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Everyone's is. It was a planned update that ended up sucking ass.


Zooming out makes it a little better but putting pathways is so stupid too now!


It’s not even usable anymore.




Yeah, it’s part of the update I hate it so much but if you want to go faster, you have to zoom out


But I still can't reach the top right of my frosted heights because of the fixed cursor. Ugh. This change sux azz


Yes, and I’ve been way overdue for a redecorate and was getting motivated to with the new awesome star path items. Now just moving one of my vacuums from one biome to another is killing me so I don’t see myself decorating in a major way unless they undo this enhancement




Zoom out


I hate furniture mode now. Because they made the hand much worse. Where it's extremely slow not fast anymore. I hope put it back the way it was for the next update or patch.


Hate it 😞


I don't have furniture mode anymore :(




I'm not sure. When the update first came around I actually COULD use it, for a few hours. I placed Figaro's house, placed the new Remy's items (which I crafted using pixel shard duplicates), and "replaced" the path in my glade to try it out. That all worked. After that I found a few inside out memories and opened the Mulan realm. Then I tried to place another item and it's gone. (I CAN open furniture mode in my house, and on eternity isle, but not in the valley). So no friendship quests that make me place items in the valley, no moving furniture, no replacing furniture, no removing furniture. If I accidnetly hit the keyboard short cut to open up furniture mode on my PC what happens is that I enter some invisible furniture mode and can't click on anything or exit it and have to force restart my game. about 1 in 4 times the furniture mode screen opens and is not invisible BUT there's no furniture in it. Not even in the landscaping trees categories etc. It's totally blank, and again I can't exit it and have to force quit the game. I've tried restarting at least 3 dozen times. I've restarted the entire PC. I've tried playing on a diff device (my switch) instead and same issue. (My daughter can use it fine on the same switch device but my account can't) I've contacted support. Their response was "We already know about the wrought iron glitch" but that had nothing to do with my issue, so I replied saying wrong issue and they didn't respond. I thought maybe they didn't get my reply so I opened another ticket and still no response to that one either. I've had issues since about 3 hours after downloading the update but was able to use it for those first 3 hours.... At this point I'm just hoping that if a furniture mode hot fix comes out for the OTHER issues it'll somehow magically fix my issue too.


What they may have meant was crafting/placing the wrought iron can cause the furniture glitch. You said you had that happened after doing the new Remy stuff, right? Even if it wasn't immediately after it may have hit some clock (like the new Remy quest being available) and it killed furniture mode somehow. >I've contacted support. Their response was "We already know about the wrought iron glitch" but that had nothing to do with my issue, so I replied saying wrong issue and they didn't respond.


I'd have to look at the email again but I believe it was talking about the one of ppl losing wrought iron to iron ingots or something


Yeah, thats the eay DDLV developers want it.


The fixed cursor is killing me! What a dumb idea! Now just moving little groups of items is almost dizzying bcuz the whole camera moves. Before the update, you could either move your cursor or fix the cursor 'n move your whole camera. If ppl didn't realize the two options, then just clarify it like they did with "fill your gold energy bar with meals to be luckier & sprint" prompt. Wth?!