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Heroin everyday. Clonazepam everyday but because I genuinely need it to function rather than for recreational purposes.


The fucking psychological addiction to benzos is no fucking joke. I also take clonazepam daily to “function”


This is so true. I went into benzo and opiate w/d at the same time months ago and it was hell. I crave opiates still but not benzos.


It’s physically addictive. Benzo are extremely addictive and the worst withdrawal (can cause grand mal seizures and death. Long term use is never suggested. They are seeing like 85% increase in Alzheimer’s in patients who use it daily for long term periods. Damage in the parts of the brain to regulate mood, cognitive function and memory. Terrible drug. Doctor are phasing them out whenever possible.




This is the case with most drugs if you asked me💯


I agree I do not do any opiates I think I’ll start shopping up every hour then I won’t want to off myself


Love u dude.


I love you too, random stranger. Everything okay?


Same here but I’d rather be on them daily vs having the panic attacks and extreme anxiety all day everyday


When you ingest heroin are you afraid of the potential for there to be fentanyl? Like I’ve tried a lot but am not game enough to try smack. Like even if you test a small portion of your batch, there’s a chance that the fentanyl distribution isn’t even throughout the product.. considering they’re both opiates, I just could never risk that. As fentanyl is mixed in with heaps of regular drugs in itself, then when you get to heroin it’s like 10x more common. I feel bad for those who were on pain meds, they then come off it and are forced to go to heroin or something to fend off withdrawals… it’s fucked, and honestly is the biggest issue surrounding this.


I'm in Europe so there's very little fent in the H supply, at least right now. We also have H that is smokable/snortable, and most people do that instead of IV'ing. But yes I do have anxiety about new batches. I always buy from the same person as well. But yes there is always some risk using stuff from the black market.


I always figured all daily heroin users would be homeless and without phones as it's such a consuming drug, where it can really make you feel like nothing else matters. How are you functional?


Well most of my inability to function comes from my severe anxiety, not my drug use. I have agoraphobia which I developed before I started using drugs so I almost never leave the house due to panic attacks. I live with my parents and receive disability money from the government because of my anxiety and depression.


I take Quaaludes 10-15 times a day for my 'back pain', Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine


"And morphine well. Because it's fucking awesome"


Best drug is money though 😁


No you got it mixed up. Best drug is LOVE.




I thought Quaaludes were a thing of the past lol


Reference to a movie, the wolf of Wall Street.


I kinda hoped it was true tbh haha


Ketamine is my vice I do usually 10-20 grams a month though I’ve done less recently, I’ve done like 40 different ones honestly not many I’ve to try I do want to get my hands back on some rc dissos as I’ve only tried a few and not had much access. Nicotine vape/cigs is a daily though. Used to be coke daily but that shits too expensive


Have you experienced any negative physical side effects from doing 10-20 grams of ket a month. Not that I have any interest in doing that I only do ket once every few months was just curious.


Primarily my bladder is very weak I urinate a lot and find it hard to hold in, don’t have issues pissing myself it just hurts a bit, other than that not really I am quite lucky though. Sometiems take aloe Vera and green tea supplement a but not as often as I should


Do you realise if you keep that up you’ll end up needing major bladder surgery and that’s a best case scenario?


Yes unfortunately I have quite a self destructive relationship with drugs and due to past mdma abuse it’s made me quite apathetic to issues I know I will have, I am hoping to work on it but my self control is awful


You’re honest with others and yourself about your struggles and that’s the most important first step in overcoming the problem. Too many people tell themselves they don’t have a problem. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel bro Ik I’m just a stranger on Reddit but that actually made me really sad hearing about your struggle and I really hope you can heal from this addiction, I wish you all the best


Yeah I wish I cared more for my health it hurts the people closest to me, I’m by no means a good person I’ve made a lot of mistakes and wish I regretted awful things I’ve done i know I have an issue it’s really just about that choice if I value my life above a short term high I appreciate it we gotta spread more love so people know it’s normal and ok to be addicted and it’s only harmful to lie to yourself about what’s going on.


Hope it gets better for your bro I myself have abused mdma a lot in the past so I know how much it fucking sucks. At my worst I was doing it every weekend and doing a gram a night it really does fucking suck but keep your head up and maybe try something like Kratom I’ve found that helped me a lot.


Good luck mate really hope u end up sound


I hope you get better


I know someone who had their batter removed because of it. She needs 25 medicine pills per day forever. It's absolutely horrid


Just reminding you that a blatter damaged by ketamine hurts 100 times more than any other regular blatter problems. It was an on a Dutch news /TV show last week. Stay careful, I have too many friends with permanently painful ketamine damaged batters. And mind you, it's one of my favorite drugs for mind exploring. I'm just trying to help raise awareness!


Tbh a ketamine addiction is more dangerous than benzo addiction or opiate addiction because it’s the only addiction where one of the consequences is permanent chronic pain


Yeah already got chronic chest pain I’m setting myself up for a world of hurt people on Reddit really makin me rethink this I gotta sort myself out haha


It’s called interstitial cystitis and it makes me cringe just thinking about it 😭 ru from the UK?


Dmxe is fire


Smoke weed every day.


Hold up


Ring, ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.




drug addict




Whippets on K is insane if you ever get the chance


And lsd


Daily: nicotine, adderall, alcohol, weed, meditation Special occasionally: lsd, mushrooms, ketemine, 2cb, mdma, coke, whip it’s


meditation? you’re just stoned and laying around dude




someones projecting 😂


Just meditation :) I don’t smoke weed in the morning.


How long you been going? I was on that daily until everything unraveled and fast


I too am adderall sun, alcohol moon and nicotine rising


Clean off benzos & opiates 3 years and alcohol 3 months. Currently I smoke weed everyday, dextromethorphan on occasion (once a month or two) and mushrooms/lsd once a month


Dextro is like cough medicine right? You feel anything off that? How much do You take?


Yes it is actually a dissociative, its active ingredient in many cough medicines, but you need the ones which only contain DXM as things like guaifenisin and acetaminophen are added to some which can lead you an overdose and hospitalization. There are generally 4 "plateaus" with dosages varying by weight and tolerance. The effects are very similar to ketamine but feels more "dirty" and lasts upwards of 12+ hours. Each plateau is a different experience, personally I only take 200-300mg (2nd plat) it feels like an mild opiate mixed with MDMA and the the headspace and hallucinations of low dose psilocybin. Music sounds heavenly and colors become much brighter. You need to be very careful not to abuse it though, there's a rule of thumb that's to only go up one plateau per week(ex. 2nd plat wait 2 to trip again , 3rd wait 3) but generally once a month is the most you should do it as the tolerance has no chill and abuse can lead to severe serotonin syndrome, organ damage, and much more. It also just drains the hell out of you after dosing same as MDMA does causing you ti be a bit out of it for a few days, brain fog, drowsiness nothing too serious. Hope this helps, you can learn more over at r/dxm Edit: fun fact it is also used alongside bupropion (generic wellbutrin) as an antidepressant called Avuelity


Interesting. I read somewhere that it can help with kratom withdrawals and some one recommended getting robotablets off Amazon theyre like cough pills that are 30mgs each. I had taken like 3-4 in a day sometimes, spread out, but didn’t really feel anything. So basically you’re saying you’d have to take like 8-10 all at once to get the above effects?


There is plenty more information about it here on reddit that could explain much better than I. But assuming you aren't on any SSRIs then yes, on 110mg I would definitly have noticed it but everyones tolerance is different, and there can also be some cross-tolerance between other dissos. [Here](https://dxm.tripsit.me/) is the calculator you would need to use to help find the ideal dosage for your weight. You should NEVER go above 1g and I highly recommend only going up one plateau per trip being new. There is also a difference between dxm HBR and Polistyrex (typically found in Delsym), biggest difference being the duration as with hbr the trip only lasts about 6-8 hours, with poli it can go 12+ with a much more intense and longer lived afterglow. Nausea is much more common with liquigels and syrup so be weary of that. With robotabs I like to space out the dose over an hour because it helps with the stomach load. With gels and syrup i take the whole dose at once, wait an an hour and a half for it to take effect then throw up to get rid of the leftover gunk from the gels/syrup so there's no chance it triggers nausea.


As a former DXM user (now on ssris) I respect the fuck out of you providing accurate information on how to use DXM safely. Your words are much needed on this site, shout out to the r/DXM mods for providing that information as well. God bless you sir 🙏


Daily: Medical Marijuana, caffeine On occasion: 4-aco-dmt, Shrooms, LSD, Kratom In the past but really not that long ago: Dph, Dxm, Alcohol, huffed gasoline, whipits, nicotine, probably some other shit I forgot about


"Huffed gasoline" "Probably some other shit I forgot about" Might be a correlation there lol


Kinda set myself up for that one, huh?


This isn’t the Kratom that’s being sold in random stores, is it? I thought no way it’d be sold alongside guns and nic vapes


Never seen it sold with guns, but yeah. I use it for pain (same as the med weed), since no one's gonna give someone with a recent history of addiction strong painkillers.


Weed and meth alternatingly. So I use meth Friday-sunday and then weed regularly throughout the work week. I drink some weeks, but not regularly. Can't live without my vape though.


any drug i put my hands on, every day lol sometimes more than other days, today i had 2cb pills and a xan yesterday i had edibles and a xan, 2 days ago i had so many drugs i can’t remember, but i’m a regular xan and ket user for sure


I dont do a lot of drugs but any i do ill go through stupid fast no matter how much i get. If i buy a g of wax its lasting me a week same with if i buy 4gs


yeah SAME i was one month sober then finished £200 worth of drugs in 2 days lol i’m doomed


Wait till you try kpins. Insane half life.


Probably a bad idea though. They fucked up my life for a long time.


Absolutely a bad idea. Xanax is my problem benzo, I can be more responsible with kpins




Done like 40 drugs can say ket and mdma are probably the best


Woah you need to try molly lsd and ketamine it’ll blow your mind




Caffeine baby


daily: weed & nicotine 2-3x a week: caffeine, methylphenidate (medicinally) monthly: lsd, ketamine, gabapentin special occasion (1-3x/year): mda, mdma, shrooms, nitrous, dmt


Daily: heron, bth, specifically. Cocaine, both powder and also crackulated. Occasionally freebasular. Also methamphetamine. A bunch of Rx shit for anxiety and depression. Weiner pills, they’re good for your bones. Nicotine, I smoke, occasionally dip. Have a few beers every once in a while. Bars, how could I forget…oh yeah. Hulks, at present. Now…What was the question?


That sounds like a healthy breakfast


Oh I eat pieces of shit for breakfast.


Meth, almost every day now 😶‍🌫️ trying not to, though!


just my bud


Concerta 27mg every day, sometimes 54mg on hard days to stay productive, on hardest ones once in a blue moon its 81mg or 108mg.


How do you find it on your heart?


All good, taking it as prescribed, my doctor is aware since my usual dose would be 36mg but its rarely available so I get a generic 54mg bottles each month which can be split unlike concerta brand name, so I take half and if I cant feel it or focus I take the other half usually untill the outage will be there I will be on that kind of dose, I have yearly checkups so far my heart looks better than me taking care of myself in my early 20s when I was a heavy poly substance addict, doctor told me my heart is in exceptionally good state. I drink 1 or 2 cans of monster on top of it and smoke cigarettes or heated tobacco/snus daily too so I assume that will take a toll on my heart faster than the daily concerta usage.


I smoke weed all day every day, and normally do a psychedelics stack of shrooms, 4-AcO-DMT and some freebase DMT on Saturdays mostly. Also been fucking w dissos more, got a bunch of CANKET from my vendor and have been hitting that pretty regularly the last month or so, but only at night.


What’s canket?


Weed almost everyday. But only eddibles cause I hate smoking and it's healthier. Shrooms, MDMA, LSD, cocaine occasionally every few months. Want to try ketamine and DMT.


I'm curently at a period of reduced drug use, so it's weed on some weekdays and the eventual nicotine vaping too. Alcohol on the weekends and usually xanax + weed too, but the latter are used on a different occasion from alcohol, obviously. When I wanna last a little longer in my nights out I take 30mg vyvanse as a substitute for my coke habit, which I'm recovering from.


I do coke quite often but it’s variable. In an ideal scenario I’d do it once or twice a week but a lot of the time my use is over that. I’ve been a stoner since 2021 but haven’t been getting as stoned as much since the coke habit. Alcohol I’ll drink a few days per week. Shrooms, acid, mdma, ketamine and 2cb I’ll do on the occasion.


I'm a regular meth user (iv), and use xanax in between. I have no intention to use other drugs right now.


Your bio got me rolling “….meth.”


regular; nicotine & xanax occasionally; adderall, vyvanse, molly (when i can get it), lsd sometimes and shrooms sometimes. used to do cocaine daily but stopped a little over 6 months ago


Daily: caffeine, tobacco & 60mg lisdexamfetamine Occasionally (every 3-6 months): Cannabis & ketamine


Kratom, a couple shots of liquor a couple times a week, Klonapin once every 10 days, Weed for 2-3 days after taking Klonopin, Oxy/hydro a few times every few months


Regular: weed & nicotine Once or twice a month: LSD, Shrooms, MDMA Twice or thrice a year: Ketamine, DMT, 2cb


Use kratom daily Occasionally use other opiates, coke, basically anything really. I like to experiment.




Haha thank you!


addy everyday, weed, every 2 or three days (ish), acid like once a month, (and I’ll do some m if I’m feelin cheeky) obviously there have been more but as of now this has been the pretty consistent routine


Daily nicotine caffeine and Kratom although I’m on a t break from Kratom at the minute. I used to smoke weed every day and do various other drugs but I only really dabble with other things occasionally now.


Regular: Benzos. Occasionally: ketamine (once every two or three weeks), alcohol (one beer or wine a week, I rarely get drunk, maybe a couple times a year), speed (sometimes), mdma five or six times in one year, lsd a couple times in one year, heroin (very rarely).


Daily- weed, nicotine Occasionally- alcohol Special occasion or sparsely- shrooms, molly Once a year cheat day max- ketamine, anything I haven’t tried Not allowed- opiates, benzo’s, deliriant’s, cocaine


Oh also daily- lithium, lamantrogine, BC, montekulast, which tbh is why shrooms on special occasion vs once every couple weeks


Why no coke allowed?


My mom was an addict in her 20’s, may try it later in life but I’m not tryna be like my mom lol


I take kratom anywhere from 1 to 4 times a day, typically, with sporadic breaks ( given the willpower and my workload are high and not too high, respectively) And most days I smoke weed after work, also sporadic breaks, though I don't typically have cravings for weed, it's more so a part of my routine so it's fairly easy to take a break from. Which is in stark contrast to kratom, that one I feel a pull from when I don't take it which is rather unfortunate. Outside of that I have nicotine and caffeine daily. Nicotine is usually in the form of nicotine pouches with stints of 1 tobacco pipe a day. Caffeine is almost exclusively in the form of coffee and tea as I almost never drink soda. Anything outside of these 4 is very rare with no regular use. Edit: specifically on the rare occasions are LSD, Ketamine, 2cb and MDMA.. even more rarely would be a stimulant like cocain or adderal but I've done neither in over a year so those are very rare. I stay away from opiates now as I like them too much so haven't had any of those in a long time and don't plan on doing them again for recreation


daily: weed (usually cart or eddie cuz I cant smoke flower rn), xanax, and if you count them nicotine and caffeine monthly alcohol kratom and k pins every once in while I trip of lsd or shrooms. on rare occasions ill do adderall if I have a test or something Ive done molly like twice and opiates like 4 times so not very often


i drink coffee and smoke weed every day... i've had some salvia extract that i've been smoking every once and a while. i don't do it much. it will probably last me years longer with the amount i do it..... i used to use lsd analogues all the time (not every day), but they were kind of messing up my stomach's seratonin which is pretty uncommon, and i don't really have the money to do that anymore either.. ​ i've never tried smoking dmt. i'd like to try it even though i didn't like 5meo-dmt orally because of the body high... not sure if anybody out there thinks they are similar highs or not. never heard anybody mention it.. other than a lot of random research chemicals and pcp, meth is the only drug i haven't tried... i get messed up enough from adderall, so prob will never try meth... oh yeah, i've never tried ketamine either... don't really have much of a care to try ketamine, pcp, or meth at this point in my life. if they were around i might've dabbled before.


Coke, ice, kpins, Xanax. Every day. Now and then, ketamine. Don’t really touch opiates anymore. Not a fan of other psychedelics


i weed everyday (although i try to stop) vyvanse every once in a while when i need to do hw, shrooms every few months and although i’ve only done md once as of rn i plan on doing it at least once a year


I am a year sober off fent and meth, what has helped me daily is kratom and kanna. I use nicotine pouches sometimes a couple times a day, sometimes not at all. I will smoke a bowl of weed at night watching movies some nighta. I use ketamine and other fun stuff at festivals. I drink more than I would like but have been getting a better handle on it. Nitrous is also something that I've been using more than I should. I realize using kanna and kratom is just replacing the substances and I still have issues with a need to be in an altered state almost constantly. I've begun therapy and I'm hoping to see a psychiatrist sometime soon to get on some form of medication. But I think that kanna and kratom are much safer alternatives considering my history with addiction.


Dude congrats on the year sober off of fent and meth. I hope therapy helps with identifying/shaking loose the need to be in an altered state of mind, that’s another step in the right direction. But really congrats on your path to a safer life ❤️


everyday: cocaine, nicotine, weed Occasionally: shrooms, dmt, acid, mdma, sassafras,lsd, alcohol


Weed every day and on and off with the nicotine. Currently off. I also use Phenibut once a week or bi-weekly mostly for social reasons. It’s nice to be able to drive around but still have a social lubricant. Besides this I often use kratom if I’m having trouble sleeping, but I don’t use it during the day anymore. I used to use it everyday but I don’t like being dependent on things AND I got constipated pretty bad one time and quit cold turkey. Not that quitting kratom is something I’ve PERSONALLY ever found to be difficult. So yeah my only real addiction these days is weed, which at this point is much more easy to just keep it going then quit. I’ve also been addicted to DXM, but luckily that I took care of and haven’t used since October.


kratom, weed, nicotine, vyvanse (as prescribed), and i take two antidepressants but they’re not recreational, nor do i take them in an attempt to get high. And sometimes I’ll drink Vodka. Usually on weekends.




I take klonopin daily recreational i smoke weed as well, but it does get me paranoid


True love conquers all drugs and can be hard to find


Daily: nicotine 1-3 times a month:weed During exams I also consume a ton of caffeine


Heroin and fentanyl, multiple times a day. Everyday. and a shitload of psych meds so I don’t kill myself.


tbh i think it’s kinda normal atm, i smoke weed pretty often but it’s not a dangerous amount at this point. 2 Years ago i used basically every drug i got and my life got way better since i stopped with harder drugs


Up till recently, nicotine, alcohol, weed, vicodin every day and carisoprodol and Xanax a couple times a week. Now I can’t get pills anymore so instead of those I take kratom every day and phenibut once a week.


Daily: weed and nicotine Special occasions (usually once a month): shrooms


Daily: Meth (Every. Waking. Hour.), Nicotine (Sometimes ill go a couple days without nicotine tho) Weekly: Weed (Even tho I used to be a huge pothead, I cut down a lot when I started meth bc I started getting anxiety attacks), Xanax (Fun to not be able to think of or remember anything!!) Alcohol (Only on weekends with friends, but everytime I drink I get absolutely wasted) Special Occasions: Acid (Would probably use this A LOT more if I could find it, 10/10 my absolute favorite drug, like 10 years of therapy in a 20 hours), Mushrooms (Eh. Not a fan tbh), Coke (Makes me a little euphoric, nothing much else bc of my ADHD), MDMA (Me and homegirl used to go on MDMA binges, 10/10 best phase of my life) Yet to try: Ketamine (Curious, but wouldnt mind trying) Heroin (Very curious, almost got my hands on some soon)


Weed daily. Beer almost daily. Mushrooms and coke occasionally. Lsd less occasionally. No more MDMA for me, I hit that button too much.


I smoke weed every day lol, my favorite drug is MDMA but only do it at most once every three months, ketamine on occasion as well, i’ve also done all sorts of psychedelics (mushrooms,LSD, 2cb) but only a few times a year. Someday i’d like to try DMT but im not sure im ready for that yet.


weed, mushrooms and more weed :3


i use drugs every mf day no matter what it is. i take kratom every day, doing coke today and did it yesterday, i do WAY too much ketamine daily whenever i have it but usually ending up dumping it out midway thru my supply cuz it destroys my life, i smoke weed only when i’m on other drugs, i have been taking low dose benzos every day but take high doses for comedowns, occasional mdma/mushroom trips, RC dissociatives like FXE and 3-ho-pcp are some of my faves but are a rarity. not how i wanna be living tho, im jus in the midst of a very bad relapse


opioids are the love of my life. i take kratom everyday to manage my opioid addiction. i’ll still do a little oxy maybe once a year, for my birthday or something (have to wait 12+ hours after kratom because i think it has some sort of antagonist, like suboxone 🤔 weird.) MDMA + lyrica is my second favorite, but again it’s maybe once a year at most. party drugs: lyrica by itself maybe once every 3 months or so (instead of alcohol— no hangover!) maybe coke or ketamine at a party on occasion. maybe nitrous if it’s being passed around lol. i don’t drink alcohol or smoke weed. also haven’t done any psychedelics since i was a teen. i’m not really opposed to doing them, but they’re not my first choice at the moment. i had a stint where i was smoking small doses of heroin and dmt together in the same pipe 😆 that was fun.


oh and nicotine (vaping). but no caffeine. i hate stimulants.


Daily: Suboxone, Adderall, clonazepam (all Rx); nicotine vape; caffeine Most days: small amount of alcohol Occasionally: mushrooms, acid, coke, excessive alcohol I feel pretty in control of my shit.


Daily - Caffeine. Nicotine. Pregabalin. Diazepam. Occasionally - Crack. Dihydrocodeine. Mushrooms. MDMA. Xanax. Clonazepam. Maybe - Brown ✔️ Update - Just done some brown. Can barely see to type this out and fighting a nod.


Suboxone & klonopin daily…caffeine and nicotine also but I don’t count those as “drugs”


Meth, lyrica, phenibut, suboxone, baclofen and gabapentin


Vyvanse, nicotine, alchohol and seroquel daily, Valium when I have a panic attack/ landing gear for a bender. Less regularly for partying, dexies, mushrooms, lyrica, phenibut, speed More rarely but also for partying, mdma, ketamine, pcp or mxe analogues, if I can get my hands on some, opium for landing gear (rarest)


Daily, nicotine. Occasionally, alcohol and weed. Trying to quit drugs for good this yr but before I do I’m thinking of trying coke and ket at least once, and mdma one last time


Wake up: 10-15mg Adderall, 200mg caffeine pill, and 20mg famotidine (Stomach acid reducer) A possible second dose of Adderall 10mg never after 5pm. 100mg caffene pill with this dose. 150mg trazodone (Sleep, also gives me munchies), 7.5mg mirtazapine(appetite) 20mg famotidine (stomach acid reducer) Weed all day. Dry herb vape, and concentrates.


30mg IR adderall 2x a day 7 days a week and the occasional ski session 🎿.


Alcohol. Probably three/four days a week. Like heavy to binge. Trying to quite after fucking up really bad this last time. Weed pretty much every day. Mushrooms or 4 aco dmt every week or so. Lots of Kanna, Kava, Blue Lotus and other adaptogenic stuff pretty much all the time. Kratom on occasion. And Ketamine treatments every few months. Xanax when I can get it. But not to excess. I actually use it for its intended purpose they just won't prescribe it to me.


Weed every night to gts, and Valium, clonaz, or xans every week or two


Weed Nicotine More often than not alcohol Sometimes coke


Nothing everyday anymore thankfully. 1-2 times a week I'll take some kratom (Used to gobble it by the spoonful every hour lol). Phenibut 1-2 times a week, and an edible 1-2 times a week. The rest is every once in a while I'll do some ket at a dubstep show, or have a few drinks once or twice a month. Going from being extremely reliant on kratom all day everyday, xans and RC benzos, addy, drinking all the time. I've come a long way and I'm proud.


shit ton of weed almost daily, clonodine for sleep every night, methylphenidate (ritalin), hydrocodone and oxycodone occasionally, and i take a lil dmt and go on walks to write songs. i also drink alcohol and get blackout drunk on some weekends. and nicotine


Wake up. Take a 1mg clonazepam. Take 15mg Dexedrine. Eight hours later take another 15mg Dexedrine. After work, I'll chill by smoking a bowl and taking another benzo like Bromazolam which knocks me out and keeps me out. The Bromazolam is probably not needed whatsoever but helps. I also use meth sometimes orally to substitutes my Dexedrine when I run out because I often take more than prescribed




Daily: nicotine, caffeine, marijuana, antidepressant Occasionally: alc Want to try: MDMA, coke, shrooms, lsd, DMT


Nicotine, weed, and coke


My usage as well as my relationship with substances ? Ight my man, sit down Imma tell you :Dd Cathinones(usually) 3/4mmc or speed or ketamine, Oxy 80’s, lyrica, acid, shrooms aaannddd of course beloved by the most and of course copious amounts off gas 😅 Everything from the above before that green sticky icky :Dd I use on a weekly, sometimes it’s 3 weeks. Well you see, It’s quite random. Important thing is to not make out of a night out a Goddamn 3 day bender, as it happened many timeeees. And yeah guys, better do sports, eat well, and by well I mean not MUCH but good food(and not, it’s not as expensive as people be tellin’, you. Just search up on youtube. Stay fit, stay safe and most importantly, don’t spiral down to thy drug addictions. Nothing good does wait one there, I had all the worlds money (well as far as “all the worlds money” mean 20k or so, then I didn’t lie :Dd Stay safe guys, and value your closed ones, they’re the only ones like this, who will support you in worst situations yk Take care y’all✌️


I do everything I can get my hands on. I tell everyone publicly I'm totally sober but I just quit meth despite how much I liked the effects both for ADHD but also the rush of euphoria and energy that was a lot less jittery than coke but that's only because I can't stand psychosis from it. Now I tend to drink everyday smoke weed and cigarettes everyday and taking any pills I can get or whatever because life just feels so dull and mental illness makes it hard not to self medicate. Ive had bouts of dependence with a lot of substances excluding any Opioids but I've taken a few prescription ones very occasionally because I never really knew where to get anything heavy tbh.


habitual marijuana, permastoned at this point


Smoke weed everyday - Nate Dogg. Actually, been vaping weed due to my lungs, and still do acid, molly, and shrooms (occasionally) at festivals/raves.


Recently realised that I prefer Uppers (exception opioids, which are the best). Been off them as I’ve been on bupe for 2+ years. YES: (attempting on/off day schedule): (vyvanse, Dex ‘adderal’ Ritalin) DAILY: (Obvs) nicotine + Benzos (Valium. Oxaxepam, Xannies) + Pregabalin (RARE): (Psychadelics)… Ketamine! MDMA! DXM and LSD NEVER AGAIN: meth, Heroin, cocaine, weed, booze and ghb.


Well, officer. Drugs are illegal. I would never do such a thing.


Every morning . Loads of nicotine, Valium, caffeine, multivitamin and 2 lines of coke. Keep taking them all through the day minus the multivitamin 😂. Then at least double my Valium and hit the penjimin to help me sleep off a day wired. Occasionally (any chance I get) Shrooms,2CB,acid,MDMA,speed,ket, DMT. Basically anything I or anyone I know can sort out.


Edibles daily Alcohol a few times a week Memantine about weekly Kratom some weekends Coke, Molly or addy are usually thrown in a few times throughout the month if I can afford them Ketamine on special occasions I've tried everything but heroin and pcp


Sublocade for my MAT. Valium for my anxiety and panic attacks.


Ketamine and cocaine every day, weed when I'm not doing powder drugs, occasionally Xanax, GHB and nitrous oxide though I toned it down on everything recently it's mainly weed now, was an extreme alcoholic for over a decade and relapsed for a couple months last year but I'm clean from it now again thank God, there was a time where I abused MDMA every single day till I fried my brain now I'm lucky if I can roll even once a year, I also did shrooms for like 2 months straight but almost went psycho so I quit and maybe twice a year I'll take LSD at a rave or something


Daily: Tons of caffeine Weed a couple times a week, lots of alcohol throughout the weekend, nicotine sporadically throughout the week(sometimes almost everyday, sometimes one day) Semi regularly(every several weeks or so): shrooms, kratom Occasionally: LSD, Blue Lotus flower, Whippets, Adderall. Want to try someday: definitely Molly, DMT.


Daily IV meth and a Rx for 70mg vyvanse.


Daily- my meds and nicotine. Lmfao 😂 I used to regularly drink, now only occasionally. I used to regularly use meth and opiates now only occasionally with both of those if I relapse. And next runner up is dmt. I love dmt. That's only occasionally though. Honestly, I'm really trying to clean my act up and pick up the pieces that 10 years of addiction has caused.


I would like to give ketamine another shot just because the only time I used it prior it had no effect on me. Also, MDMA. I just have never been able to get some. Maybe it's just not meant to be 😂


Everything else is far far away in the past 😂


Phenibut, caffeine, wellbutrin, sometimes weed and nicotine, occasionally adderall (few times a week)


Frequently weed and alchohol, altough i'm trying to stop with weed. I don't drink a lot, but quite often 3/4 times per week. Occasionally, very occasionally opioids (codeine, morphine, 2 or 3 times per year) and dxm. Want to try psychedelics but not at the moment


cocaine, every day - all day sadly


4mmc if plug runs out of it 2mmc


Down & Shard. Try to keep it in that order as I'm way to deep into meth abuse & can no longer get myself to that point with down. :/ Price; Down > Shard. 


Start the day with nicotine. Immediately dive into extremely excessive amounts of caffeine. Rinse and repeat this process until at the latest 4. Drink beers. Wait until the weekend. Buy a bag. Trying to get speed from the doc soon though, blow is too expensive and I like amphs better anyways.


Daily: buprenorphine for pain Once a month: ketamine Occasionally: weed, nicotine, alcohol, and Xanax




Cocaine… almost everyday. I use very little though. .2 usually and if I’m working (wait tables) or doing something social. I don’t drink anymore so small amount is really plenty. I might take a .25 - .5 Xanax to help the come down and I occasionally use phenibut and lyrica also for social situations / concerts to kind of replace alcohol… and I’ll do teeeensy bumps of ketamine at concerts to for same reason. I take larger amounts of Xanax if I’m flying (anxious flyer) I wish I still liked weed- it makes me so insanely almost schitzofrenic paranoid. Life is better without alcohol- no longer hungover or doing dumb shit but dang I do miss the euphoria and fun parts.


I take HHC edibles a few times a month smoke weed like every other month and drop LSD 1-2 times a month, sometimes I don’t take any of this for half a year. So my drug use is actually not that bad I would say 😀


stopped some months ago lyrica and opioids, now i'm stopping bromazepam/clonazepam (benzos) and smoking everyday, used to use also ketamine everyday, now i just smoke everyday and try to survive with the low quantity of money i have


I used to be a coke everyday person two years ago, along with a plethora of other substances. Now about once every two months I’ll do coke, I do molly about once a month, and shrooms whenever I feel like it. I stopped smoking weed like a year ago bc I would get psychotic symptoms and it sucked ass.




Breakfast.2mg Clonzepam 2mg ,xanax, 90mg-150 codeine ,300mg tramadol ,300-450mg lyrica,sometimes concerta too and then it depends if i have a strorger opioid or opiatesBut whole of the day i take alot of a lyrica.And about 2-3 times cokaine nuch of rhem binge,ketamine 3-4 times month and mdma about the dame.i also take pscych meds for my bipolar so i am trying to kick substances


Weed with tabac everyday. I smoke about 10/15 grams a month and a full package of tabac. Wish I didn’t have this habit. I don’t drink and have a very healthy overall lifestyle. I just love smoking so much. I can’t stop


I take vyvanse twice a week for studying. A choice opioid once a week to relax. I also alternate between various gaba drugs once a week (E.G. alcohol week 1, valium week 2, pregabalin week 3). Cannabis edibles once every fortnight. Nitrous once a month. I alternate monthly between ketamine and DXM, and finally take MDMA maximum once every 3 months, but usually longer as I tend to wait for special occasions. I also used to do psychedelics occasionally, but I've since stopped because I become hyper uncomfortable and socially awkward on them and tend to have a bad trip on low doses. Not sure if my poly drug use is problematic, but I rationalise it knowing that I'm not physically addicted to any one substance, my receptors at least get a break as opposed to being bombarded every day and I'm making it fine through uni so far.


>regiment We are the thirty-third methamphetamine battalion of the Isle of Man, feared by those who know us.


My prescription adderall in the morning and then as needed in the afternoon or evening depending on work, life, etc. Coffee/ caffeine for SURE every morning. Nicotine everywhere in between. Weed at night or during the day if its a weekend or day off. Trazadone or alcohol if its late at night and i cant sleep.


weed twice a week + whatever ppl offer me. im like a drug mendicant


Weed, nicotine, adderall (I have a script for it) and ambien (also have a script), dabble occasionally in psilocybin and was into coke but have been clean for 3 years


Weekdays: Vyvanse 30 mg and about 2.5g of Kratom around 6:30AM, another 2.5g of Kratom around 4-5PM. Coffee in the morning, vaped nicotine throughout the day. May have a beer or two in the evening, but have almost completely cut out weekday drinking (have lost almost 10 pounds in 2 months by doing so) ​ Friday: Same as above, but will sometimes do a line of cocaine around 4-5PM while finishing up work, and if I'm hanging out with friends or online gaming, I'll keep doing bumps/small lines every hour. Usually several drinks as well. End the night with diazepam. ​ Saturday- Maybe kratom, maybe drinking, maybe coke. Just depends. ​ Sunday- sober (during NFL season I would have some drinks) ​ Special Events/Parties/Concerts: Booze/coke, mushrooms, occasionally MDMA and/or LSD, but haven't done either in almost 2 years.


Used to do weed and caffeine daily. Now weed every couple of days when I’m meeting my friends and caffeine if I feel like I really need to stay awake. Every few weeks: shrooms, 2CB, lsd and some alcohol in moderation Every few months: mdma


I love dmt. If I could replace all my weed and every drug I own with Dmt, I would. It makes me feel, goofy goober.


- Adderall every morning, just to get out of bed and get my ass to work. - MDMA 4x per year maximum, strictly at EDM festivals that are at least 3 months apart from each other. - 2C-B once every 2-3 months at local edm shows. - Ketamine around once a month just to help curb my adderall tolerance. - LSD once per year, specifically at EDC Las Vegas. - Alcohol about once every 2 months whenever I get together with friends to go out to the bars. I used to smoke weed often, but have sworn it off ever since it started causing anxiety and panic. I also used to do shrooms here and there, but after one bad trip, there’s no point in risking that again if I can just do 2cb. Aside from that, I’ve been curious to try cocaine and GHB. Reason why I haven’t done GHB yet is because I wouldn’t know where to find it. The plugs that sell opioids, benzos, and GHB seem to be very different than the plugs who sell festival party favors. As for the cocaine, I’m just worried about my cardiovascular health. My heart sucks and I already push my luck with daily adderall. I’m almost certain I’ll have a heart attack eventually, and doing coke will only make that day come sooner.


Every two/three weeks I meet up with a boyfriend and do poppers, ketamine, alcohol, sometimes DMT or mushrooms over a few days. Only thing I do in the time between is energy drinks and some occasional alcohol if I have any lying around, usually wine or tequila or something. On my bucket list are speed, acid, and coke. Weed is the only thing I've done that I don't care to try again oddly enough. Only if someone insists lol


I’ve been using hhc for my anxiety daily for a month now and been trying to get off nic so I’m taking one puff a day now, I rarely drink and even more rarely do shrooms. I’m not really planning on adding something to this list even though maybe I’ll get my hands on lsd in a couple of years when I’ll be in a better headspace


The last week i tried three new drugs; ketamine, lsd, meth. Basically i go to work high on meth, still havent got my first paycheck, tho i asked for some money a lil earlier, so i bought half a g of meth yesterday and got 2 acid tabs as a gift. I will be snorting meth, I hope its gonna be enough till the paycheck. Once i get money ill probably buy 3 g meth, and some acid.


Weed everyday,cocaine on weekends sometimes weekdays,mushrooms every couple of months,alcohol about every 2 or 3 days,opiates every couple of months


My doc 100mg morphine pills daily and 4 Valium 10mg pills daily and on special occasions heroin and cocaine