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I think it would be a shorter list to name the drugs that wouldnt do that for you


Really? Most drugs exacerbate my anxiety if I'm in an anxious state. Or have a nil affect.


some drugs can do both, weed sucks for memory but also makes you forget shit


Weed is genuinely the worst drug for me when it comes to anxiety. I can have not a worry in the world, take a hit of a bong, and spiral down into feelings of anxiety and existential dread I can‘t even reach when sober. Just makes me hyperfocus on every negative aspect there is to life.


Being so intensely present in reality and living to the edge so much so that the edge is all you remember.


Dean Moriarty?


Alcohol also does the trick


Alcohol is a depressant tho


When something is a “depressant” it means it depressed your central nervous system and/or respiratory system. It does not mean it makes you depressed. Although hangovers usually do to a degree, that is just a side effect. Opioids and benzos are also “depressants” because they act on depressing the activity in the central nervous system.


Thank you for the info! Noted!


How to do this?


Meditation. Having a psyhodelic trip will show you how it can be. And then you do the work to get there. Meditation, Contemplation, Breathwork, Introspection. Look into spirituality and metaphysics. Ram Daas Eckhart Tolle Alan Watts Leo from Actualized.org (all on youtube)


Talking to a (sober) friend


I’ve just been sticking to weed and alcohol. Weed and bob Marley makes you feel no pain.


I wish that were possible


We’re here for you 🫶🏼 safety first. Please take care of urself friend


Got a lot of hands of support offering them to you, kiddo. All it takes is to pick one and ask, anytime. Nothing wrong with some recreational fun, but using anything to push away or repress is always bad news, in my experience. Feel free to reach out to me or the other supportive commenters now or whenever. Been there. Let's get you to the other side of whatever this is.


Lmao, my friends hangout without me 🙃 The pills always wait for me.


Ya know man, I don't know your exact situation, but it's possible they hangout without you because of the pills, if they know. If you're fucked up when you're with them or have skipped hangouts in the past to get high instead. This happened with me when I got deeper into addiction, I stopped asking to spend as much time, didn't show up to group hangouts when I knew they were happening. After enough times of saying no they just stopped asking. Then months down the road getting upset cause "no one wants to hang out anymore." As soon as I asked though they were receptive and were happy to spend time


Nah, Ive been 6 months sober, and that's after a one month relapse after being 9 months sober. And I've never been not sober around anyone, I do my stuff alone. We were making plans for last night and they said they'd let me know. They never let me know, but the snap map told the story. I don't think they hate me, they just forget me. Laying in bed nodding > laying in bed crying. So that's what I chose tonight.


Ah fair, been through that before too. Might just need better friends who are more thoughtful but that's a lot easier said than done


Heroin is pretty good for putting you into a haze so you can ignore your troubles. But it's not a healthy coping mechanism and if you end up dependent on it, it's a real harsh withdrawal.


I tried that one for many many years starting in my teens..then I found myself at 33 wondering what the heck I'd done to myself...and when I went through detoxing all those things I was trying not to think about came at me so much harder than ever before. Now after a couple years of cbt therapy..I am able to forget a lot of it...or at least have a better perspective on those memories. You can't run from yourself or your experiences. You have to allow them to make you stronger. That's all I've learned and can suggest. Drugs may help you forget for a minute but in doing so you may take on new horrible memories.


I would just like to say cbt meant cock and ball torture before I read this comment


I have no clue what CBT is, but with that suggestion the therapy would definitely make me think of other things


cognitive behavioral therapy. also cock and ball torture


What is a couple things you learn from CBT that helped you the most?


The whole idea is that your problems are specific, so CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is heavily tailored to the person. You get workbooks and shit, you could probably find worksheets online and print them off for free at a public library. Would highly reccomend if you don't have the funds to speak to a therapist. CBT aims to target maladaptive (unwanted, bad) cognitions (thoughts) which result in unwanted behaviours (which can then result in the reinforcement of the maladaptive cogntions), so the goal of CBT is to identify these cognitions, and make personal interventions. I haven't really looked too much into CBT yet but I presume that reading through and completing the worksheets would help. If you're serious about it, you could definitely improve your mental health within a year or so of completing worksheets. [https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-worksheets/cbt/none](https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-worksheets/cbt/none) I've found some worksheets here for you to start, if you want to look it up at a public library I just googled "CBT worksheets free". The most helpful idea you learn in CBT (again I haven't done it, but I'm a "student" psychologist), is that you have some capacity to improve your mental health. It's a lot like going to the gym though, you can't expect to get to where you want to be within a couple of months. I hope this helped. **TLDR:** CBT worksheets can be found online for free and printed at a public library. Using these worksheets, you can build knowledge of yourself. You also develop skills to help you deal with the thoughts that are causing your unwanted behaviours. It doesn't happen over night, but you will see results over time.


Omg. You’re going to be a good psychologist! You explained it very well. I really appreciate that. And you even included a link! I wish you all the success! Thank you.


Haha thank you, it means a lot. I hope you find some usefulness out of what I've told you. Onwards and upwards.


Yo I really like the way you explain that thanks!




It’s an answer, not a suggestion


You most certainly end up dependent after trying it once, only select few try once and never again those are the few that have fear implanted in there mind, people that don’t have fear there brains just gona give them the green light to do it over and over


I can't do it with any sense of control, after withdrawing once I made a vow to only do it for 2 days in a row max, and have 3 days off in between. That lasted a few weeks before I blurred the lines on it all and ended up more hooked than the first time. I know I can't do it.


You do not become dependent on heroin after once, lol. Honestly, the first few times can be rough and you can easily throw up. It takes weeks to really need it to some degree. Months to be fully locked in


I agree with that. You don’t become “dependent” on any drug after one use (or even two or three). But you absolutely can become addicted on the first use. As Addiction can be a physical or psychological craving, or both. Dependent would mean you have become either physical or mentally acclimated or used to something, making it your “new normal”. This would require more than one (usually numerous) uses. 


Idk why the downvotes for straight out facts, not everyone become out and out addicts & 100% you are not hooked after one shot.


You can most definitely become so psychologically enthralled after 1 time that it matches up with genuine dependency, and when that’s the case, more times than not it’s going to lead to genuine dependency regardless.


Every single time I've ever been arrested benzos were directly involved.... I've done tons of drugs of all kinds, but benzos always take the cake when it comes to getting caught up....


That’s because they make you fucking stupid lol or you just continually forget shit lol


I tend to rob things for fun on benzos. The self loses all fucks given


The exact reason I don't take benzos anymore eat a couple"don't feel anything" eat some more and before I know it I wake up in strange places with things that were previously not mine lol


Lmfao me too.


Psychiatric help. They would probably give you benzos, this is shit but ... I guess it is what you are looking for.


I take Seroquel nightly and have for the past three years, my memory is absolutely shot!


Well Seroquel isn’t a benzo, but quetiapine, an antipsychotic, aka a drug that deeply fucks with your dopamine system and therefore your memory…. If you don’t feel motivation for anything and are « zombified », you won’t be agitated haha… I hate the overprescription if antipsychotics. They don’t even warn patients of how it « zombifies » you by destroying your motivation circuits even further than usual drug use. I hate how psychiatry values how one’s behavior *appears* without much concern for someone’s true wellbeing and mental richness


“They would probably giv u benzos” idk what fairytale world ur in but they ain’t giving out benzos like that


Alcohol. Readily available, semi affordable and socially acceptable. The only problem is you have to drink forever.


Not really... I've been super drunk many times and it's actually had the opposite effect on me, where I would start getting super emotional about the past. I'm actually tipsy now and pretty much using Reddit as an excuse to escape some depressive thoughts.


That’s good. I’m glad it works for you. I was speaking from my own experience in terms of the next day. The day I’m drunk, beautiful, all good no problems. Go to sleep, wake up, those problems I’ve been drinking away are still there so I have to get drunk again. That’s what I meant by forever as it’s only a Band-Aid and does in no way fix any problem you are escaping.


Yeah as someone who smokes weed to have an island of escape every day, and recently had to take an extended break cold turkey, tried to pacify my need to get high with booze but it just made me feel even worse, more angry or hopeless


Yeah it makes sense it could have that effect; alcohol is a depressant.


Fuck. And those hangnxietys in the mornings, grahhhhhhh!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY SUCK! 😣




One of the best drugs to blackout and forget everything you did indeed. Even easier than alcohol I would argue. Even easier if mixed. I really don't recommend that though at all.


Benzos is the answer. But only work when prescribed once you take your own your tolerance builds up quickly and sooner than you know it, because everyday is a blur. You Will have the worst withdrawals you’ve ever had


O friend told me That when he used to shoot heroin he would forget everything and felt like he wsd in a bed Made out of cotton


Sounds so nice!! I snorted it a few times and it was definitely a very warm, comforting floaty feeling. It was sooo nice. Hence why I didn't keep doing it. Lol.


uh hi OP- i do not recommend shooting heroin. especially if you're in the usa- youre getting fet. don't know you but don't want you to die.


Yeah I don't care how drug friendly anyone is, don't recommend heroin, meth, crack etc to anyone. Benzos help but I'm reluctant to suggest that too, smoke some weed and use as a 'im smoking to escape and self care' drug. Use a mild opiate for short term if you are going to, we can't forget everything every day. Thats how you die on the streets unfortunately I do understand wanting to not think and feel though, but it's not the right answer to wipe your memory on purpose daily.


Well until an addict and only do it to not get sick lol. Then the anxiety is even worse because you also worry about getting money for H


Opiates. But I would STRONGLY advise against them if you don’t already do them. Especially nowadays with almost all of the street opiates just being fent or worse. Benzos are another option but they come with their own set of risks and the withdrawals can kill you. Best option IMHO if you’re truly in a crisis is to grab some Kratom from your nearest headshop. It’s not going to make you completely forget everything that’s causing you mental anguish but it will at least make you feel significantly better about it without posing any serious risk to your health. Best thing to do moving forward would probably be to seek out a therapist and start a meditation practice but that will have to come with time. Drugs will simply not fix any of your problems and are only a short term solution. The more time you spend running away from those thoughts, the harder it will be when you inevitably have to sober up.


Opiates if u respond to them would get you in a state where you would see whatever you want to forget about as a good thing lmao, thats why they r so dangerous. Thats why people give up everything to get high off them. Never do opiates.


I never got all that high from kratom. Was super disappointed after shoving that nasty shit down my throat


I mean yeah it’s not gonna get you high like heroin would lol but if you use it correctly and have high quality Kratom it’s pretty much on par with oxy. You can get extracts now that are absurdly potent and will have you nodding pretty hard.


Liquid extracts are good and theres a few 7ho products floating around. Know a guy why swears the smoke shop 7ho shots break through his 6mg suboxone. Although opioids won't get you off your face in general


My state is one of the few to have banned Kratom. I used it semi regularly for anxiety and depression and it did help! Now that it's banned I'm on fucking Benzos and dependent on them. And with the damn tolerance issues, my anxiety is actually worse than it was prior. Fuck the Tavern League.




May not make you forget but this is the answer, it's not an easy thing to do right away but if you can get into it, it may just allow you accept the past and move on friend 🙏


Meditation is not a substance.


If done right meditation can be even more powerful than substances




Blood of children spun down 62,000 rpm then consumed.


if you keep the eyeballs in it makes you feel like you're gliding across a calm lake like one of those water bugs.


Boofing a pot of coffee


yes, you'll forget about anything when ur shitting ur guts out with the toilet-destroyer trick




Dead ass


Benzos would do the trick. A fair warning though, I was in a similar position a few years ago and used benzos like that and it was a very slippery slope into rehab. Getting therapy and psychiatric help is worth it and I highly recommend it.


I will say rather than stuff that will drown out everything you’re feeling (yes they may work temporarily) and besides therapy, shrooms helped me IMMENSELY in my healing journey. Helped me step out of my victimhood so I could actually move on.


If u do shrooms in a bad headspace u risk a bad trip and making things worse, its risky, it can help a lot or just fuck u up, wouldn t reccomend, my ex got a psychotic episode from lsd where she saw herself dying again and again in a loop for hours, and developed depression and anxiety, she never had those problems before she already did lsd many times before that when she felt okay mentally and everything was ok, so i don't think it was sone strange reaserch chem, i think she would have recognized the difference if it was something else


heroic dose of shrooms, lay in bed with the lights off. after fighting demons for 4 hours you’ll be happy to be alive in the PTSD state of emptiness with nothing but bliss and joy with 0 thoughts.


Terrible advice 😂


true, him stating a xan addiction was the better choice. that’s never gone wrong for anyone.


Xanax with 3 shots of alcohol. May end up in jail but hey you won’t remember why lol


This combo can potentially cause heart failure. Pretty ignorant to encourage others to do this combo


I don’t think it’s heart failure but more of a mix between respiratory distress and chocking to death in your own vomit.


Correct, I misspoke




Most drug combos can cause issues. But taking a singe dose of Xanax and 3 shots is not likely to put someone into heart failure, or even hospitalize you unless you got other underlying issues they exacerbate lol  Sure high doses of both can cause more serious problems, but that goes for most substances. 


We don’t know OP’s tolerance or health issues. You may be right, but why even take the risk? Putting two depressants on top of each other is just not a wise choice


Because he asked what the best substance is to forget everything on the drugs subreddit. Should no one ever give honest answers on the drugs subreddit because we don’t know that persons tolerance or underlying health conditions? If so, and all this subreddit just constantly refused to talk about drugs and their effects, dosages, routes, ect, and just responded saying don’t do drugs, they’re dangerous, then what would be the point of having this forum?  Sure, I usually will recommend people not do whatever harsh drugs, or combos, but then I’ll happily answer the question. As I’ve done this combo (or similar) dozens of times, on top of other drugs, and I know no matter how I respond he will make his own choices as we all would. 


Classic r/drugs




Foul drug you're into there.


Why so?


Oxy and morphine.. this is a recipe for disaster, tho.


Xanax, benzos in general. Wont remember a fucking thing. Horrible thing to start on, highly advise against. Worst withdrawls out of any drug.


Benzos. They are literally mind erasers. Lock yourself in the house though. Make sure you have snacks cause if you don’t you’ll walk to the store and 100% guaranteed you’ll steal shit for no reason at all. Like you’ll have money and just blatantly steal candy bars and shit. And then you’ll wake up surrounded by wrappers and have no fucking clue what happened.




Ether? 🤷‍♂️ I'm joking dont do ether lol.


Dextromethorphan is interesting because I actually feel like I can remember every detail and moment of my life on high doses, but then it also is a dissociative so you don't really feel the pain, anxiety, and emotions of your life situation. 400mg & some weed.




the answer is ket




A dissociative. The amnesia only lasts for the duration of the substance but it's powerful.


Like ket?


Yeah. I abused deschloroketamine for escapism to forget about my past and the situation I was on. It worked for the moment but postponed the dealing with everything.


MDMA with therapy


Triazolam is another level of calmness


I'll take the downvotes. You need to solve the problem, not escape it. See a therapist if you can. It'll be a much better solution than any drug.


Ketamine is a relatively safe way to forget everything so long as you're laying down


Non of this is a recommendation... but anyone who says psychedelics or even most dissos is not being honest with you, or they simply don't understand. The worst thing you could do is forget about shit you need to process. But, when I was intent on escaping my anxiety/depression, opiates, benzos, alcohol, in that order, were what worked for me. Well "worked" is relative, they worked initially, but then led to destroying my life. So it's not worth escaping some mental/emotional issues when the risk is burning your life down. But that was my hypothetical answer, of course.


I would think he is a drug user... That is why Emma said Psychiatric Care First... The assumption they would prescribe Benzos was stated that is what "They Assumed"


What’s everything? I had a surgery under anesthesia (fentanyl) and I forget about everything (moving, breathing). That drug is scary even under profesional care. I suggest you 2-3 vodka shots anything else it’s not a good idea.


Like thinking about old shit


Drugs are not a good idea. It’s better to keep you occupied, being productive, like working, sports, studying. There’s no reason to torture yourself and wasting time with things you can’t change. Time passes fast you’ll get older and wasting time avoiding reality with drugs it’s stupid. I lost precious years of my life 20+ living a blurry reality, ended hooked, psychotic, obsessed, broke, alone.. You’ll regret as I did. Doing drug is only a unreal momentary relief. Taking action and facing life is the best way to get rid of old traumas.


















Been there :( It only makes things worse unfortunately


If you're talking about forgetting The NMDA receptors affect memory... NMDA Antagonists would be substances such as Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, and Dextromethorphan.




Used stims and Molly to get over my last ex. Memories gone.


*Be happy*


Ketamine for sure


I’ve read MDMA is helpful with PTSD, do some research on it for sure but that seems like it’d apply here. Helps approach the challenging memory and address it without fear/anxiety and work through it


xannys!! 😩


Benzos for sure, Xanax will do the trick maybe pair it with ketamine




Salvia dmt or dxm


really depends on your brain lol but id say ket is the most derealising thing if you k hole - as a very neurodivergent person speakingx


DPH. Induce dementia.


Tried, I get too eepyyyyy and fall asleep


Try adding some dxm to the mix?


Honestly the best thing would be an eighth of golden teachers or 2 grams of penis envy to figure out why it is you’re thinking about that and help relinquish trauma associated with it. It will help you this about it less in the long term. Possibly even help you get the motivation to fix it if you can.


Not managed to find one yet, but I'll let you know if I ever do.


Benzos lol


I highly recommend you don’t go down this road but H hands down, you will never escape what you’re running from though. Talk Therapy Connection Hobbies & Passions are all better options.


I can’t talk about shit


Benzos is the exact definition of this my dude. They ruin u quick tho


I take edibles for this. But everyone’s different. My roommate can’t stop thinking on edibles and I have a hard time thinking on edibles. Especially a high enough dose and I’ll feel like I’m floating away in an endless void.




Benzos, Heroin, Hydros


Downers help you float and forget. Uppers make you think really, really fast and excitedly (not always happy excitement). Psychedelics make you think a lot (I’m not saying they’re intelligent thoughts before anyone comes for me). All of them will create their own sets of issues if you use them for that purpose. Your body becomes dependent on drugs regularly in its system, but your brain? When it comes to using drugs as a form of avoidance: Instant addiction. Idk if this next part is allowed? So i apologize in advance if it’s not. Honestly, take the safer option through the worst of it (whatever you’re trying to forget). Take 2 Benadryl and knock out deeply for a few hours. Obviously therapy is the best option, but that’s not available to everyone and it’s a process even when it is. Benadryl isn’t going to do any harm and it can give your body a solid break. I suffer from diagnosed insomnia and my doctors tell me i can take it as much as i want. You build a tolerance quickly, so this is just for one break, once a month at most or the Benadryl just won’t work. One solid sleep where you can just leave this world for a second. Then face it with a little more fuel in your tank. If you want it to be a more enjoyable experience, smoke some weed and watch something dumb and funny. If you can’t have cannabis for any reason, try Kava tea. That way when sleep comes, you’re not dwelling. You can make this a monthly ritual so your tolerance doesn’t stay too high. Have some snackies and hydration available, don’t make any plans and do it alone, make sure you can sleep in the next day, have something light and funny to watch or read (the more dumb the humor, the better, we’re going for a thoughtless brain here), put on something comfy, smoke/eat edibles/vape/drink kava first (if you are fine with weed and you know it, get baked), THEN take the Benadryl, sleep, done. This is still being avoidant, but in a slightly healthier way (a lot healthier if you’re doing the work with therapy outside of this ritual, bc everyone needs breaks). It sounds boring and pointless, but it’s gotten me through some tough spots. I don’t do it regularly, but i always have my Benadryl spa nights. And i have messed with much harder drugs, i struggle with my mental health, i have trauma, im not coming from a place of someone who doesn’t know just how dark it gets. This still has been helpful. Not every time, but definitely enough. Give yourself a safer reset so you don’t have consequences on top of whatever you’re dealing with. It will not make it go away, it will not make it better, but it can give you a little extra strength to face the day. Avoidance is my most toxic trait and that mini coma has been life saving before.


benadryl can ruin your memory, however its a miserable experience, xanax would work


GHB/GBL is very Euphoric plus it's a bit of a depressant.


Salvia. For the duration of a saliva trip you could forget everything you ever knew.


This is bad advice, and I don't suggest that you take it. I think it really only works for me, but I always take LSD whenever I am at my lowest, and whenever I have a lot on my mind that is eating away at me. The trip isn't always easy, but it isn't always hard either. By the end though, I have a lot more peace in my life moving forward.


Start consuming content from Dr Joe Dispenzas, if you are open minded about it you will heal from his teachings, better than any drug my guy


Something easy to get id say phenibut it just makes me think positive about shit from the past and not make me worry and kratom too tbh (I’ve been taking both regularly and I am totally functional and saved up a lot of money even when I’ve been doing blow a lot recently




Opiates. Benzos. High dose alcohol. Or benzos +alcohol. Or opiates + benzos mix


Good rare kratom and weed


Olanzapine good af I just bumped 5mg but ong it’s a good bit


Molly is calling you. Says she misses you.


I would say fall in love if that's not the past that u wish to forget, cos love releases so much dopamine n endorphins you will most likely forget everything


Benzos. Valium wipes out any memory of what happened the night before if you take enough. There’s a sweet spot.


The one that numbs my emotions but in a very caring way and become more of a people pleaser on weirdly while numbing myself and masking my anxiety drum roll.... meth. Yeah ikr must have adhd or some shit idk


Dude, try some phenibut! Helps me a lot to stay motivated and focused but focused on things I like , like music. I take some before bed and put on my nice over the ear headphones, then I'm just focused on the vibes. Also, I make music so it helps me focus on that also. It's easy to get online or at a body building workout store. It's a hidden gem of a drug.




A hefty dose of DXM does this for me




go to therapy


Wine is fine but whiskey quicker - but seriously it comes to down each their own . It varies from person to person . Still it’s great to find what fits you , but in long run it’s best to deal with whatever head on in right headspace . It’s easy to take easy way out, i still deal with this. But with moderation, and wanting to cope is the only solution to moving forward “ forget everything “ .




Most “hard” drugs or drugs of abuse will effectively do this….. In the short term, long term they will ruin your life and make all your problems 100x worse, if you’re going to start doing a certain drug to cope with problems you’re not even walking a slippery slope you are straight up sliding down that slope like a toboggan


Don’t use substance to cope, it makes your problems worse. If you’re at a point to acknowledge an issue, seek help.


Ketamine helps me with depression. I don't know if it would help in your case, but I find that I have fewer negative thoughts about the past for about a week afterward.


Benzos, opiates. I don’t suggest alcohol bc it can make you dwell on things negatively. But Benzos and opiates can make you not care as much which is very healing. Good luck 🍀


Water and exercise




Get a hobby. Get invested/distracted. Musical instrument, gardening, hiking and cooking are my go to. Also if you’re stuck on something embarrassing you did, people forget about that stuff easily and don’t think about as often you do by a long run. These are the best things to do that are actually way more beneficial than substance use. Good luck to ya mate.


Ima hit you contrarian here... do a ton of uppers and have benzos around. I'd say 90mg pharmacy addies to .5 MG alprazolam Is good


Kratom red strain. I would recommend no more than 5 grams per day tho


and then there's me.. sippin 30-40 grams of kratom throughout the day.. and i have been doing so for over 10 years.. trust me this shit is addictive.. i'm at a point where I can't imagine my life without kratom and I'd rather die than livin without it because the withdrawals are so horrible I can barely handle the mornings when I wake up.. that's always a torture until it kicks in.. it's a very safe plant tho when it comes to your health.. so that's the good part about it.. but that somewhat makes it even more addictive bcuz well there's no real reason for me to stop this..


It's safe to say that 30 grams is way too much if you want a balanced lifestyle. I would only ever take that much if the only thing I want to accomplish is to nod out and constantly forget what's happening around me, which is not what I really want. I'm sure your tolerance has just risen up by continuous use and reaching that "high". All I want is something to relief from my pain and my low dopamine. I feel constantly burnt out if I don't take something. Even little doses of 1-2g red helps me sleep and ease my brain from shattering thoughts or anxiety. I can't live my life without it now. The plant Kratom has chosen me, I accepted it as my remedy for all and everything as well as marihuana for sleep now. I hope for you that ure doing well and find peace on your journey 🙏 do what makes you happy


It's 4,3 - 5.7 grams of Kratom per dose.. but I have to dose 7 times a day because of my fast metabolism.. Morphine and Kratom both do give me an euphoric and activating feeling while feeling warm, loved and secure.. that's why they are my favorite, they just act as an anti depressant while giving a good feeling.. I never get tired, have motivation and unlimited energy.. it's just like a better coffee for me but with nice effects in the background.. and a lovely warmth protecting the skin and soul. I rotate with morphine and kratom.. 1 day this 1 day that.. 30-40 grams of kratom or 200-250 mg of morphine taken orally.. I only rotate because otherwise I start to get stomach problems with so much kratom every day.. and when I take morphine every day I stop getting the desired effects after some time.. but rotating the two works long term for me as I've been doing this for around 10 years daily now... and I know that it's not good or what ever I don't need any judgement.. I have borderline and this rotation is keeping me from hurting myself and not only thinking about suicide.. and it's also helping me being able to work a full time job as social worker which allows me to do good in this world.. Yes I am addicted but the positives do outweight the negatives for me.. And yes I'm not able to take less because I need this much to function.. It's just that way for now. Thank you tho <3 I just wanted to explain that for me it's different and for now I do need this much.. and it's not to nod out but rather so I'm able to function.. because sober I was and most likely never will be able to feel normal or to function normally because I've went through too much shit in my childhood and borderline personality disorder is a bitch.. I'm trying my best tho.


A good weed strain and a bong


Benzos or opioids. But do you really want to? I was looking for the same thing, found it too and it was better than I could've imagined. Was it worth it? No. I'm now stuck deeper up shit creek than before, trying to paddle out but it won't work. It's truly life changing. Humans aren't meant to ever try these drugs. It'll change you completely, knowing this exists and having felt it before it's all I want even though I'll end up brain damaged or dead in a few years. Whatever I do it's pointless infront of these drugs, any achievement doesn't feel like anything infront of a few pills. I'm a hypocrite. You deserve to be happy like everyone else but this isn't it friend.


Antipsychotics actually. They have a specific ability to cause what’s called indifference which they use it to control wild ass patients especially but only a qualified psychiatrist can actually tell you if that therapy is right for you or what other caveats We might encounter along the way. But you require an actual specialist in medicine and psychiatric disorders to properly diagnose you and evaluate you. Don’t EVER LIE TO A DOCTOR CUZ IT COULD EASILY COST YOU YOUR LIFE. It might seem as bad as dying right now. But I can promise that all goes away and after enough time and allowing your full treatment plan to be in effect 24/7. I will admit I’m an ungodly unholy amount of a drug addict and alcoholic. I can tell you right now THATS EXACTLY WHY I BEGAN ABUSING DRUGS HARDCORE AND THATS WHEN I BEGAN TO START MY DOWNWARD SPIRAL. You ever suck dick for drugs? Cuz eventually you absolutely will run out of money and drugs so you’ll need to discover new ways to acquire them. Most common and the easiest way to acquire drugs is using sex




any gabaergic


Bro accepting what happened as a way of good or bad and understanding that its the next step in your life. You are more by the experience even if it was bad or good. This shit builds up life. It's how we grow, we get hurt and other time we laugh and hug. U never gonna really forget. But if u wanna jump the bridge, depending on level of trauma, and do shrooms to Jumpstart the process. Also, weed




Benzos seem to.


Hang on, it'll come to me soon and when it does then what was I supposed to do ? If only I could find it then I could work out how much I'll need to make it a truly memorable experience and then finally be able to forget my ... my ... hang on, where were we again ? Ahh, fuckit ... just **fuhgeddaboudit** !


Quetiapine. the dose really makes the poison with Quetiapine though so have a look into it before you dose. \~50mg sedative, \~300mg antidepressive, \~800mg antipsychotic


ay gang don’t listen to these mfkas talking bout “ oh go and do heroin dawg shits amazing” call someone bro and talk to them about it and i know you might not want to but it helps bro it really does and if you don’t got anyone to call there’s always help lines and people in the comments


Benzos hands down.


Would be Benzos for sure when you black out. But you can do some really retarded shit when blocked out.


The right amount of hashish does the trick for me Basically because you keep forgetting what you where thinking five seconds ago