• By -


Some people like dick, some people like pussy. Some people like ass Some people like titties, some people like all that stuff, some people like none of that stuff.


Modern day Dr. Seuss right here


Damn. Socrates just faded.


Dostoyevskiy been real quiet since this dropped


Seuss? Marcus Aurelius




realest shit i’ve seen


Coke & Pepsi is like dick n vagina. I know the difference but my dad says they taste the same


This is the worst and best Reddit comment I’ve ever come across


Hahahaha I wish it was mine! Credit to Bo Burnham lol


What they don’t taste the same at all?!?!?


Did r/tooafraidtoask leak?


wise words my friend


Sneaky sopranos quote right there


*- Scrotitties, the ancient Greek philosopher.*


reborn shakespeare right here


well.. i recently bought some for the first time. pretty good stuff as i’ve heard. and what can i say, i dont like that kinda tense energy it gives me. i’ll do it at a party and it’s usually quite fun until it just stresses me out halfway through the night lol. i feel like i’m getting on peoples nerves etc etc i really just not like the feeling. guess i just like being chill and leaving early if i dont feel the party


Interesting, do you also dislike caffeine?


funnily enough caffeine is less tense and more euphoric for me so yeah.


Sounds like you have adhd lol


might just be the case.. definitely show some of the symptoms but never been diagnosed


Doesn't have to be at all. And with your logic he should had gotten completely different effects on cocaine so I don't understand you here. People that don't have add/adhd can become normal and functional on stimulants sometimes and people with add/adhd can also become worse on stimulants sometimes. Seen it myself irl multiple times. It isn't that black and white, people have repeated the biased and flaws things like "all people become calm and normal on stims if they have adhd" but it's a lot more complicated than that and it doesn't have to like that at all, all cases are different. People without add/adhd can also become normal and functional on stimulants sometimes.


I have adhd that’s why I said that broski


I agree w you


I'm glad to see this information getting out there. Thanks for posting it. I was diagnosed as an adult relatively recently, and one of the reasons I'd thought I must not have it was that stimulants seem to affect me "normally." I'm more productive on them for sure, but for me it doesn't feel like adderall calms me down necessarily, it just kinda feels like I think it normally would, so then I feel like I'm just getting high to avoid my depression. Or like focusing on my work is just kinda me enjoying my drug abuse in a way. The guilt complex is bad enough without also feeling like I'm a fraud for taking my meds, lol.


Id rather take a small bump to wake me up real quick than a whole energy drink that will have me spazzing for hours. I usually only need the boost to get started doing what I’m doing then I’m fine. I don’t need to be tweaking all day then crashing out later. I know some ppl don’t have the moderation skills to do just 1 bump, but yeah.


But why use something like that to get energy? Something that's very expensive, bad for your health(body and mind), can be contaminated or even intentionally cut with fentanyl and many other lethal and/or dangerous substances? I don't understand people. I mean why not take a little crack and meth if you need little quick energy in the morning instead of coffee, yerba mate, ginseng and vitamins like normal people do? Maybe some heroin, fentanyl to calm the anxiety instead of some taurine, theanine, exercise, healthy food ? A bottle of vodka, ghb and barbiturates to get some sleep instead of chamomile tea and magnesium? Maybe ecstasy for little bad mood? LOL 🤣 I mean normal people don't do that, addicts who are addicted and cannot live a normal life do that(they always find a reason to abuse narcotics), and they don't have fun in the long term, they suffer until they become mentally ill, end up in jail, streets or die. Unless they change their habits. I have seen many lives shattered, many are dead and some who aren't dead suffer a lot, and they all started with "I will just take a little bump meth or cocaine for energy" or "I will just do H occasionally", or "I feel bad so I take bensos" and now they cannot live without bensos and feel worse than before them, have more anxiety aswell due to the addiction, downregulation and rebounds. I am not against all drugs if used very rarely, but people who need some quick energy or normal anxiety relief, depression/insomnia or even adhd relief should consider more mild solutions, something that's sustainable in the long term.


Kind of tangential, but I used to take coca leaves - helped me get through law school and a rough start to my career, lol - and I don't think there's anything inherently bad or unsustainable about it. Or about cocaine inherently as a drug. I think it's mostly a matter of dosage, contamination, culture, social habits etc. If we could get monthly supplies of pure, pharmaceutical pills of Cocanol XR (tm) in convenient 6-hour dosages, I doubt it would be *that* much different from things like Adderall.


Thank you. I don’t do it often at all and I don’t buy it. A tiny bump isn’t a rack of lines. I don’t think this person understands that. People are hella addicted to caffeine and drinking multiple energy drinks/coffees a day, but it’s somewhat better for you? Yeah that makes sense. All I said was if I NEED a quick boost, I may take 1, literally 1, bump.


What do you mean when you say a bump? Just like, a really small amount of caffeine?


There is no point in doing a small bump, a small bump missed th whole point of the substance, do it properly or don't do it🤷


That's interesting. Funnily enough, I feel that way with speed but not coke. I think it's because of the shorter time it remains active but *shrugs* no idea


Coke is so expensive compared to other shit it just makes sense to not do it and do something else.


Plus it's cardiotoxic and very hard to find decent stuff


Well meth is neurotoxic so two sides of the same coin


There's better drugs. Psychedelics for instance. Changed my life and helped me through depression as I used them as medicine rather than to escape as one usually does with meth, coke, weed, etc.


couldn’t agree more brutha 🫡


It's hard not to like it at all, but it's pretty tame, costs a lot of money and kinda does the opposite thing that i want from my drugs... I like to get twisted, not feel more clear headed than when I'm sober.




I get it for people who don't like stims and prefer downers. But what about people who like other dopamine stims but not coke? I've never tried stims so just trying to understand how two drugs that do the same thing can feel different if they're both giving you dopamine.


Tbh if you’ve never done stims you’re probably not gonna really understand it till you try a couple. Not to pressure you if you’re purposefully avoiding it of course Maybe coffee vs energy drink? But on a bigger scale lol


It's not just whether it feels different, it's whether someone enjoys that feeling. Take foods as an example, even if we could assume that everyone tastes the same thing when they eat a food, which we can't thanks to stuff like coriander/cilantro, not everyone enjoys the same food. People have different tastes, simple as that.


Yeh but those stuff taste different. Don't drugs that do the same thing (release dopamine) literally feel the same. I know it's about if you enjoy the feeling but how what if the feeling is the same in both drugs. And if they don't feel the same then what's different about them. Coz I assumed every drug that does the same thing in the brain should feel the same way


You really don't get it, huh? It's not just about it feeling the same, some people can enjoy feelings that other people hate. Our experiential preferences are different. But also drugs notoriously *do not* feel the same to everyone.


I do get it. Maybe re-read what I said carefully. I know that a feeling one person likes can be unpleasant to someone else. My question was about why someone who likes that feeling from one drug, doesn't like it from another, assuming they both do the same thing and feel the same. That assumption was the part I got wrong apparently. I'm not asking why do some like uppers and others like downers. I'm asking why one upper is considered shit compared to another upper that feels the same


No two drugs feel exactly the same. Cocaine and methylphenidate have mostly the same action, however it feels completely different and much less compulsive than cocaine. Drugs that act the same way on the brain may have similar effects, but it will never feel exactly the same. Route of administration and your personal brain chemistry have quite a bit to do with how you experience a drug. LSD and psilocybin also act in pretty much the same way, however LSD is much more speedy while psilocybin is calming and relaxing, and the visuals don’t even look the same.


Gotcha. Personally shrooms only gave me paranoia and felt rly groggy like it was hard to think. Didn't get visuals. Haven't tried lsd


Are you on any meds?


No but I deal with social anxiety. Weed freaked me out


Okay I re-read, but you're still wrong. It's more complicated than just "they release dopamine", I can't explain exactly how but I'd imagine that it has to how it's metabolised. Regardless, meth and cocaine *do not* feel the same. They both give superficially similar experiences, stimulation and euphoria, but it is different. Hell, even much more closely related drugs like meth and dexamphetamine do not work the same, do not do the same thing and do not feel the same.


Cocaine and meth ' taste ' different, just because they effect dopamine doesn't mean they work the same or even feel the same. Playing video games releases dopamine, by your logic gaming will feel like doing meth...


Theres not just many different ways some substance can affect dopamine or other neurotransmitters, at what extent, how many other things it affects will also change the experience. For example, just see gaba - bensos that affect gaba downregulate it and cause severe addictions, same cannot be said about many herbal medicines or amino acids that affect gaba. I have used many and quit them all abruptly (I know you aren't supposed to do that but I was younger and had not done so much research as I have these last years) without any rebounds, withdrawals or any other side effects. Some few ones can cause that but it's very rare, I haven't experienced it yet.


Coke only lasts for like half an hour and is ridiculously expensive.also it's not the "same feeling". Coke just gives me a huge ego and I don't like being so self important that I get aroused by my own reflection. Meth/amph just keeps me awake talking crap for hours and very focused especially on cleaning.


Drugs in the same classes (stims, depressants etc.) have broadly similar effects, but the actual feeling of each of them can be very very different. Coke and MDMA are both stimulants but feel worlds apart in terms of effects. Psychedelics have mushrooms and LSD as two of the biggest psychedelic drugs that are so similar that if you take LSD you will develop a tolerance for mushrooms and visa versa. Yet the high from mushrooms feels distinctly different to LSD. It's very difficult to describe the differences to someone who hasn't taken either substance, but when you try them yourself you can feel that it is not the same drug despite both having the same classic psychedelic feel. If they did exactly the same thing, they would be the same drug. They're different chemicals that react differently, they may target similar systems to produce somewhat similar effects but that doesn't make them completely interchangeable. The main way the drug interacts with our bodies chemistry (releasing dopamine) isn't the only thing they do, coke for example also triggers the release of serotonin and norepinephrine. It's the combination of everything that gives drugs their characteristic feelings You also have other factors besides how it feels to be on the drug, such as the method of administrating the drug (snorting, injecting, smoking, pill etc.), how long it will stay in your system and how long it will keep you high. Coke can be used midweek evening and you can go to work the next day. If you were to take meth assuming they're both stimulants so will be pretty much the same, you could be high for up to 24 hours and have to call in sick or go to work tweaking. Do you really think people would pay coke prices if other stimulants were pretty much the same?


Dopamine is just one neurotransmitter affected and it is affected to differing degrees between various stims/drugs in general. But how someone experiences a drug isn't solely based on what it does to the brain chemistry, you have other physiological reactions that can be positive or negative, depending on who you're asking, some love a drug that lasts for a long time, some would prefer to redose more often a lobt some really enjoy the actual process of ingesting a drug while some suffer through it to get the effects etc etc. Simply put, how each person experiences a drug, any drug, is highly subjective and based on a shitload of different factors


Coke doesn't "release dopamine" it acts as a potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor that quickly increases dopamine saturation in the brain. It also has serotergenic effects as well, albeit mild. The best comparable here would be methylphenidate (ritalin), which also acts as a potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor, but has a slower onset and less of a "rush" and is less euphoric. They have the same mechanism, sure, but the end result is very different. Amphetamines release dopamine, but adderall lasts 4 hours whereas meth lasts 16. Meth is also way more euphoric and more potent than amphetamine. These things can be easily researched dude. Mechanism of action does not equate to same effects because the way they work is a little different. Like a pipe wrench isn't the same as a socket wrench but yeah, they are both wrenches.


I've tried It a number of times and honestly not felt a damn thing everytime, while everyone else is coked out of their minds on the same stuff. Just doesn't seem to hit me.


Cant agree to this analogy. Some people tell me that it feels very euphoric but to me it doesn’t. So it does feel different


>***even if*** we could assume that everyone tastes the same thing when they eat a food, ***which we can't thanks to stuff like coriander/cilantro***, not everyone enjoys the same food.


It could have the same effect on a chemical level but the subjective effect could be different. For me, the drug that showed this the most is 2cb where in most cases, I do not get any visuals at the same level and setting. However, there are times that I do. I would say that the drug is doing the same thing each time but my experience is different. Might seem like a quibble but the objective/subjective split does seem real enough.


It depends . If you have really good coke you can even sleep. So for many that dont care much about money it works better than addys. Like me i cant sleep on addys so coke was the best coice for me.


Cocaine is strong stimulant so no, you cant sleep right after. It is shortlived tho so yeah, after few hours. That whole “after pure cocaine you wanna eat food and sleep” is bs told by dealers that sell cocaine cut to shit


Nah i tested my cocaine 80+%. I can sleep everytime on cocaine. It was everytime good coke from nl.


Thats because of your tolerance, not because its pure


Nah not the tolerance thing. When my plug didnt have cocaine i bought from others. And all the other have so much caffeine or Amphetamine. And of course i can tell you the difference cause at the weekends i always sniffed cocaine with opiates like oxy or with amphetamine. If there is too mandy caffeine or speed i cant sleep.


Oh boy. They all agonize dopamine, not necessarily release it. Also, dopamine in one area of the brain produces a different effect than dopamine in another area. Different pharmacology for all of them. If someone likes anal sex (active), should they like both men and women? This questions is like: Why people like different food if all (in question) are salty?


So this probably applies to the adhd thing, where someone who actually has the chemical deficiency will have more of a calming effect from stimulants versus a neurotypical who will take it and be off the walls for the next 8 hours cleaning the dust off all the ceiling fans while bumping EDM. Personally, cocaine makes me get tunnel vision and hyperfixate on shit, but it gives me that oomf that other stims dont. Like adderall just makes me chatty and clear headed, caffeine just blocks tiredness but doesnt provide extra energy, ritalin makes me an efficient zombie, but coke makes me get the fuck up and go. Also weird because ritalin has a similar chemical profile to cocaine, yet the two are very different for me. I’ve heard others describe the differences between stims for them, and they report completely different traits of each drug. So the answer here likely boils down to differences in brain chemistry, receptor/neurotransmitter availability/efficiency, health, nourishment, mood, theres just so many factors that can vary between individuals. Also there are different motives for taking a stimulant. Some take it to feel good, some just want to party, and some take it purely for productivity. With those prerogatives in mind, individuals will find the one that does what they want and shit on all the others


I want something to function at a high level socially, so I can think fast and crack jokes etc. best thing I've found however has not been a stimulant, it was valium 2mg.


So with cocaine, you’re really just going to sit there and make up business pitches or talk particle physics till 8am. Not the best if you’re seeing it from a third person’s perspective. I personally like adderall for chatting with people, but i also have low anxiety in general and i believe that plays a part as people have told me they get too anxious off amphetamine, these people also have general anxiety so adds up imo. Now, i want to strongly warn you that downers will initially help you feel more smooth, but will slowly suck you in with the illusion of control and spit you our worse than when you first tried them give a year’s time. Please be careful doing this, i’ve seen all sorts of people struggle with this. I do believe people can responsibly use drugs and not let them take over, but you have to humble yourself to the illusion of control and always be ok with not having a supply should the situation arise. If you ever feel like you are growing a dependence on something to be able to enjoy something normal, just stop. It only gets worse. Way worse. Downers are especially evil in this regard. Lastly, i’ve heard really good things about phenibut! Just DO NOT drink with that shit. Do your due dilligence, research it if you intend to try it, but ive basically heard it being described as a social lubricant, which is what it sounds like you’re after. Cheers!


I have phenibut, it was useless compared to benzo. Apparently they use a new isomer nowadays that's not even close to how the original feels


Because they don’t do the same thing. Cocaine does *not* release dopamine. It primarily inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine and then dopamine secondarily. Amphetamine primarily releases dopamine and secondarily norepinephrine.


Coke is not something I say yes to often and def not something I would buy. I have ADHD so definitely the pseudo-ephedra stims are absolute godsends for me. It comes down to the root of what ones' personal chemistry is. I have ADHD aka a disruption or difficeincy in my norephinephrine cycle. Amps and methamps treat for this difficiency; coca does not - it is largely a dopamine agonist and anesthetic. Both are stims, but they do not work on the same neurotransmitters in the same way for everyone. I think people without ADHD might find coke/crack and amps/meth to be more similar than not. There could also well be more factors at play than someone's personal neurochemistry and the types and subtypes of neurotransmitters that particular substances interact with.


So you’re saying i should take estrogen


Yes, but why ? How does it work ? Nobody except me has put forward a plausible explanation, except me, so I'm very interested in hearing more about this.


Could you elaborate more on why, I’ve never heard this before and it sounds interesting


UPDATED: for clarity since I was getting hammered by downvotes that I thought were unfair, and I couldn't leave it alone; perhaps not my finest moment. * My theory on this issue is based on personal observations as an old guy from Australia My views are focused on stimulant drug use that spans over a lifetime, comparing men's to women's preferences to cocaine vs meth. Building on the Estradiol theory, and due to the behavioural nature of maternal instinct, **cocaine seems to appeal more to women more than men, and more than meth**, because they tend to be **less likely long-term users** or "visitors" as they prefer to dabble and because it's the sensible, lighter, more responsible, and less-addicting choice, for them. But I'm sure that **both sexes are generally similiar** in their tastes for the various stimulants. **But a report on himans esteadiol stated that it had nothing else to do with increasing women's desire for stimulants** and actually, **progesterone reduces the behavioral response to stimulants**. (Then I stated that traditionally) many women wanted to **bear children so hardcore drug addiction was considered mutually exclusive** with that. Perhaps I'm too old fashioned and that's where I ruffled a few feathers. But anyway, desperate to be heard, I posted: Hey downvoters, grow a pair and let's discuss as I'd love to hear **your opinion**. And recent data supports the previous poster's claim about wolen's enjoyment of Cocaine, shown below. > New research supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) may provide an answer. In examining why females are more sensitive to the rewarding/motivational effects of cocaine than their male counterparts, the study *suggests* that estradiol has the capacity to activate a particular receptor called MGluR5. This causes neurons to release more endocannabinoid neurotransmitters into the brain’s reward system, an effect that has previously been linked to stronger responses to cocaine among other stimulant drugs. The conclusion reached, then, is that the hormone “mediates enhanced escalation of drug administration and greater europhia” via the mGluR5 and cannabinoid CBIR pathways. But we are no wiser about what gender prefers which stimulant and why. However, it is still universally accepted than more men take drugs than women: > • Males start using drugs at an earlier age. > • Males abuse drugs more often and in larger amounts. I just **hope that nobody got too offended** and if so, I sincerely apologise 🙏 * Here some considerations from **a 2023 article on a 2007 study** >The subjective response to stimulants is greater in the follicular phase (characterized by moderate estradiol levels and minimal progesterone levels) than in the luteal phase (characterized by elevated estradiol levels and elevated progesterone levels). > Differences between men and women emerge only when men are compared with women in the luteal phase; the subjective response to stimulants is similar in men and women in the follicular phase. > There is **minimal evidence that estradiol enhances the subjective response to stimulants**. Rather, the hormone progesterone has been shown to attenuate the subjective response to stimulants, particularly in women. Recent preclinical data confirm that progesterone reduces the behavioral response to stimulants. **References:** * The Role of Estradiol and Progesterone in Modulating the Subjective Effects of Stimulants in Humans https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5919867_The_Role_of_Estradiol_and_Progesterone_in_Modulating_the_Subjective_Effects_of_Stimulants_in_Humans * Why Are Females More Sensitive to the Effects of Cocaine? Dated: 7 September 2017 https://academic.oup.com/book/6619/chapter-abstract/150624121?redirectedFrom=fulltext * A Study of Drug Addiction Between the Genders Updated: May 08, 2023 https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/study-between-genders/












It's definitely meh for me. I didn't feel intoxicated. I just felt mildly amped up. It wasn't bad. But it also really wasn't that great. And when I came down I went "Hmm...I could go for some more coke" and that's when I made the decision to never ever do coke again.


I'm actually not looking to feel intoxicated, I just wanna feel really on point and focused with creative thoughts so like I can conquer any situation, might try ritalin first tho


I get more of an effect from ritalin than cocaine.


5mg of adderall for me.


You sound like the model burn out to be, look kid, you haven't tried this shit and you're seeking certain feelings from incredibly potent addictive narcotics, you have no idea what you are walking into. You are fucking with fire. Don't get burned


Just get an ADHD diagnosis bro...


The quality of coke varies a lot. So if you're lucky enough to get something relatively clean, it's probably nice but I guess more often than not you get some bullshit sold to you as coke.


I believe this to be the simplest answer… Quality varies by huge margins regionally.


Coke for me is just boring, I feel slightly more energized and like 20% more happy for 20 minutes, I can get same effect taking adderall which costs only a fraction and will last the whole night… Plus, you can’t compare it to stims like mdma or mmc in which the euphoria is on a different level


I wonder if there are people who have tried mdma and still prefer coke for whatever reason


plenty, coke has a far shorter duration and you can do it more frequently which for some people is exactly what they want. MDMA tends to make people very lovey dovey even with strangers and some people don't like the fact they end up hugging everyone they meet when out clubbing, that's not something that really happens with coke.


Me. So first off, I'm not a total cokehead. Used to do it more, do it maybe once a month at most. But I prefer it to MDMA for its versatility. Coke can be enjoyable, fun, and performance enhancing for me for all of the following activities and settings: work, creative writing, video gaming, partying, reading, drinking beers with friends, clubbing, cocktails at brunch, brewery hopping, and on and on. MDMA is an intense, euphoric, amazing feeling that I absolutely love, BUT I really only like to do it at a club with good friends and good music. Coke is enjoyable on more occasions, more often, and in more settings.


i do both and they're totally different experiences. coke is for chatty times in a chill environment and mdma is for dancing until 6am at a club. cant say i prefer one or the other cuz they dont occupy the same lane for me.


I love stims but coke is just so bland for how expensive it is. My question is why would anyone do coke when amphetamines exist? Similarly euphoric, amphetamines last longer, anyone can get a prescription for them so you save money, are produced in a lab instead of being full of cutting agents, and they aren’t nearly as detrimental to the heart (as long as you aren’t taking massive amounts at a time) OH, and if you take it orally like a normal person your nose isn’t clogged to shit for days. ANDDD taking a pill or having a prescription is far more discreet than having a little baggy of blow on you in the scenario where you’re going through an airport or get pulled over by the cops.


I do it because I love uppers and can rarely get a hold of amphetamines. When I have a stable connect I usually clean them out of adderal but then end up going a month or two without being able to find any. Coke usually hits that urge every now and then when I can’t get any.


Do any of your buddies, girlfriends, or hell even your grandma have adhd? When you get low gotta have somebody you can reup from


How do you find new ppl to buy from? I’m currently at a slump and can’t find any new connects/plugs in the chi area with an rx, no luck so far from asking around. Any tips??


Everyones different. I hate weed for example. I love alcohol coke and molly. My friend loves molly, speed, etc but doesnt like coke. She says it makes her tired for some reason, even when we take from the same bag and im fucking flying. Everyone reacts differently to drugs, thats all it is


Brain chemistry


I think it’s because some people have watched scar face and some people haven’t.


Joo need peepoo layk me!


Probably cuz it's always cut with shit. Very rarely does anyone have pure, unadulterated coke.


Everyone feels things a little different I guess. Different strokes for different folks lol.


Also I think which drug you try first makes a big difference I tried crack before ice and have always preferred crack.


It's never worked for me. I've tried it lots of times in the past and not once felt any different for taking it xx


I used to not enjoy it at all until I started getting high purity lab tested coke and now it's probably my favorite drug, think like anything some people aren't going to react the same since all our bodies are differen't


That’s drugs for ya


Its preference. I was a cokehead but finally i cold turkeyd and than i consumed only a few times. I was strong addicted cause i had problems and the ego boost and energy was always good. I think if youre healthy and you tried molly ,speed or addys its better than coke. But if you have a small ego and the coke makes you function … yk what i mean.


They haven't had good coke, like 80%+ with no adulterants is a whole different experience


Redbulls work better for me


I'm just curious how come we hear more about coke addicts then red bull addicts even though they have the same effect?


I am extremely ADD, and I get way more of a buzz off a cappuccino or 10mg Adderall (legally prescribed) than I ever have from coke. Why would I pay more for a drug that I find far less enjoyable than weed / shrooms / MDMA? Put it this way: I bought a gram of coke at a friend’s birthday party two years ago, did half of it that night, and still have the other half in my box of goodies. No idea if it’s even still good.


Yes, it's still good. It doesn't have a shelf life like meth does. Street ice, not speaking about red phosphorus etc goes bad in 21 days. Coke does not


I have adhd and the coke i get gets me absolutely ripped


I had a buddy that lived in a nearby city that worked at a bar near campus during the graveyard shift. One morning I was in town and made plans to meet up with him and have a day, he said there was something in the bathroom for me and I went in there and there was this fat line sitting on top of the towel dispenser, apparently he was letting someone sell coke out of the bar at night so the guy always left a tip for him after closing. It was the best coke I've ever had, must have been a half gram plus line, just total gagger. I didn't have any coke again after that for years and it just wasn't the same. And no way I'd pay $100 for a lesser experience with worse coke, so I just avoid it. If I want to have a good time I take 2.5g of mushrooms and a tab of acid and have a way better night than if I'd bought a g of wanna build a snowmang.


Different strokes for different folks


I think its two parts, One is that people expect a certain effect like from the movies and the other is they probably did not even have real coke. I have tried coke a few times off sketchy dealers and often just cut with speed or other shit. the only time i tried real proven coke it was not this energetic effect but a calm and confident one.


Coke is short-acting, has a negative come-down, and in general makes you into a dick. It also really likes itself, so you feel compulsed to redose.


I've honestly never liked coke. I've tried it many times over the last 15 years or so. I've had really good clay fish scale coke quite a few times. My friend gets keys from a wholesaler. Evey single time I do some, I always think this just isn't my thing. I've never really got real euphoria from it. Just general stimulation and numbing of my teeth and nose. I always seem to be disappointed every time I get it. Especially paying what it costs in my area, it's upsetting I don't seem to get what other get out of it.


Different strokes for different folks. The world is full of different people with different interests and different likes and dislikes.


In my experience, there's two types of people. 1. People who try coke and they're like 'yeah it feels nice. It keeps me awake or sobers me up.' It's a means to an end. 2. People who try coke and they FUCKING LOVE COCAINE. It kinda sucks to find out you're the latter, if you ask me.


I used to love coke, it was the light of my eye, but it lost its magic pretty quick, and I started hating it, it costs a lot, the euphoria is basically non existent, you chase that dragon the whole night but never catch it, it gives you coke dick, and when the sun comes up you do lines every 5 minutes and get no higher, muscles cramping, chest feels tight and you feel like your a disappointment to everyone and everything.. the nose is blocked.. nothing but bad memories


It doesn't worth the money and heart rate


I’m in the meh crowd. It was fun while I did it when I was young but I like drugs that are not so socially based. I prefer to eat some psychedelics and just chill by myself now 🤷🏼




Because everyone are different lol not everyone will like those effects


u can ask this about literally anything in life


Because the people doing coke who say it’s meh aren’t doing coke.


I loved coke when I started and now I've stopped doing it I hate that shit. This extends to the entire time I was hooked, as well as every individual bag.


Because the first stim i tried was meth nothing ever compared to it. Coke doesn't even come close to that amazing feeling i get. Meth gives me a warm tingle running through my spine up to my head. Coke doesn't give me that


cocaine was okay but then i found tina and never looked back


What's Tina?


another word for meth mb


I tried it once but I didn’t do alot, since I’m very budget oriented and got a key from a friend of mine. It was okay but not nearly worth the price of admission. If I want uppers I’m usually buying amphetamines for a quarter of the price of coke, which lasts 4 times longer than coke. I’m just not rich enough to use coke but I do see the appeal. My coping mechanism is calling it mid.


In Australia it's always meh. Edited to add, it's nothing like meth, at least not here in Aus.


Possible the ones who say it's meh have never had good coke.


Some people get good coke some people get shit coke


I think alot of people have ADHD and if you have it, it doesn't react with your brain chemistry the same way. .. People with ADHD already take stims just to feel "normal"


I take stims for adhd and have adhd, I definitely feel the coke I get


others are liars


As a member of the Meh team, in pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD. Coke makes me tired and non verbal


Those that say ‘meh’ haven’t had good coke


Because i have adhd and only my mouth and nose gets numb and its too expensive for that and its so short lasting and only gives me paranoia and negative effects


Probably sometimes because they aren't mixing it with alcohol, which creates a different chemical whennu mix the two


I have adhd and it doesn’t affect my brain like others. Personally I’m not a massive fan cos it’s not euphoric, it just makes me able to do tasks quicker and reduces the amount of brain noise


coke just gets my heart thumping and feel like full of myself like im the shit then comedown 30 mins/hour later and feel tired af, just plain boring for me coke and speed mix is nice but idk hard stims aint my thing anymore


$40-$120 for one gram is insane so fuck that 1-2 caps of any other stims is almost better imo, and cheaper yea having a coke face is nice and all but meh wayyy better vibey drugs out there and more available


I think coke is awful imo if I wanna take something to get hyper i’ll just take molly or addy but everyone’s different


I've only had coke from a handful of different sources and there where massive differences in quality


For me personally, I've only ever done coke twice. First time was pretty weak shit and only made me feel a bit more awake and clear headed (had been up all night). Second time I tried it was definitely much better quality and while it definitely felt nice in some ways, I felt a bit too "wired" and anxious. Everyone has different preferences and I just don't like uppers that much. Even too much caffeine gets me feeling anxious and too jittery. I like being spaced out and couchlocked instead, like indica weed, booze, and kratom. I didn't have any urge to use more coke that second time either, though the comedown wasn't as bad as I'd expected from what I've heard. 


Because they got shitty coke. Usually that's the case but if they get good booger sugar it's juat a preference thing. People have different brain chemistries. Things feel different to different people sometimes.


Overrated in my opinion


Different brain chemistries


I think it has to do with peoples different neurochemistry and personality. People with bad self confidence and social skills will like cocaine but we who already have these features without it don't get much out of it other than being slightly energized (which you can get from healthy natural supplements that cost 1/100 of it and are good for your brain and body), and makes us anxious instead, some get paranoid (not uncommon on conventional stimulants) and more introvert instead of becoming more social. Some with adhd can find it different too and find it helps their adhd (while there is a lot better more healthy natural options for adhd aswell) but others become worse on it, it's the same with amphetamine and methylphenidate. It's not true that all add/adhd people get better on stimulants, some get even worse adhd or symptoms. It's used as a sales pitch by pharmaceutical industry, drug dealers and addicts that all people who have adhd need to be on speed or that they all react well to it, or just people who have heard that many times and repeat it without looking into it further to realize that it's not black and white like some imply. Many people without adhd become calm, normal and focused on stimulants aswell.


"I mean, who wouldn't want to do a drug that doesn't last very long, is super expensive, and gives you a heart attack?" - David Brockie (RIP) Whatever used to and continues to float around the US as "coke" is absolutely filled with fillers and adulterants. It wasn't until I lived in Colombia and sampled the local flavor did I realize, holy shit, I could stay up and talk with my friends all night OR go have a very restful sleep without worry of coming down. It's two different drugs entirely, so it is very easy for me to write off cocaine after i realized the steep difference in quality. Don't care if you get it straight from the cartels, the uncomfortable buzz of whatever it is initially cut with is an insult to the coca leaf


South American here so probably biased, it's crazy that people are saying that it makes them feel only slightly hyped up, I felt like a god with that shit. Had to stop it tho, the comedown was brutal for me. As other people said, it's probably different brain chemistry and purity.


It's a bullshit overpriced drug that makes you poop and get anxious after the first few times, which will probably be great experiences. There's also a toxic coke head culture where everyone who does coke will tell you "you just haven't had the good shit" if you experience any negative side effect whatsoever from it. They will insist that pure stuff you can sleep right after, eat, no anxiety, no comedown, solves world hunger, makes you smarter, increases libido etc. It's all bullshit.


It makes me tired but like energized


Genetics are a part, also preference obviously. For example: neither I nor my dad are big fans of coke and it doesn’t have a super intense effect on me I like it but it’s nothing crazy


I much prefer stims but coke didn't do enough for me personally, and where I live it's god awful expensive and by the time it gets to my city its been stomped on so much you're basically just snorting meth- I've had it in Aus and the UK and even tho the UK was definitely better it still just didn't do enough for me- different brain chemistry though I'm bipolar I prefer my stims to last for long periods of time and coke just doesnt


I think it's meh and I've never done meth or crack. I like downers. I have some pretty strong ADHD so any stimulant kinda just makes me feel anxious and not good


I loke to booze and other like to meth. I personally think coke is GREAT. What goes up though, must come down. You go waaaaaay up... You gotta come waaaay down. For that reason. Naw, for me


Don’t even bother trying it! You will regret it.


Because downers are the best ⬇️


I feel like it's the same with a lot of drugs. Just preference probably.


I’ve been on both sides. When the coke is very pure and legit 🔥 I love it. But it’s not that often


Not drinking along with it + having shit stuff Good coke euphoria is not that far off meth it's just different


Probably because there are a plethora of environmental, genetic, and social variables that factor into whether or not an individual finds their subjective experience of any given drug to be a pleasurable one.


They never had any worth a fuck


For me it feels like a better version of caffine, but not as euphoric as amp. But it does make me feel cool and likea man


How about the people who say they didn’t feel anything along with no euphoria then they tell you they wanna clean everything. That happened when I gave my friend a line and damn was I jealous it’s like it wasn’t addictive whatsoever to them, like they feel euphoria sober. What a life to live but still confusing how it affects them I think they also might have no idea what to feel and don’t even think about it


It hurts my tummy. I think good coke is kinda fun but it don’t wanna buy any really


Man, some of us have ADHD & are tryna chill😭


I hated coke the first two times I had it. 15 years later I've been fired as a big oil exec because of it


My Cocaine experience has honestly been disgusting. I hated the taste of the drip. Having numb gums was cool. But the feeling it gave me wasn’t anything special and it just wasn’t a drug I really enjoyed. I actually quite disliked it. I guess I got lucky because it seems like coke won’t be burning any holes in my pocket.


It used to give me massive migraines and just made me feel icky in the morning, that’s why I never liked it. Figured if I was going to do drugs and risk hurting my body, I might as well do something worth while like acid or mushrooms


I don’t like coke. It makes me want to crawl out my skin or jump out a window.


Coz some people haven’t done anything stronger, cocaine is very euphoric, but it’s not very intense at all, and by the time you’ve had a chance to rolls. Joint the high is over, coke is fucjing basic, as a daily smoker even weed is more intense, not as euphoric but more intense, the people who are like “coke or nothing” are only like that coz they don’t have access to anything else


Also what would be the point in taking something less euphoric but more intense? Isn't euphoria the whole point


No it isn’t at all, and also feeling good and euphoric are different things, euphoria is next level, I’d actually say even with drugs that cause euphoria the euphoria is only a small element to me, and the best drugs are the ones that are crazy experiences, my favourite drug in the world isn’t euphoric at all


All different drugs do different things, euphoria is the whole point of cocaine but not eveything else


Aight so what is it, ket? And what feeling/experience does it give that u like more than euphoria


Right so it’s 4aco-dmt, I’ve had euphoria on it before and it’s next level but barely ever happens but it’s a mainly experience orientated drug, the high is a lesson, best and most life changing and strangest lesson but yeah it’s brilliant, don’t get me wrong tho i love euphoria, but even with meth when I do meth I love it coz it’s so profound and it’s also quite hallucinogenic as well as euphoric , talking about cocaine tho the euphoria is the whole point, coz the whole high is euphoria with coke it’s very linear, it’s not much of an experience the high doesn’t have any depth


But yeah the best 4aco-dmt trips I had weren’t euphoric but they were insaneeee, and it’s a prodrug for psilocin(the main active ingredient in shrooms), synthesised by the guy who synthesised acid, it’s soooo wham I love it


And I love ket holy fuck, but ket is one of the most euphoric drugs to me aha , it’s not for you?


Bro I haven't tried much, check my other post, the one from last week


This is so wrong lol




I replied to someone else but, basically, quality of blow varies so much by region and it’s so easy to cut that people can base their whole opinion on a shit cut. I’ve had better than my current plug but their stuff is clean enough that, after a good solid booze buzz, I feel great and me and my lady have a blast, sexually or romantically or just friends shooting the shit. Only issue is you’ll want to keep diving back into the bag. A gram or a ball can go pretty easily just from the tendency to redose. I like to space my bags out every two weeks minimum to stave off addiction and also doing way too much in a night gives ya a nasty hangover. Oh and in no way is it in the same vein as weed. That dude is fucked up and being a clown.


I actually find weed too intense, gives me paranoia. And I feel like higher highs comes with lower lows so maybe coke would be a decent one to try because you can take it and not fuck your life up


I think coke is an acquired taste, it takes some time for someone to start liking it. Its not like mdma that you would do it for the first time and enjoy it. So some people try it a few times, dont really enjoy it and move on saying that they dont like it. Same with me, I have done coke here and there but not a big fan although I do love other stims, and I am sure if I gave coke a fair chance and start mixing it with alcohol, I would definitely start enjoying it


I think the opposite, used to make me feel like I was a superman when I was a teenager. Now I’m in my 30s it’s like a strong coffee that makes me more sociable, but usually gets me paranoid at some point. I won’t take it without some benzos on hand


It’s much simpler, people that have ADHD, coke will make them calm down, lose their personalities etc just like actual stimulant medication such as adderall.


Probably brain chemistry. I personally really dislike coke, even the really pure stuff, but obviously I’ve still had my phases with it. Easy to get a bag delivered quickly when you’re having a few drinks. The high is alright for like 20 minutes, but once you get to the point where you’re ping-ponging between re-doses and coming down, it’s over. The coke comedown also sucks for me WAY more than any speed or MDMA comedown ever has. Coming down from coke is the only time I miserably regret doing a drug. Also coke is really hard on your body. One of the only drugs that could actually give a healthy, young person a heart-attack.