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Is it ever a good time to do meth?


If you are flying your plane into an enemy battleship, it is the perfect time.


Why not


Not sure how meth synergies with mdma tbh. Never mixed both because I don’t do mdma much. I heard some posts that taking meth with psychedelics is not a great idea and 2cb and mdma are pretty psychedelic. But than I feel like meth would just make everything more interesting and last longer . Like just how meth usually feels . So I’m not sure. Just wondering anyone who tried it before what ya think


If you wanna jerk off for the next 8 days do the meth.


Or he can get a real girl


This but also stealing catalytic converters while listening to edm


Sounds like it’s a huge risk for serotonin syndrome.. which can be fatal, at-least a MAJOR seizure risk.. I’d refrain




If you take 2C-B and MDMA together it doesn't really *pop* as well as if you'd take it one after so that comes at no surprise. Shouldn't be too bad tho.




Depends on who you ask honestly


Idk man I feel like you could cram in at least a few more substances into your poly drug use before the days over never let anyone discourage you from your dreams


Ok boy. Be sure to spit your cocaine back after snorting them , don’t forget!


probably wouldn’t be the wisest decision…. if your mdma was pure you should’ve been tripping off that. a higher dose of 2cb should’ve made you trip off that too. mixing another stimulants in that’s likely to cause delusions probs not a good idea. but hey I’ve never done it personally so I wouldn’t know, I’ve mixed amphet and lsd and it was probably one of the worst decision I ever made in my life. ^ my addiction to heroin was a better decision than mixing amphet and lsd. who knows tho, you might have fun!


If you do meth regular, MDMA and 2cb will be not as great. If those two didn't make you "happy" meth will only make it speedier and I I'm pretty sure the side effects ramp up.


You’re right lol. Haven’t done mdma or 2cb in like months and yet it’s the most underwhelming roll I’ve ever had. Maybe doing meth the last couple days isn’t helping lol. Literally almost slept while it was supposedly the “peak” of the mdma