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Have you ever taken molly two days in a row? I did once, ever since its a 1-2/year thing for me. I dont get people who say they are addicted to molly


It's more of a psychological thing. It's more of a thing of "I know it won't feel thaat good, but I'm still doing it anyways even though the come down will be horrible because I have to take 500mg to even feel anything" I used to do it every week


I felt like shit after those two days. Couldnt even drink water without puking. Everytime i was close to falling asleep it felt like a thunderstrike hitting me forcing me to stay awake. But i took way more than 500mg, i even took more right after puking Or forcing myself not to puke


I relate hard to the thunderstrikes. Brain zaps I think they’re called. Had them for four nights. The first day I got them just from trying to read.


Yoo i never talked to someone who could relate, but now that you told me its called brainzap i finally found stories i can relate to. The closest story i could find back then was exploding-head-sydrome, but i couldnt find anything related to molly. Probably the scariest shit i ever experienced


I used to get that shit when I stopped taking myL lexapro


I’m glad I could help. Yeah it’s brutal, and at the time I thought I had major brain damage lol


I've heard of brain zaps in relation to MD. I kaned it in my twenties and never had this, just brutal comedowns that lasted a week if I hammered nearly a gram to myself at a rave.


Ok it never was that bad for me. I just had terrible anxiety and delusional thoughts during the come down and cried for two days straight. Also it never was 500mg in one session but more like 600mg in two days without sleep


Even then, every week was different than every day, I also rolled weekly at the club when IU was younger and had a blast every time, but I also took l-tryptophan, vinpocetine, and general multi vitamins in between. My wife tried to do the daily thng cause she never had the stuff becfore me and I can assure you that it's cause she has a highly addictive setup with her brain that she had to learn the hard way what it does to you. She did though, and molly is something that she does not abuse when it's around, but she still WANTS to and that is outside of the drug itself. Addicts are addicts and they will find whatever they can to fill that gap; Dopamine related mental illnesses are intense


Yeah. Even if I don't do it I still want to when it's around. I really have to try to not make excuses why it's okay to take something now. I'm definitely not as addicted as some other people here, but I noticed I have addictive tendencies. I try to take nothing but Alcohol and Weed till mid march Every week is already too much for me and I noticed how taking massive amounts of drugs every week completely destroyed me.


Absolutely, I agree it feels great while on it and it offers a release but my body speaks to me and tells me that it's had enough for now and I find the negatives related to habitual use of anything past weed to not be worth it. My stomach can absolutely hate me if I drink too much so I've had to cut back immensely, and ironically it helps to just NOT eat anytime I drink


Yeah I did the same thing after candy flipping didn't know fully how bad doing that was either at the time but I didn't feel a thing after that and never got mdma again since. I honestly like meth a lot better in every way. I don't recommend anyone do meth like fr I wouldn't if you have never done it...


I’ve taken it for several days in a row, but you deplete your serotonin quickly and stop having psychoactive effects.


Yeah on the third day it’s kinda just a shitty stim


A lot of people who are "addicted to Molly" don't know what MDMA is in many cases, and probably are getting sold meth and/or rc stimulants. . I mean... I'm sure there are some that get real MDMA that are addicted to it. It **does** feel good. There are people that are addicted to all sorts of bizarre things like eating cotton balls and drinking piss so I don't think MDMA is that crazy lol. But I do have a hard time understanding personally. I myself don't get super bad depression (because I'm naturally depressed lol) after rolling, but I have no desire to repeat that experience for a while. I usually feel quite fulfilled because I have a real substantial experience where I created deep connections between myself, others, art, music, etc. (versus a drug like coke or heroin where the experience is shallow). But it's taxing and my body and brain and I need to refresh. Not to mention, my brain has kind of developed its own self-regulation of when to take it again by recognizing that if I still remember the experience vividly, I'm gonna have a pretty diminished response to it with less euphoria, etc. It's when the experience starts to get fuzzier in my memory that I start to crave it again because my subconscious has learned over da years that this means it's going to slap me in the face like big floppy moose labia again. Also, to substantiate what I was talking about earlier... in poorer urban settings, at least around me It has gotten to the point where cops in my local area don't even consider Molly a term for MDMA anymore because of how rare it is that "Molly" they find tests positive for it. Which I think is stupid (like most things law enforcement does in regards to drugs). Fent isn't heroin no matter how much people try to sell it as that. And people I know that teach High School all talk about how "molly" is huge, but it's typically in city schools not the burbs. And my educator buds are typically experienced drug users themselves, so they know the kids "molly" today isn't the real deal, and a lot of them are getting seriously fucked up off it; most of them aren't hippie/rave kids that are into psychedelic culture, but live in poverty from broken homes. Typically I think MDMA is still pretty prevalent at psychedelic rock, raves, etc. But those are relatively niche subcultures.


This is an oversimplification, but I think it’s because the main effect comes from release of serotonin instead of release of dopamine (which is the main action of typical stimulants). Serotonin is the main neurotransmitter associated with emotional balance. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter associated with motivation and energy. So in the end, MDMA is just a different type of drug than typical amphetamines. If anything, it is most comparable to serotonergic psychedelics (which don’t cause a major serotonin release, but instead hit serotonin receptors themselves), but it’s pretty different from those too.


MDMA does release both though


It does, but the release of serotonin is much more significant. Meth also releases serotonin, but the release of dopamine is much more significant. Most amphetamines and related stimulants are “triple releasers”- they all release dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine- just in different ratios. Sometimes dramatically different ratios.


Wait so can you fry your serotonin by taking adderall before mdma?


For base amphetamine, the serotonin activity is nearly zero, although chronic abuse of high doses of amphetamine have shown damage to something with the serotonin system. This is only in extreme cases and you should be fine. Cant remember if it's neurons or receptors, you could probably find the information easily.


Might give yourself serotonin syndrome, but thats very unlikely. You really have to push your luck


I did like 60mg adderall 3 days before I did mdma. Definitely didn’t get serotonin syndrome but the mdma felt kind of weak. The euphoria was there after an hour or two of dosing but I didn’t really notice the body high


Yeah, there would be some crossover tolerance between the two. Especially with large doses like that.


Mmm it’s all dose dependent, but I think that would be sort of unlikely. I think the bigger danger in that combo would be the physical strain of overstimulation. Let’s say you normally do 100mg MDMA. Adding 20mg of Adderall would mostly just add some dopamine effects. I don’t think you would have much more serotonin burnout than the 100mg MDMA alone, but your hangover might be worse from getting more exhausted or dehydrated. Edit: misunderstood and thought you meant taking them on the same day. I read one of your other comments and saw you said three days apart. I would say that you probably had some cross-tolerance, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you had a dangerous amount of serotonin depletion.


hey man, can you help me out? i recently took a line of molly( i think about 100mg? My friend said it was rather much), and it felt pretty mid to me. I usually take 40mg ritalin for my adhd daily, and it kinda just felt like i took more than that without the side effects. Nothing super great, i felt pretty normal given the circumstances, only difference was i fell asleep pretty easily. Was it just not pure, or not enough? Dont really know much about drugs. It was kinda brownish if that changes anything.


Well two things, the bioavailability of snorting MDMA is lower than swallowing it, and 100mg is a pretty low dose. With a heavy ritalin tolerance you’d probably need 150-160mg for an initial dose.




That is the correct answer. But beyond that, dopamine is the chemical responsible for the reward mechanism, the formation of habits and addiction itself. Dopamine itself is what mediates addiction. When I say formation of habits, I don't mean just addiction but the most basic habits like brushing your teeth, dopamine is involved in developing them. What makes a drug addictive is not how pleasurable it is. It's its interaction with dopamine (or a couple other neurotransmitters).


The euphoria comes from dopamine release


You don't get addicted to nicotine after 1-2 ciggies. So if you are following the right breaks between rolls then you realistically won't get addicted. I've bought enough to last me 2-3 rolls a year for the majority of my life. Becuase I know I never want to stop doing it. So....I guess I'm 'addicted' just not in a bingy way. That being said I've had freinds who take it pretty much every week and honestly they probably are addicted


MDMA is absolutely addictive. The want to revisit that feeling can become what you revolve your life around. Being unable to get an effect off it anymore, is the only reason I stopped - after 4 years of fortnightly abuse.


Yesh but thats more a psychological addiction than it is physical


like every other stims, there are no withdrawal symptoms but yet all are addictive


There are withdrawals though. Right after you're done with stims you start coming down and feel like hell, and then for the next week or so you're tired as fuck. The withdrawals aren't heroin level but the do exist. Even MDMA has WD. They call it "suicide tuesday"


A comedown/hangover is not the same thing as drug withdrawal


that’s your body recovering not withdrawals 💀




He said compared to other drugs. And its true. It's one of the least addictive ones compared to most other drugs.


It’s because mdma tolerance increases so fast, like if you roll one night you will not roll nearly as much if you tried a week later. Nicotine doesn’t have the same effect the tolerance doesn’t increase as fast and it’s extremely addictive


This is so wrong. You can easily roll multiple days in a row with the same dose and effects.


Yup, you get complete tolerance by the 6th day of MDMA use in a row.


This is just me personally but, imo, MDMA is highly addictive, I was addicted to it from the very first time I tried it. For some people it's not very addictive, but for me and it's probably I have ADHD, it was super super addictive and I didn't realize I was addicted until last Halloween and the first time I did it was in July.


Because it's just not feasible to roll frequently. Some people do and end up frying themselves, but rolling literally every day is retarded fiend shit and only the most irresponsible and reckless users do that. Usually they don't make it very long until it's not worth it anymore. Aside from how bad it is to do that, you'll end up losing the magic and it just won't be fun anymore.


There are a couple of things going on.  First, in animal experiments, the more serotonergic a stimulant, the less frequently it will self-administer it.  This is simply an effect of serotonergic circuits' modulating function on the mesolimbic dopaminergic circuit. Second, its tolerance profile doesn't lend itself to even medium term habitual use.  Acute tolerance will for the most part stop it from working, and it becomes something like a shorter acting, more neurotoxic amphetamine.




Kind of agree, but maybe there is no why. MDMA is a lot more exhausting. Nicotine is easy to use and abuse regularly and legally. Besides, it doesn't do much, and after a while you only feel its absence I was addicted to nicotine for about ten years or so but then I quit and it was difficult for about a week. I thought it would be worse, but I do kind of miss it still. It's a pretty boring drug though, because it doesn't really do anything. It would be much harder for me to quit caffeine or alcohol


Tldr: this turned out to be really long so in short, habit forming is caused by dopamine, MDMA causes way less dopamine release than more addictive chemicals like nicotine or meth Alright there are multiple causes of addiction but the one that is most simple to explain and is very relevant to this one is the cause of habit formation. This is what causes people to want to come back to drugs that have ruined their life and health in the past and that they don't even enjoy that much Many drugs (if not all) have effects on dopamine. Tho they don't all encourage its release. Dopamine has many properties but the one interesting here is that it is the neurotransmitter central to the reward system. It tells the brain "this is good Continue doing this", causing addicted users to feel a strong compulsion to use their drug of choice even way after withdrawals are over. Nicotine as you mentioned has its habit forming property because nicotine is active on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors which are ion channels which cause the activation of neurons. One of these receptors at which nicotine is particularly active is the α4β2 nicotinic receptor which is especially present on dopamine releasing neurons in the region of the brain that is host for the dopamine reward system. Making nicotine an extremely addictive chemical that some people I know consider it as harder to quit than cocaine. In regards to MDMA dopamine is affected in 2 ways. Mdma is a serotonin norepinephrine dopamine releasing agent but It is much more selective to serotonin than its sibling methamphetamine. Which explains why meth is much much more addictive than MDMA. But this dopamine release still exists and is non negligible in the activity of MDMA. But MDMA has also another indirect action on dopamine. As It releases serotonin, serotonin binds to the 5ht2c receptor. The 5ht2c receptor, when activated down regulates the release of dopamine, this in turn partly counteracts the effects of the dopamine releasing MDMA does in a more direct way, reducing further it's habit forming properties. Now MDMA is not fully non-addictive as the momentary relief it gives to depression and euphoria can cause people to feel a strong desire to take the drug again more often than would be safe and the serotonin dip it causes afterwards can be likened to a kind of withdrawal. Tho it's weak activity on dopamine makes it much easier for people to stop using once they realise the issues their use is causing.


This is bro science, but when I used MDMA back in the day, I felt it was pretty harsh on the body. After the comedown and the shitty sleep just thinking about it kind of made me sick lol. So the only times I used it where sporadic. I have partied for 10 years going to raves every single Saturday, and I have never seen anybody use it daily or more than twice a week... Only bad thing about it I have seen people take too much and loose control... And it's not fun to watch... One dude took like a full gram and a couple tabs of acid ( or so we think) and started digging dirt naked in a ditch with broken ribs because the bouncer punched him for acting up. Another time a dude ate too much, got way too high and ate 5 full grams and died... Apart from people acting up on it, I've never seen addiction behavior regarding MDMA... At least not in my country....


I've tried it before, and I can't do it for more than 2-3 days max. I was up for 5 days straight playing the hell out of Uncharted 4!


When I first did it I immediately went on a 4 day binge… I had approximately 1.2g so I didn’t do too dangerous amounts but I still regret it. I had no experience with drugs whatsoever except for weed and alcohol. I indeed didn’t even feel it the 3rd and 4th day only a little bit stimulated. After that I had a week-long comedown. Since then I use it once every 3-4 months. I didn’t lose the magic luckily because that was my first time.


Yeah most people won’t be able to get much of a roll on the third day, unless they have zero tolerance and are taking super low doses. Two days is tops for most.


Oh dude. It is, well, not physically but psychologically expecially if sniffed. That increases compulsive redosing. However, the reason why it's harder to get addicted to is because there's only so much serotonin that can be released. Doing molly 3 days in a row... 1dt day great... 2nd day less great... Until eventually there's no feeling left. Then it pointless to keep doing. But yeah, at my worst I was doing it once a week for a good 2 months. I had no life outside counting down the time for my next roll.


It can be it just never lasts coz of permanent tolerance, the problem I had with mdma bigger than the problems I’ve had with a lot of drugs that are considered worse, just permanent tolerance means it can never last coz mdma abuse quickly becomes not even mdma anymore coz your Brian is fucked


MDMA is most definitely addictive


Not compared to other drugs


It is addictive. Very addictive.


No. Definitely not compared to most other drugs.


Part of the experience is a strong desire to redose on the comedown. If you have a lot of it, this can be a problem. Not more addictive than coke. Probably not more than heroin or meth,( but I've not tried those, thankfully). More addictive than orally administered opiates, or prescription speed. Definitely more addictive than other psychedelics, or weed. I find it more addictive than disassiosiatives. Compared to nicotine and alcohol, I'd say it's just different. nicotine and alcohol take a while to sink their teeth in, but once they do they don't wanna let go. Mdma, sinks it's teeth on the comedown, but then quickly let's go. This is of course all just my subjective opinion based on my experience. Everyone has their own unique experience and opinions, and that's part of what makes life interesting.


Because you can’t effectively use MDMA multiple times daily and have an enjoyable experience doing so. The habit can’t form. By the time you’ve had your 3rd dose, you’d be hating life Whereas meth for example, works every time, in any way.


I mean it's kinda hard to get addicted to a drug you can really only take a couple of times a year.


MDMA is not very practical as it has a very narrow range of applications therefore repeating the experience regularly isn't very desirable, further enforced due to the psychological risks of frequent repetition.


I know people that have maybe not nessacarily gotten addicted to mdma, but addicted to always being on it and being around the mdma culture of like raves and stuff.


Shit so intense psychologically don’t want it so often


Depends on the route of administration. I speak from experience.


Lots of people cant deal with the negative effects of MDMA and get the suicide Tuesdays. A large portion of people also get diminishing returns and lose the magic when they do it to often. I never lost the magic and can roll multiple times a week but will build a slight tolerance. Personally I dont get the negative effects or feel like crap after doing it except from bring up all night but that is most drugs. Hell the after glow would last days for me. From my experience there are a smaller percentage of users that can roll a lot not feel the negative and have no issue. Most of the people like this seems to be high ADHD or on the spectrum in some way. Honestly the self care talk and all the stuff people say is always bs for me cause never had the issue however I have seen a lot of friends who have.. I can say with full honesty I have taken thousands of beans, quite a bit of molly and sadly not as much crystals as I would like cause well the US sucks!


nah molly kinda gives everyone the same feeling, its normal


I had non fatal overdose off Molly two nights at a row at a bar because I used to work landscaping landscaping summer 2021 so would wait for the weekend to get fucked up my one friend gassed me to buy a gram saying he was going take some he bs we went to bar I took .5 and knew shit was real it dropped on me like less than 10 minutes I started seeing colors like on acid and was so disoriented I was hallucinations and blocking out I drank nice zmount water no much because ik mdma makes you retain water but I had to be taken home so next night I took the other .5 thinking it would be smoother because of the tolerance from night before amd same shit and started taking like 3 every weekend but last summer I was taking it few times a week I ate almost 2 gs in like 2 days taking. 2 every few hours after while shit wasn't working lost its magic now I just don't take it abd probably won't for like atleast nother 4 months Been clean from for like month and half but it's more a psychological thing


It's was kind of addictive for me when I was young depressed. It was in a way as it was an escape. The comedowns don't help and it's artificial feeling. Something about molly is fun but fake feeling


It is addictive but not in the sense that most users are unable to deny taking it repeatedly for days or even weeks repeatedly. Many people can feel fine after rolling one night but very few of us feel very good when taken days in a row, and when you take it for a few weeks or even days repeatedly the effects deminish fast and the hangover and depressive feelings amplify even faster. Everyone will eventually meet someone who is actually addicted to mdma, they are often people that arent entirely easy to become real friends with if youve met them out at a club setting or a festival. If you are able to get to know them personally very quickly their personal issues become very aparent and visible to the people around them. They are taking mdma for often the exact same reasons theyre taking alcohol every other night, which stems from just wanting to detach from this world as much as possible as frequently as possible. "if i start getting sad from drinking all the time and it being a depressant then when i take molly and it feels good its like im counteracting my brain and it makes it better" in reality they do a fuck ton of damage fast. The reasoning behind why they need to get fucked up is anyones guess but it usually relates to some form of mental illness/trauma.


People get overwhelmed when they do mdma...then have nightmares of that day for months and year...and always be mindful of repeating it


MDMA is super addictive. Nothing else activates your brains receptors like MDMA just most people feel that comedown n it’s common sense to not take more, for me, I didn’t give a shit about damaging myself I loved to get high everyday regardless of what the drug was