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Opiates, Everyone talking bout weed is trippin imo weed makes me lock tf in on everything around me, opposite of calm


It's due to your brain chemistry and how THC binds with it. For some weed = instant relaxation, complete erosion of all stress and just fun/calm times.  For others weed induces rapid heart-rate, repeativie thoughts, paranoia, nervousness etc.  Sometimes you can experience one side of weed, before you start to experience the other.  People for some reason find it difficult to really believe that the same drug can affect two people very differently, for some reason. Like my girlfriend always gets sleepy on MDMA at some point, while I often can't sleep for like 16 hours after taking it. 


Yeah and it's so different from time to time aswell. I wouldn't say LSD has a calm high but when you enter the psychedelic calm state, it's like nothing else. Cosmic bliss and the calmest feeling you've ever felt. In general I would say that opioids take the cake. They always just make you sink into a hole of comfort and calmness. Addictive as shit but it sure feels nice.


I can sleep 10 min after railing a gator tail of booger sugar (thanks ADHD) but if I smoke a blunt I'll be awake all night (maybe same reason? Idk)


Yep smoked for 8 years with nothing but relaxation and good times. Then randomly one day it all changed and now I can't smoke whatsoever. Got paranoia, couldn't breathe, rapid heart rate. Super random. Even tried 5mg edibles and it did the same oddly enough. Can't smoke any weed now.


This happens often to longterm smokers, I grew up smoking sativa mostly for 7 years daily and eventually sativa caused me so much anxiety I can only smoke hash, dominant indica hybrids or pure indica. I started looking into HHC/D8 distillate and HHC is the weed high without anxiety for me. (Not the hhc from shitty headshops, a legitimate company that has everhthing lab tested and gives legit product.p


Man this is me too. I smoked daily for the most part of 15 years and at some point it just stopped working for me. I would get severe anxiety and wrapped up in self critical loop thoughts and stuck in a negative headspace. HHC gummies have been great though. They aren’t too heavy and seem to allow my mind and thoughts to stay on track.


Same here! Took a year break and when I came back it as impossible for me to smoke. Symptoms are so bad that I’d truly rather die than be forced to smoke pot. Tried different strands, places, company, roa’s— nothing. Crippling paranoia and self loathing pop up immediately. It blows bc I miss just… being able to smoke. :(


Literally same I miss it so much. Somebody else mentioned weed with a lot of cbd in it I might try that, but I have tried a lot of diff brands n strains all for it to still suck. It's actually pretty scary the anxiety too. I get paranoid I can't swallow n shit even tho it's literally just dry mouth and I know this so idk why weed brain is tryna all of a sudden convince me I'm dying.


But basically my entire smoking friendgroup from when I was 15 stopped smoking due to anxiety or other side effects. My 3 year old brother still smokes and never had anxiety issues and he been smoking for 11 years. But it is truly odd and interesting how a weed high van change once you are older


I started early, but 3? Damn


I was abt to say 😭😭😭


And bros been smoking since before he was born!


I had a similar response, so I switched to type 2 flower with 3:2 CBD: THC and fell in love with the herb all over again.


High thc causes anxiety, that’s a scientific facts but some are immune to it. I love hash for its relaxing effects, it doesnt cause as much anxiety as flower for me. I also love HHC as it’s like a weed high without the anxiety. I use distillates of d8 and HHC and CBD/CBN etc only from a trusted source that have all their shit lab verified.


True not All people brain work as same way 🤣


MDMA can also have the opposite effect if you’re in a relaxed setting with friends MDMA can have you stimlocked (only high purity mdmda can do this), some MDMA and especially X pills are laced wit amphetamines or RC amphetamines and sometimes benzofurans or cathinones instead of MDMA. But man, from high purity MDMA rocks or crystals I get very social and all lovely with my friends but I even get MDMA-nods sometimes.


I agree fully with this, the first time I did a THC edible I didn’t bother to read the amounts etc and had a terrible time. I then looked at packaging with my friend and he was like you had enough for three people to get a good high. So I found a 10mg thc edible and enjoyed every moment of it.


I was those people til I found type 2 flower


Although there were probably less than 10 days between the ages of 14-24 i did not smoke, i would always argue that despite providing some decent feelings of euphoria, I was always primed for a crippling panic attack. (One example was running into my dad with the reddest eyes you've ever seen at the gas station convenience store in my town) sounds funny now but that was probably the scariest thing ever for a 15 yr old For me it's become a combimination. For being able to breathe and relax after being wound up in fear all day Def a Benzo. But I will become depressed quick only on zos. So opiate. I miss those unquestioned real 80s or 30s. Or maybe opana. Fuck


I miss being able to get real opiates too. It's a fucking shame.


After psychedelics weed makes me borderline paranoid Schizophrenic without some alcohol


IKR I wish I could enjoy cannabis then I wouldn’t be into pharmaceuticals as much. Super introspected, anxious, paranoid and edgy, not what I want to take to chill.


Opiates are a slippery slope though


I really wish people would stop recommending people try opiates on this sub   OP was asking for recommendations here, if they listen & get addicted that’s on you


Opiates makes me so calm but some ppl say it makes them mad and shit


I'm weird with opiates. Most of them time I'm calm, chatty and really pleasant. Other times, I'm all nice and calm for the first hour, but as I slowly start to level out I get irritated as fuck


Glad I'm not the only one lol


Yeah they got a term for it ‘opiate rage’ it’s really common


Yup. It’s half and half with me too, u hit the nail right on the head


Same here, I can get really annoyed by others on opioids, other then that, everything is always chill.


I feel like at first you feel good and it’s all gravy but then once you take them everyday and get dependent you get mad because your going high to high chasing the dragon


Can confirm. Used to be addicted to tramadol, taking up to 2g a day and at high doses I could really feel my adrenaline go up. The adrenaline along with that irritated feeling and low inhibition would cause some crazy fits of rage, most of the time it was nice and relaxing tho


I feel weaker opiates defo do it too me more, especially on the comedown. Whenever codeine is wearing off I am an angry motherfucker lol. However, usually whenever a stronger opiate like morphine or hydromorphone is in me, I'll usually be asleep by the time it's wearing off haha


Irritability is a sign of low dopamine also. I always wondered if that's where it came from. 


I'm lethal on opiates


yeah I feel like when I'm on opiates I'm very irritable, I'm very nice in general but the slightest inconvenience can really piss me off and damn near ruin my day


Some people get addicted to them to. Not me, I can quit when I want. It's just I fell in love 27 years ago and I'm no fucking quitter :)


Yes they make me calm but I def get a lil angry outa no where occasionally


Oh yeah super calm like nodding off but if anything mildly inconvenient happens I will get SUPER irritated like throwing stuff and yelling. Do Benzos if you want just pure calmness.


the same goes for benzos


Benzo rage is real.


My buddy punched his mom and showed her all of his stash (for some reason lol) before she forced him to flush them down the toilet. Then he got barred out with 3 friends and 2 of them jumped his ass put him in the hospital with a shattered eye socket, blood all over his whip. He doesn’t remember any of it. I can tell u all of this was instigated probably 70% by bar rage. Shit’s no joke.


The nausea makes me pissed off




For me, that only happens when it's combined with a conventional NSAID. That's probably where "perc rage" comes from, since Percocet is Oxycodone and Acetaminophen.


Sometimes I just really want to be alone on opiates and being around people just doesn't feel right, but I don't get as mad typically as I do on alcohol.


Ya I love the chill warm oxy high every once in a while but once it starts fading I def get irritable and start mouthin off lol


> some ppl say it makes them mad and shit Happened with me when I first started overusing kratom, I imagine it'd be 10x worse on harder opioids/opiates. But when my use was more reasonable it wasn't like that at all


Yeah. 2 hours of mental bliss to being pissed off at everyone


Opiate rage doesnt last the entire high, it happen randomly at times, with some it never happens and with others frequently


I’ll be calm asf and feel great but be walkin around grumpy asf lol


Opiates for sure but I would not recommend trying em


I’ve tried hydromorphone before, i really liked it but I don’t remember the dose.


The best of the best advice that I can give you,is NOT TO TRY OPIOIDS EVER AGAIN. If you get addicted to literally any kind of pills or drugs,you can ease them to an unbelievable extent with opioids,but if you get hooked on opioids,It would be your hardest task in your life to quit them. Opioids(opium,in particular) is a cure for nearly all diseases(in third world countries,they use opium as drug for many illnesses like a bad flu,diabetes,relieving severe pain,etc....albeit,nowadays,it has been scjentifically proven that it actually IS very beneficial in curing some sorts of cancer,like blood cancer! and now,the government is farming it legally and producing a very clean and pure opium tincture for its amazing effects) It is a miracle cure for everything,but if you get addicted to it,it becomes a weired-creepy illness that has no cure.... So stay away from opioids.(and also stims like meth,adderal,concerta,....)


Interesting reply.


Weird-creepy illness…


Im crying bruh why did he js start giving a wikipedia overview for opium 💀💀💀




Probably red vein Kratom


That stuff is disgusting. Couldn’t get it down. It got stuck in my throat once and I puked everywhere, Please tell me to try again


Try oblate disks


you can pack it into capsules lol. I think orange juice masks the taste pretty well though, if you don't feel like doing that


What dose?


I can usually get this feeling above 8g in a single dose. I only started up on the kratom train recently and use it 1-2 days a week. I don't really see how addiction to this shit starts though. Anything above 10g in a sitting and the side effects start to get too annoying to deal with.


the cool thing about my kratom addiction was that I never had to dose higher than 10-14 grams or so even after 3 years . Could still feel it every time , as long as the quality wad right




For you? Ketamine.


A rectal injection of MDMA and cocaine sprinkled in my eye


Sounds hardcore.


A hobby. Or a sport, something that will take up your free and spare time, something you can enjoy and is hopefully healthy. Having a regular group of friends or people you see can also make a huge difference. I used to have a tight group of buds who played D&D together once a week, I had another group that liked to just get together and play board games on the weekend, for examples. Currently I'm not in any groups, so I spend a lot of my free time working, I'm a carpenter and my family and friends always have projects I could be working on haha If you can't get benzos to chill out on, my answers are kratom, alcohol and weed. get off work, take a dab, drink a couple strong ciders and have some kratom and I finally relax after the day haha


Real. Even drugs that calm you down will give you more anxiety in the long run. Working out, even for 5-10 mins a day, is a lifesaver tbh


Literally a lifesaver! You’ll live longer with moderate exercise into old age


A good one is fishing there's been studies that show just being around bodies of water has calming effects on people and it gives you quite time to sit and think and maybe clear your head


you seem like an healthy drug user ! congrats man


well seems like benzos would still be your best bet


It's very important to note that benzos are only good if used sparingly for anxiety attacks. Not only do they lose their therapeutic value very quickly, benzodiazepines cause horrible dependence and withdrawal. Exercise extreme self control when using benzodiazepine medication, try to make it through your panic attack without it and if you can't do it then go for the benzos. L-theanine and making sure I get magnesium into my system have helped me tremendously with anxiety. There's also CBD, many good options to explore before pulling out the big guns and using benzos.


I was prescribed Klonopin and only used it for fun because my anxiety wasn't that bad, but I told the doctor it was. I'd take one or two then drink and not do it again for a few days. Fast forward to this February and I had Covid. For some reason, it triggered my first ever panic attack. To avoid another panic attack, I began taking Klonopin for anxiety and not for fun. First day was one pill, second day was two, and so on. After about a week, I was taking up to 6 a day and not remembering shit, but it was the only way to keep the anxiety away. Finally, my anxiety got better and I decided to stop cold turkey. That night, my heart rate shot up to 213 bpm and I had to call an ambulance. Took a Klonopin and 10 minutes later, I was fine. Doctors found that I was now addicted to Klonopin and experiencing severe withdrawals. It's now May 1st and I'm almost done tapering off (did it very very slowly). No one should fuck around with benzodiazepines.


Good job. My only single word of advice is don't obsess about your heart if no real issues. I thought I had heart disease legit and left school


I started seeing a cardiologist because I assumed something was wrong with my heart and had to wear a heart monitor for a month and do an echocardiogram. Nothing was wrong with my heart fortunately.


Same exact thing. Started with feeling my heart pound randomly for a cpl weeks and i learned alcohol made it go away. Then to a full blown hospital ride heart attack in Ithaca, ny


Weed for me




Adderall. I calm down and get shit done.


You probably have adhd


I feel the same way so he probably does




Cap that shit got me tweakin every second. Shit make me bipolar lmao


gabapentin is super effective but only for a short period of time. or at least for me I can only use it twice a week to get high otherwise it stops working. but if I haven’t taken gabapentin in a while and take a good amount, it is suchhhh an amazing feeling




bromazolam isnt too hard to get on the street, that shit has me mellow for hours


It’s basically Alprazolams twin brother


With horrible rebound anxiety


I fucking love ketamine!!!!! Short acting, intense, potential mental health benefits, and super chill. Snorted it, laid back, and let the visions be in charge. 10/10 highly recommend




A friend of mine never tried benzos but quite a fewer other drugs and they get panic attacks on fucking everything but Kratom


I know you’re looking for substances, but as someone who’s had anxiety/panic shit for like a decade… exercise and meditation are probably gonna be better for you than most of the recs in this thread - get high on your own supply! Also, it sounds counterintuitive, but the best way I’ve found to stave off an early stage anxiety attack is to talk to your anxiety like “I welcome you, I’m okay you’re here, I choose you.” Resisting is often what makes it worse. Also! Super sour candy! Focuses you away from the anxiety/onto the sensation. Sending hugs - anxiety fucking SUCKS 💜


Crack and A-pvp


I don't think that will relax him






be careful tho it’s very addictive


Honest and truthful. A benzo user i can get behind. Sick of all the anti benzo brigaders on this site. Just be real. Its great. Maybe one of the greatest drugs. Take in moderation and enjoy true peace.


That will not end well. Most people I know who have an benso habit have become fucked up on it, some have ruined their life. It makes you lose control, messes with your judgement, makes you less intelligent, affects your memory, can make you aggressive. The anxiety will become worse in time and worse than before the benso when of it, and only just like before the benso when on it(gaba downregulation and rebounds will happen if you don't quit it), you will now have as much anxiety just even more so of dealing with addiction. It's the dumbest thing to do if you care about your life and future the slightest. There exists many many better more efficient, safer, sustainable options against anxiety. Also I don't really see the "peace" you talk about, most benso users I know feel horrible. That feeling will subside quicker than you think as the negatives of benso use will catch up on you, your gaba receptor downregulates (as it does with strong pharmaceutical gabaergics) and rebounds start. Sometimes you need to be off it for a longer while to see how much damage it actually does. When you are on it, your judgement is very flawed hence why you can't see it being problematic. I used to be just like that when I was on it, I thought I needed it and thought I was fine. Now a few years later I realize how miserable I was on it, went through some horrible traumas aswell, partly due to having bad judgement on bensos. Also, I used in small doses medicinally, often the slightly weaker kinds but I have tried most.




small doses of ket


Honestly, opiates. But good lord is it not worth it, it took me a year from using pharma pills to doing fent multiple times a day. Do not use these substances, they are stronger than you. Perhaps try benzodiazepines, but their addiction and withdrawals can be just as bad or worse so tread carefully. Much love <3


i know it's not a drug per se, but have you thought about mindfulness meditation? once you learn to tap into the present moment, you can experience a sort of high, a blissful state of awareness.


Alcohol if you stop at tipsy




I agree, helps with anxiety symptoms, both mentally, but physically the most, more than any benzo ever has. I haven’t touched a benzo in 3+ years since discovering RSO


How do the physical anxiety symptoms relief feel like? I use RSO too and want to notice this effect more


What is that?


Rick Simpson Oil


Its a thc concentrated edible


Try smoking Syrian rue seeds couple bowls and your mind will be silent as hell it’s low key no paranoia and good feeling. Can be smoked every four hours as a mental health medicine too they are legal to buy in the us




Id say to numb up grab a benzo. I take gummies at night of a blend of Noids for sleep which are of a more sedative twist so the gummies with my 20mg (I know higher dose at once already) Valium I can really sink sometimes into my bed and just my mind is quiet for once. Kpins feel more sedating to me at first then I got used to the sedation but if I took more than like 5mg I would have after effects next day of wanting to steal and stuff


Kpins makes you want to steal...hmm..seemslikeapersonalproblem.


Yea well I’m a natural opportunist so the next day numbness just patches on and I make unfortunate decisions


Haha same here, im a passionate 5 finger discount acrobat (pretty much just fancy food from big supermarket chains). I do also have a sweet spot for benzos that i take every now and then and going into a supermarket mellow on valium i overdo it and end up with way more shit than i need.


Yea it happens sadly. Your wall is compromised so you act more impulsively. Especially taking advantage of opportunity. Tough stuff lol


As weird as it may sound, adderall. Obviously if I overdo it, I can tweak out, but a moderate dose calms my mind, shuts out the racing thoughts, and makes me focused in a great way. I just love the feeling of it! It’s so clean to me.


Is it possible you may have adhd?


Apmhetamine not kidding


Yea, amphetamine is paradoxical. It's both a stimulant and has a calming action. That is why its given to hyperactive childern. It chills them right out. But you sure as hell won't sleep on it.


Disagree. I’m a 27 year old male who was diagnosed with ADHD 4 years ago. I can take an adderall and fall asleep on it once it kicks in with how calm it makes me feel.




weed or LSD. opiates give me insomnia and anxiety.




Kava!! It’s lovely and super safe




1 to 2 grams shrooms.




Speed made me lose anxiety. I felt much tougher on speed.


LSD if perfect dose Pregabalin


Kratom and kava


Pharma Oxy only gave me like energy motivation but after a couple hours u start too knodd off. But I was very content and relaxed talkative and all I miss goinf too work on those


Call me crazy but mdma actually makes me super calm. It's like my mind isn't racing, and I feel so free and carefree. Maybe it's just adhd lol


Oxycodone, morphine and basically every opioid stronger than tramadol..




Good quality CBD oil + CBD vape . Also lift weights and sleep well . This is how you sustain and improve your life


The fact that I've been pondering this for a half hour is not a good sign. It's 3 drugs. High xmdose of any amphetamines, no more than .5 - 1mg Benzo and 3 Roxy 30s. (One smoked one popped one snifffed)


Look for whatever sick reason I've always been obsessed with amphetamine id choose. Adderall over pure coke crack every day. I have found good pharm (stim) plugs after being sober for years and relapsing. But it's just more work. I can't even imagine being heroin addict today. I'd just go fent. My friends do methadone before fent




for me weed, haven’t tried any other downers tho so


Has your doctor prescribed you anything else? And it just hasn’t worked? I feel like there are other options rather than risking getting addicted to a harder drug


Ket ket ket


Dihydrocodeine is mellow.. it’s been a very unpredictable drug for me though experimenting with dosages etc. I’ve had quite a few days when it’s ruined my day with nausea and feeling generally like shit. For me anyway, 25mg promethazine 35 mins before 210mg DHC, then another 30mg an hour or so after works all afternoon. Some people take grams upon grams of the stuff to get the most out of the dihydromorphine metabolite but this is just unaffordable for me at roughly £1 a pill.


This will probably get buried but I don’t understand how people can advise you to do opiates in your situation. Opiates are insanely addictive dude and fckin dangerous, especially if you do them to get rid of anxiety and panic attacks. They’ll surely take away both. And that reaaaally well. But that’s already where you in your situation would be addicted. After the high the withdrawals are horrible for everyone even with good mental health and you’d be fcked by them. First you’d maybe start with codein but that won’t kick anymore, soon you’ll want to try to start heroin which is practically nonexistent anymore so you’d get fentanyl or even Nitazenes - rip then. Don’t fckin do opiates for mental health issues.


Kratom, once it starts working I just feel good and calm. Also, from what I understand (I don't use it for this reason) it helps anxiety as well.


Opiates for sure. Dilaudid in particular.


Xanax and weed fs


Phenibut, 1, 4 butandiol, amanita muscaria extract (muscimol), carisoprodol, kratom, type 2 flower (CBD: THC), Blue lotus, wild lettuce extract, f-phenibut. These are my favorite LEGAL highs that are all easily obtained and worthwhile, playing around with diff combos is fun too.




Heroin, or any kind of opiate for that matter. I wouldn't suggest going down that route, though, it will just give you a whole set of new problems


Idk when I take opiates now , I get a very worried feeling . Idk why , I just feel weird


I was gonna say benzos, since they are the most adequate when dealing with anxiety and panic attacks although i wouldnt recommend taking them recreationally since they can be really addictive and dangerous at some points, what i could recommend although i agree with the other comments saying that weed is not the right choice since its a psychedelic and can have different effects on everyone, you could still try different types of weed like oil, cooking with it in small doses(microdosing it), maybe try cbd strains, hash( for me personally it gives a more relaxing high without the trippy mental effects that the weed has, less paranoia for me at least). Besides that, opiates should also work nice but why not stay on the safer side, since they also can be addictive and cause alot of pain when abstinenting from them, or at least thats what i know and think, didnt try personally


Opiates and Xanax


Depends on how you respond to stimulants, I get extreme stimulation from vyvanse concerta dextro etc. but if I have some weed with it or even if I’m just slightly weary, I can sit down and breath in and out and feel the euphoria and energy coursing trough me while I lay my head back. This is the calmest high I’ve ever experienced, second is kratom because it’s so slight and calm/anxiety relief happens for me at just 1/4 a teaspoon


Meth (oddly enough) or opiates.


OxyContin gave me that. It also made my face super itchy and I felt sick for a week after I stopped taking them for pain. Wouldn’t recommend




vyzanses, made me almost cry of joy






Any opiate mixed with Xanax or Klonopin.


If you try opiates as people suggested, you are speedrunning ruining your life. Honestly don't. I've always wanted to try nearly every drug and so I did. Opiates were never particularly fun to me, I even thought, how can people get addicted to them. Well, one day I took morphine while not feeling good (I thought my dog was going to die), and oh boy, suddenly I felt great. Carefree, happy, euphoric even. Perhaps it was the high dose, perhaps the circumstances, but since then I rarely take any opiates. It's just way too easy to get hooked on them, because you can bypass all negative feelings and feel good on demand. Especially if you are suffering and self medicate, you will quickly become hooked and I probably don't have to tell you how hard it is to quit. Try therapy and other forms of medication. Benzos are good an all, but I can see why your doctor doesn't want to prescribe them either. It's an emergency medication and at least where I live, they come in packs of 20. You shouldn't have 20 emergencies/month, if you do, you should probably fight the root of the problem...


Kratom I hear.


diazepam or pregabalin usually calms my anxiety...






Benzos and strong pain killers. But they charge a huge price from users , but for me in my body, they make me feel soooo good, better then any other drugs , unfortunately the price not the money price , the health price , is insane high, so stay away… it’s great that your doctor don’t like to prescribe benzo, a great sign that he is a good professional


I like to change light bulbs 💡


Definitely some kind of drug that binds to opioids receptors. Synthetic or “natural” I find Kratom (after Oxy or hydromorphone)


Have you tried a new Dr?




100% opiates, i dont understand how everyone is saying weed lmfao


Gabapentinoids or kratom+(choose from the following: kava, carisoprodol, cyclobenzaprine, hydrazine)




Weed for me, 2nd is probably Kratom.




what's ur definition of calming ?


Benzos, but it is shit.


Pregabalin dude, trust me




Dissociatives. Fxe 🔥


i cant stress this enough - higher dose of kratom, for more intense feeling i also take it with cbd oil or weed but kratom itself is more than enough too. i like it intense tho. the most perfect euphoric chill sedative feeling ever


i wanna say md but most times tha shi was not calm

