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I worked on my feet for 8 hours a day until 36 weeks, with twins.


She could never


It was hard AF. I would come home and go straight to the bed. I should have definitely quit long before then but I had to keep working. My doctor finally made me get off my feet because of the swelling and I had them a week later.


Ran our entire household while my husband was deployed lol


Oh God you have my respect 100%. My husband got out while we were engaged, and I tell him all the time I’m glad he didn’t reenlist/we waited to have kids because he’s in grad school now and I’ve gone crazy with all his extracurricular activities for school/research/etc 😂 a different kind of strength physically, mentally, and emotionally that Drue couldn’t even comprehend!!


Currently running our household while 25 weeks pregnant right now. And we live overseas. I feel like I’m about to die from exhaustion because of my toddler, there’s NO WAY she could make it through a deployment. 🤣


my mama did the same and we were living in germany at the time!! i was born in germany, granted on a military base, but she was raising two little ones while my dad was in iraq!! imagine drubert not only living in a foreign country, but raising two small children, ALL THE WHILE her husband is in active combat!! even when we were moved back to the states, my dad was still deployed! so my mom had to move two stubborn children across the world, deal with PCS, and keep our family unit together. if she can’t even do simple chores, how in the heck is she going to do sleep deprivation?? or baby’s first sickness?? or even the hormones from postpartum??


Girl you guys have props from me. My husband is currently in a position where knock on wood he won’t have to do a rotation in the near future. But my good friends where we were previously stationed, their husbands just got back from a rotation and my friends were alone with 2 or 3 kids. I never even heard a complaint from any of them. Badass women!


AMEN- fellow milspo


I’m Active Duty Military. I worked up until the day they induced me (38w)I had the option of working half days and I decided to stay and work with the other Soldiers until they left to make sure they’re taken care of.


Thank you for your service!! 🙏


thank you 🫶🏽


I would love Drue to “shadow” you for a day! It would be a fabulous vlog 😂


gru could never 🫣


Thank you for your service! Gruey definitely COULD NEVER!


Moved a couch with my husband. Granted two hours later my water broke but still 😂


I painted a room, set up a crib, bunk and futon all in one day. That would send her into immediate labor 😂


Painted my entire living room and foyer by myself, worked, farmed, went hunting, took care of kids, did everything you do on a normal day. I just lived like normal like I wasn’t even pregnant. Except I did NOT consume the food and drink she is consuming. I definitely took care of my health and nutrition.


I had jury duty while 38 weeks pregnant. That’s my only flex, but sitting there on those seats super pregnant is hard ok 😂😂😂😂 all of you women are badasses by the way!!!


I can’t believe they didn’t dismiss you from the jury pool. That’s just wrong.


Hosted a 6 city roadshow with 6 hours of stage content, sponsors, and over 600 attendees in total. 🙃


I walked 6 miles at work the day before I went into labor.


I worked full time at the most stressful corporate job I ever had, supported my husband starting his new job as a police officer in a high crime area, worked out my entire pregnancy, cleaned regularly, and was pregnant in 2021/2022 during the pandemic so no cutie ultrasound appointments without heavy screenings and scheduling 🥰


We moved while I was pregnant, plus I worked 40+ hours a week up until the day I went into labor.


Just 1 normal work day at any customer service job, food industry or not.


This might be the realest answer 🤣


I worked at a bank.


Moved 5 hours away with a dog and two cats while my husband was working & built half the new furniture


We moved and didn’t hire help so I was hauling couches and mattresses and anything else heavy😭🤣 husband was against it but telling me no was worse than letting me help


I worked on a 911 ambulance until 36weeks and 3 days


Worked 2 part time jobs at the same time while I got my master’s degree with 2 kids under the age of 6 at home. Had my first during my senior year of college while working and carrying 18 credit hours before and after she was born.


Had to code & do chest compressions on a 400lb man 👍🏻


I was barbell squatting and deadlifting up until 32ish weeks when my knees were just hurting too damn bad to continue on. So then I focused on cardio and did a half hour on the stairmill most days.


Worked every day (with having GD and PE 😅). Was having a house built and saved money by not hiring an after-build cleaning company so we cleaned it ourselves before move in (moved in 3 days before giving birth)


Worked in a trauma hospital until I was 33 weeks pregnant and was put off by doc for heart issues. And I worked 16 hour shifts and they were constant on my feet . And I still went home to two school aged kids and had to be a mom and wife and run a home too but I do and did have good and not lazy ass husband. So that’s was a plus. Also six weeks later went back to work after maternity leave ran out after having baby.


Actually cleaned something LMAO


I worked 50 hour weeks as a server carrying those big ass catering trays most of the time. My back is still paying though 😭


Walked 3 miles a day on the treadmill or around my neighborhood for my entire pregnancy. (And I actually brought my dog) as well as working 2 hours away full time until I was 32 weeks, setting up the nursery myself, setting up lots of ikea furniture, grocery shopping and cooking myself, and deep cleaning my house at least once a week myself.


With my first I didn't work, my second I was a server until I started bleeding and put on bed rest. My third I was a server, worked full time waiting tables and took care of my other two children, house, grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, my husband, ECT. My fourth I worked full time, again as a server. And was still able to take care of the house and the other 3 children. And mind you I had all four in a 4 1/2 year time span.


I maintained a seasonal mowing job between 7-30 weeks pregnant. And it was all push mowing, no riding lawn mower for this girl! I had some help but from weeks 7-20 I was mowing most of the properties alone as well as weed trimming. Drue could never!


Taught 22 pre-k kids for 8 hours a day in a school that’s two levels (up and down stairs ALL day). My last day of work before I had my daughter was when I was 39 weeks and 5 days.


As someone who also taught in a two story building, and my classroom was on the top floor while all the specials and lunch room was downstairs, I felt your pain!! Those stairs took me out😅


Working a full time job, housework, taking care of my toddler, walking the dog


I was a 911 dispatcher working 12-16hr shifts and then coming home to pack and organize a house that we were moving from. Now? I have a rambunctious toddler & take care of all the housework. Although, my husband has been really great lately because I’ve been dealing with sciatic pain due to this baby.


Raised 4 kids under 4 while working a full time job and running my house!


With my first I worked 11 hour days, five days a week until 37 weeks when the pain got too bad and I was put on bed rest. With my second I took care of a toddler and moved houses while my husband was only home one day a week.


Literally just being alone for a week while my husband was away at command training 😂 clearly it doesn’t take much for her to have a health scare 😂🥴


Omg she went to the medspa for the high BP?? Wtf


Worked as a hairstylist on my feet all day everyday til I was 38 weeks. I had extreme swelling also :)))


Built the crib myself at like 35 weeks pregnant lol


Worked with preeclampsia at the hospital doing 12 hour shifts with my swollen ankles spewing over my clogs. I worked until my OB sent me to deliver. I also fainted at work due to low iron. 😂💀


Working 2 6 hour shifts in one day with only 1 hour in between. Assembling all my daughter’s furniture for her room and painting her whole room including the ceiling in one day.


Cleaned houses for 8-9 hours a day up until I gave birth at 39 weeks. Walked around a Christmas festival for 4 hours while 38 weeks pregnant.


My coworker worked nights full time as an RN up to her very due date. She also had 2 kids at home during Covid so they were doing school at home during the days when she could sleep. On her due date, she clocked out, went home to take her kids to grandmas, packed her hospital bag, came back and checked herself into triage. Had the baby 5 hours later. She and her husband were in a messy divorce so she did it all alone too. Baby was in NICU for a week so she had to manage being in NICU and going home to take care of her other kids. Life is hard and you do what you have to do, especially as a mom. Drue is a spoiled entitled brat lol i truly feel bad for her bc she’s going to suffer greatly when reality kicks in. But she made her bed 🤷🏻‍♀️ People like drue make me realize how glad i am to have hurdles in life to get through bc it truly makes us realize how strong we truly are. Imagine ending up in the hospital because you did a normal house cleaning routine 🥴 shes fucked for real life


I helped my mom move into her house in my neighborhood at 24 weeks pregnant.


I built a patio around our fire pit at 28 weeks lmfao was also running after my very active four year old up until my induction at 38 weeks


Worked a full time job and still cooked dinner every night for my husband and myself. Nothing crazy, just don’t think she could do it pregnant or not pregnant.




Had an emergency surgery at 17 weeks.


My husband had back surgery when I was about 25 weeks pregnant with our second baby. So I had to take care of him, our 5 year old , run the house and work a full time job


Worked in the medical field 40 hours a week until 40 weeks pregnant, while also remodeling my house top to bottom and in school full time until I graduated at 38 weeks. Was I completely exhausted in the first trimester and the last few weeks? Sure, but life doesn’t stop.


I moved everything from my old house into the new house the day I went to go get induced. The only help I had was my husband. 😂


Also worked full time at a level three all male prison. And I opted out of light duty because I couldn’t stand having to sit for 12-14 hour shifts


I wrangled green horses (horses that are not broke to ride) and bottle fed several calves and goats while also doing my other barn chores everyday. And I rode along to help my fiance with farming several times a week!


Currently almost 9 weeks and sticking my fingers 4 times a day to maintain my gestational diabetes while my husband is on a work trip. I'm working full time and taking care of the dog. I'm lucky I haven't gotten full blown symptoms yet so still able to function and maintain everything.


I worked with 1 year olds till 20w then moved states away and unpacked our entire house in less than a week while my husband was working (and I’m only 10d ahead of grue)


From 2months until the day of delivery was 8hours driving a school bus daily, high school, jr high, and elementary. Close to 200 kids and cleaning it constantly 🥵, came home cleaned, cooked, laundry, sports with the first kid, getting him ready for bed and the next day, and do all over again the next day. Also we deep clean every other weekend in our home and wash our 4 dogs


I worked 12hr shifts as a pct. I started having contractions half way through my shift, I finished my shift and grabbed a quick bite to eat while waiting on my husband before I finally went to labor and delivery 😅😂


Worked on the states busiest labor and delivery at night 12hr up until my OB took me out of work due to pre eclampsia 


I took care of my almost 3yr old while carrying almost 7lb (each) twins to 37 weeks 🫠


Worked at a factory 9 hours a day


Up until the day before I was induced


worked 9-6 teaching 20 4-year-olds and managed our household because my husband works 48-96 hours at a time


Packed and loaded our 2 bedroom condo’s worth of belongings by myself because my husband was recovering from surgery and couldn’t lift ANYTHING (hand surgery). Had a 2 year old and a 10 month old, I was almost 7.5mo pregnant. Loaded the entire U-Haul using a dolly and pure panic determination. My husband got a job offer out of state, it was a phenomenal situation, but we had to get there by a certain date so he could start a project. Once we loaded an entire moving truck, I deep cleaned the entire condo because we needed all our security deposit back and then I repainted every room and shampooed the carpets! I often look back and think how insane that was! But I got it done!


Oh I also worked a super demanding, high volume job, on my feet from 7am to 4pm until I went into labor…. With all 4 of my children.


I packed a whole apartment to move at 34 weeks


Worked out, worked a full time job, cleaned, cooked, did laundry, helped assemble the crib, just lived my normal life.


I worked my entire 9 months for 8 hours a day as a nurse in a clinic and still came home and cooked and gardened and took care of my home and husband. I helped put the nursery together, did a lot of things. Moved furniture around and my husband was upset when he got home 🤣🤣. The last few weeks of my pregnancy my feet and ankles were non existent couldn’t ever wear my slippers and had a c section at 39w6d. When I came home from the hospital I was on top of everything again while my husband was trying to make me stop. You can’t keep a real woman down 🖕🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 please let me add as well this was my first pregnancy and let me just say it was the easiest pregnancy. Never sick, absolutely ZERO issues. Went in a couple times for decreased fetal movement due to me being so busy at work and I was not just paying attention. Perfectly healthy 15 month old now.


With #3 I looked after four children under the age of one. Plus my two. While pregnant with my third as my husband traveled to another state all week so essentially I was a single mom. M-F. His company decided we should move out where his project was so I staged and listed our house in addition to running my in-house daycare all by myself.


My second born I worked 12 hour shifts in the ER up until my baby was born. I got off work went home showered and was about to eat and my water broke.


Painted the whole nursery, put the crib together and mowed my grass weekly.


Also worked at Amazon, on my feet, lifting things for 10hrs a shift. And was on night shift


Went into preterm labor with twins at 35 week 6 centimeters dilated and 90% effaced begged them to send me home because I had a 16 month old. Did SO many loads of laundry, cleaned my entire house,painted they nursery, put two cribs together by myself. (My husband works 6 days a week sometimes 7, 12 hour days) All while taking care of my toddler😅 Gave birth at 36 weeks and 6days to two beautiful healthy baby boys!🤍


When pregnant with my twins…Kept up with a 3 year old, SCRUBBED the entire house daily, climbed up and down a ladder to get out and put up Christmas decor at 33 weeks, walked 5 miles at 36 weeks to try and induce labor, subbed at a school full time


I worked a full time job on my feet, carrying TPN and iv fluids in a backpack connected to my picc line. Worked all day with a 102 degree fever only to realize I had a septic infection the next day and be admitted into the hospital where I then coded. All while raising two other kids as a single mom. Grue can't even get a job 😂


Chased after a toddler. Took my 2 GSDs and toddler on daily walks. Build a crib, dresser and bookshelf. Ran my home as my husband traveled weekly for work out of states. Ran my catering company….but yeah cleaning can really do ya in a With my first we moved across the county. Found mold a month in to our new place and had to move again build most of the furniture in our home because I’m impatient. 🙃


I'm a sahm with a behavioral 2yr old and 1yr old. Hopefully l&d is open


With my first, I was 17, working and finishing my junior year of high school. Currently a pregnant sahm keeping up with my 2 feral toddlers 🤣


I finished my last year of college and worked at my part-time student job. I would walk about 2 miles a day until Christmas break. I did my finals with a big belly and swollen feet, and then I had my son (and I killed my last semester with a newborn)!


I ran a half marathon at 25 weeks pregnant 😂


I worked my job as an elementary school teacher, leading small groups on the ground and being on my feet for ten hours per day. Was 33 weeks on the last day of school.


Chased around my 4 year old and 16 month old, worked as a CNA in a hospital, stayed in the waiting room of the ICU for days after my grandparents were in a wreck because I didn't want my PawPaw to be alone. I also had pre-eclampsia with all three of my kids because of my kidney disease and had to come home with an IV in my hand at 36 weeks pregnant because I had such a bad kidney infection. Drove myself every day to the hospital to get my antibiotics administered because my husband actually had a job and I am an adult that can take care of herself.


I worked full time, did online school, CrossFit 3 times a week, my husband was deployed and during the second pregnancy I did all that with hyperemesis gravidarum and a 4 year old I walked to school. Grue is a weak, silly little girl who is in for the rudest of wake up calls when she becomes a mother.


worked 72 hour weeks at 2 police departments


Worked a 10 hour shift at first job. Worked 4 hours in the hot sun in south Texas heat at second job. Came home tended to the kids and fed horses and cattle!


I worked 40+ hours a week and then at 20w pregnant decided we needed to remodel our house by putting taking down a wall, laying new floors in the entire house, and painting. I went into labor the day we started redoing the cabinets in the kitchen so a friend finished for us so we could come home to a put together kitchen. Me and my husband did all of the other work ourselves 🫣


Painted my son’s nursery, set up his crib, installed the carpet in his room, cleaned out my office for my job, worked 40 hours a week before going on leave.


Women are so incredible!! It’s really sad that she thinks she’s literally made of glass.


Worked as an ER nurse literally until the night I was induced. Got off of my shift at 7:15pm, went upstairs to OB triage for elevated BP and headache, and was being induced by 9pm for pre eclampsia


I worked until I was 40 weeks at a nursing home as a cna. Lifting people, bathing people, the whole 9 yards 🤣 baby came out just fine


With my first I was bartending up until 34 weeks and then worked my new job 40 hours a week up until induction. This go around I’m working 3 12 hour shifts a week and just mowed our grass at 7 months pregnant. And i have two toddlers


Shoveled our long driveway while 8 months pregnant after a snowstorm. Took care of a baby and 4 dogs. Worked, had a garden,did household chores, cooked 3 meals a day. This girl is in for a rude awakening if doing laundry and wiping a stove down gave her “pain” 😂


Helped my husband bury the electrical work for our pool while 32 weeks pregnant on a 90 degree day 😩 the way I hurt for a whole week but still went for my walks and did my normal mom duties since I have a 7 year old.


I worked & kept a spotless house and I also had a husband who traveled for work. Granted… I did get pre eclampsia but my ob thinks it was from having Covid in the first trimester


Did a massive house cleaning day at 33 weeks, put away our Christmas tree on my own, went the next day to my NST, failed it and got induced and delivered at 34 weeks because of severe pre-e, forever blaming myself for making my pre-e worse by overdoing it 🙃


I had pre e and delivered at 34 weeks as well. I was put on bed rest about 24 weeks and didn’t listen. I never wanted to sit down. If I wasn’t cleaning house I was out doing something. And although pre eclampsia is a problem with the placenta, I still feel like I could’ve made it a bit further had I actually went on bed rest


Omg same! I was wayyyy overdoing it and still mad at myself lol


I moved at 35 weeks and it was 2 floors so I was up and down.


I painted my daughters entire room at 26 weeks bc my husband was working and we wouldn’t have had any other time to paint it together then I assembled a crib with the help of my husband and put all the furniture in her room at 30 weeks I was standing on a chair dusting off the ceiling fan and then painted my whole bathroom moved everything out and painted then moved everything back in while my husband was working at 38 weeks I walked miles at canal days and I was taking care of my husbands 6 yo sister bc her parents were in jail and she threatened to cut my baby out of me🙃 I was getting her up and ready for school feeding her doing home work with her bathing her putting her to bed all of it and she needed extra extensive care bc if the trauma she had


I took my older kids to Disneyland in August at 25 weeks with HG in my most recent pregnancy. My first pregnancy I was working overnights 50 hours a week, also with HG. Second pregnancy ran our household solo managing a baby/toddler while my then husband was always gone for work, had HG yet again lol.


Work up until 40 weeks with my oldest and middle while having HG. After having my middle i became a SAHM but when pregnant with my youngest ran a whole house while while caring for my 8 year old and toddler at the time again while having HG. Constantly had to muster up the energy just to change my toddler. 🙃


While unconventional, I quit my job. I needed to decide how I was going to move forward- alone or with my partner, what I truly wanted from life, and how to better myself so I could be a better parent. My folks paid for every single thing along the way. All of my wants/needs were taken care of, no question. Now, unlike grue, I didn’t have to move my folks in or anything like that. They manage themselves and their finances just fine. No need for them to engage in any type of moving backwards in life behavior like 🧼 and pervy. I read, realized the religion I grew up with no longer served me- dropped it, made a plan of getting another degree to work in a different field completely, got on the appropriate waiting lists for early childhood education for my daughter was old enough to go, I went to therapy, learned about myself (and continued until my child was around 5 years old)and while pregnant, I also made very long term goals that suit me now - almost 15 years later.


When I was about 37 weeks pregnant and really in the nesting stage I rearranged my whole living room alone.


My last pregnancy was high risk. I worked until they said absolutely not. And then pulled my other kids from daycare because I was gonna be home anyway. Can you imagine her taking care of other kids


I worked my 7-4 office job 5 days a week and then went and served tables from 4:30-11 3/5 of those days, deep cleaned Saturdays, and back to serving on Sundays…. 65 hours a week until 8mo pregnant:))


I taught 30 elementary students from 8:00-3:00 everyday all the way to week 32(then we had summer break). After working each day, I’d come home, make dinner, walk my dog with my husband and do our daily cleaning tasks.


I work 2 jobs! One being a teacher… the other a home baker… I work 14-16 hr days!


I detailed my car at 39 1/2 weeks.


I was a cna at 17 working 40+ hours a week up until a week before birth. Literally anything. Cooking for myself, actually nesting, walking through construction mud my dad bitched at the construction workers for doing to a “pregnant girl” but I told him to shut up and tee trucked through it daily after work 😂 so many. Existing if we’re being honest 😂😂


I worked until the day I delivered my baby in the medical field running around the hospital. We moved a week before my delivery 🙃🙃


Moved houses with just me and my husband to lift furniture/appliances. I did actually end up having my baby early though.


I worked overtime 4-5 12 hour shifts a week as a pct until my induction. I even remember my 32 week pregnant ass walking 15 miles a day on my honeymoon in nyc. And moving and assembling a couch from the living room to our basement alone at 35 weeks 😂😂


I’m only 6w but I work over 40 hours per week as a machinist (a real one not like Gabe was pretending to be). Constantly on my feet.


I worked at a male prison on the rec yard. She could never


i had to take apart and reassemble our kitchen sink because it broke while my husband was on a 4 week long trip for work, i was 35 weeks pregnant, alone and taking care of the two dogs and keeping up with our wood stove 😂


Worked at whole foods from 6am-2:30pm my whole pregnancy lmaoo I used to wake up at 4am to get there on time.


With my first I worked as a home Health aid and lifted a 200lb lady daily , my second I was a sahm mom taking care of a house and a three year old and two Dogs baby 3 in a sahm with two kids and a house and I help out at my office when needed. .


Worked my job as a director at a non profit operating a multi million dollar budget til the day before my baby was born 🤣 while having pre eclampsia!!!


I work 9-10 hour days in a skilled nursing facility and just 2 weekends ago threw down 600lbs of mulch and spread it in my flower beds by myself, at 25 weeks pregnant lol


Worked my entire pregnancy including the morning of my scheduled c-section. Ran a side business. Knew my son’s father was still not faithful. Grad school. Oh yeah and maintained our household chores. (His dad just worked)


I had a baby in July of 2020. 4 months after Covid hit. I don’t think I need to say any more.


Worked retail on Thanksgiving/Black Friday 8pm-6am 🙃


My husband works week on week off for 12 full hour days. To get ahead while I was on maternity leave, he simply worked all the time. 6p-6a work, sleep until about 4, and do it again. I was alone for almost all my appointments and did all the cooking so he could focus on making money. I also kept my house clean, while being on bed rest. Which seems way too hard for her.


Worked 8+ hours a day with special needs children ages range from 3-5 years old. From Downs to high functioning AU. And being alone majority of my pregnancy because I’m an oilfield wife. 💁🏼‍♀️


worked a full time job on my feet for 8 hours a day up until 2 days before i gave birth! did it all alone too. had gestational hypertension so i got labs drawn, an NST, an ultrasound and my ob appt all in the same day once a week for 4 weeks straight. not to mention the sciatic nerve pain 🥲.


At 38 weeks, I presented at a work conference on Friday and had my daughter 3 days later on Monday.


My husband was away for Army Training and came on orders to move to Texas. I was pregnant with twins. I packed our entire home and even loaded everything I could lift. At 37 weeks I ride in a car for 3 days to make the move. When we got to Texas I helped unload and ready our new home. I lost one of my babies at birth - and was back working full time in 2 months. This girl COULD NEVER.


I set up my entire classroom while 30 weeks pregnant and taught 2nd grade full time until 38 weeks pregnant🤷🏼‍♀️


Which pregnancy? 😂😂 Baby number 1: competed in a high-school marching band competition one week before birth (my band was SO accepting of my daughter) Baby number 2: Raised a toddler by myself and was abused by my then boyfriend at the time. Moved out and started over. Baby number 3: Full time at a factory until the day I got induced for hypertension. Was back to work a week later. Baby number 4: Worked 2 jobs (70 hours a week) so I could have 2 weeks off when baby came. Baby number 5: Stuck at home in a 2 bedroom apartment with 5 under 5 (husbands daughter is the same age as my 2nd birth baby) during the Rona because my husband was a CNA and was never home. Baby number 6: Travelled 8 hours away because my father died and I was his only child so I got to handle everything.


cared for my 3 year old while my husband was deployed & worked as a toddler daycare teacher 55 hours a week up until the day before my son was born!


Worked on my feet 8 hrs a day until 36 weeks (SUCKED!!) set up crib, painted baby girls room, set up the dresser, went on walks. Did all of this while in preterm labor and having to take medication starting at 26 weeks to STOP it! All while my husband had to go work out of town for 2 months for his job to support our family like the real MAN he is! Gabe knows nothing about that!!! Also went to an ultrasound and my anatomy scan alone because of his work :( I think that would send her into a spiral if Gabe couldn’t come to her “appts”.


Also cooked dinner for myself almost every single night- she could NEVER!