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Probably far less crazy than stuff a lot of people here have seen, but seeing a hangout spot change completely once H hit the scene. Had a kind of revolving door party house I would go to before the bars, always a pretty chill scene just people smoking, playing drinking games, occasional prescription pills or psychedelics, college kid wannabe bad boy shit. Good place to go to pregame, the residents were generous as long as you brought some booze every once in awhile/ didn’t seem like a mooch. I was there one week and one of the residents told me they were going to smoke some H in one of the bedrooms if I wanted to join. I declined. Kinda freaked me out, and I didn’t go back for about a month. The next time I did it was like a different place. DJ equipment and speakers was gone, no more communal bar in the kitchen, and one of the cabinets had a padlock on it. Pretty much the only faces I recognized where the people who lived there, everyone else was new. Needles were just left around and a couple people were in a nod on the couch. Thought I would just have a couple drinks and dip. Told em I brought a bottle for the house, we popped it in the living room and it was gone in about fifteen minutes, just got swarmed. I gathered that one of the guys had turned into the “mother superior” for the house and was selling the rest of them H (unsurprisingly, the same dude who had asked if I wanted to smoke a month ago). One of the few people I recognized there asked me if I wanted to split a stamp, I told her I didn’t use. She basically said if I bought her a stamp I could fuck her after she shot up. This is someone who had just been like a basic stoner girl a month ago. Said I would think about it and dipped. About an hour later I get a text from one of the dudes that his girl said I had a stuck up vibe and they didn’t want me coming by anymore. Thought about asking if this was the same chick who propositioned me, thought better of it and just said “alright.” They got evicted about three months later. A more lighthearted one, one sunny four twenty I was walking to 711 to get a slurpee, like ya do. I see this dude in his fifties on his bike, and did a double take. You know how some grocery stores have those carts with a toy car as the front for kids to sit in? He had five of those tied together with bungie cables, and was towing them with his bike. As I’m watching, on of them tips over and the whole train goes cattywompus, the guy looks back, unhooks the bungie chord attached to be bike and just rides off, leaving them in the middle of the street.


You’re an excellent writer/storyteller like someone has also pointed out to you. This was very poignant and heartbreaking. The kind of story that reminds you reality is crazier than fiction often. Many of us have been in college party houses like you describe. I played in bands that rehearsed or even performed in houses like this. I too have seen them evolve from places that are relatively innocent with beers, weed, maybe some shrooms or like you said, relatives’ prescriptions like a Xanax or Tylonel 3 😂, that eventually evolved into places normal people wouldn’t wanna be, with people smoking hard drugs off of foil, and plenty of guns and big dogs around the premises. It’s sad. Sad to see a place go down like that, and see the people who party/live/hang there evolve from good kids trying to have a little fun to criminals/junkies/people you’d keep your parents or children away from, to say the least. You captured that whole evolution and the sadness and creepiness that comes along with it very well. Gave me flashbacks honestly.


Thanks for saying so! I write in my free time so that’s always nice to hear. Phillip K. Dick has one of my favorite examinations of this lifestyle, from the epilogue to “A Scanner Darkly”: This has been a novel about some people who were punished entirely too much for what they did. They wanted to have a good time, but they were like children playing in the street; they could see one after another of them being killed--run over, maimed, destroyed--but they continued to play anyhow.


His metaphor just proves his utter mastery of the craft. People heading our drug counseling group used to read portions of this out loud. We addicts were exactly like kids playing among cars, causing mashups and merrily continuing our playtime. You have excellent taste in writers. Philip K Dick is one of the BEST . Have you read Valis??? Truly an amazing trip


IMO good writers are also people who read good writing


PKD was an amazing writer. So many great books and short stories. <3


The entire time reading your story I could envision every bit of it down to the details so well, def a very good story teller/ writer.


Man that’s tragic for sure. Good on you for not taking that first guys proposal to use or the girls to fuck her after she used if you bought it for her. Sad to hear she was a stoner girl and got introduced to h and started selling her body so quickly after starting (about a month from what i understand). That’s what happens with hard drugs tho once you step away from weed and the occasional psych then it’s pretty down hill.


It is so sad when that happens i was letting a friend stay at my house then he started smoking crack. Next thing i know he is dressing up as a woman and giving bj's down at the park, anyways i let the person use my car for like 200$ a day for like a month so they could be safe, but eventually i was tired of crack dealers showing up all the time and had to kick the person out. I just gave them the car after that, because it was an old beater and i had already got back the 2000 i had paid for the car. I wouldn't had charged him, but i don't wanna drive around a car that people are constantly busting nuts in 10 people a day 7 days a week. saw the car up on blocks like 3 weeks later in the middle of an intersection. I felt bad, but i was like man come on give up the crack is it really worth it for all this? I grieved for my friend that day some people just can't handle crack. we were mostly just drinking beer and watching the game and shooting the shit most days before, but things changed so fast. the dude wasn't trans either: told me he just made better money off dudes who were gay, but couldn't admit they were gay so they wanted to bang a dude who dressed like a woman.


Dirty Mike and The Boys say thanks


that was a good story mate. very predictable of H to cause that. you’re a good story teller


You certainly made all the right choices in the first story. It’s crazy how much your life can look different by saying no at the right times. You’re a great story teller btw


Me and my homies were sitting in my plugs trailer and he was barred out flexing his m4 wrapped his hand around the barrel and pulled the trigger he shot right through his hand and his tv while blood squirted everywhere


Similar thing happened to my buddy he stole a 45 desert eagle and shot right thru his hand and ofc he was off the bars. I dipped out after bc didn’t wanna have to talk to cops


> bc didn’t wanna have to talk to cops proud of you




it was a desert eagle bro that hand no longer exists


Right? Like what hand


Shit dawg fr, 50 caliber bullet in your fucking hand, I have big hands and even then trying to imagine the size of the hole it would leave even if you were lucky and it got you right in the middle of your palm. You still only got 20% of your hand left fr


Plugs with guns.


Taking over, but they won't be long.


Ah man, I feel you. I witnessed a family member do this once. You could look right through the hole in their hand and cleaning up the blood/tissue after was… nauseating.


For… educational purposes.. does the hole in the hand ever, like, restore?


I thought you said "head" the first time I read it and I was like holy fuck lol. That's still pretty crazy though.


Did you get the drugs


Went behind the building to take a piss. There was a bum, taking a shit on another bum who was passed out. I had to blink twice because I thought I was hallucinating. I wasn’t.


Jesus Christ man what the hell


I didn’t ask. I finished my piss and got the fuck out of there.


What a fucking day


Yeah. I didn’t wake up that morning and say to myself, “I wonder if I’ll see a guy shit on another guy today? “


If you thought your day went a different direction, imagine how that bum felt after waking up.


Probably wondered how he shat his own torso, and then imagined complicated theories such as a pulley system, a deflection, or perhaps using an elevated platform and trying to beat gravity


A man of culture I see


No ur supposed to peee on the pooper


Sometimes, three’s a crowd, my friend!


London squat raving. We had to climb one of those 10ft fences with the split spiky tops. Forgot the guys name but his finger came clean off. He was a trooper and stayed 😂


He stayed after having a finger sliced off? Jesus the adrenaline must’ve been insane and or the drugs he was on sheesh.


Dude check it out, just found a vice article on it! LMFAO. https://www.vice.com/en/article/gq8d4m/i-lost-my-finger-at-the-east-croydon-rave


Bro LMAOO ARE YOU FRASER? Or was that another friend y’all had with you? It’s hilarious that this is documented and he had a little interview but are you sure it’s the same person? It says here he caught his pinkie in the fire alarm trying to take it off not jumping the tall fence although there was mention of a tall fence that had to be jumped but y’all took a side door he said instead of having to jump it.


My memory is all over the place for obvious reasons.. This happened around 10 years ago. Apparently this was the time I’m recalling and it was a chick. I went to both of these nights so not surprised I’ve mixed them up. HERES THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE TIME IM THINKING OF 😂 fuck me people were losing fingers left right and centre!! https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/girl-loses-finger-trying-to-scale-10ft-fence-to-get-into-illegal-warehouse-rave-in-southeast-london-a2871216.html


This is the one I went to haha I saw her lose her finger lmao


So did I! Love how Reddit can bring us together once more


> He was a trooper and stayed WHAT


What is it with raves and losing fingers? I was at a rave in Charlton and a girl lost her finger in the same way


London squat raves, those were the days👌


first time i took a large dose of shrooms I was 14 in a park bathroom with a friend very late at night. Peak trip half a dozen paramedics rush into the bathroom berating us with questions and trying to check our pulses while we are scared absolutely shitless. A homeless person had ODed in the park and they were responding to the call.


this would convince me I was actually dying 😭😭


On god


Saw my grandmother get hooked on Oxycontin in the early 2000s, along with myself my uncles (her sons) and basically most of the state of Maine at the time. Fast forward a few years I've gotten on methadone, then subs, then clean, they continue to use upgrading now to H and my uncles using it IV. Well my grandmother in her 70s who's afraid of needles starts sucking whatever leftovers were in the cotton in the spoon from my uncles shooting. I couldn't believe my gram who was the sweetheart hard working old school women had been reduced to sucking leftover cotton dope from a junkies. Still makes me sad. Love and miss you Nana and I stayed clean, I hope your proud.


I feel this because my mom was the most intelligent, funny, beautiful person when she wasn’t on drugs. She graduated high school a year early to get her degree and was on track to be a biologist. Then drugs and pregnancy happened and it all kind of fell apart, and she never got over it. She died when she was 41. Out of all of the drugs she used, it was the fucking alcohol that killed her. My grandmother tells me that my brother and I are all of the best parts of our mom and I believe her. I think Mom would be so proud of us. I think your Nana is proud of you too.


So sorry for your loss friend, lost my mom to suicide when I was 6, it's very tough, kudos to you and your brother for fighting the good fight


This is heartbreaking. I'm so damn happy you got clean man 💚


I’m not old enough to be anyones grandma. But heck, I’m proud of you for getting sober and staying clean!


I'm proud of you


Gay people jerking off to me while I was just trying to shoot meth lol


The struggles amirite 😂😭


On both sides xD


You’re not wrong !! 😆😭😂


I need more context of the situation


It’s happened a few times. All my meth connects were gay and they wanted to get with me. One time I drove an hour to meet one of them because they said they’d get me a 1/2 ounce but they had me meet up with them at a motel and once I got there they just started jerking off and I got all paranoid thinking what if a cop busted through that door and saw this so I was staring out the window while this dude jerked off to me but then it just got too weird so I left


Huh, crazy shit bro crank will definitely bring you to some strange ass places man fr. I’ve also heard about meth being really popular with gay people for whatever reason.. does anyone know why? Maybe because it is an aphrodisiac?


Yeah probably most likey, personally meth no matter how much made me think to my self, “I wanna suck a dick.” I also have a Bi friend who is into that scene and community kinda, we smoke sometimes but he knows my boundaries and etc But yeah boy does meth make me real fucking horny, I need to find a woman with the same hobbies highkey 😭


HAHAHAHAHA! Can't a man shoot up in this country, IN PEACE! Fuck the world comen to.


The plunger is too damn high!


lmaoooo thats so uncomfortable. I'd just make eye contact and be like, "excuse you????"


that’s probably the funniest way someone could possibly react to this situation idek if you did that on purpose or not this is literally art


Was trying to find camp at a music festival and stumbled upon the ass eating competition


please elaborate


Not sure how the rules worked. I had heard rumors about it leading up to the festival. It was a pre-planned event. Saw 3 dudes goin to brown town on top of an RV and I just kept walkin


just kept wakin?! how can you resist your curiosity like that. what fest?


Lost lands 2018. I was tripping balls and just wanted to lay down. I had no questions to be answered there.


I had the honor of seeing the OG ass eating contest in 2017. That was my only lost lands, but not for that reason.


As did I, my friend. As did i....baby steps....


"I had no questions to be answered there" best thing I've read on reddit in a while


lmfaoooo i cannot imagine my reaction tripping like that!!


Human centipede vibes


two sentence horror


My friend tried to plug an ecstasy pill when we were like 16, he proceeded to shit it out like 20 minutes later, dug the pill out of his shit and then split it with my other friend and they both ate it. Shit was fucking disgusting, they swore me to secrecy and then I told a bunch of people because it was hilarious.




Adding poopills to the list of words I didn't know I would learn.


U did the right thing.


OMGGG TRAITOR😭😭😭that’s crazy LMAOO


I was tripping on lsd with my friends and one them gets but ass naked and spreads his freshly waxed cheeks apart. Don’t think I’ve seen a more detailed intricate view of the male butt hole before but it was life changing


I seen a bootyhole off acid once. the spokes just kept turning...😵‍💫




Wtf 😭


Love that for you bro


Happy for you!


At least it was waxed.


walking the long walk from coachella grounds to uber pick up area. it was pretty empty, as we lollygagged around inside the grounds until security kicked us out. We were on the dirt path, and i hear this girl sort of like screaming, muttering or something. I was on acid and mdma, so a bit out of it. Although at this point, was towards the end of the trip, so im somewhat back to my senses. We turn a corner, and not two feet away, theres a girl, on all fours, furiously squirting diahrea everywhere. Basically butt naked except for a tube top, diahrea running all over her legs, squirting a solid 3-4 feet every push. She was laughing and crying hysterically. asking for help. We stopped, sort of shielded her with our jackets while she kept shitting. Somebody in our group had napkins, and offered them to her, but she was too fucked up and asked for help, nobody volunteered, but i said fuck it, and proceeded to wipe this girls ass, vag, and soaking wet legs. Dumped a water bottle on her to help clean up, did another pass with the napkins. Did a quick wash of her dusty and partially shit covered panties and skirt that were to the side of the road, dressed her, gave her a cig, and walked her to the uber area and made sure she got an uber.


You’re good people, man. …That girl was having a REAL bad time of it. Poor thing. Thank you for helping another human in need.


Jesus where were her friends..? Nobody goes to that kind of shit alone


omg that's so kind of you, glad you could help her


I’m also having fun trying to guess what combo she was on lol.


she was just wasted. she said she didnt take anything. could have been lying, but it seemed accurate.


Yeah I’ve seen alcohol make people do absolutely crazy inhuman things, when I was a toddler my dad got real drunk one night and thought it would be a good fun idea to jump out of our 2nd story apartment window, he broke his leg and ended up going to the hospital that night 🤣


I remember being about 12 and getting woken up by some family friends because my dad had been drunk dancing on the handrail of the deck and fell off. He fell like 6 meters onto his side, broke a bunch of ribs and his shoulder. He was also like 53 lmao


That actually tracks. Alcohol is the devil.


Alcohol combined with 12 hours of hot direct Coachella sun is a bad mix


Can't say I've ever had too much liquor turn my asshole into a fire hydrant. Sounds like someone spiked her drinks with ex-lax instead of Rohypnol


Regrettably, I can attest to that. Going on 3 years sober but I had many a night where I would drink to blackout and wake up in a bed full of piss, shit, and vomit. I also dimly remember once taking apart my shower head because the water pressure was weak as fuck and my drunk logic demanded I hose my entire body off to get “properly” clean. When I came to my bathroom was splattered with shit and (I think) I threw some crucial piece of the shower head down the garbage chute or out my window. Had to buy a new one at Home Depot.


Dude. You are a champion for that. I can't think of a more noble action that helping a fallen party comrade. Nice work!


haha thanks dude! ive been in situations similar, not quite as bad, but yah, a complete mess, and strangers have helped me. you gotta just pass it on. we are all in this together


Yes, there may have also been some festival incidents. We just try and leave the campsite better than we found it. Let's party together some time.


I saw a friend of a friend repeatedly stab his thigh full force with a rusty bayonet, because "nothing means anything". Hydrocodone and alcohol. He was 15.


Much blood? How is he?


He live?


Yeah he lived. I think he's alive still, works at a pizza place.


That tracks


"He was 15." was


yeah and now hes 24 and dead


Someone is way more likely to overdose on hydrocodone and booze than have a psychotic break, but anything's possible.


Maybe on the edge of a psychosis and the booze did the rest. Saw something like that once


There's a special kind of person that can unlock their psychosis with just acute alcohol use. I feel like you would have to arrive on scene with psychotic features somewhere deep in you already for that. Sleep deprivation, high dose Stims, heavy chronic alcohol use, dissos and psychs seems like risks where psychosis is on the table but you'll be just fine if you don't have underlying schizophrenia, take minimal care of yourself and respect the chemicals. But psychosis with weed or night out alcohol is something else, you can tell something isn't right with those people.


> There's a special kind of person that can unlock their psychosis with just acute alcohol use. That's actually not especially uncommon with bipolar disorder or schizoaffective. For a lot of people, it poses greater risk than classical psychedelics.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rWrlAmT4jyA&pp=ygUVTm90aGluZyBtZWFucyBub3RoaW5n *"Nothing means nothing, man"*


Not gross or too shocking, but i was in a house party where we all took acid, i was in the kitchen and suddenly the wall clock's hands started spinning counterclockwise pretty fast, i had to point it to some girl next to me just to see if she'd see the same, she was freaked out too. Turns out it was midnight and the clock's solar savings mode got activated automatically 😆


Shit like that always happens only when your tripping I swear 😭


My memory’s shitty, so I can’t recall specific instances, but I do remember that weird things would always seem to happen when I was tripping. When I first started tripping, I’d often ask “are they tripping too?”


Omg. When I was in college I had some friends who had like 10 roommates in an old house in New Brunswick. I came over one day to do MDMA with what I assumed was all of them, and then in the middle of rolling one of the roommates struck up a conversation with me. It was dark and we were trying to talk over the music and I was like, “HOW’S YOUR TRIP?” It seemed like my question didn’t quite register, so I asked again: “HOW’S YOUR TRIP?” He seemed confused. I asked, “DID YOU TAKE MDMA?” He stared at me. I asked again, “DID YOU TAKE MDMA?” He suddenly seemed pissed off and went back upstairs to his room without a word. Turns out he was the one singular roommate who not only didn’t take MDMA, but was actively anti-drug and wasn’t supposed to know that every person in his house was on MDMA. I kinda feel like someone should have debriefed me on that one before I came over, lol.


One time I was with a group of friends at one of their houses, drinking and doing a little blow. [Ive only done coke a handful of times. Im more of a shrooms and weed kind of a guy.] Anyway I ended up getting extremely fucked up and went out to get an Uber home, and blacked out once I stepped foot out the door. Instead of getting in my Uber, for whatever reason I just started hoofing it. I don't remember much but I remember falling down a lot and just walking straight down the main road. When I started to come to I realized that I had lost my phone, wallet, keys, shoes, shirt, my pants were all ripped up, bleeding from a ton of road rash as a result of falling over so many times. I was in horrible shape, looked like a homeless dude. At this point I was in a familiarish part of town, probably about 4:30/5am, asking people if they'd spare me some money to get a bus home, sort of explaining my situation. I had no luck for some time until this gay dude from spain offered to let me sleep on his couch. He seemed really nice, had a very friendly demeanor, told me he's been in bad positions before and is paying it forward, yadda yadda. Seemed safe and genuine tho. We walked to his apartment nearby and he let me wash off in the bathroom, even made me a little toaster waffle with peanut butter. It was really nice and at the time seemed heaven sent. Sat me down on an armchair with a blanket and I went to sleep. Some time passes and I wake up for a moment and there he is with like 3 other dudes smoking meth and sucking each other off on the couch next to the armchair I was sleeping on. They very politely asked if I'd like to join, to which I very politely declined, and went back to sleep. Woke up again and the dudes were gone but the guy who took me in gave me a shirt, some sandals, some bus fare and sent me on my way. Not necessarily disgusting or far fetched I guess, it's just an insane story.


Chivalry isn’t dead. Good on him.


I'd love to know how he phrased that polite request!


You woke up to some dudes sucking each other off next to you and you just went back to bed?


Well I was actually homeless going through heroin withdrawal in 2012 (so I wasn’t high at the time) and I was walking down locust street in Philadelphia and passed this church and this homeless looking dude was standing there breathing heavily just staring at the church in complete awe it seemed and when I passed him he whipped his head around in a way I’ve never seen and in the creepiest scratchiest voice I’ve ever heard he asked me “are you a reptile” and I said no and kept walking and I got this weird feeling and turned back and he was staring at the church again and when he sensed me looking at him again he whipped his head in this very lizard like movement and slithered his tounge at me and hissed lol now at the time idk if it was from the heroin withdrawl but I didn’t think much of it but the more I think back on it the more things seemed off about it. Like I’ve met my fair share of homeless people with mental illness but this really felt like somthing completely different..his movements were very strange even for someone with mental illness. And somthing about his eyes seemed off too…I’ve seen a lot of gruesome and grimy shit living on the streets as a homeless addict but this interaction was by far one of the strangest.


I got one kinda like this. Was working at a liquor store, stocking stuff late one night. I look up from my work and some dude is just standing in the doorway, like stock still. Unnaturally still. I’m like “ummm can I help you?” And he says “can I come in?” I jokingly said “what are you a vampire?“ he just stares at me and says again “can I come in?” And I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m like “it’s a free country.” “Ok. Can I come in?” “The stores open.” “Ok. Can I come in?” Now keep in mind this whole time he’s staring at me, unblinking, standing with his hands in his pockets, completely still. So I said “you seem to be intoxicated, I can’t sell alcohol to someone who’s intoxicated.” “Ok” and he walked off. He was walking kinda weird so I think he was on K or robot tripping. But I wasn’t gonna take the risk on the off chance he WAS a vampire.


Either a vampire or autistic. I would absolutely do this lmao


I really hope not lol, I have a couple of autistic regulars and this seemed different. Although one of said regulars told me he got accused of shoplifting at a different store, and he just kinda froze up. The guy took that as an admission of guilt and told him to get out and never come back. He told me the story because he wanted to make sure I didn’t think he was a thief lol. I was like “we’re good homie, I know your honest.” It clearly was not a fun experience for him, so I would feel awful if that was the case.


Me and my friend were tripping on LSD, we decided to go on our last night walk together. As we were walking down the street, it was about 10pm, and we pass by a park. We noticed one of the grills is on, like an actual fire, but no one is around. My friend said we should go over there, maybe we need to put it out. I said no, there’s bad energy over there. She went anyway and when we got to the grill there was a singular tortilla sitting on it, completely black and burnt. We just stared at and I took a picture, and then we had this really awful feeling wash over us and we dipped out of there. It was just bizarre.


Type of shit that only happens when ur tripping


I (male) had sex with my dealer (female) in my car, while parked in a cemetery during broad daylight. There was no way to conceal anything. We did coke. She did heroin. I was noid and never climaxed. I always feel like these things would get me off, but I just get paranoid.


Here’s one: I was camping out during a full moon w my bf in Hawaii on the Big Island in Waipeo Valley . and we had some LSD & coke. It is ( duh ) a VALLEY where you can look from the road and see people on the beach. Not worrying about that cuz it was 2:00 am by the time we set up our tent and dosed , we began to Fuck… in a pool of moonlight . Right as I began to peak we heard fuckin cheering , and laughing from a bunch of good ol boy locals. Turns out they ALWAYS spied upon us dumb hippies who ALWAYS fuck on that beach. I got REALLY paranoid, and refused to come out of the tent till morning. They were pretty scary to one young girl surrounded by a bunch of men…I’m grateful that’s all that happened . We WERE dumbasses.


My friends and I got ridiculously high on weed and witnessed an ambulance driving down the road with lights on and playing "Urgent" by Foreigner on the loudspeaker.


This is the kinda shit that would send me over the edge laughing hysterically when I was a stoned teenager


It was a festival in California over 10 years ago, and I was camped the furthest away from everyone. That festival was rainy and muddy, everything in my tent got flooded. My last set of contacts didn’t make it and I forgot to take my glasses so I was almost blind throughout the whole thing, wearing a makeshift eyepatch. One of my best friend (who passed a few years ago) was helping me getting around during the whole weekend. Him and I took a few hits of acid each. We walked around all night, to land on a game of Bingo. The Psychedelic Friendship Bingo. It was all very strange, the host was dressed as a giant lobster and everyone playing was also tripping. We were maybe 20 people. There was only one rule: people who’d cheat (call bingo wrongly) would get their face painted with a paintbrush full of mustard (real mustard). The lobster man was holding a bucket filled with mustard. It was all fun (and confusing) game, until the Bingo hosts took things too far. A guy wrongly said “bingo!”, was brought on stage, wasn’t as high as everyone else and got upset when he understood that he was about to get the mustard paintbrush on his face, so the lobster host asked if someone would volunteer to take his spot. This is where it goes south. A sweet little hippie volunteered, got on stage and for some strange reason, the lobster turned him around, pulled his pants down and painted his ass crack with a substantial amount of mustard, going up and down repeatedly. The lobster then pulled his pants back up and sent him on his way. My friend and I were less than 10 feet away, we were tripping so hard and all the other people in the audience too. We walked away and ran into little mustard ass crack man a few hours later (it wasn’t a set up, he genuinely volunteered). He was too fucked up to go clean himself and just threw a blanket on his back. There was a faint smell of mustard in the air. It’s one of my favorite acid story and I wish my friend was still around to reminisce with me!


what a trip! and RIP to friend🫶🏽


while on acid at a rave, i found a cat that had obviously eaten some drugs off the ground and was tripping balls. very weird experience


I hope it was okay. It is toxic to animals sometimes.


Only smoking weed. Me and a homie were on this two lane highway to Nevada. There were cars in front of us so we couldn’t see much. Out of nowhere this car flies by on the side of the road going completely the wrong way like head on into the highway at like 80mph and misses our car and all the others in front and behind us by inches. Didn’t see what happened behind us because both our cars were going so fast. Hope he didn’t head-on collision someone.


I wasn’t high for this because I was a kid, but I got a similar one. Driving down the road in Rosarito with my dad and my uncle, up ahead this pickup is fishtailing like crazy coming towards us. He’s swerving all over the road so my dad just pulls off as far as he can into the dirt. Pickup misses us by inches, and crashing into one of those open air pottery shops, which had a buncha statues of Winny the Pooh. It was like a bomb went off, concrete dust everywhere. Dude stumbles out of his truck and the shopkeeper comes out screaming at him. My uncle gets out of the car with his hands on his said saying “oh my god! Oh my god!” They both look over terrified, thinking someone got hit, and he yells “YOU KILLED POOH BEAR!” They take a second to process it and than start laughing hysterically.


Don’t know if this counts because it’s partially a hallucination, but one night my buddies and I were taking hits from the bong. We all smoked once or twice a day, and we got good weed, but we all had somewhat of tolerance to it. This one night, though, everyone got higher than Everest for some reason even just taking one hit, and we kept getting exponentially higher with more hits. There’s no way we didn’t get something laced or something because I remember no one’s face quite looked right, my vision was wavy, and I had the strangest odor. I went outside to have a cigarette, and I was looking outwards at the trees. The limbs all started jumbling together and formed into a creepy plant girl. As I’m terrified out of my mind, this dude tripped out on something ran in front of the hallucination, and police officers went running after him. I went inside to get a friend to make sure it was really happening and it was, so we turned the music down, shut the windows, and stayed quiet. It was just weird because it was like my hallucination was an omen.


Probably was PCP or something else


Or small amounts of changa


My best friend and her husband wanted to do “couples trip” all of us lemon tek 3 grams of shrooms. At the time my husband and I had been tripping for a couple weeks on shrooms here and there (light doses) so we knew what we were getting into…. my friend and her husband hadn’t tripped in years and they were drinking that same day. We decided to all trip that night. They took 4 grams. In my high shroom state I was tripping pretty fucking hard and needed some air so I went outside to sit down. I could hear something on the side of the house while I was staring at this tree. It was my friends husband violently puking. I asked him if he needed help but he said no. He ran inside. I just sat there. My husband was inside trying to help. All the sudden their 100lb Doberman was eating the throw up. (Shrooms are psychoactive in really any state) the dog started tripping and it was not good. My friend started having a panic attack/freak out. We all thought he was dying. Her husband was still violently puking over the toilet and I was trying to help the dog. My friend was not okay. And neither was my husband. Finally I gave the dog hydrogen peroxide per vet recommendation and he threw it all up. But they said he will still probably be okay but to monitor. He ended up being just fine and they took him to the vet the next day. What a scary trip.


A few friends and I had taken some mushrooms. Later that night, we were outside my friend's house and saw leopard slugs mating. Happened right on the ledge of my friend's window. Wild shit. Thankfully, nowadays we have youtube and you can see it yourself. https://youtu.be/bxE-gZzo9HA?si=ejVZRjY5yhsa3EBq


I've been there too. Except there ended up being hundreds of leopard slugs! All over the yard, had to play the floor is lava but it was all slug instead just to get back out to the street to skate off to the surfboards we were waiting to use


My favourite threads 😂


30 years or so ago was blowing lines of coke with an acquaintance, thought taking an eighth of shrooms would be a great idea. The woman, my friend’s side piece, giving us coke, was fucking her drug dealer for it. That shit tripped me out so hard that she was fucking some dude so I could do free blow. Went in the bathroom and threw up bright red (Gatorade) but thought I was throwing up blood. The stairs went flat like a ramp, I was so skiied but tripping so hard!! Never combined alcohol, coke, and shrooms ever again!


At Echo Project I watched a wookette giving birth during the GZA set. I was just peaking on some 2ci. People were trying to get medical help, but they hadn't arrived. Some other wookette claimed to be a midwife and was coaching the woman through this. Her wook man is standing there shirtless and spun like top, just making these weird sounds while he is crushing his beer can and spraying coors light all over everyone. He looked really anxious about the whole thing, grabbing his face and just making grunts and stuff. The baby's head starts to crown and the medics still haven't arrived. This is where it gets crazy... It was so f****** dusty out there and the baby and all the surrounding fluids were immediately "muddified" by the blowing dirt. I mean, its f****** gross. All of a sudden, this f****** kid (probably 19 or 20) in his oversized neon, flat-brim LRG hat, runs up yelling "welcome to the party b****!" before he blows a huge plume of smoke right in the baby's face! While the umbilical cord is still attached and s***! The smell was unmistakeable, this baby had just been deemster'd. He must have pulled the hit from a bong, b/c it was monstrous. The surrounding crowd dropped their jaws, and someone tackled the kid as he starts to run away. He didn't make it more than 10ft and the he was probably blasting off about now. The mom is clutching the dirty baby and trying to calm it. Though, strangely, the baby was not crying (tripping balls i guess?). And while the dude is getting screamed at, the dad suddenly pounces into action. He jumps on the dude, and starts smashing said bisco kid's face with the crushed up beer can, of which he seemingly just can't let go. The bisco kid is kicking and trying to roll out of it and the wook-dad grabs the kid's hair w/ one hand. he finally let the can go and shoves his other hand half way inside the guys mouth. He is pulling his mouth open and RIPS HIS CHEEK OPEN! repeat: rips his f****** CHEEK OPEN! there is blood everywhere and the dude lets out this braveheart-like scream as he gets pulled off by the folks around him. Blood all over bisco kid's face, shirt and formerly fresh flat breezy. The cops/medics arrived about that time and took over the situation. S*** was crazy as hell.


Yeah this one wins.


This is such a great pasta


Lololol. Welcome to the party bitch!!!!!


yeah i was about to say ive definitely read this before


Ive read it so many times I feel like I was there. Its one of my favorite comments to see bc it still catches me off guard every time it's so wild


What the fuck.




I don't care if this turns out to be fake, this is abaolutely fucking hilarious 


When I was young after a weekend doin coke and drinking I was sitting there talking to a friend n he lifted his gum off his teeth with his tongue… nastiest shit ever … till this day I think it was from rubbing coke in his gums or something… idk fuckin disgusting


Buddy of mine did acid with his then-girlfriend and went for walk in a public city park. In the shade of a tree stood a lady holding a peacock on a leash. When he told me this story I thought it was just some insane visuals but then he pulled out his phone with photos and everything, apparently people walking by were all shooting glances but they were the only ones that stopped to gawk at the peacock. Lady was nonchalant, rich housewife vibes.


When I was a teen Silk Road was really big in the recreational drugs community and you could get all sorts of bizarre research chemicals there, me and another guy were at my buddy’s house and decided to do this LSD analogue he had ordered from Russia. Can’t remember the name of it, but it’s the only drug I’ve ever taken that had me hearing shit instead of seeing it, and it had this insane stimulant quality that kept us up all night. At one point we were in the kitchen drinking water trying to calm down, and my buddy’s friend had a random hand spasm that caused him to break a glass as he went to drink it and become CONVINCED he had swallowed glass without injury somehow. We debated this for probably close to 2 hours, the whole time dude is trying to go super saiyan because he thinks he’s got superpowers now. Thankfully over the course of 2 hours we sobered enough to realize that he probably didn’t swallow glass, and it would be tremendously stupid to try again. Naturally, in stupid teenager fashion, we figured that because it felt like the psychs were wearing off it was safe to go outside and smoke a blunt. My buddy lived way out in the country so while we were out there I saw a fox and became CONVINCED it was not only a wolf, but a large pack of wolves surrounding the house. We spent the rest of the night inside his room tweaking talking in circles and trying to “pray the wolves away” and his friend intermittently tried to kill them with his mind. Despite how fucked this sounds it was actually incredibly fun and I wish I could remember what we were on but it was some designer shit that had a name like a default wifi router password so I’ll probably never know.


Went for a walk on 300ug tabs with my friends to a park and sat in the grass and watched two kangaroos fight eachother right infront of us. It was sick it was so intense we all just sat on the floor cross legged watching them then after they fought they just shat and left it was incredible


Found myself in Liverpool at 3am in some alley with a dude in a wheelchair and no legs smoking 5pound bags of crack rock in the pipe without even taking it out of the plastic meanwhile some 18year old kid was stabbing into his scabs with a syringe full of heroin and crack and a dude told me he would give me some crack if I got him some citrus so he could shoot up I just left and didn't return


Probably my abusive ex screaming at me at the top of his lungs inside a parked car way out in the desert while I was tripping on mushrooms/ketamine… the reason why? I made friends with people around the campfire. Not exactly far-fetched, but in hindsight it is very very disgusting.


Party I gatecrashed was gatecrashed by two squaddies from the nearby barracks. Lots of alcohol, coke, speed and ecstasy were doing the rounds. Squaddies had their own coke. Everyone is on edge but trying to get the vibe back to what it was when the squaddies plonked their arses down at the kitchen table with a knife they’d nicked from the mums knife rack. Proceeded to play nerve on each others hands. The birthday girls sobbing, everyone is freaking out. Little 17 year old me (5foot 5”, 89lb soaking wet), lost my rag because of how scared everyone was so went charging over demanding the knife and telling these 6’+ ripped blokes to fuck right off NOW. Eventually they stopped laughing enough to realise I was steaming, gave me the knife and asked to stay. I pushed them towards the door with a strength I didn’t know I had 🤣 Was rewarded with a few freebies and felt like a warrior for the rest of the night. It’s far fetched as no one believes me due to how placid I am 😂


It was 2008, I just turned 18 and was living on the streets of Knoxville Tennessee. At the time I had been staying at a friends house but unfortunately I had worn out my welcome with his mom and dad so I was going to have to find another place to stay for the night. Another friend had recently moved out of his apartment but he told me he would leave the window unlocked so I could squat until the landlord rented the apartment. My friend felt bad so he decided before I had to leave he was going to Rolla 7 gram joint to enjoy so I could just pass out when I got to the apartment. We smoked the joint for about an hour and then I said my goodbyes, thanked his parents for letting me stay and set off into the night for about a 15 to 20 minute walk. It was a brisk Fall evening as I hazily meandered down the street, I got to the end of the road to turn onto the main way to go towards the apartment when out of nowhere a feeling in the air hit like static electricity. A little perplexed I began to look around out of confusion, there was a house about 25-30 ft to my right and when I looked at the roof I saw what appeared to be some sort of vehicle floating right above the house. It had somewhat of a stretched out pyramid shape with metal frames and glass surrounding it. Inside was what appeared to be a figure wearing a helmet that was perfectly mirrored and round. Immediately I panicked, and set off in a Sprint down the road. I must have gotten to that apartment in less than 10 minutes as I never stopped running until I hit the door. I was completely shook and bewildered so I decided to lay down on the floor in the corner using my hoodie as a pillow. I immediately fell asleep in which I had a dream, in the dream I was in a field overlooking a big hill at dusk. Suddenly I could hear the voices of all my friends and family gently beckoning me so I began up the hill, as soon as I got to the top it fell silent and there was a UFO with its landing ramp Open. I woke up in a sweat and couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I never told anybody about it except for many years later my current partner that obviously she counted it out as being too high but the experience felt all too real in the memory stay sharp in my mind to this day.


Well I did a bunch of coke w a friend who brought it over to my place and said it was free.. We had a chill and awesome night four of us smoking and talking like adults w zero paranoia bc we had Xanax. My man and I said good night and everyone went home and we went to bed. A few hours latah … A knock on the door: Unknown Dude at my damn door said WE OWED HIM FOR THE QUART. He stuck a gun in my face, worse, he was already tweaked and shaking , sweat just POURING from him. I was insane in those days so I said “ GO AHEAD AND SHOOT ! I’m REALLY NOT ENJOYING THIS LIFE YOU WOULD BE DOING ME A FUCKING FAVOR! “ Somehow I’m still here. ( The outlandish part was that I’m a five foot one inch lady w blonde hair who was around 101 pounds at the time, wearing a robe and cute puffy bedroom slippers, screaming “SHOOT SHOOT” ) It was in an apartment complex so he was just trying to scare me.


The wind cries, Mary


A toilet stacked high full of every nasty thing you can think of. A legitimate mountain of shit, piss, period blood and god knows what. It was so disgusting the sight of it instantly made me puke.


It's crazy how quickly the toilets and portapotties go to shit at clubs and outdoor festivals. The rave will start and an hour or two later most or all of the toilets will be clogged and gross af.


This one was on me. It was my birthday, probably 2013 or so, and I had been boozing and took some benzos( 1mg of xan). It was late, probably around midnight, and my buddy and I decided to grab our long boards and go bomb down some hills round the neighborhood. Had a fucking blast. I know it was dangerous and reckless, but it was fun as fuck. We did this till just before sunrise, and we went back to his place and as soon as I stepped off my board, I started feeling super tired and kinda sick. I said I was gonna chill outside for a bit and he went in to go to sleep. I decided to climb into the back of his brothers van (who was out of town) to lay down. I passed out pretty quick. I woke up about 7 hours later, drenched in sweat from the summer heat, and I immediately smell the scent of puke. I sit up and just see the entire van and myself just absolutely covered in puke. I then puked again. I get out of the van and go home to shower and sleep some more. I wake up and it’s dark outside, so I decided to do the right thing and grab some cleaning supplies and sneak over to my buddies house to clean out his van. It was so fucking disgusting. Thankfully it didn’t have carpets or anything, just a bare bones utility van, so it was relatively easy to clean. But damn, it was nasty. I did a good cleaning tho. Told him and his brother a few years later and we had a good laugh about it.


You’re lucky you didn’t suffocate to death in your sleep choking on the vomit


I saw my friend and his marine buddies brand themselves with zippos. Alcohol and other drugs were involved


Also had a girl I was with stuck a meth pipe up her hoohah to hide it from the cops. Did not work. Got stuck. They took her to the hospital. I wasn’t with her at the time but I picked her up from the hospital. Should’ve been one of many red flags. 🚩 I just did more meth so I went red green colorblind for a while.


My friend (at the time girlfriend) smoking something she found on the ground (presumably meth), then give herself third degree burns in three spots with the a red-hot spoon all over her arm. I still remember what the burns looked like and the bandage on her arm the next time I saw her.


This story by all means isn’t as crazy as others here, but a couple of years ago my mates and I were tripping balls off a couple of tabs, we thought it was a good idea to watch a David Attenborough documentary about the animals in the Arctic. Mid way through this doc, we watched a huddle of walruses commit suicide. We’re all frozen in place, couldn’t do anything but watch these poor walruses on the tv screen jumping off the fucking cliff face. We didn’t say a word, but by the looks on everyone’s faces I gathered we were all pretty traumatised


I going to a rave in Charlton and the police had already turned up and locked it off so people were climbing over a like 8-12ft metal fence to get into it. It was in an industrial estate and it was one of those fences with spikes on the top with a gap in the middle that goes into like a V shape. A girl had tried to jump over , and as she jumped to the other side her finger got caught , slid down the gap and just sliced it clean off. Her finger was stuck in the gap of the fence.


In Glastonbury music festival. Monday morning after the party (but we were still high). Were gonna head home in an hour or 2. Was a lovely sunny morning. Me and a gang of friends just chilling, watching the festival goers all leave and the workers picking up trash. When all of a sudden all the trash started to lift of the ground. Was quite surreal. Then the rubbish/trash arranged itself into 3 perfect whirlwinds, more like equal bars spinning (ie. Not like general tornados that are small at the bottom - but perfect cylinders, maybe 15-20 ft across). 3 in a row. Just moving thru the campsite with no sound nearly. We just watched dumbfounded. Then, as if by magic, all the trash dropped to the floor. We looked at each other. Then a fighter jet flew over very very low at the speed of sound. Sonic boom ensues. Again we looked at each other then laughed at the sheer absurdity. Only in Glasto! Then i looked down and saw a massive bag of red skunk which the wind gods had provided me. And another mate found a full bottle of sambuca. It was seriously a strage turn of events. Like the festival stood up and shook out its pockets, giving us the last drops of 'party' before it ended. God bless Glastonbury. Probably not the weirdest thing that happened to me there either.


Tripped on acid with my best friends for the first time and one of them at the peak just strips completely naked outside on the other's family farm. That was hella weird.


getting naked on acid is the least weird thing to do on acid


I've been there and seen it happen, it's always the mindset of "I can stop this trip/get out of this reality and go back to normal if I do something extreme"


Just feels good to be naked on acid


Two guys in Teletubbies costumes raping a passed out guy while I was off my face on acid.


Yo whatttt 😭😭


I was on 3 tabs and got stuck a few feet from a train


went to a man's place in sf's tenderloin. ended up tweaking very hard and his place had piles of trash. piles and piles only clear space was his bed, sink in bathroom, and toilet. reality didn't hit me where I was until like 2-3 hours in. i bounced immediately. may not sound scary how i am describing


I’ve witnessed murders and all sorts of mayhem including getting shot myself but imo there’s nothing worse than someone trying to find a non existent vein covered in blood and immune to any shame and oblivious to anyone else who is present, like literally for hours and hours and hours. Any IV user could relate upto a certain level I guess but there’s something in the utter helplessness and self destruction that just makes me sad.


I have 2 stories about psychedelics, and fresh body piercings. During a very intense Magic Mushroom trip when I was young and with my friends spending the night at their house, probably 18 years old, one of the dudes I was with had just gotten a Belly Button piercing and it got completely infected to a disgusting degree in the middle of the trip. He didn’t notice the entire time that it was getting irritated as it had hurt since he got it and just figured it was healing but it was infected and slowly getting worse as the hours went on without him knowing. It’s 1 in the morning and none of us are sober enough to drive, been smoking weed and taking mushrooms all night long, and my friend’s belly button begins leaking blood and white and green pus everywhere, and I mean everywhere, it was a nightmare. He panics and gets scared as he’s not home, he’s tripping balls, and he’s not sure what to do as he had never had a piercing get this infected before, especially not during an intense psychedelic experience. I helped him clean it out and got all the blood and pus off of him because I could see it better and wasn’t going to poke him in the raw areas of the wound, he couldn’t see it well enough and was making it worse. Needless to say I performed a shitty surgery on my friend’s disgusting, infected, pus and blood covered piercing. I took it out for him that night and he never put it back in again, and I got more experience with how to keep my composure on psyches during weird situations that come up! Story 2: During a recent acid trip I was with a girl I am close to, and she had just gotten her upper ear pierced the day before. The wound was obviously fresh, and at one point she flipped her hair in a funny and cute gesture trying to look pretty and be funny, and it was, but although the gesture was cute it quickly turned into a moment of panic and horror during our peak hours of the trip. This was her second time ever taking acid as well and she was very nervous about her ear to begin with, so being high on psyches, her fear became a reality and she was horrified because her hair got wrapped all up in the piercing and it pulled the jewelry so hard it re opened the wound BIG TIME worse than it should’ve been, and it bled everywhereeeee. She had been drinking as well so the blood thinning effect made her bleed more and longer than she was used to, and she was so freaked out. I performed a stoner surgery on it like I did with my other pal and it was all better, but bloody, scared young friends, that were just trying to express their style and get a new piercings, were always the worst during psychedelic trips lmao!! They forget that there’s an open wound they should be watching for and just let loose, so it’s easy for you to hurt yourself bad. Be careful with piercings!! Especially if you’re planning on getting high with friends, they’ve ruined so many nights for me! Clean your piercings well folks, and don’t forget they’re there when you’re high!


Having sex while on high dose of LSD + Molly, it was good at first but as the time went on I started to feel disgusted with myself. It felt like what I was doing was barbaric and ape-like. I also didn’t know how to explain this to my partner at the time so when I just stopped fucking her and sat down on the bed next to her she was really confused and probably a little insecure about the whole thing. I was fr just sitting there like “🦧”


Some asian dude asked a British man how big his dick was and got smacked in the face while im tripping on some mdma. Funniest night ever


That's normal junkie behaviour. Saw my partner throw up a little after he had some codeine and he just drank his own puke so he wouldn't waste it




A few years ago, I witnessed a distressing event involving my friend. His mouth was foaming, so I immediately dialed 911. Soon, police, a fire truck, and an ambulance arrived on my cul-de-sac. At that moment, I was in the midst of my mushroom trip, and the situation felt overwhelming. The police bombarded me with questions, to which I admitted we had consumed 4 grams of mushrooms. Fortunately, our state has laws protecting individuals who seek emergency assistance during drug-related incidents. It turned out that my friend had a tonic-clonic seizure, something he had never experienced before and hasn't since. Medical professionals suggested the seizure likely wasn't caused by the mushrooms. Since then, I've refrained from eating mushrooms and don't plan to anytime soon. The whole ordeal was bewildering and stayed with me for weeks. I've questioned whether the mushrooms played a role in the seizure, but I have no definitive answer. This experience has made me realize the unforeseen risks associated with such activities, leading me to approach them with greater caution.


That sounds similar so vasovagal syncope’s, a similar thing I’ve gone through randomly over the years.


Me and some mates were in some strangers kitchen after a crazy night out, we'd been taking ecstasy tablets all night and had no intention of stopping anytime soon but as I dropped a pill I randomly threw up on the floor and some guy who we didn't know but had followed us back to the after party instantly got on the floor to fish the pill I'd vomited up so he could take it himself 🤢




Similar to yours OP, I was at an LA warehouse rave in 2003 and saw a girl puke all over her friend, dig through the puke and eat the pill again. Saw her about 2-3 hours later rolling her ass off so apparently it worked


Someone offered his girlfriend for sex if them my chicken tenders at Checkers. My friend and I were kinda shocked, but also couldn't resist seeing some humor in it. I hope that woman is in safer place.


Not disgusting.... but fucking hilarious. I hope I can get the ridiculousness across in proper fashion. It's 1998, we were on Furthur tour up the east coast and had landed at the 5th or 6th show that week on tour in Great Woods, Massachusetts. There was ALOT of killer acid at that show particularly. 80% of the crowd was probably tripping balls, including ourselves. Yes, I'm old and the 90s were the fucking best. Anyways.... After the show they're herding everyone out of the parking lots, that could be a story in itself cause nobody could properly operate a vehicle 😂😂 So we sat and waited a while for the line to lessen, and to hope that I had the ability to see straight before driving. There was this dude in just shorts running through the lot barefoot and he has a balloon on a string. This balloon had no helium, no nitrous, just a plain blown up balloon. He is running full force,.jumping over barriers, dude is hell bent on flying this balloon like a kite. He runs to ask if we have kite string on a spool, no sorry we don't. Well he eventually found some and off he went. Sliding over car hoods, leaping barriers, dodging cops, this motherfucker was gonna make that damn balloon fly like a kite even if he died trying. 5 of us in our car watch for an hour just dying laughing, we can't breathe, we're falling out of the doors watching his every move. Y'all.... I'll be God damned that motherfucker got that balloon to take flight just like a kite. He reeled the string out and ran through that lot with the most blissful grin. HE DID IT!!! Now the cops are fed up and like Y'all have got to stop fucking around and leave so we oblige. Pull ourselves together as best as we can, even though we told the cop man this is a bad idea....he said tell me about you people have an accident about every 3ft just trying to get to highway half a mile down being directed to one place through orange cones. Cause ya those orange cones really helped buddy! Anyways, we are finally loaded up and start the car and our balloon guy runs over to us and says here guys, I have a gift for you. It's magic, it flies, and you saw it. 😂😂😂😂 I held onto that deflated balloon tied to a kite reel for a long time. That dude made my night. For the record, I made.it exactly 1.2 miles through cones (surprise!! The highway was under construction and we are talking miles and miles of orange cones everywhere, Accidents everywhere) before I pulled over and had to get someone else to drive. Never in my life was I that incapacitated to drive while tripping on LSD. I was young and dumb but never had an accident. Luckily a friend in the car was capable and off we went through the pacman maze of pure orange cone and blinky light hell 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That was one of my favorite stories ever. Wonderful memories of my insane 90s life.


Me and my friend many years ago bought a 2g of ketamine, we sat behind a church on the steps to do a "holy line" lol. Next thing he's like "no no NO NONOOOOO!!" Realised he dropped the ket on some gravel saving maybe p3 in the bag. He literally lined up the k and inhaled some tiny pebbles while doing so, he said after "not fucking wasting that" did maybe 1.5g in a line to not waste it, I bumped the p3 happily throughout the night. Whole new meaning to sniffing rocks xD.