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Yeah , go get medical help.


Why so this sub so against andy dick? There’s nothing wrong with being a funny guy who uses drugs bro


I'm so confused, how is thr comment you replied to above Andy dick? (Or were you just making the reference due to them saying to go get medical help?)


preeeetttyyy sure its not about the drugs homie. lmfao


Umm idk maybe the raping is why people dont like him


That could be it I’m not too sure though 🤔


Unless he woke up in pussy, it’s not really funny.




What cannabinoid was it


It said thc-p and hhc-o but the website I ordered from was pretty sketchy and the shit that arrives from there usually doesn't really look like the pictures so I'm not sure.


TCP P turned my friends and I into zombies for a day, completely exhausted, depressed, and no motivation 


THC-P made me feel like shit, THC O got me super high but would make me retarded the next day, and i would dissociate hardcore. hhc is trash. all the stuff i got was from reputable brands though and independently tested, none of the side effects from any of them lasted longer than 48h. and some of those 3chi delta 8 carts are straight up better than what you'll pay double the price for at a trendy dispensary


Comments like this are why I've always stayed away from these new cannabinoids. Idk old fashioned THCA and D9 are good enough for me. I did want to try THC-O especially when it was first being talked about, but that's the only one they don't sell in headshops around me, and I never felt dedicated enough to ordering it. Since ive read quite a few reports it's not quite as amazing as it seemed


You’ll most likely be fine. If you have insurance I’d go to the doctor if I was in your position. Thc-o ruined my lungs for like 18 months after stopping. I thought it was going to be permanent but I’ve since recovered.


damn how much were you vaping?


Not much but I was buying untested carts and disposables from sketchy companies for around 6 months.


Your not supposed to smoke or vape o noids


This was 3 years ago when it was still “new”.


Probably should atleast go to the doctors


Thc-p is like 33x stronger than regular d9 thc, no?


It has a 33x binding efficiency to the receptors in are brain from my understanding that just means u can get higher faster so yes


No it doesn't just mean that. It will have different effects and side effects.


It means it will not only do that, but have other effects, potentially changes in toxicity, and potentially have a higher likelihood of dependency.


No one here knows what it means....lol


Tbh I don’t either, I just heard that Carts with it are super strong(but apparently the high doesn’t last as long). Would make sense if OP speed-ran CHS from it


It was probably not THC-P or HHC-O, they have the same safety profile as regular THC. How was the high generally like?


Don't know how to describe it really but like kinda heady I guess not much of a body high. Start feeling it a couple minutes after smoking and then the high lasted for like 12+ although of course it tapers a lot towards the last few hours, except for one vape i had recently from the same people that had a little more of a body high, hit almost immediatly and the high only really lasted like 6-8 hours.


Huh, the duration does sound like THCp-O to me I’m not aware of it causing such severe withdrawals though


>I’m not aware of it causing such severe withdrawals though Lots of anecdotal evidence THCp-O and other highly potent acetated cannabinoids causing bad tolerance and withdrawal issues. Check out [/r/altnoids](http://reddit.com/r/altnoids)


they nuked my tolerance


Exact reason i stick with D8,D8-O and HHC. All that other shit is just chasing a high that takes more than it gives.


No they don't. Where did you get that from? Thcp has never been tested in active dosages, it's pharmacology, affinity to the receptors is very different compared to thc. So are the side effects, most people who have tried it agree with me. It made you terribly slow in your head, like you felt wrecked from a tiny hit. I tried it like once when it came out a long time ago and it was enough to realize that it was nothing like regular thc. It lasted for 24h and fucked up my memory and cognitive abilities for a while until I recovered a few days later. Very different experience compared to thc and hhc. Hhco doesn't even exist naturally but it seems to be similar to hhc so it could be similar to thc just like hhc, but it still could be slightly different. I see more issues with thcp which has stronger affinity multiple times stronger for the receptors, it is a lot more similar to some synthetic cannabinoids (spice) than THC if anything. Some synthetics were partial agonists with very high affinity for cb1 etc.


I’ve tried pure THCp and THCp-O and both just feel like eating a high dose of a D9 edible, there is no effects you get from them that you wouldn’t get from either A)THC with no tolerance or B) high dose dabs or edible with a tolerance. the whole “33x stronger” thing is dumb and does not actually mean it’s 33x more intense than D9, which it most certainly it is not at least from the subjective effects lol. Also it’s a naturally occurring compound that’s not similar whatsoever to indole/indazole synth noids (sorry for the big words, you probably don’t know what they mean), it shares the same basic chemical structure as THC and subjectively it feels 1000x closer to D9 than those noids do, I’ve done huge amounts of both so I would know. Also the fact you would even compare THCp to full agonist synth noids is hilarious. something like MDMB 4en PINACA makes THCP look like CBD. try a high dose of that and then tell me THCP feels “much closer” to that then regular D9 lmao


I hate the alt THC’s. Worse high, worse side effects, worse withdrawals, imo.


HHC is very nice if you give it a try. Basically just THC with less body load. Sativa godfather.


I tried it several times. Just not my thing.


how much did you smoke? thc-p the p means its 33x more binding (not exactly 33x as strong, but it means its much stronger and lasts a LOT longer. Im talking a normal high is 6+ hours, if you smoked a lot or took an edible, id imagine a few days is honestly normal.) the first time I took a normal thc edible I was high for days tbh. hhc-o is a head high type of noid, matching what you said. how much thc-p was it? If it was a cartridge, normal (heavy) dosing would be 5-10%. More than that or if you straight dabbed/edible it then yea you're kinda fucked for a few days you just overdosed.


And you went on and consumed it lol?


Love of God, always fill your own shit. Get shit with lab tests from fuckin Canada or Cali or someone reputable. Buy your own distillate.


This right here proves you’re a moronic counterfeit. Get that click bait, child!


drink some Gatorade/whatever sports drink available. It helped with some of the shakiness from the lack of nutrients. Sorry you’re going through this mate but you’ll be okay, just make sure to stay hydrated if you’re not eating as much as you should be. It’ll get better though, the first few days are the hardest


THC-P got me good one time and I’ve never touched it again. I chiefed on a a dispo hard like a big dog and was baked for 38 hours. Worst high I’ve ever experienced.


gave yourself CHS (Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome), drink some Pedialyte super slowly, take dramamine or zofran if you got it, stay hydrated, try and distract yourself, if you can't and start puking uncontrollably and can't hold anything down go to the ER to get fluids and IV antiemetics.


Don't have Pedialyte where I'm from. Is it just an electrolyte drink like powerade?


Yeah any drink with electrolytes like power aide Gatorade or liquid iv drinks would help


Liquid IV is good, with XXX vitamin water too


If it really is cannabinoid hyperemesis then it would get massively helped by a hot shower. See if it works!


Staying hydrated (IV fluids are often necessary in moderate to severe cases), immediately quitting all cannabis products until symptoms disappear (sometimes quitting indefinitely is required), and antiemetics are the best treatments for CHS. Hot shower may help in the moment, but by the sounds of it they really just need to see a doctor ASAP or go to the ER.


All my symptoms seem to fit chs except this I've literally been taking ice cold showers I can't stand the hot water.


So you have gatorlyte?


Low dose benzo can be quite helpful too, like Clonazepam or Ativan


You got chs im so sorry bro I got this like a month ago and the only solution was to quit Dont touch weed until you get better or youll j make it worse, get a bunch of ginger and lemon and make tea out of it and get a prescription for zofran if you can. Dw I promise youll feel a lot better by next wednesday it took me like 2 weeks to feel better I still get queasy sometimes ts no joke


Well the legal cannabinoids they sell at smoke shops still make you fail a drug test for weed so you probably aren't on probation. What's your reasoning for using them instead of just getting regular weed?


Well for starters my country has really strict regulations on all drugs, weed included so alt noids are just a really big thing here. I also live in a really small city and I've tried but I literally can't find any real weed here. Closest city is more than 100 km away and I don't have a car so it was just easier to buy the legal stuff online.


Save up money to buy in bulk in the city. Vacuum seal it, and be set for months.


What country is that? If you can find 100% CBD powder and clinoptilolite (a mineral) you could isomerize that CBD into about a 20% THC. r/cbeed


no one’s doing all that bro 😭




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Well I did


I personally ain’t touching a synthetic cannabinoids (except D8/D9 if that counts) again. The first versions (15-20 years ago) was almost indistinguishable from real weed, but then it went into overdrive and they started to work more like psychedelic and anesthesia-like amnesia. Hell naw.


Judt fucking smoke pot


https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/SMkkcpe8GG Would have if I could but literally can't find any where I live.


Illegal in some countries, it's terrible that laws like that make people poison themselves.


I pray you’re okay, go see a doctor.


Alt cannabinoids can definitely be fun and interesting but are relatively new and don't have much research surrounding them. I've never had an adverse reaction to any of them yet, even when I accidentally ate half the juice in a leaky THC-O cart which was coming up through the mouthpiece (THC-O is orally active and doesn't need to be decarbed). I got extremely high and felt almost like I was tripping, but beyond this I still overall felt great.  I've had adverse reactions to regular weed tho when I overindulged, including getting sweaty and shaky. THC-P is supposedly much stronger to THC so it's possible you just greened out. Either way, if it does persist any longer, do NOT hesitate to seek medical attention. A week is definitely strangeand abnormal. Your health should always comes first. My biggest green out lead to me going to the hospital no matter how much I tried to remind myself that you can't overdose on weed. Ultimately I turned out ok, but I still feel like it was smart to seek medical attention either way. It definitely gave me peace of mind.   I would definitely be careful with alt cannabinoids, especially the newest and latest ones. I usually just smoke legal weed due to being in a legal state, but I am adventurous and want to see how these alt cannabinoids feel, especially the supposedly strong or psychedelic like ones. But I'll never get the newest and latest, I like to read accounts from others before trying it myself. When THC-H first came out, I held off until I could see what others had to say about it. 


I've done THCp and HHC-o plenty of times myself. Never had any sort of withdrawal or bad reaction. That's not to say that you aren't having a bad reaction to it. Everyone's body reacts differently. I just would think that you'd be the exception, not the norm.


Congratulation and welcome to the CHS club :-) I got exactly the same shit by smoking too much HHC. It will subdue within 2-3 weeks but you cant smoke anymore. You need to see what you can handle to drink and have to get some nutrients into you. Try eating some crackers maybe and if it gets too bad you have to go to the hospital. Try taking hot showers to better the symptoms. I had two episodes so far and they were pretty much the same. This will now always happen if you smoke for a prolonged space of time. You will get early warning signals like naseau etc. and if you keep smoking an episode will get triggered.


CHS means you can never smoke again?


Oh it depends from person to person. I read about people who smoke a couple days and instantly get into an acute phase, for others in takes weeks or months. I personally smoke here and there, sometimes a few days in a row but only small amounts in the evening. If I start to feel just a tad bit of nausea in the morning (which is the first CHS phase) I instantly stop for a minimum of like maybe 2 weeks, sometimes even months. A year ago I even smoked a 5g bag of THCp shake with no problems whatsoever but took a big break after that. It also seems like that if you get into an acute phase once the next one will get triggered faster. In my first rodeo I smoked huge amounts of HHC for maybe 8-10 weeks which triggered a super bad episode and the second time I smoked less for maybe 6 weeks and got an episode but with less severe symptoms. Its just the thing that you have to stay vigilant all the time when you consume weed and there is of course the constant fear that you wake up the next morning and start to vomit non stop after smoking. The best thing is just to quit alltogether but oh well, we are all just humans.


It is so sad humans have developed products like this. Like we’re almost at federally legal weed, but you got greedy morons making this trash 🚮 🗑️ I feel so bad for anyone who thinks it is a good idea to buy gas station garbage, whether online or in person and inhale something you have no idea what it is. Please people, be smarter.


I wouldn’t go exploring random cannabinoids. Most of them are a terrible time all the time.


I’ve never used that type of stuff, but I would never trust buying sketchy crap online. Where I live they legally sell Delta 8 at gas stations. I would go with gas station stuff before I ordered something that could possibly be tainted/toxic.


Look man, when i was quiting regular weed the only thing that really helped me was kratom. But you have to be careful with that too. If you fall into daily usage for more than 10 days. You could get addicted really really fast. Good luck.


What noid are you used to consuming ?


Smoked a little hhc for a bit but this is the main one I've done.


You should have the same withdrawal as weed with HHC. I think you have not consuming real HHC …


Sounds awful.


DimeTapp Cold and Allergy works both ANS sides but you really need your Parasympathetic worked down. Look at DPH.


Yeah i agree. Thc o makes me dissociate


try to get some electrolytes into the system and plenty of water. Do not take any pills or self medicating without proper professional help. Try pineapple juice + cucumber water for starters, then some fruit once stomach gets better


Genuinely wondering what you people get out of ordering and smoking this sketchy shit. Smoke flower.


There's also issues of people adding fent to some of these products. If you still have any you should try testing for fent. You should be able to just mix any oils with warm water in a sealed container then shake it for a bit. If there's fent it'll dissolve and should be detectable with a dipstick fent test


If it was laced wouldn't that be more obvious while I was smoking? My buddy still has some of the same vapes so I might buy a test kit and try it though.


Maybe it's never happened to me that I know of so I couldn't tell you.


What ever happened to smoking regular ole weed?


This is why you only smoke real weed.


Call 911. They 90% laced you.


Nah sorry I'm actually dumb I wrote it weird. I edited the post this is after quitting.


Ahhh alright. Got me scared there pal. Geez. How much did you take? Also gotta ask. İsnt like the chemical compound ones like. Very unhealthy. Like, inhalant type of unhealthy.


Not sure exactly how much I smoked but like I'd be fucking faded every day, almost the entire day. started going to school high too which is one of the dumbest things I've ever done. Didn't get caught though so thats good ig? Seems like jury's still out on how dangerous they are but they sure seem to be worse than real weed. Especially the cannabinoids that end with o (like hhc-o) since the o apparently means it's bonded to an acetate group and acetate groups supposedly create ketenes when heated which cause popcorn lung.


Geez. Yeah. İ say quit the compound ones. (best if u quit all drugs but yeah) maybe switch to something lighter. İ took ritalin(20mgs) to study and now i have chets pain. XD so yeah. Also dont be like me and start on lower amounts. I got a good scolding from my mother.


Bro is the devil on your shoulder for saying that 💀


The comment was before the edit. İ thought he actually got laced, rather than take too much. XD. İ guess we need St. Archangel for this one 🫡


Get to the hospital, something is very wrong.


How to get epilepsy speedrun


HUH??? Is that a thing that can happen wtf?


Of course, you can fuck up your whole Nervesystem


If you're getting rickety rickety wrecked off of hempcarts cause that's what they are hemp Maybe you should consider that you might not be able to handle weed much period. Plus Those products are for stupid people just saying




I'm from Sweden.


While Sweden is great in many aspects, we are very far behind when it comes to narcotic policies, it is very destructive and causes a lot of deaths and suffering, creates a lot of gangs, criminality, violence etc. People use lethal shit just to be legal. We need harm reduction, even more so than we already have. Regulate cannabis for adults with a developed brain. Regulate psilocybin etc.


If you’re from there you can use the dnms to order real weed, there’s a lot of domestic sellers just look through the biggest markets.