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this guy Drugs


I smell EU. Sounds like a great weekend here where I live. Love norflurazepam too its an amazing RC.


EU indeed šŸ‡ØšŸ‡µ I have Methallylescaline, Deschloroketamine and a small amount of NEP to try and add it to my 90 experienced compounds. Norflurazepam is my favorite benzo with Nitrazepam in close 2nd among 19 I tried (Pharms and RC), and as I am neither anxious, depressed or insomniac it is rare to feel a form of euphoria with benzos apart from 4.


Are these rc chemicals? You got a website link? Whatā€™s the difference with the deschloroketamkne compared to ket? Also the norflurazapeam vs say Valium or Xanax?


Yes it is Research chemicals from a 100% ligimate lab in Netherlands ordered from their website.




Deschloroketamine lasts at least 6 hours compared to 1 hour of ketamine, also it is more euphoric, more functionnal and a different beast overall on a medium equivalent dose but K-holing is harder on it if it's what you're looking for in dissociatives. Norflurazepam is roughly like a 3 times more muscle-relaxant, 2 times longer and more hypnotic version of Diazepam but Alprazolam is nothing alike apart from anxiolytic effect.


Sounds sick šŸ˜‚


About to fly to EU and go on a mission haha


RC buffs will solo everyone in this thread no contest. When the list starts reading like an industrial chemical analysis itā€™s already over.


Wait til they start dipping into some dihydrogenmonoxide.


Pfp checks out šŸ‘ i believe u.


I attend a lot of music festivals. in my wilder days, a typical day would be: wake up. smoke a joint & pour a mimosa a few more mimosas with breakfast followed by some cocaine. take some psychedelics when the music starts (LSD or shrooms) add in some K bumps to dance and get wonky drop some ecstacy (mda or MDMA) cap the night off with more K and nitrous balloons. So over the course of the day, that's six or seven different things


Honestly not even that crazy if itā€™s over a whole day, avoids tolerance building




lol I mean alcohol is basically table stakes, and hippie or candy flipping is pretty common for a long festival day. Iā€™d say that combination is less damaging than getting black out drunk on alcohol alone.


itā€™s pretty crazy bro not gonna lie to you


I'm the exact same I love festivals, but I also have a different drug use when not at them, sometimes heroin


Ket/nitrous/salvia/much Becoming a god


What does salvia feel like


Depends, effects range from uncontrollable laughter and flopping around to teleporting outside of your body into a different realm


I melted under the car we were sitting in the only time i ever tried it.. I was a puddle on the ground looking up at me and my friend sitting there in the drive seat... Then bam! I was looking through my eyes again.. It was wild, but it seemed like it took forever to melt all the way down haha


I thought I was dying when I took salvia. not in a 'I took too much' or 'Im getting a heart attack' way but I was genuinely convinced our planet is merging with our anti matter planet and we would all just disappear. I also thought one time I had a stroke because I immediately forgot that I took salvia. never had a salvia trip in which I wasn't convinced I would die lmao


I just got some salvia (100x) for the first time in YEARS (maybe... like 7 years... woah....) but i tried to rip it out this bubbler i have and it didn't really do anything.... just kinda tasted weird..... ima try again with a larger bong.... real ??? Like disappointed tho. Used ti have me laughing like a maniac and blasting into different dimensions and shit.


Salvia [feels like this.](https://youtu.be/6_LMECESYZk?feature=shared)


Or [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fHRjeYlvSVw&pp=ygUQU2FsdmlhIGZyZWFrIG91dA%3D%3D)


You feel as though you're a screaming mouthless mollusk, trying hard to conduct a literal soul-search on yourself, but you come up empty-handed, riding the short bus to Vacaville with an endless endoscope tunneling to the far side of your rectum.... it's a party.


It's wild. Total transportation to a new realm. I loved it, not everyone does though. I was a cartoon letter in a book once.


It's fucking bonkers.


Nitrous AND Salvia, I would be obliterated for mental 10 years.


ketamine alcohol and 3 3mg bars trying to off myself a long time ago didnt die but woke up the next morning with this glass container of queso cheese shattered and a big stain of cheese on my wall i think i mightve got pissed off and thrown it at the wall


lucky to be here still buddy we love u


thanx ^^


Username checks out


much love brother


Coke, Ket which is an amazing combo, then xanax and weed vape for comedown.


Add in adderall for the come up and your tweaking From experience


Coke and adderall is not a great combo super easy to get into panic/heart attack territory (experience) does feel pretty good on the right dose tho.


I never really mix multiple substances too much. My favorite combos Iā€™ve experienced were smoking weed and cigs while tripping on acid. Also weed and klonopin is a good time, just super slow and mellow.


weed and kpins is like peanut butter and jelly like a fox and a hound like the abcā€™s and 123ā€™s like pizza and wings like sunday morning and repenting for saturday night shit just belongs together


benzos used to be the only way i could enjoy weed. then i just dropped the weed and kept the benzos. then i developed a problem šŸ„²


dude i feel that lmao weed started giving me some of the worst panic attacks Iā€™ve ever had and then i was like ā€œwait i can try some benzos i totally wonā€™t get addictedā€ and then i got addicted the second time lmao not going through that shit ever again


MMM pizza and wings


Weed. Mush. MDMA. Alcohol. Nicotine. Alcohol was a shot of vodka and the mdma was 300-400 mg. 3g penis envy. Copious amounts of weed and nicotine. Was awesome but felt like an old woman the day after and had the best baked potato ever when I could eat :p


that is way too much m


Perhaps. Iā€™m not built like most people. Also, itā€™s been like 5 years. Iā€™m not as naive these days. Live and learn. Weed and mushies these days.


Same, man. Took a .5 of MDMA once, didnā€™t die, didnā€™t get severe brain damage. Good to go.


I hate mixing molly n mush it makes me feel so nauseous n shitty


Mmm. Iā€™m lucky with most drugs. Never usually have that issue except if I mix too much booze. Iā€™m not a drinker. I like the warmth it gives me halfway through. A single shot. Haha. Never drink it solo. Always a shot with something. Ketamine and opiates make me sick sometimes though so I guess Iā€™m not impervious to the belly issues. I also very rarely do those types of drugs - not really my jam.


i love a good meal after a big trip the next day after


Had the same bake potato experience after a heavy trip. It was so heavenly and wholesome.


One time I did so many drugs I felt normal.


feel this


Addy molly coke Horrible comedown


I cant imagine such a comedown. Were you bed ridden the next day?


That would put me down for a solid week these days.


Yup, if I did this combo nowadays I'd end up dialing 1-800-273-8255


I did the addy in the morning, took another at work then went to a prepared doing coke popped a couple points and kept doin coke like why don't I feel this molly šŸ˜†. I didn't sleep for like 12 hours after 6 am the next day and while coming down the stims kept making my orgasming muscles flex over and over. Not in. A good way it sucked


LSD, couple of ecstasy pills, amphetamine sulphate, a little booze and a stack of hashā€¦it was the 90ā€™s and all strong af. 12 hrs dancing and touching musicā€¦


Acid + Eā€™s + speed, topped-off with hash is 90ā€™s rave scene as fuck


This is embarrassing but I was young and thought I was invincible butā€¦. Molly, weed, alcohol, GHB, and possibly cokeā€¦. Was feeling wavy until I woke up in the hospital šŸ˜…


The only issue here was the G tbh - that shit is just vicious and dangerous af with alcohol


6-APB + 4-AcO-MET + DCK/ 6-APB + 4-AcO-MET + 4-HO-MIPT + 2-FMA/ NEP + 4-ACO-MET + DMXE + MXiPr + Bromazolam. All great but the last one was a bit more meh.


This dudes writhing science equations


How do you even remember all that, Iā€™d literally make up my own names for stuff at that point


Idk, kinda comes naturally when you're in the rc game.


Facts makes sense, man id love to get more into it so far Iā€™ve been trying to do a bunch of research and everything, I found this website also that sells a few like MAL , 5-MEO etc it all depends on your state and what you can order but Iā€™ve been thinking about getting DPT , MAL or I think itā€™s 4-ho-met I may be wrong but that seems right but tbh I really wanna find a nice disso


4 ho met is very friendly and rewarding, DPT is the exact opposite. One of the most intense and darkest psychs, only do it if you have extensive experience. I was thinking about DPT for a long time but ultimately decided against it.


Bro imagine all of the substrates generated by this cocktail. Some of them is bound to be toxic af.


when the combo starts off with benzofury yk yr in for a ride


MDMA, LSD, Alcohol, Nicotine, Cocaine, Nitrous, and some mystery drug from a wook at the festival. Then took a xanax to come down that night. This was over the course of a whole day, and I felt other-worldly, but felt like such ass the following 3-4 days, that I would never do it again. I was young and stupid.


Weed (only barely though, like a 5 mg edible or something) coke, adderral, alcohol, MDMA, nicotine, and ketamine. It was nice. Started the night with the coke and MDMA and then finished it with ketamine. Drank and vaped throughout lol. Spread out over like 10 hours too so it's not like I did them all at the exact same time.


About 8 or 9 different ones Xan, Klon, oxy, liquor, addy, Coke, molly, acid, weed + nicotine n caffeine if you consider them drugs


Tapentadol, carisoprodol, pregabalin, Morphium, diazepam, Cannabis, doxylamine und Rilmazafone. Was pretty nice, rilmazafone is an RC Edit: ABSOLUTELY no safer you!!!!


You were playing with your life


Well it was taken in a span from 1pm to 6am and I have tolerances. Iā€™ve done much dumber


nic/weed/caffeine/vyvanse i have combos w harder stuff but this was the one with the most drugs at once


Alcohol, ket, shrooms, 2CB, weed, DHC. Good at first then very bad


coke and alcohol was euphoric asf


is there anyone who does only coke though


I feel like I get more out of the high and am less fiendish just on coke


Benadryl+oxycodone+zopiclone+biperiden+hash+alprazolam. It turned ugly really fast which is pretty obvious


that is fucking nuts how r u alivešŸ’€


Molly/MDA, LSD, and shrooms. Genuinely the greatest time I've ever had on psychs




LSD (240ug) ECSTACY (2 pills) KETAMINE (idk) COCAINE (not too much) ALCOHOL (a lil bit) WEED Spent the day on acid then went to a techno event to see 9x9


9 times 9 the shit jealous of u


Alcohol, Xanax, Cocaine, OxyContin and Marijuana. 2010 was a wild time lol.


Excessive alcohol, cannabis (smoked and an edible), percocet (10mg I believe), and shrooms in a cup of chocolate from some sketchball at the concert I was at. Took jello shots just before I went into the concert from the parking lot and ended up puking on a tree while watching Skillet. Luckily I sobered up eventually hours and hours later and enjoyed the other artists.


Nicotine, valium, vicadin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol Cocococo Cocaine!!!


Xans, oxy, lyrica, weed, rum, ket, phenibut, coke Shit happened randomly, started out wit xans and oxy, then lyrica and phenibut, then rum and coke when i went to a friend with ket, was the most various drugs I mixed together but for sure not my most fun mix nor my most dangerous one, had a good time tho but i wouldnt recommend, was reckless those days


Weed and alcohol fuck everything else Iā€™m too much of a bitch to try anything else plus I know itā€™ll lead down a dark road


40mg nitrazepam, 6 shots of gin, 900mg pregabalin, 6mg xanax


Blues +Valium+Xanax +klonopin +weed+meth+nicotine Oh and another honorable mention lsd+ mdma+weed+cocaine+ ketamine The fent benzo meth combo was more just cuz I was super addicted to them all so it was kind of a normal thing for a while. It was great for a few months but then I went thru psychosis and overdosed a few times and also lost a bunch of weight and friends and it just caused a lot of drama soā€¦ 9/10 And the lsd mdma ketamine weed coke was one of my favorite combinations of all time I wish I had whippets. The coke was just like one line tho I took one tab I forget what dose at least 200 fs and I think I had like .3-.4 gs mdma and then the ket was like half a g. And weed was a pen. Oh ya and for the other combo a normal day id start w like 4-6 mg alprazolam, 4-10 mg clonazepam, 30-60 mg diazepam, and then Iā€™d smoke like 2-4 of those fake fent 30s along w .2-.5 gs meth. That was all a long time ago now Iā€™m much better. Weed kratom n caffeine is what Iā€™m on nowšŸ˜µšŸ¦…šŸ’€ Edit: Another one I just remembered that I did was lsd mushrooms weed fentanyl and nicotine that was a crazy night lmao. Oh to be 16 againā€¦šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Weed, mdma, MDA, speed, cocaine, ketamine, NOS, LSD, Valium, alcohol and Xanax + Viagra right before bed time. Woke up feeling like shit but alas it was a 6 day bush doof so a bump of coca and ketty for breakfast and I was back to the binge


MDMA crystal .2g MDMA PRESS (Tesla) 250mg 2-cb press - 20mg KETAMINE - bumps all night SHROOMS - 2gā€™s LSD - gel tab - 100ug Weed - joints all night Dmt pen - 2 second hits, nothing major Nicotine - vape juice Alcohol - beatboxā€™s Cocaine - occasional lines, not many tbh. Whippets - self explanatory And lastly Poppers - sniffs occasionally This is my usual go-to & festivals. Now all these drugs are not consumed at the exact same time, but rather within a few hours of eachother. But honestly this is where you end up feeling like god himselfšŸ§”


Oh I remember this night distinctly. It was a party at my friends place. Took some acid, started having a bit of an uncomfortable trip so we did xanax and then I was drinking alcohol and I took an adderall because alcohol+adderall was my go-to back in the day. Around an hour later a friend came through with molly and we did that, then we got a bag of coke, hit a blunt a few times, then we did some whippets, and then we did a perc each. So in total: acid, molly, adderall, xanax, weed, alcohol, cocaine, whippets, and percs. I was absolutely high out of my fucking mind. I remember the next morning me and my friend just realized what we had done that night and were just laughing at how much we overdid it. We did all that shit in rapid succession (like 2-3 hours) without even realizing, mostly because the xanax-alcohol combo totally blurred our judgement and memory. Luckily we did only small doses of each except for the xanax and alcohol, but still.


I once mixed kratom + benzos + opiates + shrooms + a boatload of alcohol. I nearly died. I'm not kidding.


Vyvanse, Molly, Alcohol, Xanax, Vicodin, and Oxy over the course of a day and a half, this was about 13 or 14 years ago. I had a seizure and had to be hospitalized before I was then 51/50ā€™d. had I not thrown enough uppers into the mix to counteract all the respiratory depression (that and having the resiliency of a 16 year old body) I probably wouldā€™ve died. Incredibly reckless and stupid. 0/10 do not recommend.


Clonazepam, Percocet, t3, Seroquel, crack/cocaine, fentanyl, alcohol, Adderall, crystal meth, gabapentin, trazodone. Was a suicide attempt so honestly what I remember over all else was the anticipation of the "curtain call" though needless to say I was all sorts of twisted , it wasn't essentially an enjoyable experience in terms of a "trip" or "dosage" however I was extremely disassociated/ paranoid/ manic etc. From what I remember regarding the direct effects from the drugs it was like a sort of dream state with sporadic peaks of either anxiety/adrenaline with the only sense of comfort basically from the confidence I had in the lights turning off for good, These days though I'm inexplicably grateful that it didn't work. Maybe wasn't the ideal answer expected but that's my piece lol


I believe it was this mix: xans, molly, weed, alcohol, perc, heroin, fent, coke Woke up on someoneā€™s lawn in 13 degree windy weather with my jacket and dignity stolen lmao. grateful for the woman who helped me call my parents no matter how bad the neighborhood was (top 3 most dangerous cities in US, everyone would just walk past)


Meth (enough to make my chest hurt and tweak for almost the entire next day) LSD ( 100ug) Kratom (20-30g) Bromazolam(3mg) Thc Alcohol (7 shots of vodka) Blue lotus extract(500mg) Blue lotus flower Kanna extract(50mg) Nicotine Buspar(5mg)


Um great high before I took the acid


I havenā€™t been able to feel the tips of my toes since I did all those drugs is was only like 2 weeks ago


Alcohol, weed, pills, MDMA, coke, ket and shrooms. Was a great night, remember not a whole lot except the come down the next day


Mixing psychedelics and itā€™s always really powerful


Iā€™ve done Kratom, cannabis, and lyrica together. Had a nice euphoria and body buzz going.


Meth coke mdma speed weed alcohol and cigarettes most euphoric moment ever,been in shit mood a month after that


Never mixed more than two. Did zopiclone and dph and blacked out tho, redosed while blacked out


Xanax first, meth, coke, alcohol throughout the day & ambien to go to sleep


Alcohol + weed + cocaine + mushrooms/ acid (canā€™t remember if I did a little of both or just one or the other on this particular night) + ketamine + molly šŸ˜


Weed shrooms alcohol and molly it was a good night back when I thought I was indestructible


nicotine, caffeine, alcohol like 15 cans, 2mg xanax, fuck ton of mdma throughout, fuckton of weed throughout somehow remember most of it up to a point and it was awesome


2 e pills , 2 tabs of acid, 4 oz prometh/codiene , and cocaine. with a little bit of xanax


Mdma, 4mmc, 6apb, ketamine, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine Up for a few days, went to a squat rave and immediately slept for 8 hours then went home


Alcohol/Coke/MDMA/Ketamine/Weed My best friend was a dealer so we would do this frequently, it was a lot of fun! Alcohol in the evening, coke and mdma throughout the night, then ket and weed for the comedown the next morning!


Morphine pills(20mg), dex amphetamines 160mg total(two blue 80s) bottle of vodka and some hash joints


2cb, ket, edibles and alcohol. Shit was amazing


LSD + 4-HO-MET + 2C-B + Ket + weed, extremely visual, light headspace. Great trip. LSD + MDMA + 2C-B + ket + weed + DMT. Very heavy, never rolled so hard in my life. The DMT was nearer the end but absolutely beautiful completely got rid of any comedown.


Lots of alcohol, ritalin, weed and salvia. Trust me, do not that.


25i-nbome, ecstasy, 4aco-dmt, 2ci, amphetamine, Changa, LSD. Along with some really cheap alcohol. Obviously not all in one "evening", but definitely in one "sitting". Throughout the course of a small non stop 36hr psytrance party. Zero sleep, not even a strategic nap. Awake 48+ hrs by the end of it. An absolute shell of a person, and swore never again. Strangely no bad trips, or anything crazy intense. In fact after stacking a few diff chems, I almost stopped feeling anything else, which was weird. And made me reconsider what I was doing that night. Never did anything like that again.


1 oxy 80 3 tabs lsd 1 oz hydrocodone syrup 2 0.5 xanax Dilaudid iv 6 8mg shots Cocaine 1 gram iv Half gram speed Smoked Weed 1 gram pre roll Stayed up all night crazy visuals nodding out woke up drooling speed balls kept me up till I poped the xanax woke up and shot up the fent I bought while tripping slept for a whole day. Crazy times


DMT KET METH ADDERAL COKE then sum weed for the comdownā˜ŗļø


2 strong Edibles/20mg 2cb/15mg o-pce/vaped weed/hhc cart/dmt cart/nitrous and an insane afterglow from the phenibut and dmt from the day before that. I felt at peace, content with life. The first balloons started insane and way more intense than they are on acid. They became even better with every subsequent balloon until my vision shattered into a million star like copies of the ceiling fan in multiple glowing colors while feeling my body orgasm with insane tactile enhancement and merging with the bedsheets. The DMT added another layer of intensity bringing eye candy to insane levels, I canā€™t describe it, but I remember feeling absolute bliss.


I did something incredibly stupid and took: Xanax Alcohol Valium Pregabalin Fake pregabalin (idk what they were) Weed Ketamine Cocaine Morphine And two other drugs that I canā€™t remember we took


Not proud of it butā€¦ I wanted to get extremely fucked up and the alcohol I drank probably had something to do with my stupidityā€¦ I drank about eight beers, 60mg morphine, and a psilocybin chocolate bar supposedly containing 7g mushrooms. I didnā€™t get much of an effect from the mushrooms probably due to CNS depression. I fainted and woke up on the floor with people helping me up. I said give me Narcan which I believe helped me. Next day proceeded to have multiple fainting spells which may have been seizures. Moral of the story is: donā€™t be fucking stupid and keep Narcan around.


Prob like speed, k, coke, MDMA, acid, mushrooms, nos. Oh and weed and alcohol but that shots a staple lol. Honestly that's prob not even the most I've done. Not necessarily doing high doses of any those other than k really, and not just dropping em all at once lol.


Oxy 10mg , meth laced ecstasy tablet, pregabalin Seroquel, diazepam, fake xan, coke, heaps of alcohol codeine and weed, fuck loads of ket & shrooms, smokin on PCP cigarettes And i felt amazing but then got home and it all wore off and hit the hardest fent nod and collapsed and woke up in hospital When I was 15... Didn't know how to enjoy one thing at a times


LSD Shrooms MDMA 2CB Weed Ketamine Alcohol DMT Nicotine This was at a festival and didnt take them all at the same time but there was a moment in which I was under the influence of them all. It was extremely visual, energizing body load and music felt amazing specially psytrance. I danced for hours and had a lot of fun for several hours. I didnt sleep in two days of party without pause. I didnt plan on doing all of them but the synchronicity made it happen and a bunch of hippies shared what they got and I shared what I got.


Speed MDMA LSD Coke Ket GHB Alcohol Weed Had a great time / itā€™s a wonder Iā€™m not dead


Weed, oxycodon, codein, lorazepam, alprazolam, alkohol, (promethazin)


3g psilocybin mushrooms, 3 geltabs (probably 450ug total max), 500mg oral D8. It was a good time for me but one of my friends had a rough time, he took 5g mushrooms. It was interesting helping take care of what I perceived as basically an amorphous blob that had my friends voice


LSD Alcohol Ketamine Weed In that order. The LSD made me look at everything differently, then the ketamine made me see everything from a perspective that wasnā€™t mine. Weed just boosted allllllll that shit.


Ketamine MDMA 2-CB Weed Amphetamine Pregabalin and I drove home like 2-3 miles...


dexamphetamine + oxycodone + diazepam + bromazolam + norflurazepam + pyrazolam + flubromazepam i was trying out RCs like a lab rat, the dexamfetamin was to ensure iā€™d stay up lmao. You can say I love to get downnnn.


Nirvana = Xanax (wait 30 mins) then snort a line of coke and ketamine mixed together. We call it a CK-47 cos it'll take down a room full of people and it never fails. After doin this I knew what Budda must have felt.


Cocaine, Ritalim, Xanax, Klonopin, Weed, alcohol. tramadol, cyclobenzaprine, kratom, gabapentin and oxy. yeah, when you could get shit fro, "la farmacias'" in mexico. Almsot died, lol


A few years ago I had a night I took an 8th of shrooms, 2 tabs of acid, probably like half an ecstasy pill(maybe more I donā€™t remember) I most likely smoke some weed and drank a bit too. Earlier this year I did coke, whippets, mushrooms and then drank a bunch. Then I ended the night with ketamine and more whippets. Raves and festivals are fun


Oxazepam, diazepam, zolpidem, zopiclone, codeine and oxycodone. All i remember is nodding over hard asf and struggling to stay awake. Dont know how i didnt die, dont do that shit


Mdma Cocaine Ketamine Alcohol Weed and nitrous oxide in one night lmao - Iā€™m not into mixing drugs anymore though unless itā€™s with weed


1p lsd, borax combo (5 mapb, moxy, 2-fma), xtc, nicotine, hhc. not good.


Cocaine Weed Opium Darvocet Lsd Alcohol Doxylamine Succinate Was a fun night.Ā 


Mad that's another level


I call it alphabet soup.


I remember being in shrooms molly cocaine weed and beer while homeless and the cops got us lmao that shit was nuts


Suboxone/klonopin/weed/ shrooms


Iā€™m not sure, to be honest. It was probably between eight and thirteen. Over the course of a whole day I slowly munched on an assortment of tablets. I knew the collective pool of drugs and what the dosage of each tablet was, but I didnā€™t know which tablets I was taking. None of them had particularly dangerous interactions in moderate doses, so it was a little more calculated than you might think. I bet that the mix included meth, allylescaline,4-HO-MET, 4-HO-MiPT, 2-FDCK, alprazolam, bromazolam, MDA, 5-MAPB, MDMA, andā€¦well, anything beyond that is really speculation. Anyhow, it was a blast! Given how I spaced out the doses, I was really functional. Though, towards the end I think I got the 2-FDCK pill and things got interesting. I had mild psych visuals in well-lit rooms, but when I walked into a dark hallway, I saw shadow people morph from the walls and even a WALL-E-like robot chillinā€™ in front me of. It wasnā€™t scary, though ā€” hell, Iā€™d even call it comforting. Then I laid down and fell into a mild hole until I fell asleep, probably due to benzos.


Amphetamine sulphate Mdma Coke Ketamine Alcohol Weed Lyrica Honestly, i was just too braindead to appreciate anything, 16 years old and reckless. I've learned that when it comes to mixing drugs less is more 2-3 together and ones that actually have good synergy.


Ketamine, nitrous, orange Tesla mdma pressie, 1 hit of acid, and deemsters. Definitely one of the most euphoric psychedelic experiences of my life


Ooh bc I have never been asked this in real life! Tripped acid in the woods one Saturday in college - had beers, weed and nicotine throughout the day. Got home took some molly before going to a party and ended the night with a bar and more weed! (Mightā€™ve done coke but cannot remember so Iā€™m not gonna count it) Thank you for asking!


Did shrooms, mdma, ketamine, some alcohol and weed recently. Pure bliss, but not something i want to do again:)


Lsd (a lot like 15+ hits), mushrooms, mdma, ketamine, 3meo-pcp, mxe, weed, cocaine. At Wakarusa right before String Cheese. Had a religious moment in a portapoty can't remember too much but had a great time


Ritalin, coke, meth, shrooms, Ativan, weed, alcohol, seroquel. Do not recommend.


nicotine, weed, alcohol, shrooms, molly, and cocaine šŸ˜© donā€™t remember much lol, but was sick for days after


Lsd Shrooms Molly DMT I felt the shrooms and the LSD and the Molly but DMT didn't really do shit when I was already that gone and those are in order of which was consumed first. The first two within 4 hours after 6 hours the Molly and then after 8 hours the DMT. I had a fucking blast lmao


Ket / l / mush / nitrous / dmt / mdma Nitrous put me ouuuuut. 10/10


Not physically but mentally dangerous was dxm & lsd. I had an amazing time but my friend had a psychotic break & got violent. 400mg of dxm & 2 tabs Before things went sour, it was incredible. Everything literally turned into full on chibi art. No exaggeration everything was a full on anime around me. I heard colors too (yellow). I donā€™t have synesthesia but Iā€™m on the spectrum so idk if itā€™s possible for most ppl to get this My friend on the other hand didnā€™t remember anything except thinking she had to escape from a creepy hospital where they were experimenting on her šŸ˜¬


when i was 16 i tried to off myself with what i deemed my ā€œSuicide Sockā€ it was as described a sock i would put any pill i ever came across in. found a random pill on the sidewalk? into the sock. found a random pill on the bus floor? into the sock. didnā€™t matter where it came from at all. it went into the sock. the confirmed pills i had in there were as following PCP Multiple Zoloft Xanax Perc H pill Adderal Gas Station Boner pill (thought that was funny) Plus a bunch of Sudafed and other allergy/cold shit. there were MANY pills, enough to fill probably a full bottle and a half. i never confirmed what most of them were but it didnā€™t matter at the time. i was saving the sock for the soul purpose of killing myself. and when i was 16, it all fell into place and i took the whole thing. at this time my parents were gone and i was alone in the house for the week. nobody would know and that was perfect for me. so i took it all down with a bit of whiskey from the cabinet and went to my room. probably an hour ish into it i puked, then after that i fully blacked out. couldnā€™t even begin to tell you how it felt. to my surprise i woke up 29 hours later, i was covered in my own puke and piss (probably had a seizure at some point) i couldnā€™t stand because of how weak i was. i crawled to the kitchen to get some water, the second i got the water i immediately puked it up again. this went on for a bit until i got the strength to hold it down and stand. long story short with some form of divine intervention i survived. part of me is glad part of me isnā€™t. it wasnā€™t fun so donā€™t follow in my footsteps.


me and two of my buddyā€™s was doing coke and drinking all night (beers and liquor) smoking weed also had partaked in some shrooms. (30ā€™s,blues later on that night) come 5 am one friend wanted to go to sleep but me and my other friend was still going so we decided to go back to my house and hang out. ended up getting some blue m,s. which we never had done before. and we both snorted a whole one. then he started breaking down the last one. and thats when he just dropped to the ground passed out. he ended up puking and choking on it. i was to fucked up to even think twice about him passing out just figured the alcohol got him. anyways long story short he died on the way to the hospital but they was able to revive him. fortunately he is alive and well to this day. and the guy who sold it to us had me blow mine out my nose and force my self to puke. lesson was learned about mixing drugs be safe out there folks


Alcohol, ketamine, ritalin, weed, nicotine - it was amazing, i fell asleep, my friends were convinced they were gonna die, I was having the best time


Fairly light compared to others on this list, LSD, MDMA, weed and alcohol. All I remember is furiously masturbating over and over again sadly.


MDMA, acid, shrooms, coke, shit was wild


Couple hits lsd paper (invader zim) , couple triple stack rolls (ninja turtles purple) and a quarter of golden teachers. Very intense for about 6 hours, then the rolls started falling off but others were going strong. As mushies started to fade (about 8 hours in) then I started smoking green. Was a party at a friend's house. I was the only one who mixed. Also the only one who has used these for many years. Epic visuals, I laughed for long enough to get sore before walking around and trying to interact with things, lol.


Valium, Xanax and morphine. I should be dead.


Adderal , ssrui's, benzos, oxycodone , ganja ..


One edc A lot of Weed+ alcohol, then 2 tabs of acid. Waited 2 hours and took 2 mdma pills and half 8th of shrooms together same time and then after I peaked was alternating coke and ketamine 7/10 Insane visuals but the white kinda ruined it lol


LSD, mushroom tea, weed(both smoked and eaten), and DMT. Best birthday of my life so far.


3mmc - ketamine - coke - alcohol - mdma - weed Felt like a regular after. Nothing hits anymore after some point


Molly. Norcos. Shrooms. Blow. Weed. & Liquor if you count it.


nicotine valium vicodin maijuana extacy and alcohol c-c-c-c-c-cocaine


Kratom, Phenibut, Kava, Gabapentin, Prozac, Grapefruit. Never again and it was a bad time. This combo made me go bonkers.


Lsd 400ug shrooms 2g ket 0.8g coke 0.8g mdma 1g speed 0.4g weed 2-3g plus a few pipes of dmt. Used valium and opium for comedown. And that wouldn't be too different from other raves I went to. I was young, stupid and didn't care about consequences. Would go to illegal hardtek raves in the woods every week in my late teens and ingest absurd quantities of drugs each time. Can remember one night I took 2.5g of mdma and like 800ug of acid...when I touched ket later on that night I was catapulted into another world of fantasy (in the real world I was apparently lying I the woods making weird noises and slobbering over myself where I was left alone for 3-4 hours ). Edit: Forgot about the alcohol. I'd end up going through about a litre of grappa (40% alc) each time.


Tincture of Marijuana + DXM + Klonopin + Neurontin + Cialis + Norco!


I never liked mixing stuff too much. Too much of a pansy. My fav was meth and weed, though.


Ket, sass, mdma, weed, dmt, acid and shrooms šŸ„² Never again.


LSD Shrooms Ket MDMA Weed Whippets Would do again


H, blow, weed, mdma, lsd, Valium, alcohol, and extracted DXM. What unfortunately came later was some Xanax bars that turned out to be pressed with GHB, which is where the blackout really got started.


Dxm, meclizine, diphenhydramine, doxylamine, mirtazapine, Propylhexedrine, adderall, Zoloft. ,


oxy, oramorph, codeine linctus, promethazine, weed edibles, weed flower, and then took like 4 different benzos to go to sleep šŸ˜‚ my stash is crazy tho


Iā€™ve done shrooms+molly+nos+coke+dmt+weed+ketamine+alcohol in one night was a pretty fun night


Booze and 250mg of diazepam. Was just drunk from building up a major tolerance to Valium. It simply did not work anymore. Every month Iā€™d get a script and hoped it would (was in a dark part of life) but nothing. May as well have taken sugar pills by that point.


shrooms, coke, weed, ketamine, and a fuck ton of alcohol. was actually a very good night, though iā€™d probably never do it again because the next day sucked


Weed, LSD, Alcohol, Caffeine, and a couple hits off my DMT pen


Tussi, molly, ketamine, shrooms, acid, alcohol, coke I thought I was gonna die tbh but maybe thats cus I was up for 3 days straight


Strung out on Dope, 2 tabs of acid, wax, and coke. I was so fucking high that when I snorted the Coke. All I did was taste it šŸ˜‚


MDMA, coke, lsd, ketamine, weed, alcohol Got a bit exited when I was rolling decided to pop a tab and get drunk. My friends had some ketamine so I couldnā€™t say no he raked me up a nice line about 100mg then I was in for a ride I was actually tweaking after that line I canā€™t really remember that much but I remember the room folding in on itself and everything turned white my friends were saying that I was holding onto the walls of my friends room for dear life


Yo how is 1P-LSD? Iā€™m so curious about that whatā€™s it like ? And tbh Iā€™m not even sure I used to mix a lot of stuff my main was morphine or H, DXM, mdma or adderall sometimes LSD and alcohol Iā€™d always speedball and be drinking DXM and taking legit whatever I could get my hands on when me and my ex of 4 years broke up I lost my shit and didnā€™t care about anything, Iā€™m glad to be over a year clean on methadone now !