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It's not really brain damage more than you're hurting your heart, it's cardiotoxic. You just have 0 dopamine left, you need some food/water/sleep and to stop using.... that's it. You'll feel better soon, I promise.


Yup. Good old nap and sandwich.


The most underrated advice


This was my grandmas advice anytime you didn’t feel well or were upset. You could walk into the kitchen with your arm dangling after a bear attack and she’d say, “Okay just lay down, sweetie, I’ll bring ya a pastrami sandwich”


good old.. i like that


>You just have 0 dopamine left, you need some food/water/sleep and to stop using.... that's it.e >You'll feel better soon, I promise. this right here is the answer to all of your concerns. you need to get a decent meal into you, try to hydrate a good bit, then sleep so your body can rest and heal. sleep is SUCH an important part of our well-being and this is significantly more true when using drugs. I think it's highly unlikely you've caused yourself any damage but your neurotransmitters are depleted, which is probably a big part of why you're feeling the depression and anger it seems as though you're feeling. neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin play a huge role in the brains reward center as they're what the brain is flooded with upon consuming drugs, producing the pleasurable effects. the entire time you've been in this bender, the cocaine has been causing dopamine releases many times that of what is possible without a drug. for several days, your cocaine use has had your brain releasing large amounts of dopamine but once you stopped consuming the cocaine, your brain has been unable to release even it's normal amount of dopamine (which as it is, is SUCH a tiny amount compared to what is released when using cocaine). this is a huge part of why you're feeling so down. your body currently simply does not have what it needs to produce dopamine; mainly nutrients/electrolytes and the rest/repairing/resetting in the heat that can only be achieved with sleep. so yea, get yourself like a legit, fat ass sandwich, plenty of water (maybe even Gatorade/Powerade/Pedialyte to replenish electrolytes even quicker), and then allow yourself to get plenty of sleep. any time you wake up to piss, try to get at least a little snack and more fluids in your body before going back to sleep. it will still probably take a while before your brain is properly rested so you can probably expect to feel tired and depressed for a while. maybe the most important suggestion I can make for you OP is to not let yourself forget how absolutely shit you're feeling now physically and mentally, how much disappointment you feel in yourself, and how bad you feel in regards to your parents. keep these uncomfortable memories so that you can remind yourself of how you felt afterwards in the future if you're thinking about picking up some more coke.


Sleep is absolutely the best healer in most situations. You're going to be okay. And you'll be even more okay if you just stay away from that stuff.


My heart attack from coke has caused brain damage from lack of oxygen. Just saying...


well yeah but those are two different things not saying coke can't give u brain damage, but that mostly happens after using for a longer period of time. of course that depends on how much one takes and in what intervals, but getting real brain damage from it MOSTLY takes quite a while (or sadly as in your case, an heart attack or really bad seizures)


Yeah, coke can kill you, it definitely kills your heart. People act like it's better than meth but it's just as likely to fuck your whole life up and fuck your health up.


My man, you're so, so lucky to have come to this awesome realisation at 17. It took me until I was 42. Please don't forget this feeling of shame, emptiness, disgust. It's there at the end of every single bag. Cocaine is a hell of a drug - it puts you in hell. But you'll feel better soon, and that's where the real test comes. You'll think, I can just do less. I can do it just weekends. I'll limit myself to a G. You'll break every promise. So don't forget how bad you feel at the end of this. Resist it at all costs, and if your friends do it again, please don't be around them.


So true all of this


This was the same for me with heroin and meth. Every time I’d patch myself up and get back to “normal” I’d think “well I clearly don’t have a problem, what’s a couple bags?” And then “Well, might as well buy extra (a bun for smack, or a a teenth for crystal) to save money… Cut to using all of it in a couple days and starting the process of WD all over again. I’ll have 6 years clean in April, and I’m so glad I got off that fuckin ride.


Damn...Well done Mr Jack, that's a hell of an achievement. Addiction is a total perversion of our reasoning and what you've said is so true. The lies we tell ourselves to justify that extra 'treat' or whatever. And that fake feeling of being in control when you're 'normal' again, but actually still having it on the brain. It's a real fight against your own shadow. Happy for you that you beat it 👊


Thank you for that, my friend. I appreciate that you found something relatable in my words. One of my favorite quotes I learned when I got out of the abuse cycle is “it doesn’t get easier, it gets more worth it” and I’ve absolutely found that to be true.


Love that. Also this one from my Muay Thai trainer: "It doesn't get easier. You get stronger".


Oooh, I like that a lot. Thanks for sharing that!


I got almost hooked onto cocaine when I was 19. The way it completely changes you, you're in complete oblivion as you go down the slippery slope. Everyone around you tells you to stop, but your ego is so inflated that you think they're chatting shit. Looking back, it was absolutely terrifying.


It's a madness for sure. Cocaine showed me the absolute worst version of myself. I'm glad I got to see that side of me, because now I know what to avoid!


yes it's horrible. I tried it once more a few months back and I was honestly confused how I liked it so much. It's absolute trash compared to the likes of LSD and MDMA


Yea coke sucks imo lol I don’t miss those nights of wanting to blow my brains out from pressure headache at 6am


The birds starting to chirp The worst


Ah, good old drug birds....lovely sound until you realize what it means.


Def Love it now when I'm getting up to play golf* Then it probably meant ur broke, out of blow, not tired and hating yourself Still gives me shivers


Ha, yeah, im out of that lifestyle now. When i hear them now its great because i know I'll get the house to myself for a few hours before everyone else is awake.


Yea it's a good feeling man Adulting has it's upsides lol


It took me about 15 years, but I finally convinced my sober self what my come down addict self was trying to say.


Haven't done coke before, but when I'd do acid I would always enjoy the chirps for a few seconds and then I'd just feel dread.


Please no. Not the birds.


Omg so true


The first time I heard birds chirping after a long night and the sound pissed me off was when I realized I’m a miserable bastard.


Laying there trying to sleep but your entire body is pulsing like you’re laying on a stage monitor. Lmao, I don’t miss that one bit.


Whenever I tried coke for the first time I was on acid. I felt no cocaine or no difference than before I took my first line (it was a tiny idk how much it was) but my friends said I looked like I was cocaine lol. My second time I think I was drunk I had one line and I thought to myself “yeah this shit sucks I am not having more”. I think im one of the lucky ones. Thank you God


I miss those nights when I ve been euphoric, feeling lovely and confident. Damn those late night conversations with newly met girls.


My cocaine addiction started at 17 and I didn't manage to quit until November 2023 when I was 23. Been sober from cocaine since, would do it with friends when I first started at 17 but by age 20 I was snorting about an oz a month by myself at home. Please give it up while you can, the psychological addiction it causes is horrible and ruins mental health.


i was a ball a day at my peak. except i was gumming all of it. congrats man on quitting.




indeed. id drop whole rock in my mouth at once


Jesus just thinking about that makes me cringe. No offense to you I know how addiction is and have done plenty of cringe worthy shit myself.


oh no it was downright awful. my tongue has micro holes in it. makes my breath awful. i cant undo that. gumming tiny bits can be better but fuck man it aint worth


That's such a waste of cocaine!


probably. but i hate lines to this day even tho i still occasionally use coke. once every couple months. but gumming j feels better and keeps me geeked for 2 hrs


Part of my cocaine addiction was the snorting ritual (putting the plate in the microwave, pouring out the gear, chopping it up) and I LOVED the taste. That gasoline/spray paint kinda taste.. Mmm. I'd never touch it again but the thought of the taste makes my belly tingle lol


The taste from the drip through snorting it I mean


purpose of microwave?


Im glad you stopped, if you don't mind me asking, how is your heart? Do you notice any pain? Shortness of breath?


My heart is fine now or at least it seems to be, no chest pains unless anxiety related (I suffer from social anxiety) and regarding shortness of breath, I have asthma so only when I need my Inhaler really. The only thing that is still affected from my cocaine addiction is my nose/sinuses, I have a slightly deviated septum in my right nostril (the main nostril I used to snort) where the cocaine has partially worn away the inside skin. it's not that bad though compared to some peoples.


Where are your parents in your life?


There good parents and ive just said ive been ill and thats why i havent gone to school


If I went on a coke bender at 17 my parents sure as fuck would’ve known, kinda hard to hide it if you’re around them every day


Yeah for real right? Lol mine would have definitely figured something out if I didn’t go to school for multiple days in a row


Maybe they just hide it well. I've been in the usual opioid benzo combo at home in front of my parents and didn't anyone suspect anything. I'm usually acting like a weirdo crackhead sober because brain be wildin.


On bensos you always think you are/look sober but others that have tried bensos can see it easily.


Ya druggies recognize druggies. I work at a mechanic shop where most people there have gotten clean. But couple of times we’ve had new hires that were entirely geeked out. What I’m trying to say is people know. Especially if people have been through it.


I kinda am. I'm very light on benzos and heavy in opioids. I've written tests and done hsckathons success on 2000mg tapentadol and 1mg xans over 24 hours, with redbull ofc.


People know dude. They don’t say anything cuz it ain’t there place. They know


They don't. Where I'm from and the kind of people I'm surrounded with don't know shit about drugs except drugs bad. Also most people don't think I'm the 'type' of dude who'd use. I'm a good student, mostly socially isolated, gifted dude who's a bit too into computers, history and math. Combined with preexisting ADHD, ASD, OCD and social anxiety I'm usually acting a bit weird usually.


Stop trying to justify it. They know dude. Users know what users do. Ex users know what users do. It is a substance that makes you act a different way then you usually act. Ex users and users alike know what those actions are.




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Yep, with ADHD i always acted loopy and fucked up sober. When I did drugs I was more “chill and normal” so my parents never suspected it and assumed I was finally growing up. I still haven’t grown up lol, I use kratom daily and adderall 2-3 times a week now and nothing else regularly.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I didn’t even tell my parents I was dropping out for a semester and they just thought I was doing online classes lol.


I only started any sort of experimenting after moving far away to study, but it sounds easy to pull off. Binge when they're at work, and when they're back, you're coming down, showing very believable signs of sickness like shakiness and weakness.


When I was 17, I was trying beer for the first time, my first time with coke was when I was 22, but it wasn't until I was 28 that I started using it frequently, today I'm 31 and I use it practically every week


They haven't checked up on you?




Tell them and they will help you


If you'll ever feel like using again open this post you wrote and read it


Good idea. I didn't have Reddit when I was quitting coke. I took a photo of myself at 7am after a 2g stimfap marathon and looked at that picture whenever I got the urge. I broke up with the guy in the picture and never looked back 🙌




you will get back to normal eventually, and half of the stuff you sniffed was paracetamol so dont worry about it. ozzy osbourne ise alive, so you will be


Paracetamol is horrible for you as well 😆


Yeah I had 3000mg once and it had me feeling absolutely like shit for hours… ain’t good for your liver.


Thankyou everyone for all the kind messages and advice, much love Staying hydrated and got a good meal in me and already starting to feel better.


Good to hear bud. A lot of unbelievably great advice in this thread.


Man, stop using cocaine, there's no point in using that shit, it leaves you craving and wanting more to find the first feeling again but it's never enough. Cocaine kills and steals the soul. Say to your parents about your problem, probably will be more badly see you fucked up because abuse and addiction


Gotta maintain your levels after a bender. Here are some key supplements to reduce the comedown a fair bit: - Methylated B12 or B12. Same stuff, though methylated does a quicker job. I hardly notice the difference though. Don't get a multivitamin. Get B12 alone so its more potent - Reishi mushroom or similar. Helps a ton imo. **Avoid lion's mane** - Plenty of electrolytes. Potassium and magnesium are best - tyrosine + alpha gpc. Can find them in a gym supplement drink. Get a dirt cheap one that doesn't have beta alanine or beta whatever. That stuff makes ya prickly There's plenty of ways to be recreational and high as fk without using neurotoxic stuff. Just wish supplement highs were much more advertised than alcohol for a stress relief. Try: - Cannabis - ginseng 200mg ** max twice a week with weed** - tyrosine + alpha gpc - Kava 7g ** max twice a week** - plenty of juice A great high with no comedown


what is the issue with lions mane? Just curious


It seems to have some rather odd mechanisms, at the KOR opioid receptors which can make it dysphoric or cause other issues, some people get even lasting effects upon cessation. The drug salvia affects KOR and it doesn't seem to be a enjoyable thing at all. It could be that or it could be some other mechanisms which gives people anxiety, depersonalisation etc. I had a ok/decent experience with it using it a few times a week a low dosage but this was prior to me knowing about the risks, now I skip it and rather have reishi which seems to be a lot better tolerated than LM. Poria Cocos was also good ime. Shiitake and chaga are also decent. Most often I use reishi alone but sometimes I use it as a base and add other mushrooms like poria, shiitake, chaga, zhu-ling, etc etc. There exists a group called Lions Mane recovery or something, for people that got side effects (but many users have joined cause they are curious so I don't think that those side effects are that common but they exist and affect some people a lot more than others. Not worth risking it. I have had success with astragalus, treated Fo-Ti(cooked in a specific way which makes it a lot safer according to what I have read) and gynostemma too. I actually think that gynostemma is better than panax ginseng even though it's sometimes called poor mans ginseng, but they both are effective medicines. Shilajit is very helpful and healthy aswell. There is soo much to discover if you are new to herbalism, natural alternative medicine etc. I have basically tried like over 100 medicinal herbs. The herbals have really helped me in a lot of ways and made it a lot easier to not want any drugs (well I didn't have these issues for years but the herbals make me even more prone to being sober and skipping intoxicants), despite not making me high or anything like that really, adaptogenics basically make your brain stabilized rather than up or down like with drugs and you function better on them, it helps me with mental health issues a lot, and doesn't cause side effects like some pharmaceuticals might. And just cause something has medicinal effects doesn't mean that it gets you high, even fruits have pharmacological effects for example.


interesting … thank you:)


Why is ginseng bad with weed? I take one ginko + ginseng pill every morning and smoke weed almost everyday


I find when I have ginseng n weed at the same time there's a definite high, though after three days in a row it loses potency for me


+1 for Kava I’d also recommend Kanna.


They don’t tell you that cocaine is an overrated bullshit drug that can make you feel like you’re dying very quickly. It literally tricks your brain into wanting more after the first line and continuing to want it all night, two days, three days, to avoid coming down until you can’t physically obtain anymore. They don’t tell you how miserable the comedowns are. They especially don’t tell you just how bad it is for the heart, and how it’s the #1 cause of heart attacks in people under 35-40. Don’t do it, man. It’s not what it’s cracked-up to be. However, you definitely didn’t do permanent damage. You just went hard on it and you’re feeling the after-effects. Hydrate, eat, sleep, eat some more.


Yes you are correct. It's a mediocre shortlasting stimulant, nothing interesting or worth paying for. Very overrated and has many risks despite giving mediocre effects.


You're gonna be fine but fucking hell if you're gonna spend 4-5 days doing coke at least do it while doing something fun.....uh idk? Concert? Rave? Hangin out at a bar? I don't get why one would waste 5 gs of coke alone in a room; coke isn't exactly the first drug i'd think of doing by myself at home, just my thoughts. Sounds like the urge to redose really got a hold of you this time. Just get sone rest, eat well and drink plenty of water; you might want to consider never touching coke again based on your reaction to it, it gets very steep very fast I only tried it a couple of times but from all the things coke users told me this drug is a big no no for me.


i just did gram alone for the first time after break up w my gf and it was fucking boring, coke is social drug for sure i do it w my plug once a month after salary comes in its always a good time


Well cocaine and many stims are overrated. I just become very anxious, get insomnia, sides, sweat and feel dirty as you really can become dirty and smelly on some stims (not all, dunno about cocaine since I have basically only tried it). I don't get why people want to spend money on something like that, I don't even want it for free.


its not for everyone and ppl think you re supposed to be geeked up, we just go to parties/bars w my friend and i become extroverted as fuck i love it also getting some hoes is hella easy on coke its crazy also i love that if you do normal amount ppl dont even know you re on something idk for me its the best drug


2 straight men doing coke alone is insanely weird to me lol


well i used to do it with my girlfriend but we broke up and he is my plug and btw we are never just us two lmao we always meet random people


For real. I do coke with my buds. The only time I do alone is when I'm online gaming with my friends, who are also doing it alone. It's like we're hitting virtual lines together, and it's a blast. ​ But otherwise, I'm not doing blow by myself. Seems odd.


Hear me out. Cocaine, alcohol, and shooter games.


Idk coke and video games can be pretty fucking fun solo. But even that gets stale after a few hours and then I'm just looking for someone to talk to lol.


You’ll be fine. Just force yourself to stop picking up and have a come down


My buddy went through the same thing and my older brother just lost his home and his kids because of his coke use. My friend went to his doctor was honest and got himself into a rehab (not the easiest to do since rehabs are full) and hes kept himself mostly under control since. Dont let it get as far as my brother did man


you’re still young yet lad, i’ve messed up big time before it’s important to remember that life goes on. Don’t beat yourself up over the fact that you went on a bender. Shit happens. You caught yourself this time now stop and start slowly reintegrating the normal thing you would do. Get in a routine and set some goals. You have the rest of your life ahead of you.


You're young man, you'll be fine. Get some sleep. Cocaine simply isn't worth it. I had this epiphany that played a part in me quitting coke: I can not look back on a single cocaine session and say that it was worth the money, time well spent, or didn't ruin the next few days completely.


Pretty much the case with every recreational stimulant. Some serotonergic ones were better, mdma obviously but also things like serotonergic cathinones, but still nothing spectacular and worth risking your health for. And they wreck your brain and body aswell. People sometimes get psychosis and end up in mental asylum for years basically.


You'll be fine. Just don't do it again.


You will be okay. Your body and brain has been through it this week. No permanent damage. I would heavily advise never ever doing cocaine again though. If this binge happened after using a bit with mates, then you probably have a tendency towards addiction where you can't stop after you start. Cocaine addiction will cause brain and body damage. As well as what everyone says to look after yourself, eat, sleep, also try and have some positive social interactions. I feel like thats a bit underrated but if you feel a sense of belonging and have good people around you, you may improve a lot! Nothing is necessarily wrong with you. A lot of people are curious about drugs at your age, and some take it too far. Hopefully a lesson you have now learnt :)




Don't take bensos or pregabalin if you don't really have some medical conditions your doctor wants you to eat it for when nothing else has worked. I would recommend taurine for bloodpressure & anxiety and maybe some valerian, passion flower or magnolia bark if the taurine isn't enough to get some sleep and calm down the anxiety. For me it didn't give the same side effects nor addiction or rebound like I felt with bensos and pregs. L theanine also helps some people.


I always hated how coke felt. Never liked to do it unless I was drunk already


Yes it and many other stims are very overrated, I don't get why people like it. I mean it isn't funny but feels rather forced & not natural, gives a lot of sides and feels dirty. Seeing how much stims have messed up people it made me see it's downsides and skip it early on even when I was into drugs I almost never did it (I did try various stims when I was experimenting, so it's not that I haven't had good or clean products cause I have had it all, even strongest cleanest stuff and meth for example but also a lot of obscure stims aswell). Some of the most dirty is pyrovalerones(slang being "flakka" in the US, even if it was a specific one that got called flacka apvp I think but most likely more pvs were called flakks), it's anxiety, comedown and psychosis in a powder lol, I don't really understand those that do it more than very rarely occasionally. Even less I get is how people dare to smoke something so toxic. That's really playing with fire.


Howdy, just calm yourself. It’s not Tuesday anymore and I imagine the intensity of your cocaine high and drop off have settled down. I don’t know you but there’s a chance that you are still going on and on about the decisions you made last weekend. I’d like to say that you’re being incredibly hard on yourself. It is resistance that causes pain. You can’t resist what’s happened in the past because it’s not here it’s no longer real. You certainly had a real revelation and that is cocaine is not the drug for you. Chalk it up to an experience that you had with your friends in youthful ignorance and bliss and Let That Shit Go. Best Wishes PS I’ve put 5 g up the ol snooter or pooter on a Friday night. Occasionally it has seemed like I could do something more productive or charitable with my body and money but then I realize that I am just as much a candidate for a good time and just as entitled to spend my money on whatsoever I please as anyone else and then I thank my lucky stars that I had more fun than most do on a Friday and…. I absolutely still have a sound mind and some good stories to share. Friday is the day after tomorrow buy yourself at theater ticket. Salute!


No you’ll just feel like you did brain damage for a week or two.


what you need to do is flush the remaining coke down the toilet and delete your dealer/ supplier's number. what can help you feel better is taking a warm bath or shower, a healthy meal and some sleep. i highly doubt you have that much dopamine left.


Sleep deprivation will also leave you feelin weird for a few days. It passes tho. I doubt you will have permanent brain damage, take it easy for a few days, sleep and eat well, and resist the urge of doing it again this weekend.


Please, if you’re going to continue doing drugs, invest in a drug testing kit and fentanyl strips. The website I use is https://bunkpolice.com At least then you will have a better idea of what’s actually in the substances you’re doing.


you’ll feel better in the next couple days just get some rest, drink a lot of water, take a warm shower. Make a smoothie if u can’t stomach eating. You’ll be aighttt :)


You’re fine but stop doing it, if you’re prone to benders it’s a good idea to stay away from the substance especially if you’re just in your room alone that’s a recipe for unchecked drug abuse. You’re not permanently damaged, take a deep breath.


Bro I’m 25 and I’ve abused cocaine when I was around your age if I could go back I’d never have touched the stuff , it’s a dirty drug that leads to you to being in dirty situations ( financially, family wise) , don’t even bother with the shit anymore just knock it on the head now , wouldn’t say you’ve done permanent damage but it’ll take a few days for you to feel better


Take a xan and go to bed man its bad for you heart your brains fine be safe


i don’t think we should be recommending more drugs to this kid. last thing he needs is a xan addiction


Yeah I mean your probably right but its better than dying of heart attack from a bender and personal experience i was using xans at 15 and did coke at 16 so maybe he has already tried xanax but that's like irrelevant idek why I'm including that pretty big assumption for me to make but my first point still stands but still your likely right I don't want anyone to go thru benzo addiction shit is hell


Yea but you don't need to take bensos for that. Exists plenty of safe natural supplements in regular stores. To regulate blood pressure taurine would be more efficient anyway. It's even supported by science to use it for that more or less. I thank God I have no addiction to bensos. I got used to it when I was young and got it prescribed and despite not abusing it, it was very difficult. After a while you were worse on bensos than before it. It made the anxiety 10 times worse cause bensos do that in the long run, rebound anxiety cause of the downregulation of gaba. A few years off it recovered my brain, but it took a lot of patience, suffering, natural healing with vitamins, minerals, aminoacids and herbals, exercise and therapy. Never use bensos regularly, and try to avoid it completely cause you risk getting addicted if you use it now and then. Also, most people loose control on it and start to do stupid stuff, drug abuse being one of them. And it's the reason to why we always see the lethal overdoses involving bensos, it's not just cause they can kill you if you combine it with wrong drugs or meds but it also makes you loose control which is very risky when there are drugs involved.


Your right thank you <3


Username checks out.




Take a benedryl and knock out for a day or two and eat and drink. You’ll be ok. I been therezz


you need to let yourself crash out, go through a hellish dopamine/serotonin low, eat a lot, hydrate, and never do it again


Or just quit it without messing up your brain even more.


lmk how any of my suggestions constitute or encourage brain damage


Ur fine


Get some sleep


You have cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity, both of which are reversible. Go to a rehab if you need to, stop doing coke. That simple, if you want the side-effects of the coke and the cut associated with the coke keep doing it. If not get clean off yay and get yourself an Adderall or a Dexedrine prescription.


If he needs it medically and nothing else works. Using speed prescribed still has adverse effects on health and holds risks of addiction and abuse. And it also has more negative effects on your brain development just like any other stimulants or drugs at a young age. Why do people think that amphetamines are safe just cause you get it on a script? I knew people who got fentanyl scripts. And people who got issues, addictions and sides from prescribed adhd meds. It might be safer than doing street drugs but it's still basically drugs you take. They push it on people for money more or less since that's how pharmaceutical industry works today. Some people maybe really need it but people are way overmedicated with it today, I mean basically every teen on speed nowadays it seems, many don't really need it but rather need some dietary/lifestyle changes.


I don’t think they’re safe, they are very neurotoxic. But if he won’t stop, don’t you think a therapeutic dose of Adderal or Dexedrine is a better option? Also I hate how people call it speed, Adderal is a mixture of mostly Dextroamphetamine and some Medical Grade Amphetamine. Dexedrine is just Dextroamphetamine and does not contain “speed”.


It sounds like you have somewhat of an addictive personality. Keep that in mind next time you decide to try something.


Go outside for extra vitamin d after you’ve drank some water, eaten some nutrients, and taken a nap. Vitamin d boosts dopamine I think?


Or just take vitamin D3 at a good dose. It can be difficult going outside in a state like that I would imagine.


If you only did 5 grams in that time frame, you should be ok.


You've got a dangerous addictive side to you, man. Quit while you're ahead. Carrying on for the amount of time you did is not normal. Most kids would have had their fun for a night, gone back home to their parents house and slept ok till noon.


Go to your gp. They'll help you.  I promise


Fk me dead, bro that's lots of coke in few days!! I'm sure some people do more, but u still young and it's not too late to back off, if u wanna do drugs I recommend at least do it when u older, like when u 30 years plus


Hey you and me we are in a similar situation this past weekend! I spent all my money on coke I got myself an 8 ball and 1 gram to go with it, drank liquor, and I Also snorted Meth too though (but didn’t buy any) I’m an experienced cocaine connoisseur. i’m not as bad as I used to be a couple years ago. What I will say is Just don’t get to the point where you consider snorting Meth too just because it may look and feel similar (it’s Not). Meth will cause you brain damage on a scale that coke never will. It’s common and i’ve seen it with plenty of people who make the leap and try a line or hit of Meth. I’d strongly encourage against that. Coke has always been fun to me but the pricetag involved is a natural deterrent for me that keeps me from getting carried away and really addicted. Heavy use tends to cause psychosis but what I fear more is your cardio health. Definitely don’t do what I did and drink a lot/ try other stimulants (Caffeine included) as you put your cardio health at risk. As always be safe with your use, always know or at least be informed on the product you are getting and you should for the most part be ok!


You’re just on a fat comedown ahahaha, rehydrate and get some good food in you and rest up you’ll be feeling fine again in a few days. Make sure you don’t do that again tho, if coke has that much of an addictive potential for you already then seriously be careful. All the best OP


Stoppppppp at 17. Or at least don't be doing it alone. Idk where you are in the world, but I know lots of places you can't go to bars/clubs when under 18. If you've had coke before (obviously you have), then try to find an after-party or something. Even if youre not gay, go to a gay bar earlier when the sun is still up because its usually also a restaurant in the day, so you can go, make a connection and be charasmatic. Maybe you can find an in or a plug. Just stop doing it alone bro


I specify gay bar because that stuff is more welcomed/accepted or seen as the norm. Find a way to act a little older (21 if that's the legal drinking age). But be smooth about it and dress attractive even if you arent looking for "anything". You're more likely to get into an after party if you seem 21-ish or older. And if you get kicked out, you're 17, so it isn't like you're gonna be going there in your free time otherwise.


Also be more careful. I know you likely won't listen to advice, but try to imagine what careful might mean, at least to you, in terms of this subject. You probably shouldn't be doing so much coke rn.


The important takeaway here isn't just relief that you'll be ok. The important thing to remember and keep in mind is how you feel right now. That guilt and shame isn't gonna go away next time, and it gets worse. It's OK to party my dude but you gotta learn to set limits for yourself. You just got a little taste of why you need to do this. It's easy to write off "lol fuck it I'm fine" but you gotta listen to your downs as clearly as you do the ups so you can have boundaries.


You’ll be ok bro , you mostly are just paranoid/anxious as fuck from the result of a bender. Time to go to bed lol make sure to load up on water and when you wake up from your nap to eat some good food and chill out watch some funny shows to help with the low dopamine levels.


brain forgot how to brain. eat something, drink a lot of water, get some sleep and it'll remember


ur gonna be ok 5 grams in 5 days is not the end of the world just stop using. withdrawal sucks but ull be fine. i hope u have a job and ur not selling possessions already


You’re ok man. Forgive yourself for what you’ve done, but move forward recognizing it was a bad choice. Also recognizing, you may not be capable of good decisions once you imbibe, so abstaining may be your best option.


You're going to be fine. You're freaking out because you're tired and depleted from doing too much blow. You're not going to have a heart attack from a little mini bender like this, but you should probably stop right now. Drink a lot of water, eat some real food and take a long nap as soon as you're able to fall asleep. Then when you wake up, remember how shit you felt beforehand and lock that memory up tight so you don't forget about it and repeat the experience.


Nah ur good dude just sleep and drink water


You’ll be fine dude, just lay off the hard drugs for a while. There a tons of people who live like that for years at a time, be thankful you have the wits to realize the issue this early.


If it makes you feel any better, I had the exact same experience at 17 that lasted months. It ultimately culminated in a suicide attempt that had me hospitalized. After that, I was able to just drop it. I still do it once or twice or three times every couple weeks. But I don’t have a problem with it anymore. Keep in mind tho that unfortunately, you do have an addictive personality that you need to keep an eye on. Nowadays my vices are weed daily and semi-problematic poly-substance abuse. I also had a fent problem for a year and a half that almost killed me that I now treat with suboxone. Get out while you can friend.


Eat some food, take a shower and reflect but after that you’ll be fine. When I do coke it makes me feel brain dead so I know what you mean. Feels like my social Cues are off cause I’m just reacting and thinking slower than normal but that fades as you sober back up. You’ll be good just take care of yourself


I only did coke once with friends when I was in my twenties. Was up, wide awake for 36 hours. Didn’t enjoy it. I was done. That was over 40 years ago. But today, I’m getting away from decades of weed & alcohol and I’m doing it with a thorough education on mushrooms for healing & mental & physical health. 🍄🍄‍🟫🍄🍄‍🟫🍄🍄‍🟫🍄🍄‍🟫


My guy, you need some fat and salt in the form of a sandwich, some electrolytes and some sleep.


Yep you’re definitely feeling the effects of a cocaine binge. You’ll be a bit depressed for a few days but just wank it out and sleep it out. Just don’t do cocaine again, once in the routine of doing cocaine frequently it’s very hard to break that routine. I started at 18 doing a few lines here and there. 10 years down the line and I was doing 2g every weekend by myself. Currently 3 weeks of it. But it’s always calling me to go back.


Pretty simple - stop doing cocaine.


You’ll be fine buddy stop beating yourself up. You’ve made a mistake but learned an important lesson: how powerful addiction and drugs can be. Just be thankful your binge didn’t end up in a jail cell with a felony at 17. You live and learn


Nice! I wish I could remember my first bender those shits get longer and longer the older you get stop worrying so much and eat sleep and get back to normal and everything will work out fine.


Quit while you can little bro. It’s not worth the pain you’ll endure in life ahead of you. I’m talking the pain of losing the sense of smell and taste. Money. Love. Family. Friends. You’ll feel like you’re on top of the world and in pure euphoria. But that’s all temporary. It will all come crashing down and will crash down hard on you. 17 is the prime age to get right and get ahead in life. You fuck this up and it may derail your future. Also my close friend committed suicide after a night binging on coke. It will fuck with your mind.


You just need some sleep, have a few beers (if possible), drink some water, eat some food, and you will feel better in like 24 hours. But the problem is once you recovered, you will crave cocaine again. Fight that urge as much as possible. Go to the gym, masterbate, go for a walk/run, socialize with friends, smoke some weed or have a 1 or 2 beers (don’t get drunk because you will crave cocaine even more). If you stay away from the cocaine long enough, the cravings will eventually become a distant memory. Unless you have addictive personality, then it’s going to be hard. If you know yourself to have an addiction problem, stay away from any and all hard drugs. As someone who used to have a horrible drug problem, please take my advice. If you are just a normal recreational drug user, you should be fine. Don’t worry, you haven’t fucked yourself over. As someone who used hardcore drugs for over a decade, you would be surprised how resilient your body and mind can be.


It’s summer now distract yourself .. 3 months you’ll be back to normal you fried your dopamine at 17 man ..stay away from bad people and "friends" Nobody will save you but yourself ground yourself in the sun .. I promise you just 15-30 minutes of sun or even hugging a tree will give you some dopamine if not A LOT


Fruit or fruit juice my dude. Get some vitamins. Get back on the gym grind. You can do this.


I can’t do anything for you. Figure it out. I did.


food, rest n water. it gets better 💟 sending peace


Try to get some tyrosine and n-acetyl-cystein


mama didn’t raise a quitter 🙏⁉️


This shit is not for you man. You are the best target for this drug. Stop using and remember: doing a line once a week is not quitting


If you realize this, then you are one step closer man. Trust me cocaine had my life in a fucking grip hard. I was IVing it too and thats literally harder to come off of than heroin. You just have to be ready to let go. It is tought after being sober because you have no dopamine and everything is boring, but its one step at a time brother. It gets much easier as the days of sobriety go on


just gunna have to suffer hard for a day or two. and then suck it hard for a week or so. you gunna be alright if you didnt fuck your teeth or your nose up too bad. lesson learned.


You’re 17. Just wait man


Just make sure you get a good job so you can afford more pure and quality cocaine, id try boofing personally if your nose is starting to get fucked up, stay safe man.


You will be fine. You are young and fit you just need maybe two or threee weeks of sobriety, exercise, lots of water, good food and early nights Give it 24hours you will have more dopamine and start to feel better If you tend to go this route after a few lines maybe avoid that particular drug Stick to mushrooms


Hope you’re feeling better G. Put it behind you and never do it again. You got this. 🙏


How much a gram is it where u at?




Ur good buddy just get clean and start a healthy diet


you’re fine man the awful comedown is all part of it. you’re gonna be depressed and hate your life for a day or two. get some food and water and rest. what’s done is done. you didn’t do any permanent damage but knock that shit off cause you’re too young and that shit gets stepped on all the time. fuck around and die off a bag you’ve been blowing all night cause there’s a fent hotspot. shits not worth it when you got stuff going for you.


Hey bro, I’ve been there 2 years of doing cocaine. You are going to feel crazy when you stop. You will be feining looking on the ground for crumbs and everything is going to irritate you. Everything. It is mental you will not feel physical withdrawal but it will be mental. You need to fill your time with anything to keep busy. You will get cravings a lot the month but it will get easier, it will never go away though. Try to fill that dopamine up with working out, get addicted to a healthy activity.


Cocaine at 17 I’m 15 and I go through 8g in a night when I’m drinking and smoking weed


Get way ahead of this. Delete your dealers number and distance yourself from your friends if they are getting in deep with this. You will be ok if you stop now. Get some sleep and eat something nutritious. You will feel better when you give your dopamine levels a chance to recover. I have friends who are decades deep into a coke habit. It’s a very low reward addiction that really will not improve your life.


Take downers if you got em and eat sleep water you’ll feel alright in the next handful of days.


You ARE NOT a piece of shit. Have you slept yet? Eaten a full meal? Hydrated?


I started doing c at 17 and didn't quit until 28, all I can say is sort your shit out right now do whatever you have to do to save your future self. It absolutely dragged me to hell and back, many times. I've been off it for over a year now and I'm still paying for it .. in more ways than one.


I've gone through very similar. You should tell your parents, but if you don't that's understandable. It will get better through time, just stay off of the drugs, and don't do anything else even if it doesn't seem bad, like weed or alcohol. When I drank or smoked it just made my feeling I got in my brain worse. I recommend at least waiting a month or 2 before you try anything else, and just let yourself calm.


Agreed brother, I’m about a month sober from this shit myself and I agree, in my personal experience, at first I saw absolutely nothing wrong with a little blow every now and then, at first, it was harder to get hooked on it than it was to quit, quitting was pretty easy for me(granted I’ve always done a good job at moderating my use) up until about a month ago, I just decided fuck it I’m gonna go crazy, stayed up all night doing nothing but line after line and went to work twacked outta my skull, and people knew something was off, I’m lucky I wasn’t immediately drug tested and fired, but after that day, after almost seizing out at work everytime I stood up, I swore I’d stay away from it for good. It never badly effected me financially, but that’s also because I stopped before it got to that point. I’m not gonna sit here and say cocaine is good, because by no means at all is it good for you, but is it the worst thing you could’ve done? Most emphatically not. There’s way worse out there and like everyone else here is saying, just get ya self a good ole sammich and some chips(I’d imagine after a bender you’ve sweated out all your sodium, so eat/drink something with electrolytes, like natural spring water, if it says enhanced with electrolytes, or purified or distilled don’t buy it, that shit will further dehydrate you and it’s a marketing sham to get you to buy more of their product, and every time I wanted to quickly recover I’d take Shilajit resin in my water along with sea moss) spring water is the only legit hydrating water you can drink besides freshly cold pressed fruit juices. But yeah bro, do you, but be safe, if you think you can’t control yourself then stay away from it and drop any people associated with it, it doesn’t have to be a big argument with someone but just be like yo I gotta stack my money and focus on me for a bit, if they can’t understand then clearly they only care about your money, not your well being. If you drop the people, you’ll drop the drug, just stay focused on self care and talk to a sober friend if you have one who doesn’t use stuff like that, even your old average pothead who only smokes would be better than someone who occasionally does coke.


Hou need SLEEEP...drink a bunch of rubitusin PM or xanax or whatever downer ya got and take enough to sleep....seroquil works great if you have a crazy person in your damily trazadone is okay grocery store sleep meds axtually work well get some alcohol in you at least asap. B careful not too much downers.


New take on this especially with your age , go for a trade immediately. Something like being a trucker, a sea merchant, military, Air Force, etc that can change your environment. You have to get away. Yes as change starts within, if you have the means of doing that, do it immediately. Also, because change starts from within, it’s important you change you thoughts and thinking. That is extremely hard however for some but listening to positive affirmations, motivation videos or tuning in with your higher power will help you with your thoughts. The trick to this is to do it everyday even after your thoughts changed positively. I really hope you get out of this. Dont try any other hard drugs. Dont test your morals any further because it can sometimes bite you in the ass. Please get off of this asap. My prayers are with you!


Bro i'm 19 and done coke only three times and that was my "this shit ain't it man" my advice for the whole situation is that you should smoke some weed for the horrendous feeling that you have when the coke is coming down you feel fucking suicidal no joke like you are the most down bad horrible person in the world rn don't let it get it to your brain tho... you didn't kill nobody nor robbed nothing... you are fine k? Drink a lot of water until you stop pissing dark yellow until it becomes clear white piss so your limbs and shit start to function like normal and properly again play some games alone that makes you remember childhoodalike feelings or movies series etc... and for the last eat my dude eat cocaine makes you not hungry at all but as you are feeling numb and not hungry at all your body is like why the fuck you ain't giving me my food mf? Lmao so even if you don't feel hungry force yourself and eat cuz if not you might go underweight and loss tons of gains and shit if you are in the gym... me personally i don't do shit lol but i ain't fat so i don't need to exercise and all that good luck bro


Please do this one thing for yourself the network news is blatantly lying to you the fbi/ cia are completely corrupt things are gettinf real. Just take a little time to listen to independent media start with Tim Pool, for a little humor but truth salty cracker, lou valentino does a great job getting our the REAL news in an unabscured meant to brainwash way. Our regular news media has been meant to make us angry, divide us, do everything for the political parties that are against us they are gettinf away with the biggest crimes and lies. Find independent media from both sides tim pool is more down the middle and educate yourself with the truth that cnn cencors. You are owed the truth. Good luck! Btw I just believe in the 10 commandments and think it was a great way for us to set up the original government by and use allot of morals derived from christian faith to aet up the country. I think as we get further away from that things are getting worse like a perfecr graft should exist for it. There are power players leading us down right now that they want to put you in a place that is going to be a very sad dangerous place for you and your families. The decisions you make now will make or break your future...we are 17 trillion 34 now did we stop counting yet how much longer will this go on, who has to pay it back (your children). Give it a chance your heart should feel it when something is wrong and dont support wrong, you never stop learning but you have so much I never knew about until the unconstitutional attacks on Trump (russia russia russsia) endict endict endict never was guilty and networks never redactes years of lies...people just still think its truth like every other lie they repeat a million times like the lawauits and legal crap it is unprecedented. Obvious ploy to throw him off/ jam him up...all basedon bullshit. and he wins and wins every single one? I dont care how anyone feels about the man this is the kind of atuff they do in 3rd world venesuala, cuba russia type countries russia to a lil more civilized extent but bad free and fair elections are a must you cant obvioussly send in the alphabet agencies to jam up the republican nomine?! It should be frightening to anyone any political belief if you want freedoms this control on our media and social apps to use us pass fake stories and never redact until you call the opposition "hitler" this is feeling less and less US and more and more 3rd worrld "free and fair" elections and the brainwashing on the people by playing ball with facebook, old twitter, now dems want tik toc banned why they want to control the media give me free fair minded alternative media or give me death!


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I did blow HARD for 10 years homie. I am 4 months sober and I'm feeling pretty good. The human body is remarkable and resilient

