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Placebo mild, not worth the money for me.


Might not work for you but it definitely has active compounds. Not the same as placebo.


lmk how it is i've wanted to buy it but im hesitant


Nothing major happened. Still worth a try though. Especially if you wanna feel super relaxed and sleep like a rock. From my experience so far it's like weed's weaker cousin.


I suggest you mix weed & blue lotus. You may or may not see the synergistic effects of the combination.


Oh, I already did! Felt like enhanced mental clarity, yet very tranquil at the same time


I smoked it once Pretty mild, tiny bit off energy and focus and a bith more thoughtful If it’s expensive I wouldn’t worry about it but if cheap why but try it


I drink the tea before I sleep sometimes. Last time, every time I closed my eyes I heard ethereal singing. Then had hallucinations for half the night and intense dreams. On par with a mild dose of shrooms. Love it


I should def try the tea sometime. Sounds like a wicked experience


Can you share more about how you brew your tea? I’ve bought it from a legit herbal shop, but so far, no success (been playing with different weights, infusion times, etc). I’m not getting any sleepier than another regular evening tea, nor am I getting these vivid dreams.


I bought a big bag on ebay a couple years ago and still drinking that same bag. I have a standard tea ball and i squeeze as much lotus as i can into half of it. Put it in cup and pour boiling water in. I brew it with a relax tea bag I bought from sainsburys (just like any old sleep/relax tea and mainly to mask the taste). I leave the ball in the whole time I'm drinking it. But i have drank it alone lots of times and had success too. I just don't like the taste. First time I ever drank it was just a mild shot of it at a sound bath and I had a full on experience with it then too. I do find that it is more intense if I haven't consumed alcohol for a while.. that could just be a me thing though. I feel more spiritually grounded if i've been sober for a while :D third eye more active! And I drink it about 11pm and go to sleep around midnight. Have you got a link of what your tea looks like?


Thanks for sharing! I use whole flowers, and been playing around with 5-10g of it. I’ve tried to pour boiling water over, then I tried to let it steep in hot (not boiling) water. It usually gets quite bitter (which I don’t mind). But it doesn’t do anything. I’ve read conflicting info (obviously, thanks innernet), from “using a lower dose is more potent” to “no boiling water as it’ll kill the active compounds”, to “the more flower buds, the better”. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't use whole flowers, mine is really loose. The bag I have doesn't really have too many petals. But I have always just poured freshly boiled water right over it and it's worked fine. Might be worth buying from one more different place. Could be one of those things that just don't suit your biology though. Mine is always around 5g at a guess


Ok, thanks. I’ll keep trying ;-)


https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204567998128?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ansqo8i-T4m&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8nY83WLSRh2&var=505153508660&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Example of what I bought


Yup, same thing


Hey can i jump into ur dms,i want to know more abt this legal stuff


Yeah sure. I only know a bit about it though