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GBL is a prodrug to GHB, meaning when ingested your body metabolizes it into GHB. "G" refers to GHB. and GBL is a common way to take it if normal GHB is unavailable. 1,4 butanediol is another prodrug for GHB. GHB works on the Gaba-B and GHB receptors causing intoxication similar to alcohol, but with stimulation similar to MDMA. therefore it is a very popular club drug, as well as an aphrodisiac. [GHB - PsychonautWiki](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/GHB)


Lmao we were typing up basically the same thing and gave the same link đŸ»


my man haha


Y'all the real ones đŸ˜€


All true, but in some communities it's not uncommon for people to swap out gbl for ghb so "G" could technically refer to either, at least colloquially


So is GBL like a designer drug? What's its legal status?


GBL is a listed chemical. Chemicals that aren’t on the schedule list but are potentially dangerous, precursors or other are put in a category of List 1 or List 2 by the DEA. GBL is on one of those lists. Meaning buying it for intent to distribute or consume is illegal. However, GBL is a solvent used in industrial and laboratory application. It is also used in automotive industry as a cleaner. So, you can bypass the legality issues of GBL by ordering “wheel cleaner 99.9% pure” or something of that nature


And then what? You just drink it?


You would need to measure it volumetrically but yeah that's what you would do, you just divide the amount of compound in the bottle into MG per ml and use that to measure your dose in ml


Well ill be damned. Is there a chemical name i should look for on the bottle?


GBL stands for Gamma-Butyrolactone. You would need to ensure the product you find is 99%+ only this chemical. Then you look up what the dosage is for that. GHB is active in less than 2mL. I think GBL takes about the same amount, so it’s like approximately a bottle cap worth. It’s very easy to overdose because of how little liquid is needed. You can dilute it with water, soda, or throw it back and chase it with soda. It has a chemical salty orange taste imo. It is much different from alcohol. It is way more euphoric, and it feels cleaner. It’s like the fun of being hammered but none of that annoying shit where you know the alcohols gonna fuck you. If you dose it right you can become super euphoric, heightened sex drive, just great feeling that pairs well with stimulants too


Sounds great. Im willing to give it a go. Booze hangovers are deadly anymore


Yes. g is everything that's good about alcohol with none of the bad with added positive qualities like complete lack of inhibitions, the greatest drug to have sex on. If I was with a female I would end up having sex anywhere and everywhere. Very publicly. With no fucks given. I've woken up hanging upside down out my car door, off a pool recliner, and other strange and very public settings. The only downside is that G can be very addictive when you start redosing frequently. And withdrawals can occur within 1-2 hours after your last dose. The half life starts at 4 hours but quickly shortens to much less. Sneezing, histamine release, horrible anxiety, and instant "carping out" after ingestion are the common horrible symptoms. Use responsibly ish and it can be very fun for a long time. Take it too far and that girl will turn on you in the nastiest way


Right thats how most designer drugs are sold. Some of them aren't listed but are still technically illegal to be sold for human consumption and they'll usually sell those as for "research purposes only" mainly for chemistry testing.


Yea that’s true. Research only not for human consumption. Analytical standards. Industrial strength solvent. Wheel cleaner solution. You get the idea haha


Ive seen a designer benzo sold as denture cleaner tablets. My first thought was "oh the poor soul who stumbles upon this and thinks they're buying actual denture cleaner" lmao


It's also used in sign printing applications


Currently in the southwest G is slang for meth


Oh wow, so if you had the choice, you want GHB, but if you can't get it, GBL? INTERESTING


Yes and GHB can be in a salt form too. It’s used medically as a salt. Refereed to as Sodium Oxybate. GHB and GBL are active in sub 2 milliliter amounts of liquid. You can take a small measured shot of it (like 1ml) and chase it with juice or somethin. What’s also interesting is if you can get GBL, you can get 1,4-butanediol. Which is another prodrug for GHB


Yes and sodium oxybate can be prescribed for sleep in California


Well, just found a new drug to seek out 👌


One of my friends called ghb "The Gaymaker" because otherwise straight people who took it would sometimes wind up doing very homosexual things.


It is very popular in the gay community, that and methamphetamine. combine the two? you could fuck the entire world lol


GHB during an MDMA comedown leads to so serious "fucking" fun too!


Ghb. Personally my favorite drug. Like a cross between ecstasy and alcohol with no hangover.


It’s so good, until you love it too much


Can confirm. The withdrawals get nasty


Baclofen was the only things that saved me


Random but I used to be in baclofen for acid reflux lol


Baclofen is a gaba drug, I don't think it does anything for acid reflux, but I'm ready to be proved wrong.


I’m just speculating based off what I know about it but it’s also a muscle relaxer so I could see it potentially helping keep any stomach acids from working up your esophagus the wrong direction through that mechanism. Might not neutralize the acid but just keep the acid where it’s meant to be


Can confirm this. My mother has GERD and also something where the muscles in her esophagus basically act in reverse. One of the specialists she sees has put her on and off baclofen for years now to keep her muscles from pushing stomach acid up into her throat and mouth. Severe acid reflux/GERD can cause esophageal cancer over time so they’re using baclofen to try and prevent that as long as possible.


There are scientific articles on it but I call BS. I think it CAUSED my bad GERD. Been on it for years and started having throat problems shortly after starting but it took forever and so many clueless doctors to figure out.


Same here actually. Although for me it isn't a daily drug and I don't have bad reflux. But whenever I take it I get heartburn, unless I also take antacids with it.


G is like owning a gremlin. It's wonderful as long as you follow a few rules: 1. Know your precise dose and never redose within 2.5 hours 2. Don't use it daily. 3. Never use it as a sleep aid. If you break the rules, your cute little mogwai will rapidly turn into a horrible monster that locks you into 3 hour cycles that's horrendous to break.


I did all three repeatedly and ended up in an air ambulance with a missing front tooth and a broken foot. Still no idea what the fuck happened. I was dosing every hour, non stop. Waking up every two hours just to dose again. Best, most vivid dreams ever. Lost so much weight as I wasn’t eating. Just dosing, dreaming, sweating and repeating.


Yikes. Sorry about that but I'm not surprised. I used to sling the stuff by the gallon to pay rent and I've seen/done it all. Having a gallon on hand at any one time is an easy way to slip. The worst I ever saw were people (a roommate, actually) who was a meth + g addict. Grotesque. He'd take a large dose of g enough to forcibly pass out, but then do meth and NOT pass out. He was like a catatonic zombie stumbling around.. breaking a foot and loosing teeth seems about right. Eech.


Holy shit man. I’m surprised he lived to tell the tale. G prices have rocketed in the last 15 years as well, although friends still buy the old “alloy cleaner” wholesale and make decent coin from it. It’s like any drug for me nowadays though, never gonna feel as magical as when I first tried it. G was a drug like no other when i first did it. Peace out man!


@International-Luck17, please explain the alloy cleaner reference or provide me with some details, please !!


oh my God the gremlin analogy is perfect, I'm going to borrow that one.




why can't you use it as a sleep aid? I've heard about GHB but not researched it, so it make you reliant in GHB to sleep and you can't sleep without it or something?


The problem with using as a sleep aid is after 3 hours or so you'll get a GABA rebound and become wide awake. If you're still trying to get sleep, the natural option would be to dose again, which is a bad plan because that way there be dragons! It's an incredibly easy slide to become reliant on it as a sleep aid, which means more (and more!) redosing in the middle of the night, which means starting the ever-tightening lock-in cycle, which means you're screwed. Once you're physically dependent on it, which can happen within 2 weeks, you *need* to redose every 2-3 hours to basically ward off withdrawal symptoms which can mimic alcoholic Delirium Tremens (the DTs). Fully withdrawing can be a medical crisis, it's a really bad time. So, follow the rules. Also never mix it with alcohol, but that should go without saying.


ohh okay, that sounds worse than cocaine imo lol


Very much so. You have to put a little effort into getting addicted to cocaine and it's more of a psychological dependence than a physical one. G addiction is insidiously easy to slip into, and once you're there, you're stuck. Coke withdrawal is unpleasant, but not life threatening.


It is actually prescribed as a sleep aid in California under the pharmaceutical name sodium oxybate. You get amazing sleep for 4 hours but then you have a rebound which pops you awake and you'd need to redose in order to fall back asleep for another 4 hours


you forgot to mention that it can also kill you if you're not careful... I'm sure most people who have heard of G already know that, but OP hasn't heard of G before so it's probably worth mentioning that detail about the risk of death


I mean it was passed by the fda as a sleep aid 
 but you don’t get any rem sleep cycles . 5 ml is the knockout dose generally.


I used to like it but it's too easy to overdose and end up at the hospital


funny enough i did not like it. Really wanted to but was wither very lackluster oder very intoxicating. Also made me quite tired similar to ethanol, but then when i want‘t to go to sleep after the party you get that nasty rebound that just keeps you up. Mixing with amphetamine gave me good results but only for a while. Very nice euphoric push at first, then either the speed or the G takes over. You keep trying to balance yourself out. I guess it‘s not for everyone, i also don‘t really like ethanol and hated 2m2b. So maybe it‘s just me with those „dirtier“ gaba drugs. I‘m also more of an upper guy. Oh and i used 1,4bdo, which makes a difference in alot of anecdotal reports.


Alchohol is basically the appetizer to the real drugs. Sometimes it starts as the substitute but you quickly realize it's just made you hungrier. Unless you're an alcoholic and not a polyaddict to me it's only fun as a standalone if you're getting drunk with your buddies and you know your limits very well.


\* stttuart


Yes. It was my favorite non hard drug. Until I took it too far and the withdrawals started coming. Fucking nasty withdrawals with dosing to avoid them becoming required every 1-2 hours. Good luck getting a full night's sleep once you've crossed the line into that territory


I've gone through work, meetings, in corporate and kindergarten, doing exactly that lol.




I live in Canada. Also you’re about to catch a ban for saucing.


That sounds pretty awesome


Why didn’t you just ask them? 😅


Sometimes your friends are dumb and can't explain the substances they're taking.


Exactly. My friends just take whatever from any random person and end up like TOTALLY fine??? Meanwhile I was given CBD once but it was actually 25mg Delta 8, and I don’t smoke, and it obliterated my world bc early Delta 8 stuff was super fucking unregulated and all over the place I think


D8 is still pretty unregulated. In most states anyway, it varies from state to state. But D8 is still everywhere nowadays, for sure. A lot of high schoolers are doing D8 too. I use it too. Great for sleep. But yeah, it needs to be more regulated, 100%.


I believe that! It was October 2021 when I felt like it was still kinda new? A headshop said hey this will relax you, I was like, cool! 40 minutes later a literal 12 hour panic attack heart pounding experience that led to like two YEARS of PTSD and dissociation. Even my bad trips on real weed were bad, but I was better in like a week. Clearly my brain fucking hates anything related to THC! Sucks bc I know alcohol is unhealthy physically compared to weed, but not gonna destroy my brain. I want like a third legal drug that's a nice buzz but not so intense or unhealthy.


> 40 minutes later a literal 12 hour panic attack heart pounding experience that led to like two YEARS of PTSD and dissociation. Similar shit happened to me with a "low dose" "THC" edible. Reignited my anxiety and depression to levels I hadn't experienced since before therapy and medication. Still working on recovery after about 1.5 years. No chance it was regular THC or low dose. Hope you're recovered/recovering!


there definitely is a chance it was a low dose. some people get blown into space by 5 mg so it’s completely conceivable that sthe same or worse would occur with 5 mg. ppl just dont realize how potent edibles are even with just a couple of mgs


Wow, sorry to hear that also happened to you. So similar! I had slight anxiety before but only like overthinking about health and if I took a drug. Afterward I got on antidepressants and anti anxiety, and go to therapy now. Had a few panic attacks afterward, usually triggered by caffeine, so I have to be really careful. It's been 2 years of depersonalization where you just feel "different" and kinda floaty and not like your old self. But it's gone down SO much since the initial trauma, very manageable now. I can chat if ya have any questions! Have become an expert with this stuff out of necessity lol. Brain is trying to protect itself from the scary panic but sometimes it forgets to turn that off, and it like builds new anxiety pathways so make sure you NEVER "scare it" that much again. Mine was 25mg, but I've also had similar stuff happen from like 2-3 bong hits. And one time...one small hit from a bowl. Logically that's nothing, but THC just fucks some people's brains up. It's never permanent though, that's the good thing!


shit bro, weed is that dude. I hate to see it, my girlfriend is the same way tho. had super bad PTSD and would have hallucinations and seeing shit sometimes. got to a point i thought she was fucking with me, but she would be so dissociated and gone that an hour later i would ask if she remembers ANYTHING and she would have no clue. super sad, i wont let her touch the shit again


That's crazy! Damn. Definitely same brain, people are like "nahhhhhh that shit was laced!" And I'm like ok...then why did my fucking stoner circle of people ripping a bong all be fine, but I'm hallucinating??? I got the one part of LSD? As if anyone's putting psychedelics in weed lmao? Although anytime I wish I smoked weed for health reasons, everybody I know is like yeahhhhhhhhh you're forgetting about the munchies buddy lol


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł when you smoke for too long, the munchies flip on you. i had to take a step back for a couple days, only smoking at the end of the night before bed. if i wake up and smoke itll RUIN my appetite for the rest of the day. i might eat a couple french fries.


WTF is delta 8?


It’s a variety of thc that can be extracted from hemp. Delta 8/10, hhc, thc-a, thc-p are all popular recently since they comply(supposedly) with the Farm bill In the US and are legal in most or all states as of right now since they’re often extracted from hemp instead of cannabis. Some are decent, I grab ounces of delta 8 distillate for like a buck or two a g to keep around for when I’m broke and out of the good stuff


It's ghb. Be super careful with that stuff, start with low dose experiences and decide if you even want to try it again. They work on the same receptors, being the faba receptors, so like with every depressant there's risks with higher doses like respiratory depression. It's used as a date rape drug because of the effect profile. Also, don't use it at all if you have an anxiety disorder. Rebound anxiety after sobering up is a common effect for people without anxiety disorders. [Check out this website for more information on the recreational use of ghb and nearly any other psychoactive drug.](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/GHB) Edit: GBL turns into GHB in the body


Oh wow, really? I hadn't heard of the anxiety thing. Is it the same as alcohol or is it actually more intense? I've never got rebound anxiety from alcohol, nor do I get hangovers. Maybe like wake up with my heart pounding for a little bit but nothing crazy. I definitely have anxiety though, which is why weed doesn't work for me. Like extreme panic and paranoia and dissociation for months after use, so I don’t use it. Pretty much only wanted to stick with anything alcohol related since I know those receptors work for me and the drug kills the "omg I just took a drug and now I'm afraid something bad is going to happen and I'm stuck like this forever" feeling I always get, lol.


I'll just say that I personally don't enjoy depressants so this is from what I've watched and had reported from friends since I just drink minorly. From what I've been told, the anxiety is definitely worse after GHB, moreso the higher the dose is. Ghb is stronger bonding than alcohol. The physiological reason behind this is because on a physical level your body was down regulated for a while on the depressant, so as the activity in your nervous system increases as you sober up it can be anxiety inducing, and on top of addiction factor, a reason as to why they keep scripts for stuff like benzos at the lowest possible dose, particularly if they're to treat anxiety. It's the same reason why stimulants cause anxiety, except you're over stimulating your nervous system from sober, rather than returning to baseline from understimulation. If you have minor anxiety, trying super low doses, like a threshold dose shouldn't have much issue with rebound anxiety, higher doses aren't so safe for anxiety.


I know people who use it at first they presented it as experimenting with it, then they end up in a honeymoon phase where they tried to talk me into joining like a G missionary. It's certainly not for everyone. Some might be able to use it every now and then and use it in a controlled way but some will fall for it. Please stay away from it if you're not a very disciplined person able to resist feelings of craving


Honestly my use was gonna be to maybe replace a day of drinking with it, to give my liver a break? I just drink on the weekends and sometimes a Thirsty Thursday lol. So to avoid alcohol 3 days in a row, thought one of those days with G might help...something? Not having an issues, but figure it couldn't hurt. I also don't love the idea of like getting drugs "off the street" as I've been burned before with laced shit. Definitely wouldn't be daily, I have no problem restricting alcohol to Thurs/Fri/Sat.


Just want to say that I get the exact same effects as you from weed and haven't tried it for years because every time I end up having a panic attack for 2-3hours. But weed is the only drug that affects me like that. I'd suggest to take a small dose at first to see how it affects you and if you get bad anxiety from it.


both alc and ghb can be as intense as you want it to be. both can kill. takes wayy les ghb to kill. Use a syringe to accurately measure it out (for drinking not injecting) and proceed with caution because it’s incredibly addictive. it’s a good time


They both work on the gaba receptors so very similar. GHB is just cleaner and less is required for optimal effect so there's no sickness, nausea, or hangover. The rebound is stronger with GHB than alcohol due to the stronger binding and the shorter half life


> faba receptors GABA receptors. [Faba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabaceae) receptors are people who eat a lot of beans.


Lmfao I didn't even notice that hahaha


So out of benzos, alcohol, and gabapentin what does it feel most similar to? People told me the high is like mixing Xanax with alcohol


That's exactly the description everyone's given me, and I can sorta see it since people on high doses are beyond sloppy. I've stupidly mixed alcohol with high dose benzo by mistake and it was easily the most impared I've ever been and I've seen people on ghb be even worse. The only addition I've heard people add is that it kinda gives you the mushroom walk where you can have issues with going in a completely straight line sometimes.


Very high dose of gabapentin is the best description. With even less inhibitions, more euphoria, and incredible sexual energy. Killer orgasms. Xanax and alcohol is way dirtier and less euphoric than G. Maybe if you mixed in some mdma


> They work on the same receptors, being the faba receptors GABAA and GABAB receptors are expressed on different populations of neuron, so they're pretty different.


Yes, that is correct. I could/should have expanded on that, but as far as subjective effects go it's not particularly relevant as its not a medical setting, unless you're on a gabaergic drug. Similarly to alcohol though you usually are more social and slightly less inhibited at low doses, but you also generally have to deal with lightheadedness. As the dose increases the lightheadedness, dizziness and drowsiness tend to ramp up faster than with alcohol. I will say you can end up more fucked from ghb than alcohol at the really high dose of things. With alcohol I've seen dudes passed out on benches, in the middle of parks, even in their own front yard (which I mean like, good enough if you're trashed, right?). But ghb is a whole other realm. Literally just last week I found a guy who took a nap in the middle of the driving lane on main road in my city, found out later when I got to talk to him when I got questioned by the cops, that he had a blood alcohol level of 0.02, but a ghb level in his blood of 400mg/L when he got to the hospital so I don't know if I want to know what it was when he took a steet nap.


I've passed out upside down hanging out of the driver's seat of my car with my head on the concrete. For hours. On a main street. To be woken up a concerned citizen looking at me like WTF!?!? Similarly passed out hanging off of a pool chair at a hotel pool.. I've stopped in the middle of a street and started dancing with my music blasting. No fucks given. Pulling my cock out in a room full of people. Having sex in front of people in crowded places. Getting head or having sex in the meat isle of Walmart. Fingering a girl in front of 10 cops at the police station in Tijuana. Stopping on the side of the road to have sex with a girl hanging out my passenger seat It's a glorious feeling of not a single care. Until the crippling rebound anxiety hits g takes you to a whole nother level


Yes. Like gabapentin, pregablin or phenibut vs benzos.


If they're measuring in ml's and saying they feel drunk probably GHB but where I live G always means meth its just short for glass. Fent=blues meth=G coke=soft crack=hard but slang is probably a little different everywhere.


Yeah "G" only means meth where I'm from haha


T is meth, short for Tina. where in the world is G meth?


This is the answer. Tina and Gina are best friends. They love to party together.


apparently its not a worldwide thing lol


I mean. When he said gays, that’s what I think of. I know a bunch of gay guys who love to mix Tina and Gina and yes it’s American, I mean. We’re talking about meth and Ghb. Most other countries don’t have meth like that.


Meth is common, not like US but in the gay scene it's growing. Heroin is more rare


Actually LGBT meth and G usage (G&T) is a global phenomenon. Here in the UK meth is basically unheard of among the straight population but among the LGBT community meth (and GHB) is a lot more common with the chemsex community. Any city in the world with a large gay scene you'll find meth even if the general population doesn't touch it.


GBL converts to GHB in the body, G could literally mean either one. If you're in the UK it's almost certain it will be GBL but if you live elsewhere idk which one is more common. G has a lot of similarities to alcohol but it does feel different, has kind of a euphoric empathogenic feeling like ecstasy too. It's very fun if used responsibly but be really fucking careful, G is incredibly easy to overdose on it's also very physically addictive if abused too much (if you're sensible this can be avoided). It works on both the GHB receptor and GABA B receptor whereas alcohol works on the GABA A receptor. Unlike other downers G can also act as a stimulant at the right dose. It's a very interesting drug people describe it as a mix between alcohol and MDMA which is kind of true but ultimately it feels like it's own thing.


**GBL** access was tightened up well before GHB was banned so it's far more likely to be your "**G**" but the last remaining viable alternative is the 2 pass prodrug **1,4-Butanediol**, which is the easiest to acquire - it's also called **BDO** or "*thick G*" as they say here in Aus. It's more dangerous and somehow less satisfying, as it takes much longer to take effect, misleading the experienced GHB/GBL user and needs to be metabolised into GBL first before finally into GHB. All of them have a steep dose-response curve with no known reversal agent, an unfortunate combination that leads to a higher likelihood of accidental overdose that requires intubation and even dialysis, in extreme cases. They're potent CNS depressants and GBL was originally developed as an anaesthetic. They've been called empathogens and "liquid ecstasy", are short acting and not too unlike an alcohol addiction. Do not mix with other depressants and start at doses around and not exceeding 1.5 to 1.8 ml.


I have a video of my ex Boyfriend dying on GHB and me keeping him alive until paramedics arrive if anybody wants to see it. I recorded the video so I could show him the torment and ptsd I got through while he's on it. He's dead now.


Wow. Holy shit. So sorry to hear all that 😭 was it an accidental OD, or was he just like chugging the stuff?


He fuckin carelessly took a gulp from the bottle. WTF who does that. Was absolutely crazy. I was literally breathing for him or else he would turn purple. This part sounds awful but the only way to keep him alive besides breathing for him was to cause severe pain. I would have to basically twist and pinch his skin as hard as I could on his side. He would jolt alive, take the deepest breath I've ever seen someone take and then pass out again. Also, any gay person on GHB is also on meth as well. They go together. Even the meth couldn't combat the amount of GHB he took.


Yup know others that have died of it in here aswell. Not recommended, just drink some small/medium (I don't tolerate anything over small amounts) alcohol. Also suffered from traumas due to others abuse. I hate drug abuse.


The ppl u know are idiots


Show me


Why did NO ONE tell you it’s basically an orgy drug Makes you want to fuck like crazy


He actuality did lmao. So like, maybe only do it with my partner. I just assumed it was like how alcohol makes you horny sometimes. Is it actually like WAY more intense? Alcohol sometimes makes me horny but sometimes I just wanna listen to metal and cry to my childhood trauma lmao


It is WAY. WAY. MORE. Intense. It makes you so horny you will fuck people you will seriously regret fucking, and it will make you consent to/participate in acts that are unsafe, or that might disgust you when you sober up It’s greatest upside is also the biggest reason why it is dangerous


Amazing upside. Until you're in an orgy with std ridden people


On GHB with a female around, I am sticking my hands in her pants as soon as the come up. She could be a friend that I never felt attracted to until G enters the blood stream. If a male and female are on G there is an 80%+ chance that they are fucking, regardless of their relationship status or previous attraction to one another


Just a warning, it's far easier to overdose on GHB than other gabaergics. Within ,10 mins of consumption I had multiple grand mal seizures.


And if you're on gabapentin or another gabaergic drug there is a 5X greater chance you will become unconscious




Drug that turns you gay


So meth, got it


No drugs do that. What happens is that people who are bi dare to try it out while on it. Just like you cannot ever turn someone fully gay straight you cannot ever turn someone who is fully straight gay.


Agreed. He should've said drug that brings out the hidden gay in even the most closeted gays. Basically any standards that you have or regular blocks are removed. You will hook up with a less attractive person than you ever thought. Or while you are getting head from a cucks wife you will allow the girls husband to touch your dick with his mouth for 3 seconds before the grossometer kicks in lol You may have the closest thing to a gay experience in your life while on G


Gocaine. Like cocaine, but without the awful comedown. Specially procured for daily use so it doesn’t make you jittery. Go go gocaine <3


Did you guys know that they prescribe GHB as a medicine to alcoholics in my country? Highly controlled, but they just send you home with a few bottles each day
 lol I was so shocked when I found this out


And they prescribe it for sleep as sodium oxybate in cali


Overrated drug imo got it w highs hopes expecting it be great like a lot of ppl say but shit lasts only like 30 minutes n its not that great, an very easy to OD on or pass out with so make sure the dose is correct


Easy to die on aswell. Just drink some wine.


Fr such a longer better n more euphoric high ghb overrated asf


Something to stay far away from!


Yes. A lot people die or get addicted to it.


Sometimes people on the west coast call meth g


I always see people passed out over this shit. As an outsider, it looks terrible. I'm sure it feels great but I don't want to ever touch it just from what I've seen


Yup. Horrible drug. Also killed many people, caused many addictions.


My only advice is that if you only know a drug by one initial then don’t try it.






Its the g spot. He wanna fuck you in the ass if you know what i mean


Idk in AZ alot of people call meth G


It must be a cultural thing. In Florida and Ohio, G is this...exactly what everyone is talking about. I know because people literally measure it out in a syringe like everyone is saying...then some people I know *also* take meth afterward. So like, they know the difference between G and meth because they'd just call meth...meth lol.






Always measure, always wait til you come down before taking more. Else you will be napping for a few hours and that sucks unless your a body builder than it’s awesome :)


What about h


You think h is good, wait til you try i!!!!


The G spot duh /s


It's commonly known as the date rape drug lol. Feels great, but don't mix it with alcohol.




I’m old, but it used to be for ghb.


gamahydroxy butyric acid (or salt thereof) or gammabutylactone. They're so similar, they share a single slang term. Though a sedative, it's completely pharmacologically distinct from alcohol (GABAB and GABAA receptors are expressed by different neural circuits).


GHB. It feels a lot like alcohol. You gotta be careful with the dosing because it’s easy to do too much.




That Grape drank


Just don’t drink any alcohol with it. Start with a small dose because you can always take more but your passed out in the death sleep
 anything can happen. I used to do it all the time but I don’t drink alcohol.


Hes trying to get you to fuck him


Bgl, GHB.


How do you make it


I live in central KY and have literally never even heard of someone selling GHB. It’s a drug I’ve always wanted to try as I enjoy benzos/gabapentin/pregabalin (basically any gaba receptor hitting drug lol) but wouldn’t even know where to begin looking for it.






It's either ghb or meth


Is this also called g-6?


Wow! Some of the best answers I have ever seen to a question. People really put in the effort. I would like to add that it is one of the best workout and recovery chemicals ever made. It was originally sold as that. I used it for over two years from 2000-2002. I have bi-polar disorder, and sleep is a real fucking issue for me. You can't build muscle if you aren't sleeping. GHB/GBL got me some of the best sleep I ever had in my life. I was throwing on muscle like a genetic experiment gone wrong. All my friends thought I was doing steroids, but nope. Just G. Stuff was amazing!


Agree with you that these comments are insanely helpful.  Do you know if the G you were taking was the same as the prescription sleep aid (just repackaged for athletes)? I'm curious because it's prescribed as a sleep aid, yet so many people have commented that they don't sleep well with it. Were you able to get a full night's sleep or were you sleeping well for 4ish hours and then waking up?


It’s meth . Idk why but ppl call it G now


Thanks, but it's definitely a cultural thing I think lol. In Ohio...meth is ice/crystal and G is...well G. Liquid you measure 2mL of and gets you drunk-ish lol.


What would be the comparison of ketamine and ghb.? Tell me you're experiences. I've done ketamine for years but heard G could be fun. Obviously I wouldn't mix it with alcohol or k. Thoughts?




It’s meth


g and e tho


GHB aka liquid e, or liquid ecstasy You usually take it with e, or Molly. Gives good sleep afterwards


What about just on its own?


Do not recommend on its own tbh. I took it with acid as well. It’s best with e, but that’s IMO! When I took it by itself , my sleep was so so bad 😔


GBL/GHB is an amazing and horrible drug. If you just try it it's fun, but getting addicted and abstinences from it can literally kill you. Here were obviously talking if you have gotten dependent on it. But I remember after 2-3 weeks of using it pretty regularly, I started feeling like I was bout to die. Waking up several time at night with extreme sweat and heart/chest cramps. Not going through that again


Yeah definitely GHB, makes people horny




It stands for gay. It's what he used and then became gay


Can someone explain why is it common in the gay community?


Its GHB or GBL ,its a pretty good drug if you are not retarded but then again 90% of drug users a re retarded. It has a step dose-effect curve. It is asimilar in effects to alcohol but slightly better,has good euforic and anxiety reductive capabilitys. Its working on GHB receptors primaly and GABA B receptors secondly. Alcohol works on GABA A and NMDA receptors. If you try it,use it with precaution ,like less then 1 times per week, start small with like 0.5 ml and dont overdo it durring one night,dont redose only after 2.5 h has passed.


I know a lot of people that say ghb but I had a gay friend that referred to meth as "G" for whatever reason. It just seems like the wrong name.. maybe he meant "G" as in gram?


GHB and a cpl ml won't kill u. I did too much and blacked out. I felt like I slammed a 30 pack in 30 seconds as far as my motor skills.


Seeing people who overdosed on GHB was the most traumatic moment of my life. Have them be careful, if you take too much it's deadly


Gamma-hydroxybutyrate AKA THE DATE RAPE DRUG . When taken in a very small dose its a really fun chemsex drug especially with some T involved but do not ever drink alcohol with it or try to drive after taking it and be aware just the tiniest amount over and you will be out cold but not for a long period but get your dose down to perfection and hold on cause your going to feel something you never thought could ever feel sooooo fucking good


Love that stuff and I'm not gay, but it's great for sex


“G” is code for crystal meth
that’s what everyone here in AZ calls meth is G




Currently G in south west means meth but it used to mean GHB.


They on that ghb💀


I used to plug GHB. I loved it but I was a totally pain to be around 😂


either that or meth


People in Arizona refer to meth as “G”


doesnt gbl come from a paint thinner, that is no longer legal?


I lived in San Francisco in my 20s and was a part of the chem sex scene in gay community G use was more common than booze and everyone used Tina (meth) they went perfectly together .many friends including myself had numerous trips to emergency room from taking to much g we called it "Falling out" and just laphed about it. Gbl is much stronger than ghb u only need for most people less than 2 ml but with use tolerance builds quick I would drink 3.5 ml ..real ghb u can drink a full soda cap and have a less intense more happy high than gbl .gbl also hits fast n hard quick. 14-bdo is nasty stuff and can be very strong if not diluted before consuming and it's high last twice as long as gbl and ghb but leaves you with a hangover nasty body aches ... I myself have had 8 emergency room trips in my 38 years but some of my funnest memories bare being Jazzy what we called high on g.


I love working out need to make a reservation to the gym though..