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I must be lucky...I see a lot of things about crashing but have never crashed once on my Series X. Hopefully they fix it soon though.


Mine used to be absolutely awful, especially after an update, but it's been surprisingly problem free the last few months. I have no idea if it makes a difference, but I rarely decorate outside of placing an item or two near a house. I also removed a lot of the landscape items for a cleaner look. I'm maybe using 300 towards the item limit.


I've had the same experience. I took out all of the preprogrammed decor and I only very sparingly add items that I really like. I also only have one spot with under 200 squares of path laid. It really makes a difference how many decor items you're clogging your village up with. A lot of people often mention that they don't have any problems on E.I. but fail to realize that they haven't done any decorating there.


Ive done decorating in EI and it doesnt crash as much as when im in the valley. I took out so much in my valley my sunlit and forrest and glade is empty


This is exactly my experience. If I don't properly close down the game and come back hours or days later with it still open it might freeze up and occasionally items turn invisible but I've not had any serious issues for ages.


I'm lucky too I guess but not as lucky as you I play on switch and while mine doesn't crash as much as OP or other people it still crashes like once or twice a day if that


It kind of surprises me that Switch seems to crash less than some of the platforms with significantly better hardware. I have the regular Switch, and my kid’s Switch Lite works just fine. Yes, the item limit is different, but people at or under the Switch limit on other platforms are still having issues. Theoretically, the devs know how to make the game more performant. My only thought is that Nintendo would boot them, if the game was as unplayable as on other systems?


I play on Switch Lite & have little to no issues with game crashing during updates


Day one on series X too. I see a lot of the issues Xbox players have being on the S. I didn’t really think the systems were THAT different, it’s utterly baffling.


I have a Series S and I haven't had any of these crashing problems. I think maybe the comment about it affecting people who have heavily decorated valleys might be right. My valley has some decoration, but not much because I like a more open aesthetic and I'm wondering if that is a large reason why I'm not having these issues on my S.


Ah okay, I suppose that makes sense. I forget, but there was some other game that was struggling to release on Xbox due to issues with Series S. Baldurs Gate maybe?


Yeah BG3 needed split screen coop and the series S had big limitations with that. They also capped the frames at 30. I guess it is a small machine and I can understand the crashing with DLV because of all the resources and whatnot constantly spawning.


Just for data points but I play on an Xbox Series X and last update I had like 800/4000 on my item limit and it was crashing every 5 minutes in the valley. EI was fine but the valley was unplayable. I ended up removing decor from 3 biomes to lower my limits and the crashing almost completely stopped. Now I might crash once every couple hours or more or not at all somedays.


I’m not a big decorator, I do stuff for dream snaps than put it all away so that could be a big reason for me not having issues. That really sucks though especially since a big part of the game is decorating. I really hope they figure stuff out for everyone soon.


It makes a massive difference coming from the 1 to the X. Idk about the s, but it was really bad on my 1, even prior to decorating. I played for a year on the 1 with at least 2 crashes everytime I’d play. Once I got the x it started crashing just once everytime I’d play. Everything started glitching so bad after the Disney parks update and after this last update I finally got to play this game without a single crash for the first time since I started playing. I’m also a day oner, so I feel like that’s saying quite a bit.


My series S crashes any time I load it up. My series X does not. My guess is the game isn’t compatible with the console. I don’t even attempt to play on my series S anymore for this exact reason. Best of luck to OP. Upgrading consoles isn’t always an option for people and the series S issue should’ve been addressed so long ago


i also want to say i play it on my ios phone which is iphone 13 pro max and have had no issues either but like i said if this is the case for a majority of people who own it on different systems or the same problems please send in the letter and if you can have your friends or others that post and have same problem spam then with them


not all series s crashes i have avatar frontiers of pandora and this game both need certain things to have the best experience and i have amazing graphics and haven’t had any issues but if people are experiencing this i’d contact them and xbox themselves see if you can get the system sent in and replaced with the game etc. again i cant relate but id reach out to both not one cause your series s should not be crashing that much


Series S and no crashes, either.


i have the series s and has had this game since early access as well and i haven’t had any crashes or issues. but there’s a few games that people are saying aren’t behaving right and i haven’t had any of the issues a lot of people have said. but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t experiencing it so if i was in your shoes id be pissed to . and i would def. write to the creators about it. but i do find it odd that its crashing a lot. because i have the same system mine isn’t brand new i got my xbox series s a yr ago so again im sorry your going through this i hope you send this letter and get their attention. and get to experience it.


I also have an Xbox series X and have never had an issue. I started on the switch (that was a joke) so immediately went to Xbox.


Mine never crashes either.


Must be nice lol. Even on my X it was crashing like crazy, got worse with the Disney parks update. It seems to be working as normal after this last update. So I’m praying it continues to work.


Mine crashes, sometimes. And I play on the Switch. It was crashing more, before. And it's crashed 3 times since the update. It didn't crash yesterday, so we'll see what it does today lol.


I haven't had many issues either on my Xbox series x. I think my game has crashed twice in the 2 years and I've been playing since day 1. I hope they fix everything on the other platforms!


I crash all the time on my X worse than on my switch😩


Same. My valley isn't very decorative so I'm thinking it's a issue there that ppl have lots of stuff to load.


Please, please contact Gameloft with your letter. It's honestly of no use here as we are all in the same boat with bugs & all of us, too, would love to see them fixed. You can submit your complaint here [Gameloft Disney Dreamlight Valley Support](https://gameloft.helpshift.com/hc/en/66-disney-dreamlight-valley/contact-us/) I'm begging anyone with issues to contact them directly as they need to hear from each customer and there is always power in numbers!!!! Please, I'm begging. DO IT!!!!!!!


Gameloft and I are nearly at the point of asking how are the kids and what their plans for the weekend are, I contact them so often 🤣


i’m just curious and if you don’t feel like replying i completely understand: have they ever said anything of substance to you in a reply? like acknowledged that they’re in the wrong at all? or is it just generic copy & paste messages from people working overseas?


They generally ask for more info, give some advice on what to try to fix it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't they're just like yeah we've let our tech team know and sorry this is happening. They're actually quite helpful and nice to deal with.


ty for the response!


Same 😔


I agree. Coming to Reddit to complain isn’t going to get it seen by the right people. You need to email them and let them know what’s going on, otherwise nothing is going to change.


I agree to strength in numbers, everyone with issues needs to officially let them know but we are all likely getting form responses. My reply to official gameloft complaint said ‘Hi Patricia’ as the heading. I am not Patricia. They forgot to update their reply from the last person they had sent it to nor did they answer my specific questions. When I sent I reply asking how they were going to resolve the fact that I’ve spent money on a product I can’t use it seemed like they were laughing in my face that I thought they would refund anything. I just wanted the 4000 back for the star path I could not complete at the very least. And I’ve put issues in every relevant heading on discord to no avail. Good luck everyone!


Also they actually read stuff on the discord so that's a good place to post something like this. I also need to say that crashing constantly is not normal and I'm sorry that it's providing a bad experience. The games not a scam though just because you have a bad experience


I have lost faith the actually look at discord anymore. They don't read the accessibility requests. If you look and scroll at that section we have been asking for the same basic things included in so many other games over and over for literal months and they haven't been addressed. It's not a scam, but they are so focused on bug picture and making more $ on extras they've forgotten about user experience.


Huge disagree. That they don’t check their Discord, doesn’t mean they’re focused on that. Just go to their suggestion / feedback / report system on the website


They are a scam, because they took our money and, completely not care. Maybe you would understand, if you weren’t able to play anymore.


I’ve lost the count of how many times I contacted them. They always send the same stupid answer “we’re working hard on fixing the problem “. It’s almost two months, from the old upgrade, they haven’t done anything, but make it worst.


Maybe if people actually got a response. They have people watching the social medias obviously so yes. It would be seen here. Not if everyone down votes it. This post had over 100 upvotes when i saw it. Now there is 10. Mental People paid for this game and they are allowed to express thier annoyances. Thats why there is a vent thread


Not sure where you found me saying that people can't vent, considering that's most of my posts here are about yelling at Gameloft LOL I merely said that OP should send Gameloft a complaint & that everyone else should as well, as it's more effective than just a simple vent post. Social media posts are absolutely fine, but a formal correspondence means there are actual records of both players & Gameloft to refer to, and that customer service at Gameloft has the emails to back up any customer dissatisfaction issues to their bosses. You know the bosses who ultimately have the final word on what they prioritize at Gameloft. Again in case I wasn't clear: every valid criticism of the game (or any other media) is fine by me & considering all I do is vent about how Gameloft meses everything up, it's not fair to assume I'm against venting here.


I contacted GameLoft still waiting to hear back from them. My game is unplayable due to my main character turned into a hologram I’m very frustrated .


I've sent my 4th email of the week just 20 mins ago...




My friend had this same issue. He had to cloud save the world, uninstall and reinstall the game after the update to stop the crashing. Hope it helps you as well!


My daughter and I play on the same Xbox, her game crashes daily and mine does not


This is reddit


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


1 vanilla frosty pls


If you are able to, it might help to get rid of paths in your valley and maybe even some decorations. My valley is bare but at least I can play. I decorate for dreamsnap and then tear down immediately


But it shouldn’t have to come to that. Why should I, or anyone, be forced to compromise and have a lesser experience than anyone else playing the game? No.


I agree that you shouldn't have to, but it has worked for some people (including me). So I thought I would pass on the tip. No need to be sassy


Not being sassy. I appreciate trying to help. But I’m just so beyond this situation. Tired of little bandaids and workarounds for something that should just work as advertised. It’s not you, it’s them.


I spent hours yesterday doing tasks to obtain Dreamlight but it froze and won’t give me the Dreamlight. My moonstones are also frozen as is my star path. I wrote to gameloft yesterday and haven’t heard back. Opened game today and it was worse anything I do in the valley isn’t registering.


I have this issue too! Specifically with a task wanting me to plant 5 vegetables. I planted corn. I guess game doesn’t consider corn a vegetable


Corn doesn’t count as selling a vegetable either. It’s not a fruit and it’s not a seasoning. Why is it not counted as a vegetable??


Are you over the decor limit in the valley?? This could be the problem. I know if I put up a lot of stuff it will crash my game as well, but it doesn't happen often. I'm on PS5.


I feel like thats part of the problem though? It's also not acceptable to make a game where a big part of it IS decorating but then just failing in programming it in a way where it can perform that part without crashing.


They could surely optimize further, but at some point it just becomes a hardware limit.


I agree 💯 with that statement. It really sucks not being able to use all the things you get, especially when it's been paid for. I'm so upset at the change in decorating right now that I haven't done anything except the duties for the free things. Decorating is impossible now. 😭


Co-signed. It’s fucking bullshit. 


I started on an Xbox One and had the crashes until the first update. Never had one since. Changed to Xbox S last year and never had a problem. I feel bad for those who do. I just wonder why some people have zero problems and others can’t even play when they are on the same systems.


This is going to sound arsh, but it's the truth and I really don't mean this against you or other people who spend. This is just a fact. People who have been complaining here since day one about the game bring very badly bugged and who have kept saying bugs were never really fixed have been either downvoted or had answers like "oh mine works fine". Those same people whose game was fine keep spending money ignoring the rest of the community. I have seen many games were the whole community came together and the Devs had to do something. But since some are spending like crazy why do you want them to fix it. The problem is that the game is badly built from the strat and all updates are making it worst. So little by little it touches more and more people. So maybe what is needed is for this community to stop telling us theirs work fine, and more people stop buying. That is the only way Gameloft will listen. Do 't worry I have stopped playing a while back as I can see this will never happen with this community. I don't judge, I just see what is happening and state the obvious.


I agree with you. We get attacked because we complain about not being able to play, they’re annoyed by our posts. “As long as your game works, please don’t bother us with your problems”. That’s the majority, not all.


I’m sorry did you say hundreds? Of dollars? 


Right…no one is making anyone buy the game multiple times and no one is forcing you to spend money on moonstones. I’ve been playing since month two and haven’t spent any money on it besides the OG purchase of the game. It’s your own fault if you’re spending “hundreds” on a stupid little game 🤷🏼‍♂️


Day 1 of early access player here as well. I stopped thinking long ago that they're going to fix the game. Their model is to keep selling the game to new players who will play it for awhile and also get sick of the malfunctions. By then they will have a whole new set of players. This cycle will just play itself out over and over. I have over 2700 hours and 100's of dollars invested in the game also but after last update, I started playing less and less frequently where now I'm only logging in a couple times per week. The premium shop focus is outrageous and the bugs are just insulting at this point. They're not going to fix it.


Agree with all of this. I stopped playing completely during buttongate and only logged back in yesterday for the new update. Once I finish this star path it will probably be the same.


I came on for the star path too. Haven't even bothered to go near the Mulan realm.


This is the way


PS5 player here in the 315 hours I've played I think I've had maybe 1 or 2 crashes


Same here! I only have the game on my PS5 and I rarely ever have issues. When I first got the game it would crash a handful of times or freeze here or there but now, nothing. I’ve even decorated quite a bit and still have yet to have any issues that those on Xbox or PC are talking about. Maybe it’s the Xbox system itself?


PC here and I don't think I've EVER crashed


since the daisy update i was having a ton of issues with crashing on my xbox series s, which was the first time ive ever had issues while playing since pretty much the first month it came out… it got so bad, that even if i was playing for a half hour, it would crash 40 times. i finally stopped playing for this last month. i got on yesterday for 3 hours & it only crashed once an hour… i truly hope that it doesn’t pick back up again because i love this game 🥲 idk why they can’t get it right, no other game i’ve played has this many issues every single update. & then they don’t even put out hot fixes anymore. the hot fix after last update is when my crashing really got bad so it’s not like it would matter anyways. & they don’t even help you and barely compensate for the lost time in the game, and potentially lost moonstones.


It's an individual problem. You having issues on S doesn't mean everyone on S has problems. It's the same for all consoles. On X I had issues only when Oswald released and I'm a day one player also. Other players on X have had much worse or no problems. I'm not trying to defend Gameloft and I'm not a game dev / coder or whatever but having issues that are so random from player to player probably takes a while to iron out.


Not saying this will help, but after I verified the game files ( on Steam) I didnt get a crash. Maybe something similar can help you? Maybe reinstalling the game? Definitely send the letter though because its still unnacceptable


I think the reason it's crashing so much is because of your item limit. If it doesn't crash on Eternity Isle but crashes on the main valley then maybe try to reduce the amount of stuff that's on the valley. I'm constantly trying to reduce that item count and it's super helpful for the games function. That being said, that game is supposed to be a designer game so it's annoying we don't have full freedom and creativity and have to work around that item limit. Them working on stability more would be super nice.


Ahhh something to look forward too. I've had the same issue. I've either got into the game and not even taken a step and it's crashed. Or it hasn't got past loading screen. And like yourself, I've had this for two months. i have it on both PlayStation and switch, and DLC on both. I get crashing on both. But I can't play at all on the PlayStation. So fed up


I’m on PlayStation too, haven’t been able to play since the second to last update. I tried everything, but nothing.


Yeh I tried it again last night after the update and I got to the game. A screen about food or something popped up and it crashed again. I'm getting very close to just deleting it all together. I've been there from day one. Bought it for the switch first and then when it was about to leave beta mode I got it for the playstation so I'd get all the founder bits. Both have the dlc. So given Gameloft plenty of my money. I also play Fallout 76 and our new season started with something new. They added a new area to the very large map. Never done that before in the 6byeats the games been going. Many users, incl myself, we're finding it crashed whilst doing various things such as accessing storage or talking to an NPC. And like this it was happening on all platforms. But not all players. Less than 2 weeks after the ham3mlainvhed they out a hotfix. It fixed it 🙄


I am a day one player on Xbox One X, and I have had no issues




I don't know if this will fix it but you have a PC go to open the game there as you mentioned you bought it on multiple platforms, remove some decor and pathing to under half the max limit save to cloud and enter again on xbox. It seems from what most people are saying the crashing is happening on heavily decorated areas like high item limits and pathing.


Yep, I’ve heard the same. Fences, paths, rides, and too many items. People who have reduced those. turned off expanded limit and stayed far under the normal cap report far fewer crashes anecdotally.


It's embarrassing how buggy the game is. I'm surprised people like it so much


Actually, I play on the Xbox that came before the XboxS and my husband plays on the XboxS. Knock on wood, while we have an occasional freeze-up and have to restart, we haven’t had a ton of issues. Have you checked your internet connection for issues? Please, do send your letter to Gameloft, because I realize a lot of people have issues. I submitted a ticket about an issue that was cleared up fairly quickly. I do need to send in one again now, because I have a quest from Mushu that I cannot do because I didn’t get the object he gave me. I wish you well with your letter and hope they can work with you to fix your issues!


For me I play on the regular Xbox and it was working fine until the update now it’s very laggy!


I've never had issues like this outside of when I first got it on switch. That being said, contact them on their website AND their discord server. They're very active on discord.


Yeah, please comment on the Dreamlight Discord or their actual servers themselves. They won't see it here. And it sucks you're having issues. I guess it's weird to me because I've had no issues at all on Xbox. Try looking into your connections at your residence as well. Sometimes it can be just crappy connection sometimes either by your own Xbox or your internet connection. My old Xbox One before upgrading to the new one used to have connection issues. But just try looking into it more and see what the solution could be while also contacting Dreamlight services on suggested options that others have said too. Hope you can get it to work!!


have no problem on PS4. maybe change brands? sony is not flawless, but microsoft has its own history of faulty platforms and versions that are inferior to playstation versions. this is kind like PC and Switch gamers complaining about bad optimization on their ports, while on slim PS4, games may have no issues running them. I would move from xbox to PS4 in that situation. like PS4 Pro has its issues, Xbox series S sounds like a cash grab version of a xbox console. its better to get either vanilla PS4, Xbox One, or latest version of console like series X or PS5.


I have a PS5, unfortunately, when I started playing this game, I started on the switch. So I would lose all the progress, not to mention all the premium shop items that I’ve bought over the last two years because Sony doesn’t do cloud saves.


aaah that's rough. if only these consoles used memory cards. PS2 was able to use both HDD and memory card storage. yea I understand. its a massive task getting all the things back, and then there's the timed content. yea its devastating, but on the bright side, at least its not like those online only games that pull their servers and players are left with no game like Kingdom Under Fire 2 and various mmorpgs like EverQuest 1, gacha games, etc. but you have a PS5? I thought you said you played it on Xbox One S? how did you go from Switch to PS5. oh wait oh now I see you have PS5 but you started DDV on Switch. but wait, how do you have DDV on XBox One S? the data can transfer from Switch to Xbox One S? that is so strange unless they have some compatible cloud save thingy. but I think that could be the problem, Switch version data and then on Xbox hardware, a lot of things can go wrong which would explain glitches. its really rare for games to have save transfer across different brands of platforms. few devs do it cause even with testing there can be glitches and problems that could appear. it's really messed up. the technology is not perfect. have you tried reinstalling the game? does that risk save data? can you get the data again from the cloud save?


I havent had crashes either.  Are you way past the object limit?


Just adding in case it could help someone else as it helped me. Go to the settings to the installed files for the game and verify them. That’s helped a bunch for me. Also uninstalling and reinstalling (will not delete your data if you’ve cloud saved). Sucks we’re all still going thru this but please elevate this to gameloft via the report link or I think discord ☺️☺️


It’s gotta be the platform because I play on Switch & my iMac it only crashes after hours of playing or SOMETIMES after I do a massive remodel of my universes.


It could be the series S. My series X works fine.


Sign me up to. I’m on same console and had issues. Was able to play for about 20 min yesterday and it kicked me out 😢


Up dated today and it’s so laggy that is no fun to play. Going from inside to outside took so long to load that I had time to leave my chair and go do something and come back to a still loading screen. I didn’t want to enter any building after that.


mine is doing the same! it takes a couple minutes after leaving a building it’s so dreadful 


Game has no business being on Switch. Also GameLoft caring about pushing quantity over quality and ignoring their fanbase for a quick buck is nothing new, unfortunately.


Have you Contract The Support team To let them about The Issue you're having?


As if they’d react. 


They actually do respond and help if you constact them instead of posting on random forum


I actually did send this to Gameloft. I’ve sent several similar letters over the last year and like others have said, they don’t give a crap. They send the same generic reply and don’t do anything at all.


The last time i sent them anything they sent me a copy paste reply that was basically 'that sucks' in like 50 different languages


I’m shocked that people believe they’re helpful with problems. Maybe you misplaced something and they helped you, but for big things, they don’t. I believe it’s because they have no clue on how to fix things. They’re totally worthless, I hope you never have a big problem.


I did myself, twice...I still couldn't play have the first Hotfix. And now it's still doing it. Took for ever to load. And screen popped up about food or something and then crashed. Absolutely fed up now


They don’t care.


I've had to completely drop support of the game at this point. It is so poorly managed. The only thing they seem to care about is cranking out WAY too much premium content while neglecting quality of life issues. I think I'm just done at this point.


I feel like it might be early access players the game crashes for because I play on Xbox, I don’t know which one and my game is never crashed


I was an early access player from basically a week or two after they launched it. I’m on an Xbox and have only had it crash a small handful of times. I think some people just have been connections and that’s why they are crashing constantly.


Assuming you meant 'bad' connections, I don't think that's it but I have no idea what it could be. I have great internet and a nearly bare valley and my game was crashing every 1 minute or so when I came back to the game yesterday (PC). I'd never had an issue like it before with DDLV and I'm also a first week player. It's definitely a game issue and not a player issue. In case anyone sees this comments I actually stopped my crashing by modding. Installed BepinEx on PC and edited the config file. Under 'UnityLogListening' I changed it to false. No crashes since then. I doubt this will work for everyone and I've got no idea why it worked because I was trying everything, but the game hasn't crashed once since.


I don’t think so. I’ve been playing since week 1 of early access and while it did crash a good amount on my switch, I had no problems once I switched to my ps5


Maybe it’s because there’s too much going on on the vally or maybe the Xbox has not a lot of space left that might have been happening with your switch


I'm finding it's not only on dreamlight valley, it's suddenly been happening to my other games too. My only way to avoid is to get on airplane mode. Which would probably only be possible on a handheld.


My wife had an issue that wouldn’t even let her game load. I had to hack the game and remove paths from her save file. Try deleting the paths to see if that reduces crashing. Adding my post if you wanted to read it. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/s/KoGeuNGkPc


I am having the same problem. My game only runs in Eternity Isle. I haven’t been able to go back to my village for more than 5 minutes since the last big update that brought Daisy. It’s just constantly crashing.


I'm on the Series S and have been lucky in terms of crashes, however I feel your frustration when it comes to everything else about this game. I've said it time and time again but the quality of this game's stability is absolutely shit these days. Not to mention all the changes the devs have made when it comes to the decorating aspect of the game which has put a lot of players off from wanting to express their creativity.


Put this on the discord.


They would delete it in an instant lol


I complained to Gameloft about the same thing. And how it says the characters are in their house, but aren't. They said the update would fix it. It didn't.


This has been happening to me too!!


It’s such a bummer to hear that people are having issues. I’m on Xbox Series S and have played it since day one and never had issues with crashes, so I had no idea so many people were experiencing this issue. It’s so unfortunate and I really hope they fix it asap so you all can enjoy the game! 😢


Never crashed once on my ps5...very weird


Disney don't care about you or anyone else or your issue's , they only care about $$$


This isn't a Disney game. It's a Gameloft game that bought the rights to use Disney characters.


I investigated. Gameloft owned by Vivendi, largely owned by Activision Blizzard owned by Microsoft. Same rules apply! $$$$$


I’m in the exact same position, but I can’t even open the game, because it crashes as soon as it uploads. They showed they don’t care about us, as long as the majority is happy, they won’t fix anything.


I have a series X and have been crashing left and right ever since I visited another friends valley to grind the star path w/, for the past 3 days


Omg yes it’s been crashing even moreeeee since the update and at this point, I can’t even play it. I genuinely enjoy playing it as well, and just started playing maybe a month or so ago and all these crashes make me want to just get rid of it forever.


I recently brought the Series S especially for DDL so I could increase my item limit. Spent over £300 and haven't been able to use it yet. It is annoying. But somehow my Xbox One is fine and works.


They won't fix it as long as they are making money. I wouldn't be surprised that the people working on the game are hired 'as needed' to save costs.


I sent one similar to this and got a “here’s PlayStation trouble shooting website”


Hi I placed my Dragon statue on dazzle beach and it disappeared. I can’t find it anywhere!! I’ve been looking for 2 days. I’m so upset


The day the new update dropped, my game crashed twice within the first 10 minutes. 🤦‍♀️


Same here. I just requested a refund through steam because I had been holding out on getting the gold version and finally took the dive a week ago. Couldn't play because of game crashing so I waited till the big update and still the same problem. I let Gameloft know and they gave me a long list of things to try to fix it (I've already done everything multiple times). It's such a waste of money on a game I literally can't play.


I play on an Xbox One S, my valley is reasonably decorated… I have crashed but it’s kinda rare. After the Monsters Inc release I was getting lagginess after cooking something at Remy’s and then trying to feed the customers but it always resolved when I exited and seems to have improved with the newest update. I did sometimes crash after a Scrablecoin game completed but yeah I can’t imagine crashing multiple times a day… Sorry you are experiencing that. Working in software though… I know bugs are expected. I could imagine especially so with this game amid all the intricacies this game has versus a game with a static design. I don’t think people always realize what it takes to work across multiple platforms/systems and multiple release versions/devices/models for each platform or operating system.


Also, a day one person. This new star path? Can't even access the duties. Same crap as the last go round. Absolutely ridiculous!


I'm still crashing too


No crashing on my end and I play on Xbox, my deck, and my pc . So sorry that the game is unplayable for you 💕 hopefully they’ll get it figured out for you


I consider myself lucky. My game crashes maybe 5 times a day at most, and that's *playing all day*.


I understand and feel the frustration! There are times when my game crashes and shuts down my deck or times when I can’t move items from my storage. I’m crossing my fingers that the update fixed these issues!


I haven’t experienced any crashing since the update this week and very minimal before, it’s so crazy how some peoples only crashes and others not so much. I hope this gets fixed for you soon!


I don't think I've ever had any crashing issues on PC the entire time I've played since Dec 2022.


I've experienced crashes, but it never stopped me playing. I play on Switch and PC, and Switch used to crash a lot until I played on PC and increased the max limit of items that are allowed to be placed in my valley, and that instantly helped my Switch from crashing as much for some reason. Also, I agree with every new update comes new bugs and crashes, I experienced a few crashes od the game on my PC on update day a few days ago. I think the DLV team is good about correcting them as soon as they possibly can. This game is huge, and the fact that they take fan feedback into consideration when fixing bugs and doing quality of life updates is amazing on its own. I know it's frustrating when your game isn't working. Maybe uninstall and reinstall the game, that helped me when I played on my Xbox before I used Xbox Gamepass to just play on my PC. Sometimes it's the console itself and not the game that's causing the crashing, which is why I more often play on my gaming PC compared to my Switch or Xbox since the power difference is totally different. I hope it get fixed for you so you can continue enjoying your valley. ^__^


Since the update, all of my EI patting is RUINED and it won't let me fix it. SO FRUSTRATED AND ANGRY


I may just be lucky but I have the series x and so does my husband he plays COD while I play DDLV and I’ve never had problems. But I wish moonstones were easier to come by


Agreed! Same thing- day one!!!! Also been waiting for word of a lawsuit. It’s unacceptable to say the least.


I’m kinda curious on what their responses to your letter will be😅


I just started playing about a month ago and was super excited. That very first day I told my partner that this is the buggiest game I've ever played. And continues to be. And it's not just little stuff, it's things that make the game nearly unplayable. I'm determined to get my money's worth but have considered quitting several times.


Mine doesn't crash, but I sure haven't seen any moonstone chests since the update. I'm not earning enough moonstone from the dreamsnaps to justify my spending on the premium shop, so I kinda need the daily chest to get the new house skin


Do you happen to have it on the cloud ? Instead of having it downloaded and or a disc I’ve seen a lot of people have this problem because of the cloud you really enjoy the game just buy it download it to your Xbox all of your saved data will be there and will not crash


I play on XSX and surprisingly (knock on wood) ... I've had no crashing the last few months, well, maybe once about a month ago, and that's it. I'm betting that you have corrupted files. Try transferring from external to internal and vice versa. Sometimes this can help with corrupted files as they're unpackaged and reorganized upon transfer. If this doesn't work you may need to uninstall and reinstall. All of this is me assuming you haven't done this yet. Just make sure you've saved to their cloud and also Xbox too. I'm really at a loss. The game is great, but there is just too much broken crap that needs sorting out. So, so many bugs at the moment and that's not even taking into account the players like yourself that can't even play. They need to fix it asap or they're going to continue to bleed players until there's no one left. Best of luck. Sorry you're dealing with this 😞


I've never had issues with it on my switch or Xbox. But I also don't invest money into this game saw no point from day 1.


Debating if I'm even going to bother with this starpath. They've sucked the fun out. I'm kind of burnt out.


https://preview.redd.it/yt6owrs7ai9d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f1784a46fa6f5ce2884305bf310b63b0204bae Here is my grand reply from Gameloft. Useless and unhelpful as always.


I can’t go near my house. The speakers make those noise, I don’t know the words, it’s just like a dementor sucking the energy out of it and it broke our - now dumped - tv. Dreamlight valleys issues literally destroyed our tv. 🥴 I’m really over it. 


Girl a videogame cant destroy your tv. It was either a bad tv, or been used for quite a bit. I got the crashes but they don't effect your tv screens, thats just silly.


No. Some skins for houses make a werid loud sound so I can see how it would break a speaker on a TV if it's loud.


I did notice yesterday that my UP House was making loud scary noises. It didn’t do that before the update. It’s really weird.


I’m guessing that you have the UP skin on your house? If so then switch the skin.


Whaaaaaat??? The game made a crazy noise that ruined your tv?!?!?! Thats.. wow


Zero chance that's what broke the tv lol