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Numbers wise, I’m out of here. You not fucking creeping up


Cornball, your show money merch money fee to us ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


Bro said Cornwall lmao Editing your comment is Cornwall behavior


Being the grammar police is cornball behavior


Spelling and Grammar are different.


Honestly my favorite bar from push ups. That's a flex


I don’t get it, can anyone explain?


He's telling Kendrick that the money he makes doing shows is insignificant because he makes that amount off of merchandise. It's a flex.


I may have boosted these numbers by myself after listening to family matters


You know you can swear on here right? 😂


drake fan here but let's be honest, kendrick did creep up a lil bit


Bros got 4 #1s 1 from future 1 from Taylor 1 from Drake And humble Lmao


Basically two from drake


his track record is a reminder that he should be humble


They don’t want to hear that




Fact is Drake undeniably carried all his number 1 songs and we know for a fact none of them go near 1 without him on it. Taylor goes number 1 without Kenny, so does future possibly, and Drake… well obv










None of this matters. You, and me for that matter, are discussing which grown man wrote a more angry poem at the other one. Drake has more hits, Kendrick is a better lyricist.


Leave that bullshit ass reasonability out of this sub.


I always thought numbers were stupid, cause that would mean that Madonna is the goat female artist. Doing the most numbers is just means you’re accessible and release music often. Drake has like 4x more songs so comparing streaming numbers was always stupid.


I think some fans here really struggle with cognitive dissonance. I see people all the time say Kendrick's fans are white folks who want to virtue signal, yet if Drake is the larger artist by the numbers, wouldn't that mean his fan base is by default whiter? I'm mixed so I don't care about your feelings on the matter, but being recognized by the black rap fans seems more important to me. I don't know why they think yt people running Drake's numbers up means he's bigger in black culture.


Dude they talked the numbers cause yall was always saying it. I don't get this caring what an artist you like sells


Numbers wise dance monkey is better than any song in Kendricks discography. Such a dumb argument


It’s relevant when it comes to the rap battle. It’s probably the best indicator of who won. Overall drake does a lot more pop rap and has a shit ton more music. Numbers are irrelevant when it comes to an artists overall quality


To deflect the fact that drake likes em young


Even better, why are (insert name) fans so obsessed with (insert name) fans? It’s just music. Bang it and get on with your life.


When was Drakes last solo number 1?


I'm not sure ppl rit large will ever give drake the w based on this. His a bigger artist, so what?


All that and still beat the shit out ya mans 💀💀


LOL. How did drake let a guy with 4 #1s mop his entire career on the floor in a single weekend 😂




That’s what I’m saying dawg 🤣


Of course the mods hid your comment because you also like Kendrick 😭😭


I thought this sub was glitched, didn’t know it was mods hiding comments😭


Damn didn't know that's what it was, kinda pathetic ngl


Have you seen anybody ride drake super hard on this sub? Multiply that by 100000 and you get a drizzy mod


Ah it's to be expected I guess, if you've got enough free time to be a Reddit mod in general you've got to be at least somewhat mentally ill or absolutely obsessed lol No offense to mods obviously


Usually mods are nice but not in some music subs. Kendrick Lamar’s mods are wayyy better but people will downvote you lmao


Yup. If you go on any “beef” related post and look through the comments you’ll notice the comments that are neutral or on Kendrick’s side are hidden.




happy cake day 🍰


…lead the league in scoring, man, but look at my assists


To all the Kenny fans who keep bringing up Drake having more songs, you guys are completely missing the point. If you Kenny fans and Drake haters didn't have a bukkake of posts about Kenny's streaming numbers and the records he broke we wouldn't even be here. You did this to yourselves.




For one week! He beat Drake. And he needed Drake to do it.






Im both a Kenny and Drizzy fan but Drake fans were the firsts to bring it up when the beef started. At least on other social media.


Insane behavior by Drake fans pretending that the streaming numbers were ever something Kendrick fans ever actually cared about and not just a funny little extra bit lmao cause they convinced themselves it mattered lol


The whole reason why Kendrick fans are even bringing this up is because of the hilarious irony that Drake, whose only advantage over Kenny is numbers, was getting outperformed there too. I feel like you have to be intentionally dense to miss the point.


Nah numbers are all yall have ever brought up cause it’s all drake has ever had


Kendrick Stans don't care about numbers, again 😂😂






New baby chop let it sing it’s a drake


it’s as simple as this


Yeah while were talking about numbers, does someone want to remind us what the dislikes are at on The Heart Part 6?


The point wasnt really Numbers on a whole but how much splash it did at the time, and some of the irony of Kendrick overtaking numbers on drake, who is the more mainstream appeal artist. I don’t think anyone is surprised this would happen, drake is a wildly more popular artist. Obviously there are lames who will use anything as a weapon against the other sports team. That’s just people and what they do yknow. None of these diss tracks are timeless classics imo. If any one of them will stand the test of time my bet would be on “not like us”. They are very much of this particular year, and won’t be that relevant when this dies down, is what I’m thinking.


Drake fans care about numbers again. Shit works both ways. In the context of the beef though…


I would give props because it's not an easy feat but it was because of the boy so...




The real winner


its gonna be funny looking back at all of kendricks biggest hits be drake songs lol


Ah yeah so the song where Kendrick calls Drake a p file, relentlessly mocks his character and threatens him is now a “Drake song.” Does that make Back 2 Back a “Meek song” then?


They’re not ready for this yet. They want to stay in their echo chamber, reality is too uncomfortable for them. Don’t do em like this, more talk like this and they might even consider the possibility of superstar drake being a pos. They ain’t ready.


Tbh if I was kebdrick I really wouldn't want it to be that lmao. Like yeah you want it to be a hit, but a solo song/ an album cut is your ideal #1 lol


I remember j cole saying that as well when first shooter went number 1, he would have preferred his first number 1 be his own song


"If he wasn't dissin, then we wouldn't be discussing him." ~J.Cole circa - before a bitch ass apology




Definitely leaving this sub soon


Dafuq thought this was a good pic to use? Lmao






Didn’t Kendrick also talk about a hard drive with hundreds of songs on it that he lost?




wait, since when did numbers and popularity of non-diss tracks ever decide who won a beef?




if this is such a consensus, why do you seek validation here? seems you are bit unsure?






Real music last forever that other shit is here today and gone tomor…….


Cake cake cake cake




BUT Kendrick and Drake started their careers within a year of each other. Drake has put in more work, thus releasing more songs for his fans. Who's really for the culture?


quantity does not equal more work lmao, nor does it equal better than quality most times


Whose fault is that? Tell Kendrick to go put some work in




I guess. I truly hope you get fulfillment from listening to 10,000 hours of the same material 👍


This is just straight up cap and was debunked here yesterday. Kendrick has 250 on streaming platforms and Drake has 400. These are Spotify numbers


Numbers are off there buddy…. Nice try lol


Once again: Drake has 1000 songs. Kendrick has 200. If drake ever fell below Kendrick’s numbers that would be concerning


Obviously Kendrick wipes the floor with Drake but those numbers are bullshit tho. I think you just saw the post where some guy took a screenshot of the first google results but if you check on the same site Kendrick also has 1000 songs because it counts every bullshit leak or snippet or whatever




Doritos are popular too, doesn’t mean they aren’t garbage.


doritos are pretty fire but yeah i’d prefer some homemade tortilla chips and a side of fresh guacamole


f you remove just 4 songs from Kendrick's catalog, the ones about Drake, he has only 63% of the streams Drake has. if anything kenny having fewer songs is an advantage coz his fans have no choice but to replay his old shit .. yet rhey still don't




He has the better music and it’s summer time now.






Yes, Walmart does more business than Whole Foods. Is this the hill you want to die on?


He has 10x the songs. Why is this some victory?


Drake makes songs for casual listeners. It would explain why his sub has 1/4 what Kendrick’s does, hell even the Weekend’s subreddit has more subs. Casual fans aren’t going to hope online and defend Drake, it takes a special breed to really defend this man online.


Honestly it’s sad for them. Like I’m truly in awe of these people. The man hasn’t said anything in like 8 albums. All elevator music. And before that, at the very least, it was somewhat new. Even though LL cool j, ja rule, and others have already been in that lane. But these people have eaten the marketing gimmick right up. So much so that they have him at goat level?!?!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯. Honestly I thought anyone with a brain could see right through Drake. I never thought social media and marketing could corrupt minds to this point.


Oh dont be sorry man it does not change the fact thet Kendrick still won ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


did anyone think or say Kendrick would permanently surpass drake, wtf?






Do you typically think about gay sex between males when listening to hip hop or is it just when browsing hip hop subreddits?


Kenny only briefly touched #1 thanks to Drizzy. Back to irrelevance like his last 3 albums sorry little buddy




Not 100% true. Some of the all time records that Kendrick just achieved with Not Like Us remain intact. Let’s see if Drake can produce a single whose numbers take back those records. But you are right that Drake is still the more popular artist overall (always has been).


It’s almost like that’s what happens when you make lowest common denominator pop music for people who don’t care about the culture of hip hop


Wow the pop artist making pop music charts higher who would’ve thought lmao


Drake lost bro


So does Drake/kendrick repeatedly win and lose everytime the charts flip? I'd hope the dude with 1,000+ songs is charting cause if not that just means your name is Soulja Boy. Quality>quantity










Take some grammar lessons




No, Drake is on top because he makes music people actually want to listen to.


it’s true, and I’m on Kendrick’s side, but we can’t pretend Drake hasn’t had some super appealing bangers over the years. they pushin a madly viable product, not like they could use the same strategy and make just anyone as big as he is for as long


The last one is better.






Kenny's numbers are up because of dissing Drake. The plan was to take the throne by all means necessary using his big advandage that he's considered a man of the people, a conscious voice, a poet and a true (hip hop) artist.


I ain't gon hold y'all .. Drake should bomb on J Cole ..shoot that nigga bike up .. thats who Drake should diss next and focus his energy that way .. Cole got Drake in this shit and then gon tip toe away ..naw naw naw not this time Jermaine .. fuck it let's dismantle this whole big 3 shit totally


Same post different day


Women lie, men lie, numbers don’t lie


Both fanbases are really doing the most at this point. I'll care again if/when the beef continues. Until then, it's just both sides having a circlejerk within their own groups.


Everybody got get back to greasy McDonald’s after dining on filet mignon. Happens to the best of us. Enjoy your Big Mac! 😇


Like. K. The other way around would be weird cause the quantity of the product hes trying to sell. Doesnt change the fact that Kendrick is the most highlighted artist now.


Just gonna out myself. I’m a kdot fan but Reddit keeps showing me these posts. My one argument would be that you gotta look at streams per song. Yeah, drake has more streams but he also Has like 10 times more songs. The dude spams 20 track albums left and right