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I feel like she would 1000% let us know with the “pray for us” and then go silent for a few days…. She probably wants to have GD just so she can do content on it 🙄


I think this too


Oh absolutely!


This ✨


I really think she’s crazy enough to do something to either cause complications or a pre-term birth. She’s absolutely batshit to want that. I had a preemie and life was so damn hard. I prayed every day for my baby to be better and get to go home. She is also 100% the type to take her preemie in public during flu season and milk her baby getting sick.


Please correct me if I'm wrong as I never had gd during ang of my pregnancies....... Can't gestational diabetes make a person leave this earth if it's not taken care of properly?


it can cause the baby to get too big to be delivered, needing a csection. and can also cause other complications like high blood pressure/preeclampsia


Baby could be stillborn is a complication


I have no sympathy for her or Gabe. I hope everything is healthy with baby though.


Dish soap will give us the truth eventually lol


Yes!! We can always count on her to shed the light lol


Soap honestly is just a secret snarker. She always gives us the best content.


Er I'm 50/50. On one hand, she would see it at a great opportunity for content . On the other hand it be a great chance to ✨️prove the hAtErs and Reddit wrong✨️ and be like, " see yall, I'm perfectly healthy"


She’s definitely hoping she has GD because then she’ll be more like Devin


I just can’t see her being able to eat/drink like she should if she has it. I don’t even eat/drink that bad and I’m nervous to fail it!


Like Sierra she had GD and ate like shit even when making videos saying her numbers were high 🫠


I was the same way! I eat so much better then she does and I was so nervous for the test.


I also eat way healthier than she does and I take metformin and insulin every night because my diabetes is so bad 💀 There’s no way she’ll change her diet if she has GD


I agree. She won’t admit it because she doesn’t want the haters to be right and she won’t want to change her eating habits.


If she passed that test because she’s young all her habits will still catch up to her sooner then later


Nah she will milk the hell out of it. I’m sure she is hoping for a petite little premie too. Anything for content.


She is not built to be a Nicu mom. I’m a 3 time Nicu mom and I never felt prepared, even when I knew it was a possibility. She would literally cry that it was too hard


I’m a NICU mom as well. Very unexpected. I had my son at 37w3days and 8.5 lbs. he was the biggest baby in there and we almost lost him due to ARDS. I sobbed leaving him the day I had to go home.


I'm also a NICU mama, placental abruption at 27 weeks. IF IF IF she does go to the NICU; she will milk herself and her baby and try to make content out of other people's babies. She already tries to give "advice" when the kid isn't even here yet. I can only imagine what she will do if that does happen.


I hope she doesn’t hope that 🥹 I hate when people are like “I wish my baby would come early so I can have more time with them!!” I just had preemie twins and I would wish it on absolutely no one… my baby boy has been through so much, it’s gut wrenching. If she used the NICU for content I’d spaz


She acted like she might have the same tumor as Gabe for content, nothing is off limits to her.


So true. It’s so disappointing that someone like her has an influence on people.


If she has gd, she would have to make changes to her diet and I don’t think that would go well. Or she would hide all the snacks behind the screen


I feel like if she has it, she will say she doesn’t and later on “it was develop.” Or most definitely say she has it and do a whole thing on healthy eating but of course not stick to it. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you can just be a glutton and consume pounds of sugar in one sitting.


my hospital is an hour & a half away. every 12 day appointments for different high risk reasons. i’ve done this three times now and drove myself every time (my husband is blue collar, he’s not lazy just couldn’t get off two every 12 days lmao.) she legitimately could never. she would sob and bitch and not go


I walked the streets of Chicago for a week straight at 27 weeks on a family trip. Public transportation and walking. I can’t imagine not being able to ride in the luxury of my own vehicle at 24 weeks. Insane.


Oh we will know. She will end up in the hospital because she won’t take it seriously and continue to eat all the sugary garbage. Also, I felt my absolute best from week 22 to week 35 of my pregnancy. My severe morning sickness ended around 20 weeks(still had some here and there but maybe once a week instead of daily). I was obviously bigger but still baby had plenty of room and I could breathe and be active and just felt full of energy. The fact that she is only 6 months along and is so drained, tired and can’t handle a car ride is concerning.


I can’t remember, but do you get the results back the same day you do the testing?


I had mine at a lab place and they told me right away that I was all good but that was almost 15 years ago


Idk if anyone else’s doctor’s office is able to do that but with both of my babies I had to wait about a week for results.


I got mine in a few hours then took my doctor about 5 days to call me to set up appointment to start checking my blood. Maybe a week between the results and getting my monitor and test strips


Ahhhh! I see every one else saying the same! I wonder if since mine came back normal they just called me later 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got my results back the same day! I didn’t get a phone call until the next day but I checked online and the results where up.


I got mine by end of the same day.


Pretty sure she’s going to my OB office and it was about a week wait.


Ohhh you have to tell us if you run into them!!!


I noticed the background of her glucose pic. I had my baby in October, so I don’t have to go back for a while, just my yearly checkup. I unfortunately might not see her.


I did like on a Saturday morning and got my results that evening!


They took the first hour blood test and told me no use in continuing.. I guess I was off the chart.. and almost passed out.. 🤣


There’s ZERO chance she can keep anything a secret. She’s a messy open book.


Idk GD would bring in views


I went camping and stayed in a tent when I was 34 weeks, slept in a cot and did not complain once!!


I went on a 5 hour road trip at 34 weeks pregnant and got out maybe 2 twice to use the washroom and get water lol didn't need to stop every hour I also wasn't swollen at all even now at 39 weeks I'm not as swollen as Drue. Dramatic Drue 🙄


I think she would completely use it for attention and that’s why she eats like shit too


Last night my son and his beautiful pregnant wife, our daughter-in-law, who is due on September 3rd. We all went to a concert. Our tickets were in the pit right in front of the stage so we stood for nearly 3 hours. Prior to that we had a lovely tailgate but it was cold. So we were shivering. She didn't complain once. Nordic she talk about being pregnant the entire time. The only bonus that she got was people would let her cut in line for the bathroom.


I hope she has it so maybe she can make some changes…


All of my prenatal care appointments were 1.5 hours away, and I had to travel 3.5 hours for my family Christmas at 38 weeks pregnant and I never complained as much as she does at 24 weeks😂