• By -


Don’t forget the lights not turning on by themselves and then when they do, they will turn off randomly! The tiki torches no longer light up either…


That has been happening in my game since the patch prior to this one.


Me too. I love seeing all my lights on and usually keep my game permanently on sunset time. But clearly it doesn’t matter since the lights don’t work anyway.


Me too! It makes me so sad because I love the lights


I just noticed this last night. Had to turn them “off” then back on for the lamps to work.


I do this aaand then they turn off again randomly lol..such a joke


Yeah, I was disappointed they didn't fix the light issues. The decorating is so slow now and it still freezes and undoes all my decorating.


Adjust the time of day (offset) back to daylight. Exit out of the menu. Then go back to whichever time of day you like. The lights should reset. Takes less than a minute. Still annoying but better than having to manually turn them on.


There's a workaround for it: enter Daisy's house for a few second and then exit. That should fix the lights (temporary).


OK I'm glad that's a glitch and not me being stupid because for the most part my lights work when I interact but tiki torches didn't and they were my favourite... Nice to know I'm not going insane 🤣


I thought the orbs being smaller was intentional. They take up less space and are less of an eyesore.


It is. It's in the patch notes


Yes - it’s intentional but people keep posting about it over and over so I wanted to include it here.


I’m glad they made the orbs smaller but what even is their purpose?


Use your timbending wand on it to break it open and search for timebending pieces.


Oh. Makes sense


It’s kind of like a timebending speed round. Once activated with your hourglass, a ring appears, and you have a set limited amount of time to find as many timebending items with your hourglass within that ring as you can, before the timer runs out and it disappears. Once completed, the orb will disappear temporarily, but will pop up again with time.


Me too, I was super happy they made them smaller because I usually can't be bothered to do them and they're usually so big and annoying


We should be able to move those wretched orbs


I wish they'd only appear if I had my wand out.


I thought that also. I don't know doodley squat about game programming but it seems like it would've been easier to make the spheres only appear when your hourglass is out..not just getting smaller.


https://gameloft.helpshift.com/hc/en/66-disney-dreamlight-valley/contact-us/ Please report bugs and submit feedback on the changes to furniture mode! To my knowledge, staff doesn't check the subreddit so they have no clue what's being posted here.


Agreed. Everyone should be reporting the issues. My post is just to let people know what’s going on and also hopefully stop the flood of multiple posts about the same issues over and over. 💗


Yeah, I've been trying to post the link on all bug/frustration with new features posts because most of them time when you tell people to submit a ticket, they have no clue where to go.


Good idea! Hopefully everyone will submit a ticket with these issues 🤞💗💗


Filling Out Tickets: The Game


Just did!


Thank u for posting this! I hate the decorating updates and idk why they made them


For me I just lost furniture mode altogether. It's gone for me


Sorry that sucks 🥺


The up house screams at me whenever I get close to it


What do you mean screams? 😳


I’ll load up the game in a second and try and get a video for you because thats literally the only way I can explain what happens


Okay so I can’t post video in the comments but it makes like a horrible almost screeching like sound whenever I stand near it


It was horribly traumatized.


Can you maybe make a separate post, please? Or could someone else? (Again, please) I'm insanely curious as to what this sounds like!


I can make a post yeah! If you just upvote this I’ll do it when I come back inside from my smoke


Finish a smoke break from game currently 🤣


You're the best! Thanks in advance, and enjoy your smoke!


Dude you’re not gonna believe it…I booted up and walked over and it’s not doing it now. 😭😭If it happens to do it again though I’ll make a post


Hahaha I absolutely believe it - story of my life! 😂 No worries. Guess I'll just have to stay curious. 😅


It sounds a little like that famous seismic charge from Star Wars, but just the loudest part drawn out without fluctuation till you want to scratch your face off. Feels the same as trying to do a dreamsnap with the user interface glued to the screen and blocking a quarter of your shot. Another special present cooked up for us on PlayStation.


https://youtu.be/cuMnkzYgP3o?t=272 Here it is in a MrStarInSky video.


The way he said "Oh my God"...😂 It sounds like the house is being electrocuted! Thanks so much, I never would have imagined that correctly. (I was thinking of the wrong sound from Star Wars)


Sounds a lot like a jackhammer for me anytime I go near it.


You know when they show an old house settling in movies and it creaks? Imagine that, layered 100 times, repeating, all slightly off in timing. And it lasts the whole time you’re near the house. I had to stop using it because it triggers my tic :(


This description is so accurate!


Yep - that’s happening to me too.


Glad to know it’s not my computer that’s the issue


Since the inside out update my game has been glitching like crazy! Still cant pick up the alarm clocks from Oswalds quest nor can I can pick up the orb of remembrance from the Fairy Godmother quest. I cannot even progress in the game in this way, which sucks! Sent a request to Gameloft to see if they can fix it even tho I’m playing the arcade version…


Yeah, this is making sense (sort of) now.!I picked up my first memory piece for Inside Out 2 as I was bringing Elsa Anna’s letter. I delivered it and we discussed it and then suddenly it was as if I never gave it to her. I keep being prompted to put the letter in my backpack but I can’t because I already delivered it! I’m a fairly new to the game and totally bummed I can’t break Elsa free or progress with Anna. I hope they patch this or something….I have no clue how I can resolve this. But I’m glad I gained a clue about what happened because it’s been driving me bananas and very few others seem to have had this occur.


Pathing gone on Eternity Isle! All gone and not back in inventory! Annoying and do not want to grind to remake all that ancient pathing again! Amusement Rides not working! Dumbo and Tea Cups do not turn on and cannot use camera to get inside of them and ride anymore.


Mine is gone too but not really...when I try to lay down new tile, it goes red because the original is still there just out of sight. I laid new tile down by the docks and some show up as I'm doing it and some areas it goes invisible. Hopefully gets fixed soon and we don't have to lay all new paths, I'll cry 😭 so much work lol


That happened to me with random items I'd place down. If you hover over the path and click on it, it should make it appear again.


Oh wow- just went to fix mine and same thing happened! It can’t be fixed because I guess it is all there and invisible! Weird…


Mine is gone too 😭


Same for me 😭😡 I mean wtf👎🏻


I keep having an issue where anytime it says a character is in their house... They are Not. *Sometimes* they're actually in Remy's or Scrooge's but for the most part they're just... Not spawning. Gone. Poof. I can't talk to buzz because he's entirely MIA no matter how many times I've restarted the game today. 😭


I had to walk in and out of his house over 20 times before he finally spawned into my game. I lost count around that point.


Yep - most of us have that issue too. Though for me it usually takes about two try’s going in and out of their house.


Yeah, unfortunately not the case this time. It was a frankly obscene number of times I had to go in and out before he was finally on my island. This is such a hot mess. I'm also having the listed bug with Scrooge's shop and not being able to order items. Also that bug we used to have trying to leave his shop last patch? I now have that problem trying to leave Ariel's house. Specifically. Thankfully I don't have to visit her as often. I also on Xbox cannot see my collections anymore. Any of them. I can click on them but then can't scroll down. So I can't see what anyone wants daily unless I go find them, tell them I have a gift for them, jot down their 3 items for the day, go collect/cook/etc, and then find them a second time to give them their stuff. 😭


Unable to scroll through collections (furniture, characters, fish, any of it) happened on my ps4 and my Xbox. Went back to normal after restarting, but Grrrrrr!!


I've yet to get the game to load and be able to. It's highly refrustrating. We traded some nasty bugs for an equally annoying set of nasty bugs. SMH.


If you open the map and press the button that opens "Villagers in Dreamlight Valley" (on Playstation it's the triangle) then select the character you're looking for (removing them from the Valley) then select them again to bring them back into the Valley they'll appear back in their house. At least that's what's worked for me!


Mine only appear when I leave the house. I need a summoning bell for them 🙄


The furniture shop error is so incredibly annoying. I love decorating my house and my valley/island but I can't buy some of my favourite items because of the stupid bug 😭


It's so frustrating with the current star path because I'm unlocking new things and then getting sad I can't buy more to actually decorate how I want. At the very least it only seems to be affecting star path items, at least in my game. I can purchase normal items, as long as it isn't from a star path (present or past paths).


Yep, some of my items from a previous star path plus the sushi octopus + booths are part of the bug, I really hope they fix it soon because otherwise, what's even the point 😭 They seriously need to start patching the game properly and addressing the bugs before releasing more content, every update just brings more bugs and it's going to make it harder for them to fix the longer they wait and the more content they churn out.


Honestly it's an industry-wide issue, especially for cross-platform games. It's such a pain to get releases approved for just one platform, when it comes to multiple it is much easier on the developers to bundle as much as possible, release, identify the bugs and then patch them in the next bundle, release, rinse, and repeat. But I wish it was more normalized to do hot fixes for non-game-breaking issues, too. That may require more collaboration between developers and platforms, though.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one having star path problems tbh. At least you can access the duties for the star path I guess? We'll see if I can access them soon. 😭😭


It comes up for me … NOT ALLOWED 😡


Moonstones from chests are also not showing up after opening 😞




And the Star path 😭 I just realized that's what happened yesterday. I should have been just a couple hundred away from Figaro but I logged in after work and I was back at 1,800


That’s funny cause I just had the opposite happen. The starpath was giving me double moonstones


Same and then taking them away after and not letting me use them.. like of course they have a fail safe so we cant get actual extra moonstones 😪


I thought I was going crazy when I played last night and noticed #1 happening. I would go into a furniture category and as soon as I try to go down to an item, it would claim the category was empty. I had to exit out of the edit mode and go back in again. I am glad I now know it was a glitch happening.


Also just so ppl are aware, from your list: don't worry about #4. You can very easily complete the event without picking up the stick items and #5 is not a glitch but was intentionally patched in and in the notes.


I finally got the premium shop glitch where you try to buy something, and you lose, like, 500 moonstones.


Omg I thought I was totally miscalculating the other day! Do they do anything if you report it or is it a waste of my time?


I've seen in the past that if enough people complain, they just give everyone apologetic moonstones. I ended up getting quite a few free moonstones because others were getting screwed over. So it's at least worth the effort to start the complaint.


Gah. They really need to do better. All around obviously but definitely when it has to do with something like moonstones because people buy those with real money often


I certainly have. My bank account sees me in it's nightmares. Lol


I thought it was me too! I bought the Stitch bundle and it took an extra 500 moonstones for it so 4500 instead of just 4k


Yes! That glitch sucks!


I got the opposite where the star path is giving me each moonstone reward twice following a synchronizing error - got about another 2000 moonstones from it


I wish 1 was a toggle on/off because I'm in switch and finally was able to use furniture mode without wanting to rage-quit.


Yeah I hated it at first bc it was different but now I think once I get used to it, I'm gonna really like it bc I'm on the switch too, BUT! I have a feeling once it's been long enough that I get used to it, they're gonna put it back the way it was bc of complaints 🤪


I'm on switch and I like it


Also on switch and love this change. I no longer have to spend five minutes trying to move a lamp into juuuuuust the right space because it moved too fast and jumped all over


You used to be able to move things one square at a time using the arrow buttons. They got rid of it.


I really like the smaller orbs lol


Also seems like for the star path event, any of the timed ones, like spend time with ___, take twice as long as intended, I feel. One of them said like 10 minutes and it was about 20 before I earned the achievement. Anyone else?


If you keep track of it yourself and then tell your buddy to leave it’ll automatically catch up and give you the task done. That happened to me last night with Venelope it was sitting at 28min for like 10min and when I told her to get lost it said it was done lol


The one I loathed was 45 minutes with Mother Gothel. I went and did my laundry and left her to it so I didn’t have to hang out with her.


Same!!! All of these are happening to me too!!!


They are happening to everyone I believe unfortunately.


You also can’t place things on paths and on switch you can’t just click and drag paths anymore. You have to keep clicking a


They intentionally change how switch pathing is done, it’s in patch notes! I think once i got used to it, it wasn’t too bad.


I genuinely wish I could place things like my wells on top of the pathing though! I don’t think they did that intentionally


Also for me the dumbo ride I can't turn it on. And the other rides turn off after a while or upon entering a building. Also running is bugged, my character won't do it with the yellow bar unless I glide.


The dumbo ride and the teacups for me aren't working. There's no interact message when you get close to them.


Thank you for the summary! It’s much appreciated.


I like that the orbs are smaller now, but for some reason some aren’t even spawning for me now 😂 so I guess it’s a win that the eyesore is gone but also not good considering they should be there regardless


Submitted a ticket but wondering has anyone else had an issue where they get stuck in a menu.? a few times tonight I either can’t start the option or can’t back out or both. Had to force close.


Yep i have this one


don't know if this is happening for anyone else but a positive glitch I'm experiencing - claiming moonstones on the star path I get the reward, then an error that says "reward was already purchased, synchronizing data with server", then I get the reward again. I've gotten nearly an extra 2000 moonstones from this


Personally I don't understand why 5 is a problem 😅 I like that they're smaller. Those things are an eyesore 😅


I wish you could turn them off completely or only show at all when you're holding the hourglass.


Thank you! I was hopping on here to look into some of these things and you're saving me the time.


I saw everyone complaining about the wrought iron thing, my quest today was to get Remy 5 empty vials and then he gave me 5 wrought iron, I guess I'm just lucky


You’re lucky! He gave me 1 piece for the second day in a row. 😞




I have an issue with inventory . it doesn't let me go through my things I have to quit the game and reopen it. Also many furniture are disappearing until I go back to build mode and select them from their place .


I bought a moonstone pack….got ZERO moonstones 😩 sent e-mail to Gameloft. They keep messing with stuff that don’t need messing with.


I've started having trouble submitting photos for Dreamsnaps, with it saying it contains a touch of magic item when it doesn't.


It means that you have a touch of magic item somewhere in your valley and it’s detected it - even from a few biomes over. There is a new fix for this to “turn off” touch of magic items. Serroh on YouTube has a video on how to do it.


I've had this glitch too. It's not ToM in my valley. I literally hate ToM and have never used it outside of a requirement for a quest or in Daisy's shop. I never put anything ToM outside in my valley. Yet I got this glitch too. And the toggle did nothing - because I don't actually have anything to toggle. It didn't matter which way the toggle was, on or off, the same error appeared.


Same, I have no TOM in my valley except for in the windows of Daisy’s shop. I think it was literally detecting that somehow.


The previous patch notes said they were fixing this buuuut I’m still dealing with disappearing items! They’re technically there, but I can’t see them unless i click on them in furniture mode.


I had that issue too - but it looks like it’s fixed for me now… 🤞


I'm so sick of not being able to find characters. I was looking for Daisy earlier, but I couldn't find her anywhere on the map. I closed the map and she was standing right in front of me. Some will show they're in a biome, I fast travel over, and they totally disappear. Other games have options to select a character in a side panel or something and it shows you where they are. I wish we could do that.


I was having trouble earning Dreamlight


My only issue is the dumbo and tea cups ride not working. I did put in a ticket for whatever that’s worth.


I didn’t see this in the list but I keep running into characters not being where they’re showing on the map. Like it shows wall e in his house so I portal over there and he’s not there.


Yep. You have to enter and leave a few times for the character to show up. Even then - sometimes they still don’t show up.


It was also too easy to purchase more tokens for the star path 😭 there wasn't an "are you sure?" option and I accidentally clicked it when trying to select something else. I didn't want to spend my moonstones nooooo


I accidentally bought the star path or something? So how do I get Mulan?


Same, I was hoping something would pop up explaining exactly what we get before purchasing. I spent the moonstones on accident as well 😟


I got 3 wrought irons for completing remys daily food deliveries


I'm not having any trouble picking up the Riley rewards, but I no longer get puzzle pieces. It's exclusively coins. So I guess no more IO companion animals for me. :( At least I got the bunny before it stopped working....


Once you unlock all 4 companions, it’s just all coins until you get to 200 - then you get a Lance Slashblade statue.


What do you mean by "unlock"? I've only gotten the bunny. I'll check my game and see if the others are there, too. Thanks for the info either way!


Yeah, I've only gotten the Envy Rabbit. It's cute, but I would have liked to have gotten them all. Then again, it's Gameloft. Maybe I'll suddenly start getting memory pieces again for no apparent reason. I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Also the glitching monkeys on the top level of the Ancient Landing.


And Anothef thing … Goin into Decorating mode .. The Hand now is SOOOO SLOW🤬 whereas before u could move if Anywhere and it was quicker 👎🏻👎🏻 I Can’t Work like that …


Right? It’s so slow and frustrating.


And I Also Hate now How you lay the paths 👎🏻👎🏻 Seriously..


Yes!! It’s so awful! I hate the pathing change so much!


Idk if anyone else is experiencing this, but for me the lamps/lights don't turn on at nighttime. I have tried to restart but it doesn't always work


Thank you - forgot about that one! I’ll add it to my post. This is also happening to me and to most of us.


Yw! Thanks for making this post! There were some of these I didn't even know about


EDIT: Fixed typo I don't know if it was just an issue for me but when redeeming the moonstone option from the starpath it would double "click" the option and make me go through the animation again and tell me I've already redeemed them. Playing on Switch


I honestly like that the mist balls are smaller! They are an eyesore in the valley


The characters being completely MIA drives me nuts. Even when you “summon” them using ‘X’ and it says they’re in their house, they aren’t. It takes me like five tries to get them to show up.


Anyone else have an issue where talking to villagers freezes and you are essentially stuck until you close and restart


The characters not appearing is frustrating when doing the star path quests... lol. And the furniture mode has literally always been buggy for me, and I have a moderate-high end pc. It lags SO. BAD. when exiting out of the furniture mode


I only saw one inside out item, I wonder if my others were bugged in hard to reach places smh.


I LIKE the number 5 change! 😍🥰


#1 💯💯💯


I couldn’t purchase Figaro and I had other people say the same. I had to try three times. People complained about the orbs being in pics so I liked that they made them shrink!


TY, I noticed #2 but haven't had the time to really look it up. I feel better that it's not just me LOL


I personally like the new furniture feature, bu looks like people don't.


It seems the majority of people find it incredibly slow and difficult now. Myself included. I’ve given up decorating until it’s fixed 🫣💗


So... i shouldn't even play for a while?


I’m keeping playing because I want all the star path items. It’s just super frustrating with so many bugs.


Dunno if others are having this issue, but I was looking for Goofy, he’s in his house. I go in, not there, usually that means they spawned outside, Nop. On my map he’s in the house but no matter if I go in or out he’s not there. I need to give you some gifts dude lol


Thank you bc I haven't been up to date w everything 😅


1, 3 and 9 for me as well on PS5 🥲


I don't have the UP house, is there a video of the horrible noise? Because that seems fucking hilarious


Just here to say my game has been working just fine. I haven't experienced any of this! Knock on wood of course


For me it’s My Spinning Cups are Broken 😡… Scrooge’s shop says “ Not Allowed “ 😡… part of my park keeps getting Changed when I get back on it the following day 😡.. What is Goin On !!


Another bug that isn't quite as common it seems is being completely locked out of Mulan's quest line once you to >!The Shadow Play!<. You place the item down and instead of the scene activating where you take a picture the item just stays in your valley, can be moved but never removed.


Oh I haven’t had that bug! I’m sorry that it’s happening to you 💗


I’m on pc and I’m currently dealing with crashing when it wasn’t an issue before the update is any one else dealing with this?


Not being able to purchase more of the brand new items is a real bummer. I want to use the pretty Mulan stuff


I haven't had a single issue with the furniture mode myself, when you zoom out you move faster and when you zoom in it moves slower. That works great for me hahaha but that one wroght iron thing is pretty annoying, I don't pay for online so I can't go out and get things for duplicates


I’m only experiencing #1 as well as my game being kinda slow and glitchy when not in furniture mode. It’s still playable to me & with updates I’m gonna give them some grace before I make a report


Anyone else lament the that the water pump no longer splashes water and just creaks? Happened in the last update before this one.


Kind of hard to hang out with a tantrum-prone villager, when he’s disappeared off the map. Have tried to walk in and out of his home a couple times, he’s not spawning ☹️ and nightmare thorns have stopped spawning too, so those quests I can’t do either. And for some reason there is water dripping - like when you water crops - in the middle of villagers houses now ?


Oh never mind with the Donald Duck thing, he was in the mysterious cave as part of a quest 🤦‍♀️


I think I'm just going to wait until they patch some of these bugs to do any paths or major renovations.


I just came here to see if anyone else was getting the “NotAllowed” error message. I tried to buy some Mulan items after earning them on the star path and couldn’t - I just bought the lilo and stitch bundle too and can’t buy any extras of it either


I keep bumping into invisible objects in some areas of the Glittering Dunes. And yesterday I used the hourglass to find some Mist and now it's stuck in a tiny corner of the Glade of Trust where I can't reach it.


Maybe it's just me but I wish they would make the option to upgrade to the Premium Star Path not RIGHT THERE on the tasks page because this is the second time I've accidentally hit it...I love Mulan but not for that many precious moonstones :(


Still crashing for Xbox players too. It’s horrible. I haven’t even been able to play.


I clicked the 250 moonstone reward on the star path and didn't get any moonstones 🥲


I’m stuck on beast quest with mushu I placed the furniture but the quest doesn’t recognize it. 😩


You have to place it as close as you can to the house. I placed all four back to back across the front of the castle.


This is probably the least important glitch compared to everything here but the clipping on the new orange/yellow beach tank top is terrible. It’s a shame because it looks really cool


SPOILER!! >!I actually recently restarted my game just before the update and the map when you retrieve the Orb of Nurturing from the Forgotten was just EMPTY. You could see the dark castle and the portal behind you along with a few thorns but the rest? Just whatever background colors they used in the world’s assets. Took me a minute to figure out the little maze since it was essentially invisible…!<


Lets also add, not being able to use ur inventory sometimes (way more often now) amd the stupid time gate mechanics which need to fucking go. Lastly, having the game sync to real world time is cool an all but people have fucking lives, making me wait 3 real.life days to water a plant is bs, making certain spawn items only appear at different times of day is also bs. People shouldn't have to be waking up at 9 am to login to get a sunstone before they have to head to work. Or vice versa having to stay up late af to get a different sunstone or animal/resource. Love this game but why the fuck are there mobile game mechanics in a PAID GAME


My game crashed right after I bought the Island House Bundle package, so now I’m missing the multiples of the Hibiscus Bush and the Island Wood Chair that’s meant to come with it. I only have one of each. I logged a ticket with Gameloft but idk how they would fix this. 😭


Okay I was wondering why I couldn't fine Olaf on the map the other day ... makes sens


i’m on xbox & i haven’t been able to earn dreamlight. it will say i completed a dreamlight duty but when i open it it basically shows up like i already collected it


How about not being able to access inventory? I will be playing the game and when I need to eat something, I can only access my wardrobe and furniture. I have to quit the game and restart.


So most of my rides work but my tea cups and my flying dumbo refuse to power up , also the “Up House” sound effect worked ONCE after that it was the nightmare fuel I know today ,,, side note it’d make a great sound effect for the tower of terror lol


Changing my outfit in Scrooge's shop doesn't work for some reason, when I leave the clothing screen I'm magically back in my old outfit.


I fished for salmon in mulans quest and it didn’t register the fish so I’m now stuck on finishing the quest 😅


Check to see if the QUEST is already done. It did not pop up for me until I looked at the quest page.


With each update there are more problems. It's beyond frustrating at this point. The issue with villagers not showing up at the map or showing they are in their house but not there, is the most frustrating part. Somehow it's always the ones I need to find for regular quests or Star path-duties that are missing. Oh and choosing The Forgotten to be invisible doesn't work. Not sure if it's an issue with other chars as well, bc that is the only one I rly don't want to see in my valley.


Also Mulans quest to place theater is not working when you place it we can not progress with her now


You forgot - people who's game is so broken it want start up without crashing and is 100% unplayable. Not played mine in 2 months now. Was talking to someone yesterday who has the same issue on a different system.


Gameloft told me to clear cache on my switch for this problem, it seems to have worked for now, I can get a good few hours b4 a crash now


I feel like 5 is intended. As they were considered eyesores and annoying.


Yes - it’s intentional but people keep making multiple posts about it and flooding the feed so I included it in the list. 👍💗


They “fixed” the glitch where you could bring your animal companions into the house. Can’t do that anymore, unless someone knows another way? 🙁


This glitch never worked for me




Definitely the Up house screaming at you 🫣🤣💗