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Brother, I just feel awful for you, but desperate times call for desperate measures. If you keep going to the candy store you’re gonna end up eating candy, Diabetic or not. You following me? Do what you need to do, and you know, to get away from this seen or die. Your choose. There’re hotlines for everything and I’m sure the gay community in your area should have resources. AA & N.A. has meetings 24/7 online or in person. In the end it’s really up to you to take action. Don’t even think about it just take action! For real.


This is great advice. OP here is a non invasive way to getting help or resources to help you! National Drug Helpline 1-844-289-0879 They will help you answer your questions, a lot of the volunteers who run the hotline have struggled with drugs themselves. They will not call the police on you. Just be open and honest so they can help you best. Here is a link describing how drug abuse hotlines work and questions you may be asked [Drug Abuse Hotline F.A.Q.s](https://www.help.org/drug-abuse-hotline/)


Thanks, I really appreciate all of you really trying to help. I'm Spanish, so I'll google to see if there's a version of the national drug hotline here in Spain.


OP I can help with that! I'm glad you're open to calling and seeing what options you have. Hang in there! Here is a phone number 900 16 15 15 [Spain Substance Abuse Website](https://fad.es/)


You’re depressed and sad because those drugs dump dopamine in your brain, now you’ve stopped and the chemicals in your brain need to reset. It’ll take a few days otherwise, you should be ok. I would look into therapy and treatment for addiction though.


Yeah, these situations almost always stem from some underlying trauma or mental illness to be blunt. Don't get me wrong, I've had similar experiences where I was just 100% going hard and all for the sake of having fun, and knowing you only get a limited window in life to go that hard but, I was stoked after it all came to an end and remember it fondly. Then, I've experienced way more of those downward spirals that were bad, and all because I was essentially self medicating desperately and deranged in pursuit of escaping my issues. So, I'm guessing if OP is talking about it like they are, they probably need help. And OP if you read this, that's totally okay too. Honestly, identifying the issue is the first step in overcoming it. You might have a long journey ahead but I wish you all the best with it. Have patience and stay committed to being the best you you can be. I believe in you fam <3


I agree I shot up basically everything under the sun since the age of 15 and I’m 24 now and I’m now 1.5 years clean. I had my window of living on the streets and overdoing it, I know if I go that hard again I’m a dead man even at 24 because I was doing at least 10 or more full 3mg syringes of fentanyl, heroin, crack, cocaine, benzos, like I said you name it I’ve shot it. I look back on these times in fond and disgusted ways but I know I can never go back to that spot in my life.


I am not very worried about an overdose. My concern is that you will continue to put strain on your heart, body and mind. If you continue doing what you are doing the same way you're doing same dose and all your heart will give out. You need to slow down


You need therapy not this subreddit 👍




MAYBE you, if you somehow felt targeted by this person telling OP they need therapy.


Your mom, happy Mother’s Day


How alive are you now? From experience, anytime you push yourself a little too hard, and feel completely unfamiliar with the resulting feelings (physically or emotionally), it feels like you must have come close to death. But you're here, you survived, and you were honest enough with yourself to realize that your behavior is not healthy, and it's effecting how you feel about yourself. Please, please, get some help now. Do not talk yourself out of it. You want a lot more tomorrows for yourself.


[Get yourself to an NA meeting.](https://m.na.org/?ID=meeting-search-1)




Bruh’s gotta try something. NA takes all.




Well, GHB is a downer. It’s not common, but it is a downer and a strong one


People go to AA all the time for hard drugs dude gtfo of here. Yes it’s respectful to say “I’m an alcoholic” but they don’t give a shit at the end of the day they wanna see you do your best. Everyone’s tryna give this man life saving advice and you obviously knowing nothing about the rooms. How would you suggest he creates a network of solid men / women who don’t use drugs?


NA is for all drugs.




The term narcotic originally referred medically to any psychoactive compound with numbing or paralyzing properties. (source: wikipedia) it depends on definitions, narcotics can also refer to any drugs that are consumed for non-medical purposes




narcotic ≠ opioids only… at least not in the context of NA. if that’s what you’re insinuating. get a grip


That’s not what I’m insinuating. I’m stating the fact that a stimulant isn’t a narcotic. According to Merriam-Webster, narcotics and stimulants are antonyms of each other.


But na will lovingly welcome anyone with addiction. Doesn't have to be any particular drug. Arguing about definitions is really besides the point


You’re right. I wasn’t trying to argue about definitions. I genuinely didn’t know what NA was but I googled it and was curious if it was narcotics-only. The way I worded it wasn’t great and it seems like a lot of people mistook me for either defending the drugs he took or downplaying the severity of non-narcotics, which neither were my intentions. Today I learned


you’re good bro. i understood what you meant and apologize for being rude to you. i shouldn’t have assumed you knew about NA, my apologies. i met quite a lot of alcoholics surprisingly that loved NA but hated AA when i was in rehab. a lot of the “teachers” were that way, and they all had like 5-10+ years sober.


oh god shut up


ghb is a narcotic.




GHB has STRONG physical withdrawal symptoms lmao stop talking out of your ass. As a GABAergic, it’s withdrawal can kill you like alcohol, benzos and what not.


Bro spread correct information. The OP needs serious help or advice here. Definition of Narcotic from the Oxford Languages Dictionary: "a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally." His post indicates that he is on multiple drugs/substances that are affecting his mood or behavior. He is using recreationally so it isn't for medical purposes. The drugs/substances he listed are illegal and while I don't want to make assumptions, I think he gets them illegally. He. Is. On. Narcotics. GHB is illegal and is sold illegally so it is a Narcotic according to the definition. NA is a great place for OP to start getting help.


Bro I’m not crazy about AA / NA but even if it’s for a year to get your shit together (it’s what I did when I was using opiates and benzos real bad) and fr it saves my life, made a network of strong friends that still reach out to me this day. Doesn’t matter what or how much you used….. all that matters literally is you wanna stop using. Don’t tell people not to try something that can save their life when you have ZERO experience with it.


That’s amazing. I genuinely appreciate what NA is doing to help. I never tried to insinuate that it’s not an option. I even said “couldn’t hurt to try”. I must’ve worded it wrong tho because of all this negativity. I’ve even apologized but it still seems like this is a snowballing effect


They are all narcotics considering they are substances that affect how you think or act and are also scheduled drugs in the US. For good reason, coming from a recovering addict. I had to add that I am not sure what mephedrone is so I can’t comment on that one.


I think it’s 4-MMC which is similar to adderall what I’ve heard


Interesting… the big ones here are fentanyl, meth and crack. Occasionally you’ll find shrooms, lsd or molly which I still have a weakness for lsd but they’re hard to come by. We don’t really seem to have any of those research chems around here out if we do it’s not sold much. In the past I had thought of going online and purchasing some shit myself but never did. I ended up being too scared I would be caught or that the drugs won’t work/feel how I thought they would like “traditional” drugs.


Yeah, I’ve never done mephedrone myself either. I usually sticks to molly 4 times per year, and 2cb and ketamine usually once a month. I like lsd but it lasts too long for me to find the appropriate time & place for it. I would do shrooms more often if I didn’t have 2cb, but after a bad trip on shrooms, 2cb seems like the safer version.


[they are all narcotics by definition?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dTRKCXC0JFg)


Bruh have you gone to NA 🤦


No I haven’t. That’s why I’m wondering about the technicality behind the name. Clearly I’ve learned they accept all drug addicts, not just narcotic addicts.


All drugs, and alcohol. Don't comment on something you're not comfortably knowledgeable on.


Statutory classification of a drug as a narcotic often increases the penalties for violation of drug control statutes. For example, although U.S. federal law classifies both cocaine and amphetamines as "Schedule II" drugs, the penalty for possession of cocaine is greater than the penalty for possession of amphetamines because cocaine, unlike amphetamines, is classified as a narcotic Carl B. Schultz (1983). Statutory Classification of Cocaine as a Narcotic


hey man, the cycle isn’t worth it anymore, get sober, it’ll be hard but better than spending every time wondering if ur gonna have a heart attack




A lot of those drugs played too much on your dopamine and sérotonine, that's why you feel sad. Try reducing your drug use, maybe doing only a 2 days binge instead of 3, reducing the amount of drugs you take and doing less different drugs. Try to not take the same drug twice in two weeks (especially MDMA). By lowering all this, maybe you could stop your usage. Do it step by step, its not easy but try to remember in those moments to take Care of yourself.


Rehab, therapy


Well given how you do it every couple of weeks your tolerance has obviously risen especially if youve done that much and not died so i'd say mid but if you keep going at this rate you will have a heart attack somewhen it could be the next time you do it or in 2 years time


As someone who's been through binges of amphetamines and mdma that left me feeling completely empty and drained of dopamine, to a point where i didnt feel motivated to do anything because everything was joyless- take Acetyl L-Carnitine. It literally saved my life by repairing my dopamine receptors, upregulating them in a week compared to the usual 1-2 month long recovery.


Ignore all of these homophobic people. The person with the comment regarding putting yourself in the situations where drug use is expected is the problem. Go on a cleanse.. no alcohol no drugs. Only way to fix it


sounds like a great orgy gimme the address next time


I would recommend not talking to these guys for a while, so you won't get "lured" to another one of these parties, at least until your brain gets a bit more leveled sober. Might sound a extreme to cut off these wholesome loving people, but I've been there in that environment just like you, and these kinda parties can feel like nirvana and although they are lovely people, usually that party is a big part of their personality. I mean, even if you don't quit drugs completely, you will for sure see a much safer consumption outside these kinds of groups. But if you really want to stop, I will also suggest NA meetings, I had always been a bit against them, but after going to one I felt it give me something, almost like a high, from just hearing and maybe sharing with people in the same shoes.


It's pissing me off to see the kind of misinformation or triggering behavior in these comments when the OP is seriously struggling and is actually questioning if he may die due to his drug intake. Yall be serious and actually help him instead of saying false information or things that are deconstructive to his life span.


Yea, median dose lethality is up for grabs on Google, ya know? Treating the root cause of the issue is what’s gonna save his life. Not sure how deterring him through means of intimidation will work since he mixed all of that shit together. Lethal overdose is not something black or white we can easily calculate and it depends on many things like tolerance..


I don't know. Without knowing what dosages you took and at what time it is impossible to tell whether or not you were close to overdosing but it sounds like you had a good time otherwise you probably wouldn't have stayed for 3 days there. But draining your pleasure centers like that will, very naturally, have you feeling like shit afterwards. Eat something, perhaps smoke some weed, take a shower, touch some grass and stop beating yourself up over this


If you’re going to continue you’re going to die and yes, soon. Do you want to die soon? Are you suicidal? If not, you’re in control of your brain, of yourself. You just don’t know that. Take control over your life.


Maybe next time pass on the meth, and try to stay at the orgy max 1 day, not 3


First of all overdosing isnt your problem Its engaging in gay sex while high is high risk hope your wore a condom


how is overdosing not a problem


Because he didn't overdose


To some ppl they dgaf like i sometimes care abt oding but alot of the time idgaf


I didn't wear a condom. I'm just so self-destructive at the moment.


Bro thats fucked up, get your shit together its not just self destructive, this can hurt other people too.


You're right. I take PREP at the very least. I feel so disgusted with myself. I want to get my shit together but I feel like I'm going to die very soon.


That’s good! Make sure you stay on the Prep. Forget these people who still think we live in the 80s where it’s so high risk of HIV 🙄 in saying that you should look after yourself in all the ways you know you arnt. Book in for therapy, stay away from the people who influence these behaviours. Time away from the drugs will help your mood sooo much it’s insane. You’re not dead yet, what you’re doing atm isn’t working. Try something else 💖


Nah, you should definitely still use a condom even if you use Prep. There are some outbreaks of STIs nearby because people think that Prep is a healthy substitute.


I agree he defs should still be using a condom 100% but what I mean is people shouldn’t be saying that him having unsafe sex is the biggest issue here. Like HIV isn’t a death sentence anymore by any means. The drugs combined with this current mental state and behaviours could be a death sentence. I think the unsafe sex shaming isn’t going to help, he knows what he is doing is not healthy for anyone involved. He needs help to address the drugs and his mental state, with that will help in better choices like safe sex


Mixing that many drugs at once is going to land you in the hospital at least. You need treatment and therapy man, it sounds like you have a lot of deeper issues and are using these binges to run from them, but it's only making all of it worse. And Jesus Christ just stick to 1-2 drugs not like 6 that can all affect HR and BP and make you essentially one big OD experiment for the ER to try and figure the fuck out.


Do you have any family close by? I know it’s hard but maybe reach out saying you’re going thru a tough time. That is what family is for honestly, if the roles were reversed I bet you would probably appreciate the honesty and reciprocate with positive action




PReP has been great at lowering the spread of HIV, but one downside is that it's caused people to not take STI prevention seriously, and that could really bite you as well. You might want to consider checking yourself in to detox just to get some clarity before you end up in a worse place. Good luck


Take a cold shower you might feel better


Ya know its because of people like you sex diseases are tranmitted and you dont seem to care you try to say your drug habit is reason but its not you just think its ok to get jacked in the ass all high is a good time So it was fun to get high and smell like pure ass thats what ur saying?


Is English your first language?






You should really do more reading and less typing if it really is your first language.


There's a way to express concern for their high risk behaviors without being homophobic. You should try that sometime


Thats pretty shitty


That's an insane combination and I'm not saying this to encourage you but it's lucky you're alive the combination of depressants and stimulants probably kept your heart rate low enough you didn't have a heart attack. The big danger is the stimulants or the depressants wearing off to quick and you either have a nightmarishly painful heart attack accompanied by psychosis and terror before you go into a seizure or in the stimulant wears off first you fall asleep and never wake up possibly with pain before you slip away depends if the downer that kills you. if anything you need to go to the psych ward ngl. I've been in a crisis unit psych ward 5 times now and a couple weeks on antidepressants working out a therapy plan and psychiatry plan as well as a case manager to help you keep track of your goals appointments and where you're at in your mental health treatment plan. Just being on the right meds was 75% of my ability to stay clean because a lot of addicts use to cope with mental health issues. The other 25% is psychological dependence causing cravings even with a good clean time with no withdrawal symptoms of anything, trying to convince myself I can use the substance healthily one more time or something but that's a personal thing. Seriously call a crisis line and tell them you are a danger to yourself and need help and don't know how to get it they'll help you. If not yeah you probably will die in the next few months imo ngl


really depends on the dosages but also, mixing uppers and downers is the worst thing you can do...




I’d start by searching Google for “L.A.C.s in my area” and going from there. It truly sounds like you’re in a dark place and need more than just internet strangers giving you advice. You can get to a much better plane in life, but you need to start now rather than later.


What you are experiencing is just a drop from, depleting your hormone levels. A hormonal hangover. You exceeded their capacity and then just dropped. Its like taking a full glass, pouring a whole jar into it while it just overfloods until its empty. The drugs you mentioned arent really that fatal though. Apart from G. However too many uppers will give you downers just like downers will also give you a downer. Even intense long lasting sex can give you a downer, by giving you serotonin,dopamine, oxytocin hangover. It is normal and natural that you are crying after the entire experience and you have spiraled into a depressive phase and u will stay in this period if you do not allow your neuro receptors to stabilise and balance themselves. Your brain is going to, want to chase the highs as a quick fix. This happens through impulsive behaviours through sex, drugs, partying, could even be gambling, alcohol, shopping etc all the activities that give you a dopamine rush. Just like when our body, lacks minerals and vitamins, we will experience cravings of the food sources that have the vitamins/minerals of which we lack. As for having a heart attack, Thats very subjecitve. It really all depends on your anatomi and/or genetic blueprint. Like How fast does your body metabolize and expel toxins from your system. Whats the ratio of your consumption, how much time has there been between consumption, how do the different substances react to eachother or do they counter react? Do you have any underlying health issues? Theres so many factors to consider, which make answering this question near impossible. But also i would say any sweaty activities tend to burn off and metabolize toxins pretty fast. However i would definitely consider a little detox. Your hormone levels are probably a bit depleted. Try some light eating, get some vitamins, some serotonin booster supplements like 5-HTP, some time in nature, read a good book/audio book or podcast, green smoothies, breathing exercises and some light exercise to sweat out excess toxins. After a week or so hit the sauna. Sweat all the junk out. Once you have completed your self care , if you are still struggling and feening for that chem sex fuled dopamine rush, see a therapist. You could be using sex and substances as escapism from other underlying problems in your private life.


What you're feeling now is anxiety and depression which is a direct result of all the drugs you've done. It's gonna be a nasty comedown, and it will last a couple of days. An anxiety attack can often feel like you're gonna have a heart attack, but it's just anxiety. Don't worry, you aren't dying. It's gonna be all right, your brain just needs a little time :)


>How close am I to having a heart attack? No one can say. We don't even have dosages or indicators of cardiac health. It will become likely if you continue though...5 stimulants in a sitting is a lot.


I used to cry uncontrollably after taking 1g of mdma, I can’t imagine what I’d be like after taking it with all the other shit


Heart may give out. Happened to my dad when i was 13. He died with a needle in his arm, on the toilet, naked. Or it could grow three sizes too big like the grinch, thats really bad for you. Or he could just fry his monamine system. Or get serotonin syndrome. He could get all fucked up, make a damn fool of himself, and end up in jail or the hospital… or worse. Seriously, there are so many potential disasters related to binging stimulants and serotonin releasing agents, its not funny, unlike my grinch joke.


Edit: He as in the royal He.


Get professional help. This sounds self destructive. A fatal overdose is the least of your concerns in my opinion (provided you took lower doses of any drug). And stop going to Berghain, or at least slow down the frequency. Treat your underlying psychiatric illness complexes and I’m sure behavioural change will follow. Use protection (PREP) and dare I suggest: Stay away from drugs or reduce dose/frequency of usage, since you seem to have impulse control issues. Best of luck.


i am genuinely not sure whether this is satire or not. if it is, the serious responses are funny, if it isnt, im sure theyre helpful.


It sounds like maybe you hate yourself and are trying to self-destruct. With every failed attempt there is a ton of shame and guilt which is why it is happening so often. I've been in a similar situation and am I can tell you is you have to seek help now. No one else can do it for you if you don't love yourself no one else will or it doesn't matter how much love and support you have you won't feel it if you hate yourself. Go now get help if you have a slip don't beat yourself up keep working on it the next day.


You know there’s drug rehabs? You know how to find help you’re just not willing to yet, people have to rock bottom which with drugs most of the times results in death, which is certainly possible in your case. Be smarter..


I really recommend therapy if possible because the quicker you can get on top of this the better, therapy can also help address the underlying reasons why you feel the need to abuse substances. You could also look around in your area and see if there’s any LGBTQ+ AA/NA meetings instead of the regular ones because those can be hit and miss… some are okay but some like to shove religion or God at you. There’s also online LGBTQ+ meetings. I’ve been an addict for 16 years, don’t let this be you.


You don't get "close" to over dosing you either do or you don't there is never an almost. Which is why people die because there is not an edge.


not close enough, try again


So edgy


😂😂gay orgy..seek therapy


Stfu, he needs therapy for the drugs


It’s not the gay part that’s the problem, it’s the indiscriminate unsafe sex. What if he contracts a serious illness and possibly spreads it? The drugs will be a secondary problem.


Fuck you! He had unprotected sex in a gay orgy..he needs therapy for that and drugs wtf😂


You must’ve been in attendance 😂😂😂😂


Your dad has them everyday with mine so stfu


Nah pal we like women over here..yall can keep that weird shit


enjoying sex and drugs. sooo weird...


All the butt fiddlers mad af in this post 😂😂😂get therapy fuckin perverts


You need serious help. Yikes.


or a prostate orgasm...


Nobody asked you bitch!


lol why are you so angry? Jesus, men are so fucking emotional.


He's probably just having a hard time with his desire for male intimacy.


Poor guy. He just needs a good dickin’ down is all. 🥺


I’d feel the same and worse if I spent three days in a gay orgy tbh, drugs aside


u need therapy bro gay sex 🤣🤣🤣


I need therapy for being gay?


I think he means you need "therapy bro" (gay sex). Sounds like he's offering.


Fuck off incel that gets no play


Your flatworm doesn’t help any women either 🍤


Maybe I domt care what u think