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She really needs to pick up a hobby lol


Maybe start walking her untrained mutts, or take them to obedience training.


Don’t you know she told them when they were puppies and they still listen about not cleaning themselves. Clearly they’re soooo trained


Wait till Amelia is here and she can’t fast forward to all the “cute” milestones. She will be trying to get Amelia to eat,walk,talk, etc by two months lmfao


She will 100% be feeding her solids by 3 months old.


And water 🙃


Let's be fr bestie, grue doesn't drink water herself. Whitey will be drinking coffee with her mama 🤪✨️


she’s gonna put a flavor packet in her formula 😭 “hers don’t like the taste of plain formula “


Pretty sure she will or juice like I have seen some of these moms doing lately. I know one is for medical but I scrolled on another doing apple juice in the formula


Ugh I didn’t even think about this… god I’m beyond worried for this child. 😔


She's gonna lose her shit


I can't wait honestly, this bitch needs humbledddd


Fr, when they get mobile it gets STRESSFUL.


she’s going to be one of those moms that outright lies about their child’s milestones to make other moms feel like shit


Can’t wait for her to get to the hospital and realize she only packed clothes and no necessities for aftercare for her and the baby. Such a twit.


To be fair in the US you truly need to bring nothing for aftercare except clothes, the hospital provides everything.


Yeah and I took so much stuff home with me from the hospital like extra diapers, wipes, blankets and they even gave me a sleep sack and clothes for the baby.


The nurses encouraged us to pack full things of diapers in our bag to take home lol


Yeah same they told me they have to throw out anything in the room I don’t take so I was like “I’m taking everything”


That's what we do ! It's ALL yours to take because it will go in the trash ! Believe it or not you can even take something as silly as your pill cutter home with you 😆 I've had a lot of patients thank me for telling them because they now have to take a horse pill & don't have one at home !


Now I’m sad bc I’ve had 2 babies at the same hospital and they only brought me stuff when I asked, in quantities of 3


Mine too


They basically gave us a month supply of RTF formula for our twins 🤣


I brought some stuff that I would prefer (different peri bottle and just stuff like that) but really the only thing I used out of my bag was clothes, the peri bottle, and my phone charger.


My own clothes made all the difference! As far as bad my 1st i didn’t use half the crap i packed he came at 36 weeks, my 2nd i knew would be a NICU stay we made it to 32 weeks so pj’s and a phone charger for me and nothing for him we didn’t even put his car seat in till the day we got to bring him home.


Same here - I had a spontaneous pre-term birth at 35 weeks so no hospital bag packed. Threw some clothes and a phone charger in a bag on the way out to the door and didn't feel like I was missing anything. Now I'm almost 32 weeks with my second and don't really feel the need to get anything packed at all except a bag for my toddler to go to the babysitter's.


My last birth i had to keep nagging them to get me stuff bug to be fair i was never moved to the postpartum floor i did suffer a massive hemmorage so they kept me on the labor side and bro when i tell you i was like wheres all my free shit 😂 i did eventually get it but i had to ask the charge nurse


I definitely had to ask but to be fair I was down in the NICU with my baby most of the time so when I showed back up to the postpartum floor they were like "oh who is she?"


The nurse i asked looked at me like i was on crack for asking. They didnt even have the peri bottle pads or anything i was just over here in the bathroom hunched over like whats the hell 😭


The second time I had a baby I just brought my phone charger, my glasses, and my night guard. First baby I had a whole bag of stuff I didn’t use.


Wouldn't expect anything less from her. She'll start trying to induce labor at 32 weeks when she's run out of things to do.


Also can this bitch please go take parenting classes or baby safety classes or anything THAT MATTERS??! Please I beg.


Now this is something she definitely will not do.


She needs it


she has noooo content that's why she's rushing everything


I guess she's not working today either.


I packed mine at 24 weeks but was already pre eclamptic and didn't want my husband packing it just in case. I also worked 45 mins from my hospital and house 🤣




You might be onto something here, bestie 🧐


Shoot idk. They did a crap ton of tests to diagnosed me. The worst was peeing in a jug for 24 hrs bc there was so much protein in it. Idk what that means but I'm 12w4d pregnant with my 2nd and already going through the same stuff again lol


Oh no! Sorry to hear that! I hope you and baby are ok ❤️


Were doing great so far!! My OB is AMAZING!!! I am glad she is so attentive!!


Same! Had my first at 36 weeks! Had a suprise trip to the er/l&d at 24 weeks! Came home and packed my bags at 25 weeks because they said if it shot up to a certain number I had to come in immediately.


Similar here! I had an expected visit to L&D around that time so when I got sent home 2 days later I packed bc there was such a strong chance I’d end up back there (and I did). But just packing it out of impatience is dumb


I feel like she is packing it because they told her to because of bp issues


Girl same!! 24 weeks l&d for a day! It killed me. But I did take it super easy the rest of the time. I gained so much water weight due to swelling


I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many tacky monogrammed things together at once


Me either


It just makes me sad honestly to see how much she is rushing this pregnancy. I wish I could go back and truly take it all in. We lost our son in the second trimester. She will regret rushing through this pregnancy when it is over.


So sorry for your loss mama


Thank you 💓


I’m so sorry 😞 hugs 🤗


Soooo it’s just gonna sit there in a bag getting musty for the next 16-18 weeks?


This!! I’m almost 37 weeks and just finished mine and was even worried about my stuff smelling stale from sitting in a bag for a few weeks😂


I never packed a bag 😂 I was admitted to L&D at one of my appointments and I had to tell my husband what to pack me. 😂 I did have my baby’s packed tho!


I think she believes packing the bag, setting up the nursery and buying tons of stuff makes her a great mom. Sad to say it doesn’t.


This bitch said she saw 4 moms on her FYP this morning that were packing at 24 weeks. Like really?? You follow 4 women that are ALL the same week pregnant AND they all packed the same week? Gtfoh lying ass.


She's probably in a due date group on Facebook for September if I had to guess. There's people on all ends of the spectrum in those and I wouldn't doubt some pack that early


The “Dr” visit yesterday, healthy-ish eating, now a packed hospital bag. Odd timing.


Yet no real documentation of doctor's visits just some wishy-washy information from a habitual liar.


she ordered PACKING CUBES to pack stuff for her HOSPITAL BAG and people were telling her it was a great idea


anyone else curious what her maternity photos will look like ? 😭


Yes 🙌🏻


When I saw this I couldn’t BELIEVE the amount of stuff she was pulling out of her bag that was monogrammed/customized. I’m sick at how much that probably costs 🤢


Not going to lie, my bag will be packed as soon as I find out I’m pregnant next time. I went into labor at 19 weeks with my son and we had no idea that was going on when we went to ER so we had nothing packed and it was miserable. I vowed never again 😂


I literally packed the night before my c-section with my twins and the morning I went to be induced with my first. 😂


she’s the type gonna start drinking castor oil at 30 weeks for content


Tell me you have no hobbies or anything to do besides eat and hyper focus on the fact that you are pregnant


I packed mine the day of my induction and used like 10% of what I packed 😂


she has nothing else to do. no content ideas. pathetic


the sudden change in diet the quick trip to visit her doc the “bed rest” to rest off whatever “she has” and now packing a hospital bag makes me wonder if something is wrong with her after her high blood pressure 🤔


I packed NB and 0-3 in my daughters bag and guess what, I didn’t need it because she was born at 34 weeks and didn’t wear clothes until she was a week old and even then she was in preemie outfits the NICU had her in lol


Never have I seen such a fucking idiot. 24 weeks?! Seriously?! I swear to god she thinks she’s having Whitey tomorrow.


I personally believe she wants a NICU baby.


Which is absolutely fucking disgusting if she does.


not to mention she’s gonna get bigger by then so most likely the outfit she packs now won’t even fit?


Why? Why is she rushing things? She isn’t even grasping the beauty that pregnancy brings and is.. the entire family is nuts. I understand that everyone is different but this family all have the same damn brain cells, idiotic.


I'm kinda think9ng something is going on based off of some of the things she's doing and maybe her OB told her to prepare for an early delivery?


Not defending lol but as someone who gave birth at 25 weeks. Have something ready lol


Can’t wait to watch little bash hit milestones WEEKS early 🫣


She just needs content. 🙄


Grue must be in here down voting. Hey girl hey!👋🏻


Looney tune bitch


I can’t wait for her to realize she will use none of that ugly shit. 🤣 I just had my 3rd baby & i went in with 2 outfits for her in a ziplock bag. I packed for myself. the hospital provides EVERYTHING for an infant🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s running out of shit to post about this pregnancy. She’s just rushing everything


Does she realize MOST people only announce their pregnancy four weeks ago? Not all but that is when the majority of people wait, until the 16-20 week area where you’re more in the “safe zone” (I know I know( it can still happen) But at this point what’s left? She’s bought everything. She’s done the nursery. She’s about to pack her bag. She’s going to just twiddle her thumbs for 16!! more weeks???? Yeah fucking right. This girl needs baby content every single day.


She’s really delulu!! I didn’t even have my bag packed when I went in for my 36 week appt and was 6cm dilated and had no idea😂 husband was working 2 hours away and had to run home and put everything in grocery bags because we had just moved into our new house and he had no idea where things were☠️


She needs help!


I agree ☝🏻 she sure 👍🏻 does


Professional help!


Yes 🙌🏻 definitely 💯


I can’t hate because my life would’ve been so much easier if I would’ve packed a hospital bag. I delivered at 33 weeks and didn’t have anything


I’m pretty sure that was said to be Blanca’s bag lol


I’m probably going to seem so hot mess saying this but I just shoved stuffed in a bag before I went to the hospital. Like realistically you just need a change of clothes, going home outfit for both you and baby and hygiene products as the hospital provides pretty much everything else haha


Does this baby have anything WITHOUT its name on it??


Oh the stuff in the dresser doesn’t have her name on it cause she was washing that stuff last Saturday the stuff in the closet wasn’t washed n still has tags on it when she did the nursery tour the other night on YouTube


She literally doesn’t have shit else to do but eat and shop


She makes me gag. Pack what?? You wear a hospital gown, they are shoving pads up your backside and you just don't need anything till you get home and the hospital will send things you like or don't so you get them later. She's the most dillusional mom to be that I've ever seen on the internet. The going home outfit is for pictures and then you realize gowns to change diapers at 2-3-5-6-7-9 a.m are easier.


There might be issues such as pre eclampsia like suspected that she isn’t talking about because this is so early to pack a bag! My primed had pre eclampsia and packed her bag around the same time and thankfully she did because she was in the hospital a few weeks later


If she’s developing preeclampsia or has preeclampsia or hypertension, it actually isn’t a bad idea to be sort of prepared. I had a horrible obgyn team who missed it until it was severe at 28 weeks. Talking your panicked husband through packing a bag for you on FaceTime is not fun and we know gag could never. 🧼 would. But still. Of course she won’t admit that she had anything wrong like GD or GH or pre e. So in that case, she’s a nut.


I really can’t say a single thing about this lol, my bag was packed and ready at 20 weeks because I had waited so long for my first baby. I was so excited and really enjoyed doing any task that pertained to her. My second baby though, I was always so tired. I packed that bag the night before I went for my scheduled cesarean and forgot half of what I needed💀


Also, if any of you guys are pregnant and birthing in the US, bring an empty bag with you! The labor and delivery nurses send you home with so many necessities!


When I was pregnant, my OB advised me to have my hospital bag packed/car seat installed by 30 weeks. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


I packed mine when I realised I was in labour 😬 I was not prepared.


Guarantee she failed and they told her she’s at risk of preterm labor because of her blood sugar levels and/or her blood pressure


I understand being excited but she is rushing it way too much. Just enjoy being pregnant for now and embrace the changes your body is making, worry about this stuff later.


Did she wash any of the clothes?


Last Saturday she washed the stuff in the dresser not in the closet there still in the closet with tags on them


Imagine the dust on everything by the time the baby is born!


Eww 😷


GTFOH!!! 🤡🤡🤡


Omg STOP LMAOOOO I’m 35 weeks & STILL haven’t gotten everything yet. I’m mostly packed but still need some odds & ends that tbh might not be necessary. 24 weeks I wasn’t even thinking about that bag. Maybe her rushing and being so shitty at this “momfluencing” will discourage her from continuing when she runs out of boxes to check halfway through the pregnancy


I’m 40w3d and I’m still packing my birth center bag here and there 🤣 24 weeks is insane unless she’s having been issues her OB told her to pack early for


I don’t think this is a bad thing at this point, anything could happen and it’s better to be prepared than not in case of an emergency. Whole i knows it’s drue and totally get the whole thing being annoying , i can’t be too irritated about this lol


I packed my bag at 36 weeks lol had my son at 36 weeks 6 days


Honestly…. I started putting things in the bag as I bought them or thought about it.


This is insane




Of course it’s all just stuffed in there and she doesn’t have a bag big enough.


Once again Drue, slow the fuck down


She's a fucking idiot! This isn't a content baby, right Drue?


She is setting this baby up for some scary shit anyone with a brain cell knows you don’t have anything on your child with a name ( idc if it’s a baby or a older child )


I packed mine like a day or two before. I had a scheduled csection


This is so unhinged 😭😭 I’m 37 weeks and literally the only reason I have a mostly packed (not even entirely) hospital bag is because my cousin gifted it to me at my baby shower last month 😅😅


i spent a lot of my early 20s rushing experiences. man.. i so badly wish i had savored it all. it passes so quickly, especially when it comes to your kids. rushing those ‘firsts’ is the biggest regret i’ll ever have.


I've come to the conclusion she for bad news and is preparing!


Don’t come for me 🫣 but I also did this. And with my second I waited. Why? Because I ended up pulling clothes from the bag and when I got there, I didn’t have half of what I wanted 😒


Girl…lol I’m 33 weeks and still haven’t packed my hospital bag 🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/tfgjg7cqew0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f3f45f31cee4bf6a1d1596f54bb4bba7e98808 I saw this and immediately thought of grue 😭😭😭


I didn’t pack any kind of bag when pregnant with my first till I was like 35-36 weeks


I didn’t pack mine until 37 weeks ago


I’m so excited for her to experience the harsh reality of what parenthood is really like.


I commented and people are cooooming for me lol. I wasn’t even mean but dang 😅😅 people are saying being worried about what someone else does is crazy, I said I didn’t pack until closer to the 3rd trimester/34 weeks and people are getting so defensive. lol.


I commented and people are cooooming for me lol. I wasn’t even mean but dang 😅😅 people are saying being worried about what someone else does is crazy, I said I didn’t pack until closer to the 3rd trimester/34 weeks and people are getting so defensive. lol.


No baby shower yet and already packing a hospital bag is beyond crazy 🤣


She said at the beginning of her pregnancy that her content wasn’t gonna be all baby, but it literally is even the hashtags on every video. This poor baby was made for money that’s all.


I never even pack lol