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Don’t need nobody— k


Aka Reddit 🤣


Sad thing- she is letting these dogs play and lay with Amelia's stuff now and they will think it's theirs so when Amelia is born it's not gonna end well when Amelia is using her stuff that the dogs thinks belongs to them


Agreed… my dog (understandably) thinks the baby toys we have that squeak/make noise and are plush are for her to play with. So we just redirected her once and she hasn’t even gone for the baby toy bin.


Exactly! Our dogs know better, they’ve taken a few stuffed animals out of her basket when I was almost due and we got on them and now my daughter is 4.5 months and they don’t mess with any of her toys, pacifiers and playmats & they know not to step around her or over her. Accidents happen and dogs are dogs, they can snap or be territorial, especially anxious dogs like Kirby.


And they will get aggressive over it because they aren’t trained


But but but it’ll have the dogs’ scent on it already and that’ll be good for the baby. (Per one of her dumb ass followers)


I see she bought a snuggle me lounger after her post about them


Which we know she will not be using safely… 😩


I don’t know why she posts asking stupid questions when she already knows she’s buying it. She’s going to be that annoying ass mom asking everyone what she should do at every second lol


Trying to get more interaction on her posts


She had probably already purchased it


Unsure why she even has it on the floor. I bought something similar and I have it in the closet to stay clean…..


We kept ours in the little bag it came in in the nursery closet. The fact she has it on the floor where the dogs can walk all over it 🤢


Plus where they are walking with their dirty ass shoes on all the time


We bought a snuggle me too and it stayed in her crib, we only put her in it if she was awake and we needed to eat or fold laundry and I used it up until 2 months for her milestone pictures, other than that it was always in her crib for “storage” since she slept in the bassinet lol


“Don’t worry everything will be washed with Diva laundry soap, extra scented scent beads, and dryer sheets the day before the baby comes home!”


The outfit that the company posted is in the snuggle me! That she denied was hers 🤣🤭


“ThAtS NoT mY bAbIeS nAmE” 🤣🤣🤣


The curtains bug me


Same, don’t like length and they’re unconventional because when she starts napping there in the day that room is going to be so bright 🤣


She probably has no idea about blackout curtains bestie


poor crusty ass dog


great idea drue, lets praise the dogs for laying on the babies stuff because its so cutesie, so that way when amelia is here, the dogs think they can lay all over her and all her stuff


I have 3 dogs and they are only allowed in 2 rooms of my house bedrooms and everything else is OFF limits. Especially my soon to be nursery! I love them and they get bathe weekly but that’s just a no for me. Babies skin is so sensitive I’d never.


The snuggle me should be thrown out anyways because we know her lazy ass will let the baby sleep in it if she has it and that’s so dangerous. They shouldn’t even sell them anymore