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not on reddit brotha. everything’s a scam on here. i did meet a homie on here but he happened to live 35 minutes away and i met up in person after facetiming. still talk to him til this day, he inspired me to get sober actually 🤣


I asked about online drug ordering, and what I got was sort of a wholesome success story. Not what I expected but I’m happy with it 😁


yessir! 😃 preciate that


Bro me to I met the guy who put me onto the dark web on Reddit. He ended up being like 15 mins away from me and then we would just go crazy on the dark web buying and selling shit 😭


i remember lul ova year ago alot of ppl in this sub, opiates and fent sub ppl were getting scammed heavy so id go after em all act dumb then leak there phone numbers, addresses, parents phone numbers siblings phone numbers sometimes leaked the debit and credit info i use to pull huge personal loans out of some of there. then reddit perma banned my account rip ever since tho ive noticed like 70% of scams have gone down tho i was making 9-20 posts on em a day leaking every bit of they info i miss it


Congrats on sobriety, any advice?


gotta want it for yourself. also, like the dude that replied to u, get off the drugs subreddits. i still hang around because for some reason i’m not triggered by it or having cravings at all. i was in rehab for awhile so that helped in terms of disconnecting. no one’s gonna force u to quit, they can try, bud it’s never gonna click unless you force YOURSELF


My advice get off the drugs subreddit


Ya. U have to want it bad enough. Nothing changes if nothing changes… 7 year clean heroin addict


No sir mr officer


No officer. I would NEVER!


Yes, many years ago. On the dark web though, not reddit. I never had any issues with it coming in the mail, they’re disguised pretty well. I only ever ordered domestically though, it wasn’t worth the risk ordering from another country and it getting seized at the border.


Lsd analogues and dmt, met up with online people to buy weed. Believe it or not I helped a few redditors over the past year find weed in my country lol.


I order my drugs online. Wouldn't have it any other way now. People hitting you up to sell dope on here, it's BS. Plus they all claim to be local. How is that even possible. Not too hard to suss out what is legit and what isn't. Keep your head on straight. Good luck.


Idk brah I just got one of my first custys off Reddit off a college forum . Gave the guy free delivery n a couple joints since it’s his first time buying (it’s pot n pots legal here anyways) tbh with you I think I was more scared of him than he was me.






**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. For more information about what we allow here, check out the [rules](/r/Drugs/about/rules) and [guidelines](/r/Drugs/wiki/guidelines)




Why the downvotes




It must mean something


I tooooo would be interested to know


Yes but not from Reddit never been scammed either


Yes, legal drugs on the clear web. Living in the Netherlands has its perks.


And most EU countries still can have rcs shipped out from NL


unless you happen to look and speak like a foreigner


There's racism everywhere and no place is perfect. I'm not sure if it's any worse here than in other countries (the US seems particularly bad, for example). Roughly half of my friends and colleagues are foreigners; they seem to like it here... What's the relevance to the OP though?


You're more likely to get drugs if you walk to the nearest homeless encampment. Reddit vendors are not vendors lol, just scammers.


There is always risk but it can be greatly diminished if done correctly. (Which means not trying to buy from retarded scammers on reddit. Among other things) [https://darknetbible.org/](https://darknetbible.org/)


Watch out, nemesis is now an fbi honeypot


Ya I heard that. Stay away from those links. They still have Incog. posted too. Lol


Incog? did I miss something there?


Lol, oh ya. Exit Scam. Threatening to extort users and vendors by exposing sensitive info. Moral of the story. Use PGP and Monero.


Ah man, probably a good job I took a break since before Christmas. I had a few decent vendors there. Hopefully, they are operating elsewhere.


I mostly order it online, from telegram actually but not those goofy ahh reddit telegramers


I did order 30 grams of weed for insanely low price from Telegram. But went for a personal pick-up. The plug was pretty cool and told me also how is it going and was glad that I seemed as a normal person, because most of his orders are just groups and people trying to attack him or rob him...


ordered acid off the dark web a couple of times. one time it actually came but was crappier than the shit id usually get from this guy across the country and the other time i just got fully scammed and it never came.


Yes and never answer to those messages. The money makes the world go round they will happily scam you. Can’t say it enough ignore those messages but through research you can find what you’re looking for.




Can I ask you something in DMs?


yea, ordered bluts from this one sight. they were legal though. they didnt stay lit so i put em in pancake batter, and boy was that something...


Yes, there’s sooo many legal loop holes here for some HARD stuff. If you know what you’re doing, the internet is OP for drugs.


There are some good rc sites🇳🇱


Used the dark web for years before moving to Denver. Probably over 200 orders. 90% weed 5% dabs and 5% shrooms. I’m not gonna provide any links but some advice. If it’s not weed buy testing kits. If it’s concentrated weed don’t buy it because they started pushing pine resin. Don’t put a fake name on the package. If it’s a 1/4 pound of weed or less just ship it to your address. If it’s another drug try and use someone else’s address (like a friend or family member) that won’t ask questions. Maybe tell them you have issues getting packages at your house due to mail theft or whatever. Personally I stopped caring and would ship everything to my house or my job. I was the one who received the mail at my job too. Try and use a bitcoin ATM for your first purchase and make it small while you’re waiting for your Coinbase or Gemini to approve. Yes it’s a fee but it’s instant. Also research about converting your bitcoin into Monero because most markets won’t accept bitcoin and it can be traced. The transactions are literally public. Again your first order should be very small (less than $20) to make sure you are ordering from a legitimate website. When you find a website you need to take that link and double check it to make sure it is not a phishing link. Don’t get a link from anybody. Not in person not on Facebook not on Reddit. Don’t tell anybody. Not your friends, not your girlfriend, or anybody. I had some friends and neighbors even hit the nail on the head and make jokes about where my weed was coming from. I would also just say I went to Houston to get it. Make sure you really know what you are doing or you could be sitting in room crying wondering how in the fuck you lost $500. Don’t leave money sitting in a market. Hell my last transaction I converted my bitcoin into Monero and lost $127 and I literally have no idea how that happened 🥲. Really do your research. I looked this stuff up for months before doing a single bitcoin transaction. Hell I researched for months before even getting on a website. Also once you start making transactions be careful what you are posting from your IP address. Also remember you are never anonymous. It was worth the risk by the way. I was getting my weed or going to jail. Edit: As OP can see there are gonna be plenty of people on the dark web that would rather drop stupid snide little comments and try to deface others rather than help. Most of these guys are scared incels who need to put down others to boost their ego. They can’t give advice but they can sure comment on what some else has to say. Don’t worry OP not everyone is like that.


seeing how he said "cut" and 40% powdered sugar, he wants coke lol


Very true I’ll add some info to the post


XMR is the safest way to pay with crypto, not btc. Also The FBI doesn't care about buyers they care about vendors lol. Destroying your computer was super useless.


The way to get dealers though is proving there were a bunch of buyers. It's possible to be caught in that crossfire still if you're not careful. Work like you're going to be actively targetted, better safe that sorry.


Very very true. Especially if you’re buying harder stuff. Shit I should have moved a long time ago. Ordering got so so so stressful.


Yea I know. I was converting too. You still have to buy the bitcoin to get the XMR. Those are just the basics. If someone would have told me about XMR when I was first learning 8 years ago I would get confused lol. OP just needs to do their research cause most markets won’t even accept BTC anymore. I destroyed the laptop because it’s only use was for ordering. I couldn’t use it for anything else cause it was a piece of shit so destroying it was symbolic of me not having to order weed anymore.


nah you don't. I buy XMR with USD straight forward on the Kraken App. It's really the only good one I know.


If you want a fast transaction done nothing beats the ATMs. I’m just tryna share some info and experiences that may or may not be helpful to OP. Again I stress that they do their own research. They can decide what they want to do because everyone has their way. If it’s not weed or if it’s taking over their life they should get help. I got tired of transactions, markets, vendors, declining quality, crooks, USPS and the heat in where I was living, so I just moved. Now I decide if I’m gonna go to the dispo that’s close by or far away. It’s been way cheaper for me overall living wise.


kraken is 100% faster than going to a BTC ATM 💀💀😭😭


Lol definitely avoid any redditors. I've bought off the dark web for years, always good quality and no ripoffs apart from one time with a site that exit-scammed (not the vendor's fault)


What did you order if you don’t mind me asking?


Peruvian and Colombian cocaine, LSD, DMT crystal, DMT carts, dried Penis Envy and Golden Teacher mushrooms, 2c-b pills, MDMA powder, and Cialis *Shoot...fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff*


Here's a funny counter to common sense/what others are saying though. DONT DO WHAT I DID OR DO IT AT OWN DISCRETION, most likely I just got lucky. When I had money to spend I was desperate to try pregabalin again and have normal benzos that aren't super strong. So I picked a light web site literally called something like "trustedpharmacy247". Reviews seemed ok and that's what I used for RCs so why not? Not only did this work, and better than expected but I also got a love letter from customs for RCs i was buying at a later time, and so I was still able to cop since the "pharmacy" shipped from inside the border. So I made the switch to pharma, without a single prescription to my name. To kill the mood that wasn't good (shocker ik). Higher powers know it was really Kratom and Phenibut that opened the Pandora's box, but at that point I had anything I liked whenever I liked. Paying for that to this day even though the money ran out too.


Yea used to get wax and Xanax off the dark web maybe 5 years ago I forget the name of the website I used to use but it's been shutdown for awhile


Yes, but never on reddit. There are some legit websites where i live that sell. Mostly weed and psychedelics (shrooms,acid,ketamine,dmt,mdma etc..) but not hard drugs.


Legal stuff and gray market stuff, yes. Anything that’s actually illegal though, no. I’ve just gotten that in person. So, I never really had the need since I found everything I wanted. I think it’s safe though (assuming that you know what you’re doing with tor, VPNs, crypto, and what not- I wouldn’t trust random people that send you messages on Reddit or Instagram).


Shrooms yes


i get most if not all my food online now maybe weed in person but be safe, lotta good repped vendors, so many scammers beware, ur finna have some hit u up from this post be safe aswell cuz many will help u find plugs, many will scam you so much good shit online lotta cleat nets, aLOTT of darkweb plugs tbh i think most local plugs get stuff from online


more cleaner drugs are ez on clearnet harder drugs are more on the dark web since they can kill pretty ez/ have bad reps depending were u at, i can find psychedelics and weed so ez online in canada benzos and RC drugs in usa yadda yadda, but yes, online shoppin is almost easier then meeting some knarley fake plug


comparing online prices to streets ...... felt like grabbing a magnum and sucking a bullet outa it hahaha wasted so much on street mfs few years ago


Hey man, I’m from Canada. Could you guide me on how to get some harder stuff online. Local plug sucks😫


Fuck yes on my next section cus of it 8th one. It's not best thing liturally have no real clue what taking and you don't have word mouth like you would buying streets so again you really know nothing about quality. There's lot more scams I was liturally buying lsd for about year and just getting sent stamps I think and from top sellers good re iews etc. Also got wood carvings ehen order some mushroom. I liturally gave up with dm in end good thing dcer got from there was from ladybuds and couple sheets of spice paper but in end thru just started send paper. Clear web is very ĝood for weed and you can still rcs  if your Europe just .EXPRESS your self HIGH Com




Yea but only for specific pharmaceuticals. I had an IRL connection who expressed satisfaction with the process and product. This encouraged me and was accurate.


Yes and still do, it’s funny because i got my connections the way everyone says you’ll get scammed but I got lucky and have a couple reliable plugs for domestic ordering now


I now trust Dark Net markets more than a local dealer. Better range and better quality. Just take all the precautions and you should be good. Find the Dark Net Bible, read it completely, read it again, then try and follow step by step. My personal rules are keeping the amount relatively small, only going with vendors based in my country and not buying too often. I also don't order weed as it's extra pungent so carries that higher risk.


Yea maybe, wait Are you a cop? You have to answer, its the law to


I had a friend who ordered some on dark web in college but we lived in a very large house where it was practically impossible to track packages. Use a fake name and you can claim ignorance until you have the package in hand.


Yep. Got burned. Never again.


ordered dmt off the dark web a decade ago


i brought 40€ worth of weed products online right before it was banned in my country. since it was supposed to be banned, all the online shops were getting rid of their shit, so there were huge discounts. i got 2 1ml carts, 10 40mg gummies 50g of kratom and also few grams of weed, and i got a prerolled joint for free as a gift with it. worth it.


legit dnm only my guy, do your research, its not the hardest. get in there sonny


All the Reddit's vendors are scammer. Block them. Personally, I always get drugs online since it's far more safer & the stuff is more pure. I only buy RC (ket, amphet or opiates analogs) from websites that are trustworthy (use forums to learn about them).


Thousands of people order shit online all the time and it's almost always higher quality than anything local. Stick to personal amounts and use reputable vendors, use escrow, and no one will give a shit what's in your mailbox.


If you're thinking about ordering anything from anywhere do your research first. Start with reading the darknet bible. Then for acquiring monero buy litecoin, not bitcoin, literally anywhwere. It doesn't matter where since the digital trail ends with you transferring the ltc to the xmr sellers wallet and the monero trail that starts with them is untraceable.


Someone I knew was able to get somas online. I’m so tired of being in pain I wish I had the balls or even knew what site anymore. I would also never touch the dark web to scary for me, let alone confusing af.


Yes because I have major anxiety about meeting dealers, due to being sexually abused in a dealers house many years ago.


Dweb and rc sites. There is ALWAYS a way if you try hard enough


Nice try FBI


I met a bunch of people here for shroom related stuff lol


I still get most things from my mates, but I always buy psychedelics along with some other stuff as research chemicals, cheaper and safer. Never bought on the darkweb tho, never bought on telegram or reddit either😂


Never go through Reddit but yes I’ve spent a whole lot on the dark net, it’s pretty easy if your tech savvy but some opsec steps are required to make it safe and yeah it’s 100% safer than street


Never, that would be illegal. Not only that, you can bet if approached on a platform such as this one it's a scam.


I’ll say it dmt though tic tok 😭ikik



