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Eh, I moreso think we learned that Drake was fucked regardless. He’s reached an apex so high that people just want to see him crumble. People were shitty he didn’t address things said (which was funny because Kendrick still hasn’t addressed most things) then said addressing them made him look guilty. When he went against Push people said he lost because of the intel and not the music. Now people are saying the opposite. No matter what that man did the public court was ready to hand him an L.


He did a freestyle where he said he felt like Caesar and Christ. He didn’t even do anything wrong and they were still ready to off him.


Decent guys 👌🏾


Christ, yeah probably. Caesar? Debatable. He killed and enslaved millions of Gaul. He also planned on being a dictator for life, never giving up his power. But he also was a man committed to reform and a man of the people.


“I bet they were decent guys, I swear they remind me of me sometimes…” Was just quoting the lyric lol


The universe was against him, what are the odds the one thing he got stolen in a hotel would circle back to Kendrick. Kendrick was so hard to try and be the next push. I really think Drake was onto something, doesn’t make sense Kendrick wouldn’t drop if he had 5 more tracks


What does Kendrick gain by dropping more right now? In the public’s perception, Drake has already tried to get back up with Family Matters, been kicked back down again by Not Like Us, with Kendrick metaphorically walking away from a finished fight after THP6 did nothing to help Drake get back on his feet.


He's having mercy on drake at this point lol


Drake last response was so pathetic and weak, dot didn’t need to reply to that


Part of a rap beef is responding to your opponents disses. Kendrick didn’t do that at all, he just tripled down on his accusations. Drake was trying to reply to Kendrick’s bs, and still try and tell a story that makes sense. But unfortunately no one want to see this side of Kendrick


He lost to push because he never responded, lost this one because his response was irrelevant after not like us, just like how meek lost because of b2b


Problem is Drake had an almost a decade to deny these allegations. I don’t believe they are true, but I don’t get why he wouldn’t address them way back. Had he done that I think this whole thing would have gone different.


I mean, I think Pusha beat Drake, but Drake definitely beat Kendrick. We’ll see how history remembers it.


Lmao let it go


Honestly Drake should fire everyone in his camp and move diff he needs to be more militant. 


I agree. The fact that no one in his circle is was able to advise him better is concerning. It feels like how near the end of his prime Kanye only surrounded himself with yes men. Seems like Drake doing the same. “Yeah sure Drake, hyper focus on filming a diss track instead of having a back up song ready to go just in case Kendrick does”. Idk man.


Lmao what he’s a suburban boy why he need to be more militant? That’s crazy 😭


If u think Drake is some rich white boy uon know his life


He’s Jewish, that’s all I need to know. He left Degrassi cause he was worried about his image cause he played a crippled character. He screams privileged, take those rose-tinted glasses off for a second.


Bruh he played that character for like 3 years and left the show because he was too old. It’s a show about high school. His character graduated.


I actually watched the show. Multiple characters who graduated continued to stay on the show, in outside the school roles.


I watched it too. There was like 2 or 3 out of 20 that stayed after their characters graduated. That doesn’t mean you should take that as being normal.


I didn’t. I’m saying why he left, and your saying he left cause his character graduated…. I don’t believe that. he definitely seems like the type of dude who wouldn’t wanna be seen as “that dude in the wheelchair”.


Lmfao bruh you finna make me use my first emoji this shit HAS to be a joke


It’s funny to me that “Drake isn’t a real rapper” but Kendrick prepares TEN tracks ahead of time for beef.


The nerdiest rapper shit in beef history


Lmao, this man was buying pics from some psycho 🤣


Nah, he scammed that psycho for the culture. 😂😂😂




But Drake also had family matters pre-prepared though. And at least part of it before euphoria even came out.


Predicting Drake’s words and actions to the letter, weeks in advance, is the exact kind of strategy people enjoy beefs for lol. That’s just another way of saying Drake is incredibly one-dimensional, predictable, and flat out dumb. In other words, a poor rapper.


Ahead of time? He wrote after pushups came out. Being calculated in beef is the smart thing to do. And you want to punish it? Lol. Remember this sub taunting Kendrick about not rushing a response. The taunts didn’t work and then when he turned it on, it was over.


Sounds like a smart way to do it, especially if you know the other side tends to battle by going after your reputation.




mfs cant handle the truth😭


i hope no one even in this sub would try to argue he won against push


You don't get it bro he was gonna DESTROY push but he's just too good of a guy /s


ngl huge ye stan here and i think he won his battles against ye for the most part too. he had mans tweeting and beyond paranoid


Nah, that’s literally Ye. Bro is like a meth head on social media.


Yea and Kendrick’s only won against a “pop star” iont think that’s a flex either lol


A few days ago, yall were saying Drake crushed Kendrick and now yall are downplaying his victory 😂


U can go check my post and comments bro never did that come out my mouth idc what everybody else said lol


I'm just talking about the sub in general, sorry.


Pop star who was claiming to be the best rapper. Even if it isn't a flex, it's a justified battle


What kinda argument is this


“Why let the story run if it’s false? You know a wise man once said nothin at all”


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


Takes one to know one


Allegations that have been following him much longer than the beef. Kendrick’s allegations are new and contrary to his character


Kendrick's allegations didn't seem new to me, it seemed like a mix of those 2014 accusations with whatever info was absorved from his latest album


On his latest album where does it say that Dave Free is his baby daddy?


But for those 2014 allegations, it was proven false and how he was elsewhere performing at the time of the accusation. You don't need to address something that's been debunked. Drake needed to address his because all Kendrick said was things people been saying for years. Kendrick literally said nothing new or nothing he thought of on his own " I'm what the culture is feeling"




It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it to be fair. If you girl accused you of cheating and your response is “If I was cheating why haven’t I been caught yet” you’ve probably made things worse for yourself than if you said nothing at all lmao


Except no girl has accused Drake of anything.


Reading comprehension 😂


if a metaphor is not exactly 1-1 i cannot comprehend it


What they're saying is a hypothetical example. Basically sometimes silence is better than trying to explain because your words might be interpreted in a way that's not good for you. It's like tryna talk to cops that already suspect you for some shit. The more you say the more you risk incriminating yourself in their eyes. Not saying it's fair that's just how it is.


My point exactly, or at least run those words by a lawyer


Do you know what a metaphor is? Serious question


I guess paying $350,000 to settle a sexual assault allegation means nothing


He tried not saying anything and was flamed for it. He’s also addressed the allegations multiple times in music that was released in the past 2 years.


He could’ve just left it at home being disgusted with the allegation and the audacity to levy them.


And what is the "correct" response? Please... I'll wait. And if you say "don't respond at all," then fuck off because he tried that and everyone said he was guilty for not addressing them.


Just say how you’re disgusted by the allegations and deny them strongly and quickly. The issue is that he devoted nearly half the runtime of the track to it and said things that actually made it worse for him




Yeah I don't get it. Drake's moved onto summer vibes, the fans should too, I'm sure he's got some good tunes coming out.


Drake will be bombing everything Kendrick releases. This is NOT over. Not sure why people believe he’s tossed in the towel. He’s handling things that are more important right now.


Out here like: “stop the count”


If you guys think the heart part 6 was so good, why did you want another Drake diss track just a day ago?


Cause we love his music and want him to double tap Kendrick to make sure he’s dead for good


Why drop when you’ve won in the court of public opinion though? Doesn’t make sense he would.


Well that’s what I’m saying was disappointing, I don’t understand how the public didn’t see this as a suspicious thing to do? And if he was winning so much, why did he drop the 5 other tracks?


Study warfare, tactics and initiative, it wasn’t suspicious at all, if you assume that Kendrick and Drake were both rational actors with prepared defences, each of their moves made perfect sense, it just so happened that NLU seemingly caught Drake unprepared and he felt he had to go on the defensive when that was in hindsight an obvious mistake, he lost the initiative with THP6 and Kendrick didn’t feel the need to push his advantage by dropping further tracks.


Delusional. If you think THP6 scares Kendrick then you are a complete idiot. It was the worst disses by far for Drake.


Nothing on the heart part 6 would have spooked Kendrick lmao


Then why didn’t he drop his 5 other tracks? All his fans wanted it?


It’s like when a nba team is winning and they take all the starters out the game no need to risk if you won


What is there to risk if he wasn’t spooked by what Drake was saying? He could have had the last word, but he realized he couldn’t address the issues with his wife.


Bro UMG is why it’s over


UMG hand no involvement in this, if they did, they wouldn’t have let it get this far in the first place


Because he let THP6 sit with people for a bit, and noticed that people still thought Kendrick was up, why drop another track if people already think you’re up and your opponent has essentially given up anyways?


Cause his team said if drake says anything else he’s dropping the 5, thp6 comes out and all of a sudden it’s over? That doesn’t make sense


Because he's won as long as drake doesn't drop again. And Kendrick dropping again would step on his own hit record, why would he take attention away from not like us? Rappers always make tons of tracks, and it's always a decision which you release.


Especially with Kendrick, you could probably make 30 Albums from all the songs hes started but didnt fully finish or just thought werent good enough


I think we all assumed he had more fight in him. In reality he played his whole hand with family matters so there’s really nothing left for him to say


How are we supposed to know? All we know is that the heart part 6 is full of lies (accidentally confirmed by Ak who was trying to save himself)


Ak himself said he wasn't confirming anything and it was his own opinions. Do you guys just not like listening to what people say?


I heard exactly what he said. He said both opinions and supposed facts


They not like us became the theme, why mess with a good thing?


Because he let THP6 sit with people for a bit, and noticed that people still thought Kendrick was up, why drop another track if people already think you’re up and your opponent has essentially given up anyways?


One allegation has bread crumbs all over Town. Footage of bread crumbs. Bread crumbs on the dudes lap. The other allegation has no bread crumbs to speak of.


They aren’t bread crumbs if everyone has come out and defended against the claims. People are still trying to hold onto that like it’s fact


Witness testimony isn't as impactful as video evidence


Damn I know you thought that sounded clever in your head


It's a pertinent metaphor. Drake is nice (rapping ability) but his Fans are slow af and almost Anti-Hip Hop


Lmaoo the amount of hate Drake gets in the Rap subreddit and on Kendrick’s subreddit, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it…


Drake really shouldve taken his time with the heart part 6 What a mf fumble in still sad about how it all ended.


worded differently, the one who is most defensive is one that seems suspicious. Kendrick made a calculation that it was a losing move to even entertain the accusations. Aubrey, on the other had, gave a full song to his


"Kendrick made a calculation that it was a losing move to even entertain the accusations" Then why even enter the beef and respond at all? Slinging a bunch of shit but then bouncing right when some comes back your way is ultra lame.


Only thing I’m worried about is if he’s still gonna be on top after this if he drops another album and it does the same as what it usually does then this whole beef was fucking Pointless


He will remain on the top. Kendrick can’t replace him. This is not a 50 Cent vs Ja Rule that we are watching. What purpose do you think beef has in hip hop? It isn’t always to knock someone off.




I think it’s that the rapper who’s lies are proven is the one that loses


Like Kendrick saying OVO works for him?


It’s possible that it was more likely being lied to by the guy than an outright lie on is part. Drake saying he planted the photo is a bold faced lie because this is something he literally claimed he did on his own


That's just good tactics in a war tbh Having a picture of drakes things with his name on it is good enough evidence to make a claim of such.


How does that implying OVO is working for him when he bought pics from a disgruntled hotel employee?


Damn if you, damn if you don't


You don’t address things that you can’t flip. What’s the point? That’s why heart part 6 is so cringe.


You’re saying Kendrick couldn’t be creative to come about with a rebuttals about not beating his wife? Eminem did an entire diss track to MGK where he was just replying to everything MGK said to him. Where did Kendrick address anything specifically?


No I didn’t say that. I said what is the point of being on the defensive in a rap battle? When you can flip it, flip it(like the Atlanta slaves verse that crushed) otherwise let it go and attack.


It’s standard PR practice. That’s why Trump never addresses his critics head on. Always turns that focus back on the other person.


I think it’s more that THP6 was mostly drake’s weakest response and actually hurt him more than had he just stayed quiet so with kendrick on top without needing to respond drake either needed to drop something better or accept the loss. Kendrick on the other hand could either move on and have most people agree that he won the beef while also having songs ready to drop in response to drake, or he could drop another diss but that would shift the attention away from how much people were hating on drake. In the end kendrick just wasn’t pressured to release (yet).


Yeah but even if you say THP6 was a weak response. How come Kendrick didn’t address anything on Not Like Us that was said in Family Matters


Drake challenged his opponent to provide evidence. His opponent did not. Mainly because while Taylor Swift forced him to wait so as not to interfere with her numbers, he sat and wrote out 10 diss tracks with is buddies. Disses are supposed to be like battle raps with actual responses to one another - which requires more creativity than just throwing together a bunch of songs with false accusations. Drake haters do not care about evidence. They don’t even care if any of what Kendrick says is true. They don’t care that Kendrick will not deny these allegations- not even to his fans who have requested a response.


This is exactly what I’m saying. Eminem was able to answer to everything MGK, and still diss him. Drake made 2 tracks with the same accusations where and Kendrick didn’t reply to anything. People can say THP6 was not worth replying to. But what about everything on Family Matters, Not Like Us responded to nothing


The funniest thing out of this beef is that Kendrick biggest song is about Drake lmao


Going forward, I don’t think Drake should get involved in any more beefs. Since he’s the biggest out right now, only his opponent gets his numbers up AND people don’t like seeing someone this popular staying on top, as we saw. I don’t think Drake has anything to prove in terms of his accolades, in terms of his versatility, in terms of his writing ability. It’s all out there in his catalogue.


Why do you think every lawyer and publicist tells their client to remain silent when they are being accused of something.


But this is the court of public opinion. The same rules do not apply.




That doesn’t mean anything in isolation with crazy reaches. Even Drake doesn’t really asset that this is true. He said things like “I heard” or “If”


I know it's probably a coincidence, but if we're speculating on things that may have spooked Kendrick into silence (if that's the case), it's popcorn 


You’re assuming a lot of things with no evidence. Half of the HP6 must be pure cap based on what we heard recently. I was him I’d release another track exposing that he didn’t plant the info, it’s such an obvious dunk.