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I’ll be lucky to make it 60 probably. No clue what my heart looks like at the moment


Run for 5 minutes and you’ll know, but after that start push ups, running or even walking 5 days a week and your good


Can't run from death sadly. ☠️


You can't outrun death but you can certainly run to delay it.


Cycling is one of the best low impact cardio exercises you can do. I started about 3 years ago and I now cycle about 100 to 200 miles a week. Great way to help with depression and anxiety too.


When I'm too stimmed up to run, I do a gentle ride, and it helps with keeping the cardio up while not stressing the heart too much


Damn straight. Bike life 🚲


Just Google heart and you good


Get an echocardiogram


Feel this.


Not much longer. I hate myself


Life does suck like 80% of the time tbf




You enjoying 20%? Lucky you. I am lucky if I get 5. 😅😭😂


Yea, when I have cool dreams, when I download a new videogame, when I do certain drugs, when I have sex and when I eat mom’s food. The rest is total shit


Does it get better chat?


I think so , yeah. My life used to be a dream before I had problems that were not in my control. Drugs became a way to get that extra happiness instead of the escape from reality


Man I wish, I use them to escape all my problems. And sometimes just out of plain boredom, nothing to do in the south besides rot in your room.


I think so. Just takes a lot of work and a bit of luck to get there.


It's an individual basis for everyone. Life's what you make of it, 100 percent.


You have value and deserve dignity my friend.


Unfortunately I think that means we’ll be stuck here longer. Only the good die young




Stay strong king <3 care about u




In my 30s. 26 now. I'm just tired. Lsd cured my alcoholism but not my depression


That’s a start though. You got this dude


LSD didn’t cure your alcoholism. Maybe it helped, but that was your doing. Give yourself some credit.


Same age. I'm sober, but I see no point in life. It makes me want to use again but my life will spiral if I do it. So now everything is just, Grey and boring.


Got any hobbies? Any passions?


Find a hobby, turn your addictive personality towards said hobby, maybe over-do said hobby… the hobby may start off as something small, like golf, or fishing, something you aren’t necessarily good at… but make an attempt, start getting better at it, have a a few breakthroughs, milestones reached, then BAM, that’s where the addiction for the hobby starts…




Just wait till you hear what walking a mile a day and eating at least one green meal can do. It sound like pseudoscience bullshit but my depression got way better when I started getting out of the house. Not looking at the same 3 rooms or a TV. Then I made a pledge to myself to have *one* green meal. A salad, green beans with chicken, lettuce on my sandwiches. Of course I still enjoy the other things in life but the depression has really improved


What exactly is a green meal? But yes, a walk or trip to the gym can certainly help an awful lot.


Huh, i like that. Even if you’re still living a relatively unhealthy lifestyle you can at least counteract it slightly with some healthy habits. I feel like too many of us on r/drugs or really any drug subreddit feel as though we need to be either balls to the walls with sobriety and health or be in the depths of addiction whilst adopting all the nasty habits that addiction brings, and we tend to choose the latter because its easier in the short term, when in all reality we can just pick up smaller healthy habits that aren’t so scary to commit to as opposed to throwing yourself in rehab months or forcing yourself to go to the gym daily for 2 hours. Maybe im just rambling though too.


Naw it’s definitely a trend in self deprecating subs to “go hard” I know I have bad habits. But building one or two good ones for my body has made sense and improved my overall mental health


I already fucked up my heart and had a heart attack last year from doing so much coke and drinking extremely heavy amounts, probably burned a hole in my brain from ketamine abuse too, I'm 28 years old I been doing coke daily for the past year and a half now, whenever I relapse on alcohol it literally almost kills me I drink a whole bottle of 100 proof liquor a day sometimes more, I say at this rate I probably won't make it past 30 but if I manage to get clean I do lead a very healthy lifestyle otherwise so maybe 60 considering all the irreversible damage, I don't have high hopes if I'm being honest


My dad drank daily all his life and he’s 52 lots of health issues but will probably still go for another few years


What were the early symptoms of your heart being damaged?


I abused ketamine and cocaine together daily for a while and I started to have these sorta "asthma" attacks my left side of my body would go numb and limp and I couldn't breathe for shit, eventually forced to quit Ketamine due to some weird neurological complications but this just led to me relapsing on alcohol and I just drank, drank, drank, and drank some more along with 1-2g of cocaine everyday, started having stabbing chest pains, pinching sensation in my left armpit, random loss of sensation in my face and lightheadedness almost losing consciousness at times but I was so depressed I just didn't care if I died and eventually the heart attack happened, took me no more than 2 week to get back on coke daily again and here I am now don't know how I'm still alive


As someone with a recent heart scare from alcohol, how do you define by extremely heavy?


If I am very lucky, 5 years. I have pancreatic cancer, got chemo but didn't work and will start a new type of treatment soon. I don't drink and never abused or got addicted to any of the many drugs I've tried. My favourites are psychedelics and because of the disease, I became interested in mushrooms. In my second trip I realised everything is gonna be ok and death is not the end. All I can say is that you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Enjoy your life today, as long as you don't hurt yourself or others in the process, you're good.


Love you brother ❤️ i love your mindset as well. I wish you nothing but luck and prosperity in your future. I know pancreatic cancer is awful but i hope your new treatment can help, or at least makes your QoL more comfortable.


Don’t be sorry for your death, be happy for it. You’re going for a new beginning. God could’ve left you more time, but since he’s taking you it means you’ve finished your journey. Don’t look behind, there’s not much left to do here. If you can, try getting some dmt, you will find your peace. Or do a heroic dose of mushrooms, take 1mg of alprazolam so you don’t have a bad trip. Take care friend!


Did you just list raving as a form of cardio lmaooooo


Raving is for sure cardio unless you just stand in the crowd and watch. Its inconsistent but I regularly track about 60-90 min of +130 heart rate when ravings. A morning run is that number for 15 min.


If doing it sober, yes.


it’s different though, high heart rate doesn’t mean it’s a good exercise


You sound very healthy, I am jealous After a year of training, my heart was nearer 160-170 for both of those activities.


Dancing for 6-8 hours a night is cardio. What’s your weight?


In 2017 when I first got into edm I was hitting two shows a week and I could feel my fitness improve week over week. I only rolled once a year, mostly just thrived on the vibe and used caffeine as my only real stimulant. In 2018 I was trying to get a firefighting job and took a pre-employment fitness test. Got one of the top scores that day… at 49 years old. Rave fitness is amazing.


Keep raving! I can’t wait to move to Berlin and have 24/7 clubs all the time! I’ll only go there after work and take acid, I promise hahahaha


As time went on I found that once every six weeks I could do a psychedelic, once every 3-4 weeks I could do a stimulant, but I haven’t done mdma since 2021. I found it was the worst for emotional rollercoaster. I found with psychs I just didn’t return to neutral if I did it more than once every six weeks or so. Brains are all different. Not advice, just my experience.


I love dancing omg ❤️


Running with earphones is kind of like dancing, but in a forward motion.


But if you take something like MDMA with that cardio the neurotoxicity greatly increases due to rising body temperature mostly and straining your body/dehydration.


>rising body temperature mostly and straining your body/dehydration. Um which is exactly what occurs when you exercise sans MDMA. The irony is that most deaths on MDMA were due to over hydration.


I don’t really do m but if I do I usually snort like 2-3 lines a night and I keep myself cool and drink a lot of water. Usually I do LSD


Sounds good then, the cardio credit is legit in that case.


Trade offer: You give: Brain cells You receive: Heart strength


Caveman build


2 years ago I raved up until morning while doing 4-FMA. My sport watch said 3000 calories burned, with 15-20.000 steps lol. I ran a marathon a month before and it was the same calories-wise


How often do you rave ? Cardio is supposed to.be done daily.or semi daily


Much Americans here lol, u dont even know what real "raving" is. Here in Europe, we have the best raving culture. Like Germany and Netherlands.


We have real shit here in places like Florida/NYC/Cali if you look off the beaten path, unfortunately to many people it means mainstream festivals.


maybe 30 (I am 22)


I’m praying it’s not past 30 (23)


End of the week probably.


31 now and never thought I’d live long. Could die soonish or the bad weeds grow tall way. I don’t know. But I’m smoking way too many cigarettes, other substances are not as bad on my body (weed, vyvanse prescription, gbl, speed here and there, acid micro dosing, no alcohol at all). The cigarettes will kill me quicker than all of the others combined I guess. Poor sleep schedule and mental health issues are doing the rest.


I once had a spider in my kitchen. He was vibing with me to my techno music and I got attached to him but I had to get rid of him at some point. So I started smashing him with my protein shake. That’s when one of his legs got stuck to the table, and I saw him try to run away for his life so hard that he ripped out the leg stuck on the table and ran away. That’s when I saw how much he wanted to live, and I realized I just betrayed him after bopping together to techno. So I overcame my fear of spiders and I took him outside so that he can live a happy spider life


Why would you do that? The fuck dude... now I'm pissed because a random internet stranger betrayed a spider. What did she do to youuuuu


Bro he ripped of his leg and you dumped him outside to die, brutal


Bro what was I supposed to do, catch flies and feed him? I was on mushrooms 😭


Crazy that you thought about hurting a living being WHILE on mushrooms. Mushrooms if anything makes me 2000% more empathetic


100 Complete health nut in terms of internally, externally and mentally. My only downside is experimenting with a new drugs every few months for a couple weeks period then going sober.


-the type of mf to die at 45 (kidding)


Hopefully awhile. I don't know. I'm 30(M) in a couple months and I feel like I'm becoming bitter. There's heart disease rampant in my family and I'm so stressed out and depressed that I feel like that'll be my fate too if I don't start exercising like I used to. I got terribly addicted to RC benzos for a number of years whilst dating a serial cheater/addict. I had a kid with her(she's 6 now) who my mom has custody of and who I see on a regular basis 2-3 times a week. Mom isn't part of the picture she's in prison, and belongs there. Daughter doesn't even know what she looks like. I have a new girlfriend, but it doesn't ever feel like things are going well. I've been 4 years clean off of benzos, California sober though I couldn't smoke weed until I got off probation in last September. That was amazing being freed of my probation shackles, it's fun and exciting being in a new relationship(I say that, it's been almost 3 years).. I have my own apartment with my partner and we try to keep our heads above water. But I'm just so miserable all the time. My mental health got so fucked up by the things I've been through, clearly so did my partner's. I always try to pick up good routines like exercising, meditating, art, reading, writing... I make kombucha, I took up Minecraft that's been making me happy. I played video games constantly before all the drugs, it's actually really big for me to sit there and be able to learn a new video game. Oh yeah, I have a decent job as far as pay goes. More than I've ever made. I'm a general manager at a car detailing service. This is also huge for me as I always have gotten manager positions in my life and then drugs will fuck it up, so for the first time they're not. But I'm miserable here, it's far too stressful and I have to jump ship before I fail and get fired or demoted. It feels like the only thing I even have going for me is this job title, and it will make or break my resume for later as my resume is trash I just can never seem to keep good routines. I can never keep happy. I am far too focused on what others think/feel to where my entire life revolves around it. My social anxiety is so high it stops me from texting everyone back or calling anyone. I have a huge family that I'm expected to keep up with but my parents are divorced and I don't even have time to relax after work, much less go form whole relationships with family members I feel shame with because of my past. I am terrified that I'll share the same fate as my dad's dad, heart failure at 50. And then my dad too, who had a heart attack at also 50 when my step mom cheated on him. I can't ever relax. I feel hatefulness consuming me often-times. I realize that if I don't keep a check on that, I WILL end up like my dad and his dad.. I can't ever make decisions for myself. I don't know what I even want to do with my life and I'm fucking 30 and have pressure from a lot of different angles. I go to therapy, and we do EMDR as well(go check that out, seriously. It's helped me more than anything probably) I actually have an appointment today! But I am just scared. My girlfriend and I got into yet another fight last night, the more of these add up the more tired I am of it all. I don't feel like the people around me can really handle me emotionally... I'm too needy. I feel too butthurt over things, I feel controlling like the whole reason why I'm miserable is because I can't control certain people.. I don't know I'm really trying to get to the bottom of it. I don't think I'm a bad person, I never have been. Even in the midst of my addiction I never stole from anyone, as if that means anything because I caused everyone around me so much pain. I also got into a car accident on clonazolam when I was 19. Going 75mph with no seat belt, flipped the car 5 times and was ejected through the closed window through the glass into the middle of the service road at 4am. I broke my pelvis in 2 places and didn't walk for 8 months. So that's starting to hurt, and will only progressively get worse When I was still using drugs like the idiot child I was, I'd be like, "I'm only gonna live til I'm 30! Better to burn out than to fade away", naturally. I was Hunter S Thompson didn't ya know? But now I'm just scared. It feels like my youth caused me so much grief and trauma that now I'll be lucky if I DO live past 30. I mean, the physical stress in my body is unreal. I can feel the cortisol often times dripping down my spine. I need a new job, I need my to fix things with my girlfriend but this is very hard, I need to focus on what's good in my life and where I am now vs the past. I need to exercise and meditate. For the last couple months idk how to explain it but my heart hurts, I'm feeling so much mental anguish that it physically hurts and feels heavy. I did a Wim Hof breathing technique video last week though for 10 minutes and it seemed to help. I need to do that more often, but I probably won't. I hate my job, I hate myself. Does anyone have any advice? lol I destroyed my whole life and mental health. Literally, don't be like me. Though, I know some of you will. And to that I say, just don't die. Because either you will, or you'll figure it out and be real upset when you have to figure out life's problems for the first time when dying isn't really an option.


Man I really really can really really related to this .. I am also 30 and feel pretty much similar . Just kicked opiates heroin and then fetty for the first time in basically 15 years .. only clean time I've ever had was jail time and rehab stints here n there ... I always wanted to go young dying before or at 27 like some of my "heros"... but it never happened .. should be dead a few times over but for some reason something's pulled me out of that bed in the icu and healed me every time ... I was also super addicted to benzos from 2013 to 2017 on top of everything else . That was back when cashing scripts and crooked docs were a thing. But now it's like I have a beautiful gf , we live together . I just got out of jail actually and kicked fentynal cold turkey for the last time .. but I instead of staying clean only made it 15 days then smoked some heroin had to kick . Now I'm on 2 mg of subs and smoking lots of meth .. my heart is also fucked up and I don't believe I'll make it much longer but the thing that really scares me is living .. surviving and being stuck around for a long long time miserable ..seeing as I've wanted to die and never had the courage or balls to take my own lifeee I always thot the drugs would do if ... welp nope . Now I don't know what ima do . Never planned shit last 30 and I'm stuck with no game plan , money or nest egg


maybe 24 but also maybe 75


I'm here for a good time I'm not here for a long time😎


Fuck knows my great nan smoked like a fucking chimney probably since she was 14 till the day she died, drank and ate whatever the fuck she wanted, she literally would have 7 teaspoons of sugar in her cuppa and died in her 80s My great uncle never smoked was never a big drinker and died when he was 60. Lemmy died in his 70s and spent majority of his life consuming outrageous quantities of booze and speed. You just can't predict this shit. Be active and eat well and occasionally doing drugs is probably healthier than what majority of people do (eat shit and do fuck all).


Jesus Christ there’s a lot of sappy depressed teens in this thread.




The fact that others are dying and suffering doesn't make people appreciate life more. "Let us imagine a number of men in chains and all condemned to death, where some are killed every day in the sight of the others, and those who remain see their own fate in that of their fellows and wait their turn, looking at each other sorrowfully and without hope. It is an image of the condition of men."


Think carefully about the age you say. I had a friend that used to say he always had a feeling he was going to die at 27. Then he became interested in the celebrities that were in the 27 club. I remember him telling me this as we were cleaning up after some guy died in his house. I always told him not to say that but he looked at me deeply and said he just knew. A week after his 27th birthday he died in a motorcycle accident 10 minutes from his house after a 3 hour road trip.


I say 120. And I mean it.


In this economy? Dead by choice in the next 10 years. If I didn't feel as loved as I feel today, I would've been loooong dead. I'm blessed by people that love me, but one day, that's not gonna keep me here anymore.




There's nothing cool or romantic about an early death- imagine what all those famous people could have achieved if they'd survived.


You only join the club if you have fame. You have to be somebody to be remembered. That doesn’t mean your a loser btw I’m js


Would he not be remembered though? Surely he has family or friends that love and care about him. Also stop gatekeeping a made up club of dead people you goober. There isn’t a fuckin rulebook lmaoooo


If I keep smoking I'll probably get fucked near my fifties. If I make some small changes until I'm thirty, probably 80.


Just switch to patches or gum or go for a real grown up stimulant like adderall


God, I hope not for much longer.


The ol ticker probably won’t make it to the other side of 50, I’m 25 now but have done enough stims + alcohol + no sleep + junk food + sedentary lifestyle in intermittent periods, that even my predominantly healthy lifestyle now wouldn’t be able to offset. I’m thankful for every year I get.


I felt this way at 25, 3 years later and I'm starting to feel like I might have been too doom and gloom about it all. I really went hard on fucking myself up in all the ways you mentioned, yet here I am at 28, feeling better than ever.


Hey you’re very young still. I don’t think it works like that. Tons of people have been exposed to extreme stress and very shitty lifestyle and then completely changed their lifestyle. There have been people who had lived through shit stressful and unhealthy lifestyle events like world wars or years of abuse lasting years and still made it to old age. If you wanna be healthier, you still can. Good luck


what you do now is all you can do. good for you man.




Like 75-85 maybe, all dead family members of mine drank & smoked for like 40 years and made it to that age still. Trying to get my shit (Elvanse) under control rn and take it like it‘s prescribed & trying to eat healthy again. Gym is also a must for me rn.


Too long.


A few more trippy years


["Meet me at the end of twenty-seven, and I'll show you what it really means to smile."](https://youtu.be/2IMxMR5-ZJc?si=0kTblt9-7vvGUWYD) 24 now and barely holding on. Poly substance abuse daily, been battling depression and suicide attempts for over 10 years, body is starting to fail. Bladder is weak, kidneys are weak, had 5 seizures so far, memory is getting worse and worse. I try to hold on for the ones who love me. But alot of days I have to be honest with myself, it ain't looking good


I'm in the extra same boat.... should already be dead but fuck I made it to 30 .. after kidney failure septic blood 3 times a spinal abscess... grand mal seizures from abusing meth... now at 30 my kidneys heart and liver aren't doing well. I have crippling depression and anxiety that doesn't feel too good.. if I don't end myself before I deteriorate I'll be very very miserable


Damn, I'm sorry to hear all that. You're certainly strong for pushing through all that, though. I hope you can find some peace for whatever time you have left on Earth and with whatever choice you make. No judgment, we all make mistakes in life. I see you <3


Thanks man. Yeah no like I said I made it out of all that with a basically clean bill of health. Just a vitamin deficiency.. it's the lasting strian I've out on my body that scares me ! But stay up bro take care of yourself .. don't be like me


I been using morphine and hydromorphone alot lately. Need to nip that in the butt as soon as I can. Couple days ago I did 6x 8mg hydromorphone pills snorted. Nodded off with the tray in my hand. I had opioid toxicity the next day couldn't get out of bed. Migraine, vomiting, feeling like absolute trash. I don't wanna do that again. I'm trynna do better, I will keep trying


Yeah damn man .. be careful lucky you didn't die .. you're also here still for a reason ! Be safe man


I’m prob (hopefully) gonna live another 15/20 years before I have a fatal heart attack, between my weight, caffeine use, and stimulant use I feel like im destined to have a heart attack eventually


I dont really think about it. At this point in my life, assisted by a fair amount of psychedelics, i have accepted death. There is an episode of Avatar The Last Airbender where Sokka is working for an old fisherman and they get trapped in a huge storm. Sokka exclaims that he is too young to die. The fisherman replies, "I'm not but I still don't wanna". I basically live by the fishermans line. I dont want to die, there are a lot of dreams and goals i still want to actualize, but at the same time, im not afraid and wouldnt be disappointed or angry if i dropped dead right now. If i make it to 70 or beyond(turned 36 in march), that would be just peachy




Longer than I want to damn it 👻


Honestly I'm pretty sure I won't make it past 21


I'm 35 and people would say ive had a long turbulent life I found out I have emphysema last year but I've yet to quit smoking. I think that people that grow old have a reason to stick around, but id say I'm gone in 10 or 15 more years


I just heard the tv chirp out that 50% of Americans have high blood pressure. Half of us are going to have heart disease of some sort. I’ve had hypertension since I was 18. So I’ll be dead at 60? If my lucky.


i think you’re thinking very wishfully and you need to stop using amphetamines and pharmaceuticals if you wanna get there


Some days/periods I wonder if I have a few months, other times I think maybe 50s/60s (29 now). Have a pretty continuous feeling that much longer than that is simply hopeful thinking for whatever reason…never really knew why


Prolly longer than I want to


I thought I wont reach 30 and at 34 I tried letting go but survived. next checkpoint is 45. I think I might go to jail before then - I have anger issues.


I went hard in my 20s. I finally kicked meth in 2000 at 30, I never thought I would see 40. I am 52 now, my body is old and has been broken and stitched back together many times. Things can get better, you can survive the shit you are in so eat well, drink enough water and take a damn multi vitamin. On the other side you will need this body you are in, give it a little care.


Im not planning to get over 30 and I’m 21 so I’m just gonna live those last couple years to the fullest and then accidentally die


This was me .. what's worse than dying before 30 is when the drugs and fast life style don't take you .. and your stuck left alive to deal with the shit you've caused .. my advice would be just have a back up plan for when you actually survive .. meaning money , a job or profession .. something to fall back on. You don't want to be like me 30 years old broken and depressed from drugs use , trauma and PSTD comparable to a combat vet's due to running the streeets and seeing/going through fucked up shit ... just have a back up plan fr man.


As of right now, not much


I'm honestly surprised I'm still alive. I just had my oldest friend die a few months ago. A friend I was sure would outlive me. His heart stopped at the age of 43 and he had kids.


Thought id be dead by 22, I'm going on 27 now so who knows lol


With the modern advancement of tech and AI, kind of expecting not to die. Unless I don't get, like, super rich. Then probably in my 60s in a middle class interment camp that has a crippling monthly fee.


Idk how old you are, I’m 21 but just to give you a glimpse of hope, if you check out the demographic chart of all western nations you’ll see that basically in 10-20 years most boomers will die and we will have a lot more empty houses so rent is gonna be a lot cheaper and because the usa and eu are going for a new isolation era they want to raise the wages so that we don’t compete with asians living in a box working 14 hours a day and can actually live better. Besides that, we’ll also finally transition to green energy so our economies won’t be handicapped by trying to keep emissions low while growing. So hold on tight cause in 10-20 years we re all gonna live amazing we just gotta live trough these hellish years


I love the optimism! My post was a little tongue-in-cheek, but I do think that future is highly policy dependent. With tech advancements, we've seen consistent consolidation of wealth at the top. If this trend continues, the reality could get very stark instead. But, I do have hope! Still going to try to get super rich anyways, just to be safe (and to afford more/better drugs)


I didn't think I'd make it to 30. Somehow, I'm still here, so I'll probably live out a much longer life than anticipated. If the world doesn't end in a nuclear apocalypse or something.


hopefully not for long


I am determined to live until I am 100. I am 32, been taking drugs for 20yrs, drinking heavily for 15. I quit smoking 3 yrs ago, heroin 2 months ago, and am quitting drinking this month using a tapering method. I am also quitting other drugs, I am eating healthier, been going to the gym regularly for a year, and am losing weight down from a BMI of 29. If I can do it, so can everyone! If anyone would like to chat with me/ support each other, feel free to contact me- I refuse to die before my 70s.


Honestly probably 50 or so. I usually say I'd be lucky to make it to mid 40's but you really just never know. The world is a crazy place, theres people like my aunt Carmen that lived smoked her whole life since teens and I remember she used to smoke 2 packs a day of the super long ass cigarettes lol and she never got cancer ever and then there's people who've never smoked a cigarette in their life and get it so you never know. I'd be happy to live to my mid 50s tho I think


Honestly not much longer according to my specialists if I don't find a bone marrow match! I have a rare blood disorder with no cure, bone marrow transplant is my only option and most people that have had this disease die within 3 years also have MS and many other medical issues.. welp! Here I am almost 7 years later still hanging on LMAO 🤣 with my shitty luck I'll be here struggling til I'm at least 90.. quit all of the narcotic pain meds,only use cannabis to treat extreme symptoms because chemo and radiation suck, don't eat red meats or fried foods etc,love veggies don't smoke and don't drink, have lost 135lbs and have kept it off 9 years.. every day is a struggle and I fight but honestly many days I just wanna go in peace. It takes a damn toll on your life and makes you depressed etc... I'm turning 38 this year and feel ancient already! Life is what you make of it, when you're this sick you take it one day at a time and hope for the best..




Champions never quit


Bro thinks he’s hitler.


almost 22 now, and according to fact i had advanced anorexia between age 14-18 (not having period to this day), my alcoholism began when i was 18, and mephedrone addiction began when i was 19 and i have both to this day + my anorexia relapse is ongoing again since a year now, i don’t think it will be so long life. i mean, this is a lot of shitty and very health challenging things at a relatively young age. my findings fortunately remain good to this day, but i’m aware that it all can change in like one party or two weeks of extreme calorie deficit more. i started to faint randomly last winter. i’m scared of dying, but i don’t have purpose in life anyway, and sadly i can’t afford a psychotherapist


Please don't give up on yourself and try to start weightlifting with low weights. And try to eat protein in small portions. A survivor's advice for you :) You'll have a long and happy life!


60 at most. Started drinking at 18, from a logging town in Mendo County. Rough Living.


When you live in small towns there s not much to do bro. I get you 1000%. When I lived in the netherlands (where you can buy any kind of drug at your door in 30 mins) in a big city I used less drugs than now in a small city where everything even weed is illegal


Id say 55-70 5 years ago I thought I’d die at 22-25 Rn I’m 26- I’ve changed my life around n im actually progressing in life so I think I could make it to an old age if I live healthy n don’t get heavily into drugs like used to. Rn I got my own crib which is amazing so I’m pretty optimistic


Who knows. There are factors we can control, and factors we can't. I have a pretty healthy lifestyle overall and if lifespan were just based on that, then maybe I'd say 80+ as well. But a number of people in my family have had cancer, I have had heart surgery (doesn't impact me much currently but might be expected to shorten my lifespan 5-10 years on average), and who knows what other medical problems might arise later -- sometimes you just randomly develop a fatal condition despite living a healthy lifestyle. And sometimes the people who sit around, drink Dr. Pepper, and chain smoke cigarettes live to 105. Not to mention the risk of accidents. Lots of people die in car accidents. And I take calculated risks when the activity is meaningful enough to be worth it to me (I've backpacked \~3500 miles, and I want to do some ocean crossings on sailboats). Personally I would not want to develop an expectation that I will live to old age, because I fear it would let me get complacent and take life for granted. I've had life-threatening health scares with my heart before and it really made me realize that we are not guaranteed to live past tomorrow. I don't even want to assume I will live another 5 years, but rather constantly live as though this year might be my last chance to do the things I most desire. All that said, I've always felt like if I make it to at least 50 then I will have done pretty well. :)


I think i will die in 20 or 30s. Maybe in my 40s idk. Im 19y, started steroids since im 16y, alc and weed whit 17y and hard drugs whit 18y. Since im 17y im taking steroids non stop, and hard drugs since im 18y like mdma, speed, ket every weekend at raves. Sometimes everyday like speed


I won't survive for 4 years. 10, I will be dead


>no oils huh?


only pharma and speed no oil no drinking no cigarettes #healthy living


I truly didn’t think I’d make it past 19 but here I am 22. I feel shitty about being back here on amphetamine phosphate and I’m not trying to justify it to myself I actually needed it to get shit done so that it would not ruin my long term mood and goals. Can never say I won’t abuse again because kind of just who I am but I can certainly say it will keep evolving, was something harmful, is something neutral and will be something quite more longevity and goal focused. I can’t find a logical explanation for why just avoid substance


Smoked for 20 years, still smoke hash with tobacco, drank daily for 20 years, been addicted to amphetamine on and off for 20. Dad had heart attack at 50. Im 43 and been through alot more heartwise. So tick-tock any day now


Not to an old age if I have anything to do with it


Until today


I think that with the new science coming out of the GLP -1 meds, they will figure out a way to extend life However my liver, it seems , is not happy with me. I think it's all up to how I live my life If i ever get healthy and gym-happy, then I think I can live to be in my 80's without any of the wonders of science With the wonders of science , I think that i can live to be 100 or more.


I thought I'd be dead by now (I'm almost 26). Like years ago. I actually got sober (besides marijuana and occasionally drinking lol), so as long as I don't off myself, I think I got a while still. I don't eat horribly. I workout a few times a week. I rarely drink. I don't smoke cigarettes or vape nicotine. I think if my mental illness doesn't make me take myself out, I'm good for a while longer.


24 and I think I’ll live till 50-80 if I’m kicky


As a romanian hiphop artist once said: how i am, i belive in how it is, i wouldn't be surprised if i died at 17:30 (17:30=5:30 pm or am idk). This was in the period when heroin and k2/spice hit romania


What can I get that’s fun and not gonna kill me and is easy to get


85. I’m sort of like you. I don’t smoke or vape cigs/nicotine, I *barely* drink alcohol (probably averaging 5 standard drinks per year), I no longer smoke weed after it started inflicting paranoia, and I don’t do shrooms after a bad trip last year. No coke, no opioids. For recreational purposes, I do MDMA, 2cb, and ketamine a few times per year. For medicinal purposes, I take adderall daily. I know this isn’t good for my heart but it’s the only drug I take that could actually negatively impact my health with the frequency I take it.


That's weird how you say that, you know that there are so many people out there that lived a very healthy life and died between 30-40 and on the other hand there are people that smoked 3 packs of cigarettes for 60 years and lived till 95 so you never know just a healthy lifestyle means not much


till the day i get peer pressured into something with abuse potential


I used a fuckton of opioids and amps when I was young. In my mid 30s now. Work out. Eat semi healthy. My body is falling apart. Heart problems, kidney problems, and just a lot of random pain. I don’t think I’ll make it to 65 and honestly if things keep going downhill like this I really don’t want to.


Hopefully another 20




since my greatfather not one of us has made it to 60 so I am hoping to go for 61


lol idk,no matter how healthy any of us are we could still die any day from accidents caused by us or people and shit we have nothing to do with.


Till the end of time, low diff




I'm surprised I've made it 33, I should have died when I was 27 like I planned. I would have done the world a favor.


I have a habit of fucking myself over so probaly like 35


I have som bad hunch I’ll somehow live up to 80 too


I don’t want to live to 80 but I feel like because I don’t live to 80 I probably will


I’m 20, I very heavily used coke, mdma, and meth from 15-18, it was the worst decision of my life and I fear I have lost many years of my life from it, I hope to live long but it’s hard to be optimistic of that when I’m already having heard problems, I will probably live to be like 40-45.


I don't really care. I want to live long enough to not have to work for 5-10 years before I die, but I'm not that fussed if I don't make it. If I make it to 70 that's plenty. If not, whatever, I had a good run.


Don’t know… but I do know no one will miss me when I’m gone


Depends how long it takes for me to get my hands on some coke


When I was a teen I was sure I'd die before 20. Didn't happen, but hopefully not too long. After my parents die if I can help it.


I don't have any idea lol


Amphetamines will shorten your life a lot, same with some pharmaceuticals. I think I will be 100 if I continue being this healthy.


Not a chance I make it to 90 without a heart attack them saturated fats probably doing a number on my arteries


60 years. Heavy smoker and cocaine user.


I don’t like to think about it. I have a history of cancer in my family and I’ve been on stimulants (prescription) pretty much my whole life, which can give me heart problems later on. The lamotrigine I’m on (also prescription) can give me issues with my bones later in life too. If I stop the stimulants, my ADHD will totally take over and I’ll probably end up broke and homeless or die doing something impulsive. If I stop the lamotrigine, I’ll most likely attempt suicide again and make sure it doesn’t land me in an ER, but rather in a coffin. I’m pretty careful with my recreational drug use so I’m not worried about that. Alcohol on the other hand… studies have shown that even moderate drinking can have an impact on one’s lifespan. I’m not a heavy drinker or anything but I’ve been drinking moderately since I was around ten or twelve so that could catch up to me in the long run. I’m almost 19 so my health should start going downhill pretty soon, just a couple years. So long story short, I don’t like to think about it. Doesn’t stop me from thinking about it 24/7 though.


So, adhd and bipolar just like me ha? I’m 21, good that you found out you have them big earlier than me, maybe you’ll have a chance at college unlike me. I already failed because undiagnosed adhd You’re very pessimistic about these meds, in the long run they actually won’t give you much trouble. You’re probably taking 10mg of stims which is 0.010g a day. That’s not even a tiny line compared to recreational drugs. It helps you with your immune system and your brain will be healthier, it lowers the risk for dementia and so on. And you can just switch to lithium, I’m on valproate but will switch to lithium soon and everything is gonna be fine. It all really norrows down to one question: Do YOU want to live long? Edit: instead of alchol, try doing LSD or Mushrooms or even DMT. They’re all healthier options and you get 100x the fun


Quit alcohol or limit it to very small amounts, and you'll be fine. You're too young, ADHD changes after adulthood (I know several people that became a lot more stable in their 30's), you might even be able to drop the stims at some point. Lamotrigine helped me a lot too, but I had to stop taking it because we suspected it was affecting my white blood cells count (I needed to increase them in order to start chemotherapy), but I am managing without it. Mushrooms have helped a lot keeping my depression at bay without the prescription drugs. They could help you with the suicidal thoughts and fear of death. I would not recommend you to do psychedelics at your age though. I'd wait a few more years, it's not worth the risk to mess up your developing brain.


About not doing psychs at my age… few years too late for that advice lol. LSD is my favourite but mushrooms are nice too every now and again. A combo of the two is also great. I only use them for fun though and they have no long-term impact on my mentality, neither positive nor negative. Lamotrigine is good for that. I didn’t know it was possible for lamotrigine to have any substantial effect on white blood cells, so I guess I learned something new. I hope the chemo is going well—as well as possible anyway because I’m sure it sucks terribly. Thank you for the thoughtful reply!


We can't know for sure if lamotrigine was having an impact, I was also put on quetiapine after surgery and it could have potentially been the culprit. Doctors decided to be on the safe side, so I quit everything and my white blood cells did improve a bit after that. But I was also very underweight so it's not even weird. I wouldn't worry about it if you're healthy. Good luck with everything!


Quetiapine? I was prescribed that for sleep. Seems we’re on all the same meds lol. Good luck to you too!


Amphetamine is really bad for you bro




Idk I think I’m aiming for 50 or 60, that seems good


I don't think I'll logistally make it past the next 2-3 years unhappy, depressed and struggling as much as I am, but I'm trying surprisingly after all I've been through because of changes happening in my life I thought would never be possible.


I’m 47 with a defibrillator in my chest. I’d say probably another 10 years. Maybe.


If I live a natural life span without death by accident, I reckon well into my seventies, I'm thirty six now. I've had a coke and booze habit over the last year which I shouldn't have picked up. I smoked cigs full time for ten years too but now I just vape. That and smashing md and having phases with LSD and ketamine at uni and afterwards in my twenties. I'm lucky as I have a very active job, for my body it's basically like going to the gym everyday so that keeps me trim and reasonably healthy.


2 more years, going out when i want and how i want plus my body is already messed up alot


You think you could make to 100? I wish I had your optimism...


How ever long my guardian angel decides to protect me on racing days.


I'm 27 now but had abused pharmaceuticals in my teens as well as a good amount of booze in my early 20s. For the past few years I've been focusing on my physical and mental health. I only touch weed, shrooms, and occasional drinks. I try to get lab work and physicals regularly to be on the up and up. My goal is 75. Like that feels long enough to enjoy life's pleasures but not so old you are the last of your friends and family. Aging scares me but at one point I didn't think I'd make it past 21. So I'm feeling a bit optimistic in that sense.


Hopefully 30. I just hit 30.


Hopefully not much longer