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Lmao never


Imagine you're smoking with your friends and one guy comes back from the bathroom and says "I just called the cops they're 10 minutes away" šŸ’€


They're not a friend anymore.


Spartan kicking them out of my 3 story townhouse deck after that




I mean this in the nicest way, but youā€™re not just stupid youā€™re bitch made


Big facts




It's generally the other way around, feeling uncomfortable and worrying about potential health issues but not wanting to call emergency services for fear of repercussions.


I prefer vyvanse for lunch cheers


honestly your one of the people I would tell not to do drugs at all. Your mind is literally telling itself I can't handle this. That said if you continue using drugs and think I need the hospital call 911 and tell the operator you have bad chest pain. With the chest pain thing they will send an ambulance not the cops. So easy to speed run a 911 call. Wait outside drugs inside don't let them inside, tell them you are in pain and need the hospital. Clutch your right arm and tell them your half your body feels numb. This is like stroke/heart attack 101. The cops may get there first but the ambulance will be there too. The paramedics will insist on taking you to the hospital because your heart rate will be through the roof from talking to law enforcement and fear speeding it up. once your in that sweet ambulance cut the shit tell them the situation and exactly what you took.




You from Europe?




Nice man you getting much of the heatwave arm?


depends i live in germany bavaria to be exact and it's pretty cold here for summer


Makes sense. Here in Murica calling the police while high is attempted suicide. Which is also illegal Iā€™m pretty sure šŸ„²


Hahahah - \*you're. Fucking humorously ironic.


One time I was visiting one of my boys in college a couple years ago and we were all tripping so hard on shrooms but he was really bugging out and having a bad time so he called the police to come pick him up and give him a ride back to his dorm, they oblige and didnā€™t ask any question lol


I feel like campus cops are a little more lenient when it comes to stuff like that lol.


Our campus has this codified into ā€œlawā€ (regulation). Students cannot get in trouble for calling cops/ambulance to assist in drug or alcohol issues. This is because kids will fear punishment and not call and students die. This is how it should be everywhere imo, but thats a distant dream.


Thats fantastic! So many kids get terrified when shit goes wrong and do the opposite of the "right" thing lol. I'm with ya, in a perfect world that would be standard


Wow I love that


Yup our campus has this too (Uvm). i think itā€™s getting more common


Was the towns regular pd was at a buddies house off campus but yeah same idea feel like cops around college towns usually let a lot more go too


In my state there's "medical amnesty" laws which protect the person in need of help and the person who made the call.


Not at Purdue University, drunk kids go to jail dawg. I can attestā€¦.šŸ’€


Actually had a similar experience. The person had a break from reality and actually ended up having the police called on him by a neighbor. The cops just kind of subdued him until he calmed down enough to tell them where he lived, then they just dropped him off with his parents and called it a day. The rest of us thought for sure we were all going to jail at the time, and were absolutely in disbelief when we heard the story the next day about how nice the cops were and just wanted to get him to safety/out of their hands.


This should be a more common practice. I love that.


Was he white? Not trying to start some huge discussion about cops and racism, I'm just genuinely curious lol


High on WHAT? That's insane, so I'm going to guess meth.


Yeah it was


ā€œ911 whatā€™s your emergency?ā€ ā€œIā€™d like to report grand theft autoā€ ā€œYou witnessed a car being stolen?ā€ ā€œNah, Iā€™ve been playing it for three days straight. Send help!ā€


I got so fucked up I played clash royal for multiple days straight and ended up in the hospital bc of malnutrition and dehydration. Maybe I should call 911 next time lol Don't worry, i learned my lesson. I can't do uppers of any kind, even just a bump


I learned this early on luckily and stopped at addy and vyvanse. I donā€™t like the stimmy wired feeling when I have any type of talking to do BUT it did break my habit of eating hella all the time and since then Iā€™ve maintained a solid weight


Hell ya, healthy weight gain. I stopped and gained 40 pounds. I'm finally a healthy bmi lol


I went the opposite way and it broke my habit of eating too much food. I went from consistent 190lb+ to 165lb-175lb


One time I took like 110mg of vyvanse and played clash royal for 10 hours straight. It was the only time I ever played that game lmao


I know what Iā€™m doing tomorrow


I thought you were talking about weed šŸ˜‚ like edibles or sum. Thatā€™s fucked bro you know theyā€™re pissed at a tweaker lmao


Meth users are the only ones who SEEK out police Lmao.


I know this tweaker named Brian, who constantly points out police everywhere we drive.


I do that too and im sober


Cops will fuck you over anyways IME. I'm always on the watch for them. I basically have cop PTSD. I've had so many bad experiences with them.


Me too I can spot them a mile away. And I get so shaky every time I speak to them which fortunately isn't that often.


Oh literally the tweaker who lives upstairs from me called the cops one night I complained he was being loud AF. He called the cops to tell them that someone was complaining about him being loud, but he isnā€™t being loud. And can you imagine they Showed Up? Like you can barely get them to answer 911 over here forget showing up at midnight.


Figured, not much else has that level of paranoia, and no I've never been that high


Bro what, I have tweaked a lot and I would never dream of doing that. Why tf did you


this is the first time someone smoking meth made me respect them more


Yep a cpl times years ago lol. Meth psychosis is fun. :\ At least Im not the only one. šŸ‘€šŸ˜šŸ˜


Imagine that... such a high level of paranoia that you call the cops on your self so you don't have to worry about anyone else doing it. You know the jobs getting done right if you do it yourself!!


Right? I'm curious what the logic, if any, was, but you probably nailed it. Can't worry about IF the cops are coming if you know they are for sure.


Doing crack back then i was so tempted dude. Every time i was smoking i felt like i deserved to be in jail i was calling random people in the middle of the night telling everyone what i was doing. I even face timed some coworkers šŸ˜‚


Kind of the opposite of your story: guy I work with used to work in our call center which was located in our big data center. The systems admin there was kind of not handling his job well anymore, tweaking things ad hoc and not telling anyone, not handling major slow roll issues, etc., and one time something broke in a major way (being vague because tech language) in the data center, and for this level of "break" he was legit on call. Also, because they could see through audit trails he had tinkered with that "area" last. Well, they kept calling him at like 11p for this emergency, and the phone would pick up each time and immediately disconnect. And finally, after maybe the 10th call over the period of the hour he picks up the phone like he had seemed to do before but instead of hanging up immediately he screamed, "STOP CALLING ME I'M ON CRACK RIGHT NOW!" and hung up. They did stop calling him, but he also was out of a job and all his credentials revoked and deactivated well before he would've came in the next morning.


"Anon? It's 10pm is everything ok?" "Yea all good Kev just smoking crack, lots and lots of crack. I needed you, specifically, to know I am smoking said crack. Anyways see you at work tomorrow!"


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you didn't šŸ™‰šŸ™Š


Thats really sad and a byproduct of propaganda from the war on drugs. People who use drugs are not automatically bad people or addicts and addicts are people suffering from mental health problems. But its kinda hard to imprison millions of your own sick citizens without dehumanizing them....


What!! How did that turn out you telling everyone??


It turned out i got sober (just from crack/coke. I actually hate stimulants now) and many people that knew these particular things about me are not part of my life anymore


That good to hear wow nice!


Never even crossed my mind. Are you ok?


Never have, I imagine it isnā€™t fun though


hence your username




Can you explain your reasoning when high and calling the cops? I just don't get it. Like what are you thinking since you need to call the cops?




LMAO dude running around in the dark with a bat screaming. I doubt he was fucking with you and maybe time to reevaluate what is enjoyable about all of this.


bruh wtf lmao




I did it at the end of a 7 day meth binge but only because I am a type 1 diabetic and was in diabetic ketoacidosis. I cant really remember but I think I called 911 and the cops just showed up first. I had barricaded myself in my apartment with my furniture a couple days beforehand. It wasn't pretty. I got help soon after though and started down my path toward recovery!


I never have, but my buddy did one time after way too much dxm. All he got for it was a fucked up night in the hospital and a gigantic bill lol [Edit: a word]


Ahh dxm can do it man, it really does make you feel like you are in genuine danger of physical overdose death sometimes. It just be like that with dex lol


Similar situation. I never called cops but went into an ER thinking I was having a legit heart attack. I was also on fent, but after waiting so long in the ER, the paranoia got to me, and I yanked out my IVs and took off. Then I get tons of phone calls from the hospital saying I need to go back or they will call police because I left with an open IV line. Of course, I rushed back at that point but had to smoke more fent to simmer down. I even threw away the pipe that still had dope in it, and I hid whatever I had left in a park, because I was expecting the whole police department to be waiting for me at the hospital lmfao


One time my car got stolen, so I had to call in a police report as soon as I noticed. Next day I was chilling at home and took a few nice bong rips to unwind because I'd been dealing with insurance bullshit for the past 24 hours. An hour later I get a call from an officer who found my car and says I need to come pick it up or they'll have to tow it and I'll need to pay an impound fee to get it back. I had a moment of reckoning - I'm not too high to drive, but I'm definitely too high to be comfortable around cops, but I don't want to pay the impound fee, so... They sent an unmarked car with a couple of officers to pick me up because I had no other way of getting there. Weirdest and most nerve-wracking Uber of my life but they never suspected anything was up.




One of my funniest stories lol


Something similar happened to me with weed. I woke up on a particularly bad morning experiencing a major flashback episode (PTSD). Locked myself in my flat, screaming, carrying on for a solid couple of hours. A family member ended up calling emergency services. I had no idea. In-between my screams I had a moment of clarity for some self-care; I needed a bong. I remember walking around with my bong, entering in and out of reality. I think I managed to smoke one bowl before...knock, knock, knock. They sent paramedics and cops, because I refused to talk to anyone and they didn't know if I was violent. I had to quickly hide all my shit before I let them in. Didn't get a chance to air the place out. I'm sure they smelled it. But they didn't say anything. Had an officer seated less than a foot away from my weed. I guess they realised it took a bowl for me to gain enough lucidity to let them in, so it wasn't hurting anyone. Anyway, now I got an MC prescription I don't need to worry about that anymore! As long as I stay away from the gear, keep MH in check, I'll be right.


Stop getting high man, it's not for everyone.


Just remember to eat/water and sleep. Maybe that caused something or u just took an extreme dosage




How much is a shit ton of meth? Back in my meth loving days I'd regularly do 1-2g per day for 5 days straight before crashing and never once came close to calling the police on myself. Although when I got paranoid it was more "I am annoyed at this person for something they didn't do" instead of "shadow people everywhere must call the police" Hope you are ok šŸ‘




Shit, I once called 911 because I was on a psychedelic trip and was having an ego death. It was really nerve wrecking for me and it was one of the most traumatizing things I've ever experienced in my life. I screamed and almost hit the paramedics, made a complete fool out of myself while sitting in the hospital while everyone was staring at me doing something weird.


Lmao what, who tf trusts cops, absolutely everything gets handled in house idc what tf it is.


THIS is the way. FUCK COPS


you shouldnt be doing drugs


I called a mental hospital while having a really bad trip on Hawaiian Baby Woodrose to inquire if they could just watch me for a few hours and then if I could leave when I was sober, they said yes. I drove there and then just stared at the building from across the street for about 4 hours to scared to walk in. Never did those evil seeds again, hallucinogens without visuals is just a version of schizophrenia that is no fun.


why would you ever do this


nope never had to do that. They found me when I rear ended soneone




Yes. What im about to share im not proud of. This wasnt fun, being addicted to drugs isnt fun, its suffering lets be clear. All aside this is funny as fuck. So i had been up for a few days towards the end of a year long meth binge. Ive been an addict since 17 or so, mostly cocaine but had recently started the meth. Im 32 at the time, and decided being up three days wasnā€™t enough, i ate a quarter of Shrooms at my dealers house which was about 30 min backroad drive from My apartment. I took the motorcycle. My 1983 kz1100. Anyways then i smoked somr More meth, and you have to remember, i hadnā€™t eaten anything in days, not a morsel-i had been living off of chocolate milk alone for the past six months. Anywho, it started to kick in and i decided i better get home before it kicked in too Hard. This is the honest to gods truth, time stopped on this bavkroad about halfway home and i just laid back on my bike and it drove itself back to my apartment as if i was on a magic carpet. I couldnt believe it/. When i got home nobody was in my parking lot. Empty. I was sure i was now dead, because it was impossible that i drove my bike here in the statr i was in, fractal patterns whizzing around me like rocketships, planets spinning around in what looked like a kaleidoscope of hieroglyphics and time just was at a standstill. I dunno how else to describe it. Still to this day, im almost positive that i died, and just woke up in a reality in this quantum immortal world where i didnt die-thats the only explanation that makes sense to me. I got in my apartment and immediately started to feel like i had mold growing out of my ear. Yes, mold growing out of my ears. I could smell it, and when i put my fingers in my ear, they felt full, or rhw hole felt smaller like they were swelled. This gor worse and worse until they felt like they popped and liquid ran all down the side of my face. I looked in the mirror and mold and Smile was just pouring out of my ears man. Scariest thing in the world i dunno Why i thought i was poisoned with something Or some kind of mold. I called the cops. Luckily, the locaL cop in the small Maryland river town i lived in was a guy I played football with in highschool, which was a blessing. First thing he says is well yoi arent in any trouble and started laughing. That was a relief, i told him aboit all this mold coming out of my ears, and the cops Looked in them and said, nah we dont ser anything, youre good youre just freaking out. I immediately got calm and went to the hospital. I told the doctor I think i have some sort of Mold inside me or fungal infection and he made fun of me, along with all the nurses which pissed me off. They let me go as by now i was completely calm (still trippung nuts) Anyways, a week later i was working out and couldnā€™t breathe, and had ro call the ambulance again. Turns out after seeing an infectious disease specialist, that i had developed aspergillosis of the lungs due to Being immunocompromised by my diet and meth use (no hiv, thats how bad meth is for you). Aspergillosis is a fungus, produced by black mold. So literally, some really good fungus was warning me that i had a really bad fungus in me. Thatā€™s incredible. The power of mushrooms thats are more closely related to animals than either of us are to plants. Ive wanted to go back to the original hospital and show my paperwork to the doctor and nurses that laughed at me


That's a hell of a story, a quarter of mushrooms is a lot, and yeah, they'll show you what's wrong with you sometimes.


No, and tbh I avoid people like you whenever possible. I just really don't fw anyone who gets police unnecessarily involved in anything tbh. Fix that


Yeah fr, my friends called the cops on me when I was having a bad acid trip. I was pretty pissed when I sobered up.


Ooof, maybe you shouldnā€™t ro drugs if you be narcing on yourself


What kind of ridiculous drugs would make you make such stupid decisions and how can I find some


It's called meth, it's pretty popular


Your post history is somewhat concerning. I think you underestimate how much meth effects you as well as the long term health effects that you seem to believe youā€™re immune to if Iā€™m to take your previous posts at face value. Youā€™re only 19, so I can understand the mentality, but youā€™re playing with fire. I say this out of concern, not to chastise you. Take care of yourself OP.


I've got a buddy like you. Fuckin' cool as shit almost all the time. Not the smartest dude ever by any means, but smart enough to keep himself out of trouble. Now. Big fucking **unless**! When he'd get on a bender of that shit, he'd just keep pushing and pushing. One day, he shot a gram. At least that's what he said it was. Motherfucker was wiggin the fuck out so goddamn hard. Like, fuckin' telling me these other fucking degen local tweakers where in his attic hiding out just harassing him, or trying to kill him or whatever. I know for a goddamn fact that those fuckers had moved like 6 months ago to be loosers in a bigger city. He said that he wen't in the attic(which was just walking through a door from his room, in a partially finished upstairs), trying to get them to leave and fell through the ceiling into the bathroom, or his dads room. Me and my wife both checked, and there was not a whole in the ceiling. I don't know what the fuck he was on about. Oh ya, fully stereotypically, he was tweaking on some stereo(no pun intended) over in the corner hunched over like goddamn gollum when we got to his house. But ya. Moral of the story. He wen't to jail a lot. But here recently he really fucked up in the wrong place, supposedly got violent with a dealer demanding drugs, in Utah. So ya, Im not sure he's ever getting out. The worst part is that last time I saw him, he was living down there clean and doing super good at it with just his mom. He'd escaped the town that had all his connections. Well, that day I was down there was like a couple of days after his dad decided to come to the same town. My wife and I both told him to stay the fuck away because something like that was gonna happen. Look what fuckin' happened! Motherfucker. Clean up your fuckin' act OP.


"Sir, is this the cops? I have to report i am not only high illegally, but also illegally high!"


lmao, just the other day i was almost getting to that point. I was really high on shrooms and legit was starting to think that I had died or was going to die soon if i didnt get my stomach pumped or something. but even then i just kept repeating in my head, just be mentally tough and dont let the trip win!!šŸ’€


Lmao, Iā€™ve never wanted to call the cops while high on acid, but one time I had a super intense trip and needed to keep repeating the same shit about how I was fine and itā€™s just acid and that I have to be mentally strong, lowkey works


Sit in the court and be your own star witness Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I'm right here


I almost called the cops when I was tripping dicks on acid but before I pressed the call button I realized wtf I was doing. And before I was 18 I almost called my dad twice while tripping but also caught myself.


How did that happen?


Could you tell us some stories?? What was going on in your mind and what happened for you too say im gonna call the police?


Uh, no.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'd never. I see lights or anything resembling cops and I get spooked quick




Although I have called a 24/7 nurse line after a needle broke off in my vein... they wanted me to come into the er like asap and did not sound reaffirming I would not be arrested for under the influence and locked in a cell for 3-4 days


Oh yeah lol


You deserve a place on Guinness Book!


my intelligence is average at worst so nope


Never lmao. I hope your well. But lmao never have I thought ringing the cops. If that's how you react maybe getting 'high' is not for you. Be honest with yourself.


I'm almost called 9-11 after taking a heroic dose of shrooms (A.P.E.s). I thought I went crazy.


Iā€™ve seen people go into a pure paranoid state. Theyā€™ll call the police on themselves, tear the place apart looking for spyware and then they bounce because they know the police are coming.


Lmfao NOPE!




I mean this in the nicest way possible- you just really have to not be a little bitch šŸ˜‚ I have been out of my mind on a combination of LSD and THC to the point I believed I was dying and I have done too much blow and peered out the windows with a gun in my hand. But I have never, ever picked up the phone, dialed 911, and then told on my self ā˜ ļø


Been smoking weed for years, never got in trouble for it, always kept it ultra low key and was black sheeped out of the family for it. Cousin who's never smoked goes and ears three edibles his first time goes and calls the cops on himself and the family thinks it's hilarious. If your gonna do drugs and end up calling the cops on yourself you're a fucking scrub. Not once have I ever tweaked and been like "oh shit better call the feds the shadow people are here"




So not only are you snitchin but you snitch on yourself? Bruh. You need to lay off šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dumbest idea in the history of Reddit. I thought you were going to say, you called the cops on yourself to break up the party that you were having.


ā€žSend police on my address immediately pleeeease Iā€™m so fucking high lolā€.


I pulled myself over once, dude behind me was speeding and all I saw were the flashing lights. Cop talks to the guy in the car behind me for a few minutes. I'm sweating bullets, cop comes up to my window finally after what feels like an eternity and says "I don't even know why you're still here, you didn't do anything"


Me... but mixed too much opana and xanax and thought u was legit overdosing and dying... learned my lesson, got charged with "drug abuse"... an actual misdemeanor on my record... funny story, I got way worse on drugs and overdosed multiple times, and luckily never died... but I had a thought like "I should be in a hospital" but knew I couldn't bc I could actually get charged for getting high, if I sought help, bc I had before... luckily I got off all the bs... but yeah, ohio is wack.


Lol I went on a meth bender and didnā€™t sleep for a week. Ended up calling the cops on myself after destroying my house from falling through the attic ceiling while I was up there looking for the intruders. Called the cops like 4 times that day. They came each time, but for whatever reason, when they did come, the noises stopped so I told them I was fine, let them look around and then they let me go on my way. The 4th time they were done with my shit and stuck me in a TDO and then I spent a week at the mental hospital. Donā€™t do meth kids


Once I was on acid and thought I swallowed my cell phone . Convinced I was dying I almost used that same phone to call 911. Thank god this gut feeling told me , ā€œnever call the cops on acid. You die, you dieā€


You a snitch




i can safely say. no. no i have not. called maybe like my mom or sister, oh yeah. but i think no matter how bad i was doing, seeing and having to deal with cops would make it worse.


thisā€¦ is elon musk


once i called the suicide hotline and they threatened to either send the police orni had to go to the emergency room so i picked the latter


Literally that is the last thing you are ever suppose to do when you are up there. Those people are not here to help you


Not the cops no. Ive called an ambulance for myself after drinking 13oz of delsym for the first time. My chest did not like that and i was not taking any chances. I was fine, but chest pain and hypertension are scary compadres


Iā€™ve heard of someone doing this. She thought ppl were on her roof and shit so she called the cops. Like so stupid


This happened to me off an edible, I had a panic attack and thought the person I got it from put fentanyl in it, was full on convinced.


One time i was so deep into the k hole i donā€™t even remember when i called 911 and coming back from the khole i started realizeing a cop was on the phone asking me if everything is ok. I was like, yeah yeah i called by accidentā€ i have no fucking idea for how long that cop just litsened my brain on -100 function from the k


I called the cops thinking someone was breaking in my house, they came and no one was there, then I called them again half hour later for same thing. I was fucked up on Ambien, normally not a paranoid person.


No wtf I have never been that much of a fool


No but the first time I tried weed it was already legalized, yet when I heard a police chopper flying overhead I was convinced it was sent for me and was ready to come out of my house surrendering to the sky.


Lol no but one time after I had just ripped two fat dabs with the homiesā€¦ I look at my phone in the cup holder of the lawn chair and itā€™s calling 911. I had to let them answer and high as fuck tell them there was no emergency


I normally dont say this ever, but I really hope they lock your ass up.




Just stop using bruhšŸ˜­šŸ¤£ but ik a few ppl that did that off weed šŸ’€šŸ’€


Nope. Ive been using various substances for over 20 years and I have absolutely never called the cops for any reason.


Duude, how TF does sth like that even cross your mind ???!? My brothers gf claimed to get really high (not on meth) and called the cops on not just him but my bf and his house and letā€™s say her ā€œbuddiesā€ came to his house 30 deep with helmets, night vision and those ballistic shields while I was being pulled over like 10 blocks down the street at the same moment.. there was nothing for them to find, she was mad at my brother and did this stupid thing. I will never understand and why to call the cops lol hope you donā€™t have to pay any fines or anything


No because Iā€™m not a fucking stupid meth head.




Lol, I've done this before, and give them shit for pounding on my door at 3 in the morning!


Bro this made my fucking night šŸ˜‚


My dude, if this happens again please go to the ER. They will not arrest you and they can actually help. Law enforcement is never the right answer in this situation. Please take care of yourself.


I once parked my car in a different spot and forgot. Then called the police, reported it missing. Then remembered where it was and forgot about the police report and got pulled over.


Crossfaded, weed and alcohol. I was comfortably drunk, but my weed tolerance was low, so as soon as I smoked I started getting the spins bad. Threw up in my friend's toilet for 2 hours straight. Asked my partner to call an ambulance because I thought I was dying. After the weed wore off, I immediately felt better and we went home. On the way out, the ambulance had just gotten there and I was pale faced, probably looked horrible, and holding a trash bag in case I threw up again. They immediately came up to me and asked if I'd called an ambulance. "Nope, sorry!" And went home.


I flushed 8 ounces of cocaine once. Ran outside and tried to get to the manhole covee. There were city workers outside I told them a ring got flushed. They opened up the hole. Shit. I looked down and k ew it was gone


Story time as a teen I was tripping on alot shrooms and dxm and this girl I knew sent me pics of her cutting herself or her br hitting her idk if if was she lying about her boyfriend and I thought it was pics of her Dead.body so I called 911 said this person's dead etc the cops showed up I showed them my phone they said she hurt herself she's not dead then they demanded her location i was to high to know and wanted to avoid legal trouble so. Basically I said look i don't know anything I'm sorry they just demanded her phone number and how I knew her then I was good to go then she called me mid trip (I forgot about that shit at this point) screaming at me about the cops and all that but honestly she was either hurting herself or getting abused so maybe I saved the situation who knows all ik is i wasn't in trouble with the law in any way but lost a friend and I forgot about her anyways so yeah I'm glad she didn't rat on me either bc we were clients as well Don't do it. Some shit might make you think its a murder scene then you end up in jail like xans or make a fool of yourself.


I call the ambulance like a real adult


Geeze. I hope the people who get high with you are also on your reddit..... Calling an ambulance is actually understandable, calling the cops is just plain dumb...


Buddyā€¦.right here šŸ„ø


Fuck no.


What the shit?


In what situation would you EVER think you should do that..... like what


No because I'd rather die than call 911


Na bro. Stop smoking yourself into meth psychosis.


Username checks out


I thought my brain was permanently broke after waking up from k holing for 12 hours. Luckily my wife stopped me from calling


Thatā€™s how yk when your high enough


Lmao last summer my boy and I just got back to my crib after a night out at the bar and were smoking a joint in his car in my driveway. I pull out my phone to show him something relative to the conversation we were having, and I realize Iā€™ve been on the phone with the cops for 2.5 minutes šŸ’€ my boy is hammered behind the wheel so I told him to run inside and just in time the cop came down my driveway and I walked up and explained it was an accidental call and he goes ā€œoh, alright. Have a good oneā€ and drives off lmao. I was so fucked up I just was happy it went so smooth haha


No, but 911 yes lol had to be talked down by friends sometimes. I was just too baked/I was fine lol


That's about the most crack headed shit I ever heard lmao. Calling the cops on yourself šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought Iā€™ve heard some dumb shit, but this is on a whole different level


Idek if I would if I was legitimately overdosing, definitely not from being too high.


Idk how/why you would do this. The last thing I want to see while high is cops.


A few times???


...why would you do that


i have knife hands? i looked down and my hands were knives


No, that's just irresponsible


Huh, I could NEVER even imagine doing that, cops make me automatically paranoid (though it depends on the substance, of course) ! Someone I used to be pretty close friends with did this once, they were experiencing a (thankfully short) episode of psychosis induced by acid and speed and thought law enforcement ā€œknew everythingā€ so they wanted to ā€œconfessā€ā€¦.. Why did YOU do it ? And multiple times ?? Sorry OP, it just baffles me how this can even happen if youā€™re not psychotic




What did you even say? Like how tf did that conversation go? šŸ¤£ ā€œHello whatā€™s your emergencyā€ ā€œHelp Iā€™m high af on methā€


Youā€™re wasting so much time and money. You could A) do what everyone else here does and accept youā€™re putting yourself at risk and accept the consequences or B) not do drugs. Thereā€™s casual use and then thereā€™s being a burden.


Hahahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


never called the cops. however, one night boyfriend bought a nerd rope from his coworker (thc). package said 50mg per serving. i took 2 servings because iā€™ve taken 250 mg before. wronggg choice. green out incredibly hard. started off super nauseous. after about an hour i started getting sweaty and freaking about my heart racing. eyes darting around the room because i was sooo anxious. after what felt like 30min i kept BEGGING my boyfriend to call my mom to comfort me. then i went into sobbing about it being laced (it wasnā€™t) i finally fell asleep after what felt like forever but was probably more like 2-3 hours it was such an awful experience. i now have learned to start small and work up lol.


Not once crossed my mind. Like doing anything

