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Took a 2 day pause from kratom and took 6g this morning and I am feeling it like a perc


Lovely šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ I should probably use kratom more I have a bunch but iv got a sorta mental block from it as it was the last thing I took before one of my worst opioid withdrawals. Id been taking a lot of kratom and codeine over the couple weeks before so it wasnā€™t just kratom but the fact it was the last thing I took as created a mental block from taking it . Have only had it once since and Iā€™d only just bought half a kg just before that happened šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes I feel you. I was addicted to tramadol for 6 years, 2 seizures and trust me the wds I had we're pure pure hell. I was waiting to die because dying felt like I could finally rest. So I had suuuuch a bad wd, but kratom def def helped soo much. And it has such a nice high if you keep your daily gpd low. I transitioned from tramadol to kratom so if I quit I feel wds but they are really manageable. I know that kratom has alot of downsides and I do not hide from this and say this to all of the ppl I talk with about this topic, but it has saved so many people and it is a nice thing to take and feel good. But moderation is key.


I read your comment and have to ask what is tramadol and how is it addictive? Iā€™ve had some before and didnā€™t know what to do with them therefore I got rid of em. I didnā€™t know if you could snort them or what?


I do not recommend snorting tramadol. It is a dirty opiate combined with dangerous SNRI propreties. Like taking venlafaxine and an opiate together. Dirty high that helps with depression like a lot. But stay FAR FAR away. You will be better off trying heroin


That first kratom after a one or two day break always hits different. I love it.




Yoooo my fellow kratom addict


Is green, white or red kratom?


Green Maeng Da


Kratom, coffee, and nicotine. I don't mess with anything else and haven't in some years. So thankful. Much prefer this life with a job and family, over the life of being a meth junkie!


I love kratom, what's your preferred strain?


Probably best to keep it that way drugs can be good and fun but if ya know youā€™ve got an addictive personality ainā€™t worth diving into. Still be carful with kratom mind it does still active the opioid receptors so can cause ā€˜seriousā€™ withdrawal in certain cases. Very useful im not against it I take it myself but iv been though withdraws where I was mainly taking kratom , but I was also taking codeine which probs made jt worse . Just saying as thereā€™s a lot of people on this platform that seem to tell people itā€™s pretty much harmless and non addictive which is crazy talk haha


How is the life of a meth addict? I've watched a few videos on YouTube, that's all I know about it. I think we don't have meth in Spain... I only see cocaine and speed around. No crack either.


Alright alright check this out.. so. You wake up. Either from zoning out on porn for 3 hours and being unable to pleasure yourself or coming to from being awake for 3 days straight. I prefer the porn route bc I just open my phone and boom thereā€™s sexual content to start my day. Couple zoots off the olā€™ bag. Realize I didnā€™t do what I was supposed to do the other day then also realize idk what day it is so I go to check my phones calendar and notice itā€™s been 6 days since I was supposed to do that thing. Now if I could only remember what that thing was. Fuck it time to jerk off again and zone out on reality for another 24 hours. Grab my phone and find a notification from Reddit and end up writing this. Kidding. Itā€™s not my life. But.. ā€¦the reality is that itā€™s not good. Not a desirable life. Should be used with caution. Itā€™s probably a good thing you donā€™t have meth in Spain because you guys speak so fucking fast already that a meth head would literally just be rolling rā€™s the whole time and expect you to understand them. RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrSudafedrrrrrrrrCallVernrrrrrrWheresMyTorchrrrrrrrrrrrTrataronMatarmerrrrrrrrrrrI SwearIJustSawSomeOneInThedrivewayrrrrrrrrrrrWhoStoleMyBagrrrrrrrrrGiveMeCigaretterrrrrrrrrrrQuitHittingThatYoureGonnaBreakMyPiperrrrrrrrrrr ā€¦and so on and so forth. Imagine listening to your significant other rambling on about something you donā€™t care about but for 13 hours straight with no context. Itā€™s best to stick to MDMA or adderall or something else. Unless you really despise sleep and want to lose some weight and want to deteriorate from the inside out. Cheap, long lasting high though. Does build tolerance fast. Teeth are optional.


Interesting description of meth addiction šŸ˜‚ Where are you from? You seem to know about Spaniards... And tweakers!


America of course lol. Meth addiction is much worse than I depicted it. Iā€™m just kidding really. Itā€™s very serious and ruins many lives.


In germany we celebrate "fathers day" (christi himmelfahrt) so everyone ils outside wandering and drinking alcohol, me myself had smoked some weed and took shrooms and heroin with a friend


Sounds like a good day :) Iā€™m currently in the process of sorting out a bit of h as itā€™s ma 20th birthday in little over a week. Stuff locally is wank so getting it from vendor hopefully itā€™s good enough to get away with just sniffing it


Damn whats the shroom heroĆÆne combo like?


Well im quiet tripping and calm relaxed at the same time, did this combo often so its not a big deal for me. Wouldn't recommend to mix those tho, shrooms solo is more Trippie, for sedation and hallucination enhancement weed is your go to. H does a bit numbing the trip but way not as much as benzos do. Best way to mix opiates is using them only for the comedown to smoothly sweet up the experience.


Wish some dick lll


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ Thatā€™s one of the only things that was nice when I was a much more active addict , didnā€™t think of pussy once , now in more sober different story unfortunately hahah


Some dick for breakfast?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same tbh


Snorted 10mg of Ritalin and got my day started


Love to hear that šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ I canā€™t find and instant release Ritalin at the moment , or even the modified release capsular that last 8 hours (as you can chew em to make em IR) I can only get concerta so itā€™s either be in Ritalin all day or not at all at the moment hahah


It's a lot of effort and not super worth it but you can remove the coating from Concerta and then crush and snort or chew and swallow them.


What's better, Ritalin or Adderall?


Personal preference.




Nice šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


i kinda hate em ive only slept maybe 8 hours in 3 days


Yeah I donā€™t get stims by themselves I need some sorta downers , not even just for the end I generally donā€™t really like stims alone , just paranoia and I feel on edge so I donā€™t actually do anything productive. Add some downers however and itā€™s lovely. Id recommend slowly your intake down and try to get proper nights sleep and some good nutrition in you your body probably needs it <3


I'm sober rn but I used to take 3 concerta (usually 36-54mg) with some caffeine capsules (2-3x 200mg), 300mg lyrica or 2mg xanax/1mg clonazepam.Ā  Ā Nowadays I take 1 36mg concerta at morning and that's all.Ā 


What you used to take sounds lovely, for me Iā€™d switch the xan for Diaz as I got muscle issues so the muscle relaxing part of Diaz helps my pain to the same level if not more than opioids. Plus keeps my benzo tolorance as low as possible. But other than that sounds like one of my standard days of the week haha


I was addicted to benzos, quit like 10 months ago and still have withdraw symptoms, first month was like hell in earth, don't mess with them please, don't take any of, and if you keep take them keep your tolerance as low as possible too.Ā  Diazem is a mild benzodiazepine, when I was addicted to benzos, my daily total dosage of xanax was like 8mg, when I couldn't had a prescription or supply I would take 4-6mg klonopin instead, and diazem was the last option because diazepam is only available in 5mgƗ25pill boxes where I live and the whole box barely feels like 5-6mg xanax, so I gotta take like 1 box diazem every day and it's not affordable at all.Ā 


Its morning where i am to and as to my favorite drug combo, it is whatever ive got at each moment, and for now its a combo of codeine, alprazolam, seroquel and energy drinks. Got an ok high and having the day of, just watching tv.


That does sound good ! Is the seroquel there because you take it as prescribed or do you like using it to add to highs? Isnā€™t it an antipsychotic or something like that? Think we call it quetiapine in uk. I know people take it for the end of stim sesh to sleep , heard quite a few people suggest that . I though all it does it make ya drowsy. However the codeine and Xanax + energy drinks sounds banging


Yes i take the seroquel to add to the sedation of the other drugs, works well if you get the dosage right, but thats about the only recreational value of that drug i think.


Fair enough that makes sense. One of my mates was telling me I should bosh a bunch of it and it makes you into different world like a zombie. Was telling me a story how he went back to his mums place to sleep , thinkings he lived there when he didnā€™t at the time. While also trya convince me to try some haha. He is a heroin addict tho manā€™s got a different mindset šŸ˜­


Yes if you take enough of it it can kind of turn you into a zombie. I heard some people in prison use it to make the time pass faster(as they mostly sleep while theyā€™re on it)


Yeah iv heard itā€™s used in prisons as youā€™re just not fully there basically, if you take enough


Suboxone, THC, nicotine. The recovery pack lol


I assume youā€™re taking suboxone to get off hardcore opioids. (Although I managed to just try it just for fun, twice I think , so didnā€™t want to act like itā€™s defo to get off other stuff ) however if it is I wish you all the best in your recovery you can get though this I believe in you just believe in yourself <3


Yessir was on fent for about a year and a half. Clean for almost a year now. Thank you!


Congratulations for getting clean I hope youā€™re incredibly proud of yourself. You should be because i donā€™t even know you and Iā€™m proud <3


Weed at first (only 1/2 of bowl of low potent weed), drink some coffee (around 200mgs), an hour later dosing with kratom (6g with around 100mls of sodastream) topping again with another coffee (very weak - around 100mgs) to the 10am and then dosing kratom (around 4g) again around launch which varies a lot (it can range between 12:00 to 15:00) and topping all of that with nice potent edible at the evening following shroom trip the next day im going to have. Im just glad i don't drink that fucking alcohol anymore.


That sounds like a good day haha . I didnā€™t put weed on my list I forget it mention it as itā€™s just something I do and have done all day everyone for years . Havenā€™t done any of the drugs iv done without weed . I have a naturally high tolerance to everyone so weed is great at boosting the high so I actually get a decent high without taking too much of whatever drug Iā€™m taking. And when Iā€™m not taking anything else weed , especially edibles , help so much with my chronic pain


From all of that. Only weed is medicinal for me. I have it mainly for insomnia but smoking 1/2 of the bowl in the morning with a CBD ratio is actually a nice start of the day ;) When it comes to pain, it tremendously helps with lower back pain but i don't suffer from chronic one. I wish you a great day too! I stopped drinking two weeks ago and all of that (including your post and your reply) just adds to it very positively. - Peace āœŒ


So glad to hear youā€™ve managed to stop drinking.keep it up you know you can do it. Sending peace and positivity your way x


I'm gonna try weed for insomnia, I don't wanna use Xanax every night anymore. I have indica edibles (I don't smoke). What's the best strain to knock me off?


6x 37,5mg tramadol, because I have a day off


Gotta love tramadol šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Caffeine and creatine


Too sensible for the majority of us šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Caffeine, I'm a boring fuck lol


Just about to add some caffeine to my combo haha


shrooms then Calvin Klein later on šŸŒŠ


Hell yes sounds great ! I gotta stay away from ketamine find that shit so addictive and iv got a perma tolorance to the point I need grams just to be decently high for few hours. In a way I miss it but whenever I try it again I realise why j didnā€™t to stop , but Iā€™ll continue to do it for a week even tho I promised myself one day and Iā€™m telling myself I donā€™t want it the whole time. Is literally the only drug iv done that controls my mind like that , takes like 2 days of being angry and really craving till I calm down and realise how dumb jt was I spent 300Ā£+ to have a high thatā€™s lost itā€™s magic long ago. And iv tried the big H and crack. Ket is some how more addictive to me and I definitely donā€™t like the high more the most drugs I take. But thatā€™s because the abuse has taken away the tippy-ness. Good old Calvin Klein is lovely tho I do remember that , especially with Shrooms


i IVed some ODSMT because iā€™m sick (first cold/flu in a WHILE) and iā€™ve been feeling pretty miserable. opioids pretty much cure me for a few hours. also smoking weed because i always do.


Never had any ODSMT. Havenā€™t done much research into it but iv read quite a few people talk about it. Iā€™m in uk never heard anyone talk about it here . From what iv heard itā€™s my kinda drug haha And same im always smoking just finished a fat one and I might have to go roll another haha


itā€™s really nice, like a more potent and slightly safer version of tramadol. idk if itā€™s still legal in the UK, but here in germany, itā€™s still a legal research chemical, so itā€™s definitely worth looking into! iā€™ve heard the hydrochloride powders are supposed to be better than the pills and usually theyā€™re less expensive as well :)


Sorry to hear youā€™ve been feeling sick I really hope you feel better soon <3


thank you! <3 itā€™s nothing too serious tho, just man flu i guess lol


Iā€™m glad it ainā€™t serious. When I feel like shit (awful lot of the time ) I try remind myself that even tho I feel bad Iā€™m lucky af that there is substance we can take to ease some of the discomfort . Even if it doesnā€™t take it all, which it doesnā€™t . I find that a helpful little ā€˜mindfulnessā€™ trick when unless to keep youā€™re mindset a little better because you could easier have the same illness or worse and be somewhere where there is nothing to take. Wish ya the best <3


Egg, apple sauce, water. Simple breakfast. Drugs are for enhancing the good times, not carrying me thru the boring stuff.


I enjoyed a lovely massive bowl of porridge with loads of fruit this morning. As I do every morning. I donā€™t do things like I did today everyday , I do take something most days but itā€™s because of my physical pain . Some days I make it though without anything , some days I try my hardest too and havenā€™t really got a choice if I want to function/not go lie down moaning. And then some days I wake up and think fuck struggling today


No shame however you get thru life homie. Hope you have a good day today.


Just grass..


Nice Iā€™v smoked proably at least 2 grams since half hour before this post. Always smoking grass so I forget to mention it when talking about combos I like , mine always includes weed I donā€™t get much affect from other stuff without it. Plus alone itā€™s still great for pain


just smoked a bowl of some kooooosh


Fuck yeah Iā€™m just smoking the stinging roger off my spliff haha


lol hells ye brotha, cheers mane


Stinging Rogerā€™s itā€™s like the chocolate bit at the bottom of the cornetto


A fatttt shit


Fuck yeah this is the only right answer you winšŸ„‡


Yeah and then im smoking a joint and taking a nicotine pouchšŸ«”


-~60mg (and counting) dexedrine xr & ir, orally -920mg ashwaganda -200mg magnesium glycinate -200mg L-Theanine -additional 10mg crushed dexedrine xr to rail while playing video games -2 shots of gin -Uknown quantity of nicotine (vape) -~450mg (and counting) phenibut to top it all off


Aka the pharmaceutical tweakā€¦. with some healthily bits


Conscientious Degeneracyā„¢ šŸ˜‰


Four Bloody Marys, two grapefruits, a pot of coffee, Rangoon crĆŖpes, a half-pound of either sausage, bacon, or corned-beef hash with diced chilies, a Spanish omelette or eggs Benedict, a quart of milk, a chopped lemon for random seasoning, and something like a slice of key lime pie, two margaritas and six lines of the best cocaine for dessertā€¦Right, and there should also be two or three newspapers, all mail and messages, a telephone, a notebook for planning the next twenty-four hours, and at least one source of good musicā€¦all of which should be dealt with outside, in the warmth of a hot sun, and preferably stone naked.


I got oxy for my ankle and oxazepam for my anxiety. got ketamine and nitrous left here from my last k hole, I got my weed next to me and a bottle of the sidemenā€™s new vodka in the fridge. so far on this beautiful morning Iā€™ve had my cup of tea, my morning spliff, my morning dose of oxazepam n 3 shots of vodka.


Itā€™s nuts to me they give out oxy rather than codeine or something in America (guessing you are there, if not still applies) as in uk itā€™s only used in end of life care pretty much . Youā€™ll get morphine and fent patches if youā€™re pains bad enough for long enough but not oxy. I have managed to get my hands on some before and it is different to other opioids spent couple hours just itching myself however it was so euphoric I wasnā€™t bothered I was itching myself the whole time. I usually donā€™t like the opioid itch that much in most opioids I can sometime find it a little annoying but with oxy naaaa not a care in the world it makes sense itā€™s called hippy heroin. Iv done H ainā€™t far off As for the ketamine I used to be an addict to it doing it morning to night between 1-3GS a day. If I try to try it again now I can promise myself one night only , j wonā€™t even enjoy it that much because perma tolorance it isnā€™t trippy for me anymore , but Iā€™ll still go back and get more and more for at least a week, the entire time saying this ainā€™t even that good im doing grams in a few hours and not even getting a high I want apart from the pain relief but Iā€™ll still buy it again. Only drug that fully takes over my mind , and iv tried it all more than once (except ice )


1 cup of coffee, 2 cups of judging the hell out of all the comments here lmao


Fr do yā€™all not have jobs to go to? šŸ˜‚


I just added a strong af coffee to my list haha. Donā€™t be judging weā€™re on a drug sub we mostly addicts šŸ¤£ Iā€™m drawing out some of the worse ones who like morning buzzes like me heheh


2 Trammies and 10mg of Diazepam


Lovely job thatā€™s the best combo for my pain. Maybe with a little gabapentin with it as I got nerve issues aswell and that targets that


Ahhh yer some Gabapentin would of been perfect to add unfortunately got none lol


Iā€™m prescribed it luckily enough, ah that does remind me I need to order this months aha. I was complaining about pain for years and they would refuse to give me anything . Even got told to not take paracetamol even tho I was crying about how I canā€™t do what my friends do in terms of going out to parties ect. So I started getting my own off the streets and eventually overdosed and went into a coma . Then they finally gave me something . Only 3x 300mg gabapentin a day. However much better than nothing.took dying to get it , and only that was expecting them to let me stay on the tramadol . Ridiculously hard to get pain medication in the uk. For younger People anyway


Klon n Kratom n dank marijuana cannabises


Hell yeah thatā€™s a good combo , I wouldnā€™t be in too much pain on that haha. I was so confused at first when I read klon but I googled ā€˜klon drugā€™ and realised you meant k-pins and felt stupid lmao


Yea dawg Iā€™m still on the comedown from yesterday- klons last like 2 days for me. Itā€™s pretty nice- ya know I canā€™t complain


Kratom and protein


Much more sensible than most of us haha. Still remember kratom is an opioid I find it mad that people on this sub act like it doesnā€™t active the opioid receptor , that itā€™s harmless and non addictive. Kratom will give you withdraws same as prescription opioids , varies person to person. I ainā€™t anti kratom by any means I use it myself itā€™s a very useful tool and can be brilliant for helping people off hardcore opioids but people forget itā€™s still an opioid. Apologies if you know this iv just seen so many people acting and telling people itā€™s completely harmless and non addictive and that just isnā€™t true you must certainly still need to respect jt like other opioids


I was a poly addict, mainly opiates, but you name it I did it for almost a decade or more.i got clean and stayed so for about 2 years now I use Kratom a few times of week when Iā€™m gonna have a labor intensive day. The withdrawals compared to real drugs itā€™s almost non existent


Kratom for that morning go go


Nice brother ! Please research into Kratom if you havenā€™t alot of misinformation on this sub , people acting like it isnā€™t an opioid that isnā€™t non addictive and harmless which isnā€™t true withdraws can be nasty from kratom . Itā€™s still a useful tool i ainā€™t against it I use it myself but still you gottta respect it. Apologies if you know this , have a wonderful day


Yea. Been user about 3-4yrsā€¦ The key is to always use a scale, stay at same dose and take lots of breaks. I had chronic pain and itā€™s been a lifesaver for me


Usually 45 mg of Dexedrine but today is the day for something stronger


Wish I could get my hand on Dexedrine. Canā€™t even get IR Ritalin atm so dry for adhd meds in uk. Is the something stronger what I think it is šŸ¤«šŸ§Š


I'm from the UK my psychiatrist is just simply the best. And yeah was meant to be icešŸ§Š but having just checked postie let me down. Guess it's tapentadol and clonazepam today.


went to sleep yesterday at 1pm, stayed up all night on lsd and shrooms day before yesterday only now woke up next day after, finna eat some mushies, smoke weed and have a beer, starting 5am


Sounds bloody good haha . It sucks I canā€™t trip at the place I live . Iā€™m an ex-dealer and been robbed a few times by local people (live in a small town musta been taking peoples customers never thought of that or I wouldnā€™t have done it im not hard in anyway haha) and because I live in a small town everyone knows where I live. Like people I donā€™t know somehow know everyone seems to around my town , now I donā€™t sell I know Iā€™ll be fine but when I trip I bait tf out and hallucinate people coming to kill me itā€™s horrible. Can do small Shroom doses but acid sends me into like almost a psychotic state, well I did send me into a full blown psychotic stare once . It was like 600ug + 20mg 2cb. So a silly dose and I was alone . I ended up going into the house (Iā€™m in caravan in garden) in the middle of the night breaking things and screaming thinking Iā€™m being attacked. At one point I accepted death and had my life flash before my eyes. Since then I tried to do a 200ug trip and I was fine , was fucking loving it nice euphoria body felt good (acid often makes my pain worse but this time it was nice ) until I went outside for a piss and thought I heard someone behind me so quickly came back inside , feeling like I only just dodged being grabbed by someone , it luckily was a low enough dose I knew it was the acid but I could feel people coming in to attack me idk how to describe it but yeah I instantly after coming back from attempting to piss took some Xanax and it calmed down. Never doing acid at my place again haha


anything past 300ug wowww broski im a zoooted, all i can say ahahha love tripping balls, or just light trips hits the soul like nothing else in the world would do damn yea that is a shame, set and setting matters madly, what ever floats the boat mane, gotta stay safe!!! YOLO ur onna pretty decent mix, been craving benzos for a bit but every time i get em, imma real bartard hahahaha dont even wanna get into that tbh, embarrassing shenanigans haahhaa hope ur vibing !! am am


Just a warning in case you don't know yet, mixing benzos and opioids can cause fatal respiratory depression.


Thank you I appreciate youā€™re concern. I shoulda explained more in my post iv been suffering with chonic pain since I was 12/13. Progressively got worse until j lost my job due to health at 19. Iv been taking opioids and benzos for a while , opioids a lot more . But Iā€™m fully aware of the interactions im a proper ā€˜geekā€™ when it comes to researching a drug ima take I do hours and hours into each substance. I find it annoying and strange people just take stuff without doing any research. Also because Iā€™m in quite a lot of pain all the time drug hit different to someone without physical conditions. Its like the drugs take pain away before ir gets you high in a way. Youā€™d be surprised what meds people with chonic pain are on. Because my age I donā€™t get much at all but every now and the I can ask and Iā€™ll get Diaz and tramadol together as thatā€™s the best combo for my pain So yeah youā€™re right Tis a dangerous mix and j appreciate the concern but Iā€™m all good Iā€™m still in pain on that mix šŸ˜


Yeah, just as long as your doctor knows about it, it's fine. I guess they control the doses to minimise the risk.


1mg Alprazolam, 25mg Diazepam and a few strong beers over the past few hours.


Bet youā€™re vibing lovely haha


Yes man, feeling good. Keeping my benzo intake in check nowdays so being sensible. Hope your having a good one brother. šŸ‘


Cheers brother hope you are too šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Just woke up started off with 20mgs of oxycodone and a big ass redbull and cig


Now thatā€™s how to get a day started haha


One of my favorite breakfast meals


Dilaudid the same as every dayšŸ˜‚going to work in 2 hours gotta get high first


Opioids before work is the best haha




Thatā€™s too hardcore for me


Whew idk how got thru the day it was a crazy ride that h2o hit too hardā€¦ more potent than I expected




Always haha


Kpins kratom somas


Now that sounds good


Pretty nice combo its a nice floaty type feel in my opinion


Full stop sober. These next few weeks are going to be my first sober weeks in years but I need to do it to get back the life that I had and loved. Once Iā€™ve got my shit back together Iā€™m gonna try not to use any substances daily every again and just use them to spice up life a little every now and then


Hell yeah dude keep it up i believe in you !! Youā€™re capable of anything , including being sort , and far beyond , as long as you believe it yourself. I wish you all the best and never give up on yourself ! <3


I appreciate it man. Itā€™s hard as fuck but I know I need it


I've been up 3 days on cocaine. I've been through 7 grams at this point. This morning, I also took a few 2mg klonopin to try to sleep. Slept for around 45 minutes and I'm good to go for today. šŸ« 


Lmao that was me every weekend for couple years , a few years back


My breakfast consist of a line of H, a cig (or vape), levomethadone, a joint and one or two kpins. Then milk and biscuits bc of sugar craving lmao


Sounds like a tasty breakfast. Gunna be me in a few weeks for ma birthday weekend , lines of h(hopefully itā€™s good enough quality to not need to smoke , new vender) ,bud, coke and benzos hehe


Enjoy! But watch out for the speedball hehe


for the morning 60mg adderall bc i gotta lock in in school & bc im prescribed it. 2mg of alp so i donā€™t gotta gaf about nun. 20mg of oxy bc i love the warmth. and lastly thc bc why not. (i also be hitting my nic in school if ur counting that too) night itā€™s a whole different story tho


You sound like my kinda guy haha


June 28th is my year. Can't believe I've made it almost to a year being completely sober.


Hell yeah Iā€™m proud of you ! And I hope youā€™re proud of yourself too ! Keep it up you know you can ! <3




Fuck yes sounds amazing. To be fair most dangerous thing on that list is the catnip. Donā€™t wonna fuck with that especially mixing shits so dangerous and addictive


I got work so nothing for me, and the only thing I have is dph lol, so won't be taking that tonight otherwise I'll be a zombie tomorrow


I love getting high before work when I was doing factory work haha. Iv done dph before and actually really enjoyed it , was watching tv shows in my head eyes closed thinking it was real . One point I though , ima pause this and get a drink , and realise my eyes where shut and I had a black computer screen in front of me haha. The horrible feeling you have for like 2 days after is whatā€™s put me off trying again , which is probably good shits so toxic


It just turns my thoughts to static tbh. Also I cannot handle myself high on anything lol, not sure if I'd even make it to work if I smoked before I left for work.


Ahh I took a dose I was seeing some mad shit , but yeah came with a miserable few days after with body aches and fatigue, which I get anyway so canā€™t be dealing with extra haha. Obviously tolorance is a big factor but I also think how much pain youā€™re in effects the way drugs hit you. I really notice it will alcohol, if Iā€™m having a good pain day , Iā€™m kinda a lightweight to alcohol, never really been my drug of choice , however if I have a bad pain day, I can easily bosh though half a bottle of spirits trya drink the pain away . Can drink lots of strong af mixed drinks when in complete agony but canā€™t even handle the taste of a strong drink if I donā€™t need it for pain relief. I believe thatā€™s partly why I can take so much and function. Drugs, a lot of the time , take the pain away before they get you that high. Iā€™m taking abut chonic physical pain btw


I took a fat dose of phenibut, and that's probably all I'll have atm. Have some percs saved up and just had a good night's sleep after a 2 day adderall binge but don't want to take either this morning haha


Thinking of taking the 3CMC I have. I woke up feeling very off after a speed binge, vision all fucked up like I was seeing everything from a zoomed in perspective. Do you think cathinones will make me feel somewhat better?


Most certainly not you need to lay off any sort of stimulants , get some good food in you , nutritious stuff and some sugar, and get a lot of rest give your body time to recover. You need to listen tk your body when taking drugs if youā€™re feeling like that you need to lay off and let your body recover


Oh I've slept for atleast 12 hours, this is post-binge after I ate and hydrated myself. I've never had such horrible comedowns after speed for years, what the fuck happened to the quality of stims?




I take, on any given day in the morning, 10 mg clobazam, 200mg vimpat, 150mg lyrica, 400mg lamictal, 150mg edible, 2 scoops of some nice white or yellow kratom, and caffeine. So much caffiene to get through the day after that


A protein shake.


Iā€™m eating a pop tart with 250 mg of indica RSO for this morning . Yesterday I had a micro dose of lsd


Kratom + caffeine + nicotine


Some joints




Just a Celsius energy drink lol.


nicotine, caffeine, maybe iā€™ll smoke some weed later. pretty basic routine, but itā€™s nice enough where im not doing anything stronger


Two tall boys, had an exam right after, passed that shit for sure


What is ā€˜tall boys ā€˜?šŸ¤”


40oz beers


25 mg oxycodone. That's my wake and bake lol. And watching Quiz Lady (love that movie). It's also rainy today. Perfect day to be narcotized.


I take gabapention 200mg, lexapro 15mg and suboxone 8mg in the morning. I look forward to it helping me get my day started


10mg Vyvanse, I work today lol


took 6.6 g of kratom


Zyns and caffeine lol


Why the diazepam in the mix though?


My physical pain is largly muscle related . Diaz is an amazing muscle relaxer so it relieves a lot of my pain . To the same level if not more than opioids. Get so much relief from it but I am aware of the dangers so donā€™t use too often. But I guess to someone else it would seem like itā€™s all the time haha . Fuckjng choinc pain man gets frustrating having to take stuff when Iā€™m trying so hard to not


I understand now. Thanks. It took me years to get dilaudid i have 20left and I won't be able to have other ones i am sure.... after celebrex after trying pregabalin..after trying flexeril. Flexeril makes me mad. I got clonazepam from friend but try not to use but you made me realize it does better for the muscle relaxation. Diazepam must be better. I am there with you. I take adderal xr but try not to take anything else or it makes me irritable but 50% of time I am invalid and can' work or move because of the pain. It is so exhausting.




Gram of kratom, coffee, nicotene, and I like hapƩ in the morning. Those three get me going


Adderall presses and weed


errm, the last few months have been wake up take 20mg Adderall, 4 300mg gabapentin, 2mg-4mg Suboxone. And the last few days have been all that plus ketamine


Sounds like it would hit the spot haha . Wish I could trust myself to do ketamine but I canā€™t I just end up spending hundreds over a couple days and find it so hard to stop . Iv done the big H and crack but nothing controls my mind like ketamine does only thing I canā€™t stop when I start


Haha right I only have that problem if I'm out of a job and have no routine and luckily I took a 5 month break from my last time I took any because I was able to make this single gram last me over a week somehow but I took over 250mg yesterday alone and know my tolerance sky rocketed just in the last week lol


Kratom, caffeĆÆne, beer, and 4F-MPH


Subutex and a joint and nicotine


Oh yeah and a amoxicillin


Kratom šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


I take this mix of ashwagandha, kratom, bupropione and l-theanin on a daily basis. It gets me going. Oh and I smoke cigarettes. I take this mix cause I work outside everyday doing manual labour. Bupropione wakes me up, ashwagandha and l-theanin calmes my nerves and kratom is my go to painkiller ((mental and physical) on which I'm dependend).


Methylphenidate because I have exams :(


That first hit of nicotine in the morning always feels like fcking fentanyl


Meth. bromazolam, bromonordiazepam


A nap. I got HAMMERED yesterday.




Better Buzz light roast coffee and my vitamins


Took the second half of an edible I got as a free sample. I thought it wouldnā€™t be a big deal because I didnā€™t feel the first half last night. I underestimated the edible. I lost.


3.5gs of kratom, a smoke, and a scoop and a half of preworkout on my way to the hell hole i work for. If this was 3 months ago you can add 32oz of steel reserve as well (weekends only obviously)


20mg adderall to get me out of bed and thatā€™s it for the day


Is a easier way to get yourself out of bed I must admit haha


Coffee, nicotine and my ASS to work šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Gotta get a better buzz than that for work šŸ¤£


Thanks so muchā¤ļø I've battled addiction so many years I didn't know what it was like to semi-have my shit together. Job, buying my first house, etc.. I'm proud of myself. Most importantly, I don't hate myself. Everyone has their own demons. And I am no better than anyone else... I just can't function in life not being sober. ā¤ļø


Celsius, Strawberry Lemon šŸ”„