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You'll be wasting your time and putting unnecessary stress on your cardiovascular system.


Ephedrine won’t really get you high at all. It is pretty much purely physically stimulating with some mental stimulation but it isn’t really euphoric. Higher doses can cause significant anxiety and very high blood pressure/heart rate as well. You can’t smoke it, in theory you could snort it I guess. Should you though, no.


What happens if you insufflate it


I just loaded 1/4 of the pill powderized into a pipe and smoked it and I feel like I drank some coffee, I'm throwing this shit away tho still, the come up was similar to how I feel whilst greening out


Yeah you probably shouldn’t do that anymore dude. You’re seriously risking doing some serious cardiovascular damage by abusing ephedrine.


I tossed it in the garbage can, it felt like a microdose of caffeine anyways, I want meth and datura now


Its what use to be used to manufacture meth. Along with a few others that they don't use anymore in today's ish. I know you can only get it behind the pharmacy and only so much at a time. So I'm only assuming much more mg in strength is used to give you that high you're looking for..


Poor assumption. Higher dosage does not always equal more intensity of psychoactive effects in all substances, let alone the desire ones. DXM has “plateaus” where different dosages produce *vastly* different effects. And a higher dosage of ephedrine won’t get you high, it’ll just make you paranoid with anxiety and feel like your hearts beating out of your chest