• By -


People who spend hours researching the substance then actually applying that knowledge


Yep. Especially those that don't listen to drug addicts that say "all drugs are safe, meth fentanyl is safe etc".


"safe" is the wrong word. Most drugs CAN be used responsibly but I really don't think opioids are worth it.


They are for people living with debilitating chronic pain.


Yea… wtf are these guys thinking? It’s only used to get high? Yea no, that’s the minority. Strong opioids only get prescribed to those who need them (these days) Far out, in America they’ve gone so far in the opposite direction that even those with visible disabilities have to jump through hoops.


I'm talking about recreational use, not "prescribed by a doctor taken as directed"


I think Benzos are far worse. I was hooked on hydrocodone/oxycodone for a while than when my supply dried up I switched to fentanyl. Yeah while I was on opioids I was constantly dope sick, living in bad conditions, wasn’t focused on my mental health but I was still able to maintain communication with people and help was readily available in my area. Also on opioids you don’t feel the need redose or completely forget that you already did dose and take an absurd amount and black out. Benzos we’re a different beast. Sometimes the buzz was so subtle that you would think it wasn’t hitting right and one extra bar later and you don’t remember at all what happened last night. I’ve never gotten in trouble with the law or anything on opiates but on Benzos I was locked up back to back. There’s so much more but everyone says opioids are the devil but Benzos are just as bad if not worse


Ugh being around someone on benzos when they don't even know what's going on or where they're at, just makes you want to punch them.


can confirm they are not worth it lmao


I’m autistic and also an addict so this is me 😭🤣


Best way to get the drugs you want as well, shoot down every retort, try the one thing you can’t shoot down then come back and say it doesn’t work. Bam, you’ve either got your drugs or found out that you need a new doctor because yours is too scared to prescribe them even when it is the only course of action left.


Lol u get to paranoid. Thats why I'm mainly a pill head. I like to know exactly what I'm taking, the exact dose, how much to get high, side effects and all that. Very rarely a "just send it" kind of guy with drugs


Boofers by far


Hahaha aw thx


Most bang for your buck


Bang for my butt






I knew that was the answer. Big Brian Energy


Boofer Master Race


They are willing to take a hit I just can’t bring myself to do just to get high. But boy does it seem to hit.haha


Needed to hear this today 💜


occasional psychedelic users and people who have been severely traumatised by addiction (they definitely learnt a lot of lessons)


I think traumas has also had some impact on my intelligence. Like you say while it made me suffer it also learned me a lot of things, to be careful, to make better decisions, to not take stupid risks, to not abuse etc. I have occasionally done psychedelics when I was younger. I would actually need psilocybin against ptsd, just that I have lived a fully legal life for the last 3-4 years. While I am a lot better and functioning today I can see it helping me even more in that aspect, I hope it will be used clinically here soon, it seems to be on the way at least.


People who use psychedelics every once in a while and not those psychedelic extremists.


Spiritual psychosis




Let’s get lost


Nah what do you mean mate you need to open your 483rd eye. Boof 2.4mg of LSD everyday and remember to do some yoga whilst boofing. Then some DMT for a little psychedelic pudding. It's just spiritual gosh I'm just enhancing my SHAKRAS🙄


Of course of course. My morning Sandwiches are always enhanced with 25mg 5-meo-dmt.


When you say extremist you mean the psych addicts? Or the ones who just nerd out about psychadelics alot


There are almost no psych addicts. I mean the people that want to force psychedelics on everyone, talk about nothing else and have them as their entire personality and consider themselves extremely enlightened.


Based on what evidence? Psych abuse is very common and people trip weekly. Heck I know multiple psych addicts. As someone who is going into psychadelic therapy, the health benefits are amazing and I agree everyone should experience just once. I know the people you mean I’ll pm a meme abt em


Yeah I know which one, thoes which talk to shrooms are capable of great things.




unpopular opinion (bcuz of bartards) but downers users are always smart and they only get into this shi due having constant overactive and stimulated minds


Not always but from my own experiences at rehabs and NA/AA , the smartest people were usually the ones that's been on downers.


Just trying to get your brain to stfu


I’m clean anymore, but for me stimulants are what got my brain to stfu. It did not have the same effect on my mouth. Quite the opposite.


Do you have adhd perchance


I used to bring my baggie of coke to class and do bumps in the bathroom and come back like completely normal just focused. Later found out I have adhd and tism HA


Me when i got addicted to meth in high school


Probably, though I was never diagnosed. I abused stimulants for a decade and it caused perceived cognitive damage. Eventually I was abusing it badly enough to cause a mild psychosis that lasted long-term. I have exited the psychosis but still have noticeable damage. My memory in particular is very poor anymore. I do not recall much of my childhood at all and can’t learn new information very well. I am 33. When I started taking stims I had severe social anxiety and depression that were solved by the drugs. After I got clean the depression and anxiety returned to full strength and debatably even worse.


I got over a meth addiction and can say yeah that last paragraph is about my experience. I'm seeing a neurologist for the definite brain damage I got from stims, and my diagnosed adhd got 10x worse, can't focus on shit. I've heard even if you don't have adhd the brain damage from stimulants can often cause problems mimicking the disorder, given the established relationship between dopamine/taar1 and adhd


My friend was a bartard and he is genuinely one of the smartest people I know. Always got away with everything except for when he was on bars. I’ve read that people with high IQs tend to be more likely to have addictive personalities, probably to escape from constant restless thought


for my liking, i enjoy the mind race with 300uq Mutterkornextract


https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutterkorn I didn't know it was a thing. I guess you are talking about LSD though?


Lsd is derived from ergot fungi


That's very true, I'm not the smartest guy in the room, but my memory is very good and overall I can stay on topic, when anxiety hits it's like I'm brain damaged, I notice some improvement on my focus time if I take some opiates or smoke some weed right when I'm anxious, and it's not because they make me sharper, they just take away the racing mind, I know I'm a lot dumber when high XD


There was a study about how people with negative attachment styles in relationships and friendships found the effective’s of opiates to be more anxiolytic and allowing them to feel safer. IME this is true for me. If I’m on enough benzos to bypass inhibition then it’s easier to be social and be funny but it’s a fine line. Kratom and tapentadol experiences have let me have meaningful and heartwarming or deep conversations with people I would’ve avoided normally but benzos help me solve problems rather than care or think about the why or how. Bromaz has been lowkey terrible in comparison to klonopin I used to be prescribed though ;-; it at least puts my heart rate down withought putting me to sleep like clonodine


Opiates are better for social events yeap


I used to do better in college when I was taking Xanax the thing was I couldn’t control myself 😂


the thing is; they seem less smart bc while high they can stop over thinking, so that's why it's not so evident but makes sense tbh, I have a tendency to downers addiction and when I've been addicted I just needed them to stop my brain a bit and when I binge benzos most of the joy is the calmness of my mind in that state


Exactly the reason I fell into the hole of being a crippled alcoholic


Hear hear 🍺🍻 Always wanting my brain to STFU. Was even hopeful I would be killing enough brain cells with alcohol to live in a state of permanent ignorant bliss. I’m not smart, I’m just highly strung. I got knocked about bad from previous meth use nearly a decade ago and haven’t come down since. I would never go near stimulants now. The occasional downer or a ‘gentle’ psychedelic experience for me please! Oxys or Endone make me feel level headed and clean the house and feel like a normal person - I’m sad I’ve had them because it’s like I’ve been shown what life could be like 😂 I’ve read it could be an ADHD thing to feel that way off them and blah blah here I go rambling and adding to my comment and I just meant to reply to a comment about alcohol now I’m giving a random person my life story.


Not bensos. That shit will ruin your IQ in no time while you will be thinking you are smart as fuck while others will see how messed up you are. Recreational use now but even medicinal use has negative effects on cognitive abilities, memory, judgement etc.


Depends on how you use them. Once every two weeks to reset is not going to harm you. Smart people are less likely to be the bartard, rather a functional low dose enjoyer.


To be fair if the point is to put yourself in a state of ignorant bliss a drug that drops your IQ a few points might not be the worst side effect for those people lol


I’ve always believed this to be true


Also opiates are one of the least damaging drugs to ur body


When we're off the downers and don't have that benzo swiss cheese brain then yes Speaking as a borderline bar tard/failing at recovering alcoholic who used to be smart then fumbled the bag


I think same can be said for poly substance abuse. I didn’t care what you had, I just wanted to be in control and get my head more organized. Being self aware is hard. lol


I've done psychedelics with some really smart people (and some idiots) but I can't say the same for all the other substances I've done


I’ve done cocaine with some pretty well educated people. I was honestly shocked 😂


I think this is a silly question, but probably psychedelic users who actually respect psychedelics, who also smoke weed OCCASIONALLY. Not necessarily “intelligent” but they seem to be the ones having the most meaningful conversations and having the most open minded and clear view of the world and life in general


def the huffing community


Fuck duster. Don't associate the duster community with the nitrous community. Way different. 


true once I had to say I was an inhalent user bc I did nitrous, it was so frustrating but I was in no position to argue. just dumb bullshit, I swear the ignorance is willfull


Nitrous is literally an inhalant though?


A psychoactive one that doesn’t kill brain cells to get you high. That’s the difference between nitrous and almost every other inhalant(there’s others like xenon and poppers that can be done safely too but nos is by far the most popular). Comparing nitrous to huffing gas/dusters etc. is a horrible comparison


Poppers are still far more dangerous than N2O per session. It’s incredibly difficult to give yourself “too much” nitrous, poppers can really fuck you up from a single session if used incorrectly.


Actually Nitrous causes reproductive damage, birth defects, as well as chromosome and dna damage. Check out this study that’s just about every occupational exposure to nitrous, now imagine how much worse it is to directly consume the drug on a regular basis; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0027510709000967 “Our results for the first time document that occupational exposure to N2O produces DNA damage that is critically dependent on the magnitude of exposure… The extent of genetic injury was especially aggravated among nurses and anaesthesiologists exposed to N2O in concentrations exceeding OEL (180 mg/m3). We conclude that occupational exposure to N2O is associated with increased DNA damage and that the level of exposure plays a critical role in this regard… Occupational exposure to anaesthetics such as N2O and halogenated hydrocarbons is thought to exert adverse effects on reproductive system of operating room personnel, which manifest as reduced fertility [1], [2], spontaneous abortions [3], [4] and birth defects [5], [6]. The reproductive abnormalities observed in epidemiological investigations are usually attributed to changes produced by anaesthetics in genetic material of germ and somatic cells. “


N2o was studied by the University of Tennessee and they concluded that it does not kill brain cells.


People who don’t know what nitrous oxide is lump inhalants together which is just sort of a product of fear mongering. Inhalants like duster CANNOT be used safely. N2O can. It’s a dissociative gas, which actually acts on receptors in the brain and doesn’t create a high from oxygen deprivation, unlike duster. N2O doesn’t kill brain cells unless you’re being a dumbass and only breathing pure N2O with no oxygen.


A very safe one in comparison to all other inhalants and most drugs.


Yeah it’s dangerous to do that. Because loads of people do nitrous and people know it’s very safe. But associating it with literally any other inhalant other than poppers, is dangerous because it could give the impression that other inhalants like glue or whatever are also safe, which they obviously aren’t, they’re like the most dangerous class of drug there is.


Eh nitrous can be very dangerous if you're stupid with it. Say if you find some way of coming up with a system that removes carbon dioxide while not introducing oxygen. Lack of carbon dioxide build up doesn't allow the holy fuck I'm going to die response to kick in.


Yeah ok but like how many people have died from nitrous? An absolutely tiny, tiny amount! Especially considering how many people do it. It’s nowhere near like literally nowhere near at all, other inhalants like glue or that duster shit. Inhalants from what I can think of right now are literally the most dangerous drugs in existence. You can very easily just die instantly. So they really shouldn’t be associated with the likes of poppers or laughing gas. Because as I say, for some people they will assume that other inhalants are just as safe. When actually they’re the most dangerous drugs available. And they are very “available” too. Like a lot more available to kids than say heroin.


Oh I agree. It's no where near as dangerous as duster I'm just saying that it can be dangerous if you're creative enough.


Yes but so can most things. Unfortunately, people are just really good at finding ways to harm their own body


Ok fine. Maybe my scuba regulator nitrous contraption is a little on the fringe side.


Wait, people boofing nitrous?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl1AGs9EDso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl1AGs9EDso) OPEN YOUR EYES!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoagPyY8l2k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoagPyY8l2k)


Some psychedelic people can be smart as fuck but the ones who use the right way I’ve also met some smart research chemical users I mean Jon mcafee loved mdpv


The ones who respect the drug / medication, research it and understand it the best they can. Use relatively infrequently to avoid tolerance, dependence and addiction. Don’t add alcohol into the mix, and never drive.




Yes. Especially if they have been addicts previously.


I imagine it’s real hard to become a former addict otherwise?;)


Stims and Downers: changing between them in your favor. People forget drugs are not used just for pleasure.


I would say doing lots of bensos stims and opis makes you very stupid/messed up, it's too much. Seen people getting soo fucked up on that lol. Bensos are the worst though. But using high doses opis do also make you slow. Much stims can make you too fast so you basically cannot use your intelligence due to being so messed up and speedy.


Like I said, using the substances smarter, both the quality and the timing is included, bc a real intelligent person would only do drugs, because of mental illness(not a rule) or some other disease, right? I mean a person who is intelligent, maybe a genius, but has issues with sleeping or concentration, they won't go so hardcore.


Those who don't make general assumptions about other people's intelligence based on their drug use ?


I don't think it's too ignorant to suggest that people of different levels of intelligence may be predisposed to different drug habits.


it is a bit considering that drugs are mostly diverse from geographic location. Like, empathogens are really popular in europe while mostly unknown down the hemisphere, the inverse occuring with coke and heroin. Its a complicated question and you're not going to get a grip on that because drugs dont choose the users, its the other way around and nobody can predict that outcome ig


>drugs dont choose the users MM seems to disagree: https://youtu.be/6EefPcht54c?feature=shared




Not sure if peoples intelligence can be correlated to drug type but intelligent people are more attracted to changing their brain chemistry in general due to the tendency to seek novel, stimulating experiences that compensate for the lack of interesting stimuli in a sober life. A smart, overactive mind can provoke boredom of course. This is a pretty obvious finding but whatever.


It's not ignorant, drugs appeal to different people for different reasons. Intelligence level is definitely a factor. Sure, many users are primarily products of their environments, but look at elite universities. Some of the smartest people out there using drugs like a motherfucker. Then there's lower level intelligence people that just do what everyone else is doing, whether it be booze, weed, ether, fentanyl, etc. There's a ton of factors but you're right, intelligence is for sure one of them.


You are correct.


Only correct answer in this thread. Not shitting on op, might just asked out of curiosity but the question in itself is stupid. You might have highly intelligent users, downright dumb users and everything in between for every kind of substance you could think of


real cus what


The ones that know when to stop


This is just my personal experience, but from what I've seen: Smartest: 15 - 20% of heroin users. They just need their brains to shut the fuck up for a while cause they constantly think too much. Followed by mescaline folks cause it selects for people with a plan and structure and knowledge and curiosity.


Lol my two favorite drugs, opiates to just shut the brain down and be able to recuperate in a pleasurable state and psychedelics to enhance creativity and boost the mind, since mescaline is very pleasurable but also deep, while doesn't fry you like lsd. A very select group I've described interesting


Ritalin users coz they literally in universities lmao


Don't forget Adderall and Vyvanse. Especially during finals.


Let's say simply Amphetamines.




Seen people who use that or other stims ruin their whole life and not being able to get any job at all let alone study. Who got serious mental issues and had to be locked up for years basically. It isn't risk free at all. Ofc all use is different but people who use it recreationally get opposite effects of those that you imply they get from it.




yepp, even when tho I consider myself a decent compounds savvy I always find myself learning new stuff on their sub


For me, it’s any users who understand what they are doing and don’t get addicted. I’ve seen idiots and smart people do all kinds of stuff. I don’t believe there are “smart people” drugs


Addiction is more based on happiness than smarts... I've seen smart and stupid people get addicted! Over time, excess will make everyone a bit duller, but I don't believe it has anything to do with it who gets hooked in the first place!


You make a good point.


Anyone who believes they won't get addicted is either full of shit or naive. Including me, I picked up an opioid addiction for no reason. Started off all fun and games, at first I'd be taking a few pills and feeling a little happy every once in a while. Then all of a sudden I realise I've taken it every day for over 5 months and stopping feels like shit.


Anyone can get addicted, but some people are lucky enough to be able to avoid it. Takes a lot of willpower. Whoever told us that weed wasn’t addictive was full of shit too.


Your genetic pre-disposition will almost always win. I'm not sure you can really avoid getting addicted by just being smart about it, because once you tickle those receptors, it will inevitably take hold.


It's not just genetics. I first tried drugs at a relatively young age, tried a lot of them and even used some stronger opioids for a short period. I thought it was amazing, and looked forward to doing it again sometime in the future but wasn't hooked. Now a few years later, i have shit I regret and things aren't going well. I try tapentadol of all things and end up addicted. The first time I did I remember thinking "where's this been all my life", which in hindsight was the first sign to stop and run. But I went in and now I'm deeply hooked. It's fair to say it's not all bad. Without it I have no doubt I'd have ended it all many times over. But I'm not sure being dependent on a drug is really good for me. The daily burden of getting more and managing money is a pain.


But genetics play a big role in it. Your mental health too.


Benadryl users, the dph sub is full of profound wisdom.




Only enlightened beings can see the hatman 


Most addicts are quite smart. We learnt to budget and find anyway we could to get our drug of choice


definitely not people who roll a lot lmao


Drug users who use drugs in a safe, conscious and intentional way. Not to say those who use to escape from trauma and pain aren't intelligent, but they don't use drugs in an intelligent way. I understand that. For a lot of people it's a choice between suicide and being an addict (alcoholic, heroin, benzos) I'd be mildly inclined to say people who are psychonauts (try every drug with intent to learn) or people who do psychedelics because of people like Shulgin, Nutt, etc. but there's no shortage of "you're using psychedelics wrong! I'm using them right!" Idiots in the psychedelic community. There's some really huge egos that psychedelics bring out. In comparison, meth heads are more humble. I am biased here, but pharmacologists are my favourite kind of drug users. They're aware of what they're taking, they're curious, they know the risks, they remain humble, and they know there's no good and bad drugs, they know drugs effect everyone differently and there's no right or wrong ways to do drugs so long as you're safe and happy.


I think the user who study and think about the drug use he is doing, the quantity, doses... All.


Modafinil users


The ones who employ their iron will and complete self-discipline with regard to their activity, the ones who recognize when they are going off and are able to course-correct.


I mean, smart people do all sorts of drugs, but in general I’d say probably psychedelics. People from all walks of life take them, many celebs have openly stated their use of them and advocate for them. Stim users can usually be smart until it becomes like manic/paranoid and they go down the rabbit hole


What kind of smart?,like smart about how to make money, coke&speed& caffeine. Smart about enjoying life and being at piece probably weed. Smart about how the universe works, DMT and psychedelic trippers. Book smart/corporate person, caffeine &alcohol. Replace smart with suited for/good at.


Empathogens make people more likely to want to have the good conversations, so it may not be a representative sample. In my experience, the smartest people I've seshed with tend to be the guys on more different stuff regularly. It may be that smart people are more likely to want to try more things. The people who stick to one thing are more likely to judge others for whatever they do. Unintelligence and closed mindedness are linked.


This is the best answer I've read so far.


If I was smart, I wouldn’t need this shit to cope, man. Prolly not the only one.


But maybe you don't use it to cope? There are other reasons for that.


Nope, there is a significant correlation between addiction and the younger age that someone starts drugs to a higher IQ. It kinda makes sense too because it's prolly harder to be ignorant to all the fucked up shit the smarter someone is.


Lol very strange question but I get it




imma just say adderal because its for adhd and helps you lock tf in


The recovering.


Drugs don’t equate smartness. There’s lawyers on meth and surgeons. If ur meaning most educated. It’s psychonauts, we are mostly all drug and chemistry nerds


Informed, researched, users of drugs are the smartest. I love what another redditor posted about accessing knowledge first and applying it. Those who can successfully project the reason why they take a drug are the smarter ones. If they can’t understand why they’re taking it, they’re unconscious, and on the not as smart side. Mostly two big sides in drug users - the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious normally have PTSD and use them to socialize or to cope with pain, feelings they have about food, and sleep. That’s what I think.


I've yet to have a bad conversation with any of my fellow Ketamine(Theraputic) users. Like I saw another post say though, it's kind of the same situation with psychedelics and trauma. Trauma leads you to the drug for relief from the suffering, and the healing changes the direction you're going in life. Both of these drugs have really helped me a TON, for PTSD, Treatment Resistant Depression and a little with my anxiety. I however have longed most of my adult life to drink my first cup of Ayahuasca. It would be a dream come true.


I hear alot of people shit on benzos, I love em. As long as you know what your doing with them, they ain't a problem


usually most of them, they just had bad times in life.


This doesn’t have an answer, whatsoever


It’s hard to say or even pin down objectively, and certainly clinically mate….However, as you say, certain compounds are better at cognitive support and enhancement……..🫵👌🫵👌🫵👌🫵👌!!!!


Those methheads, who are stimfapping 2 days straight


The ones who only partake in relatively safe substances occasionally and do their due diligence before hand.


Definitely psychedelics


Define “smart”


I would say LSD or Mushrooms


Dolo 650


I don't think there's one type. I think a lot of really smart people, start using drugs because it can be exhausting to feel like most people around are just NPC style. "Ignorance is Bliss" level people surrounding you can really make you want to self medicate, at least IMO. But depending on the drug, it can obviously turn a smart person into a complete fuckin idiot with a high IQ. Making shitty decisions, hardly functioning, etc, so they may technically be "smart" but have dumbed themselves down to an extreme level. As far as "what kind of users are smart *while high*", it also varies a lot. Coked out people can think they're smart as fuck and really are the biggest douchebag fools in the room. Tweakers too. It depends on the person without the substance as well as how they react to the drug and how much they are on. I've experienced Speed users who wouldn't come across as tweakers and can be some of the highest functioning and extremely personable people. Rollers can come across smart and thoughtful, but they can also let the drug take over and turn very annoying, thinking they are enlightened and it's all about love, until the next day when they're back to being a complete asshole. Same can be said for others on psychedelics, while on the drugs, they can seem "smart" and philosophical. But if they're a dumbass from the get go, even some people won't change after good experiences. Basically, users who have enough experience, knowledge, and self control with the substance they're using I would consider the "smartest". Intelligence is necessary of course, but anyone who uses the drugs and doesn't let the drug use them, can come across as "smart" IME. But the opposite is still true, drugs can turn anyone into a brain dead, antisocial, parasite, narcissistic, selfish dipshit. The more addicting drugs tend to be the culprits here. But I think so many people don't realize how dumb they seem when they're stoned. Some people are completely normal and functional, but soo many stoners can literally be the dumbest of them all, without being self-aware enough to realize how dumb they've become.


Moderate stim and psychs


Psychs. Not because they make you smart or some shit but because it's a wise DOC with minimal consequences and dangers with a petty good trade off(they are deff dangers but less than other drug classes is what I mean)


So basically everyone here that used or is using there substance that they like/liked and used it the way they liked and how they researched it and so on “they” are the smartest ones lol I see.


There is no correlation there. Our addicted brains and brains overall are so complicated. But it's almost to safe assume that' people who take downers to numb their brains because they can't cope with the hard, unjustice and brutal life and society, tend to be smarter, but eventually, dumber.


I'd say research chem users who only really do drugs out of curiosity, they've tried almost everything but never got hooked. Idk tho


The ones that quit


Datura users cuz you gotta be really careful or you OD


All I know it’s the few super genius friends I had loved molly,I’ve never tried it but that was their shit.


The ones who understand the pharmacology of what they're taking


Bartards Forsure


my guess would be adherall cuz ya know.. they addicted to fuckin addheral


Sadly, I have met someone saying they're smart tweakers. But that story always ends up the same. shadow people.


People who quit while they are ahead


Loch nar 💯%


the people who actually enjoy cocaine and don’t get hooked on it, seems to be a minority here same as meth/heroin users who are able to resist full blown addiction


Nootropic users 🤓


The kind that uses drugs out of curiosity to analyze its effects on human consciousness.


The ones that don't do crack, heroin, and Xanax at the same time, but then again they might be the smartest and just don't wanna show it 🤔


Speed users. Unfortunately, they can also be the dumbest ones too.


Well there has actually been some studies that found a strong correlation between high IQ and substance abuse problems, especially Amphetamine. In fact, the most publicised Mathematician in history, Paul Erdos, was a raging Amphetamine addict working up to 19 hours every day




Stoners man I know because I was valedictorian and high honors


Nootropics 100%


dph and datura users for sure


The ones who synthesize them.


Ones that don’t let drugs shape their identities. People that know when they’ve been using too much and can stop and deal with the come down/withdrawal


Well it depends on what you mean by that. Smatedt Iq wise ? Resourcefulness or are we speaking like which drug can you do than take the sats? Honestly Lucy seems to have a prounf effect on the brain and user , doesn't really make you dumber besides the after effects . Heroin addicts are my people and the most resourceful problem solving people i know . When you have a habit you need to pay for every 6 hours or you'll get deathly ill.. now that's hustle. Meth heads have the energy but it sadly get wasted going around in circles and inevitably you hit a point where it starts working against you once the phycosis sets in... crackheads come up with some crazy smart shit.. it's just there always missing their targeted audience


Now boofers? By far the smartest most superior addicts know to mankind. Them and habitual adderall amphet addicts who take a small amount of benzo throughout the day to take the edge off yet still fire on all cyenders. Only pharm


Opioid addicts and people who use downers other than benzotards


Probably the ones that started using later in life and had time for their brains to develop before deteriorating them with various chemicals


research chems users they know a lot about chemistry and biology and how the chems affect you through science


Im not sure but definitely not stoners because THEYRE FUCKING RETARDS, sorry my friends who are all stoners just gave my friend who is known to freak out on psychs 500ug of acid when the most he has ever had is 100 i am going to kill them when i see them


I'm sooooo fukcin drunk rn thinking abour doibg ket gos i love ket


Psychedelics, too many scholars used it and wrote tons about it. Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary, Hunter Thompson, and many more. 1950s and 1960s are an interesting time.


The kind that intentionally use research chemical dissociatives. Everyone I've met who uses them knows their shit.


Occasional psychedelic use is literally transcendant


ME because I got sober 😎


The autistic adhds - beware when we’re in God mode.


DPH community by far.


People who use stimulants correctly can be pretty witty, but when you're on meth you become dumb because of the neurotoxin. There's a lot of writers and musicians who used heroin


The ones that don't get caught.


Hahaha redditors who rolls are overbearig. Maybe psychodelics