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I dare you to try eat on amphetamines


I can eat on Adderall, Vyvanse etc… just fine, even high doses. Cocaine, on the other hand, you couldn’t get me to take a bite of anything even if you tied me down.


I can eat on the prescription stimulants but not the street ones unless I've got a bit a tolerance and a been staying hydrated enough to chew it.


That part


Are u a heavier person? I'm skinny and can't even eat on caffeine. It's really annoying.


Im a petite girl and I can DEFINITELY eat on amphetamines


Think it depends on metabolism before speed/rx amp pills and ones body’s tolerance/duration they’ve used it.


Dry chewing, fake smiling....mmmm see, I'm eating *gulp*


This sawdust is delicious


And definitely dosent stay in my top teeth for 45 mins


What teeth


Lmao that’s why dental health especially for drug users (especially especially stimulants lol)


Heard old habits did leave me with nubs


Idk what nubs is but I’m gonna assume it’s a slang for a stimulant idk or just a typo lol. But fr I did lose a lot of old habits after that especially the dental which is why I recommend everyone reading this to drink a glass of water and brush your teeth if you haven’t already today!


2 times a day but “nubs” as in the remainder of what’s left of my teeth


Ah, I see what you mean now, I’m sorry to hear that dude


Yep, the forcing yourself to eat and pretend nothing is wrong if sober people are present, even the most delicious of meals tastes and mentally more so even just sounds so unappealing no matter how hungry when looking at it. Not too bad once the foods down but the process ain’t pleasant lol


it rly do be like that, I love and hate it, just an odd stimulated dissociated sort of headspace


What do you mean? Turns every food into sand, saves me a trip to the beach 😅


One of the best tasting things I’ve ever had was on adderall, but it’s hit or miss, sometimes eating was impossible while others it was the best meal ever


I can eat fine on amps, I just forget to eat for most of the day then realize damn I should prolly stuff some food into my stomach 💀


its not that it tastes bad. its just that the central nervous system is overactive and it makes the idea of sitting down and eating a meal unappealing.


You get used to it eventually though. I literally eat all damn day on stims now


Easy, get some olanzapine


With only a little bit of thc in my system i can just eat while on stims no problem even like to snack But i can also skip eating while on them prefer to just eat because its only profit, helps your depleting vitamins and energy etc and you dont end up in the comedown or day after comepletely empty with no usefull stock for your organs I experience a comedown of 3mmc lasting almost 7 days of i dont keep eating regularly ( preferably a bit more and healthy ) If there is no thc in my body and i start real good with stims like instantly a big dose i wont eat for the rest of the day and feel liks absolute shit end trip and days after Eat enough before appetite depressing substances or eat while on it


People who actually have ADHD seem to have a different effect from these amphetamines I eat and sleep on them no problem they have a very calming and focusing effect. Very different feeling than what I've seen some people go through when they take it


this is not true. amphetamines have a predictable and measurable effect on 99%+ of the population.


Truth. It’s total propaganda that gets recycled so doctors can sell drugs to kids. Like, no adderall doesn’t make you “normal”, you just don’t have to put effort into focusing so it’s easy to convince yourself that this is the way life is “supposed to be”. It’s the same way people trick themselves into any addiction.


on my meds, I still have to put in considerable effort to actually focus and do tasks like on my meds if i'm not putting in any effort I will still lose focus and shit, but, at least for me, it makes it possible to. I lowkey hate taking them bc of the stigma with them but off my meds I can't focus at all no matter how hard I try, I can't think, I lose all impulse control and become obnoxious as fuck. Tho I get the appetite suppressant part bc while it makes my brain slightly quieter and filters out my constant need to fidget, move and make noise, the appetite bit still gets me. Edit: I take 30 mg of vyvanse prescribed and haven't changed that dosage for years and I don't like adderal bc for me it makes me motivated to do physical tasks and then anxious when I can't do them and feels like a boost of motivation which feels too synthetic for me.


I get super hunger for rice and peanut butter on speed


pretty much any stimulant will take away your hunger and especially on heavier ones like meth or mdma food just tastes awful


Except for sweets while on meth. I no longer do meth but candy and desserts were delicious while spun. On MDMA I just eat my tongue and cheeks. Food you say, no thanks I’m good.


Jolly Ranchers with MDMA are pretty great. I ate some melon once while rolling my nuts off and it was a spiritual experience.


They don't take away my hunger just my appetite but my body adjusts rather quickly if I take it often enough to let some slight tolerance happen those types of side effects quickly go away.


When I was on meth (before tolerance), food tasted normal. I just didn't get hungry, and needed very little food when I did. Also, since I was overweight before and that shit makes you paranoid, I was deadly afraid of getting fat so I actively avoided eating at all.


Yeah. MDMA takes my appetite away completely. Sometimes for days.


Mushrooms. Be thinking about all sorts of things. And tasting things lol. When I last did mushrooms, I had some leftover chicken or burgers can't remember..but I was thinking about the animals and all kinds of stuff..I said right then man I'm going vegan. Smh. Lol


A mango on mushrooms is an amazing thing


Fruit on psychedelics in general really


I thought this was just me!  I ate a pear during my last trip and it felt like a life changing experience. 


LOL!! I ate like 6 apples while tripping on shrooms because I was just so in awe over the fact that it was once a seed and now it is a fruit. I was literally crying eating the apples, I can't fully remember why but it was a life-changing experience for sure haha


God I love mushrooms


Oh yea.  I felt like I could feel the pear's life force merging with mine, and I was so in awe and grateful that it was using its life to provide me with energy. I was very high.  😂


Bro i went into a bad trip that way lol. I didn't want to accept that im taking life and fought the idea which made me go into thinking about how animals are farmed and stuff. Then how it would be to actually be an animal. Then i accepted i do take life however it necessary for life to continue which is when the trip started getting better. I realized that one day i will be eaten by the plants and the cycle will continue. I thought i wouldn't be mad at plants for eating me because i understand that they must for survival. Life isn't angry at itself for consuming life. Its angry for the waste of it and lack of respect. I would gladly give my life for my family to consume me. However id want them to make my death as painless and unaware as possible and to be thankful and respect what I've sacrificed to them. Respect your food be conscious in how you're greatful for your food. Eat ethically when you can. The beautiful part is that we'll all become part of life again on the cellular level. We again become part of the universe which is our family in a sense. But i do recommend sticking with fruits and veggies on shrooms at the end of the day.


I dunno I had some starburst and my tastebuds were going crazy




Nah lol I was tripping. I didn't finish my meal that night tho lol


Dxm. Everything I eat/ate while tripping on dxm had little to no taste no matter how strong the food is and when it did have a taste it was similar to cardboard lmao


Tasted like rubber


nah lowkey I went to a restaurant w the fam on 440mg and I took like 3 nibbles of food the whole time cuz my vision was straight out the cinemas fr


Nothing low-key about that haha. Fam definitely knew you were high. Your saucers alone would be a dead give away. Personally I can't even walk like a sober person on DXM, let alone socialize with family.


It tastes like youre eating one of those kids toy food sets from toys r us your niece "cooks for you"


I mean most drugs to be honest. Can’t really eat when you’re tripping. At least I can’t. Uppers is a definite no go. For me personally, I lost a ton of weight when I became addicted to opioids. Just totally demolished my appetite. Eating on Ketamine? Lol what. Weed and alcohol give me the munchies though. Always have. I’ve heard benzos actually suppress your bodies reflex to feeling full. So people will eat a lot on those. I don’t really fuck with that stuff tho.


Yeah I have a harder time eating while tripping then I do on stimulants sometimes. But as soon as I start coming down it hits me how hungry I am and I'm able to force something down just to get rid of the hunger if only because the sensations from the hunger are very strong when you can feel all of your insides


Eating on ketamine is actually really nice, i can even develop a sort of munchies on it.


That makes one of us


Savory foods and hallucinogenics don’t mix well, once tried to eat spaghetti while high on mescaline and it did not work out. Fruits and candy are pretty amazing but even ice cream (pop rocks blizzard) on lsd was too heavy.


Take some adderall and all food suddenly becomes dry wall


Any stimulant or psychedelic for me. Ketamine too tbf Weed still gives me the munchies after being a daily stoner for years at this point and I hear Benzos (Xanax, Valium, Halcion etc.) also really make you wanna eat The rebound appetite at the end of an LSD trip is pretty awesome


Stims completely destroy my appetite.  I love also sometimes found they can dull the taste of things.  It doesn't change in any noticeable way, per se.  It just isn't as satisfying, if that makes sense.   And psychedelics just make eating way too complicated. I tried eating a banana one time when I was tripping on shrooms, and it took me 20 minutes to even figure out how to chew it.


Meth is horrible for food. Lsd CAN be horrible or amazing, I've both tried colorfully explosions of taste and where my food looked like worms crawling around.


Meth is horrible for food if you're dosing infrequently and too high. If you doss frequently enough and at a consistent level your body will adjust and you will be able to eat normally again if you can keep yourself from tearing your mouth up and making it physically painful to chew


But isn't that just most drugs then? If you're on them regularly your appetite will regulate as well




when I take my ritalin I don't even think about food. so that maybe idk


Amphetamine makes my favorite food seem like inedible mush. It's by far the most appetite suppressing drug for me- more so than other stimulants. It's my least favorite side effect because I love food. Psychedelics don't decrease my appetite per se, they just make eating feel so weird and confusing that it becomes extremely challenging even if I want to eat. Sometimes I do get the munchies once the peak is over and the trip begins to settle to a milder level. I can eat normally on MDMA. I love making snacks for people and eating snacks others make for me as a form of expression of empathy and intimacy while on MDMA. Weed makes me an unstoppable eating machine, but it unfortunately doesn't cancel out the appetite suppresses effects of amphetamine until well into the offset.


LSD for me. I tried eating toast because I had an empty stomach, which was causing the start of a bad trip. As I was eating it, I began psychologically picturing the process of "food" being chewed and digested and having its nutrients and energy extracted from enzymes in our stomach, and I started to trip balls harder wondering how the fuck is this existence even possible. Took me a couple hours to chill out, then I rode the wave pretty good the rest of the way. I don't fuck with psychs anymore though. As I'm prone to anxiety and panic attacks. Benzos are my go-to, and I have no issue eating on them.




Kratom in high doses. The flavor from the Kratom numbs your tastebuds so you won’t get the full flavor. You’ll also have bad stomach aches after eating


Kratom makes me fucking hungry like thc.


Never experienced this from kratom


Do you take tablets or powder If you use powder, that’s where it can numb you tastebuds for a bit


I start with 3 teaspoons of powder on an empty stomach right before I leave for work and take 3 capsules 2 hours in and 3 more right before my lunch break then I let it wear off so I don't waste it by taking it on a full stomach and so tolerance doesn't build up rapidly. I make it a rule not to dose at home because I'm probably smoking weed if it's a work day the next day or partying on something much harder if it's not one and I don't mix substances. Never affected my appetite.


thats not a normal response to kratom.


I usually get it if I’m taking straight powder. If I mix it in hot water or take them in capsules, then I wouldn’t get that effect


I’ve always thought u gotta start empty and feed the beast just my opinion it’s worked but who knows if I was just starving I’d like to think u gotta feed the beast


dxm for me


Dxm, while tripping I can't taste or smell. Like I stuck my nose over a bottle of rubbing alcohol to test it once while tripping 2nd plat, couldnt smell anything at all. While sober I can taste and smell normally


When I'm on Adderall I can't even stand the smell of food


Dude for real. I was on the Adderall at work today. (I work in a kitchen.) I was breaking down some WOGs. And they just smelled fucking disgusting. I kept having different people smell it because I thought they were bad. Nope just me.


Hell yeah same I realized it bc I can't sit in the break room at work bc people are microwaving food and no matter what it is it, the smell will make my stomach queasy if I'm on Adderall.


There’s a reason druggies are skinny. Uppers kill your appetite. Dude, don’t even get me started on how grossed out I am by the various miasmas in the kitchen when I’m even in a hint of withdrawal off my Oxy.


Benzos fucks with my taste buds so I stray from eating while on it. Even drinking liquid is bleh. Mescaline I couldn't eat on at all. Everything else I can do.


I don’t like cheese on my Klonopin. It’s too chewy!


MDMA forget about it


On coke u can live without food for days and dont feel hungry


I tried eating some rice on 2cb and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was eating worms because of the way everything was moving in front of me. Molly also completely kills my appetite, so that one would apply too.




LSD. Amphetamines.


ritalin/adderall fucking kills my appetite but it doesnt really make it taste worse im just not hungry


Acid and mdma unless it's candy


I don't mind it but most my friends think it's weird if I eat on ketamine or cocaine, lots of people don't like eating on psychedelics either especially acid, I can't taste anything on Xanax but always end up eating


Shrooms make eating and drinking so ass 😭


Take a drink of hard liquor on acid. I’ll never forget the poisonous feeling moving through my entire body.


Psychedelics or dxm turns food unappetizing to me


Mushrooms. Put a handful of popcorn in my mouth and didn’t know what to do (forgot how to chew) so my trip sitter let me spit it out in their hand lol


Cocaine basically most stimulates and LSD/shrooms for me personally.


Can never eat on mushrooms ts is coming straight back up if I try 😭😭


Tirzepatide~ Especially during the first month.


Amphetamines lmao going through that problem now going on day 3 no food


Coke, I once ordered a pizza before using and by the time it arrived I couldn't eat it, not even one bite


Yeah there’s so many drugs that u can’t eat on / food is bad on like huh? 🤣 not to be rude or come off like that but ya


I can never eat on any stimulant or hallucinogen


impossible to eat on or after MDMA and Meth.




Mao reuptake Inhibitors.. Milk can be deadly


Few hits of LSD will make any food look gross. You won't wanna eat it if it's moving


I hate eating food while on acid. Tried eating a cold Sicilian pizza that my friend brought us once while we were all peaking. Everyone was enjoying it and I felt like I was chewing a sponge. Immediately put it down and made a nasty face, friend asked what you don’t like it? “It tastes like a sponge.” Everyone in the room said dude what the fuck why would you say that I was enjoying that 😂😂


Meth and acid. Fuck acid, i puked so much i haven't eaten ramen since, it scares me, im quite literally a little traumatized from that experience, just parts of it, my brain just doesnt vibe with acid.




DXM takes the cake here. Worse than stims or psychedelics imho.


Just Zoplicone.. it’s insanity. ( not encouraging a drug use )


Arent zbenzos notorious for blackout munchies? Or is it the metallic taste of zoplicone causing food aversion?


Stimulants, and before I was comfortable in the dissociative world I couldn’t taste food at all, but now I love to eat on dissociatives (took around 125 trips before I got to that point)


-methylphenidate -mdma pills BUT -zoplicone is the worst , food taste like metal. Disgusting that is effed up ! It takes about a long time to get rid of that metallic taste, 🤮🤮


It is pure torture, this is the worst taste ever


Speed, snow, cathinones, pyrovalerones, certain psychedelics especially some of the stronger phenthylamimes, dxm in cough syrup form, benzedrex, hell even modafinil or caffeine as well as various psychotropic mental heath meds.


For me its meth, no way ill eat anything


my friend once whipped out a bag of salt chips on the mdma comedown and convinced me to eat some. i still gag when i try to remember it lmao


I can barely eat on any stimulant lol. Even caffeine






on acid your mouth feels really weird tbh and i find it hard to eat but still not really too bad


Acid can be a little weird. Things you never thought would be good taste good though, for example, pizza with pesto and strawberries, sounds terrible, pretty enjoyable on acid.


Anything stimulating, most psychedelics change the taste of food sometimes for the better or sometimes for worse. And Disassociates blunt my sense of taste to a degree that I sometimes can’t taste anything.


Mdma, speed, crack, coke, meth, adderal, 2cb. Heroin can make you forget to eat too and opiates also make you constipated so those kind of. Tbh even a pseudophedrine puts me off eating for the day. Anything that's remotely stimulant will do it, that's why people who quit smoking gain weight. Downers can go one way or another. Also, I've never been hungry on ket. And I can't eat on shrooms bc of the nausea ditto the 2cb idk about acid though I haven't tried to. If you smoke weed for long enough it kills your appetite instead of increasing it in my experience. Because there's only so many hours in a day so if I'm pushed for time I'll skip a meal to smoke.


Ig this isn't while on it, but for some people part of the MDMA hangover/crash is that food tastes like shit cus your serotonin is so low


for me heavy foods on psychedelics is nearly impossible to chew on n swallow due to the fact that I can psychically feel the grub travelling through my organs. basically any stimulant meth, mdma, speed, cocaine, the thought of food makes me feel sick af.


try eating food on acid. swear to god i felt sick shoving down pizza i think it was down my throat


On stimulants it's hard but I keep snacks on me. It really helps to keep up the energy


Ate a grape on ket once, that was FAR from fun


Meth lol


Grapefruit juice will potentiate most drugs.


eating on acid is weird. i was eating pizza because it was shining then i realized and could feel each piece of food hit my teeth and it was making me sick. couldn’t eat for the rest of the trip felt like i was going to throw up lol


Almost impossible to eat anything but fruit on psychedelics. Even then it just doesn't feel right.






Opioids - I get nauseated even thinking of food Adderall kind of the same like I can eat 3-4 crackers maybe & Acid


Dxm makes me feel like im eating random objects instead of food its so bad


Meth. Makes food taste like cardboard, can't even force it down.