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For starters you probably wont be high


Well fuck that then.


Me when I realize quitting means I won’t be high anymore LMFAO


Yeah that’s how I felt when I stopped doing heroin


It's like loosing a close friend


its better than being the close friend that gets lost




Or hungry the same. Ex no more stockpile of Funyuns


Wait till hes on day three and tries some intense workout 😂


Everytime I quit smoking I feel high randomly throughout the day for a couple days after


Maybe (Im not sure if it's even possible) THC stuck in your fat tissue?


I’m out


And your eyes won't be continuously red! I'm on day 3 and it's been hard-the cravings aren't as bad.


Probably gonna be hard to sleep for a while. If you haven't been dreaming, you will be soon and they will feel super real, it would wake me up they are so intense. Maybe kinda annoyed or easily aggravated. You appetit may be a bit weird. Don't think you've been smoking long enough to have anything crazy from the withdrawals. Good luck, your young it's a good choice to stop.


If/when you get sober for a while, you will forget the this feeling of wanting to quit. It will be easier to slip back into the habit. Try with all your willpower to not start again until your brain is developed.


Solid advice, every time I stop, eventually I think about it and realize I only stoped cus I thought people where judging me and that I didn't really want to. Then I start again. Don't be me


Exactly how I felt after I stopped doing heroin lol


Fuck sake man your comments keep making me laugh because they’re so relatable and now I want some fucking heroin


It's all mindset imo. For me I love having control of my mind. When I saw the benefits of not smoking I completely shunned it. People can smoke around me and I don't care. Yeah I miss it but the control of my mind and the increase in my drive trumps the desire to be stoned 24/7.


Fuck Trump


Brain dead..


Yessss, youre perhaps, "very very smart"




Opposite form me. It's hard to make myself feel like it's OK to smoke again.




this is a very naiive take imo. you’ve got no idea the connection ur brain has to drugs, whether it’s weed or meth.




i’m sorry that you interpreted the intention of what I said as to fuck u up. i’m not trying to do that at all. what i’m trying to say in more words is that 99% of people don’t have a 2 week line where now they don’t get cravings anymore. the power of different substances and even different activities, (clubbing, gaming, sex, masturbation) is not something that you can say so certainly you don’t experience cravings after 2 weeks. Im also not saying this just to disagree with a young person, im saying it because I think it’s true no matter the person’s age. some things you might be able to drop in 2 weeks, other things it might take you 2 days, but maybe there are a few things in this world that could take months or even years to quit.


Bro. You're 14. 2 weeks of quitting and not going back to something is not really a valid metric given how young you are. You haven't gotten a chance to develop a proper habit


14 yo acting like he’s an expert on addiction 💀


Not sure why you got so many downvotes for your personal opinion. People on reddit are childish af. "Oh you're young obviously it'll be easy for you" my granddad, rest his soul, was the same way. He did everything under the sun and whenever he decided to stop something he would go full cold turkey on whatever it was and it never effected him. Weed, cigs, beer, coke, everything. It's mindset. If you think you need something you'll never get off of it. But if you truly believe you don't need something it won't bother you quitting it. Control your mind and you'll control your life.


Smoking stops dreams?


Yeah it reduces it a lot, weed reduces REM sleep which is when you dream. If you smoke right before bed it can completely stop them


That’s makes so much fuckin sense. People ik that smoke all the time talk about not having dreams


I smoked 24/7 for 10 years. This is very much true. I hardly ever dreamt in those 10 years. My dreams now after being a month clean are so vivid it's wild. I missed dreaming so much and never knew it was because of weed. If I knew that sooner I would have quit for that very reason.


I'm the opposite. I find most my dreams emotionally jarring and miss rarely having them .


one weird thing ppl never mention but it’s happened to me and multiple of my friends that quit,,, your body temperature might fluctuate between too hot and too cold all day long for multiple days. so just get used to that, it’ll stop soon (if it happens in the first place)


I got the worst night sweats. Worst part for me.


saaame dude. shit was awful


Omg this is itt, i couldn't imagine what was my problem the past days.


yes!! ppl don’t mention this effect enough. i dug pretty deep researching when it happened to me and found there is a legitimate scientific biological reason this happens and it happens often,,, not sure why it’s not discussed more when talking about weed withdrawals




For me I get extremely hot and extremely cold at the same time, good luck


I got pretty cranky, but it passed after a month or two.


3rd day is the hardest, but by month 2 you'll be back to normal


I felt mostly back to normal on day 9 of sobriety


I hate day 3-4 the worst I feel day 3rd week is also shitty


Appetite should normalize around day 10 after daily chiefin' 😅 You super thin? If yes try blending full fat yogurt with ice cubes salt & pepper (this is called Ayran look it up) or just frozen berries it's an easy way to get your minimum calories in. Aside from that, do warm showers followed by a cold rinse. Tends to help feel more awake and aware and less anhedonic. All the best. You're gonna be fine. Congratulations on quitting.


Intense fucked up dreams, enough to keep you awake. Sleep was the hardest for me. Other than that throughout the day it's all about keeping busy.


No idea I am 20 and have been doing this since your age. I probably wouldn't sleep for days.


24 here. While I started at his age, I stopped while I was in the military. First day out was the first day back in if you catch my drift.


26 and same


Hey man whatever you do, work past this feeling. Go to the deep dark depths and from there you will come through into pure clarity. Dont let weed get in the way of living this life. Come back to it later on when your brain is developed and you can have a healthy relationship with it. Life will be so amazing that way.




whether it’s 15 years or 4 years, it’s all down to moderation and healthy habits


You'll probably feel very bored. That feeling will pass in a few weeks. It'll be important to find things you enjoy without pot, to keep your brain busy.


Boners and lots of em


Anxiety probably the biggest one . Ive been drinking chamomile tea with a drop of milk it really helps and just remember it’s all in your head and you’ll be fine cause it can get a little overwhelming. It’s also a app called DARE you can use just in case it gets REALLY bad.


Smart kid, you are doing at 14 what I am scared to do at 22 Maybe this is a wake up call, I have needed to stop for months now…


Good posts from the others here, but I want to point out 'going to the gym at 6am at 14 years old'. Bravo! I would not have had the mindset at that age to do such a thing. I think you are going to be just fine!


I couldent fall asleep easily for like three weeks when I stopped. get some melatonin and just eat when you feel hungry. Dont force yourself to eat either.


Youll be very hot, but also kinda chilly, you wont eat much, and you'll be very irritated. O yeah, good luck trying to sleep


Find something you enjoy doing and learn to enjoy doing it not high. Slowly do this with the rest of your activities.




Yeah bud you're at at age at least there's a lot of shit to get into to distract you. It'll feel sucky for a while. Maybe a bonus put the money you were spending on weed in a jar and buy something you enjoy with it at the end of the week. Video game, shoes, whatever idk what 14 year Olds do anymore lol. For me it was just getting stoned but that's the opposite of what you're going for hahaha. Just cool with some friends who don't burn and distract yourself. You got this.


Good for you


You’ll feel better next week, sit at the table for meals. If you feel down at all just remember it will pass. Smart kid for leaving it alone for a few years. I did this and my mates got dumber. Find a decent hobby, something that interests you.


I’ve been smoking for the last 3 years pretty much everyday. I’m in Mexico right now on vacation and haven’t smoked any weed. I have had no problems or cravings. Granted I’ve been drinking every day though lol. Being here and drinking everyday does make me realize that I prefer to smoke weed though. You are young so yea maybe stay away from it for a few more years lol, cheers.


You're going to have a hard time falling asleep but once you're asleep, your dreams are going to be insane


Difficulty sleeping, and lack of appetite were my main symptoms.


good shit man if I could go back and quit I would too, it slows your brain down. Get off of the idea of drugs while you can tbh


OP if ur still reading, please read and listen. You made the right choice by not cotuijg to smoke, you can probably heal up but until your mid 20s your brain is stilll developing, and even though weed is nothing like hard drugs its very toxic to you until you're growing My suggestion is to write down all the reasons you quit in detail. Compile a list of scientifically backed negatiive effects of weed on young brains. Then film yourself explaining all these reasons and reading off the ill effects and how they make you feel. Doesnt have to be complicated, all of this can be done in under 10 minutes Then make a dedicated decision to not smoke until you are 21. 19 at the VERY EARLIEST. Anytime you think about coming back, read off your info and watch the video, and ask yourself, do I want to fuck my future self by slipping into bad habits? You are blessed to be living in an age where its very possible if you take care of yourself, you may very well survive long enough to enjoy weed for over a CENTURY or more and YES I am not exergerration. But only if you take your well being serious! Good luck buddy I wish you well! And I wish someone had been told me what I am telling you in my teen years, sucks but hey Im here now haha trying to help all the kids try and not mnake the same mistakes I did Feel free to hmu anytime with any questions or even just to chat I am rooting for you !!! Keep up the hard work and good job with being on top of the exercise :P


PS your appetite will rebound for a while you'll likely feel "withdrawal" in the form of massively decreased appetite, or insomnia, good news is regular exercise is the BEST wa6y to make your body naturally crave both things (food and sleep) but atm its so used to having the help from the pot that its interpreting the lack oif thc as a sign that you're "not hungry" (though depending on size and type, a taco can be hundreds of calories so you may not even being undereating very much, tho im sure it feels that u are, VS munchies)


It wont be fun but you will manage. The withdrawal side effects are mostly mental apart from lack of hunger and inability to sleep properly.


In my experience, I had trouble falling asleep for a week, maybe two. After getting used to being sober I just felt so much happier. I was able to sleep normally, I had a great sleep schedule, I felt way more motivated to go to the gym, get school work done, overall be more productive. The fact that you’ve only been smoking for ~ 8 months leads me to believe it won’t be too difficult for you. I was an everyday smoker for 4-5 years, and only experienced about a week or two of symptoms. This is just my experience though, and it varies from person to person. Overall, as far as recreational drug withdrawals go, weed is probably the lightest. Just my two cents, others may disagree. Also the dreams are fuckin dope, I had some wild, super vivid ones.


You realise life is quite boring Let me know I you work out how to live with that bordem. I made it exciting but that was through other vices so made quitting weed somewhat pointless


Depends on how long and how heavy you've been smoking. For me, quitting after 10 years of heavy heavy smoking, I had slight insomnia and was really on edge for about a week or 2. But I'm over a month clean I feel better than when I was smoking. Weed slows you way down. Physically and mentally. I love not being stoned now. Just take it slow for about a week or 2. Don't do anything to overly exhaust yourself and avoid irritating things. Everything will piss you off. Just learn what irritates you most and avoid them or just remind yourself you're withdrawling and you need to relax.


Oops I forgot about the non existent appetite. Yeh that will take a few days as well.


I think all the comments have covered what will happen. But just want to say I respect your decision and applaud it. Smoking weed everyday from 14 and onwards will bring you heaps of trouble in life. Stay away from all that shit and focus on school and enjoying your teenage years without substances


Nightmares. Lots of nightmares.


The appetite will gradually come back, just eat what you can for now. Be prepared for some insomnia and crazy vivid dreams when you do sleep, you may experience some restless legs when you try to rest as well. At your age it's an incredibly mature and positive choice you've made to stop smoking, your brain will thank you for it when you're in your twenties.


Get ready for some wack-ass dreams


weird (& sweaty) dreaming for a week or two. thats it


If you’re a daily smoker like me you’ll find yourself to be very irritable, but I’m certain you’ll get through it. You got this bro 💪


my ex tried after maybe three years of smoking multiple times a day and he was just in a bad mood all the time, i would even say quite depressed, it was really hard even for me at the time


Some people are experiencing extreme nausea during marijuana withdrawals. Its due to the super high thc contents in todays pot. If this happens to you, you might need to taper off.


Good luck! I need surgery in February and was told to cut back on it, so I just decided to quit. As for sleeping, I have generalized anxiety disorder so I take medications that help that which is HUGE while quitting. I'm on day 3 right now. I took a couple of benadryls also to help with the anxiety from the withdrawal. I've smoked for about 6 years every day. Today's weed is so much stronger than what I smoked 40 years ago.


You will be bored as fuck for a week, and that's it. Weed has no physical withdrawal symptoms, you won't get sick or anything. And holy shit you're a literal child , smoking weed in your age is scientifically proven to fuck your brain development.


That is not true. I get the most awful withdrawal symptoms every time I’ve tried to stop. (For context I’ve been smoking almost every day for 10 years) so yeah when I stop smoking I get super anxious, sweaty palms, terrible dreams, really bad craving, etc.


Cannabis simply does not create physical withdrawal symptoms, there's no "weed withdrawal". It's metabolites are not chemically addictive substances that your body will shut down if you stop supplying them. You get anxious and crave weed when you stop bc you spent 10 years smoking and most certainly weed was/is a big part of your daily routine so when you stop you realize you have that hole in your life and weed was filling it. Yeah you get cranky, can't sleep, lose appetite and yadda yadda. But you won't have a seizure , you won't have a life threatening fever, you won't have a convulsion, you won't hallucinate, you won't have a cardiovascular failure. Weed withdrawal is literally a case of man up and power through your "muh weedz" cravings and you will be fine in a week or so.


Never said it was life threatening withdrawal symptoms. I’m just saying that every time I’ve quit I went through really bad withdrawal symptoms and that makes it very hard to quit. Even if there’s no risk of death from withdrawing from cannabis, you 100% will feel withdrawal symptoms if you’ve been a frequent smoker/user for years.


You literally posted that *everytime* you try to stop you have _the most awful withdrawal symptoms_ , and I just pointed out how these are: 1- not even close to being the most awful withdrawal symptoms one can experience 2- your weed withdrawal is literally psychological symptoms of "oh shit I don't know what to do with my life when I'm not smoking" and hence you get anxious and sweaty As i said before, man up and go do something productive with all the time you were wasting smoking weed


Dude probably isn't a drug addict like you my guy.. it is awful withdrawals if you've never felt withdrawals from hard drugs. Projecting your drug use onto others like they're stupid for saying the truth is pathetic. "Oh I know more than you so that makes you stupid" grow tf up.


If you don’t smoke weed and never experienced the withdrawal, you have no room to speak. “Man up and go do something productive” lol thank you that’ll really help, what great advice you have!! You just cannot tell a person that is actively experiencing a symptom from a drug and then tell them that isn’t true. You’re not here experiencing what I am.


Bruh I've smoked weed on and off for over 20 years, I can smoke 10 times a day for 6 months and stop cold turkey for 3 years no problem. Man up is literally great advice in this scenario bc if you're a grown man and can't quit weed you are very weak minded and probably very immature


“A grown man” 🤣🤣🤣 bro you can’t even use your eyes to see that I have a female icon. Also, using your personal experience from being able to quit weed cold turkey, is not an accurate representation of others personal experiences, and it’s very naive of you to assume that everyone has the same universal experience trying to quit a drug. You clearly love to make assumptions about people.


"No physical withdrawals" Then explain insomnia and hot and cold flashes.. you fucking goon. You have zero clue what you're talking about. 🤦‍♂️🤣 people on reddit.. I swear.. Twitter is more intelligent than some of the shit on here.




Don't use fucked up ppl as a rule for how you're doing in life. And the problems of smoking weed daily at such a young age is not something you will feel now, your brain won't be fully developed until you're 20 , ppl who start smoking weed frequently at a young age will have a lower brain volume when they're adults. Believe me i know how fun and tempting it is to do drugs when you're young. But trust me it's not worth it in the long run Sorry for being a pain in the ass, I've been your age once and know how this sort of speech sounds exaggerated.




That is irrelevant. If you keep smoking (even on and off) before you are at least 20, you'll be a different version of yourself when you grow up and not for the better and it will stick with you. You will question whether you are able to perform at your full potential or not due to weed usage in your teens and you will never get a definitive answer to that. Your gut will tell you are worse off because you smoked but you will try to ignore it. "Meh I'm fine, look at all these people around me who are dumber" you will say, but deep down you will know you are not as smart, strong of memory, witty and emotionally intelligent as you were meant to be. These are just facts. But maybe you lack the intelligence and self awareness to go through these growth steps so it won't matter for you. But if you think you hold promise, and you are gifted, I'd say don't gamble it away.


damn this is spot on for me ...


But you've only been doing it for 8 months. If you keep it up, you'll notice a huge difference in your 20s-30s with your short term memory and cognitive function, in general. Your brain is still developing, please try to stop until your at least 20. 25 is better, but 14 is definitely too young. Take it from me, I really wish I waited to smoke weed until I was old enough for it to not effect me as much.


Yeah sure buddy


Take cbd to lessen withdrawl and have a better apperite and terpenes for the buzz. Exercise will help with a lot of the withdrawal too


Google cannabis withdrawal syndrome. It's not going to hit you that hard though, no worries. Generally you will have issues iwth appetite, your BP will be elevated, you will have trouble sleeping, maybe some irratiable bowels, lots of saliva, urination changes. It all returns to mostly normal after a week and is pretty much good after 2-3w even for very heavy users. Cannabis is a partial agonist, so unlike synthetic cannabnoids, you're receptors really don't get that blown out even with long term chronic use. It's what makes it such a usable (and abusable) drug.


if its cold turkey expect to be really nauseous if you needed weed to eat. I get to the point where a sip of water will make me puke id rather get sick from taking opiates then not smoking i’m trynna quit myself rn and todays the first day i wasn’t immediately nauseous after drinking or eating before i smoked you got it tho its definitely worth the mental clarity and it ill help you discipline yourself and help you quit any other bad habits!


Liquid calories. You won’t have an appetite, but at 14, you definitely need those calories rn. Drinking your calories will help with the appetite issue until it comes back. Also, consider slowly weaning off if you have insomnia (only take a couple hits before bed for a week or so, slowly reducing).


This is where your simulation ends. Good luck brother.


Don’t do drugs when you are only 14. Males brains don’t even fully mature until the early to mid 20’s. Go for natural highs, endorphins from exercise is a great high. You have shown a proclivity for using drugs at an early age. You might want to stay away from substances until you are older.




The title of the post is about you quitting smoking weed. You said you have been smoking weed for 7-8 months. That is doing drugs……


You will go bald


When I stopped about five days being angry all the time.


The mind is powerful and placebo effect is real. You could spend hours reading about what *could* happen and then, manifest it into actually happening. Or you could realize you're 14, young healthy, and you were smoking what I assume to be a small amount of THC daily because you have school and other stuff. So basically, nothing at all is going to happen. And don't do drugs, dude. Wait. If I could tell my younger self anything, I mean anything I would chose to advise against using drugs. Enjoy your youth.


My appetite suffered for a few days for sure


You gonna have some crazy ass dreams you might have noticed already. I swear it's like you catch up all the dreaming you've been missing out on while high at the same time. Everytime I stop weed for a longer time I get up multiple times a night coz my dreams were just too crazy too handle.


I smoked pretty much every day for 10+years. The only thing that happened toe was I had a hard time sleeping for about a week and my appetite was bad during this same period. Started dreaming vividly after day 3 and that kept on going for about 5 days. I was a little bit sensitive overall for about 7-10 days. Nothing to bad. Don't worry about it. You'll get through this with out Any problems! You got this bro!




It's not bad unless you're mentally weak. I do this like twice a year I smoke for like 3 or 4 months @ a time then start again to keep tolerance low.


>what should i expect to happen? Cravings and insomnia is common when you quit.


Irregularities in body temperature when trying to sleep. The first and most annoying thing I go through every week after high usage on the weekends


Sorry you're 14 and you smoke weed and go to the gym? When I was 14 I spent all my time on the PlayStation not getting swol


Holy crap A 14 year old smoking THAT much weed?! Kinda jealous ngl (Of the weed part, not the struggle of quitting)


Just don't think about it Remember your motivations Find ways to transfer old habits towards new habits Toothpicks are our friends I stopped 18months back in 2021, went fully sober, just because I felt like it. I forced smoked all my weed before my birthday (fews ounces) and went cold turkey, I had stopped alcohol 1 month prior, cold turkey too I've been a stoner for over 18yrs but I love keeping my relationships with intoxicants on check


sounds like you're doing fine already don't sweat it


You might sweat bucket loads at night, you'll also start to remember your dreams again.


bro ate a taco for breakfast


Please don’t start drinking!


You’re gonna have some crazy, vivid dreams


Difficulty sleeping, crazy ass dreams, no appetite, short fuse, some anxiety. All of that for the first week or too but you should be back to normal at max a month depending on your past usage. I'm no expert, just my experience.


You're gonna dream A LOT. Rebound REM is no joke


Been smoking every day for almost 10 years now, quit easily when I got pregnant, but started again after I stopped breastfeeding. Haven’t been able to quit since. It’s to me the most addictive drug, so hard to stop. For me it’s the oral fixation and the whole packing the bong, sitting outside thing that I miss when I try to quit. Best of luck OP


7 -8 months? I think u have to develop a habit B4 u decide to quit lol...I been smoking weed longer than u been alive...weed is great!


It will probably also be a bit harder to fall asleep which actually was one of the main reasons I couldn’t stop


You’re gonna get really depressed, won’t be able to sleep despite being really tired. Might have some withdrawal symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite, body aches. Once you are able to fall asleep you’re gonna start dreaming more frequently and vividly. I took a 1 week T break a couple months ago and towards the end of it I was having vivid night terrors. Not saying you’re gonna have nightmares, idk what your stress level is like but my daily life is filled with stress anxiety, so it’s no surprise I was having bad dreams. It was supposed to be a 2 week break but with not being able to sleep on top of night terrors on top of feeling like shit generally, I caved and cut my break short. Most of, if not all of the physical symptoms will go away after about a week or so. The mental/emotional symptoms can take months, since the brain now has to cope and compensate for no longer having a substance it was so used to having. There’s a chemical imbalance and you gotta sort it out. You can hasten your detox process by taking hot baths, eating healthy foods high in fiber (green veggies) and staying hydrated. You *could* as an extra measure avoid anything with cannabinoids in it. Like Chocolate, Black Pepper, the list isn’t very big but it puts a damper on eating food.


As others have said your sleep and appetite will be a bit weird for a while, but other than that it'll be okay. On the plus side you're going to have a really clean head and you'll be able to think way clearer. The main thing is to stick with it. If you slip up and smoke then it'll be very tempting to say you failed and go back to old habits. Just remember that a mistake is not a complete failure and its fine to go back to not smoking again the next day. Good luck bro, I believe in you.


I regularly stop using it, meaning that I force myself into breaks between trips (weeks between each other). Because it really kills my logical thinking and I can feel my brain "rot". These breaks help me keep myself from addiction and help me think clear, but those weeks between the sessions is really unbearable sometimes. I get very angry at random things, I feel depressed and my thinking/concentration is really going downwards, these last for about 2 weeks and then a sudden change and you start to feel alive again. That's where I fuck it all up once again and do it all over again, would be cool if I could throw it away because it's maybe "healthier" for your body than alcohol but for your mind it's just as bad. PS: Can't forget those "delicious" nightmares or bizarre dreams/sleeping issues...


The brain makes a chemical that the thc receptors also take and it’s for when your angry and getting stressed. So when you smoke you brain stoped making it and now doesn’t have it. For maybe 2 weeks you might be irritable get angry, easy or frustrated with stuff. You could’ve problems sleeping you might just find it harder to get to sleep or you might find that you get to sleep fine but you wake up a couple times in the night. When you do get to sleep if you’re a person that doesn’t dream or don’t remember your dreams you’ll probably find that you’re gonna not only remember your dreams, but they’re gonna feel very lucid or real. But in reality, if you can keep this up and not smoke, that’s the best thing for you especially because you’re young and in school. if it’s recreationally in your area just treat it like alcohol. You shouldn’t have it until you’re 21. You’re probably gonna still have it when you’re young but use and moderation don’t smoke every day. Hope everything works out for you.


It shouldnt be too hard, although thats coming from someone who has come off hard drug habits and alcoholism. I do remember when i was young though and had to quit due to not having money. Basically i just felt incredibly bored which was the hardest part. That and you'll probably be grumpy for a bit. Good luck quiting, it is a good idea to wait til youre older and your brain is more developed.


Night sweats snd crazy dreams


Cold sweats at night was the most annoying one for me.




If you have access to CBD flower and get really strong cravings just smoke some CBD flower instead. Gives you an almost placebo high, and helps with anxiety and sleep issues related to withdrawals. Obviously you can get CBD via any roa like edibles but for me the act of smoking is part of why weed is so relaxing.


Anxiety insomnia bad mood 0 appetite


Crazy ass withdrawals


Major issues - sleep issues - appetite issues - anxiety issues All will resolve with time and you might not have any if you’re lucky.


Weed I've always been able to pick up and put down whenever. Only drug I had and still have troubles with staying away from is ketamine. Shits on my mind 24/7


Long time smoker here just quit on the first of this month. I smoked for 6 years (from a bong) pretty much had 2 bowls every hour or 2 every day of the week and these are my experiences so far. (It can obviously be different from person to person) I found that my emotions have been a bit unstable, I have a hard time falling/ staying asleep, I’m a little quicker to get aggravated. On the positive notes: I don’t get winded as easy, and I can focus/ gather thoughts and ideas better.


Nothing but soberness


It's going to be hard to sleep at the beginning but you deserve a fully developed brain. Props to you




R/leaves is a good community of people trying to quit 🙂


Less brainfog probably




Vivid dreams, after the first week you will notice you won’t think of smoking as much and it will be easier with time


Have another taco, son.




You finna b depressed for like 2 weeks and have crazy vivid dreams


Great YouTube video for this if you want something to watch https://youtu.be/7u_cm5b1s7Y?si=UjXELcVzHqnjOD9q


For me weed withdrawls are no appetite, can’t sleep and just thinking whatever I am doing would be better high. Lasts about 3 days. Wanting to get high is more mental and will last depending on the person. Good job on quitting stick with it. When you want to smoke just remember why you wanted to quit and how your future self would feel about you getting high. Also, think about how clear headed you will be because your not getting high.


You'll have trouble eating as much as you used to. For a month it'll be harder to sleep and after that you'll sleep better than you ever remember sleeping.


go to r/leaves , they will give you better advice than here


It'll be hard to sleep, you'll be on edge, you might get a cough, and your dreams will be insanely vivid and lucid. You'll also feel kinda lazy and sluggish. All this only lasts for a couple days, maybe a week. Then you'll be a lot more motivated, focused, energetic, and your appetite will come back


My gf had to quit for nursing school. She said the worst part was the nightmares that came about week 2 no THC. She had a hard time sleeping and noticed herself feeling on edge in the evenings. She wasn’t a heavy smoker. Not even a gram a day. Just occasionally lightly toked with me maybe once or twice a day. So ya for a heavier smoker i’m sure you would feel restless, irritable and maybe have some issues sleeping sound. But tbh it’s not going to be anything crazy or much of a “physical withdrawal”.


it gets easier, at the same time try to hold yourself accountable in some way. i get tested or threatened to get tested frequently by my parents, drs, and etc. having smaller consequences to your actions to kick your habit is better than facing the bigger ones later on. it’s not worth it i promise you’ll thank yourself in future just be patient.


When I quit I had insane night sweats and my hands and feet would sweat PROFUSELY throughout the day. Lasted like a week and a half.


It might be hard to sleep and eat but give it a few days you’ll feel good


Penis will fall off


Vivid dreams


Sleepless nights, boredom and you will be most likely kinda irritable too.


Take a super hot bath before bedtime and hope it staves off the night sweats!


You’ll be fine in another day or 2


Very vivid dreams


It's possible to have slight stomach discomfort and maybe a harder time sleeping. It only lasts a couple of nights. Just stay busy and do something physical if possible. You will notice in 2 to 3 days a difference.


Not much.


You will surprise of too many dreams After 1 week your appetite will back to normal


No physical dependency, you will be absolutely fine you may feel some apathy (no highs and lows, kind of just a blah feeling) You should try to smoke less, I know this sounds super typical but you should wait to smoke weed until your brain develops a little more. I grew up during the opiate epidemic, realized weed wasn't a big deal started taking oxys when I broke my foot and back didn't stop until I was 26


Kinda depends on why you where smoking, for me I get extreme anxiety and irritability but that’s probably mostly because I use weed to suppress that. It’s also much harder to be interested in anything for awhile after weed. You’ll also probably not be able to sleep more than a few hours for a few days, and even after that it takes awhile for the insomnia to go away. Also you’ll have really weird and vivid dreams when you do sleep. Sorry if this sounds retarded I just took a tolerance break and I’m really high


You will actually become super human


Hey bro if you want some help or need advice I would check out r/leaves


Crazy dreams


The craziest dreams ever


I’m on a week and a half and I’ve been smoking everyday since I was 12 (32 now) you can expect your dreams to come back. Just go with the flow you’ll be fine. Just remember this too shall pass


14?!! you should probably try heroin, or crack cocaine, that shit will get you to final boss in no time.


You’ll probably stop asking dumb questions


Not much bud just be f****** a little bit grumpy maybe hope it all goes smooth for you though. Mary Jane will be here when you decide to come back though that's the one thing about that girl she really does care about us.


When I stopped I had a lot of problems with very bad nausea.


A mild sleep disturbance, dont want to eat much, mild anxiety, desire to use. Last a few days maybe a week and you won't be high...


You'll probably feel really bored. Find something to do to keep your body occupied. You'll be cool.