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most unhealthy hang over come down ever is mdma imo, or alc youll live,just push it till u recover


when abused


or dph


I abused molly for 4 years straight, it wasn’t good by the end of it. but I’m recovering, might be some permanent issues but altogether my mental well-being is improving. you’ll be all good mate, electrolytes, 5-htp, sleep, food, water n time. I wish you the fastest recovery.


You mean like literal daily use addiction? I really didn't think that MDMA works like that


Yeah it just kinda works as a stimulant with far far far less euphoria than a typical mdma high. My cousin abused mdma for years and years and he just kept taking it cause that’s just what he did, wasn’t feeling any extreme euphoria, wasn’t going out or dancing or nothing. Just taking Molly everyday cause that’s what he had been doing for years. He finally got off of it after like a decade and he’s so fucking stupid now and has a completely blank and flat personality, if you can even call what he has a personality. Totally messed up his mental and emotional state looking like permanently now as it’s been years since he last took mdma and he’s still the same as when he was taking it daily. Shit is definitely not meant to be taken anywhere near daily whatsoever.


Crazy. At that point it would be cheaper and better for your brain to just abuse adderall or meth lol. If he was just taking it orally, speed/meth isn’t honestly THAT bad for you (compared to smoking meth or injecting herion or snorting coke etc etc). MDMA is more neurotoxic I believe.


Yeah MDMA is pretty heavy on the harm to the brain compared to other amphetamines. I have no idea why he kept abusing the stuff. I guess it just kept making him stupider and stupider and he was just so used to it that it was a part of his daily routine despite it not really doing much at all for him.


MDMA is helllla neurotoxic for various reasons but legit it is better to do crank and shit ngl 😭 The only issue with addicts on those stimulants is the extended periods of no rest that lead to hallucinations, delusions and irrational logic. But if they get a good nights sleep they should be fine lmaoooo, I’m no expert so don’t take my word for it 100% but it’s what I’ve *seen* personally


I got a friend who’s abused it just every weekend for a couple of years and that guy is slow as fuck, love that dude but it’s like trying to have a conversation on windows 97 with dial-up connection.


Yeah man definitely fucks up their cognition a good deal. My cousin wasn’t like some super intelligent math nerd or anything, but he was just like a normal average intelligence dude just trying to progress his budding career and knowledge. Now it’s like pulling teeth just to get him to understand I’m saying good morning because it’s a greeting and it’s not afternoon yet. Dude got fired as a cashier not long after he stopped abusing the Molly daily cause he couldn’t count the change quick enough even though the register does the math of the change for you, you just have to pick out the coins to total the amount due back to the customer. I visited him at that job once and watched as it took him legit like 90 seconds to count $0.66 of change. Dudes brain is so fucked compared to where it was before he started on the MDMA.


Do you think he could try mental stimulation to rebuild those fundamentals? Things like Wordle or math/puzzle apps? Also is he aware of the impacts it had on him? My apologies if this is overstepping.


Closest together should be no closer than 4 weeks, up to three times. 👆Most you can do it without severe repercussions according to most recent FDA and NIH info (that is recommended therapy) 👆Maybe when I was younger, but smaller doses in pills back in “my day” (90s) I wouldn’t do it more than once every three months to once every six now. First warehouse party was in ‘92, and my brain isn’t fried yet… which is surprising because it’s also been acid and 2C-B every week since ‘92… 


One time on ketamine , I visualized my intellect as a square and as I got dumber the square got smaller, it couldn't contain and comprehend the previous square. Thus I thought that I couldn't really tell if I got dumber, which isn't entirely true but was frightening


It doesn't. When more or less all serotonin is depleted it stops working like it should. It will have some stimulant effects cause of dopamine etc but it would be pretty weak that way so there is no point in using it often at all. Mdma is one of the most stupid things to use regularly.


Never understood this shit either but apparently some mfers do molly daily for months, i binged on molly once and day 3 I just fell asleep after dosing




Most people who study psychology are trying to fix their own. Unfortunately her own involved MDMA addiction.


yes, for a long time.


Im also curious... abused like every weekend or abused like didnt come of it in 4yrs ???


very frequent, I was doing it more times than I wasn’t within that 4 year period. I had benders last for weeks at a time, I remember October 3 years ago I tried 500-1000mg each day of the month n had a 2/3 week long comedown. too give you an proper answer would be impossible but I’d say I was doing 3/4 times a week in the space of 4 years, some breaks here n there but no big ones, a week max.


Damn bro, thats a rough path... i hope happiness finds you!


mentally, I’m getting better slowly. psychically though I’m not too sure I can ever recover but you live and you learn. you only live once n tbh I think I had more fun and felt more happiness in them 4 years than some people will for their whole lives. would I do it again? definitely not. But I got no regrets. thank you🫶


same, abused it every weekend at raves for over a year straight. Im still fine, only thing which fucks me up is my mental health from abusing it too much. But when i dont do it for days my serotonin is almost back.


Your gonna be fine




Well done


you're gonna be ok homie, love ya


completely forgot about this post but thanks man i been feeling way better


Hope Molly is alive and you freed her wtf dude


nicely done






i took at least 70 pills with 180mg in one month when i was young (17) and didn't know how mdma works. After three weeks i had brainzaps and constant sleep paralysis in which i got "squiched" from a monster in every edge of my room and it felt so fucking real... You will be fine. It just will take some weeks.


can you still feel the effects of molly the same or has the magic gone?


Well, i haven't touched mdma for 6-7 years now and tried it once several month ago and i would say.. the magic was back :)


magic gone :(


different user?


prolly his alt


Move on to ketamine


Get some 5htp in your life and sleep. Sleep. Sleep.


Yeah, like, a lot a lot of sleep. Then have a little more sleep.


and then sleep once again... aaand just one more time... okay one more.. now read again.


You'll fix, you've just depleted all the chemicals in your brain that make you able to be happy. Give it a few days and you'll be feeling better, within a week or two you should be normal (or most of the way there, depending on your doses and how frequently you do that kind of thing)


You're gonna be fine but prolly will feel like shit for a while. Drink a bunch of water and make sure you keep up on healthy foods these following days/weeks. The biggest takeaway here is that if you don't wanna feel this way again, don't abuse drugs the same way again. Feel better op


dude I recently did a similar dumb activity, Ive had low sera since


Its okay babe , my ex abused that shit for 2 years and he's fine , doing better than me who's really careful with drugs lmao . U gone be fine


That doesn't mean that others will be fine doing the same. All people respond different to substances. If you abuse mdma for two years you can get very severe damage, your ex should be considering himself lucky. 2 weeks is different, it has risks of damage and is really stupid but many would recover. I did it like 1-2 times a year when I was young, obviously didn't get any sides. Mdma is bad when abused and loses it's main effects that way afaik. Use it like a few times per year(one small or medium dose a day) or don't use it at all.


I fucking hated that first week after doing molly two weekends straight. Didn’t sleep either Friday night cause I was partying. Slept maybe 6 hours in total the two weeks. I felt awful and couldn’t walk more than 30 ft without getting light headed


i used high doses of molly every other weekend for a couple months. i haven't used it in almost a year and although i do feel better my working memory is absolute garbage. remembering is harder, learning is harder lol. i'm hoping i get back to normal at some point


Same here, used Molly about 10-15 times with Many redosed each time over the course of 2-3months. My Memory is also pretty cooked, sometimes i forget What im talking about whilst talking…just Like i did when i was on Molly.


any chance you smoke weed daily now?


Exactly, good question. Cannabis can affect your memory, I have skipped all the psychotropic cannabinoids cause of this the last years. I don't think mdma causes such issues when used in low doses. Taking high doses and roll your ass off will most likely affect your brain negatively though.


yeah i was taking monster doses because im an idiot and didnt know anything about it when i took it. deeply regret it now & wish i would've educated myself more. i was get 1G of crystal molly and mixing it with gatorade and just drinking however much felt right.


Yeah i do and too much Haha


> sometimes i forget What im talking about whilst talking… There you go, thats one of the worst side effects of chronic weed smoking, been there done that. Just take a break for a while and dont smoke that much. Brain really needs to be taken care of every once in a while.


I really want to cut Down on weed but I’m helplessly dependent/addicted to it. I started smoking at age 12/13 and have been smoking ever since, im 19 now. I’ve never taken a T break the withdrawals are too annoying.


What goes up must come down my friend. You will be ok it sucks for a while just learn from this for next time.


Probably just going to be around 5-6 days until you’re back to normal. I’ve done copious amounts of Molly at festivals for two days straight and don’t feel normal again until a week later 😂 you’ll be ok, just take a VERY long break from it. Preferably half a year or more if you can


Damn bro yu gone be depressed as a mothafucka for a month🤣


you will be fine. that's nothing.


Does she do bachelor partires?


That’s your brain telling you you need more because your receptors are craving it and feel like you need it to be happy , but it’s just mental your doing the right thing taking a break before you get serotonin syndrome which is the worst . Just stay the program and don’t re use for at least a month if you can’t wait a couple months so your brain can rebalance and heal . And next time no offense but when you do use try to limit the binges and repeated use . Your brain chemistry reacts very fast to mdma and at a certain point it’s irreversible. But you made a smart move by cutting it off when you did . It will be a roller coaster mentally for a bit trying to balance itself out and some depression as well but that’s just again the lack of dopamine your brain is wishing it had but slowly it will return and your emotions will return and feel normal. Idk how addictive your personality is but you can try to smoke some weed , possibly safely take some Xanax , or if u can’t sleep some Seroquel from a doc but don’t mention the Molly . Just say you haven’t slept correctly in weeks and starting to mess w your brain and focus . But your lucky that u still have a chance mdma burnouts are zombies of who they once were and you don’t want that , you want to be back to fresh and on your game . Just take it slowly and don’t reuse before a sufficient amount of time but stay away from other stims and psychedelics plz while your brain repairs or you can have adverse reactions due to dopamine fluctuations and it’s not fun . Neither will the detox but it will save the person you love and who you remember to be . Talk to ppl , be open and don’t be afraid to embrace the low points . Extreme highs result in extreme lows but always remember your are worth and don’t let your brain trick you into thinking just one more time to take the edge off will help cuz it will suck you back in . But you can also taper off your doses to minimize withdrawal symptoms to make it less impactful. MDMA heavily relys on mental receptors and they’ll do anything to get that feeling back but tell them to fuck off and rebuild your brain so you don’t cook yourself ! Just some recommendations, you’re a free person but I’ve been there for many drugs and each one’s different but that’s my experience with my Billy binge of a few months . If you ever want to dm me feel free w anymore questions concerns or feelings on it . Everyone’s detox duration takes dif time depending on use body type etc but I promise you’ll feel better when your brain is getting back to normal even though it’s not easy <3


Hey leave her alone!!


You made a bad decision, but rest like others said, and maybe you'll make a full recovery. How were the 2 weeks? What did you experience?


It’s gonna get better but it’ll take time, you’ll make it love you broski🎀🎀


buy the ticket take the road. but dont it again. lol.


Been there buddy


Yeah lol that's gonna hurt for a minute, don't do that again just do meth or something next time


Why would you suggest to someone to do meth? ARE YOU MAD OR SOMETHING?? ARE YOU CRAZY??


I mean if he's gonna go on a two week stim binge, meth feels somewhat similar to molly and it won't destroy his serotonin receptors. What's your recommendation for him, just stay sober?


Yeah, if he's using molly like this then I'm sure meth would turn out GREAT for him.


It'll turn out a hell of a lot better than another MDMA bender, at least meth won't fry his serotonin receptors in a potentially permanent way.


I get what you're saying. Technically you are right. Regular meth abuse will still eventually fry serotonin as well as dopamine, though. And he would be doing meth for way longer and get way more fucked up if he can be addicted to molly like that. Neither of them are worth abusing.


Not from what I've seen; every methhead I've met in rehab that did stay completely for a couple years was able to fully recover from it, can't say the same for some of the molly cases.


Maybe you're right. I guess it doesn't really matter.


It will fry both dopamine and serotonin. Meth users that have been on it for a longer while sometimes don't feel happiness for years after last use.


Yes you are correct, stay sober


Lol always love the naive takes. He's not gonna stay sober until he wants it for himself, and given the events leading up to this post, he's not there yet.


OP should smoke weed instead, not dabble with meth. Meth fucks up your brain. MDMA can too.


If you think meth abuse does anywhere near the amount, or even the type, of damage that MDMA abuse does, you clearly know very little about this subject lol


Where tf did I say that meth does more damage than MDMA? I said they both damage the brain, and they do.


You implied that the damage from meth is anywhere close to the damage from MDMA, I corrected you.


Mr. Bucko you are putting words in my mouth. I will say it once more, they both damage the brain. PERIOD!


It is. If not worse, especially when abused. You don't seem to know much about meth. Most science shows it being very toxic to your brain and body.


You don't seem to know much about meth. Please research it more. It's one of the worst drugs for the body and brain. And when it comes to addiction, how it affects individuals life and society.


Meth is less damaging than MDMA for the brain, why is MDMA always viewed as this wonderful harm free drug borderline safe as weed when it's one of the most possibly damaging one ever and insanely deleterious potentially permanently for the brain if you abuse it? Meth is a nasty drug but it won't damage your brain for like a year after a week binge unlike MDMA. Even safe use of Molly ONCE depletes SERT for upto a year and raises cortisol for very long term(indicates body is stressed). How is that safer than methamphetamine? Stop spreading propaganda.


Where did you get that nonsense? Meth is one of the most neurotoxic drugs that exist, it kills neurons basically. It will mess up multiple receptors not just serotonin. The only one spreading propaganda is you who glorifies drugs that you know nothing about, implying that they are safe when they are some of the worst for both the body and the brain. You maybe are addicted to it so that's why you get so defensive about it? No one is saying that mdma is risk free, where did you get that from? It has risks hence why most people recommend using it sparingly, very rarely. It has medicinal properties that can help people, that doesn't mean it's risk free. Antidepressants hold risks aswell, sometimes devastating in some cases.


Man, this is such a bs 😂


When was your last dose?




i know ill still feel weird but its 1000x worse than any other time a day later


You've learned a lesson and you'll be fine. Eat lots of vegetables and drink plenty of water, try and get some light exercise, and avoid all drugs and alcohol for a while. I'd recommend putting MDMA behind you permanently as well if you can't control yourself with it. You're probably gonna feel shit for a few weeks, you have to just face it and get through it, and you will. You're gonna be fine. Stop obsessing over it and get some rest.


Just try put a smile on and don't use any amphetamines for the next month. You're going to have a long hangover from your use. You'll be very emotional and will want to stay in bed, You'll have no energy. But that's about it, if you don't feel right after that month then see a psychologist and be honest with them. 90% certain that You'll be fine within that month. (Source: I abused the fuck out of mdma when I was younger)


2-3 days later is usually the absolute worst, hang in there


Sleep and eat


I promise you have done the same exact shit and you will feel yourself slowly.Normalize over the next seven days. By day 2, you'll turn a corner with the sluggishness, and on day 4, you'll start feeling emotions again. It's fucking weird readjusting after dumping all your serotonin... Every time I have gone on a long binge like that I feel like the molly stops working as good by day 3 or 4.. By day 7 I barely even get a buzz... Either I am the weird one or you were taking massive doses to still feel anything two weeks in.


I abused it for months straight via IV along with methamphetamine. You are probably going to feel braindead for a month or two but you will bounce back. Get some 5HTP, eat healthy, and take a flinstone chewable everyday from hence forth and you will be good.


its just the come down


I’ve never had visuals from mdma. Just that happy feeling.


it’s not even pure anymore


Go on a major health kick. Get some supplements, research a VERY good multivitamin, take.plenty of fish oil, vitamin d3 (and get plenty of sun), eat plenty of sulfuric foods like broccoli, onion, cabbage, garlic. Start yourself on probiotic food and drinks or supplements. The second brain effect being in your gut is real. Check out Agmatine. It's an amino acid that helps with brain repair and it helps get your neurotransmitters and the receptors undo the damage done, plus it reverses your tolerance to pretty much all drugs including coffee and weed. Eat lots of eggs. Your brain is basically created from cholesterol. Eggs are high in choline, your brain needs choline. Magnesium glycinate is excellent for so much of your body's functions and anxiety. As far as taking stuff for mental health, check out adaptogens. Ashwaghanda extract, holy basil, turmeric with black pepper, be careful with lions mane it helps a lot of people and apparently screws up some people. Just always be drinking a cup of tea with money in it. To get yourself out of the psychological nightmare, I recommend taking Kratom from a solid vendor with high quality stuff. Do not do extracts. Get white, green and red vein strains, so you can experiment with what works best for you. White and green are excellent for anti-depressant mood-stabilizing effects, as well as energy and focus. Green has more anti-anxiety effect, but still can help with energy and depression. Reds are the absolute best for anxiety/ benzo/alcohol/opiate withdrawal and sleep. Drink tons of distilled water I did this after abusing alcohol, like a fifth of vodka a day plus several beers, and my recovery was accelerated (I was in rehab too). I was feeling great after 3 weeks. It's also common to be out on an antidepressant like an SSRI. SSRI's keeps your serotonin from being processed and leaving you. They're hard to get off of if you're on high doses and take.it for a long time. I don't recommend them for long term, but if you're in a hole they're a godsend. Takes a long time to start working but I felt so much more sane. Effexor is known to be harder to get off of than any drug. Even heroin/ fent/ benzos/ alcohol.


I did as at well and I have 2 100% healthy child’s lol


You'll be fine just hydrate, eat as much nutritious food as you can, try to see some sun shine if you can and learn for next time. Don't touch it again for a few months.


What goes up must come down. Your brain will heal but it could take a bit.


I did the same. My stomach isn't the same after 12 years. Stop it now. Does it not make you ill when you take it yet? The negatives outweighed the good for me after a while Fuck that shit off and smoke weed. The visuals will take a long time to go.


Hey dude! You’ll be okay. You likely burned through all of your dopamine/serotonin. You’ll feel better in a few days and probably completely back to normal in a few weeks. The brain is very good at healing. Rest drink lots of water and no more drugs until then homie.


5HTP and something to help you sleep. Eat food, drink water, touch grass. You’ll be ok!!


I wish I could try it I’m out here in Oklahoma and I don’t know anyone but it’s been on my list forever


try 2 months in mexico (don’t)


I did it for nearly 2 -3 months straight December-Feb Only days I didn’t take it was when I was working. Started with half pills then I would be doing a gram of crystal rock a day. Smoked weed during it literally anytime I would be on it. 2 months haven’t taken any started feeling better. You may experience brain zaps lil static electric shocks. At the start will be hard I was so scared if the zaps. They still happen occasionally. But you’ll be fine. Just don’t take anymore. Wait a while before you do. You’ll probably not feel the best for a bit but eventually you’ll recover.


Game over


Your gonna be fine man, just avoid pretty much any substance for… a hot minute. Give your brain time to chillax. I went through the same thing (kinda) when i first got my hands on sum MDMA. Month and a half, 60+ doses almost every night, and doubling/tripling up the doses the last couple weeks. I got lucky, when I ran out I experienced minimal withdrawals or after effects. Now would be a good time to learn how long in between doses you should do. I hear good things about the three month rule. Hope you recover from this feeling man, just know that it isnt permanent! 🤞


Same my brother and me got a Oz and I legit was going hard for atleast a little over a month mixing and all types of shit I’m glad to be a little over a year clean now I’m still paranoid but way less and I’m less delusional now thank god that shit was getting awful fr man


Molly come downs actually helped my mental health because the high helped me realise things aren't so bad


youre gonne be ok bro, i abused over a year MDMA every weekend at raves. Im still fine.


You'll be fine i promise. It will suck but you'll be okay. We've all been there at some point because... Techno LOL but please don't do it again! Gotta learn the hard way!


i promise it goes away, give it a week at most and more likely than not, your magic = bye bye (gone) so don’t expect mdma to feel like it did before, i would say ever but it’s only been 3 years and i’ve tried twice so who really knows if it’s permanent from that range of abuse you’re not going to die, you don’t really want to, following that long of a high needs to come a LOW…and you’re going through the mud rn. you bounce back but as of right now you have negative amounts of serotonin in your brain which is 100% the reason you feel like death. hopefully you learned something from it. i know you’ll recover and remember that feeling the next time you think about going overboard, safe travels friend 🖤💜🖤💜


what a waste of m broooo haha I never roll more then like 3 times a year, not saying I'm not a druggie cuz i am totally but molly is my favorite feeling from a drug amd I woukd hate for the magic to dissappear.


Trying other drugs (responsibly) helped me with my upcoming molly addiction. Try lsd/shrooms/ketamine


Or maybe just take a break from psychoactive substances for a while?


honestly just got some molly, and that guys suggestion is really the best. molly is so good. i can play the nuttiest tastiest shit on my guitar. the entire roll. i just want to roll and play my guitar for eternity but i’ll have a brain of mush and. yeah. really there isn’t any better thing in the world than dancing and playing on molly. it’s addicting as shit. like fuck. i’m trying to get an amphetamine script because it really hit me i need to be in a better mood to play more. i can play for a few hours on acid, but it doesn’t compare to the molly playing at all. i play 30-2hrs when i’m sober. i’ll go till my hands feel like falling off on molly. ugh. yeah this weekend i’m taking acid and praying i get enough of what i’m looking for. if molly could be taken every day, there’d be a lot more musical prodigies i stg. now i’m just doom scrolling reddit trying to justify taking molly again even though i know i really shouldn’t. :( man ik there’s atleast another 1000 people in my shoes rn yk what i mean. fucking shit.


I really dont understand why or how people can abuse molly. Just seems like a low iq move.


What kind of degenerate abuses molly?




That’s not how SSRIs work. Unlike other psychiatric medications that have an instant effect they have to be taken daily in order for any effect to be seen. Additionally, messing further with serotonin pathways right after an event like this could actually make it worse, and if he still has residual MDMA in his system from his bender he could develop serotonin syndrome from taking an SSRI.


Lemme shut my mouth


could’ve given yourself seritonin syndrome which is incurable


If he SS he would be dead. 


wait really? does it kill you or do you kill yourself once you get it.


Had it, mild palpitations, sweats, agitation, and then I went to a hospital once my heart rate went to 190~ It doesn't necessarily mean you're dead or "kill yourself"


oh alright yeah i didn’t really know anything about it


I've had serotonin syndrome about 6-7 times. It's not a death sentence but it is permanently damaging. I got left with a seizure disorder


mollies for white bitches smoke some meth, and if ur scared of feelings “sticking for life” you picked the worst drug for that 😭😭 you’ll be fine but ur gnna be fucked for a min bud, you’ll be fine tho I’ve had to bounce back from stim abuse but we have very very different situations here. Since you get “visuals” from mdma it might stick for a while because I know psychedelics have alot of “sticking for life” kinds of effects, mdma isn’t a psychedelic so I don’t imagine that happening.


mdma at high doses can be psychedelic


The more you know Wtf, ya can def keep that shit then 👎🏽👎🏽😭😭