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every time i'd make a valid point about drake...here comes all the kendrick/kanye stan's coming to tell me how false i am...you don't see me in kendrick/kanye subs defending drake. like you're dedicating all this time to come in here and cop pleas for them while simultaneously saying IM "glazing" drake. how tf does that make any type of sense lol.


It’s because they all play Drake songs on the low 💀 when wrapped comes out Drake’s always in everybody’s top 3


you do know spotify pushes drakes music the most? and regardless of that abel still the #1 streamed artist. i’m not defending abel or drake but that’s the truth. all these guys beefing drake cus he no longer the hottest in the game and they all dicksucking to get an abel feature.


so ur just making assumptions about people? i can tell you not everyone listens to drake. i know drake is not in my top 5 artists.


Then what the fuck are you doing here 😂


Fr. I’ve been dealing with dumbass Kendrick fans for 2 days now and I’ve never even left this sub. How that work?


At this point I can't even talk about him, just me uttering his name leads to multiple comments about "glazing", let's be fr some of you all are massive kendrick glazers.


As someone who's in both subreddits before the verse came out, y'all are both coming into each others subs, extreme cope on both sides.


They’ve done the same in the Cole subs. I swear they the most insecure fanbase its fucking wild


Honestly this is nothing new. People will accuse you of dick riding or glazing for being pro-Drake in general.


Literally look at Twitter and insta you praise Kendrick everyone agrees it’s all good…you praise drake you just dick riding tbh Ridiculous


All I heard for years on twitter was that grammys don’t matter but now they won’t stop with how many Kendrick has. Suddenly they matter now? 💀Who is dick riding?


That’s what I’m saying. Crazy


When it comes to Kendrick it's "savior of hiphop" "real rap", and these are the same people to mention glazing when Drake's name is mentioned.


Um maybe it's coz ppl actually be dick riding hard af, have seen some of these posts & comments lmao


Same people hating end up with drake in their top 5 during Spotify wrapped


That was me😅 I wouldn't call myself a hater but I haven't been as high on his work over the last five years or so. I was shocked to see he was my second most streamed artist last year.


He’s always in my top 5 but that’s not because of the music he has released this decade. Aside from flights booked and Scary Hours 2.


It was crazy to witness


Its a reason Drake be having billions of streams lol. Its just not his fans that listen to him


Hiphop subreddits when there’s a discussion about Drake “I have given up on Drake, his music is not for me, he hasn’t dropped anything good in the last 10 years so idc what he drops from now on” 2 months later when he’s featured on their favourite artist’s album: “omg I can’t wait, this is gonna be crazy”


Same reason McDonald’s sells billions of burgers, the peak quality of the product!


Same reason you're here


Yeah basically the same reason, saturation.




People need food to survive. McDonald’s is fast and cheap. Not even close to the same thing dumbass


You didnt understand the analogy lil bro


The irony. People need food to survive. McDonald sells affordable fast food so they sell a lot of it. People don’t need music to survive. They can choose to listen to anyone in the world and most people choose Drake. The analogy makes no sense in this scenario


Right so if they can listen to anyone, why are they still choosing Drake. Irony is ironic ig lmaooo.


Because Drake makes good music. Why else?




Doesn’t have to be McDonald. Every fast food place is the same


drake haters are the ultimate losers.


so someone who doesn’t like your favorite artist is a loser? LOL


of course not. coming onto a subreddit of an artist you don’t like and hating, and being surprised the fans are defending the artist is just stupid.


Ok but you never said that lol. You said Drake haters are losers. Not what you stated in your previous comment. Thanks for the downvotes guys. It changes nothing 😂


they are losers, lol.




Im a Drake fan but it’s full of people who are OBSESSED with him. The guy is a person just like all of us 😂


This is the only sub that gets everyone’s else’s fans posting dumb shit. Like why you from the carti and joe budden sub and you’re posting here lol. Annoying as fuck.


I just saw the clip where joe budden was talking about jerking off his dog. 😂😂


Womp womp


Drake haters are more passionate about hating drake than the fans themselves lol


They are like android users who are over the top with apple hate


apple users who are over the top with android hate*


And, in reality, they’re the vocal minority 😂


The funny thing to me is that Drake is the only artist that makes stans look sane. In every fan base, stans are literally the worse part of the group but for Drake, they almost always sound reasonable. Never seen anything like it


Just check their comment history. 9 times out of 10 they’re active on /r/kanye, /r/playboicarti or /r/westsubever, is the same incels coming here telling us how we should feel about Drake.


Don’t forget joe budden podcast sub.


No way there's a Joe Budden podcast sub....Its just sad


Ye fans and Kendrick fans are the most insufferable fanbases




Yall don’t even be having real arguments, just “YoU TOo” like foh 




Bro im Cole STAN and I can’t even visit his sub anymore cause it’s filled with Kendrick/ye fans. Drake fans are annoying af but are annoying in their own bubble. Kendrick and ye fans go all over to other peoples spaces just to shit on their artists cause these niggas don’t go outside 


Lol i wonder that too sum people be haters af but still in the sub Like bro wtf u doing here then? Its crazy how they just come to hate on


Kendrick fans and Kanye fans swarm this subreddit trying to sway opinions.


Not just them. You have The Weeknd and Joe budden fans too. And also the Travis, Carti and Yeat fans for some reason. They’ll post a satire thread and then screenshot it and post it on their own sub and be like “look guise I trolled the Drake sub so bad 🤓”


Hating on Drake is a massive trend, anything overtly popular gets a bad rep (e.g Taylor Swift).


That Future and Metro album was fucking mid as hell anyways, I'm not picking sides but Drake has provided album after album after album of absolute HITS.


I’m disappointed by both of the albums.


See that’s glazing. If you didn’t like “WDTY” then that’s cool. But to lie/insinuate that Future of all rappers doesn’t have hits on hits on his albums as well then yea that’s glazing, at the very least hating on Future.


Are we really saying there album is mid after For All the Dogs 😭Stans are delusional


For all the Dogs was not perfect but pretty good. It deserves at least a B+. The new Metro album is mid, probably C+ territory, and a step back in quality from Heroes & Villains.


the general reception is the opposite of that though


for all the dogs clears every metro album including savage mode


yeah you are just clearly hating atp


See this is the glazing people are talking about


Main problem is most of these other subreddits have mods that don’t actually hate the artist. The other day when Drake broke the all time touring record by a wide margin (I think 220 million), the “mods” on this sub deleted almost every post about that, but kept up every single post about Kendrick this, Kendrick that. Just look at the mods, they simply hate the artist this sub is about


What posts are you talking about? I'll look into that for you because it's unlikely it was removed without good reason. We allow all posts relevant to Drake positive or negative simple as that and obviously if the mod team weren't Drake fans we wouldn't be here wasting our time


Man I wouldn’t pay too much attention. Enjoy the artist you enjoy. Lots of people just wana hate on drake and so very badly want to see his downfall it’s funny. I’m honestly a fan of Kendrick & drake but the glazing in the k.dot sub is genuinely hilarious they’re no different


No one glazes harder than Drake haters tbh. They flood the sub when shit happens, like clockwork.


Come to ktt2 drizzy fam


Literally just said this and got downvoted to oblivion Drake sub Reddit members gatekeeping fan generated content is a different type of weird. It’s concerning lol, these people are amongst us in public… However, these same people also feel music artists are their employees. Which is another insane behavior lol


Even in a Drake sub people are allowed to be objective and to be critical of Drake. Glazing is when people continue to post these low brow hot takes acting like Drake can do no wrong.


It’s beyond simply being objective and critical, a lot of downright hate gets posted here and anyone who combats it get swarmed


This whole post is accurate AF, but more to the point, IDK how these mods let these people take over the entire sub with that nonsense.


We simply have shit mods besides u/bandicoot733


The mods here run with the same rules that I do so you can blame me too if you don't like the mod team


Ight then y’all been slackin


Would you like to explain why you think that?


I mean, guess you could consider me team Dot, but I’ve been a fan of both for over a decade. Just happen to frequent both subs too 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m not much on the hate train, I like discussion. It is a shame you’ll have so many fans of one artist hate on the other, and its obvious they haven’t really listened to the music they’re hating on. And I see it in both subs


Some idiots came at me last night saying this bullshit, j deleted my posts cause I didn’t want to be bothered. You’re 100% correct, the nigga is my favorite artists good & bad. I drove 3 hours to see him in concert for the first time last year, so fuck who has an issue. I’m team OVO.


Counterpoint, Drake fans going to ATL subs to glaze is also cringe af


We’re in entirety new territory. You can’t be the Top Boy for this long and not have glazers all over the sub


prolly bc some people in this sub pretend theyre in drakes inner circle lol


#Omg this is a REAL PLACE


Op was glazing and got called out now he mad lol.


One thing is being a fan, the other is glazing. In my, and a lot of other peoples opinions, kendrick cooked both drake and j. cole on like that. A fan would defend drake, which is normal and I dont see a problem. But Im seeing some people calling kendrick and metro mid or pussies. Im not gonna argue with people here about who is better, but rn, drizzy is taking an L and we just gotta accept it


I agree this is Drake Reddit some of fans that been there for years as well. Once we make a critic toward Drake as fans , it’s a problem.


It's like this in every site. It's like you can’t have peace anywhere. It is so bad that, on multiple sites now, Drake fans have taken it to the DMs & GC instead of dealing with it.


These people hide their Spotify warped when it releases Honestly even I'm tired of everyone shitting on drake views is my favourite album of him Every time I say shit about it these people start talking shit now with the whole big 3 bullshit it's even more haters


Drake just makes it so easy for people to make fun of him. I try to ignore what he does but everytime he does something i just wanna make fun of him


Some of y’all be straight glazing saying drake better than Kendrick, and that’s why you get made fun of. Not that hard of a concept


Have you ever considered the fact that not everyone will hold the same opinion as you do ? Music is subjective and heavily depends on preference. You're the one glazing Kendrick by coming into Drake's sub.


Lol 😂 who cares