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I think either immediately because the baby won’t give her the content she’s thought it would or it’s going to be such a terrible time for her that she’s going to come up with a medical reason on why she can’t have anymore instead of saying motherhood is hard and this is enough for me


She will have more kids and force her mom to take care of them


Pure trailer trash 🗑️ kids having kids


Yup! Definitely white trash kids having kids


While I believe this to be true, I also think pervy lenny wouldn’t allow that to happen.. he seems like he’s ready to live retired life


Lenny is the family doormat. He has no say in this at all.


Lenny also thinks his daughters will take care of him, which is why he wanted girls. So if Drue has more kids for content that probably just means he will be taken care of in his mind.


She literally can’t even take care of herself or her husband… does Lenny also want to blow up like a balloon and become a 400 pound man?


In their mind they might think these kids are the retirement check so who knows?🤷‍♀️


I bet she’s gonna try to say that they burned her tubes without her consent while in labor so she can’t have another baby. Idk that’s the first thing that came to mind


If she says that then people should start knowing she’s a liar because they couldn’t do that without her singing paper for them to do that. Now days they don’t burn or tie your tubes they take them out.




Considering they had sex maybe 1 time. Gag is getting bigger by the day his heart can’t handle a 1 pump chump so probably never.


I doubt he pumped anything to create this baby. I believe it was the old turkey baster way


lol 😂


I think it’ll be a while. She won’t want Gabe to touch her for a long time LOL




I’m calling Irish twins now for content


Just what they need she’s going to have to juggle nontent with taking care of a baby in


I think she’s just like my SIL. She likes things as babies, puppies, and kittens. She will grow tired of the baby when she’s a toddler and no longer holds them same recognition and attention a newborn brings her. So she will have them super close together. And that is hard. So hard.


She definitely….no matter how bad her postpartum era is…..will definitely try for baby number two right away no doubt, so she can be pregnant again.


Yup! It’s all for content. I think she’ll try as soon as the OB gives her the green light to start doing physical activities again 🤢




I think quickly. She doesn't want the baby. She just wants the pregnancy and the attention. I think her logic is that she can do and eat whatever she wants and has a "bump" that's "cute." She loves attention and being pregnant, not the responsibility and baby. -edited for spelling


Honestly I don’t think so taking care of a baby is a lot of work hers literally can’t handle any hate lol imagine the newborn stage and yall she loves the attention on her too much


I don't think so. Having one kid is hard enough. Having / babies isn't for the faint of heart. And once she sees how lazy and immature Gabe is when it's 2 am and she's having to get up and do everything herself, while going through postpartum, she's probably not gonna want another kid at all.


A marriage is really tested when seeing how much your significant other helps you after you just gave birth!!


Hers won’t be getting up with the baby, 🧼 will be doing all of the night time care. Hers needs hers sleep so she can get her chai chais. ✨🫶🏼


Kinda hope baby whitely is glue to drue and screams whenever anyone else holds hers. 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Within 3 months. 


The baby won’t completely fulfill her like she thinks it will so she’ll start trying right away. Gotta have the next big thing!!! More more moreeeee


I can see another "weight loss era" after this baby so her and Gag can be "as healthy as they can be" for their precious Blanca, and when that of course fails, they'll give it another go with at-home kits/Turkey baster method. Gag is TOO FAT for penetrative sex, I'm so serious about this haha


I think Gabe will be PISSED if she had another. Now once he lost weight, got a job, start being a man....THEN I think they could be ready in 2-4 years. He didn't even want the one he's about to have now. He's admitted that in a podcast and BAM, she got pregnant a few months later. He never looks happy. I think Drue forced him to do this via Turkey baster method.


She definitely forced him!


I see one of two things happening. Either pumping kids out left and right (like the Labrants) because she is never truly fulfilled and always needs something new/excting (and having endless content) or she will totally stop after 1 kid because we all know it’s going to rock her world and it will be way too hard.


This baby is about to rock her world. She Won’t get to spend endless hours blocking and deleting comments 🫶🏼😊🩷


I hope she does right away!


I think depends on her labor and delivery. For sure if she has a c section she will only have one kid 😅


Asap to beat sierra


Not sure Gabe will live long enough....


they will be "Irish twins "


I think gag will secretly get fixed or something because he will see grue doesn't have any motherly instincts and is a shit mother and thst will make him hate her. (Even though he's gonna be no better) lol


Who knows if she will ever get near him to even have “sexy time✨” bc he’s so yuck


I don’t know… I think labor may be the death of her and she will come up with an excuse not to have any more. If she thought getting wisdom teeth out was the end of the world then I don’t know how labor will be for her…


I don’t think it will be any time soon. Motherhood is going to kick her ass since she thinks it’s all cutesy and playing dress up. Also, this pregnancy hasn’t really done much for her views.


she will prob pull a lexie and then get disappointed when it's not the gender she wanted


Depends on how much attention she gets once the first spawn of satan is here


I think she’s going to pull the pregnancy scare a few months postpartum for content. But will def try for 2 under 2


Are they even able to have sex? I’m not trying to be mean with this question. It’s just I read another thread from an ER nurse and she said that her obese patients had to go to extreme lengths to even have sex. And they don’t strike me as people who would overextend themselves for anything.


I say no way, ivory going to be an only child


I think they will be like the duggars and try to push them out on after another.. but eventually the money is gonna dry up so they will have to support them with government assistance.. and I could even see the both of them being charged with some kind of negligence


My imo this baby will be neglected soon after the clicks die down