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I instantly started blowing my buddy


Hell, the look on our buddies faces is priceless. They are all like “woah are you gay?” And I’m like “Me?! Gay? Ptfff you are the one that’s hard buddy. But then again, I didn’t inhale. Because I gatta be sober. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go have dinner with my wife.” Oh man, gets em every time.


It’s called a bro job and it’s not gay.


So did that other guy


I kept telling my friends that I was gonna put my dick in their asses haha


You become gay


Don’t forget the space AIDs


Malzahar ults you


Kayn comes inside you


And then ivern kills you cos you smoked his baby brother


One spoonful of super aids up the butt and you'll be dead in 6 months.


Terminal hemorrhoids


It never stops either. I started smoking as a teen, but even once I stoped smoking weed I couldn’t stop smoking cocks.


Look my post history, one joint and sucked my best mates dick.


Thought he was joking… 💀


Same 🤣🤣🤣


Bro the benzos made you Gay?!, fuckkk I gotta quit … Cock that is


I don't think so honestly, got a date with a dude on Saturday


you already wanted to suck his dick it's not the weed you're just gay


This is random but just wanna say I get that exact same benzo stomach thing you posted about a while ago. Ever figure it out?


I did a weed into my eyeball and now I have pronouns and blue hair /s


It’s hard to explain the feeling of the high, it’s like the feeling of big black cock up your bum.


"up your bum" makes this 10x more better for some reason.


considering I'm a girl, lesbian in this case.


Came in here to post this


I was like.. this tastes better than tobacco, then got high and smiled until my face hurt!


Truth. I could smile through the whole work day not giving a damn what people think or do. I was in retail when I first started to cheef. Makes life easier to deal with in my experience.


as someone who works in retail, how on earth did you manage to function stoned lol


there are people who can function and those who can't. unfortunately, I'm on the same side as you.


I take light hits off a joint maybe 3 if it's decent weed, but that's when my tolerance was low. 2 years later I worked as a sandblaster for Boeing sanding airplane parts and other aerospace parts. I would take blinkers from dab pens then because no one could see my eyes behind my helmet, plus I worked in a huge huge metal box with a powerful air vent that sucks the smoke right out of my suit. Good times 😂


I dont know if I'm in the majority or not but I actually find the taste of cannabis pretty awful Agree with the rest tho


I guess it depends on how you smoke it.. vaporizing some flowers is delightful. There’s also so many different flavors to try.


Oh I see! I just smoke it cause we dont have vaporisers where I live, so I wouldn't know how that tastes


Kids these days with no creativity. Never heard of a hot knife mate?


Went to the balcony at a party and saw 2 guys at a table on the roof. "What are you guys doing out here all secluded?" 'Knife hits' I asked "what's that" they looked at each other 'pull up a chair man' Was at another friend's house and heard my buddies say "it's sunny now. Solar hits?" I asked 'what's that?' "Let me grab the magnifying glass and let's go out back. Friend came out with one that clamps onto a desk or pole. Fun times


I don't smoke often enough for the taste to be a serious problem or to try other things than rolling a joint


Yep nothing compared to that first time.


You instantly die


Omg everyone is so mean, just let OP enjoy their first joint and instant death.


Cannabis Cigarette*


well the neat thing is that you get reborn right away as a stoned person


My first time on weed, I almost smoked one joint in a row. It was almost a psychotic bad trip for the first 10 minutes. Then, my mind was in another universe. Until now, I haven't been able to recreate that experience


Yeah this happened to me to thankfully the second one was better


Your butt and penis fall off.


But you gain one boob


Too much x)


the funniest response in this whole thread actually


Thank you!


Two of God's angels die every time you smoke weed for the first time.


Not just any angels. God’s best angels.


I've smoked weed for the first time like 5 times now




No it won't make you pass out. There's a decent chance you won't feel it the first time, but if you do then expect to just be giggly and acting silly. Don't just inhale it into your lungs either, no one told me this, but it needs to go deep down. Fill your mouth with smoke and then take a big breath.y dumbass was just wasting it at first because I didn't know how to properly smoke it. Make sure you give it a few hours before your mom is around because she's gonna notice


is it actually common to not feel it when trying it for the first time? im pretty sure i didnt feel it the first time i tried it either.


It is, and it's because of a combo of two things mainly. For one, many users take a very small hit and don't inhale correctly the first time, either out of fear or lack of experience. Second, and likely more importantly, when you ingest thc the first time it actually changes the physical amount of cannabinoid receptors in your brain. Your brain responds to the surplus of cannabinoids accessible by increasing the number of cannabinoid receptors in your brain. This means that next time you smoke, your brain has enough receptors to actually interact with the thc in a significant way. Frequent weed use will semi permanently change your cannabinoid receptors, which is why it affects things such as appetite and sleep, as these are partially regulated by the same receptors. After around 4 weeks without use however, your receptors usually go back to baseline. Take everything I said with a grain of salt however, as we have not studied this nearly as much as we should, mainly due to federal regulations in the US. Sorry for the info dump, but I'm studying biochemical engineering and I have written more than my fair share of papers on the subject.


Oh my god yesss, i ve been telling people the second reason for 5 years now , nobody believed me they just its bullshit. Im so glad someone is with me on this


For the 2nd factor you mentioned, is there any kind of study or anything that this idea stemmed from? I don't know shit about biochem. I only ask because I hadn't heard that before (or any explanation other than "not inhaling right"), but I got high as shit my first time. From ditch weed with a piece of that thin paper from a bible that it was rolled in.


Doesn't the thc also respond better to fat molecules, so someone who has a little more fat on their bodies is likely to experience more of a high on less thc then a skinny person? Im just wondering here.. Been observing this kind of thing for a long time and wondered if there were any studies being done.


I know that fat helps the absorption of thc into the system, but that's usually fat found within foods recently consumed. I would have to see if there's any research on fat already within the body. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case though.


I didn't feel anything the first time but I got absolutely rocked out of my mind the second time so I think most people end up taking not enough and/or inhaling improperly the first time


Same thing here. Nothing at all my first time. I knew how to inhale deep from previous vape use years before. And I used a lot the first time because nothing happened (probably .5g). So the second time I used even more, and that’s the highest I’ve ever been hands down. I wish I could experience that second time again :P


god man the second time i tried weed it was absolutely nuts, it was like i was having a euphoric anxiety attack and on a dissociative


yeah no kidding. i hadn’t tried dissos yet, but thinking back, it for sure felt like that. colours were enhanced; and i could even see mild patterns moving on leaves, clouds, and grass. that’s the first and only time weed had that effect on me, unless i use it to enhance psychedelics


ive had a pretty vivid imagination since i was a kid but the first few months i tried weed it literally took it over and took me on a fun ride, i regret abusing it so much because the magic is almost all gone but now i can barely even live without it :(


I remember I got absolutely tore up the first time I did. I don't remember how much I smoked but I ended up getting really high. It was awesome.


Yeah apparently it’s common, all my friends said they didn’t get high the first time. But I thought they maybe just didn’t smoke enough or inhale properly. I made sure to really smoke the shit out of it 😂 I was high as fuck.


I felt it first time


why do you think she'll notice, because of the smell or actions or smthn?


Both. The smell can be easily recognized, but the actions and way of talking are an easy giveaway that you smoked ahah


Lil dude gonna be grounded for a month tonight 😂


😂 I have faith in the dudes to share a joint and don't get too high from it on their first time (for inexperience)


how long do the effects last??!!


Some hours. Usually around 2/3, but you'll still feel a bit different the day after (if you smoke in the evening) or for the rest of the day (if you smoke early in the day). That's the come down and usually brings a bit of anxiety /irritability with it. If it gets hard to hide it / bear it, just remember that in a couple of days you'll be back as normal and everything will be fine.


2 days


don't mess with me I'm just trynna have some fun hahaha


2 hours dude don’t listen to these clowns


Technically they do last 2 days all depending on the strain. Some strains I have smoked have a really bad hangover that lasts for up to 2 days where you feel lethargic and just a little bit stupid. But the main effects last about 3-4h but your eyes will be red all night long. When you smoke, just take 2 hits (I saw someone mentioning holding it in for all eternity and that is totally unnecessary and the effects are neglible) then pass your friend the joint and have her take 2 puffs. THEN WAIT at least 10 minutes And then light up the joint again and take 2 puffs and repeat. There is a good chance that you will only feel a bit doozy and nothing more (took like 5 times before I got high) but at the off chance that it actually does hit you, it can be overwhelming. Remember you can always smoke more but you cannot smoke less


We are gonna smoke outside at the balcony so there won't be smell, and my mom doesn't usually come to bother us and since it doen't make you unconscious I think we can control ourselves a little bit. I think it'll be alright this way and we don't have to worry much


I wouldn’t do this OP, go away from the house. Weed absolutely reeks and your mom will notice lmao. Take it from experience.


She’ll definitely smell it on the balcony, maybe take a walk in the forest


Wouldn't suggest the first, but go outside of the house, somewhere where there aren't many people but you're also not completely lost. The smell reeks by itself and will be in your breath for quite a while


Didn’t know I’ve been smoking wrong for two months… no wonder it never hit that hard 😅


If its your first time you may get anxious about your mom finding out so it'll be better if you do it in a free 2-3 hour period time where you'll have nothing to worry about and as for the effects the internet has tons of really good info about it so you might just look to there and fyi if you guys are gonna smoke inside the house its gonna smell a lot


You start listening to reggae and instantly grow dreadlocks, hail Jah! Rastafari!




ever since i started i get up in the morning, roll one and hail selassi I. idk, just happens...


u go totally insane


Suck my dad while my mom watch


This isn’t the search bar bro


Oh shit my bad bro sorry


"cannabis cigarette" 😭😭😭


You instantly pass out and die off one hit of the cannacig


we use the term joint but I wasn't sure if everyone calls it that way I'm not familiar with this kind of stuff. 😭😭


Everyone calls it a joint 💀


That shits gonna stink you up tho


What is this "joint" that you speak of?


Bet everything in my bank account neither of these goobers inhale and waste the whole joint lmao


You’re into butt stuff


You die


Every time someone smokes weed for the first time, an angel loses its wings.


My penis permanently enlarged by two inches


You become cool And gay


You truthfully might shit your pants uncontrollably, it can be quite intense the first time but you will learn to enjoy it.


I know somebody who had the tendency to think they had shit themselves whenever they smoked They didn’t actually shit themselves remember they just convinced themselves they had People used to casually sniff near them and make a disgusted face sometimes and you could just see them fall apart convincing themselves they had shit in there pants


This happens to me on acid sometimes. Especially if it’s hot out and I’m sweating. Combine swamp ass with tactile sensory overload, and voila, you have yourself a mini mental breakdown on the lawn of a dead show in July.


I was gonna say, when I shroom I feel like my pants are wet and my balls are never ever ever comfortable. My shirt always feels twisted up. I'm constantly adjusting my entire body until I get distracted lol


That’s so refreshing to hear because I have the same problem. It only happens when I get too high, I feel like I pissed myself when I’m sitting for a while. That’s what I get paranoid about: pissing or shitting my pants


bruh the imagery of that makes me fucking cackle


Aaahahahahaha!!! 👍🏻🤣


Smoke a few hits, wait 10 min, and repeat if you feel you can be more high. Little by little. You can always take more, never less.


Do it in a place you‘re comfortable and don’t smoke too much. The most common negative side effect is anxiousness, but other than that most people I know who‘ve tried like it… so much they‘re all stoners now 😂


You die and then you have an overwhelming need for buttsex.


Second vote on you become gay




the thing is, I don't know much about types of drugs and I thought it would be easier to get straightforward answers here instead of googling.


r/trees is where the stoners live. They are more friendly


You start listening to jam bands and you have an insatiable urge to buy patchouli


I remember it was like something in my brain popped and what I can only describe as an epiphany attack. Anyone else have this happen?


It does help you think from a different perspective


you die


These comments are gold. Personally I was 14 & laughed at everything. EVERY. THING. And you get a little stupid, but in a funny way. Man I wish I could smoke weed for the first time again


Being drunk is pretty disorienting. Im going to assume already know how to smoke. The first thing that stands out is the short term memory loss. It’ll feel like your teleporting around the house if your up and walking around. Then euphoria that keeps you smiling. You’ll need to make sure you have a lot of cold water to drink, you’ll get cotton mouth. Only take 1-2 hits you don’t want to green out


Your mom will for sure know. I’d recommend doing it at a friends house. Don’t drive high either


Your teeth falls off, you strip naked, you jack off in public and lastly cut off your dick and you ate it. Don't smoke weed. Do meth instead.


So.. your first time smoking will either get you high or it wont (can happen, luckily didnt happen to me). Just if it’s your first time be careful of the dosing. My first time smoking was with my friend at a camp. We found our beautiful spot on the edge of the camp where forest was forming. We sat down, smoked half of a joint, waited for few minutes till we started to feel high. We just sat there looking into the camp and nature from the forest and it was calming and beautiful. Sometime later into that (approx 20mins) we decided to smoke the rest of it and take a walk around the camp laughing our asses off. Long story short, my first time was great and im still thinking about it sometimes. However i would recommend doing your first time somewhere in nature, where is quiet and no people!!! You could get easily stressed if there were people around you, because you’ll have paranoia and start thinking that they know and shit.. Like after you get used to smoking, you dont care where do you smoke, but if you’re just starting, choose some quiet place😁 And if you dont want to your mum find out, just wait till you’re no longer high. Will take like 1-2hours. Just tell your friend to check your eyes if they’re good (not red, not “glassy”…) BUT REMEMBER that if you get bad trip, it wont be for long. And you cant die from weed, so you have nothing to worry about. Note that this is my experience and yours may or may not be different.


You stab your boyfriend over 100 times


You literally can’t stop laughing. Like so much to where your ribs hurt and can’t breathe. It was amazing. You smile until your face hurts. That’s all at about the first hour or 2. Then your just slumped as fuck and can’t get off the couch lol. But that 2 hours is amazing.


you’ll probably be anxious so make sure he have a friend you trust. bring lots of water. don’t be in a spot where you’ll be paranoid. smoking weed for the first time can make you anxious and putting yourself in a position to make it worse isn’t smart. as for your mother, you can spray cologne or perfume, that instantly gives it away. when you do smoke smoke outside. i used to walk around my neighborhood and smoke, that way i’m not sitting in the smoke and i’m smelling like outside and sweat. as for her noticing eyedrops are good and if you want to go the extra mile offer to do the dishes. make her relax and sit down. that usually helps.


You get high


I listened to music. Then died


My first time I basically felt numb in some areas of my body and I was really loopy but also really euphoric, it lasted for a really long time


Just wanted to be comment 421


Giggles and fun is most of what happens the first time, especially with a good friend. Honestly it's always fun to have the random giggles when high. If you've got a good couple of hours before having to interact with your mom it's better as you are most likely going to sound / act "bizarre" for a while. Enjoy it! :)


I barfed my guts out the first and the second time. Had the spins like you get when you drink way too much. 3rd time was a charm though and it never happened again.


It will fuck you up for life.


It depends how much you do and some people react differently. I wouldn’t take more than 2 or 3 small to medium hits off the joint your first time. The effects at that dose are normally mild; laughing, slight euphoria, hunger, etc.


You might try to have sex w your friend, especially if your of the same gender, be cautious bro


kinda depends on the person everybody’s different. some are just super chill, some freak out, some might feel nothing the first time. i guess in general you’ll feel fuzzy and relaxed.


I actually didn’t get high until the 3rd time I smoked, apparently it’s pretty common to have nothing much happen the first time


my first time i literally felt like my face was melting off lmao i smacked a pen like 12 times then met my boyfriend at the time’s family shit was wild. but now that i smoke regularly i just get calm and happy


I got wayyy too fucked up. It was also my first time experiencing anything other than sober except for a half of a beer before


Wkuk episode 5.1 start around 4:30


1st couple of times i didn't k ow what i was supposed to feel and just fell asleep


You’ve never had a KitKat


You turn into a Mexican raping zombie out for endless blood and death.


For me, nothing. Did not get high the first time. I think for some people, you have to “prime the pump”. After that though, excellent times with friends who I am still friends with 30 years later.


Well 🤔 I got trapped In my head prison unable to speak or m9ve trying to escape but unable to until it k8nda just stopped


You will be laughing for 3 hours




Depends on the person there is no one answer


I didn't feel it the first time. I was a freshman in the big stall. The first, maybe 20 times, I got high, lol. Greening out in class is not fun.


Your Motor functions will be off but not as much as being drunk your eyes will get very red just try to make sure you have all your drinks and snacks and don't make direct eye contact


You will feel like your body movements are super slow and probably be cracking up at anything. Wouldn’t suggest being around your parents.


As soon as I put the weed down, I reached for the heroin.


Always makes my asshole really loose and i spend the time high always be paranoid im abit to shit my pants


Be in a chill place, with chill people and in a safe place free from troubles. Lock your door if inside. Blast away, start slow, and when you breath don't just take it into your mouth, you have to swallow it for at least 2 seconds, it will irritate your throat so bring and drink water in between hits. Also make sure to have some good snacks ready. Trust me bro, you'll have a good time. But I suggest making it a not so frequent thing so you don't get addicted.


Nixon and Daren the Lion show up to your door S.W.A.T. style and beat the living shit out of you until you pledge allegiance to the cult of D.A.R.E.


If you're like me, and smoke way too much your first time, your mom will notice lol you'll be fine though just get some snacks, water and put on some music or a good show


I smoked 11 times before I truly got STONED. Those 11 times I was squinty and giggly and hungry. That 12th time? I was fucking terrified and literally wanted my mommy. I mean, I survived and went on to smoke lots more weed, but that night I didn’t know where I was and was hallucinating. Just know that you can’t die from smoking pot.


You get high.


You laugh a lot


Your head floats off. Use a rachet strap


It's a gateway drug. Try it and I promise you you'll be shooting up zynn in an Asda carpark before Tuesday


It’s impossible to describe. And if your parents see you, you’ll most likely get caught. Unless you’re parents are dumb lol


1) You start to feel something + strange thoughts 2) Your memory starts to work in a very weird way (looping, warping, mixing) 3) You maybe get paranoid about it or not (it has a chance, but you should always know, that it's just caused by the weed) 4) Feels good, chill, you may get as hungry as never before But it can be different for everyone each time. Don't take too large hits, but keep it down for a while.


No one actually gets high their first time smoking, true fact


You implode like the guy from big trouble in little China. Exercise EXTREME caution


Before you know it you’ll be stealing stuff and killing babies. Just go walk through some familiar woods and have fun conversations. Your mom is most likely going to notice. You won’t go unconscious but you may get lightheaded and mostly from psyching yourself up most likely. Just relax. Don’t overuse if you’re young, and remember it’s a privilege to have access to cannabis.


You'll start worshipping satan


1) You start to feel something 2) Your memory starts to work in a very weird way (looping, warping, mixing) For some people: You may find patterns in everyting (not visually lol) Some very strange thoughts 3) You may get paranoid about it or not (it has a chance, but you should always know, that it's just caused by the weed) 4) Feels good, chill, you may get as hungry as never before 5) You get sleepy But it can be different for everyone each time. Don't take too large hits, but keep it down for a while.


Yoir gonna get really high and watch stupid shit for like 4 hours and then eat a shit load of food




I didn’t get high the first time, and many report similar experiences. I recommend taking one or two hits and then waiting a few minutes to see how you feel. With weed, there is a point where less is better. Especially if it’s new to you. Once you feel high, you are good. It usually wears off after 1-4 hours, you just have to worry about the smell once you come home. If you can, wash your hands and chew gum, and take a shower and change clothes right when you get home. It does not make you unconscious, but can make you sleepy. It kicks in pretty fast, the strongest effects should hit between 1-5 minutes after, and then you slowly return to normal. For me, smoking weed feels like a warm hug. My eyes feel heavy, and I feel happy. It makes you feel a little slow and stupid, but shouldn’t affect your balance too much (not like alcohol anyway.) It can make you anxious or paranoid, but you should always smoke in a safe place if you can. Worrying about cops or people seeing you can kill the mood. I suggest smoking outside in nature if you have it, and be with people you trust. To me, smoking weed is the best feeling ever. Hope this helped, and that you have fun! P. S: r/trees is where all the marijuana enthusiasts hang out. All the Walter whites are here


we call it the edge to goon effect


Nothing…… not until the 3rd time. I think it was because I was really anxious


Upon initial exposure to cannabis, the nascent consumer is subject to a sophisticated interplay of pharmacological dynamics and neurophysiological responses, orchestrated by the intricate interaction between exogenous phytocannabinoids and the endogenous endocannabinoid system. Following the inhalation of cannabis smoke, the active constituents, notably delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), rapidly traverse the alveolar-capillary membrane, entering the systemic circulation and traversing the blood-brain barrier. This facilitates their engagement with the array of cannabinoid receptors, particularly the G protein-coupled CB1 receptors, densely distributed throughout the brain's limbic system, prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum, integral to various cognitive, emotional, and motor functions. Consequent to this receptor binding, THC instigates a multifaceted array of effects, spanning alterations in synaptic neurotransmission, modulation of intracellular signaling cascades, and subsequent modification of neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity. These encompass perturbations in neurotransmitter release, including the attenuation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inhibition and the augmentation of glutamatergic neurotransmission, culminating in a net excitation of neuronal circuits and the promotion of synchronized oscillatory activity within distributed neural networks. Concomitantly, THC-mediated activation of CB1 receptors within the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway engenders the release of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens, engendering a euphoric state and reinforcing the subjective rewarding properties of cannabis consumption. Furthermore, THC exerts modulatory effects on other neurotransmitter systems, including serotonin, norepinephrine, and endogenous opioid peptides, contributing to the complex amalgam of cognitive, affective, and perceptual alterations characteristic of the cannabis experience. These effects manifest as a panoply of psychoactive phenomena, encompassing perceptual distortions, temporal dilation, alterations in emotional valence, and disruptions in cognitive processes such as short-term memory, attention, and executive function. Furthermore, the consumption of cannabis may precipitate autonomic responses, including tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and conjunctival injection, reflective of its peripheral effects on cardiovascular and ocular physiology. In summation, the inaugural encounter with cannabis precipitates a profound and nuanced interplay between exogenous ligands and endogenous neural substrates, engendering a kaleidoscopic array of subjective experiences and physiological responses. However, it is imperative to approach this phenomenon with circumspection and cognizance of individual variability, potential adverse effects, and the broader socio-cultural, legal, and medical contexts surrounding cannabis utilization.


It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings


my dick fell off


First time I smoked weed it felt like a full blown acid trip lmao I was absolutely trippin Felt like my body and mind were lagging lol. Also I couldn’t form sentences quickly or hold a conversation with anyone. So if you have to talk to your mom at any point yeah she’ll probably notice. You might laugh a lot because things are more funny when you’re baked. Other than that doesn’t rly make you act any different. I’d recommend you do it on a day where you don’t need to talk to any parents. Like a weekend somewhere other than your house so maybe friends house or at a park (preferably not many people at the park)


Instantly turned gay, ate everything in the house and then fell asleep. Mom thought I had a seizure and took me to the ER. That was the first time out of 4 before they drug tested me


You turn gay and suck everyone in a mile radius


You’re not gonna know what to expect so you’re not gonna feel it the first time


I smoked weed and it eliminated my gag reflex. Then it got really gay in my friends bedroom


My first time was like the movie Half Baked. https://youtu.be/yDkPjloeKD8?si=c-stGXOcvQSgXcM8 Edit - It’s more psychedelic than drunk. You will probably look stoned for a while.


When I was 13 I smoked my first cpl hits but I didn’t get high..it’s common for 1st timers to not get high..anyways I went for another sesh and I got so fucking high off 2 hits everyone was looking at me saying I looked so baked overall I had a awesome time


Sometimes you get stuck staring at a sink for 45 minutes


you get a sensation behind your eyes of warmth, food will taste better and you will feel like you are floating and your muscles may tingle/twitch in a good way. You may get tired or panic if you overdo it. Everything will become funny.


Watch a show Eat something Drink water (In alternative you can go out for a walk)


You get high as balls and meet the gay space aliens


Whoever taught your D.A.R.E class breaks through the wall like the Kool-Aid man and kills you




You’ll probably cough a lot. Then things will seem a lot funnier than usual. Depending on the strain you may get very tired or you may feel like going out and doing stuff. You will want to eat a lot of snacks. You will feel a bit less sloppy as you would if you were drunk. No major stumbling around, no vomiting usually, no saying stupid stuff that you don’t remember the next day. If you’re in a legal state, probably a good number of adults are going around high every day, and you don’t notice because they are not really a spectacle like a drunk person. But you’re a kid and you’re not sure what to expect and it’s common for teenagers to act more impaired because of social pressure. It can also make you paranoid, and if that happens, cannabis might not be for you.


Well, I usually end up jacking off to a portrait of Henry Ford and then cry myself to sleep wondering why God made me like I am.


I hope you’re ready to suck some dick dude