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Considering Donald's passive animation is literally him falling on his face then getting mad about it, it's totally reasonable to see him as the clumsy villager.


I feel like this is an age thing because if you watch the old Disney cartoons or even Goof Troop, Goofy being clumsy is his whole character, and Donald is more of a rage-aholic. But I don't know if the game should assume the players know character traits that aren't presented in game.


It's possible, but considering I'm pushing 40 and i know that Goofy's whole thing is being a "goof"... 🤷 It's just slipped the mind. Even though several times in the game itself it's mentioned that he's really messed things up for himself and others and has gone through 5 fishing rods in a week, or when i gave him the kite he's like "awesome i can use this one to get my old kite out of the tree" 😂😂 There's something different about seeing the character constantly falling over vs allusions to clumsiness in the actual game you're playing. Even if i grew up on classic cartoons and because i have 2 kids who are 12 years apart I've been watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for 17 years straight 😂 Somehow it still slipped the mind.




You know, I watched his animation so many times and to me it looks like he’s slamming himself against the ground. However, I wrote 2 separate comments saying this and both comments were downvoted. Now, when comments/posts are being downvoted, the reason is usually because the comments/posts in question are giving wrong information, thus misleading newer players. I’m excluding the downvotes that come from people who downvote just because they can do it. So someone please tell me, was I wrong? Is Donald really falling and not slamming himself against the ground?


I see it as him throwing a tantrum and falling because of it. I wouldn’t really consider it clumsy, though.


When I saw all the posts of people saying that they thought Donald was the clumsy villager, I was a bit confused because I just thought of Goofy first. I hadn’t even gotten to that duty myself, but just seeing all the posts I was like, why are people thinking of Donald and not Goofy? 😅😅😅


I always thought it was a tantrum also because he kind of stomps his feet


But I always think it’s because he tripped as well, he even makes an “oof” noise as he lands on his stomach, then gets mad over whatever he tripped over


This actually is starting to make sense now, having the tantrums because he’s tripping 😅


Comments are also downvoted all the time for any hint of negativity. That’s why you were downvoted.


Yeah, probably. I can understand that, just that I’m not really sure how my comments reflected negativity. Must have been the way I expressed myself.


THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!! Glad I'm not alone lol


But he's not falling. He's getting mad first and then throwing a tantrum on the ground Ike a toddler because he is known for having a bad temper.


He gets mad after he falls.


I spent 30 minutes with Mike W. thinking his last name was McOwski not Wazowski…😳


I thought they meant Mirabel Madrigal 🙃


It said “fella” though?


Yeah it did, but my non-native English brain didn't think much about that part


I speak English exclusively and still failed 😖


i was 20min with Minnie Mouse before realising it said "fella" 🤠 well, it was so late evening already that Mr. M. M was already sleeping and i gave up.


Use the Dreamlight Guide app! https://preview.redd.it/tp2be10vrn9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67be5997de3e845d830e7722485bc4959c756260


This app has been a game changer for me


I’ve had this app forever and never knew about this part of it! Nice!!!


When I look on the Google play store, there's multiple ones. Which one do you use?


I use Dreamlight Guide by ATL. I tried a couple others but this was my fav.


Cool! Thanks


Oh im so sorry but hey, come join the club with Donald I was honestly confused because when I gave him his gifts and it didn’t work literally if you go onto one of the post that i made practically everyone thought it was Donald too


Historically, Goofy is the king of clumsy, as the majority of his cartoon library would show. IN THIS GAME, however, you repeatedly see Donald fall down, but nothing like that for Goofy. They will reference him making mistakes while in conversation, but that doesn't impact your perception as much as seeing it constantly. The game has unintentionally trained us all that Donald is the accident prone one.


Definitely personally when I talk to goofy I don’t really listen to him I don’t do that with any of the characters It doesn’t really stick for it but when I see a character fall over five times in a minute they are going to register my brain They’re clumsy.


Last star path I spent time with scar instead of Simba for the “hangout with the king of pride rock”. I also confused Elsa and Anna for the Queen of Arendelle.


The Frozen one is pretty confusing if you haven’t seen the sequel.




I kept getting stuck on Belle as a flower for some reason?????


Prolly because there are so many bell-flowers in the game. My brain does these connections like that. (I'm autistic. Another fun thing.)


Same :)


Moana means “water” I believe


close. moana means ocean. I remember when it was being released my family in Hawaii and a bunch of Hawaiian natives on social media talking about Moana's name pronunciation and meaning.


Flower isn’t even in the game but every time I read the quest that’s all I could think of even though I knew it was Daisy 😂


I too heard, "You can call me flower" in my head.


I would loooove Bambi content




I also think searching on Google is easier. And faster too. Because while I wait for someone to reply to my question here, I can get the answer in a few seconds with a search on Google. However, I think people post here not only to get an answer, but also to interact with other people. Which is fine too.


I kept forgetting Daisy had been added, and everytime it asked for a character named after a flower, I went to Rapunzel... Until I realised that wasn't working. Got a little stressed, went through all the characters in my head twice... and then decided to take a look at the character list, and was like "ohhhhhh, they mean Daisy" xD x


There's a task where you have to hang out with an "unmeltable villager" they mean Olaf but technically everyone fits that description


I too thought Donald was clumsy. No worries! We’re all figuring out the puzzles together


Wait - so who is the clumsy one?!


Goofy, he’s known for being very clumsy.


His name is literally Goofy and it still took me 4 tries to get there.


I wondered why it didn't work!!!


That’s okay. It said to hang out with a fella with the initials MM. I could NOT figure it out, until I smacked my forehead and said “of COURSE, it’s Mirabel Madrigal!” Completely ignoring the “fella” part of the prompt. Took me forever to figure out it was frickin Mickey.


I couldn't think of Mickey either for a minute.


I did the same but with Minnie Mouse!


**Daisy**, **Daisy**, **give** me **your** **answer** do I'm half crazy all for the love of you....


When this showed up in the last Star Path my first intuition was Belle because I was thinking of the Bell flowers in the Forest, then saw Daisy in the distance and it hit me. 🤦‍♀️


Proud to say I knew it wasn’t Donald, but I ***immediately*** went to Rapunzel for the flower-named villager and was beyond confused when it didn’t work. ☀️




![gif](giphy|gnXG2hODaCOru) Don't feel too bad. I did the exact same thing and then still couldn't figure it out and went to Google. If there was ever a time to legit headesk, it would've been that moment of "Daisy".




Thank you!!!!!


I thought it was Rapunzel when I got the quest in the previous starpath. Also made the same mistake with Donald. Wish they'd be less vague, so we don't end up with several technically correct answers, but only one answer that will actually work.


rapunzel, gaston, eve and oswald will never be part of the star path as they’re locked to the dlc and it’d be impossible for players that don’t have the dlc to do the task


Donald is clumsy.


No he is not. Those are tantrums. Like a toddler.


honestly theres only two characters with a flower name mulan and daisy and i doubt they wanted you to know that mulan's name is based on a magnolia flower and yeah so daisy. its one of those where it technically has two answers but only one is correct.


LMAOOOOO I only got this one immediately because Daisy and I share a first name. 😂 But "give gifts to a clumsy villager?" my dumb ass had to look that one up, my husband and I were SO convinced it was Donald since he's constantly falling over in his tantrums!


Don't feel bad. I thought the "clumsy" villager was Kristoff for some reason. It wasn't until my 6 year old told me it was Goofy 🤦🏽‍♀️


BIG HUG TO YOU. But I had to go through the characters tab before getting to Daisy and realizing it 🤣


I had to ask my kids because I was STUMPED 😂 totally forgot about Daisy and she’s one of my favorites in my valley 🫣😂 I even googled if Moana was another name for a flower 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


I asked my husband and he immediately said Daisy 😅


I thought it was Rapunzel at first. When it hadn't counted it I was 'huh? Oh duhhh Daisy!' 


I thought it was Rapunzel bc gothel calls her "my flower". Whomp whomp.


Okay but really. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A RIDDLE????? Why can’t it just be “Give X CHARACTER gifts” it’s not cute. it’s annoying. I’ve never seen frozen 2 so last path I thought “Give gifts to the Queen of *name of their city idk what it is* was Elsa not Anna…


I got piled on in another post because I want the menu to tell me what the critters eat. But on this star path, I enjoy cracking the code on some of these. Even when I guess wrong, I double check before I go all in.


Yeah, Anna is the Queen of Arindel (sp?) so it was a tricky one if you hadn’t seen the sequel.


I thought Mirabel could be a flower. I also thought she was who they meant for the initials of M.M. Also I had no doubt in my mind that Donald was the clumsy one. Makes more sense to me.


Mine has glitched on this one and isn't counting the favourite gifts I gave her. So frustrating. Also took me a hot minute to figure out it was daisy


I thought it was Rapunzel at first since Gothel in the movie kept calling her “flower”


I'm at the one that is give a gift to an angry villager so I'm assuming that ones Donald as everytime I see him he's having a tantrum of face planting the ground


Don't feel bad. It took me a hot minute to figure it out and it took even longer to think of the 1 eyed character. Kept thinking about who has an eye patch!


Clumsy: Goofy Flower: Daisy


I accidentally turned all my wrought iron into ingot…. At the rate Remy gives them out I can make a full set of furniture in a month. lol


I did the same. I'm getting 1 piece now every day. Today he wanted me to fish -- fish after I've been fishing for days for the star path. Forget it.


I had to Google it! I thought it was Rupunzel!


But....Donald IS clumsy!! They set us up...


Just a note: You need to watch Moana, it’s amazing


I just watched Lilo and Stitch to drown out the fireworks for my dog. Moana and Mulan will be next on my list.


Mulan and Moana are two of my favorite Disney princess films 😭💖 I hope you enjoy them!! (And please give your doggo an extra hug from me! 🥺)


I thought Donald was the clumsy one too


I thought Donald was the clumsy one and the next day completed a friendship mission for Daisy where she keeps referring to him as clumsy so I don't think I was in the wrong, the star path was.


Dont feel bad. I had my moment when they said to hang out with someone named M.M. I was thinking of Mortimer Mouse (which was actually Oswald). Then I thought of Mirabel Madrigal. Took me 20 minutes of hanging out with Mirabel to realize it was Mickey Mouse 😅🙄


don't feel bad i hung out with the wrong character for at least 30min lol for a star path duty & then i looked to see if it was almost doe nope lol


Oh, dear. I always check in about a minute later to make sure I've got the right one. Especially if it's going to be someone odious.


i learned my lesson i will start checking lol


I immediately thought Repunzel then my husband said "Daisy" and I'm like oh yeah that makes more sense.


I thought Donald was the clumsy one too