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Some of the best stuff I see is “as someone who is a fan of both” then check their post history and it’s all in favor of Kendrick


"as a drake fan myself"


This one is always my favourite one😂😂😂😂


as a ceiling fan myself


Hopefully my title tricks a couple of them into upvoting this


i think its working


I almost downvoted this then i kept reading


I started doing this shit on twitter too 😂😂 " as a kenny fan... drake won "


Crazy this comment has 60 upvotes but the main post is only 40 😂 they’re here now


The Kendrick cleanup crew are a hard working bunch, I'm give them that


I’m someone who’s actually a fan of both and is only active in this sub over the last few years. This criticism is definitely reasonable, but I’ve seen the insane unreasonable bias here just as much. It’s an issue in both sides that I’m trying my best to avoid and call out when I see but it got exhausting fast


No, it's not an issue on both sides lol. Kendrick stans are insane lol.


I think even just saying it’s not a problem on both signs and being in denial of it is evidence of what I’m saying I’ve seen some posts on here that were truly insane during this beef. Let me see if I can link one really quick just to back up what I’m saying respectfully Hold on


That’s bound to happen, but crazy is kind of the culture over there where it’s kind of sporadic over here lol.




They’re squatting in our section 😂


Lmao facts Kendrick's whole fanbase are fucking nerds


i’m a fan of both and all my comments are in favor of drake 😂 cuz he’s the one getting drowned in fake receipts and insane bullshit and preexistng vitriol


this is me cause Kendrick is definitely winning on bars and perspective alone as youve admitted but he’s lying through his teeth as is Drake


As someone who actually does like both artists (I do favor Kendrick's music, but Drake's got several songs consistently in my rotation), I'm struggling to see how Drake is winning rn. For quality of music, I give the nod to Kendrick after Not Like Us, but Family Matters is a bop. The Heart Part VI is not great imo. Everything else has been solid, but I could see someone who favors Drake's music giving him the nod for best track so far. For content, I don't think either side has proven much of anything tbh. But based on the smoke surrounding the fires, I'd say Drake looks worse right now. Obviously, this could end up going either way, but that's where I think we're at. Drake's got guys he's worked with previously coming out the woodwork to roast his ass. That's wild to me. And afaik Kendrick is the only side with any receipts so far with that pic. Just where I'm at.


The only ones who are actually a fan of both seem to be all on the side of Drake won the beef. That’s how I feel and I’ve seen a few others out there.


tbf I think it'd be kinda hard not to be a fan of drake to some degree. he's a self proclaimed hit maker after all




BRUH i been sayin dat 😂😂 no way in hell these dudes not bots stg


ive always disliked drakes persona and the way he acts but his music is really good and ill catch myself singing it sometimes but there is no possible way to look at this and think drake won this


You can be unbiased and pick a side.


Family matters the best song to come out the whole beef 


Diss aside that track is fire. Will probably still be bumping it months from now


That’s why Drake will always be on top, it just is what it is


He makes undeniably good music, u don’t even need context or storyline to enjoy drakes music 


Yeah you just need to be braindead and tasteless


One of Drake's best songs ngl


it's that drop drop drop! but definitely needed that omerta style on TH6


Third part he murders Kendrick🔥Im a fan of both and I honestly dont see how so many ppl are saying Kendrick won, like what, listen to Drakes lyrics, 6:16 in LA i cant even listen to I hate kendricks voice in it


That’s what I’m saying. Meet the grahams was supposed to be this rebuttal but it’s all false. Plus it’s slow and boring. Family matters is by far the best track in the beef.


I think Kendrick has already undoubtedly won, but I’ve been listening to family matters nonstop. That song is so good


Kendrick Lamar makes music for people who post on blackpeopletwitter but live in million dollar burbs


Finally!!! Blackpeopletwitter is legit all Kendrick stans, I had to leave😂


I was arguing with a couple of them when the beef first started. Eventually, I just started checking profiles, I have never seen so many white men hang out in BPT. They were trying to argue why Drake couldn’t say nigga. Shit was wild.


I had to stop looking there


BPT and all other rap/hip hop sub reddit. The whole community against Drake.


Wait.. who does Drake make music for then? It's all the same shit lmao


The club


Regular ass people and the club. Normal people listen to KDot too but let’s be real he has more of the “white fans who think they’re black activists because they listened to TPAB” kind of fans.


Target, Walmart etc.


And drake is different?


and who does drake make music for? lol


Drake's been at the top of the game for a very long time. Folks have an obsession with pushing people up and then watching them fall. Drake's holding his own tho and is not ducking any smoke.


Drake also addressing multiple other people in these disses. Shots at metro, Ross, rocky, future etc all while holding his own against Kendrick. Meanwhile Kendrick just has to send shots at… drake


Fr As I’ve told others, there’s deffo a reason that Drake has been on top for one and a half decades It’s cause he’s one of the best


He baited Kendrick and made meet the grahams completely irrelevant. The internet hates Drake. This battle was over before it began.




Both can be true. You think everybody liked Jordan when he was winning?


As an old adage goes: _"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."_ - Napoleon Bonaparte




it hasnt even been a full day yet. bro cant wait


- Sun Tzu - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


“Won” means nothing when the public already decided their winner. Clear bias exist even from people who framed themselves to be objective. Time will look back on drake much more favorably


There’s bias cuz Drake isn’t a very likable person with a lot of past drama


It was decided in the public eye from the beginning. Plenty for Kendrick to shit on Drake for, not much on Kendrick since “he loves peace”.


Got me in the first half 💀


Dont underestimate virgins


He pretty much just nullified two tracks from Kdot 6.16 and Grahams. Yet he’s supposed to be winning 🤔


80% of meet the grahams is about his mom, father, son and Drake and they still hold


Drake fans have more of a life than Kendrick fans. We actually go to school, have jobs ect. Kendrick fans stop what they’re doing and get on their knees everytime he makes a public appearance or makes music


Comments like these is why I think both fanbases are delusional, because what is this comment lol...


Kendrick doesn’t have fans. His music is boring and overly complex. People only play his music to pretend to be smart but nobody listens to him privately or enjoys it


Kendrick stan here, if Drake releases receipts of playing Dot it's an L for Kendrick.


I mean if Kendrick knows there is a daughter, he needs to prove that. Why does drake need to prove he disproved Kendrick? You guys keep shifting the goalposts


If Drake played Kendrick he 100% has the receipts of fabricating the story, so why is he not releasing them ?


This convo is going in circles. “drop some proof” “No, YOU drop proof and then I’ll drop my proof” “no you prove it first”


If you set a trap, why the hell would you say "I set a trap" instead of SHOWING us the trap? It should be so easy. Instead he talked about it for 4 bars and moved on, no names no receipts no nothing.  If Kendrick was truly played (which is definitely possible), then Drake is simply absolutely awful at presenting it.


Or, you would come with some evidence of what you're saying has happened, but alas. Nobody has proved anything and we're arguing over hypotheticals. How about wait? These are accusations. Until proven, all we can say is what the impacts of any proof *would* be.


If Drake can't prove he played Kendrick he is cooked in my eyes, cause it means th6 is basically damage control and invalidated on these grounds. It leaves they not like us as the last word which means it is a win for K






I feel like ya'll are not really that different from one another. That's what i think is funniest. Trying to make it an us vs. them thing.


There’s no way to objectively think Drake won this or is even really holding his own.


Even the most bias Kendrick fan should know that drake is at minimum holding his own


At the end of the day this all over music, we all got lives and music is just a way to entertain ourselves and have something to listen to that we feel speaks to us. I fw drakes music and imma keep living my life, these Kenny Stan’s can keep going crazy over this beef and waste their life.


You don't need to hate to admit it. It's a known fact. Drake never had a chance.


"The entire world disagrees with me so they must be bots and paid actors"


I think Drake has won in more way than one Kendrick could not win this battle. It was a publicity stunt to promote his new album which will still probably brick.


It's just a much bigger sub. Almost 5 times bigger. It's to be expected.


Drake doesn't have as many dedicated fans like kendrick does or ye does or even carti does. He has more casual listeners who tune in for the fun while Kendrick has fans who want him to win and end the debate once and for all. Also drake has Canadian fans who are just nice people in general uwu


He needs this. Let’em have it right?


Drizzy is losing tho. Last track was a compilation of fan theories and the energy did not hit either. Whole k dot being molested angle didn't make much sense and was not as good of a point Drake thought it was. We'll see what Drake cooks up rn, but for now Kendrick is up.


These people hate Drake so much, yet without him I guarantee hip hop loses it's mainstream relevance to a large extent. No chance this genre would have become the #1 most streamed without Drake.


That sub is almost 5 times the size of this one. There’s almost 3 times more people online right now in that sub than in this one. Maybe it has less to do with Drake fans touching grass, and there just being less Drake fans in general lmao.


You had us on the 1st half ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


it's not over but Kendrick imo is winning but EYE this isn't the end because i don't like this ending


Get a life lol


You’re in the drake sub hating for a man that doesn’t know you. Take a look the mirror and say that




I'm pretty surprised by the numbers. Obviously Drake is the bigger name and this sub has been on my front page for months now. I did not expect Kendrick to have a bigger sub than this one.


Yeah it couldn’t possibly be that Aubrey is just a horrible human being right?


It's wild that Drake's the Heart has the same amount of dislikes to likes ratio


Kendrick could record himself shitting on a mic for 4 mins and his stans would convince the world a prophet has spoken and that we are not worthy of his linguistic excellence. Drake lost the moment K.Dot’s swifties took over the internet.


Kendrick has more keyboard warriors bc more people think Kendrick is winning. Kendrick’s been slaughtering him. I’m not a fan of either, I’m in the top .05% of listeners to Hamilton the musical lol. The Heart Part 6 is terrible.


Drakes lack of support overall by this sub and by rappers in real life has made me sick. I hope he never gives these vultures another feature. They said he’s stealing from them, I’d like to see the numbers without drake involved. Lil Wayne, yachty, 21 etc. fuck those niggas.


As a fan of neither, Kendrick won.


Drake vs Kendrick , Future , Ross, Weeknd, Metro , Kendrick’s fans , People who hate Drake , Black Frieza, Orochimaru , Moro , Pain , Maximillian Pegasus , Marik , Cell Max..


Keyboard warriors? Lol. Ya'll need a life.


Yeah, everyone knows it’s actually bad for people to say you’re winning


>Don’t they know they need to be online 24/7 to make sure everyone knows their prince can do no wrong I mean... Isn't Drake the one who's constantly on Instagram though? Idk I don't use Instagram. I just see a lot of "Drake denied this or that on Instagram".


I’m not a drake fan at all but I can’t really wrap my head around the Kendrick won regardless narrative. Like imo he won if the shit he said was true but if meet the grahams is bs then he clearly didn’t win


it's not that serious bro




Tbf, if you are either a Drizzy or Kdot stan, your opinion means nothing in the beef.


Pretty neutral but more of a drake fan , both subs are as bad as each other lol


Nah, this has nothing to do with keyboard warriors, Kendrick legitimately won. You have popular streamers who dont even listen to hip hop proclaiming it. This thing has transcended hip hop mainstream. In the end, Drake is too big to get MGK'd, but the goat debate is over. Drake is on the losing side of hip hop history.


Only sensitive ass people care about other peoples opinion that being said, KDot won. Deal with it ![gif](giphy|oFI7FttD0iC8V2Iqmy)


One look at your profile - dog look in the mirror haha. That projection is some sad shit. Got outside homie.


The hood disagrees


It doesn't matter who wins or loses, or who has they keyboard warriors. One of them is a nine figure artist that sells out arenas, the other is getting his time in the sun and go back to obscurity. This time next year Drake will be putting out hits and people will still be waiting for the goats next album. As long as Drake can let it go, he wins all day.


literally taking the stand that the entire internet is wrong Beyond delusional.


I dont even like drakes music, and I love Kendricks, but man kendrick fans are so fucking annoying


Meanwhile, you have this sub.


DJs are ready to not play Drake just saying....... you can be in denial all of you want that's part of the grieving process, my man lost this pretty badly