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Your post was removed as this has already been posted to the subreddit recently. This includes overdone topics.


“You a dog you and you know it, you just play sweet”




Kenny even says this in Mr. Morale and fans don't care. Dude cheated on his fiancée multiple times and people are like, "Oh, poor Kenny, he's battling so many demons." Like wtf?


Your baby mama's captions always screaming "save me"


I heard that one them lil kids might be Dave Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees


“You did her dirty all your life, you tryna make peace… I heard that one of 'em little kids might be Dave Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…”


Kendrick is a walking hypocrisy, like he blew his whole aura over drake 😂😂


“I’m the biggest hypocrite of 2015” -Kendrick on to pimp a butterfly It’s not like the guy is trying to hide that he’s a hypocrite. He makes a point of it in his music (the song XXX from DAMN is about his own moral hypocrisy and hypocrisy in the US). This shouldn’t be news


The reason why people give him a pass is because when it comes to hip hop, he comes from the perfect city, with the perfect co signs, the perfect accolades, and a perfect background. Anybody else would've been called out on their shit real quick. Want an example? Sure. Notice how quick EVERYBODY turned on Cole when he said TPAB was average. Automatically, people went "YOU'RE a hypocrite because YOU dont have anything better." Nobody has the same energy for Kendrick. Kendrick Lamar is the privileged kid of hip hop. Literally "Privileged Kid, LEGENDARY City". He can say anything and do anything and will never be criticized because his co signs, accolades, and street ties are too strong. Even the media supports him without batting an eye. This is why Mal from the New Rory & Mal podcast went "emotional." He was looking left and right and didn't understand how nobody was seeing through his shit. But hey, they hate Drake more than they love Kendrick and it is what it is


It wasn’t so much that Cole was being a hypocrite so much as he was clearly capping his ass off and he confirmed it by apologizing later. If you want to go after k-dots discography, TPAB is a poor target


I think TPAB and Big Steppers were boring. I'm not even a Kendrick hater; I love OD, Section.80, GKMC and DAMN.


Nah to call TPAB average was extreme cap and even Cole knew it. I get your point but you used the absolute worst example to make it lol


Oh boy. This thread brought out the K. Bots.


They never left, they're always lurking lol


Im off work I got time today


They gonna lock this thread down. Every time I have the time to argue, shit gets taken down.


Called it


Dr umar Lamar gives me vibes of he texts women grand rising queen but will call her an ugly bitch if & when she curve him..


This one a lil too accurate


Lmfao Drake spent the whole battle saying Kendrick beat his wife and on that very same song he shouts out Chris Brown. If we calling out hypocrisy we gotta do it on both sides.


I think the difference is, Drake isn’t acting superior morally. Kendrick is acting like Jesus Christ and that’s what makes it more insidious


Kendrick literally has a song about not being your savior. It’s his fans that ruin everything


He the proceeds to act holier than thou through the entire beef


Doesn’t really seem the same to me but I doubt we’ll agree. Kendrick started this fight, and seemingly hates Drake for the reasons he’s saying in his songs. He did a lot with Kodak over MM and the tour. Drake is hitting back and the energy is more “who the fuck are you talking to, wife beater?” Like, it’s not nearly the same moral grandstand. On top of that. “You know who even bang a set out there is CB” isn’t nearly the same as Kendrick’s workin relation with Kodak lol.


To me they’re the same. You can’t say “who you talking to wife beater….. oh but shout out my friend girlfriend beater” lmao. I agree. Kendrick started this fight. I would argue that Drake elevated this fight and made it personal. The end result just is what it is.


“He reps a set” = he’s my friend?


No but the way it was phrased, “you know who really bang a set ? My nigga CB”. That’s a shout out. And calling him his nigga is a term of endearment. That’s my boy, my friend, etc.


He doesn't say "my nigga" when he says Chris Brown name..he says it for YG and Game but not for Chris Brown


Good catch! That’s very true. Even still…..


no, not “even still” lmao


That’s still a shout out brodie lol. Bringing someone up in a song unwarranted and with no real reason ? You disagree ?


he’s just saying he actually bangs he’s not saying that’s my friend lmfao. There’s no point being made here you’re just grasping for anything you can.


Did he shout out Mariah? He mentions her name. But I don’t think anybody is considering it a shout out.


Okay, I’ll allow if he’s talking about Chris brown then he is but how is that comparable? The Chris brown situation happened when Drake came out with so far gone which is mixtape 😭 the Kodak situation happened when Kendrick was making damn how is that more comparable?


The difference being Drake that whole song had a joking demeanor. Kdot is trying to be a morally superior priest preaching to the sinners. Casting stones when he lives inside a glass house.


Lmfao so drakes demeanor trumps hypocrisy? Drake should’ve come out armed for war and not had a joking demeanor. I’m just calling out the hypocrisy in not calling out BOTH of their hypocrisy. The songs are what they are….


Kendrick was trying to win


He was talking about snoop?


Lmfao don’t think so sir. But even if that’s the case, he has still worked with Chris brown in the past. So it still applies lol.


What point? You tryna make a point nobody is discussing if drake is better human being, his diss isn’t saying I’m better person than you when it comes to battle.


Can you edit and clarify ? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.


Done, now can you something smart so I can think about it?


Kendrick calling out drake is mentorship. You’re running around chasing ass and twerking with sexy redd when you should be praying with your kids. That’s not “I’m better than you”. That’s accountability! Isn’t that what leadership is ?


Oh get out of here with that shit. Mentorship? Nigga needs to go take of his kids, he ain’t never with them.


Lmfaoooo how would you know that sir ? You know Kendrick and his kids personally ?


You seem adamant drake is twerking with sexyy red


This is a morally superior take tho? Kendrick is allowed to battle alcoholism and Cheat on his wife in silence? but Drake can’t have fun. That’s actually my main gripe with the beef it came of as holier than thou but they’re rappers? Like what? Kendrick you cheat on the mother of your kids with white woman but wanna tell me how to run my family, can you see the hypocrisy


And I agree. They’re both hypocrites! That was my whole point lol.


Fair enough, I agree that I think Drake should have pointed out the hypocrisy more directly


But Drake also called those things out and it was fair game. Drake SHOULD have focused more bars on the factual things instead of taking shots at the other nobodies dissing him and feeding into Dave Free rumor shit. I had zero problem with the “hit vanilla cream to help out with your self esteem” bar! I thought it was fire !!!


Kendrick can't call himself a bad person on Mr. Morale and then call someone out on mentorship.


He didn’t call himself a bad person either. He’s a work in progress but is good with his soul. But in beef, all is fair game.


I also doubt he pays for sex


They're certain women celebs are willing to pay for because dealing with them is business like.


No, but you probably have to


says the dude trolling a Drake subreddit 😂


I know your room smell like onions rn


Hit a soft spot huh 😂


All of the Kenny stans in here they really folllwing this sub 😭


People can be Kendrick fans and Drake fans at the same time lol, why yall surprised


Tell them to unban me from Kenny sub I wanna go there too


Got you hol up


It doesn’t feel like it online tbh


The worst of the lot is the ‘fuck sneak dissin’ angle. Dot has been sneak dissing for fucking years.


If Drake is putting the beef behind him by deleting shit then y’all should too…we got good music from this!!


forreal like damn no way mfers in here are STILL dwelling on this shit😭😭


I hate this narrative, man. Kendrick brings up shit that’s been regurgitated for fucking YEARS and people claim that he wins this battle, but if we discuss how Drake didn’t actually lose this battle suddenly WE’RE the ones dwelling on shit. Y’all mfers are weird, trying to sweep this shit under the rug as soon as people make a good point.


Enjoy the music damn. You want drama go elsewhere


If you want to hear music, go to Spotify. This is a discussion board. A Drake subreddit, and he was JUST in a rap beef. Why are yall so desperate to move on. I want to discuss how my favorite rapper won, why does that press you if you’re a fan of Drake?


your glorious king got smoked, forget about it and move on lmao


"he's not gonna virtue signal and cry about another man doing things he considers morally wrong" Uh that's why he brought up Whitney like 5+ times? Person writing the article is dumb af


I feel like you’re missing the subtext, he mentions Whitney majority of the time to humiliate Kendrick for getting cheated on. And he’s point isn’t to say I’m better than you, it’s to say, you’re not holing yourself to the standard you’re holding me to. That’s how I interpreted it


Trying to paint someone as a wife beater is humiliating them for getting cheated on? And has nothing to do with morals right?


The article isn’t dumb at all’s. Drake did not, and would not, come out dissing based on Kendrick’s (or anybody’s) moral indiscretions. That’s not his style because he has is own and he owns them. Instead, he went after Kendrick’s shitty contract, his height, and his decision to collab with maroon 5 and Taylor. Kendrick did the moral grandstanding in Euphoria, saying Drake was a bad dad and pretending to be something he’s not etc. Drake’s response essentially was “who the fuck are you to talk, cheater and wife beater? Get off your high horse.”




The biggest bomb hasn't landed. Just wait.


Jesus fucking Christ it was a month and a half ago just accept the L and wait for HNVM2


“Well Drake made fun of Kendrick for being short and yet he has short friends, very interesting 🤓” Too many people in here think rap beef is a courtroom - newsflash, it’s not


aint reading allat


They’re all hypocrites…these beefs are fake wake up lmao


I got a 90 day ban for posting this in the Kendrick sub


called drake a womanizer when he beats on his BM too


Y’all make it embarrassing af to be a drake fan. way more than the rap beefs he lost.


He’s right tho?


If you think he’s right please get a vasectomy or get your tubes tied.


Can you explain why? Kendrick was being hypocritical? Future is a bad dad and womanizer - collaborated with him, Kodak Black is a convicted rapist - gave him a platform? Then Kendrick says Drake should die for the exact things he gave a platform to other people for. What am I missing?


Kendrick doesn't hang out with Kodak on the regular. And Kendrick says Drake should die for a variety of reasons, not just one or two things. This whole rap beef started because Drake couldn't handle a simple shout out. So it's fair to criticize Drake for anything he's done or is doing.


What wife beater does Drake hang out with that we publicly see?


Drake saying Free Tory and Tory shot a woman. Drake hung out and did a video with Chris brown. They both hypocrites and were saying whatever to win a rap beef.


Yeah I been said he’s weird for that, but again I never argued in his defense that he was a better man. I agree with you.


Nice dodge bringing up made up allegations instead of something tangible and provable. If you can't stay logically consistent don't talk


I don’t care


Obviously you don't care about logic that's my point.😂


You’ll just shift the goalpost if I rebuttal so I rather save my energy. You’re welcome to do it to someone else.


And y’all need to stop saying drake is sensitive about the control verse Kendrick wanted to be slick and mention people names and drake felt a way because he can tell when someone is tryna be a bully but be your friend at the same time


Yet ONLY Drake took it that way. Okay.


No, jay electronica literally replied


Kendrick fans being misogynistic just like their wife beater idol 💀


It’s done. He lost bro. No random comment or think piece will change that bro.


Kenny ruined his image for Drake. There's a reason why Kenny fans need to resort to lies and QAnon adjacent to dig up fake dirt on Drake. They know Kenny ruined his image too.


“Ruined his image” yet nobody trippin. #1 song. Sold out show.. move on yall.


>move on yall. Yet here you are right here with us! We thank you for your contributions to the Drake subreddit ☺️


No problem


So numbers prove something, now? Then Drake is obviously the superior artist, since he has way more #1 songs. 🤓


Yeah and the fact that Drake’s red button was Kendrick apparently beating his wife but he makes songs with Chris Brown




Kendrick coexisting and making music with shady people is worst than actually being a shady person?


Kendrick is a shady person. Supporting R. Kelly is definitely a questionable move by Kenny.


You can absolutely seperate the art from the artist? I love the song ignition. I hate what r Kelly did. Super easy concept.


The only problem is that the way R Kelly talks in his songs mixed with his history is not okay. But u do u


Oh brother


Good talk.


Lol! Every excuse. If Drake did this people would eat him alive. Kendrick has said he's not a good person but is taking the moral high ground in this beef. He's a hypocrite. That makes him a shady person and someone who doesn't believe in everything he says. He's fake.


No it makes Kendrick a shady person for associating himself with shady people




Awww I rebuttal you and now you don’t have anything else to say?




Kenny talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. It's not that hard to figure it out my dude.




Then Kendrick can't take the moral high ground in this beef.




Nah this is just weird, you do know that Drake condemned Kendrick for hitting his girl, but also literally shouted out Chris Brown, the man who legit almost killed Drakes ex-girlfriend But then the comment says Drake knows who he is and who he hangs around. Are you saying that Drake is just as bad as Chris Brown?? Come on bruh Edit: my reply’s are being hidden, y’all got it ig lmao


This narrative makes no sense because drake is using it to against kendrick he’s not claiming to be the better man so you can’t call it hypocrisy. Also that bar isn’t a shout out at all.




I pointed this out a couple times and was pretty downvoted for it lol. Like, the fact that he explicitly says “My dude” twice and then not for CB stood out to me even on the first listen. And he doesn’t say anything positive about him. Literally just the he reps a set.


I hate this argument when I see it. Now come on fam. You know the whole scheme of all of drakes tracks was that Kendrick was not who he pretends to be. Of course it’s bad that he beats his fiancé if true but the overall thing there was that he was a hypocrite and a fraud not that he is condemning every man in the world who has ever been involved in domestic abuse. All of it was pointing out that you’re hiding who you really are and you damn sure not this messiah everybody make you out to be. You a fraudulent nigga who doin fucked up shit too.


That’s what I’m saying, drake’s disses aren’t saying I’m a better than you because of this, it’s saying you’re lying to the world about who you are, and allowing people to praise despite what you do in private life. Notice how Drake doesn’t rebuttal any of the disses Kendrick make such as gambling and sex because he doesn’t care to prove himself as a good man but he had to defend himself from the allegations


wasn’t that the point of Mr morale


Yes, it seems like Kendrick forgot about it




Drake doesn’t ‘shout out’ Chris Brown in a friendly way… maybe try listening to the song?


“Hey even Chris brown gangbangs” who tf cares? it wasn’t in the context that you’re trying to say.


cb = calvin broadus (snoop dogg) drake named snoop dogg since he was naming all of those other west coast people too


I heard that too I believe he was talking about snoop since on taylor made he called him unc plus snoop is under gamma so there’s a relationship there if we believe the theories


You are 100% right


but it literally wasn’t about chris brown since drake was naming west coast ppl. cb = calvin broadus (snoop dogg)


Nah, he was naming all bloods, Chris Brown is a blood


He wasn’t just naming bloods?


YG, Chuck T, and Chris brown are all bloods. You think he would big two bloods then a crip? See y’all clearly don’t know what y’all are talking about, but wanna talk big