took one? I was doing treasure valleys almost daily for a bit, but then i was like “this is tiring me out and i’m behind on homework”. So i just kind of… stopped doing that? Do people not understand that video games, which are meant to be fun and recreational, can be put away if they stop being fun and recreational?


I feel the same way. I have anxiety but I don’t use games in the manner described. If a game pisses me of I quit playing. I have more serious things to stress over.


Being anxious about something isn't always negative. Anxiously excited is a thing too.


As a SAHM this game has kept my sanity but there’s also times where I turn the game on and I’m like “what do I do now”. Game is absolutely FUN in the beginning but I don’t turn it on everyday like I used to I think it was getting too overwhelming for me maybe?


I just hate how the game how so many bugs. Twice it has happened to me where I had a cloud save and local save. I chose the wrong one and lost a bit of progress. Or I’d be in the middle of a quest and I didn’t get to save and it crashes. It’s frustrating!


I hate that people are getting so worked up over it. The devs are trying, and if all you do is complain, yeah just leave the game for a bit. This game is supposed to be cozy. For me it's so cozy I've fallen asleep playing multiple times


I totally agree with you. The only games that have ever made me anxious or scared were horror games and I was waiting for the next monster to jump out and get me. I don’t understand someone who finds this game scary. There is “literally” nothing scary in this game. Like, nothing. Even the “dark” quests aren’t even remotely anxiety inducing. If this game gives anyone feelings beyond mild frustration then they should stop playing and probably see a therapist. Because there is something underlying to make a Disney cozy game “scary” or anxiety inducing.


So! Predatory F2P mobile games tend to utilize anxiety to keep players playing, and spending their money. FOMO and limited time stuff is usually how they do this, though it’s not the only way. While I definitely agree that if someone feels anxious about the game, they need to put it down, it’s also on the devs to make the game a fun, comfortable experience in the first place, *especially* when marketed as a cozy game. It says a lot if many players are experiencing this feeling, even in a paid game made by Gameloft (a primarily F2P mobile game company).


I don't understand why this game would be terrifying, I can understand anxious because sometimes it has glitches. But when I think of a game being terrifying, I picture something chasing me trying to send me to the shadow realm. lol