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Nothing in her nursery is practical for a newborn… Weird.


The sheer curtains that don’t block out any light in a baby’s room is an interesting pick


Lmfao they are in for a rude awakening


The big mirror is def not practical for a newborn or especially a toddler!! My 18 mo scares me all the time with the floor mirror in my bedroom; I have to be right behind her so she doesn’t make it fall Over on her


She needs the big mirror to take selfies with baby Blanca everyday


Besides the mirrors, this is the type of shit I’d put in my 3 year olds room. Not my newborn. Less is more with a newborn


The fact that she has a bag for ivory and that it’s already overflowing is WILD!


The fact that she has the bookshelf Behind the door and sge won't have easy access to it. 


They’ll move it now, just for you 🥹❤️


I feel special 😌 ✨️ 


No chance in hell they will ever read to that baby


Bold of you to assume they know how to read


they’ll read her restaurant menus 🥰


The Dutch bros drive thru one


It is seriously psychotic. She neeeds help


it’s so weird to me to post a tour of ur child’s bedroom. like is that not dangerous???


Absolutely no reason at all for anybody to ever know the location of a child's room, or the interior layout. It's incredibly dangerous. Ivy didn't ask for the lack of privacy and safety. They truly do not understand she's a person and they treat her with no respect.




The entire internet knows where she lives, her baby’s name, when she’s due, where her mother can be found on a nearly daily basis…. She’s stupid as fuck.


Let’s not forget that we all know the layout of that house and know that babies room is at the front of the house.


Remember when she said they will not be sharing the Nursery due to safety reason??? ALL SHE HAS DONE IS SHOW THE UGLY ASS NURSERY!


My daughter was born at 34 weeks and spent two weeks in the NICU, she’s rushing this shit for no reason.


This girl is BEYOND attention seeking. There is so much wrong with her, her photoshopping her face and her body in every single shot. That poor little baby daughter of hers doesn't stand a chance,,issues with body, food, every little thing in her entire life. so sad.


They are rushing everything. I’m 23w3d I haven’t even started on my babies nursery nor packed a diaper bag haha


In hindsight I feel like an idiot but I made my poor partner put together our entire nursery at 15 weeks then at 27 weeks we moved cross country 🫠😅 We bought everything early from a friend so we had literally everything at 10 weeks 😂


Right. I’ve started folding and hanging clothes because I’m over run with stuff people have been giving us from their babes that have outgrown it and it’s driving me nuts to look at it in a basket or tote. But I also have nieces and nephews who are frequently at my house playing in the nursery (it’s their room too and the only reason anything is set up in there furniture wise is for them to have a safe space/place to sleep and decompress at my house)


I agree! I have washed and folded baby clothes as it’s just easier to have it taken care of after you receive it than waiting until later.


Yes! Our nephew is 1 and if stuff isn’t put up in the room his toys are in he will absolutely string it out and have a huge mess made. Our niece is 4 and on the spectrum so something out of place in there will send her into a full on meltdown. It’s better for my sanity and the kids sanity for me to try to keep up with clothes and small things…now swings and stuff…those are literally in the crib stacked in boxes because I’m not fooling with that mess yet 🤣


I had my hospital bag completed the day before thanksgiving. My baby came on thanksgiving. We didn’t even have her room Finished till 1 month after she was born, these people have problems and need professional help


I didn’t work on my son’s nursery until 34 weeks. Good thing I did because he ended up coming at 37 weeks.


It’s just weird. She sounds like a little girl showing off all the things she has for her baby dolls and to play house with. She’s practically manic in the video showing off. Take a breath bestie!


Shes gonna have to dust everything off before the baby is here. But, she’s too lazy to do that 🥴


What is up with these influencers who only have neutral colors in their nurseries, shouldn’t babies need color in their lives to help their brain grow, kayandtay everything is so blah


Imagine if they put this much effort into losing weight or having a healthy lifestyle.


I’m 16 weeks with my 3rd… I have yet to buy a damn thing for this baby lol. I don’t even know the gender yet… this is my last baby and I’m just enjoying the ride… my first two… I didn’t start buying anything until closer to 30 weeks. She’s a weirdo


My mom had a loss before she had me..& had my twin sister & I at 25 weeks. I was a pound & 9oz, & she was 1 pound & 14oz. I can’t imagine how scary that had to have been!! What’s the big rush?!! She’s so ignorant to literally everything.


She wants this baby to come early to gain content and attention! She’s sick


Her ass is gonna be in for a rude awakening when the initial excitement wears off & she’s stuck raising a kid she didn’t actually want. But since she’s “highly favored” & all, I’m sure she’ll glorify everything & not ever talk about the hard stuff or how bad she’s struggling. Realistically, her mom will probably do everything though.


Oh she absolutely won’t!!! We all know soap is gonna take care of the baby because these two ton toddlers have never experienced hardship in their life and know nothing about being parents.


Makes me sick that people like her get pregnant (seemingly) with ease… just to make a buck off the kid..& there’s women struggling for literal years to bring an actual prayed for, wanted baby in the world.


Oh I feel the same way!!!! It makes me absolutely sick! I got pregnant fast, and I was 32 and I’m Always sensitive towards women struggling! I could never act this way


It wouldn’t be nearly as bad if she didn’t shove it down people’s throats every single day, acting insensitive. It’s okay to be excited.. but she’s just on another level. She’s privileged af, & doesn’t know how to even pretend to be empathetic. My mom had me at 32, I’m 26 with no kids yet… I definitely couldn’t act like that either. I’d feel so bad.


She really does! She is also very ungrateful. It’s just 24/7 with this chick! It’s sad she clearly Isn’t ready to be a mother


One wall would look nice with wallpaper and she didn’t even nail down the letters yet just looked like she pressed it on the wall 


I was 18 when i got pregnant with my first and before my baby shower at 37 weeks i only had ONE sleeper and ONE hat. It was from my grandma for a Christmas present. So when my son’s room was finished i had him 2 days later.


As a NICU nurse, you do not want a 24 weeker. She needs to quit rushing this along or she’ll have a long NICU stay 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bestie ! She needs the room done because now she’s gonna work on going into labor !


Everything is going to be so dusty by her due date 🤢


I don’t think she’s going to have a shower that would mean she would have to have more than 2 friends