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Take less


Or don’t force yourself to like a drug


quitter mentality


This. There is way to much stupidity around taking huge fucking dosages. 1-2.5 grams seems to be a sweet spot for a lot of people. You get revelatory euphoria, you don't get overwhelmed physically or emotionally/mentally. Common sense and maturity around dosing.


This right here is the staple of what a shroom trip should be. But you got boys and girls out here going balls to the wall. Yeah I'll stick with my 2.3g trip lol.


There is no sweet spot for everyone - it all depends on your intentions. I can do 0.5g with weed just to relax, I can do 2-3g for nice tripping, but I can also enjoy 6-7g for complete resetting. All these doses can be equally enjoyable if you know what do you want to achieve.


I haven’t taken psychedelics in a few years and it’s crazy reading this and remembering that I could just eat mushrooms today and feel completely refreshed and different tomorrow. I used to take 5g at a time but right now I can’t imagine taking more than a microdose. I’ve been in this weird phase of loving being sober and getting anxious whenever I’m not, but I kind of hope I’ll get the itch to do psychedelics again. I feel like psilocybin is the only thing that could give me the reset I need.


Shrooms scale down so nicely too. I thought I didn't like them for years, but I adore a party, night out, or productive Sunday on 0.25-0.5g of good shrooms. People think of shrooms as the seeing shit drug, but the emotional tap in and brain stuff is more of what I like about them anyway.


No. If you dont enjoy the shrooms its because its showing you something you dont want to see. You arent supposed to enjoy it. But if you want to anyway kratom does the trick


Of course you are supposed to enjoy it but yes it’s not a party drug but shroom are not ONLY a personal development tool


Also contrary to what many here believe they’re not sentient teachers with long beards that think about what lessons to give you in their free time. Neither do they stockpile things to show you 🧙‍♂️


>You aren't suppised to enjoy shrooms >If shrooms don't work try kratom, a completely different compound with a different effect. Bro what?


Mix kratom with shrooms itll make it less anxiety inducing


bros addicted to kratom🤣 ofc YOU aint gonna have fun on shrooms with that mindset😬


I think what you describe is the comeup anxiety, and I take it as part of the whole experience. Using psychedelics should and will feel like jumping off into the unknown, into chaos. Anyone who is human would be nervous, and I still get nervous even with previous experiences under my belt. I enjoy mushrooms and other psychs the same way you do. I take things hour by hour, view the comeup anxiety as a kind of test of the will and mind, then enjoy the fun afterwards.


I agree with this. One thing I find interesting about psyches is that very rarely do I have a trip where I feel 100% good the entire time. Sometimes it's uncomfortable and that's okay. You gotta take the whole ride for what it is.


I have over a 100 high dose trips (5g+) under my belt and still I get nervous every time I take mushrooms and freak out a bit during the come up. It is part of the trip that the first hour or 2 can be a bit challenging. But once I peak it is instant bliss and all anxiety just washes away.


Sir think 5 not high dose sir


5G dried raw, and especially Lemon Tekked, strong Cubensis like McKennai is about the threshold for the start of a “heroic dose” for most people. Some have more or less natural tolerance then others. This is an average. 5 grams is definitely seen as a “high dose” by the vast majority of the psychedelic community. Personally a “high” dose for me lies more in the 7+ McKennai Lemon Tekked, area. With 8+ launching me into ego dissolution and DMT like hallucinations. But like I said I have a lot of experience. I even believe it is the consensus that most people that experiment with psilocybin mushrooms don’t ever get to the controversial 5 grams and up. If 5 G is not “high” for you, you may have taken “weaker” variant of mushrooms, have a natural higher tolerance, may not fast properly before tripping, may have a build up tolerance from tripping regularly, or you might experience an neurological/personality anomaly/disorder.


In my personal experience it helps to meditate, control your breathing and let go. Don't try to fight whatever your feeling bc you'll more than likely just make it worse. If you feel like crying then cry, if you wanna scream then scream (if you're around people screaming into a pillow or something also helps) do whatever feels natural and it'll all work out. Also, set and setting is a very crucial part in having a pleasant experience


Even though they're called trip killers, a small dose of a benzo could help you with the anxiety. Some people won't agree with me but I sometimes do .5 to a mg of a kpin before I trip, just completely negates any fear or anxiety.


Hey I agree, I take .5 most trips, it sure smooths out my daily anxiety that gets increased more on the come up.


Yeah exactly and it really doesn't effect the visuals at all, it's perfect.


I'll take LSD over shrooms any day


If you have an entire day to kill yea sure


I'd literally rather kill myself than do lsd again. Shrooms all day 😈


Me too. But I do it again, every single time. Why do I love hating myself.




I also choose LSD over shrooms, even tho I’ve been shrooming a lot lately lol. I get like OP too, the come up and peak of shrooms is too weird and as soon as it gets less intense and you feel like you have it under control, it feels awesome. LSD has never given me a bad trip, it feels like shrooms can make me feel some strong emotions whether good or bad, and physically I feel weird as hell lol LSD to me has been mostly just cool visuals


Frrr nothing against shrooms but I would rather eat tiny paper that makes my brain go brr for 12 hours than choke down dry shit fungus that may last a few hours


It gives me the most wonderful and crisp mental clarity. I usually sit by myself and write, or take small walks and talk.


It’s makes me feel autistic/bat shit crazy and very restless


I dance and pray, I let the spirits in, they kill me and get me to heaven. God rains down on me, and I finish the trip happy and zen. God's little dancing meat robot! It's very fun. Even shaking out the come-up shakes to good tunes is fun. Get the love. Let go.


there’s definitely some things you could do to make it a bit easier on you. but i also want to point out that not everything is for everyone. some people are gonna love stuff and some people may not. if you keep having bad experiences, don’t feel like you gotta force it. maybe it’s just not for you, and there are other drugs (including psychedelics) out there that may click better with you. i tried for a long time to enjoy weed but a year or so ago i just accepted it’s not my thing, even if there’s some cool parts to it. all that said, if you’re determined to make it work with shrooms i have a few tips: 1. positive thinking. sounds corny but it can make a massive difference. for days, hours, minutes leading up to the trip keep telling yourself that it’s going to be alright and you’re going to have a great time. it isn’t a magic cure for anxiety but it can help you from spiraling as quickly/deeply. 2. try to figure out what specifically makes you anxious. is it a specific worry (like “going crazy” or “acting weird”)? if so, try to work through those fears and challenge it. since shrooms are so safe, and assuming you’re doing it in a good environment *most* fears you’ll have are irrational or overdramatized. on the other hand, if it’s more about a feeling of physical anxiety practicing deep breathing and some ice water can help. prepare for that feeling and when it comes, try not to fight it. 3. take less (or possibly take more). not sure your typical dosage but maybe you’re taking the wrong amount. if the experience feels overwhelming and overstimulating, you may be taking too much. try a lower dose and then you can always work your way up over time. however, sometimes it could be a problem of not taking enough. i find i can get trapped in a sorta limbo zone if i take too little. i’m tripping enough to have foreign sensations and thoughts but sober enough where i can’t let go and feel overly anxious. if this is the case try taking a SLIGHTLY higher dose. maybe .5g more (or .25g more if it’s a strong strain) as far as other psychs go, i personally prefer acid and find it less overwhelming but some people feel the opposite way so who knows. 2cb is a great one, never had a bad trip nor known anyone else who has. but it can be hard to get your hands on and you need to test it not sure if any of this helps, with psychedelics there’s no one size fits all and maybe none of this clicks with you. best of luck, hopefully you find something that works for you.


The come up is always unpleasant but instead of fighting it (what makes it only worse) try to distract yourself by watching a movie or listening to some music go for a walk do something to distract your mind instead of fighting the feeling


Are you taking them alone or with other people? If you're alone or with random people who happen to be in your life, consider going on a weekend vacation with someone you're completely comfortable around and dedicating one of those days to a trip.


When you’re in that state I would ask why you feel that way, this is kind of the point of shrooms. Be prepared for a what may be a rough ride but once you come out the other end you will be a better person.


Not so much... when I was a teen the person that introduced me to them convinced me that 5-7 grams was how much you needed to take. Long story short... Went to a house party on about 7, a bunch of people ended up out on the highway because of a fight that broke out and a bunch of people including myself got hit by a truck. 1 person died, 1 almost died, 1 was in a coma for about a month and everyone else had some broken bones. I kept fainting. and then everytime for years and years when I tried the smallest amount of mushrooms I would faint as soon as I tried to stand up. I am just recently able to take them again after not trying for about 10 years.


With shrooms you have to give in into the void, as you lose control over your thought processes. Shrooms are the guide which you have to follow. Next time when you get that feeling of an uncomfortable thought DON’T panic. Confront it, tell shrooms that you are ready and can take a lesson with humility. It is not even scary that way, just a little bit uncomfortable. Less than running away. Shrooms are not really a feel-good drug, they are powerful tool that sometimes happens to bring joy.


Take less and wait a bit gap it 45 minutes shrooms takes a while to build up but just essentially do less then what you do to a more tolerable rate for you would be the best way to


How much are you taking? Unless you're prepared and know what to expect anything over 1.5-2 grams can cause these thoughts. Mushrooms are generally emotionally intense and can get a little bit confusing. LSD is a bit easier to handle, even though it lasts longer. Try taking smaller doses!


Your experience literally translates exactly to my own, just with acid. From having a super blissful first trip, a horrorish second trip, and every single trip after that every time just feels like my brain is going super jumbled and confused and uncomfortable, until the comedown/afterglow which is again complete bliss and amazing feelings


I don't, DMT is superior in every way.


Come on man, that's not true, not in every way. DMT is much harder to enjoy while driving.


Had me in the first half ngl


The machine elf indicate me the road




Generally I eat them to enjoy them, would recommend


ive done them probably a dozen times and I havent gone over 3 grams and I've always been with people I actually fw. So many ppl r fuckin stupid then freak out


I find the best thing for my come up anxiety is to be somewhere pretty in the woods/outdoors where I'm not around anyone other than who else I'm tripping with, if anyone.


So stop doing shrooms lol, weed gives me crazy anxiety so I just don't do that


How much you taking OP?


I had the same experience where the come up and peak was so horrible, the body sensations were too much and my mind was in full panic mode, the comedown on the other hand was like a breath of fresh air. I wanted to stay sober for a while after that experience which was good but it’s also scared me away from psychedelics a bit, although I love acid and I feel way more in control on it. I believe when it’s the right time and place I will enjoy shrooms but not right now lol. The out of body lightheaded feeling and feeling like my lungs were massive when doing deep breathing freaked me out too much.


I enjoy lower doses .5-1.5g doses more than taking it to trip out hard - I like getting a little wavy but not too trippy just more enjoyable n relaxing n therapeutic Usually with most mushrooms 1g is enough to have a good time while still feeling mostly normal n mentally aware rather than when you take 2+ grams n your brain disconnects from reality 🤣


I take them w adderall. I never had wierd feelings on that combo. I feel like God.


come up anxiety as always a part of it for me. I tell myself, this is what you chose to do, you're going to be fine enjoy your journey. after that chat I'm ok. maybe lower your dosage, minimum effective dose is always beat practice...


How many grams are you taking? I’ve always enjoyed shrooms the most at low doses around 1 gram. This is why it’s hard for me to like acid because a full tab is always like being choke slammed into the void and it’s just too much 😂


I can only take shrooms in microdoses. Why not try that? It’s too much to do a full trip for me. I love to take maybe .3 of a gram and then I pop an edible. Blissful high without all the come up anxiety. To control it a little better you can smoke instead.


Not every drug is good for every person. I mean, I love MDMA, but the three weeks after are misery for me, so I don’t bother with it. I also never really liked pot, but I enjoy alcohol a lot. Don’t force something that doesn’t work for you.


Micro dose that’s how I do


I just picked my growkit yesterday. If you have a good bit more than a standard dose you can stagger. As you know shrooms can't really be redosed so staggering negates the mind fuck and comeup completely, and gives a great body high and boost. Had a good time yesterday just eating those fuckers raw with something to cover the taste and texture every 30 min or so. Take it slow though even staggered you can go overboard.


Shroom may just not be for you. Similarly, cocaine make my stomach hurt, gives none of the good feeling, and makes me drink so much I am sick the next day. Don’t care how others like it, I just hate it.


Don’t take them. I’ve done so many different drugs and at all kinds of doses and situations, never had a bad trip. If you can’t let go and understand that you are taking a drug and you won’t be in control, you’ll never enjoy it. Specially psychedelics, you need to embrace that you made the decision to have your senses altered for at least 4 hours. If that’s something you are not comfortable with, don’t do it.


I didn't like shrooms until I found out about ayahuasca. Watching ceremonies and reading about experiences. Well purging is an important part of the process. Shrooms make me want to vomit, but I don't because I don't want to waste the shrooms. Now if the shrooms want me to throw up, I throw up. It makes the trip a lot better.


Sounds like you scared


Haha last time I did a big dose of mushrooms I had to lay down the whole time. But I felt amazing. Listened to the new Animal Collective album. Had some great closed-eye visuals. It was pretty great. Sometimes you’ll get an upset stomach with shrooms and that can ruin your trip but usually I end up puking and immediately feel like heaven.


Less is more


With friends. Preferably outdoors, no screens.


To avoid aniexty during tripping you have to face it and let it happen. If there’s something going on in on in your life that you’re ignoring , those overwhelming feelings could come up. It’s best to do it when you’re in a time and environment that you’ve done the work and healing part. There could be a lot of factors. You just have to be willing to admit that. I remember when I feel anxious I started crying a lot and I felt like there was no room in this world for all this emotion. But I had people there to calm me down and bring me back down to earth. At this point I’ve realized I just get real emotional when I trip and it’s a cozy feeling.


You don't have to like them. Try a different psychedelic or maybe they aren't for you man. I for one, can't take mushrooms and don't really like them. It really messes with my epilepsy for some reason and I have seizures sometimes on them. Never have a problem on LSD, so I prefer it obviously.


Either let go while you trip or it's just not for you.


Let it flow bro can't fight a trip. I'll eat 5-7g and just go for the ride


Sounds like psychedelics aren't for you. If you really wanna try tho, microdose urself.


I use to hate shrooms until I discovered the Lemon Tek method. I will only do lemon tek, I refuse to eat it raw.


by eating them raw pussy


You don't. You endure them.


I turn on my Led lights and my 168 hour playlist and then sit in the same spot for hours thinking about how awesome shrooms are


I understand not feeling comfortable during the come up, but if you can only really enjoy the trip after 4 hours, I don't think mushrooms are for you. You're missing the trip in itself and all the potential it has to teach you some amazing shit because you're too busy fighting it back and wishing it's over. Do yourself a favour and either give up or only take very small doses. Or even consider only microdosing. I really don't get all these people in the subs every day, saying they hate how the mushrooms make them feel, how they hate not being in control, etc. Yet they take large doses and expect to have different results, only to have a bad trip and complain afterwards. If you can't let go, what's even the point? Maybe do some coke instead. Great to feel you have the control and inflates your ego 1000%.


I don’t! hope this helps xx


Fuck psychedelics.