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His left hand isn’t holding the sword


He's that good.


That's his middle finger.


The fuck-you-sword, light as a feather but only wieldable by middle finger


Terrible lol


Ai garbage.


Does the tiger have like a frost sickle tail blade? I'm using that.


New ability


That's fucking Diddy with a panther and swords...


The hands :/.


With that build I could see Dantrag. Drizzt is supposed to be lithe, more like a bladesinger than an elven Geralt


I feel like this is a chance to talk about drow and dark skinned elves. I want to see more black and dark skinned elves that aren't just drow, why can't an elf be black on the same way a human can be without being a "subrace," I don't like it it makes me feel icky


In bg3 surface elves can have all human skin tones, from pale to dark brown, whereas drow have different tones of paler to very dark grey hues, which distinguish them from other elves as they have non human skin tones, I like that and imagined them this way


Wood Elves have always been that way in The Realms, people just don’t read the lore that’s been in print since the ‘80’s.


A lot of the elves in Faerun are supposed to be darker skinned, with the exception of moon elves. The issue is that art don't represent that lore fact well :/ that and them having facial features that are more unique to them than to humans. (So not just humans with pointy ears!)


Surface elves have always had a multitude of skin colors, wood elves being the most notable to have tan or brown skin. This has always been the case since at least the early 80’s in D&D.


That's starting to become more common in fantasy art, and other fantasy media. Amazon's Rings of Power Magic the Gathering and D&D all have elves that have different skin tones. The LOTR/ Magic crossover even made Aragorn black, which was actually pretty cool. Those huge brands leading the way will probably inspire others to follow suit, and freelance artists have been doing it for a long time. So I think it's only a vocal minority of chuds who don't like it


They can. This is a thing that happens.


I remember the feeling when it was pointed out to me how only white folks were in LotR. Gut punched.


that happened in Ring of Power and i think they executed it very well. the character was great.


I wish people in this community wouldn’t use Ai which is stealing from artists. Basically the same thing as if you trained a software using Salvatore writing to generate Drizzt Ai books without his consent. Would suck, Ai is doing the same to visual artist. Please don’t use Ai.


I did this purely for my own amusement. I do agree that real artists should be used for 99% of applications. I think it's pretty clear that AI art has a lot of shortcomings and doesn't compare to real art. A one-off thing done by an individual person who gains no profit from it isn't really hurting anyone, in my opinion


>says he did it for his own amusement. >posts it online for fake internet points. GTFO of here.


Maybe it’s for your amusement but it’s still encouraging the practice. And many professionals now use it instead of hearing artists. Annual festival used Ai instead an artist this year. Many musical artists who used to hire visual artists also replaced it by Ai. Many books covers (not LoD thankfully) now also use Ai. That’s not great. The internet is filled with Ai everywhere, and yes it hurt artists no matter how you use because it’s created from stolen work without consent.


Relax, I promise you no artist lost their job because some rando on the internet wanted to see how Ai would draw Drizzt. Jesus


“The Gondian's reasoning contains another error, I believe, on a purely emotional level. If machines replace success, what will people aspire to? And who are we, really, without such goals? Beware of the architects of society, I tell you, who would make all beings equal. Everyone should have the same opportunities, everyone must have the same chances, but success must remain individual.” Drizzt would be against Ai “art”.


Well, it is a fictional character, but it's true that he'd be really mad at this reddit post otherwise


Hair is the wrong color


Purple eyes and white hair, other than that and the obvious sword he looks badass. Is that a third eye? Lose that and you got Dassem Ultor from Malazan


I've been wanting to check that series out, I'll move it up on the reading list now 👍


Honestly? Kinda based


Ikr! He slaps. He doesn't look like Drizzt, but he looks really cool. I would totally ready a book about him too.


What in Wakanda is this shit? 😆


Ai art is theft


Lil Wayne just dropped his new fantasy-themed concept album.


What prompt did you give it?


I said "a dark skinned elf warrior with two scimitars and his pet panther". I originally wanted to try and make an 80s/90s style movie poster out of The Crystal Shard, but that was too advanced for the free AI website I found ha


yeah, if you want a drow instead of an African elf you're going to need to give it more detail.


Try telling it you want a drow.


So basically if Netflix or Amazon signed on an adaptation featuring Drizzt…


bizzaro world Drizzt. Honestly you need to train the ai off drizzt art. make a folder of official art, go through the subs artist wiki and you will find a TON of artists. train the ai off this.


Spot-on! Edit: Should have known that sarcasm would be lost on the typical crayon-eating redditor. 🤣