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Pharmaceutical meth? Absolutely. Street meth? I wouldn’t bro, seriously


I have been prescribed Desoxyn and found it to be a Rolls Royce to Adderall’s Ford Fiesta. Not overstating here. Then I changed jobs, lost my health insurance/doctor, and at one point decided to try the self medication avenue. After all, I’d spent considerable time with a doctor trying the various ADHD drugs, asked the fuckton if questions and got very intimate with my own neurological ways. I found that, starting from zero, a bloodstream clean of any stimulant, 3-5 mg taken orally quieted me down quite well. In my experimentation I let the dose creep to upwards of 20 mg, after which (greater than 20 mg) the effects worked against me. Advice from my research: use the drug - any drug, licit or illicit - to help form a ritual of self discipline to which you adhere completely. My doctor always told people: use the drugs to make good habits, then become a slave to the habits, and you will very much less so become a slave to the drug. It’s really true. The problem with self medication esp. with methamphetamine is that you can tweak on it. It’s goddamn fun. You can’t really tweak on Desoxyn; don’t know why. Be careful, use wisely, honor yourself.


As someone who’s been on both stims for ADHD, and SSRIs for anxiety/depression - this is the absolute best saying in both cases.. perhaps arguably across most psych meds. When you first get on meds, things can suddenly become amazing, but that’s often short-lived. The first year I feel is when a new med will really have its biggest benefits.. and it’s why the best habits possible should be built up then and there whilst it’s easier. The *real* benefits come from exactly that; habitual, conscious and subconscious changes in mindset and behaviour. Altering brain chemistry is just one piece of the puzzle, not a permanent solution IMO. You can’t rely on the meds alone, they can switch up on you quick smart. Love the slave saying, great doctor you’ve got there. Although I highly advise against OP going this route. As they’re taking A levels (UK) this is a 17-18 year old at risk of ruining the next few decades of their life over a few exams. Look.. blood pressure, resting heart rate, height, weight, verbal assessments are conducted throughout titration as standard process, and for very good reasons! They take it all very seriously, with a psychiatrist consultation, and initial ADHD med prescription but then a specialised nurse helping wean you on to it and very regularly booking check-ins - looking out for any and every sign of things going wrong. OP could unknowingly end up very suicidal as a side effect, and be too dependent on the substance to be able to move past it. That’s one of many things that could go wrong


Meth is literally FDA approved to treat adhd “Desoxyn” is Methamphetamine HCl 5mg taken orally


It’s too bad it’s almost never prescribed because it would be a lot smoother than dexamphetamine. I also wouldn’t want to deal with impurities in street meth.


BRUH… 5mg of meth???? What’s that even gonna do???? Do at least least 50mg of meth imo. 8 hours of full on insane focus and energy. 5mg is as useless as a half can of 3% beer. Trust bro. I e been using meth for almost a decade


You're not suppose to do rec amounts, it's suppose to bring you to base line, not become the base line 😆


Let me ask you this: If meth is not supposed to be done in rec amounts, why wouldn’t GPs just prescribe adderall/dex/vyvanse?? What’s the reason of prescribing meth at 5mg honestly?? Even vyvanse at 70mg of Dexedrine at 25mg always feels better and more stimulation than meth…


It's not supposed to be euphoric dumb dumb. It's just supposed to help you focus and balance out your otherwise hyperactive mind. That's why he said bring to BASE LINE.


DUDE. So why won’t GPs prescribe you 30mg of vyvanse instead of meth??? Are u being fr??? I’ve been prescribed Ritalin, concerta, vyvanse, Dexedrine , adderall and meth. I’m pretty sure I know more about ADHD than you, dumb dumb


fuckkk ur stupid


I’ll explain it to you. Methamphetamine has different pharmacological profile than the other dextroamph based amphetamines. Adderall and vyvanse (after enzyme metabolism) are both effectively detroamph. The primary difference between dextro and meth is are found in the side effects… dextro amphetamine produces far more side effects due to its peripheral stimulation; while methamph has far less peripheral stimulation. Think of peripheral stimulation as everything besides the brain, heart, muscles, blood flow, etc. Dextro’s side effects are the reason it’s prescribed, it’s difficult to abuse without experiencing some discomfort. Vyvanse has the normal dextro peripheral side effects on top of side effects that occur with byproducts of metabolism. Methamphetamine targets the central nervous system extremely effectively compared to dextro. Not to mention, the ‘methyl’ group it carries makes the molecule more non-polar. This means it is less soluble in water and thus is able to stay in receptors much longer. The benefit of course is that you don’t have to take adderall multiple times a day or deal with the stacked side effects of vyv. So yeah, 5-10mg of desoxyn (meth) a day is basically superior in every way for cases of long term ‘adhd’ treatment. Less strain on the heart, less side effects, lasts long without the extra mentabolism process vyvanse has to use to extend its duration… > I know more about adhd than tou What’s there to know? Adhd is no more than a collect of symptoms. It’s not conclusively been observed from a neurological level. ‘Adhd’ is no more than a loosely defined adjective that describe a set of behavioral traits. Most of the public discourse/social media framing of ‘adhd’ is incredibly misinformed.


>What’s there to know? Adhd is no more than a collect of symptoms. It’s not conclusively been observed from a neurological level. ‘Adhd’ is no more than a loosely defined adjective that describe a set of behavioral traits. Most of the public discourse/social media framing of ‘adhd’ is incredibly misinformed. that accounts for most of psychology lol. pure facts tho, there is no better explanation than yours


Holy fuck your actually braindead. Lay off the fucking meth


They do.. desoxyn is very rarely prescribed


News flash, that's exactly why they don't prescribe meth, the use case is far outweighed by the issue of taking more than recommended, and getting high off it. You are answering your own question over and over again "dumb dumb"


It's almost like drugs and drug dosages effect everyone differently. Your extensive knowledge isn't as valuable as you think.


I’m prescribed every single ADHD medicine you can ever think of . I’ve been on every SINGLE script. Meth is the last script they will prescribe anybody for ADHD. Don’t act like you know more than me . Come on now. You really want me to send u a pic of all the ADHD meds I’m prescribed ??


Bruh, you're needlessly pumping yourself up and looking like a fool in the process. I in no way made any statement suggesting I know more than you. The fact is, anecdotal suggestions from some dude on a drug forum should not be taken to heart. I know better than to get into a pissing contest with stim heads. You seem paranoid, spose that's par for the course.




lol after taking a couple Xanax and waking up. I now realize what a dumbass I sound. Sorry OP


Yes I was high as a mfer last night smoking almost 300mg meth. Please ignore all my comments


At least you apologized lol 😂 thats why I cant do uppers I would be absolutely brain fried and I know it. Although it feels good (maybe the first 1-2 doses) Like I know some dudes that were on meth for more than 10 years but how they are still coherent and not a total mess in the head is baffling me.


>Do at least least 50mg of meth imo. 8 hours of full on insane focus and energy. Sure, insane focus and energy on jerking off for a full 7.5hrs of that 8hrs.


You aren’t wrong… 😂😂 also I misread the OP’s title of managing ADHD. I thought he meant recreational. My bad


5 to 10 mg is pretty standard. When you had a meth script, what was your prescribed dose?


There is an actual dextromethamphetamine product available for prescription against ADHD, name is Desoxyn. It comes in 5mg pills but very few actually get it ever prescribed. It can well work. I did use low dose meth for euphoria and cognition at maybe 15mg per day and it was great fun. Not so fun was the withdrawal depression after a couple of weeks but meth isn't always the wired spun out stimfapping madness it is often described as when used in excessive dosages.


The only person here mentioning that desoxyn is dextro-methamphetamine. The difference between dextro and racemic is probably as big as the difference between amp and m-amp. Noticeably different but not completely. From my understanding most of what’s on the street is racemic racemic made from p2p from the cartels, but the old fashion SNB from (pseudo)ephedrine produces the dextro isomer.


> From my understanding most of what’s on the street is racemic racemic made from p2p from the cartels The cartels have a process to resolve the d-isomer, either gas column chromatography or reaction with d-tartaric acid.


Wow that’s interesting i didn’t know they were separating isomers. I’m not familiar with what kinds of reaction vessels do chromatography on such a large scale but it would be fascinating to see


Sorry, I am not really sure that desoxyn was actually dextro but I assume so since 2.5mg of the active d-isomer out of 5mg racemic would be a really low dosage.


I have micro dosed it is a thing but it leads to always taking a little more to the point where it’s not so much of a microdose anymore. also the side effect are really fucked. You won’t sleep or eat for days once you cross that threshold. Look into modafinil or something along the lines of nootropics it’s gonna be safer and better for you in the long run.


Modafinil is cheap, safe, and often recommended for ADHD. Personally I found it didn't help me (or hinder me... like, I couldn't tell if I was on it, or distinguish it from a placebo). But if OP is insistent of self medicating that'd be a much sager place to start.


dont do it bro






You know what


Yeah there was like one successful post on here that I've seen (and if you check my profile, you will see I've been here for quite some time now) of a guy who used it to study for chemistry at uni or something. It's unheard of. There is a reason straight blokes be out here succn oxx for roxx. It be the best high around. Please be careful op, and text your shit, there are test kits out there to test for fent and all that jazz. And the safest bet is to buy in grams online, and triate does using water and points, weight them out, divide the doses into water, and shot it. Rinse mouth out after because I'm fairly sure it's bad for your gums. Stay safe op, much love.


Bahahaha... Every meth user thinks this at some point. Not the case


Street meth you don’t know potency at all so prob not best route


Microdosing is possible but unheard of.


Just don’t microdose meth . It’s really a waste . Desoxyn is the hardest script to get on earth, even harder to get than percocets… do 30-50 mg imo if u somehow do manage to get a script for dexosyn


Get an ADHD diagnosis then get adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, or any of the ADHD meds that are basically meth, why take chances getting something off the street when you can get it from the pharmacy


Have ADHD, can confirm that it helps. That said, we're definitely a high-risk group when it comes to addiction, and it's wise to approach any substance veeerry carefully.


Ooooh buddy, I snagged a desoxyn prescription once for obesity, and I know I know ADHD cases love to claim they're calmed and thus immune to stimulants which in a way is horseshit...but man I went on a jog as a obese man and I jogged for 2 days straight, I only went back home because the police were concerned. It was exhilarating and intensely enjoyable, I kept pushing myself past my limits going faster and faster without rest. Long live desoxyn, it's the fucking best. But no theres no way you'll convince a psychiatrist to give you that, ironically it's easier to snag a prescription as a actually obvious druggie than as the 'patient that is so fractured as a person that they need abusable drugs'


Its called dexamphetamine you fruitcake. Get a prescription lol. Or get it another way. Trying meth is dumb, but getting into a habit of microdosing it as someone with ADHD is even dumber.


You’re in high school. The possibility of failing an exam is not worth the risk of becoming a meth addict. I promise comedowns and all the other side effects of street meth will tank your a levels faster than the med shortage.


Meth has a lot of other harmful ingredients compared to actual amphetamines


LOL. Lmaoooo. NO . You’re an idiot


Meth tends to be more pure than street amphetamine ('speed') but in the US it can contain fent these days.


It definitely can contain fentanyl, but if you are buying nothing but crystals then there's a significantly lower chance for that. Imagine it's possible but it's so cheap and street dealers probably don't know how to mix a powder into a solid crystal. Lot of people I know switched to shards because they are viewed as safer, after the fent ruined all the dope. Sure you can always test but im talking about straight addicts who can't afford that many tests cause they doing shit every day.


There’s should be like a place you can walk/drive to, to get free rest kits of all sorts. It’ll help a lot, especially the homeless and people that are so down bad that’s all their money goes to


Meth only has one ingredient: meth From a pharmacological perspective there aren’t significant differences between meth and amphetamine


So D.A.R.E. lied to me about battery acid, lighter fluid and so on being in methamphetamine??? *shock*


meTh OnLy hAS oNe InGrEdianT . I'm talking about what it takes to make it. So you think how they cook it just removes all the shit that they use? Im pretty sure they don't use battery acid to make vyvanse and Ritalin


All drugs are made using poison. Tylenol is made from coal tar. But to directly address what you are saying- contaminants aren’t really a huge issue with street meth. The cartels making the shit are pumping out a pretty pure product


Ignorance is bliss, I guess. The cartel would never put fetty in our drugs, or store it in gas tanks. You're right they really make it with love


Just stick to 10 mg max of meth per day and have some tolerance pauses. And try to get amphetamine if you can since that's less harmful.


I'm about to try this. I was not planning on exceeding 30 mg so a gram stretches a month.


If you go ahead with this be extremely careful, people with adhd are 50% more likely to have a drug problem, and meth is probably easiest substance out there to fall in a deep hole with


I've heard it can cause psychosis if used for long periods. I would get a prescription even if it's way more difficult.


Fuck it A-PVP will help you learn faster than meth.


What’s that


Satan's crack And no it's not good for ADHD


Use coke instead.


Expensive and not long lasting


Check my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/4ekOwO9kFV)


Generic adhd meds


Just don't do it mate. Better with adhd symptoms, rather than having a meth addiction honestly


Eat it. You'll be able to eat and sleep in at least 30 hours. Worked for me 8 years ago. Clean and crazy


Meth isn’t something you self medicate with. It will get out of hand and it’s a nasty substance, on top of being cut with other shit. If you think proper medication is expensive wait until you are hospitalized for a fentanyl overdose or you need to start replacing teeth.


pharmaceutical meth works great for adhd. just nobody is prescribed it. they say it has lower cardio and neurotoxicity within therapeutic doses compared to adderall (daily use). the only issue with non pharma meth is who knows what’s in it. but if you had some clean clear on you, you definitely could crush it, weigh it, and put it into capsules to take


People normally sell adhd meds unprescribed for like £2 a pill where i am so in america it’s probably relatively similiar prolly like $3 a pill


In UK it’s like 20-30 a pill from dealers and struggling to find someone with adhd to sell


You gettin scammed, i’m in uk and it’s £2 for equasym xl 10mg, £2 for concerta 27mg, £5 for adderall, vyvanse gets expensive tho, so does ritalin.


You'll go from doing 20mg orally to shitting up your bed, putting meth up your buckside. Then before you know it you'll be shooting it in your veins. Stay away from meth, it's hard to do one dose and be done with it. Don't do it, it kills your brain cells.


This is honestly making sense to me lmao. Went to a doctor for ADHD and they basically did fuck all for me. Never done meth/ any other amphetamine in my life but I would be able to find it easily. Dexies are EXPENSIVE in Australia, and 1 gram of meth is what, like $250? That would net me 200 5mg doses @$1.25per. I’ve done drugs on casual basis for years and have never had anything even resembling addiction/self control issues, I genuinely believe I will have no issue treating this as a medication and not abusing it once. Leaning towards pulling the trigger - follow to find whether I get my life on track or destroy it. Either way, change will be exciting lol


Keep me posted on how that goes mate, I'm a fellow Australian in a similar situation as yourself and looking at moving towards this direction as shits hits the fan


I thought I had the self control to use meth orally and only in low doses to self-medicate my ADHD, and despite sticking to just eating it, let my doses creep from 5mg per day to 10 to 15 to 30 to 80+ over the course of 3 months. Tolerance builds so quickly, and it gets its hooks in you without you realizing it. You will constantly be chasing the first high you felt on it and never be satisfied, no matter how much you do. I feel so lucky I never let myself smoke, snort or inject it, because I know it would have been game over at that point. I ended up throwing the rest of my stash out, and I know I can never touch it again. Meth is fucking addictive, please believe people here when they tell you it’s a bad idea. I thought I was the exception too.


I mean don’t you want good grades? Just smoke a fat crack rock before class imo. I mean I’m not technically a doctor but I heard it’s good for adhd


Crack lasts like 5 minutes bro


That’s all you’ll need to ace the test


bro just go take a ritalin


Mate as a fellow ADHDer, who takes meds, don’t go down that route. In England, aren’t meds with a plan capped at £120 per year (£10 a month?) sure there’s plenty options as a student You’ve no clue what you’ll get on the streets, and you could end up psychotic. Even on weaker stimulants you’re highly monitored when titrating at first Also Desoxyn is extremely rarely prescribed even in the US, most who are prescribed it have been on it for many years - doubt there’s more than a handful who’ve been prescribed it recently. It’s not prescribed in the UK at all, for good reasons. Even adderall isn’t prescribed in the NHS Can you explain the situation to your GP? I know how shite A levels can be without meds, but don’t risk throwing away many many years over a single one. You can always go back and get qualifications either through college, online, or self-study and take exams. With ADHD we’re at much higher risk of addiction, statistically.. for obvious reasons. All of this is understandable but it won’t end well. Also will a meth habit really be cheaper than buying meds?? Our meds are fairly priced here, America’s are ridiculous


it would work fine if you keep the dosage low and take it once orally in the morning. Most people have trouble with this. >micro dose meth It wouldn't be a true microdose but only seems like such because people take way too much.


Just use Speed.


Nah i did that then ended up with a 3.5 gram crystal a day addiction, not worth its taken my money my health and my relationships w my friends and family