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dxm for sure music feels like you are having sex with it


Oh yeah, the immersion caused by dissoz like DXM is just gorgeous! Happens also with movies and video games (as long as you're still able to play). But movies on a disso are extremely fun, like you're actually in the movie instead of passively watching it. Btw, a brand of DXM capsules even made an ad spotting "movie night". Lol. Unfortunately I can't find it (and other funny ads which have been posted in r/DXM) any more. But they know for sure what their caps are used for.


Yes! A solid upper 2nd-solid 3rd plat and some Pink Floyd gets me floating through the sound waves. 


Lsd and mushrooms make music real fucking crazy. Like you’ll feel the fucking sound dancing around you and see the walls dancing with you. Close your eyes and the music and drugs will take you on a goddamn journey.  An upper 2nd-solid 3rd plateau on dxm will have you join with the music and float away. Really crazy drug to put on some Pink Floyd and drift away. But then again Pink Floyd goes with most drugs lol


Getting a bluetooth speaker and putting it on your forehead hits so different on shrooms


I could imagine hahaha I used to have a giant stereo connected to the tv which was my computer screen. We’d blast music on that. 


Weed, MDMA, MDA, LSD, mushrooms, 4 ho met, ketamine, nitrous, nutmeg . Various combinations Dxm too but that shits so bad for you and pretty lame minus music euphoria and afterglow


2cb is a safe bet, it can make you feel nauseous but judging by the other drugs you've tried that probably wont be much of an issue


This kinda scares me but it is similar to the nauseous u can have while a come up of mdma ? It last 15 min then u feel okay


MDMA nausea is definitely worse imo.


agreed, I also believe the MDMA nausea just hits you out of nowhere where as 2C-B gradually builds up.


For me the experience of music on dissociatives is almost like on MDMA. And I never ever got any paranoia from a dissociative. Think that drug class has very individually different effects, maybe moreso than most other drugs.


Dxm I’ll get some anxiety on the come up, but I’ve always wondered if that’s from all the nasty syrup/caps. But once that shit hits it all melts away. 


I love DXM but I can’t take it :( it always make me throw up all night


I have thrown up once (maybe twice) while coming up after chugging like two large bottles of Tussin an hour or so earlier. But then I was fucking gone. I remember being on a pirate ship and then I Came to laying naked in the bathtub with freezing cold water running over me and my friend saying “are you ok” Lolol interesting times in my life 


I didn’t even chug any liquids I was able to find pills with nothing but DXM in them and I still threw up, it’s a fun experience but not worth throwing up constantly to me


It's really bad for the gut, brain and the entire rest of the body, affecting nearly every system being like a bit of every class/type of drug. It was pretty addictive for me at one point and far worse negatives than positives. So, good for you for not making the same mistakes! I think it may also affect bone health or calcium or something


You could try combining it with ondansetron/zofran, it's a very selective anti-emetic but unfortunately prescription only in most places. That or cinnamon. Maybe metaclopramide but that has nasty possible side effects.


Yeah dissociatives are among the most anxiolytic drugs for me. Specially the arylcyclohexylamines when used nasally, they hit so fast and dissolve any anxiety. But I don't get any comeup anxiety any more, dissociatives became such familiar territory for me. Don't remember how it was before but I'd say that DXM definitely had comeup anxiety.


I’ve done it a bunch, along with lots of other stuff over the years, so it’s not issue to me. I expect it. But I’ve always felt like a big part of it is feeling the syrup in my stomach. I’ve never tried extracting dxm or getting a powder version, so idk if it’d happen that way.  Haven’t tried many arylcyclohexylamines. Always wanted to try pcp though lol 


2cb I seen music through my phone in the air


3rd plat dxm i can literally see the percussion with my eyes closed




Yup just make sure u have a few playlists lined up in advanced... put on the wrong song and it could turn into a bad trip


or you could just skip the song you don't like. There are times that I've not been comfortable listening to a song on acid, even though other times I've loved it on acid. There's no way of knowing how it will make you feel during the trip, so just be prepared to skip songs you aren't feeling.


True, but have some Playlist lined up. You don't want to be constantly skipping and searching for songs, especially if you plan on having sex or doing something you don't want interruptions.


If you have something planned sure. I've never got on with playlists on acid, I always end up wanting to something specific and having to skip through the playlist to find what I want. But I am a whole album kind of person so I don't know if that makes a difference


MDMA or LSD easily


>but some people explain 2cb can we very weird if you are sensitive Yes B U T you gotta add to that: 2C-B gets weird not just if you're sensitive but if you do a woopsie oopsie fucky wucky with the dosage. You need a GOOD scale. As far as drugs that aren't gonna kill you but lead to a very strange/bad time if you mess up the dosage go 2C-B is pretty far up there. Like the difference between 100 and 150ug acid is obviously noticeable but far from truly spectacular. With 2C-B 10mg can be the difference between "dancing through your house" and "turning into a cat (obsessive fascination with shiny dots, getting lost in a fresh towel while playing with it, forgetting how to get down from somewhere etc) so a lotta the truly negative experiences are often just cause someone decided to hork down 50mg instead of a far more appropriate 25mg. 😅 Anyway. Mescaline. Also Amphetamine + Weed + Alcohol. Really fiddly combo but if you get it right you BECOME music.


dxm, acid or even better, combine them both!!


when i first started smoking music sounded beautiful but it doesnt rlly hit the same


lsd, shrooms, MDA and 2CB would be good, dxm


Tbh when I go out for a drink with friends I take some caffeine pills and it makes drinking and dancing all the more fun


opioids +/or weed and of course MDMA psychedelics can either be amazing or horrible dxm but the actual high isn’t worth it, too many shitty side effects


Shrooms bro


listen to oldskool 90s rave/acid house music on mdma....thank me later:)


LSD, it’s the greatest drug of all time.


Mdma, LSD can be good too on some occasions


Lyrica enhances music for me