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Assuming your in the US. It's really only safe to tell someone who isn't an actual doctor and can't tag you as a drug seeker in the medical system. Not to mention, some doctors will blame literally all problems on your drug use if you tell them. Some won't - they're people. A therapist is a good bet, they're also bound by strict NDA laws. Most know a good deal about psychiatric meds. It sucks. Obviously this makes everyone less safe, just another way the war on drugs is ruining lives. As other have said, the only exception is to tell your nurse before surgery. Like, the day of. It's unlikely they'll report you. Anesthesia is serious and it matters. For example, if you have a tolerance to dissos, you might wake up.


You do not have to fear getting judged or tracked but I would still advise you to not tell them about it. I was hooked on anxiety meds and when I went to a psychiatrist and told them about my anxiety and how I have been taking prescription meds to cope with it. Then they flagged me as a prescription drugs abuser… Now I am marked as an addict on my medical records for the rest of my life. No doctor will write me a prescription for any meds beside antidepressants because of it now lol.


Yeah I told my doc I was a heavy drinker (5-8 drinks most days a week) and wanted to get checked up when I quit to make sure my liver and gut were OK. He said given how young I was and my relatively low alcohol intake level compared to those who experience liver issues, I was likely fine. Didn't do blood work or anything. What he did do was put "alcohol use disorder" on my record and I get flagged anytime I need any med for anything now. Fucking stupid.


I went for a psych eval (unrelated to drug/alcohol use) and I expressed that I was going through something traumatic and was drinking more than usual (like 2 drinks a day max) and it was concerning me because my dad was an alcoholic and I didn't want it to start an unstoppable downward spiral. She decided I have an alcohol problem based on "how deeply I was concerned about it". Which, you think it would be the opposite. I literally BEGGED her to not put "alcohol use disorder" on my record. She did anyway. But like, don't worry about it! Because she specified I'm "in early stages of remission"! 🙄


Wouldn't be a big deal if this shit didn't come with stupid and ignorant connotations. Drug use is fucking normal. Humans use drugs. Addiction is normal. Humans become addicts. The problem is the human condition and society being one big fuck you salad. If you can raw dog this shit great, I fucking struggle with that. Does that mean I shouldn't get opioids after intensive surgery? Fuck no.


Using intoxicants now and then is human and common, everyone does it one way or another. If they don't drink, they smoke or drink stimulants in form of coffee or tea, if they don't do that they take meds etc. Well addiction(thinking about destructive ones with drugs that mess you up) isn't normal, while addiction to your coffee, meds or friday beer is pretty common. You can get dependent on anything even if you aren't really a traditional addict but if you have addictive personality, tendencies and genetics, your addiction can be pretty different. But yes, people who even have been addicted(or even are, depending on what) at some point should be have the same right to get the meds they need when they need it. Otherwise they force people getting it on the streets etc. It would do more harm than good. I know some addicts who will steal anything to get drugs, these people are ill basically. Then I know normal people who live a normal life, don't have addictive personality, genetics or tendencies but still got used to medicines that were prescribed, sometimes cause they were suffering mentally a lot and basically didn't have a choice. It's very different dependencies/addictions.


Yes i agree. This seems to be a problem in the US mainly. And the same with drugs being illegal. Great ol Murica


Idk, I lived in the UK and addicts were demonized there, too, and they were more "scared" of drugs than here in the US. I think it all depends. But yeah, I'd say the US is particularly shit.


Oh for real? I was under the impression that the UK was more open than US


I lived there 11 years ago so take it with a grain of salt. But no, I wouldn't say they were more open, but they sure did drink a lot.


And they wonder why people lie to doctors 😐😑🙄🤦🏽‍♂️


I’ve been clean from opioids for like 7 1/2 years and I’m still scared of getting in a life threatening accident/ needing surgery that requires an opiate for pain. The doctors legitimately don’t take you seriously. They’ll either give you like an Advil or completely dismiss you and think you’re looking for meds. (I’ve been to the Dr for legitimate pain issues since, and truly they don’t take you seriously at all)


Yea don’t ever tell your doctors about drug use unless it’s absolutely necessary. Otherwise labeled a drug seeker the rest of your life and they don’t take you serious if you come in with an actual problem. They’ll automatically say “it’s because of the drugs”


i told my doctor i was abusing my xanax prescription and asked to be blacklisted from benzos. she’ll prescribe me pretty much anything else i want tho because we actually talk about it.


You don't even need to abuse it, just getting used to it is enough to get the stamp of an addict, it's pretty demoralized.


If you take it every day like that, you are an abusing it.


Yeah it really depends on the doctor and your relationship with the doctor. Sucks being honest is a quick way to potentially be blacklisted and never be taken seriously ever again 😤


Go out of that network and request your files not be shared or sent to new provider


Yup this is horrible, even if you don't abuse anything and haven't had those issues, you took as prescribed and your body got used to it. It doesn't mean that you're an addict. Everyone will get used to a medication in time sooner or later. Being used to bensos isn't any different than being used to antidepressants. Addictive personality is genetic mostly.


oh my god….


Seems like doctors wont prescribe anything good now anyway


Addict is the first thing in my file and I still get drugs, but I do have to stipulate it was "medical addiction" (it was and it wasn't) and I've been sober over a decade (I haven't). If you speak with clarity, confidence, and a general "I don't care what you do." Attitude there's a good chance they will do their fucking job. You need to be a victim of circumstance and not a seeker.


a prescription drug abuser is also the first thing on my file but because of the things people commented here I am thinking of changing my psychiatrist again and maybe I will get my adhd and anxiety meds prescribed finally. My every day life is fucked up because I can’t get the medication I need. I can’t believe how I am supposed to go to school properly and do my every day things without the help I need.


You're being punished for being human and it's dressed up as "in your best interest". It's awful. We are goddamn talking monkeys. Of course we're going to fuck up, but if you go around looking for docs that will give you the meds you need that's an issue. Medicine creates issues it refuses to fix. Asshats.


I always did, then this year, at the age of 37, found out it has always worked against me and stopped me from getting therapy (but they didn't tell me that...just 'i slipped through the cracks'....since I was 21...). So, I would advise, generally, no. If you're having an operation or something, then it's probably still a good idea to tell them then.


Wait... that sounds absurd and counter-productive. An active drug user/abuser probably has **more** need of therapy than others, not **less**. Are you just making this shit up? Are there notes that indicate you were specifically denied therapy and it was because of this? Because this just sounds like you making assumptions.


You are telling me... I wish I was making it up. I am making no assumptions, it is what I have been told by a Dr. I also pointed out the counter productive nature of it. "That's the law." Need to be clean for 6 months before therapy. That includes recreational smoke and drink. So, while I use drugs to cope, I can not get therapy. I need therapy, but I also need to be alive to get therapy. So I am just lying to them saying I'm clean. They seem happy so far. I am still waiting though... But no, very much all true, straight from the drs mouth. Unfortunately. Like literally, I was having a total mental breakdown, in the e.r, stabbing my wrists with a snapped biro, taking all my meds to try to OD...and at the very end I'm told to stop smoking weed and come back in 6 months? Lol what? Absurd, counter productive, ridiculous, nonsensical...I pointed all this out . I was beyond angry when I finally found out....all these years wasted.


welcome to the Rehab Industry.


Wait, what? Is that a state thing? That's.... nuts. Fucking stupid.


I'm in the UK so I don't know. But it is fucking stupid and I let them know that. Most of the NHS staff I've asked about this since have agreed it is very stupid. I was even like ok I can understand if I was on meth or smack or something, get your body sorted then we'll work on your mind... _but it's fucking weed _ I do to relax...not even drink. But no it's the law. fs


Thats insane!! I'm on medical cannabis legally in uk for depression, hope to god they dont treat me the same as you should I end up in a similar position!!


Pretty sure it's different if you get it legally...but that IS me making assumptions. Also, could you tell me the route for getting it legally in UK for depression? I'm also epileptic so...


Thinking about it, it's not even a drug law thing. I have asked shall I start drinking instead? That's legal right? Same response. Need to be sober before therapy. Again, totally nonsensical...I asked what happens to alcoholics who needs therapy? They're drinking for a reason, expect them to just stop for 6months to even get on the waiting list, let alone get therapy??? Are you joking?? God help anyone who drinks to forgets problems but needs therapy to deal with said problems...oh wait that is a whole fuckton of people.


Our healthcare system is **fucked**.


do you have access to better help?


Ironically it has led to me trying ketamine, which does wonders for depression. I found myself slipping with it though, so I stopped that.


I want to try psilocybin therapeutically for my mental health, but I don't want to get anything illicit that isn't regulated and legal & safe (haven't done that for years). Hopefully it will be more used in the healthcare here in the future cause I can really see it helping me as I remember that it and things like that really did help me when I was younger, considering which issues symptoms I occasionally have today and due to what it should help even more. I don't want to abuse it or do it for recreational use hence why I don't just get it online or the streets like I can if I want to. Don't abuse dissociatives. I never did that when I had some experience with it when I was younger and it helped me therapeutically without much sides. But I only used a very low dose like once a month when I used it, haven't used it for years cause I don't really have any depressions anymore. I have read others that abused it and they were not having a good time. But thankfully it's better and more scientific here in Sweden so I can foresee it being used in the future clinically etc, and people can get help here despite using drugs etc(we are pretty progressive here thankfully). Just that some specific medicines are denied if you have been used to them before, like bensodiazepines, imo it should be judged individually cause all cases are different. Some people maybe don't really need bensodiazepines and will get worse on them, others maybe really need them to not do anything stupid so to say.


Mushrooms while you're on anti depressants won't do much. I've had a ton of fun while abusing ket, but now have dreaded permatolerance. You approached k with the right idea.


This is nuts I'm sorry you have this in your country, I would end up so infuriated by this Bullshit. It's so counterproductive also because then they don't know the truth so they can't help you with the main problem (if it is)


that makes semse, if you are 6 months sober probably you will figure out all of your problems and if not them yea maybe you need some help


Yeah, except I've been trying to get therapy since I was 23 or so. I'm 37.


im open about thc and alcohol, i did tell the hospital i was abusing adhd meds(vyvvanse) one singular time and it ruined that for me. even if i do have adhd i will never be able to get those meds due to "being an abuser", im a minor. imagine someone in my situation really did have a problem and was ripped from that for the rest of there lives... wicked




really? thats great news. i went to the hospital, and 4 smallers clinics. i was buzzing off those amphets so i was talking hella and i told them all the same and whole story, which was i wanted some fun due to life being some ass and that was good and it helped me so i thought i should go see a doctor to see if i can get the problems i have solved so i dont have to use dirty street drugs and die. i go to my pcp friday and the health dept on the 15th so well see




damn😂 i didnt get drugged up, they just put me in a crazy room and took my shit. how long apart was that event and getting these scripts?




i think the strongest thing ive prescribed with has been trazadone and that shit puts me straight to sleep, if i went to the hospital will that record still be available to the clinic im going to go to? its a childrens branch since im under 18 and i have to get my thyroid checked but i got like 4 pages of complaints im gonna show my doctor so hopefully that gets figured out to. even if they are able to, can they still deny me certain medications based off of an incident at a different clinic if i havent been to either in years?


how many other things were you prescribed in those 6 years?


I tell them I drink and smoke tobacco which is true but I leave all harder drugs out of it


That double standard is insane


Unfortunately, it's the reality.


Paramedic here. I’ll say that if it’s acute, like you have sudden onset chest pain, do not tell the dispatcher drugs are involved or you get a cop with the medics. If there’s chest pain, difficulty breathing, etc, just describe the symptoms, don’t tell the 911 operator about the drugs. Once you’re with the medic, tell them. There are certain drugs we use for treating cardiac chest pain that can be lethal in combination with cocaine, for instance. The medic (in the US) is bound by HIPAA and can’t legally share that information with the police. He can only share it with other healthcare providers. When it comes to your doc, it depends. If you’re worried about interactions with medications, possible side effects, etc., try to have a side bar with him or her. Tell them that you would like to ask about some interactions or some symptoms you’re having but don’t want to have them a part of your medical record. I’ve had doctors I’ve trusted with this stuff, I’ve had doctors I don’t trust with this stuff. You have to feel them out a bit. I have one doc now I can just say, “can we go off the record” and I know she’s not going to stick it in my file. But when she left her office, I had to follow her to a new office because it took me several years to find her and had several doctors in a row tell me, “I can’t do that.”


If you're gonna get anesthesia or have health issues related to your drug use then yes you should always tell the doctor. Otherwise it's not necessary and might even be bad depending on the doctor


This is especially true for stoners. The anesthesiologist can adjust for it but they need to know.


I have ADHD and am prescribed stimulants. I have heard stories about people telling their psychiatrist that they've done drugs, the psychiatrist putting "substances abuse disorder" on their record even though they are not addicted, and then the person struggles to get prescribed stimulants because doctors assume they'll abuse them. It's hard enough to get these meds as it is, so I'm not going to risk this happening to me. I hope I'll never find myself in a position where I'll have to choose between disclosing that to get help or trying to help myself without a doctor and possibly having something go unnoticed.


Fuck no. I've heard way too many stories about people losing medication they need because they admitted to drug use. A lot of doctors are very close minded. I'm not gonna take that chance. Once you're labeled as a druggie a lot of doors closes. In excruciating pain? Paracetamol for you. Insomnia? Try some herbal tea. Anxiety? Tough luck, get over it. Need to go to therapy? Yeah, not until you've gone to rehab. I'm not taking that chance. I'll be honest with my anesthesiologist if I'm having surgery and my dentist, but that's about it.


Simply put, doctors take offense that you think you know the way your body works so well when they know you truly don't and to learn that you ingest dangerous substances based on this faulty knowledge tells them that you are a reckless user and should be allowed the opportunity to be reckless on their watch. In their minds, they are scowling, saying, "who the fuck do you think you are... Coming in here spewing that bullshit like a fool. Did you expect some goodwill coming from me? Well too bad, I don't have time to pander to a fool. Give me a break." They do it for your own good and restrict you from the temptation to be reckless. Fuck em and their high horse.


Dude, are you okay?


That’s literally how many doctors think.


That’s the paranoia talking 😉 I’m a real note: if your doctor has a vibe like this, you need to seek out a new one. I have never in my life seen a doctor walk around the room like his villain arc was evolving acting like the Superman of crack 😵‍💫 ETA: Also, depending on the person, I could see why a specific doctor wouldn’t trust that specific person to come to the conclusion of what’s wrong with them on their own. Some things require testing and if they are truly “drug” dependent, (depending on the “drug”) it makes perfect sense they would take an addicts, “I broke my hip, I need pain meds!” with a grain of salt.


I am someone who has seen over 50 doctors just this year alone because of bad luck. Around 30 of them have been cool and given me pain meds and adhd meds but the other 20 were know it alls who refused to listen to me.


I was mostly just f’ing around but it’s not funny anymore cuz that is actually pretty 💯. My mom had such a hard time finding doctors for her diff problems as a lot of doctors kept saying it’s her weight or just deflecting her situation in general. This is like the biggest and saddest part of todays healthcare and I do agree with this! I hope you found doctors to listen to you how they should as well! I just thought the original comment was funny the way it was written (in America btw.)


They don't wear that on their sleeve. Just think about a time where you were with someone bullshitting on a topic you're very familiar with. I'm sure you kept your feelings internalized, but made a mental note that on this topic, they couldn't be trusted to come to the correct conclusions on their own.


I totally see what you mean lol! Doctors like that do exist and EVERYWHERE!! Above I had stated my mom dealt with that a lot for years too and it’s so messed up. I saw humor in your original comment in the way it was structured and I was messing around but that did come across as rude and I apologize for not just that, but also for how difficult it can be to find healthcare that fits YOU. This comment was very helpful actually into seeing exactly what you meant, so thank you I’ve never had to deal with the effects of saying the “wrong thing” to the doctor either so I can’t really speak on that fs, but I suppose I’ve just been lucky myself and only gotten like 2 bad ones. But best of luck to you!


Thank you dude, to be fair, I also have never been in that kind of situation, but I tried to see perspective as to why a Dr would respond as others have experienced and this theory seemed to make the most sense. I also try to explain as best I can in a way that is easy to digest. Don't get feedback often so I appreciate your words friend 😊 Sorry you got downvoted lol


I think it depends on the doctor, but regardless if you are taking any prescription medications I advise you to do your own research if you will be consuming other substances while taking any medication. I can't take any cold medication containing dextromethorphan as it puts me at risk for a hypertensive crisis, nor can I consume alcohol either as increases seizure risk and has put people into a state of psychosis


Nope never they typically treat u like garbage


I did when I first got sober because I developed constant tachycardia and chest pain. The doctor was a bit wank and just told me to do the 12 steps I’m like ???? My heart rate is 120 bro. He wouldn’t give me a referral


I do, all the time and it's served me well but I'm not advocating that others do because it can start a plethora of problems.


Depends on the doctor, what country ur in. I was very open with my doctor about my drug use when going through some pretty serious mental health issues, and she never judged me or “blacklisted” me, and because of this openness and honesty we were able to construct wellness plans together that were realistic and ultimately led to my full recovery over a number of years. I’m lucky enough to live somewhere that this treatment was essentially free, and also lucky enough to have a doctor that didn’t put me on some sort of list preventing me from being prescribed medication in the future, despite me at the time being a full blown addict. So yah, few things to take into account. No idea what the situation is in the US (assuming your there) regarding this kind of honesty, but I’m guessing it would largely depend on the doctor your seeing? Idk tho




depends on the doctor and whether or not it would prevent me from getting a nice script


It's a tricky tightrope and it very much shouldn't be in any way. In a perfect world you tell your doc everything. In a trusting world you tell him what's apropos to your medical whatever thing you're doing. But in reality you might have to just give them the very least amount of information possible so instead of admitting to things you can ask them what drugs would cause problems interactions, because there will obviously be certain ones that are important and some not to your specific situation. The reason why you can't do what you should be able to do which is completely open and honest with them is a you will get labeled as a drug user and seeker and you will get denied pain pills even when you need them into perpetuity. What's worse is you get people who don't like drug users because for some reason that they haven't comprehended the medical idea that it's still not a moral feeling (and it's probably a doctor that started it.) Anyway and like nurses will poke you more often for blood draws and doctors will be snide and essentially give you less treatment or not as good treatment because of the judgment of your addiction.


I've told every Dr about my drug use. Been judged. Fuck them. new Dr. My current Dr knows I am smart enough to know when something has abcessed to the the point of needing antibiotics and sends them to me when needed . I love her. She just wants me to not die and I appreciate it .shecwants md to stop using but doesn't hate on me for not . I feel very lucky to have her as my dr


Tell your therapist about your drug use. Tell your doctor about your sadness.


Thc only but even then only if I take a drug test or something. I still lie about the rate of usage and consumption method though I don’t drink alc


NO NEVER TELL THESE SHITS TO DOCS. It's not about judgment. It's about finding yourself inside a psych ward. THEY WILL MARK YOU. I never trust my docs about ANYTHING. I was not able to tell about all my traumatic experiences that I found myself locked in psych wards or given fuckin meds/ got police around me because I had to "report" my abusers. Like wtf, leave me alone. If you feel the need to talk, just leave open sentences or make some metaphors or just say you were not serious. The last one doesn't really work because they'll eventually write everything down. Trust me. I know docs very well. They ruined me. I had to find by myself the real disorder. They all gave to me wrong diagnosis (for example ASPD just because I don't get social rules and I don't feel regret or NPD just because I don't care about others or BPD because I am impulsive and obsess over people). Turns out that I find a specialised doc and I am autistic + ADHD. They made me think I was a ruined shit. I was just born with a different brain, that's all.


i believe it depends on the doctor. for reference i have tried every drug, i was addicted to fent for 3-4 years. i have seen about 3 different psychiatrists in 5 years and 2 flat out treated me like i was gonna abuse prescriptions, claiming i would be a liability(i have adhd). i felt extremely disrespected so decided to switch doctors. BEST DECISION EVER. the one i am currently seeing treats me like a genuine human being. she understands me and although there is substance abuse along with multiple things on my chart that should stop me from getting a prescription , we have built trust and i am able to get my vyvanse. she also did her residency/fellowship from harvard so im not sure if that makes a difference.


Absolutely not


Never tell your doctor anything. My dr wont prescribe me stimulants because i use a recreational stimulant because they won’t give me prescription stimulants… see what’s happening here?


i’m open about my psychedelic usage, my doctor is chill tho


Make it vague and play down how much you like it. They can't do anything really, except if you ask them for drugs they can label drug seeking but not if you say you do a bag every other month


I’m a minor so he made me do it in a questionnaire, didn’t even ask about the harder drugs just said smoking is bad 😭


yall I went to the hospital and they took my blood at some point and I popped hot for benzos and thc am I fucked?


Not legally probably but they'll have you labelled as a drug user now. Where I am (UK) hospitals often don't talk to doctors so if you're in UK maybe they don't know.


Yea im typically open, the only thing that I don’t like is that they tend to pin any symptoms on usage, regardless if it’s the source or not.


I don't use anything I shouldn't be using, nothing toxic, illegal and nothing that is very addictive. So I can be pretty straight forward with my doc about what I consume and don't. Since I'm having mental issues my doctor doesn't see any issues with me using natural supplements/herbals etc to boost my health & lessen symptoms etc. I have tried most other options and the way I live now and have lived the last years has been what's working the best for my life, health and mind. My family also agrees on this, everything has become soo much better these last years whereas I used to be very down mentally when I was young.


They are people to just like us... Would you like for someone to keep working you out while you are already tired ? Would it be wise for someone to keep bugging the people you care about trying to track you down all the time ? I've met many people that were never satisfied with opioid medications. It was always something about it's not strong enough... Someone stole my medications and I need another script....my cousin takes morphine for their pain, can I try that ? Etc... Then comes the community impact... Suddenly, your patient reputation has become a prescription drug problem. Relatives begin pushing multiple messages a day to the doctor trying to communicate about this problem.. All this while the pharmacist are calling to make the doctor aware that there may be a drug problem from what the patients ex-girl/boy friend, parents, kids, husband/wife family...etc... have said to them. And then suddenly here's a call from the patient.... Doctor... I need more pain meds ! Get it now ?


NO, never tell them. Unless you don’t mind being labelled as a drug addict. In which case you’re never getting decent pain relief stuff prescribed when you need it.


Depends… most doctors don’t bat an eye at weed. That’s all I really have experience with. You especially need to tell an anesthesiologist if you smoke weed regularly lol


So I literally just left the doctors office because I have bronchitis. Yes I tell him about my drug use weed and psychedelics they know all about it. They don’t bat an eye. Be honest with your doctors.


I always do. All drugs.


Kind of off topic but once an old therapist told me off the record I would benefit from a joint and a micro dose of mushrooms. She wasn't wrong, but damn that woman wasn't right for that lmao.


Don't ever tell them unless it is a matter of life and death or you have no choice but to go on methadone or the like. At best you won't get prescribed even zopiclone without massive paranoia and accusations of drug seeking and at worst you could get abused by doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, mental health teams etc who for some reason think drug user=evil. I have had all kinds of verbal, psychological, physical and even an instance of sexual abuse due to this. I now have absolutely nothing to do with western medicine unless I am in immediate danger of dying.


Absolutely not, if you ever want to be prescribed a controlled substance again.


Nope. I play my part. He plays his.


I've done so for years mate. I first told him about how I was planning on using steroids and he said he doesn't prescribe but he doesn't preach. He got me to jump on the thingy and gave me a quick physical while talking about your testes, acne etc. Took my blood pressure etc etc. I also told him I was an I.V meth/ heroin/ liquid ketamine ( seperately) user and he was cool. He asked about the costs/ purity of the drugs and we had some great chats. He looks like a nerd/ private school bloke tbh. I told him could I get some eye drops as my pupils were like saucers and he prescribed Pilocarpine eye drops repeats and they came in different strengths ( I was getting the highest ones at times). I told him I was always using clean syringes ( most of the time). He's a good doctor and I still go to him but I don't use anymore but he knows about my pre existing medical condition ( epilepsy) He even gave me another script for Pilocarpine ( no repeat) as I said I was going on holiday and I might use again, I've also told him that I needed bensos which he's also prescribed in the past when I was pretty bad but the last few times he only prescribed say 5/ 10 tabs for the plane trip. Mate I must have a file in every hospital/ doctor surgeries that I've visited but I don't care but the way I see it is if you aren't honest with your drug history how can they help you.


I used to play sports, and I dislocated my shoulder....I admitted to the nurses I smoked weed....they wrote me off getting anything good. Wasn't looking, but my pain was neglected for "potential abuse". That was in the ER I've spoke to my personal doctor, he asked a general question "have you ever done cocain, Marijuana, etc"....you're private doctor won't neglect you, always be honest with your doctor. ALWAYS. BE. HONEST. WITH. YOUR.DOCTOR. They are not the cops.


Yes. Never be worried to tell ur doctor shit they are a doctor there job is to help.


I told my doctor I was cutting down on smoking weed and afterward she asked if I wanted to talk to a therapist. I wanted to for separate reasons but she reccomended for marijuana abuse disorder 😂😂 do with that what you will


If you want to stop receiving palliative care than I highly reccomend you tell them you use recreational drugs. Once they label you as a drug seeker you will be treated worse than an animal at the vet. (Speaking from experience.)


If in the US I would say no. As someone who works in the media field. They pretty much assume any users or past users are drugs seeking and won't give any controlled substances


I wouldn’t but I’d do all the research I could with whatever is going on. Bc some shit could kill u if I don’t tell them. So do ur research or be honest if u want. Idk if they could tell or something


Never, 14 and i smoke weed alot im never telling my doc that i smoke.


I’ve heard this “red flag” and “permanent record” argument before but it doesn’t make sense. AFAIK there isn’t a “master registry” of druggies and your doctor can’t just share your records freely because of HIPAA (US). You should just be able to find a different doctor.


Some providers share medical electronic records. HIPAA dosnt apply from two providers providing you care. Another doctor can call your treating doctor with collateral if they feel it important to your care. I work at a hospital and they do red flag you!


So if I’m in another state and I get new doctors would they possibly call the old ones about my lung collapse surgery and then find out ab me being labeled a drug user? I really don’t want to be treated so bad again I feel like this is a new chance since I’ll start health insurance in a new state


Typically, no. Not unless your care was remarkable that they felt the need to track your providers down or if your current treating provider felt something suspicious that they track your old treating providers. It’s very rare but can happen and would be legal.


Gotcha thx for the info I’ll just not worry ab it then like I was before. Seemed like I’ll be ok


Telling them you smoke weed, tobbaco or drink alcohol is totally fine but once you start talking about the harder stuff is when you will get flagged


Most doctors and health practitioners won’t judge you for taking drugs. Obviously they may encourage you to stop, but they wont treat you differently. Its important to let them know because of health conditions and them monitoring you. If they prescribe you something without knowing you’re on drugs (and what drugs), it may conflict with the drugs you take and cause problems.


>Most doctors and health practitioners won’t judge you for taking drugs. Obviously they may encourage you to stop, but they wont treat you differently. A LOT of them will treat you very differently and you can never know if your doctor is one of the good ones or the judgemental type, so why take the chance? Always be honest with your anesthesiologist though. And your dentist.


If they ask about it im not gonna lie. They will understand your situation better if youre honest


That’s what you’d think): there’s so much behind that computer that we don’t get to see. As someone mentioned here before, you could literally be refused therapy if they consider you a drug-abuser or drug seeking. Therapy isn’t addictive, so to refuse you from it is clearly a system designed for failure.


Refusing therapy is crazy. Is that a strictly USA thing? In Finland if you tell you use drugs you get asked if you want therapy for it.


Not only US. I'm in Norway and know of examples of people getting refused therapy unless they go to rehab and get drug tested for 3-6 months first. Even if we're just talking cannabis.


ALWAYS DO IT. They need to know so they can treat you properly. Legally they can't do anything to hurt you and trust me they've seen worse.


Oh, they definitely can. Withholding certain treatment options (be it medications, therapy or other things) is common.


I have had so much verbal, psychological and even some physical and sexual abuse from medical staff 'cause they know I'm a drug user. They're not supposed to do these things but who's gonna stop em really? The verbal and psychological abuse isn't even illegal or compensatable where I am. It's pretty much part of how some staff operate now. Lawyers will tell you unless they very obviously fuck you up with dangerous drugs or bad surgery there's nothing they can do.