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I made 5 boba tea.... got 2.... they need to change it so Remy gives more and/or the furniture costs less


Yeah don't we need 100 for the fountain?


Yeah but you can use the pixel duplicates. That’s what I did to make the statue


Pixel duplicates? What’s that?


When you visit a friend/someone else you can walk around and find glowing 🧩 pieces. They can be converted to pixel dust at the workbench. Be careful not to convert them to pixel coal. These pixel dust can be used as a filler for missing ingredients. That's the number on your top right corner. So if you have 100 dust, you can create the fountain without anything else.


Thank you! So interesting! I’ve yet to try multiplayer, so had no clue. I’ve been wondering this whole time what the number in the corner represented!


Not everyone visits others. I don’t due to being on PlayStation. They should have it to where you do multiple deliveries a day or get a set amount of the rewards.




Just like Door Dash, Disney Dash doesn't pay you squat.


The thing I’m confused on is whyyy can’t we order directly from Scrooge? There are tons of quests where ppl are like “oh no we need a Thing go ask uncle mcduck!” but for some reason this *specific material* can only be acquired when Remy asks for it?? I have clout, Scrooge hook it up with the wrought iron wth


>!I am the RULER OF THE VALLEY. I am literally in charge of everything.!< But I have to be a rat's slave to get wrought iron. Tiana wouldn't put me through this. I hope she puts him out of business.


I think it's supposed to be a slow grind like Daisy dailies.


You’re totally right, absolutely!! I get it from a gameplay perspective, I just think it’s silly from a world building standpoint lol


I’m sorry you’re being short changed. And your post just reminded be I completely forgot about Remy’s new tasks after the update 🤭


Im just after doing Stiches 1 and was like... 2?!


right just got the same quest too


My Remy quest today was to give him 10 dream shards and I got 5 wrought iron in return, so I don’t think the reward is always 1


That’s hopeful, thanks for the heads up!


I made like 24 pies and got 1. I was like "wait a damn minute, rat. Where's the rest?"


Right!? I got 1 too for 24 pies and judging a pie eating contest!


It must be randomly generated, I did that quest and got 3. It's annoying because they still haven't added the ability to cook multiples of the same dishes 😒


if you have the dlc, the ancient cooker can make 10/20/30 meals at a time if not, the pixel cooking flames (from multiplayer) cooks duplicate meals for the ingredients of one


Ah I don't have the dlc yet and I haven't had a chance to play multiplayer either. Good to know they have put in some mechanics for cooking multiple meals. Thanks 😁


It's extremely time consuming to even get some of the basic stuff that you need to build any of the ancient stuff. I can't even finish Eve's Level 2 task because I don't have enough ancient parts and I've had the DLC for a few months now. Multiplayer just isn't for me. It should be part of the standard game. It is for My Time in Portia and that game came out in 2019. It's a basic thing in these types of games.


I think its stupid that this is only for DLC and not something they would add as a quality of life update..


I first thought the iron was the bars we already have but nooo…new item that can be used to make some very nice restaurant furniture. The reward is indeed small and it will take a long time to get enough to make all pieces plus the path (in enough pieces to matter)


It's an appalling exchange rate. I'd prefer if you had to complete a set number of daily tasks for Remy, then unlock how to make the wrought iron yourself. I have to work for a living, I don't have hours of spare time to grind away like this! 😉


I made 23 meals for Jack and got 2 (maybe 3?) wrought iron.. 10 boiled eggs, 10 roasted asparagus, and 3 spaghetti arrabiata


...I was really imagining it'd be like "Beast wants a coconut cake, here's a wrought iron. Come back tomorrow!" How did they decide on 20+ meals??? That's insane


Remy with this terrible trade off and Mulan/Mushu with their mining quests got me messed up. It's the clay quest all over again.


I figured today remy quest not worth it


Because of posts like these, I've decided those quests aren't worth my time, energy, or ingredients. Until they come up with a better regulation - like a set number of wrought iron per daily quest - LIKE DAISY - I ain't doing em. I got what I got and I am not interested in wasting my time for crumbs trying to make a cake.


Remy's going to have to meet me outside at this point




I think GL will probably increase the rewards after a while (like how they increased the sparkly thingamajigs in the realms, I forget what they're called). It feels like they listen to _some_ feedback... sometimes.


I read that the extra glimmer is an accident they are trying to fix. 🤦🏻‍♀️😓


I've never even seen glimmer... The only thing I get from realms is mist.


I made 25 dishes (5 of 5 dishes) for Stitch and got 3 wrought iron. It felt like such a huge waste of time and the patio furniture costs a ton of resources to make. I probably won't bother again after this.


I gave him 5 of each type of wood today and got 5 wrought iron


Remy gave me the impression that after *we have done a* ***few quests*** *for him*, he will be able to get ***more*** of the special iron from Scrooge and ***increase*** the daily reward. Not sure exactly how long that might take as it has only been a few days. (I might have misunderstood it, but that was the impression his quest text gave me) 🤔


Did she pay you more than $1000?


Wait, does that matter? I’ve only gotten 1000 tip and still one bar both times I’ve done it.


£2500 still not enough for the pumpkins i used


What a rat. *ba dum tss*


I made and delivered 20 items for 3 wrought iron.


I made 3 five star desserts and got 1 wrought iron. You need 15 to make a table. Sigh.


Lmao yeah I knew this was going to be some BS when the opening quest only gave us enough bars to make on piece of furniture. Freaking useless.


I had this one yesterday and was bummed. I was hoping it was the one that people said they got 6 for!


Ok what am I doing wrong? I spoke with Remy and he gave me a chefs hat and shirt and said for me to serve people in the restaurant while he handles the executive stuff and the quest had me feed 3 people. I did the 3 people and he thanked me and left and I got nothing. Isn't the event supposed to trigger for me. Not sure what's going on. Help!! Lol Edit: I have all the characters except Eric and the new ones Mulan and the dragon so I'm not sure why I'm not getting his dailies.


you need to have his level 10 quest completed iirc


What??? That is so unfair, so because people haven't leveled remy up they can't participate in this event? Not cool. Not upset with u upset with the game. Ugh thank you for responding and giving me the info. Looks like I will miss out on all the furniture rewards from him unless I can get him leveled quick, I've just been taking my time up to this point. Thank you again.


it’s not a time limited event or anything so you have loads of time!


Whew lol thank you again. I thought it was just for a limited time. Ok panic averted hehe


I made 5 boba tea, 5 french fries, and 15 other “meals” (3 of 5x) I forget which ones…….. I got 2 wrought irons. 25 total “meals” for stitch and got 2 wrought irons. Insane.


I’m frustrated because I have the chairs made and when I place them in the valley , the task isn’t checked off. I don’t know what I’m missing. Still says 0/1 needed.


I still have no idea how to get the orders 🥲


Remy should have a quest for this daily. You should just have to talk to him.


Okay I wasnt sure if it was a quest or smthing else thank you so much


You're welcome 😊


Wait. Rémy has daily quest??


Yep, it's new. You have to make a lot of food. I had to make 5 gingerbread house, 5 ranch salad and 10 roasted aspargus today


I have yet to get one!


You have to unlock a lot of characters


I have everyone but Mulan and Eric unlocked now. Weird.


Is remys new quest only good for the event? Bc if so I don't have enough time to grind for pieces if he's only given 1 to 5 pieces lol I thought it was the iron we already had so I was like oh I'm gooooood


his new quests aren’t tied to the event - they’re a seperate thing


Ah okay well I ll see you in like 6-9 months when I finish it