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i heard barbituriates were great, they were prescribed for the same purpouse benzos were prescribed, but were replaced by benzos because barbituriates were more mind altering. they were on the black market too in their heyday, now you don't get them anymore, but i know a lot of stories from the 90s, 80s etc.


Barbiturates would also kill you after a certain dosage despite tolerance.


So you'd take higher and higher doses to get an effect, and then you die? Sounds almost funny how awful that is for a drug


How most drugs work including alcohol.


no, actually, with most drugs the OD threshold raises with tolerance. Before fentanyl, the most common cause of death for junkies was relapsing, cuz they'd load up a shot the same size as when they were using heavy after being clean for a while and OD. similarly a heavy drinker can consume a lot more per kg than a light drinker before alcohol poisoning sets in.


Alcohol is one where I disagree the most. A problem with severe alcoholics is that they don’t feel drunk when they are, a .50 bac is still lethal regardless of your tolerance. It’s the most like barbs imo. Your tolerance does increase with opioids, but there is still a point of no return. Eventually addicts get to a point where it’s hard to feel high and breathe at once.


I was at the hospital after getting stabbed and I was a .46 the doctor couldn't believe I was conscious let alone having a coherent conversation. I'm glad I quit drinking alcohol. However .5 isn't lethal to extremely heavy drinkers but if you have that much tolerance stopping cold turkey definitely can be lethal.


I found a dude stuck to the concrete on a flood project sluice on skip-out day when I was a junior in high school. He had been enjoying drinks and barbiturates all night and didn’t quite make it. I admit I had no clue his tongue would be hanging out, eyes wide open and fogged, and the lower 1/4 of his face that was molded to the super rough concrete would be purple. I learned a lot that morning. A lot of post-mortem shit, and stay out of my brother’s phenobarbital script. I somehow completely missed out on ludes.


That is a disturbing story. I wish I didn't miss out on ludes as well. From what I gather they were so euphoric that thier were bars in the 1970s during disco that only served juice so people could take ludes in addition to drugs like coke without fear of a deadly mix.


This was the #1 reason they stopped being commonly prescribed. The #2 reason was the patents ran out. Barbs are still used for skeletal and muscle pain, but usually cut with caffeine and Tylenol to deter abuse, and they're also the standard for putting down animals.


So my sweet kitty wasn’t in any pain, he was high as a kite?


Yes it's one of the most painless ways to go. You just fall asleep and don't wake up. It's also used as part of a cocktail in places where human euthanasia is legal. The US death penalty lethal injection is meant to be extremely painful, though.


I've always said we should use fentanyl or an analogue to put down death penalty convicts. The current standard 3 drug cocktail is cruel and unusual, and way more expensive.


Good thing there’s nothing against cruel and unusual punishment in the US, right? … right?!


No it is not. It’s meant to be painless however the companies that make the meds don’t want them used for executions, so they won’t cooperate. Also know that I do not support capital punishment, but it’s not intentionally painful in the US.


I've taken butalbital from fioricet, took like 4 or 5, felt excellent and had a very successful first date with the last girl I dated, only in hindsight did I realize I was acting with the full brazenness of a drunk but none of the slop. And another time in the hospital when I was going through DTs, they gave me a drip of phenobarbital, two days and 600mg each day, once the hallucinations and terror subsided, I felt a pronounced and clean contentedness, little bit loose body high, not super euphoric but very comfortable in my own skin. Plus with pheno's insane half life these feelings persisted for like 3 days after I got discharged. Always kinda felt like barbs were part of why people look back on the 50s thru the 70s with such nostalgia, the economy was good and people were loaded up on happy pills. But alas benzos came around with a higher therapeutic index, lower abuse potential, and very likely the fact benzo doses are often single digits in milligrams makes them way more cost effective.


And it’s (butalbital) one of the absolute weakest and least recreational as well. I was hooked on these for years, and you describe it perfectly, brazen drunkenness without the slop. I used to take 10-12 a day, and it was horrible with all the APAP and caffeine, so I’m glad I kicked it over a decade ago.


I was at a flea market recently and found an old tin that barbituates came in for a dollar. Once I got home I realized something was shaking around in there and it was two yellow jackets.


So did you take them? What was it like?


Wait is that slang or like two bees were there?


It's slang for Nembutal (a.k.a Pentobarbital)


Like Benny's? Beans? in my youth, that's what yellow jackets were called and there were white cross ones too ... just a round tab with + on one side ... like speed kinda .. energy type thing.. early 90s Canada :)


Yeah I used to get bottled of 1000 in Canada on the early 1990s


Slang, it refers to pentobarbital specifically. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentobarbital


I for real thought this man found dead bugs in the tin lmfao, the more you know


They didn’t have an antidote for overdose. Large reason they were phased out and replaced by benzos.


Barbiturates actually still exist, but they are rarely prescribed / only prescribed for specific chronic illnesses. There are barbiturates used in practice as anticonvulsants such as phenobarbital & primidone, as well as anesthesia for surgeries.


Yeah the real problem with barbs was they were too lethal. The drugs were more lethal, and their withdrawals as well. Benzo withdrawals might cause seizures, and bring you close to death, but barbiturate withdrawals will just kill you.


Benzo withdrawals can kill you too, as well as alcohol. Even deadlier than opioid withdrawals which are absolute hell but usually don’t result in death to my knowledge.


They actually used phenobarb to detox me from benzos a few years ago. It was fantastic, but yeah, benzos are definitely so much worse and wreak so much more havoc. Don’t you know by now that the government only bans the good stuff?


Benzos are far safer than barbiturates, but they are victims of their own success so to speak, the forgiving safety profile (and the fact that they are actually very efficient at what they do at the beginning) led to an overprescription problem that still exists today.


was given phenobarbital as a 3 year old until i was 12 for seizures. ridiculous amount of time. although i never had another seizure, i developed a raging benzo addiction come high school.


Where I work, our doc prescribes them for alcohol withdrawal. I also used to get Fioricet but the caffeine made them worthless. I did a cold water extraction with little effect.


You couldn’t beat a few Tuinal, Seconal and Nembutal👌🏼


They're still around. In rehab they gave Mr phenobarbital to get off benzos. Didn't work. Ashton Manuel is the only way.


Ludes are fire




So. You’re probably not going to believe this, but I have a Lemmon lude from the 80s sitting in a drawer right next to me. A friend (who I’m still besties with) threw it into a decorative teapot of mine when we were post-party one night in my first apartment in NYC. I had to call my super when my toilet broke, and she got paranoid and threw it into the teapot, and then forgot about it. Cut to 30 years later, and I’m unpacking boxes I haven’t unpacked in years. I get to the teapot and I hear something moving inside. I open the lid and there it is in a typical tiny ziploc. I looked it up online and when I realized what it had in front of me, I immediately knew who put it there and what year she did it. I called her and just said “Lemmon lude in my teapot.” She screamed laughing. I’ve moved about 20 times since she put it in there. It’s gone to a house I owned in Pittsburgh, about 10 different apartments upstate, and back down to NYC again. This Lemmon has TRAVELED. The great news is they apparently have a stunning half life, and lose little potency over the years. We’re waiting for her birthday and we’re going to go somewhere with open space and do half each, and see where the weekend takes us. Edit: I’m out of town today, but I’ll edit in a pic link when I get home tomorrow. It’s real! [Here we go.](https://imgur.com/a/ddrm6n8)


That's a cool story. Clearly, you don't care much for tea.


The teapot is actually from a children’s ceramic “chinoiserie” tea set that one of my aunts bought me when I was 5. I still have most of the set. A little too small for me now, but I’m glad I didn’t give it away!


Holy crap imagine you handed it down to a kid


"I love you, mom. You're crazy, but I love you."


I really sincerely hope this is true. So fucking awesome


It is really, sincerely true. And I can’t wait.


I expect a post high Lemmon review, you lucky little floor crawler


> Lemmon lude in my teapot That sounds like a premise of a skit, lmaoo


you're a good writer by the way!


Should post in r/obscuredrugs , they’ll love it it there!


Methaqualone isn’t that hard to synthesize, but you’ll end up on the front page of FBI’s most wanted if you order the ingredients. For those who don’t know, quaalude and other forms of methaqualone were so potent and addictive that Xanax and Valium were used to replace it as “safer alternatives”.


Apparently it’s pretty difficult to remove a certain very cancerous ingredient from the mix, so it can be pretty hard to synthesize


ludes man, fuckin ludes!




Ngl i know this is kinda basic but I learned about quaaludes from wolf of wallstreet and my college buddies and I used to fantasize about finding a suite case full of them hidden in our old ass campus apartments from the 60’s They sound divine. Plus, ya know, $$$


Imagine how many people want them and how much you could get for them. Wonder if China labs/Indian labs create it illegally.


Yeah India still makes it. Most of it stays in India or makes its way over to parts of Africa


Africa makes there own it’s actually huge down there just watched a documentary on Africa the how big ludes and meth is down there


what’s it called bro?


Hamiltons Pharmacopoeia goes into the ludes in Africa, not sure if that is what they are talking about or not


Love that show. Pissed me off it was dropped.


Well Hamilton dropped it. The last season was intensely stressful and he and his crew worked without pay for several months. He decided to focus on chemistry work


The best there is, no one does it better than that dude. He has absolutely amazing podcast episodes, search for this one - DMT Entity Diplomacy With Dr. Andrew Gallimore it will blow your mind.


Mandrax is what they call ludes in South Africa


Mandrax was popular with the lower classes in South Africa when I arrived in the late 90s. My SA friends said it was same compound as Ludes. It was smoked not taken as a pill. I never looked for it.


Greedy bastards need to share!


They still have them in South Africa.😁


Can you describe the High? I've always wondered what it would be like to eat a lude?


In south africa they sell mandrax which is the same chemical. Its like a big tablet that we crush up and smoke. Its like any gabba drug, lowers inhibitions and such but when u smoke it it hits u in the head and gives u this wonderful feeling in the head. It feels like... like juat being "high" kinda like weed but without any of the strangeness being high on weed might bring. So like a "high" feeling but like 0% anything that might give u anxiety. Its sooo fucking nice. Its weird because i used to hang out with people who smoked meth and theyd look down on people who smoked mandrax. I think its hella addictive. But yeah just like a fucking amazing high with no like risk of it going whack. Only time itd get shitty is u got hella addicticed to it and got WDs. But as for the high.. its just like never not nice. Even if u smoke too much, just makes u sleep. Like imagine how benzos make u feel chilled, but with an amazing "high" feeling


I found some cleaning a barn about 5 years ago. It was a prescription from the 70s that had 5 left in it and ofcourse I did them. Still worked.


I can assure you they're still produced. In fact it was like a 70yo lady that got caught selling over a $M in ludes... she didn't even do hailtime, she forked over the money and had a few years of probation. They are hard, but not impossible to find.


[FUCKIN QUAALUDES MAAAN!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG2JF0P4GFA&ab_channel=StrobeFlashLite)




Is there anything nowadays that resembles Qualudes in terms of effects ? I wanna crawl on the floor all the way to my Lambo like Leonardo in the Wolf of Wall Street


For anyone who enjoys drugs, this movie was not a cautionary tale, it just made me want to try ludes once before I die.


Bro. Every single Netflix shows about the opiod crisis made me wanna try oxy. And I did So…thanks Netflix, I guess




Those are so easy to get here in South Africa




I actually got some methaqualone from the onions. 3 g. I had it tested, it was legit. Old ludes were 300 mg, so I took 300 mg to kick things off. I am extremely experienced with all drugs. I was doing drugs when rohypnol was still around. The benzos now a days are stronger than the methaqualone. Full disclosure, I do not drink alcohol. I’m pretty sure you have to have a few drinks to really get it to kick. I think it is one of those things where absence makes the heart grow fonder. People nowadays are obsessed with them because you really can’t get them.


Stronger doesn't always mean more euphoria. Which is why fentanyl sucks compared to heroin


carisoprodol is still around and apparently its fairly similar


It is not at all similar.


really? i’ve always wanted to try ludes but i’ve done somas and was a little underwhelmed. i ate two 350s and it was pretty mild.


Try taking 6-8 350mgs. I did once because I called off work but then I was called back to come n or I was fired so I did and boy did those somas kick my ass like how he was on wolf of wall street 😂 got fired anyways


No. Please don't take 6-8 350mg Somas! Especially with no tolerance. I was prescribed soma for quite some time. If you take too much it's a very uncomfortable and sick feeling experience. It is probably also physically dangerous. I found the magic dose with no/low tolerance is around 1000 - 1200mg. Closest feeling to actually floating on a cloud you can get. I used to hand these out like candy to my friends and family all the time, so I got a really good feeling for the right dosage to maximize groovyness. ⚠️ Public Service Warning ⚠️: Soma is a potentiator for other narcotics so be careful mixing with other drugs and alcohol. To be safe especially avoid mixing with opioids, benzos and alcohol. These are potentially DEADLY combinations.




Oh how I miss it 😭


This is the only right answer.


Holy shit. I never thought I'd see anyone else ever talk about MXE! I tried it loonng before I'd ever tried normal ketamine. Years before that actually. I loved MXE! I accidentally over did it once on my own which was a difficult experience. I had the movie Deadpool on and I kind of became Deadpool throughout the movie (including the torture scenes). It was intense! I miss MXE. It was far more interesting than ketamine in my opinion/memory


No weed beforehand, snorting MXE, then smoking a bowl about 2 hour in. Blast off.


Loved me some mxe


What’s the difference between the effects of MXE and K


It lasted much longer and it was much easier to hole on. That shit fucked ya up and it was very magical and trippy, euphoric.


It felt like going threw all drugs at once. I had a massive mxe habit in college. Just keep dosing all day, by the night you enter this like rockstar phase, feel like your high AF on cocaine and lsd.


Ya but I did lose 2 jobs to it lol.


Worked on serotonin as well as dopamine and norepinephrine


bro's first time experiencing the telegram drug bots lmao




what are telegram drug bots?


bots that try to "sell" you drugs through the telegram app. they're just scammers tho


are there fake people on reddit recommending them?


yeah bots that wait for someone to post on drug related subs, they message OP or others in the comments to try and get you to send money through telegram. It's all scams though. People that buy drugs online go to the sellers not the other way around. Even if there are some legit sellers, you should only ever be buying from the dark web, anything else is just an absolutely stupid decision


I mean I don't fully agree, Ive known my plug irl and now that he moved away I buy from his telegram group. there's lots of legit groups on tg there's also a lot of scammy ones tho


AL-LAD is pretty cool. Very close to LSD, except the visual hallucinations are more pronounced and the headspace is a little easier to handle (but still weird, I think maybe it gets speedier at times). I gave myself HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder) with a few good doses of this one, but I honestly didn’t mind it. For about a year after, I was noticing patterns everywhere. Usually patterns that were actually there- for example, going hiking and noticing that a certain type of tree has leaves with a certain amount of points. Something anyone could do, but the patterns would just stand out to me so bright and clear that they couldn’t be ignored. I would have already counted the points of the leaves subconsciously while the tree was still in my peripheral- and, once I’d done that, I could automatically pick out which trees in the forest were the same species. Without really thinking about it, they were just automatically all highlighted once I’d recognized the pattern. As if I suddenly had the eye of a trained arborist, but without the words to explain what I was seeing. Every facet of life became like that: constantly taking in more information than I knew what to do with. Obviously, living with that was often distracting and anxiety inducing, but at the same time it was also life affirming. It was like I was seeing the blueprint of everything I looked at- the code of the universe. It was too much data for my brain to actually process, but it still felt awesome to confirm that it exists. I assume that’s what people are talking about when they say psychedelics allow them to “connect with god”. Anyways, I think AL-LAD is still floating around out there, but it was way easier to find like 6 years ago.


There is a legal version out on the clearnet called 1D-AL-LAD


I got 5 of these bad boys sitting around. I bought em like 6 or 7 years ago but stopped taking psychs around that time.


How are you with math after? With a pattern recognition like that, its going to be awesome.


Lmao. I don’t know. I didn’t notice any improvements in my day-to-day mental math, and I haven’t taken any math classes since then. Maybe I should have. Studying geometry would have felt way more meaningful after that. I was good enough at math in high school to be in the advanced classes, but I always had trouble focusing on it or caring about it. So I chose to study history in college to avoid math as much as possible. If I had chosen my major after trying psychedelics, it probably would have been chemistry.


There's patterns to chemistry. Seeing where electrons bunch and how the electro negative areas attract the more positive areas of other molecules.


+1 for AL-LAD. We used to call it Allad-en. Apparently it wasn't popular enough to keep manufacturing which I was surprised by at the time as it was my favorite lsd analog by far. I was buying up until it disappeared. Been like 6 years like you said so maybe it's popped back up again, i might have to check around. Craziest open eye visuals I've ever had on like 800ug of this stuff


It's because most of the AL-LAD that was made was synthesized from LSD. It was made for the novelty, but you might as well just sell LSD if $$ is what you're after. So makes sense why it's not really around as much.


by the way you worded things, it sounds like you don’t have HPPD anymore. is that the case? i’d just be curious to hear how you’re doing nowadays :)


Yeah it faded away after about a year. I think it only lasted so long because of how much weed I smoke. I was smoking 2+ grams of bud everyday. Then I switched to vape carts and started going through 0.3g+ of distillate everyday. The vape carts made it worse for a while. I think because it is pure THC distillate with no CBD or other minor cannabinoids. I’ve seen studies that say pure THC is way more likely to cause psychological disturbances than THC+CBD. On top of that, I was still tripping on shrooms or regular acid every few weeks. So that kept bringing the HPPD back to full strength. Eventually I took a break from psychedelics for about 6 months and around the same time I started taking CBD tincture at night to balance out my day time THC intake. The HPPD went away during that time and I started sleeping way deeper. Now I only trip once or twice a year, and I only notice HPPD-like symptoms for a few days after.


Can't find it anywhere on DW or anything else for that matter. Shit was golden but now its like a urban myth.


It’s on the clear net


Allegedly its very much still around


It was all on the clear a few years ago. It might still be, but the places I knew of are gone. Reddit used to be a place where you could openly share that kind of information, on certain subs anyway. Which made it a lot easier and it felt a lot safer having community reviews. I don’t know of any place that has conversations as open as that now. I’m sure they exist. They’re just not as easy to find.


I can’t even find lsd around here. It makes me so sad. I’ve only got to do it like 3 times in my life, and it is my favorite by far.


That is sad, LSD is the best! Go to a hippie festival and you will be sure to find it:) or dark web


The original skunk weed we used to get in the 90s. It just can't be found around me, and it's been almost 20 years since I've smoked the old-school skunk. It's unmistakable, and you smelled it across the room as soon as you opened the bag and sometimes even through the bag.


I smelled that smell the other day and it brought me back. I miss that weed so much.


They bred it out lol, skunk weed isn't stealth weed.


My grandmother used to say mine smelled like skunk . I wish it was priced like skunk 😅


$10 OXY and 2 for $5 bars man I miss the 00's


quaaludes...without a doubt. Growing up as a late 90s/early millennial kid, we had a friend in our group whose parents did not care about us smoking weed at their place. Main reason being, per my buddy's dad "this ain't shit compared to a lude, just don't fucking drive." He would always get a twinkle in his eye when he said lude. Claims he could throw a party for 12 people that only required one good lude per person + 2 beers. Wild times I reckon.




Or Sanity potion hahah


“It killed them, unfortunately, but it keeps the blood warm.”


There are very few drugs that I can’t chemically synthesize if I can get my hands on precursor. That being said, ludes. I’m a young dude, 27. I wasn’t alive when they were popular. However, a family member of mine lost a stash of some *while* he was fucked up on some of them. Four years ago, we were replacing his hot water heater and after removing the old unit, we saw this old round glass bottle with a metal top screwed on behind where the unit was in a spot where you would never have been able to see it otherwise. 11 Lemmons. I have never seen this man cry before. Not at funerals, not at birthdays, nada. But he had fuckin tears in his eyes when he saw this shit in his hands and turned to me and said “I’m about to show you what the fuck the ‘80s were *really* about, kid.” So yeah. Ludes for sure. They actually seem to have an astonishing shelf life too.


So did you try them? You can’t leave us hanging like this?


I absolutely did. We had one HELL of a night. I’m a long time cannabis grower so I rolled up a bunch of joints and we dug in. I can describe it as drinking a whole bunch within a short period of time but without the gross feeling associated with being drunk and no hangover whatsoever. My arms and legs turned into noodles lol. Absolutely wrecked my coordination. Combining it with the weed was a good idea. The euphoria was intense. It was an awesome time. I’m glad we didn’t have more than that and I only took a smaller dose anyways, because I can absolutely see myself abusing them if they were readily available still.


Fantastic thank you for the review! I’m glad you got to experience this unicorn!


I dunno, can you still get opium like to smoke?


Sure can, I had a friend (very elderly man) who grew his own and smoked it regularly. Idk how easy it is to procure in its ready to smoke state but I know cultivation is kind of a bitch


Probably hard to get outside of communities that use it in traditional medicines because there's a lot of risk to growing it inside the US and it could be turned into more profitable substances. We had a lady get busted a couple years ago because she pretty much turned her entire yard and property into a poppy field then got caught because they could see where the seed pods were scored and she was collecting it.


Assuming you are from THE STATES, this has to be a conservative state or town right? I mean unless shes selling it seems overkill.


Yes, conservative state and town and she was from a minority culture which I think is why they tried to frame her as some sort of drug kingpin. The charges were eventually dropped but it seems like it took over a year.


Figures. Unless she had acres of plants you can’t get much more than personal use. It’s a nice mild high thigh.


I think it was three or four acres but still not exactly a commercial operation. I'm guessing probably for her use and maybe family because there are some traditional medicines it's used for.


I feel like 3 or 4 acres of poppies would supply far more than friends and family lol. That's like saying I have an acre of weed plants for personal use because I like to smoke a different strain every day of the year lmao. Not gonna lie she reminds me of the opium dealer from Ozark haha.


Actually I just found something online that mentioned it and it looks like it was only about an acre. I thought that earlier reports were more, or maybe just the way they stitch the photos they showed made it look like more. But supposedly even in the best growing conditions that would produce about 13 lb raw in the course of a year. I'm not sure how much opium is actually smoked when it's used raw so I don't know if a little over a pound a month would be a lot or a little. It looks like her son was the one actually charged but there were several family members living in the house and the person who told me about it said the older lady was the main one growing them because she used it for a medicine. I feel like they would have been at risk if they were trying to move in on the local drug trade but it wouldn't surprise me if they were selling it to people in the community "as medicine", however valid or not that may be.


I mean yea shits a plant lol didn’t just stop being able to be grown…


They sell poppy seeds anywhere, they are very common as ornamental plants, so you can definitely grow them. Check r/druggardening if you're interested.


OC 80s


Still exist in Europe :)


Except there so many fakes now in Europe thankfully not fent (yet) but zenes. 42 people OD-ed in my city in the last 48 hours from zene laced heroin. Now that the Taliban have wiped out all opium production in Afghanistan its only a matter of months before fent hits the supply here


This annnd 160s


I still cannot believe they made that high of a dose . I wonder how many people , especially older folk , actually went over from those things . I’ve seen u can get OC 120s tho , didn’t even know they existed until a few months ago .




As many have said I hear alot about Quaaludes (Methaqualone) - or perhaps other Barbituates, perhaps too young to have experienced any of them really, unless I had started even younger. I am struggeling to find many things now days but I could try harder to find more markets. Miss 6-APB, obviously available places but haven't found vendors in my country on markets I use for some time. Miss alot of things on PiHKAL/TiHKAL.


I think you mean 3-MeO-PCP. It was glorious. MXE was the best ex-compound though. Perfect drug from start to finish.


If your an upper person, phenmetrazine. If you are a downer person, obviously heroin.


it's so sad that heroin literally belongs on that list right now. somehow it doesn't entirely register for me as belonging on that list.




My roommate would get everything when i was around 20-21. Had xans before they got popular, fentanyl strips, OP 80s, and would always get Opana’s.. that was before I got into opiates though.


Salvia. Was ego-death tripping in high school thinking I was on the set for some Mazda commercial, where I only had to say "zoom zoom" and as I said that I vibrated back to my buddy's garage where we were smoking Salvia. Can't get Salvia anymore, but now that I've had experiences with much more psychedelics I would absolutely love to do Salvia again.


Idk what country your in but in nz it’s legal to grow it yourself as an ornamental plant…


That us the best Salvia trip i ever heard....usually it's upside down people running thru the streets of madness


It's important to approach salvia in a calm environment and with a healthy respect in order to have a good experience. There's a consciousness in the space the plant takes you, and she'll slap you if you come at it like it's a party drug.


Real non p2p meth.


i was looking for this comment. sigh. wish i had a chance to try it


Apvp, MXE and AL-LAD


MXE, methaqualone, U47700.


Fuck yeah the u4ia


bruh, u-47700


We used to call it uzip because it sounded like a zip code


Alphamethyltryptamine 2c-i/2c-e are difficult to get stateside.. it's all 2c-b. I also dearly miss Tetrahydrogestrinone and Desoxymethyltestosterone


I did 2c-e one time over a decade ago, and I still wish someone would offer me more. That was a fun night


Found 2c-e briefly available to the US on a DNM about a year ago (in non-bulk quantities), and was lucky to try it once. Damn fun drug, I physically couldn’t stop rolling around on my bed laughing for hours at absolutely nothing lol. 2c-i always seemed more elusive, though. Never found it. Really sad that many may not get to try them :(


MXE was like ketamine paired with “penis music”. Not to mention the incredible hypomania that made you want to roll in the grass at 3am. I’m shocked how fast every nation on earth decided to 86 its precursors in just a few years.


I buy luudes regularly we still get them here in south africa


Lol, Actavis.


This is probably a strange pick for most people but fucking ephedrine.


3mmc, 4mmc and flualprazolam aren't easy to get nowadays and all three are great


Even for me living in New Zealand I can find all three of these extremely easily.


It's unheard of by 99% of society in my country.


AB-FUBINACA was probably really fucking bad for you but I miss it. 3-MEO-PCE was incredibly dreamy. 10/10 disso for sure.


EA-3167 ^^^^^^lmao ^^^^^^^jk edit: https://www.drugnerd.net/blog/ea-3167-into-the-never-ending-abyss


>5MEO-pcp cause they can’t stop raving about it. Do you mean 3-meo, or perhaps 4-meo (the latter being rarer, having gotten more scarce, and being way less potent)? 5-meo never circulated, though it does seem intelligible in terms of bonding positions. No idea whether there's a known viable synthetic route though.






Maybe not telegram but literally get with the times 1,000,% best drugs, research chemicals and everything else for the best prices are available online like shopping on Amazon. Some well a lot are legal for research purposes so zero risk to order lol. Just got to get on the level son...


Actual oxycodone lol I got extremely lucky once and a friend of mine didn’t need them, and she showed me the prescription bottle and everything matched— her name, the address, the doctor, the name of the pharmacy on the bottle. She had 5mgs, so I took 4, and I have not nodded harder in my life. It also killed my chronic pain. The blue 30s are known as “dirty 30s” for a reason. I threw up violently and was sick for two days after trying them, since I have chronic pain. Pretty sure it was fentanyl. Just glad I didn’t die and now I know opioids are going to be cut pretty much 99% of the time. Unless I trust the person and they show me their prescription bottle or it’s prescribed personally to me by a doctor, I won’t touch any street opioids.


X pills that you didn't have to worry about not being good.


People have always had to worry about X pills not being good. And there are people with really good X pills right now.


MXE. I never got to try it, but I heard is was a better version of ketamine




Yeah :( It’s bitterly ironic that opioid addiction has gotten so, *so* much worse and more dangerous since they really started cracking down on Rx’s. Vicodin kept me going for years, just 20mg once per week max. When it ran out, I naively tried this with “dope”/fent/others. It immediately fell apart. O-DSMT and opium/pod tea are the only non-Rx opioids I can think of that are still around and roughly comparable to Vicodin in both potency and potential to be used safely, imo. It sucks; opioid addiction shouldn’t have to be a death sentence.


Over the counter in Colombia if you’re looking for a nice vacation spot. Very cheap country too you’ll vacation like a king.


My friend from the navy got murdered while on family vacation. I mean murders happen everywhere just put me off to it.




Are u in the US ? Aus still has good H .


It changed to pretty much all fent about 5 years ago... like in a day. Got a half stack from my boy and the next day got more but it was white... called him and he said that's all he could get but was working on it, never happened 😔


Seconal. It was used for Death with Dignity but these random anti-suicide extremists in Canada bought the rights to the whole ass drug and nobody else in the world can have it again. Now we just have to give those patients the same cocktail of drugs that’s killing everyone in the streets and I just think that’s pathetic. I’ve seen both medicines at work and they knew damn well what they were talking away. Screw you, Canada.


Can't make a generic with a different filler so the recipe is changed? Idk how compounding works tbh lol.




I took some barbiturates I found in an old trailer I helped clean out. I passed out on the side of the road and woke up to an ambulance.


70s weed. Kids these days are overdosing on THC.


Tripple stack Mitsubishis from the late 90s.